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The Oshawa Times, 3 Mar 1961, p. 1

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THOUGHT FOR TODAY The two most tiresome ways to kill (bh) loafing. time are (a) working and ~ WEATHER REPORT Variable cloudiness today and Saturday, turning eolder night, td to- Price Mot Over 10 Cents Por Copy OSHAWA, OF Oshavon Sime {TARIO, FRIDAY, MARCH 3, 1961 Authorized se Second Mail Office ' igus post Department, Ottows TWENTY PAGES VOL. 90--NO. 52 -- Pacifis Flotilla Swamped By JOHN CHADWICK Believed to be local youths SANDBANK (Reuters) -- the raiders also took part of the Youthful British anti - nuclear flotilla out into the loch but the demonstrators got a damp taste demonstrators recovered the of conventional naval warfare boats today when the American Po-. The tiny fleet, whose crews laris submarine depot ship Pro said their protest was non-vio- teus berthed in Holy Loch here! lent, went into action when the The heavy wash from speed-| Proteus came in from the Firth ing British police and Rovallof Clyde and was a couple of Ni launches swamped all of miles from her mooring spot the small - boat flotilla with Officers of the 20-launch police which the demonstrators tried navy armada spotted them vainly to block the 9700-ton! The bigg protest against Proteus' entry the narrow the Polaris base is scheduled for loch Saturday when 1000 persons are Six youths opposed to the es due to make a three-mile march jz tablishment of a floating base from nearby Dunoon to Sand for U8. Polaris missile-carrying bank submarines on the loch were One march-promoting banner tossed into the water apd ar flying today declared You've rested as their four canoes and never had it so radioactive' a sailing dinghy we wamped Police sald the six will be charged with causing a breach of the peace The Proteus, arriving from London into Texas Blow May Jere Spoil Weekend calmly berthed at the mooring TORONTO (CP) Southern where she will serve the Ontario's relatively balmy mother ship for the submarines weather may continue during under an Anglo-American agree- the weekend, unless some nasty ment made last year air moves up from Texas The dampened demonstrator The above-normal tempera lost the naval battle before tures of the last few days will thousands of hooting and cheer- be a little lower, the weather ing Scots lining the shores-- office said today, but they are| after experiencing another expected to stay above seasonall brand of conventional tactics normals earlier this morning A storm developing in Texas This was a raid on their shore could cause rain, freezing rain! camp by unidentified raiders or snow. Should this happen, it who tied up the leader and! might be: Increasing cloud late! snipped at his beard with Saturday, rain Sunday, possibly ors before pulling out preceded by freezing rain or DriverDies ' cgnadians Bring In Blazing northwest of hast The mine has a total of about | part in base work and an ambu (CP)==A four: Transport | The roscucrs sud there Wak go) Siploy ses working in shifts Pp lunes Gight, man Canadian medical four | He described Ws "terrific" the here New wt WIFE OF TRAPPED MINER SOBS 22 Men Killed In Mine Blast Twenty-two other another section were ately ordered to the As soon as the explosion was discovered, fresh air was poured into the mine but it couldn't penetrate the swirling dust moke and fume The men were 265 feet below the surface and about three miles back in the sloping shaft wt - FAST JUMP Three firemen leap for their lives when the walls of a burning two-storey house col- lapses in Los Angeles, Two of the firemen suffered minor in- juries. The house, which was destined to be moved to make a freeway, was, va # sis room for cant miner mn an immedi surface TERRE, HAUTE, Ind. (AP) TwentyAwo coal miners died mutilated and burned -- In an explosion in a shaft deep under- ground Thursday night Hoesen hodies today to recover the intense heat in the Viking Coal Mine (AP Wirephoto) L] brought out 14 up trying because of haft of the eight miles worker hut other By HAROLD TILLEY Wales where he saw and took Canadian Press Correspondent peace a on of cenes seri over retali of the trapped the Mi were mn i | ples=-the coal must have been classified by special federal certificates per the department of labor in a mitting them to write off twice surplus labor market category the normal amount of their cap for 75 per cent or more of the ital investment for taxation pur 48 summer months from May poses to October, 1053-1960, - Second,| Depreciation write-offs at industrial employ ment must| present range from six per cent have declined over the period's vear to as high as 100 per 