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The Oshawa Times, 3 Mar 1961, p. 3

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od FIRST PICTURE OF SATURN SPACE VEHICLE This is the first pioture ve leased of fully assembled Ba: | turn space vehicle, under de | velopment here al the Mar) shall Space Flight centre, | hides gt left: #» Juno Hl Huntsville, Ala, "Phe Baturn | furtherest from camera, and in three stages measuring 150 | a» feet, dwarls the space ve Redstone Mercury vehicle his lifetime In Oshawi Where hie OBITUARIES empioyed GM until bh rement in 1955, He hved # fake of Bays Aunng ms recent rél MHS, WILLIAM RB, MARTIN In failing health for the pas veer, Hell McCalim, helayed wife of William BR, Martin Gibbons died gt the awa General Hospital, May She was in her ih year A daughter of the late and Amber MeColm, the eased horn gt mand A (sl 4 Feet Jonn der N Rich Wi yew high 1922, she had lived wn Oshawa for 88 years Devoted 1a her home and her family, Mrs, Martin was an ad herent of the pel Hall, Nas hn Sail slre Beside survived bh gL home Oshawa RISO BUT ters, Mrs, Mrs. | Mrs. J she 18 Lillign 1} her hushand # daughter and a son, lvan Wing are four I Boyd, of Kingston Hard of Montreal Hardy and Mys, 8. May tin, of Richmond, Quehe twa brothers, John MeColin Kingston, and Seott MeCalm Oshawe, and one grandehild The funeral will hu held at the Melntosh-Anderson| Funeral Home at 5.50 p.m. %at urday, Mar. 4, followed hy Inter ment in Mount Lawn Cemeley A. Mattice of the Gospel Hall will eonduet the services FUNERAL OF EDWIN CLARK Ihe funeral service for Edwin Clark, 140 Park road north, who died al the Oshawa General Hospital Monday, Feh, 37, was held at the Melntosh-Anderson| Funeral Home at 2 pm, Thurs:| day, Mar, 2 [8] New of ol ervice # o's ie oondueted A) ment was Cemetery The pallbearers were W, Bel lingham, J, Bellingham, ¥, Bar ker, W. Holloway, J, Parson and J, Taylor ALFRED MARTYN The death occurred at Bunny brook Hospital, Torontn, Thurs day, Mar. 2, of Alfred Martyn #6 Westmoreland avenue, The deceased, who was In his Bdith year, had heen in failing health for several months Born in London, England, My Martyn came to Canada and Oshawa 57 vears ago. A em riage maker hy trade, he work ed for General Motors for 20 years prior to his retirement in 1088, He worked on the first Oldsmobile produced in the lncal plant My. Martyn was a devoted member of the Nalvation Army and served as treasurer of the Oshawa Corps for 25 vears A veteran of the First World War, he enlisted in Hfith Hattalion on Dee, § and COMING EVENTS | SUNNYRIDE elation, regula aaF, Mareh &, ¥ pom Chupvel I 1915 Fark Neighborhood Asso WORRY meeting, Sun al the club house fi ny Married there inldren and 14 greal-grandemiiaren day duet the and phews, D, Crass, vector of Th r Morris in Oshawa Union| p.m, Interment will he In Bowl jenathy liness manville Cemetery, Rev, W Houslander, minister of Trinity Kerviees day BINGO | UAW.A, HALL | FRIDAY, MARCH 3rd | 7.30 PM | 0 GAMES $10 A GAME | OF 120, $30, $50 ACKPOTS ONE GAME $150 | SHARE THE WEALTH | OLD TYME DANCE THORNTON'S CORNER COMMUNITY HALL SATURDAY, MARCH 4th MONTGOMERY'S ORCHESTRA Adults 1.00 Students 50¢ 4 GAMES $40 HARMON PARK ASSOC BINGO POSTPONED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE BINGO CORONATION ORANGE TEMPLE SATURDAY, FEB, 25th 45 PM Games 1] SHARE-THE- WEALTH 340 Ta $130 Te +0 - Le) a Jackpot YER) Fhe ember ed Europe prior 16 his charge on Mar, 4, 1919 0 Fredeceased by Wis first wile! (} and # n 1938. Mr. Martyn 18 sivvivea yh Word hi eeond wile. the farms ¥ TIE lice Harmer, W Aaughters, Legion, Hur Mrs. B, Owen (Fihel) and