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The Oshawa Times, 3 Mar 1961, p. 7

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diate future were discussed with "Ler Jobson ALL-ROUND-CORD PRESENTATION 4 cent Guide | Bt A i Girl the presenta ud cords, Pu pain, Miss A highlight meeting of the Company wa tion of all-rou tured with their ca Beverley Garrow, Barry Bruyea Wed In Double-Ring Ceremony con » femaorigl Churen wed LY EOF EE was the scene ding recently Jean Garrow was riage with Krol Barry The Reverend Clinton Cro formed the doubie-ring mony. The bride is the daughter of Mr, and Mi Lorne Day Garrow of Midland, Ontario, for merly of Oshawa, and the hide groom is the son of Mi Mrs, Jack Bruyea of Oshawa Mr. Alan Reesor the wedding music and accom panied the hoys' choir Inging the "67th Psalm nd 0 Per fect Love" Given in marrigge hy |} father, the bride wore an orig inal full-length gown of carna tion-white silk peau de sole senop neckling Chantilly lace sleeved hodice skirt of unpressed pleats flowe into a eathedral train. A tucked cummerhbund molded the line with hand made the hack A erown of pearls with rhine stone accents held her fingertip veil of tulle illusion, and she carried a while prayer hoo crested with a white orchid and| long white ribbon streamers The prayer to the bridegroom's mother, Inte Mrs. William Holtham, y Kilehener Wot mATTOR of honoy for her sister, and the other at- tendants were Mrs, David Gar:| vow, Miss Myra Britton and] Mrs, Steven Remego of Oshawa, They wore Identical street length gowns of white velvet with portrait necklines and elbow length sleeves, A cum: merkund with hand made flow: ers at the hack accented the NEWS IN BRIEF PHEASANTS' FOOD VICTORIA (CP) = Hungry pheasants seem to have ae: quired a taste for flower hulbs and are plaguing growers here, One person lost 20,000 crocus of a pretiy Je united in mar ruyea 5 per when yerey [ay played styled the long and a hillowing| and countless tulip hulbs te the | birds RURAL CORRESPONDENT BROCKVILLE, Ont. (CP) Mrs, Oscar (Hattie) Bolton, who died recently at nearby Port. land at the age of 04, was he: lieved to he the oldest active rural correspondent in Canada, | For 60 years, she contributed | district news to The Recorder, her last articles coming in only a week hefore her death Marilyn jeft) | Alice proudly WOT ioned of with white net # while Posy yacinth bells Mr id the ushering and Brian Carroll of Toronto Fhe reception was held at the Flying received wearing a toast pear to match with flower eT | Assisting was the bridegroom's mother who chose velvel Aland hat and black acces appliqued with » The f roses ¢ hyacinth bells For Ww bride donned a yaist roses at mauve French lamh her corsage On their return the couple | reside in Scarhorough Guests were present from Kit chener, book had helonged Richmond Hill, the|ston, Blackstock, Barrie and boro second from ew Ears, eoond § Mol ont ) Alker £ th Weldon ( gre Wilson and Jane displaying Bisan fishawi Guiders Attend Training Session rea Yraimng on ih tan ' bi OC LION held a framing a ronleye CHMPINE } nee on Surday, § sthine of the (a) skirts, tiny scalloped hats fa h- white velvet horderes and each i velvet muff hearing # carnations snd in shades of pink David Wilson performed of ~ hest and were My Robert "hr al the YWi 3 on Lrgines Camp aa isers and had done J i ender rs { J diiomag"d g conducted the wna chose wv fuel a Training was Mrs, KW training a tal wWovinee rea com and Mrs camp ad arriea those Guide) wha OIE previous trian i of roses Eilon u Hamil sin ' wider from man David Ga Wall and Mi duties on on Ou M: How 10 cone pecial guest Steven provincial commissioner on Guiding in the Mr Cohn missioner present Donald area viser, led the advisers discussion groups in the after noon and made tentative plans for camping within the area during the summery Those in #atlendance were Mrs, ¥, Hamilton, Blackstock Mrs, J, Gibbons, Mrs, K, 8, Me Keown, Mr M. Banderson Newmarket; Mys, J. i, Norris Mrs, Douglas Nesbitt, Oshawa Mrs. M. Yeo, Mrs, DD, Vord Mrs J. Rumney, Richmond Hill; Mrs, CG, Gibson, Thorn hill; Mrs. C. Leask, Bowman ville: Mrs. 1. Elks, Port Hope; Mrs, J. Drury, Mrs, ¥ Mrs, H, I, Wells, Mrs. Hum- phries, Lindsay; Miss M, New man, Miss H, Winters, Whithy; Mrs, 1, Lye, Stouffville; Mrs | M, "Cook, Pickering, Bowman the bride's mother dress of small hal trimming HOCEBsOHTIES Dutchman who gave where