1953-1960 cent "Areas with a labor force of Np, Martin returned to the at less than 10,000 must have beenitaek in the night sitting while classified by the department ofi{he Commons was considering Jabor as in a surplus labor mar: 'hudeet resolutions ket category for 50 per cent or more of the 48 summer months May to October, 1953-1960. Sec ond, industrial employment con ditions must have generally de teriorated over the years." WILL BE FLEXIBLE The formula is complicated but informants indicate the gov ernment will take a flexible ap proach to applications for the special depreciation rate Once the cabinet designates town of Spring hill, N.S., coal communities of Cape Breton and the uranium area of Elliot Lake PRESSED FOR DEFINITION But he refused to go any deeper, despite taunts from Paul Martin (L--Essex East) to des- ignate "what are depressed areas, what are distressed areas and what are areas of chronic unemployment." Mr. Starr said divided into two groups--those with 'more than 10,000 workers in the labor force and those with fower Areas with more than 10,000 workers will qualify as surplus manpower areas if they can show a history of unemployment in 36 of the 48 summer months of the last eight years. Smaller! areas' must show unemployment in 24 of the 4&8 summer months areas will be 'Let the government say pos itively that Elliot Lake, Spring hill, Cornwall, Peterborough, Windsor and other communities are areas which fall within the| criteria instead of leaving this| to surmise and guesswork," he said Cities and towns a difficult time the government statement. - Under the ment's formula, + Mr. Martin la: an areca as a surplus manpower said, he doubted whether Elliot the area, new industries moving into Lake or. Springhill could qualify First, the area such an area gould then seek properly of terna have what Sy ils govern: would knowing meant the opposition has the government areas of chronic danger of and clock to Provide fuel BRANTFORD (CP)|-- Fiank ay they moved foward, 1 | Fan sprayed chemicals to prevent it. oF the "nearby wi "l power|Mitehell, of Staffa di re . 8 y A heads for Hawaii Saturday en whole ide of the flying doctor Hd ans fm hn pany of Indiana, It is about 200 his transport after a collision! 5 . Md bh ay {PH ot Flea 18 Yards from the shalt to yards west of the Wabash River with another transport on High route home after mgking an in-service and its radio-telephone da i ARE nn desolate hilly country ay 5 eas it, George i from danger n desols d way ba mile east of St, George, | oo" oy plan square miles over which instruc miner, said: "I don't think there its side, spilling gasoline and The Party will wed soveryl Hon given PA what 10 Jo unt In nknowh Was, . fur under, could have been anything wrong touching off a blaze which|38ys in Hawall completing ajihe doctor reves ] ground that nobody heard it and with the shaft they were in.ltrapped Mitchell | mine officials were unable to trapped. } J 1| Association an Australia's hos Canada because oe Sen which had gas formed in it.|of 100 pigs was spilled over the pital and medical benefits sys ehee in terial am we differen Trouble was first discovered They used to mine other shafts highway. Half of the pigs were|'em before arriving in Vancou- type o i between 9 and 16 p.m. when the here years ago." killed by the crash or burned to|*",, ! 7 hu miners failed to answer a rou The four said in an Inte view agreed with his theory killed as they roamed into the|they saw much to commend the path of CAS. Australian system--the people Brantford . vd removed! happy to pay the costs, the do gerian Peace iii bi! io 1 it Test cab more than an hour after the served and professional ethica | erash | i . | The busy Paris - to-Toronto '0Were . ¢ GTON N--RBritain {highway was blocked, with traf.| Dr. T. J. Quinton of She: -- ASHINGTON (ar) --B suid | fic backed up 1% miles in each brooke, Que. Dr, F. ( McCoy| . 4 ' more major effort to negotinte PARIS (AP)=Algerian Both sides are still hampered, The fatality was the second|Chairman of the British Coluy with Russia a treaty outlawing feelers moved underground: to: by their own extremists--Alger- of its kind in this area within a|bia divisional committee of med-| © 0 oo oo ningion day, Emissarie from thelians seeking revenge after years week, Last Friday, Garfield !¢ al economics, and B. FF, Fre ) . be prepared to offer Russia geri rebel high command are|Frenchmen demanding that Al. burned to death when his trans. nomics committee, made the ae [1 tia proposals on| believed to be meeting in secret, ! geria remain under French con. port missed a curve on Highway survey to gather information tole International. Inspection Syse| Both sides were moving cau-|trol forever to protect the inter. 