Mis Mr. Keeleh 1). Abbott (Gladys) and a sm, hy hs wile, the f "ld WES B Portage decen i n fr wih ni ihe Wai 0 brid wedeces Bophis 11 aime a, 1d a hy a da (Je } 0 Begingld, all of Oshawa Also May Allen, Ju { i WIviving elghl grandam! ' Bre 3 En ral service will bh i i 80 Aen held af the Melntosh-Anderson Funeral Home at 2 p.m. Satur Mar. 4, Mapor M, Rankin Salvation Army will eon will Five The funé ] wining ' LU Yih Rig 10 brother Paul, Alee and Her man, all of Oshawa and Fivi of South Portage, Lake of B anderen fh I af the 1 ) services, Interment in Oshawa Union Cemetery REGINALD K, BQUAIR Phe death accurrved following a short liness t Memorial da Hospital, Bowmanville Phi 3) fda farch 2. of Reginald A Jifetime Township hig 6h i Balem, he Iate Annie Stephen Bua He m Dariington hip in 1685. During time, the deceased er and apple grower in the town Ji gre gl the Arm Home chapel | The remain rong Vuneral for memo dtu in in the 4 al ser {arch ment i He $10 pa 18) [1 il he W ry, Me | der 0 i of Ping Kidge Vresh Mr. te i Chureh Forontn, » Squalr re Darlington Hig) Born In on af the and FUNERAL OF ATANLEY WOINIAK BRrVICE i service yas In I wa the Yrancie Fried HE Tow nis lie a farm wi nemaorial mn the Armstrong Home, for mass in Polish Cathaoalit Thursday, Mar, 2, at ll I'he hela | neral Hedwig Churel [1 ship Mr reeve of i,m died south Baualr was former Darlington Township for two terms, He was a men her of Trinity United Chureh Bowmanville He is survived hy his wife, the former Aurg B, Rundle; a bro ther, Lawrence A, Bquair, of Bowmanville and a sister, Mrs, | W. ¥, Moffat (Ruth) of Orono several nieces and ne pe Mn the ¥, ¥, Funeral Chapel, Bow: gyenue, Oshawa, wanville, for serviee In the Oshawa Generel Hospital hapel, Monday, Mareh 6, at 8 Phursday, March 8, after He was In L/ 870 Oshawa Tuesday, Veh n his 47th year fe f Kwiatkowski Lrated the mass Bt. Gregory's Cemelery al A 28, He cele Burr, (George Sorochan, Alf Par vish, George Kirtley, Keith Mi Cullough and John Nowak ALTER CONNELLY emain i remaing Waller Connelly, 848 Denn on [ hie IK. [82nd year Born #t Noranda, Quebet United Chureh, will eanduct the ihe deceased was the son of (Mr, and Mrs, William Connel {ly, Married at Bowmanville in | 1048 Oshawa for three also resided atl and Noranda P.Q He is survived hy his wife, the MAS, THOMAS JOHNSON The death occurred al the Oshawa General Hospital Thurs Mar, 2, of Mary L, Beyelte beloved wife of Thomas John on, U5 Wood stree s, John | 3 in J vor k abvoet His health former Hazel Poller for a few years I} Midren Roy Sioria at : gH A daughter of the late Pascal He Js Bio hee 1 ag and Mary Reyetle, the deceased | ®t} H brothers ands \ was horn at Deseronto, Ont Al resident of Oshawa for §0 years she was a member of Nt ory's Reman Catholic and of the Catholie League Resides her known Oshawa barber, Mrs Johnson 18 survived hy four daughters, Miss Lulu, at home: | Mrs, Madeline Morgan, of Tor onto; Mrs. W, N. Peters (Geral dine) and Mrs, T, MeQuads (Veronica), both of Oshawa son, Charles HB. Johnson Oshawa Also vears and the Morris Howmanville arch 4, at 4.80 pm will follow In the Rev, Ha I Purner will conduet the sei from fi Chapel eg: | 1 day | Church! Women's | on Ratur in terment Hn manville Cemetery nla hushand vices # well HUGH O, SMITH In falling health for the past weeks, the death pecurred at Oshawa Haosplial hrsday, March 2 Hugh O And Smith, of 458 Teslie street Of Rorn in Motherwell, Rootland INav, 20, 1801, Mr, Smith the san of the late My Mrs, Alexander Smith, He two married tn Oshawa, Nept the fieneval of WHA Surviving are a sister and Mrs, A. Rupert, of Bellevills five