99, just south of 8, George w presented to Canadian SO " der the treaty to police the test ance of President de Gaulle's of-| Algeria against 9,000,000 Mos ' Services ban fer to negotiate an end to their!lems HERE S BANDIT FIND SERVICE CHEAPER U.S, and British disarmament flg-year war for Independence' In Oran Thursday Right, Wate NEEDS GLASSES They said hospit het) h z clashed by late May whether the Algerian rebel officials in Tu- with Moslems, The violence ROME Nee P Canada, This is mainly because Soviet government is seriously oe site o thes guvermont-in He Algerian seaport on HOME (AP)=Police said |g much is done for Australian|interestedsin making a test-ban exile, sald on ochnice the Mediterranean coast was the torch deaths heat sighted robes ho and surgeons as honorary serv: has told officials, and is re. for open negotiation of two ) e after snatching ice ported to have assured the Brit-| Louis Joxe, French minister women at the hands of a Mos up a big pile of notes inside The cost of the for Algerian affair has drop- lem mob Tuesday | agreement if the Russians \ were roughed ap and Wl (ex cauzit | pe Contributions to various medical|will accept reasonable inspec: | to reports )ehind-the eight was do hl % iin "benefits schemes, supplemented|tion safeguards against cheat: netivily w ea Susy | Pou; vei log us / qt ISCOVET hy federal gavernment contribu: ing We rebel expect wt as turned and el alire new goadwil g She ation oo the death k Duck o Jink Dromiseny pends on the size of payments between the three major pov. ren I TRANS! 8 ead ¢ y gh 11 * into the plan ers, will start in Geneva March . A allan 10,000-lire banknotes : rebel from a French jail to aiin a burning car by Halian 10 live banknote McCoy visited one of the fly- 21, If within two months the where he would be available for -- political consultations DISTRESSED AREAS Rella, captured by the French in 1956. He holds tremendous | The rebels named him honorary] deputy premier in their cabinet : : TL 9 Decides Against | By ROBERT RICE Canadian Press Staff Writer Blue Water Leap ment has sidestepped the po unem- litically tricky business of nam. ployed construction from Port Huron, Mich., scaled It has set up the ground rules the main span of the Blue ™ and then left it up to arcas or carlously 179 feet above the St [unemploy ment to identify them Clair River for an hour today selves : before deciding to come down. Labor Minister Starr told the cleared the bridge as the man, known as "surplus manpower wearing only a white T.shirt/areas" and will qualify for the and blue trouser climbed to government's special double Canadian side the ir dustries tional hound Aim of the new program is to encourage new industries to set CIT Y EMERGENCY thus providing more jobs for the unemployed For weeks POLICE RA 5.1133 to pinpoint the . . A'r in . unemployment Mr. Starr said FIRE DEPT. RA 5.6571 Thursday, Mr. Starr told the In those areas where the HOSPITAL RA 3.2211 "Ipls sr P cf e Com: i i Wir > Indiana state police put up bar. Diant of the Publi ( m- day night in the flaming cab of| (tensive study of Auftralia's na- network covering thousanes of pH Homer Park a day-shift. The crash turned his truck on The explosion, cause of which | report for the Canadian Medical|the system is not applicable to They must have hit an old shaft, The burning transport's loac pinpoint the time it occurred, ver March 10 Company officials privately death, and a few others were! tine telephone check | One or firemen extin. @nd the government are hoth guished the blaze an and medical standards are nol 3 agree make one direction of Vancouver, Dr, Peter Banks [to be fully agreed fo mak / { lirec f the CMA's eco-| The allies are understood to French government and the Al-jof war and repression and Hussey, 50, of Woodstock, was|amo, director of the § el q N tem which would be set up un tiously after the rebels' accept-|ests of 1,000,000 Kuropeans in royal commission health : » i al treatment experts have agreed they should from France than 2,000 Europeans is cheaper in Australia than in|know in . today they had arrested a hospitals and patients by doctors| agreement, President - Kennedy tails" remain to be cleared up!touched off by h middle - aged French J y's 18 i v is determined to get] the cashier's. window of a country's ish, that he is detern Be health plan is met by individual] an ped from view, giving substance Moslems persons injured, one that whe * had stole § mn m 1 ; iat what he had stolen was jong "Phe size of benefits de| The next round of negotiations a new goodwill gesture, the ation who had been guarded idence near Paris lem ing doctor bases in New South!talks prove fruitless, Kennedy The leader is Mohammed ben prestige among the nationalists 1 | formed after his capture | OTTAWA (CP)=The govern SARNIA (CP) An \ | worker Ing Canada's distressed areas Water Bri and perched pre.|localities suffering from chronic Sarnia and Port Huron police Commons Thursday they will be the ton of the structure on the rate of depreciation for ew in up shop in hard-hit localities, been pressing Commons how the areas will be bor force is 10,000 and over iselected and cited three exans criteria are o ' 4a week ago of a heart attack in a THINK BUDGET HAS NEW LEVY 7 Sales Tax May _ Be 3 Per Cent L¥ TORONTO (CP)="The Ontario direct sales tax--collected al the ws government is planning to levy merchant's level rather than a sales tax, it was reported to- from consumers--was the one day he was interested in if it could Informants indicated the tax be accomplished will be at least three per cent-- This would require an amend- possibly high as five--and ment to the Canadian constitu. that it will be collected this tion, "and that possibility can- For Cache . CENTRALIA, TH, (AP) A fortune in oil royalties, believed to have been buried by a thrifty spinster in the yard of her ram- shackle cottage, was the target of a treasure hunt today by closemouthed relatives wielding shovels The only confirmed find is the One report was that food and rent would be exempt Expectations were - that pro vision for the tax will be made in the provincial budget, to he submitted to the legislature next Thursday hy Provincial Treas: urer Allan After the federal - provincial fiscal conference in Ottawa last week, Premier Frost said On tario is faced with the problem of raising almost $132,000,000 in new revenue and indicated he prefers a sales tax He also indicated (hat remains of a cat Bertha Pitchford, 71, died a tiny cottage where she lived with her pel cats She was known fo have ceived thousands of dollars oil royalties After her death, Coroner Le ander Moss found Miss Pitch ford's purse. It contained $29, 700, mostly in $50 and $100 bills The purse had been left on the floor of a closet in the sparsely furnished, unlit house Another $500 in big bills was discovered under a pillow with gun re mn an in a so a Ra ne 3 ji to gdard Leopoldville|Meeting (oday at city hall fo! The four explosions shook discuss the question. Federal, windows in the Louisiana state provincial and municipal health capitol building two miles authorities and police will be|south of 'the plant, A nearby present school was evacuated, year as soon as machinery is not be counted out yet,' Mr set up. This might be in April Frost said, All provinces except or May Ontario, Manitoba and Alberta now levy a direct sales tax, paid on individual retail purchases, E | 1 ORATOR Kill Two U.S. Sen. Everett Dirksen of inois seems to have lot to say. He was pictured as | ; he spoke to President Kenne njure dy following a luncheon meet ing given by Kennedy to a bi- " tren partisan group of senators and | BATON ROUGE, La, (AP) -- representatives uid Corporation officials to. ¥ day continued their investiga. (AP Wirephot . . 08 irephoto) Stifter Price tion of a series of explosions which wrecked two chemical UN G d F th ] its at its Baton Rouge plant Go "Thursday killing two men and a uar S or 0 a Is injuring 32 others > . » MONTREAL (CP) -- Young.|, Nelson Dunham, 53-year-old a ottume re Remainin sters who peddle goofballs in|foreman, remained in critical ulted from her ownership of the school basements and the condition. Three other men are oil - producing land around her soda shops may demand stiffer|/n hospital house, located about three miles| prices today Charles Johnson, 5), and Ur. Jone: of NE Centralia among 1rpor They likely will be more fur- han Callais, 88, were killed, Mofiwest of Senttalia song 8 five than usual as a result of a Emergency workers had to wait § § ' . a : ale erac! i .| J ok Her royalties were estimated as| LEOPOLDVILLI (AP) -- The full-scale crackdown in Mont | ine howls fo Fetbove Kots bod high as 81,400 a month during Congolese Koyernment continued in Wllegal ORT Tales tds yeckage PE io. han ; i O11 production has dropped on Hoa" ] the land and there now are only /10Wed three wells where there once #rport were many The dispute was a symptom of id A ? the tensions between the UN She.apparc ntly left no will, command and President Joseph . A Centralla bark oficial told Kasabuvies government, The a reporter he e hei 1 United Nations refused to with Pitchford say she buried Most draw its airport guards in favor of her money near a flower bed of the Congolese in her yard Kasavubu has been reluctant to