grandehildren and great-grandehildren 1024 vThe remains are at the Mq The deceased has heen Intosh: Anderson Funeral Home vesident of Oshawa and Canada for requiem mass in Bt. Greg-[for the past 37 1 ory's Chureh at 10 a.m, Satur employed at GM here for fhe day Mar, 4, Rev, Dr, Paulpast #7 Mr. Smith was Dwyer will sing the mass, Intey member the UAWA 85 ment will he in 8. Gregory's|vear eolub Cometery He 1&8 survived he members of the Kulghts/ithe farmer Edith of Columbus will hold a Rosary (daughters, Mrs at the funeral home at 7.80 pm and Helen, hath af Osh today wa and five Allan Toseph, Hugh, Douglas and Nin art, all of Oshawa, He was pre deceased hy 'a daughter, Mrs Was y 1 i VEars Wak Years a of hy his wife Reid; two Vie Pratt (Jean) Ons GULRY €, KEETCH Neriously {1 for the past five weeks, the death ocourred at Violet Bell, May 7. 1960 the Toronto General Hospital | o Thursday. Mae. 2. of Golby | Also SUPRIving are twa hre Keeteh, of South Portage Lake (hers Alee, of Hamilton and of Rays Jasenh of Seotland. He was pre Born In Muskoka 1487, Mr, Keeloh was of the late Mp. and Mrs June \ the son Craig, of Burlington, Ten grand Nel. ehildren alse survive son Keeteh. He was married in] The remains are at the Arm Taranto, Dee, 23, 1822 {strong Funeral Home for Me Mr, Keeteh spent a part of morial Service in the Chapel i Interment was south, The second grass fire he has heen a resident of Bowmanville! and three Funeral services will he held Funeral Wernher von Braun show the YER AF Wirephota | br £4 seniors plaetyre terday CITY AND DISTRICT 1904 VINDICATOR I Ake La ted Finns mine fnitane covered un 1904 1561s Vindics trip to his the first time Zone up 1a the had moyen he Oshawa tor, oh Bn é rata LAY He i i a CHM elie HE he the speak meeting of the en's Con Distriet Masonic Temple hi AIEAK of A IK ; fd Ne re he Christa of thie UL ri (i 14 dinner Hu Isha a ina Oshawa mites fonday 1 DEVENCE, CONTRACT The Di Defence Produetion ha annonnced the fa E20,000 contract to of Canada 14d standard vehi mriment o ard o i General Motor far the repair of TWO GRASKE FIRES Oshaw Dep dit to gv (and a call to stlend ) space heater Thursday Ihe ANsway i Fire irtment 0 val five Hooded for Stanley Wozniak, who ige resulted when a space heat boulevard er of | avenue fire on Grandview avenue in the home {Westminster The first grass Lhf-p.m Will, 375 Hooded Call was al fe ported at 6:50 p.m, was on the (Pulance crews responded to four routine calls Thursday { | NCHOOLS TO COMPETE Uxbridge, Whithy, Port Perry, Button and Brock Hi he are competing In the Inter: school drama festival tonight at {the Broek District High Sehool Frophies will be presented to the schools with the winning plays and shields to the best actor {and aetress PLAN SAFETY EQUIPMENT An official of General Motors {of Canada, Limited, said today the company's present tntention 18 10 supply seat helt anchorings standard equipment in 1062 models, It was announced last Motors Cor He {Week that General poration in the United HBtates| would include Its 1063 the anchorings in models FIRST PATENT GRANTED IN 1790 When Mr. Samuel Hop kins had an idea for a het ler way pot and pear! ash tn Pre ton in 1760 No, 1 tn make Ash he took his ident Washing received Patent vithout delay plan Number One way of reaching prospective tenants workers and huvers is via Classified Ads, To carry aut your plans for action "with out delay dial RA 3.3402 MAY EXTEND HOURS TORONTO (OM The city's vocational schools may remain apen MM hours a day to retrain the unemployed, 1. M. David son, ohatrman of the Taranto hoard of education, said Wed iL night the board Is will mn start