co-operate with the United Nations Kasavubu is following a pol Ss or icy of conciliation with The Con. | go's other leaders ~~ Moise ' Tshombe of Katanga province and Albert Kalonji, chief of the red Y Imining state in south. Kasai In a conciliatory move Thurs: | will be under heavy pressure 48y. Interior Minister Cyril from the defence department Adoulg said a number of polit. and the Atomic Energy Com. cal prisoners will be freed by mission, authorities said, to or. Kasavubws government, He did| der a resumption of nuclear test hot identity them explosions Il was reported quiet in Lu- British experts headed by luabourg, scene of the worst Minister of State David Ormshy- | APE Since independence Gore have been conferring here gst summer, for a week with US, experts headed by Kennedy's disarma- ment adviser, John J, McCloy, | 0 creen Inspection problems present the critical issues in the forth. All C G coming negotiations and lead up ames into the question of whether any| ; ~ an system of safeguards will be] TORONTO (CP) -- The CBC j satisfactory unless it covers said today it will televise alll Communist China Stanley Cup playoff games on -- its national network, | Announcing coverage plans, a [CBC spokesman said telecasts of semi-final games will begin Trackless Trains For North Travel [Gif Si Gectiitn or savur ST. LOUIS (AP)--A Canadian|day night games, which will be. mining engineer says rubber. gin at 9 p.m, as usual, If a tired trackless trains may solve|seventh game is required in the transport problem in devel either best-of-seven series, it oping Canada's far north mining|will be carried in full, areas The spokesman said all games Amit Dubnie of Ottawa made in the final round will be car the remark in a closing session|ried in their entirety of the 90th annual convention of| Station CJSS-TV, Cornwall; {s the American Institufe of Min:|the only network station that ing, Metallurgical and Petrol. will not carry any of the games. eum Engineers here Thursday,[CKLW-TV, Windsor, may bh 0 a EE a ux rai. Rey Gover nor Flees The playoffs begin the week . \ | Fire In Mansion the federal department of mines ALBANY, N.Y. (AP)--Gover- Cause and technical surveys, lof March 19, nor and Mrs Nelson Rockefeller known fled to safety early today as five| he blaze was brought under Fulton Scores Columbia Delay wrecked New York's historic control about an hour after it OTTAWA (CP) -- Justice Minister Fulton said: today lon hu. ho was discovered that if British Columbia imposes further delay on the valued ® more than HA ad Columbia River development scheme there is grave danger The governor oused vy his toured the lower floors of the n Ye al) 0 }! he x p(t a | ar Q } u " "40. ans 0 y te Sanda United States' project will be imperiled, ita" climbed from a socond:| 10-Toom mansion with firemen {floor bedroom window to the| fh ished. The Tames were os . roof of a shelter over the main y One Year Only For Beet Subsidy entrance and directed firemen| 1 liked the old building," he TORONTO (CP) -- Ontario has agreed for one year |in the rescue of three servants, sighed as he ended the tour only to pay 50 cents a ton towards the federal government's {temporarily isolated by flames' The Rockefellers used private deficiency payments on sugar beets for the 1961 crop year, Agriculture Minister Goodfellow announced today, He told {in their third-floor quarters funds after his election as gov. the legislature that the agreement was made on the un All occupants of the turreted, ernor in 1958 and spent thou. Victorian - s t v | e residence es- sands of dollars redecorating dertaking the federal government would bring in a national sugar policy caped down ladders without in- and renovating the three.stovey Calls For Team Competition jury |mansion, An enthusiastic collec Rockefeller estimated the to-{tor, he filled the rooms with tal loss at $500,000 paintings and sculpture, most of OTTAWA (CP) -- George De Young, chairman of the new' National Productivity Council, said today Canada's goal should be to make all segments of the economy com: Paintings charred by flames it modern that originated if the basement! Firemen saved a portrait of petitive. "We'll have to give up the luxury of competing for factional supremacy and compete a national team," and swept up to the main-floor the governor's father, John D, he said at a press conference, REMNANTS OF ART COLLECTION of the fire was not < The dishevelled governor music room and second-floor Rockefeller Jr. six pen-and-ink bedr 0 om s included numerous drawings by Pablo Picasso, and old masters valued at about a pencil drawing by Vincent van {$200,000 Gogh,

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