through-the-night operations such as those Cornwall and Hrampton day 1) March 4, at 2 pm will he in Oshawa Cametery. Rey Dr minister of St Saturday Interment Union Genrge Telford leonduet the services No dam-| WEATHER FORECAST CLASSIFIED Cloudy, Cooler Saturday Seen TORONEO (CF) Forenpsts jecued pt 5 #0 Sy nopeie--Ar Alaura ing wasted CRUSING PRIN and snow In Bovthern Omario and showers In centigl sec ions of the ovevinee, It will bring mach colder temperatures 19 Northern Ontario Friday, #e emnpamed Ww snow oF showin ries and anfting snow fake Vrie. sothern Huron, Lake Ontario, Wiggers Haliburton regions, Windsor London Hamilton Torome Variable clanging today and Saturday, Turning colder 16 ment, Winds southwest (6 west WAS, heeoming northwesterly 1526 late today and Hight Bal Hraay Borthern Lake Huron, Geo ign Bay regions Yara cloidiness this morning. heen ing cloudy with occasional snow flurries this sfternoon, Partly Aoudy Saturday. Turning colder tonight, Winds northwest 20-46 decreasing to 15125 late V1odpy ind northerly 15 Baturday & Way fake / CD Costs Spark | 7a Bitter Argument TORONTO (CF) A mation fihera) 1 eader h h Wintermeyer avernment Hy civil et defenied 45 to Fhursia with 0 sla thie ne wkend Buz hudeet Lo 8) 17 in the legislature night, with the CCH the Liberal Fhe fe ya wing the hi of a two-hour opposition BUREK on Commerce and Development finister Nickle's hudget and thie civil poli he mate mation, wa Enlight EOVernment"s an of this esti hii neampe in ti Leader Mat presenta one of the most of fi PEFIOTINANCES I've ever ' said CCF ing Lene Been hase Donald He had asked My E2500 Heated Toy of government in 000 estimetes of the department Mr, Nickle said it was for out fitting of a regional headquar ters for the cabinet in time of (disaster, but refused fo publicly where the headquarter He sald he would tell the leader in privite Ie why feontinif the $15,078 minisler's Nit AL VASE Pallbearers were Willian m{Harbor road. In addition, am |r ALIS EXERCISE | Mr. MacDonald sald a group of. newgpaper men had been taken to a survival exercise In volving the eabinet near Camp Borden a few weeks ago, My eked d to tf ther "That's the reason he should] resign," shouied the CCF leader pointing at the minister Elmer Bopha 1. Sudbury) sald civil defence was a federal {matter and Ontario should get {out of the field Thomas D, Thomas (CCF Oshawr) complained the gov ernment spending only ahout 2V4 cents a vear on eivil defence for each person In On taria, "If the job Is worth doing [it 18 worth doing well," he sald suggesting that more money he spent or none at all The session touched the [nerves of members and resulted in & name-calling hattle for no |apparent reason at all CALLED JACKANSEN Lloyd Letherhy (PC Fast) triggered the action when he asked Liberal members lo top asking "silly questions" | {about the estimates of the com merce and development depart ment, "Those jaspers and jack | ef have asked ques seven wouldn't Sivoe Al tions hoy of he sald | The legislature sat from {f pm and from § pm {after midnight Fvervthing in Upper Canada Village, including the animals, Iwill be of ploneer variety [James Auld (PC=lLeeds), sec [ond vice-chairman of the Ontario St. Lawrence development eom mission, said The village St Lawrence Tune 34, will not only include hake ovens and hiacksmiths' {forges but also animals sueh as {were used hy the ploneers MAY CHARGE STUDENTS | Education Minister Robaris Inald the education committee 1s [studying the possibility of charg. | ling students with low grades $3 a paper to write Grade 13 ex aminations, The money Would he refunded If the students ] ask," ] fo until to be opened in Park area 3 [deceased hy a sister, Catherine) Andrew's United Chureh will passed Dr, C, A. Brown, registrar for Examinations will be held at the City Hall, at 7 p.m, Friday, March 10th, for Journeymen and Master Plumbers, Applications to sit, to be in by 5 p.m, Tuesday, March 7th, 1961, H. CHAPMAN, Secretary, Plumbers Examining Board at 107 Simcoe St, § pending completion 37 KING Alger Building, next RA 3378 = 7 NOTICE! DR. WILLIAM BOYKO Dentist Due to the destruction, by fire, at our attice Building, will be located at + @ temporary office of the Medical Arts ST. EAST to Biltmore Theatre phone Unchanged iskasing Varth with considerate drifting today Clini flurries Baturday Lem hit We ery 13] Kitehener 1 omdiom Wingham ,, KXoms. ceervevnees PEterhorongn seees Fremiaon Hamilton Muskoka soevesres Eariton ,.. Sudbury North BaY viene KamiskasIng +o4+ i White BIVEF 1000000 B ] MOOSONEE 41044 ihe im he cost of marking them $0,000 amendments Fraffic Lhe drivers were approved with iIriers Franspont sald auld he defence isting tandem tractors ETOkg until Dee ald the here have caused appreciable dam-| Age 10 roads Han to prevent companies from hiring ments strike was advocated Thursday nig Labor Counell dorsed a proposal by the Inter national ( Kirkignd |eke, Timmins Kkp Low Windsor ree € Kle earners with a maximum NVETNIMen oh protection ADVERTISING (Comiinned from Page 16) 50-Articles For Sole HEAVY Auly Mollst same fw sin, 8 $l chain, | ahone RA 496 CHESTERFIEIN and Adpvsngon flaps Mar ne Hing Lil id dine vwodb gn. Too wees Revi tg, V8, ne 7; Bapndig Asvign! ISTRRIL BRA ARE -t ing, Vise, Havhed . File "low Hare sEmpie $68 0 RABI #47 SPIRE CH ACERSIONGT ROW | Much eslder end Saturday, Winds slerly W040, becoming north wey Wikie River regions Sudimry: Cloudy soowlirnes and Bay SHY with Pou for Bis, Wai; Inicie wid low bf Wort BEL, BTIIE EM IRETIOR, TRE. VION, Kovuain Reman, Hi TERY Mier Enamel sid siie, loam # han, (595 this yaiy Rew. ie, VINE, Hegned 1h vin FREE RIES Sevanport, dens tw NotnE i sin, Bs Rd mies, Forecast Temperatures W (nsrch rest might, High Saturday | 51bost & Found ! WEIL, bill Wack male Tabrador, lon} Ey of Westmont sess, Telephone] HA 4815, Bini Bwits ! ihre wr ahgs Riven, ad wis, vy wh LATION a £8 ak rd cerry THOMAS reesser Va reer erer NN. Hawk out, phen lost wes digi, id Wil REFS BEIGE RAGTREME, ty Thindes Brest East, Wiithy us cree Rey 1 §52--hegel cr ere CRIRATINES 10000 B NOTICE TO CREDITOR AND OTHERS the £ MICHAE ERY AK GEG d All perms having €l6ims net the Estgte of the Glivenamed 06cEasE4 gle § the ty of the died gle of ni | Oshawa, in department, seid 10.000 pa shai ld not have heen sib Wied Tor makin IAs yenrr "Tr 8 each, he sald highway commitiee to the Wighway Act that would tighten law against hit and rin or In the Onmerie hawe Another the amendment deals removal of tri-axle from the highways Minister Rowntree Fransport enmpanies | NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS iN TH ESTATE OF EW HERON person wing against 1 ssiate of Andrew Heron, late of the Village of Ashbum in the of Ontar Farmer deceased fied about the } of January, 196) notified to send particulars of same 10 he undersigned Executors on or before the 10th day of April 1961, alts date hs Legisin f will be ' regard of whieh shall then have Ald illowed Lo operate ex. | and tri A JR aims welght of 80,000 #1, 1065 Highways department officials tri-axle units, of which ahout 1760 in Ontario pounds | County Are 20 are here SEEK STRIKE LAW TORONTO (CP) wh estate having claims He only to # the Exe notice DATED at this 28h 196) Edgar Meron and Walter A Kerr, Executor, by their Solicitor, David J, YAY IR replace on legal 6 strike-brenking for workers utor Whithy day of Ontarle, hy February the Toronto Distriet The council en Typographical nisrses In Canda wes opened at General Hospital in Bt, Cath-|the fund-raising eampsign fel) arines, Ont, In 1874 Marsh 3, 1961 e Club Scores The high scores (or games played by members of the Osh swe Duplicate Bridge Club Tuesday evening of Woodview [Park clubhouse were Horth and Sowth-Mrs. F (Wadeworth snd Mrs. M. R Clarke, 1844 pis, Mrs: J. Tim. mins and Mrs, 8. Sheridan, 17%, Mrs, ©. Hall and Mrs. H. Crs wys, 172; Mr. and Mrs. 6G. War vis (Toromtn), 187; J. Buchanen and J. Mclachlan, 1824 Fast and West). Coles and C, Keith, 188%; 1. ¥. Patterson and 1. Miller, 102%; W. Math ows and HW, Barker, 117%. Mrs W. Doe and Mrs, BR. Morris 17% Mm, G, McWilliams and R, Morris, 172%. THE OIAWA TIMES, Prides, 3? Bakoget NOTICE Wilk ery persen whe witha wd on sccident whieh se curred on the Vip dey of Mey, 1959, on Highway Me 461, Province of IRGriG, of the Omraric County Alnirmem Comy Line Kindly dat und 6 undersigned. Seid scel dort sssyrred on § Sundey MErning etwesn 6 £68 Gn od ard operated by Altred Frovcush ond & cor adm ted wy ore, Corlls Grading As 6 resi of the sccident, Alfred Froncieh wes injured ond received firsigid from parsers urknann believed 16 naa linen 1! owing the Fron crew vehicle immedigtely prior 16 the secident. The Plaintiff's vehicle of the time of the sccident wes travelling In en Essterly & rection Ary witnesses to the sei dent iself or to the fects Immediately pric 16 the eetlr dent kindly cortoct the une dersigned forthwith James A, Macdoneld, Barrister k Soliciter, Bb King Street View, OSHAV/A, Omerig Selicirer tor Alfred Froncuek WILL RECONSIDER CUY TORONTO (CP) ~ Metropoi. tan Toromte United Appeal offi. cals will mest April 17 with representatives of fowr welfare Rgencies to reexamine 8 pro posed $100,000 cut in the fund's 1961 sliocation for direct relief work, UA President John Wil son sald Thursday. The et, rep resenting one-third of the orig inal budget, was blamed hy UA oficials on the fact that 1960 NURSE TRAINING The first training school for H. KASSINGER'S "Uxhibition. of Fashionable Living" PRESENTING ; 6 Dream Homes Featuring: Displays and demonstrations of the newest products end ideas in fashionable living LOCATION : Beau Valley "Oshawa's Most Fashionable Res) dential Estate" (Rossland Read East + uu Off Simcoe North) OPEN from ' 2-8pm and? «9 pm VISIT TONIGHT Union LC) on 4 | Ont hls, SS . 0 we Whithy, Ontarle Many Plans and Repayment Schedules $5010 $5,000 without endersan or bankable security, Lite Insured wo Suit Your Budget Loans The Fastest Growing All-Canadian Loan Company 17 SIMCOE ST, N, RA 5.6541 15 Offices Throughout Ontarle HANDYMAN? cALL RA 8-4688 now To have our representative call to discuss LUMBER, PLYWOOD | All Your Building Needs PROMPT, FREE DELIVERY 3 Ways To Buy! * CASH * 3J0-DAY CHARGE * BUDGET TERMS McCULLOUGH LUMBER CO. LTD 1270 SIMCOE ST, N WHAT TO DO ABOUT YOUR "BLOOMIN' ROOF"? Before it goes to seed completely, replace Choose from a variety of style-right colours and patterns than can be matched with smart asbestos siding, it with our top-quality materials LITTLE AS 10,00 PER MONTH; SIDING LOW AS 12,00 PER MONTH Fix up your home for Spring! Come in to BROWN'S now for the supplies you'll need the useful tips we'll provide ~ . Cover drab, cracked walls the handsome way. Pre-finished panelling for an 8' x 12' area for as low as 19,90, BROWN'S LUMBER & SUPPLIES LTD, 436 RITSON NORTH OSHAWA RA 5.4704 - A

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