de soe, @ WH Vox dark brown camp French blue jacket SOries pink corsages and with matching y hoth wore carnation florets the honeymoon trip the suit of deep wool with grey and matching orchid comprised goeeents A white will Toronto, Downsview Oakville, King Midland Peter Bowmanville, LEFT TO SAVE WALLPAPER 2 Price CILTONE GLOSS 1/3 Off PATTE'S Paint bY Wallpaper Lid, 9" a of 85 Simeon N 5.3529 RIGHARD HUBNUT offers a permanent that gives you just the right amount of curl for those short fashionable hair styles, So easy to use too! Fashion Quick's re-mixed neutralizer has its own ilt-in shampoo, No after perm odour either! It's fashionable alright and quick too! Only $2.50 Fashion Quick is also available ina strength created for children 80 safe, so sure--$1.75 DIAL RA 34621 Leach, Work Of The CAC In Oshawa Features Address ToWA Group. The February meshing of the ings yearty with Fellowsing Group of King Street meeting schetuied y i pt United Church WA was held re- Mis. Brwee . MeGregor, 9% cently with the presidents, Mrs, |auder 1948, is the menher sy Dwight Bunner presiding, The cherman of the Oban id SeETEIATY'S Feport was piven by Ws. Frapk Barrows expres Mrs, P. A Tresise and Mis, #8 the thanks of the grow 14 Glynn Pearse gave the treassr- Wis. Johnson EF 5 1eport Refreshments were Mis, Lawrence Willson and Mrs. Willson apd her growy her grony had charge oA he de " veriona with the theme hE Ted wer urn 'THE STARS SAY Edgar resd the Scripture pas 5 sage and Mis rm Mines By ESTREIINTA read » story on Brotherk ing mar this day. Some persons my be on the touchy" side, 59 be alert. Do your part to ma wt the plano for hymns Growp projects for the imme tein harmovy. During the P.M aspects wilh he more friends and you showld find great pleas WIE IB s00iR! Rethvities FOR THE BIRTHDAY i tomorrow is your birthday YORE DOFOSEOPE PEGIBISES B HGH satisfactory year, There is indi cation of gam n both job and financigl matters, but you will have to work hard 19 achieve your wims. This you can do you maintain an optimistic att tude toward any ile cur rent problems and pan with the future in mind. Planetary influ ences for the next seven months seem made to order for and efforss you put forth should bring good results helo the end of 1961. August and » ficuiagr empha OM vember will he es Wy good clegning ana FODINE Instrs months and the standardization of Avoid extrayags n clothing, MH and be th; WIR both family and husine HEH ciates, New opportunities for ex pansion should come your in December but, here again, i will he up 10 you to lake ad vantage of them, Don't let "little things" so unsettle you that you are unable 10 ake the long-range viewpoint in matters of major importance, Personal relationships, while under gen erally good influences for the next 12 months, will he es peciglly pleasing late thi month; sso in August and No vember served Wy i rummage sale planned for March 28 and the anpual straw berry supper set for late April The guest speaker, Mis, Wal was introduced by Mrs, Lawrence Millson, Mrs Johnson, president of the Osh awa Branch of the Canadign Association of Consumers is cussed the work of the CAC in Oshawa, snd what the Canadien Association bad heen able 19 ae complish all across Canada The CAL was organized 14 years zo and 1 grew owt of the women's group which had help ed 1a CRITY Mt wartime econ: RY It membership now Lands ai 26.000 across Canada nas heen Janelhing Poss you yw wsirumental wn mre on goods 0 pecial tian 9) 14 has also heen lack filled packages and now aekages must specify weight It has also heen concerned with grading of food products, espe cially potatoes. One of its proj eels now, is Lo improve the wad ding 'in children's. clothing so that all wadding used is sani tized The nee. hioweyer cmigren s factiul in dealing concerned way peaker pointed out that the CAC is a non-political, non sectarian organization with a membership fee of only $1.00 per year, The Oshawa branch holds only two or three meet 4 low empl omen Women's Edo Iv Aldwinekie, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Merch 3, 196) Moen stressed the lmporiance oF wing ciwideen 19 the Lord ney years. The movement isaried B years ago in Phila Aciofia and now here were "ion in Lniteh Sains, Canada Coton, Germany, RBrtich lees Uexian reswilah from mach RYE On every hand hestheniom wad Commumism wk Lrying to verre, bt God has suid Wil RA 33474 7 PERSONALS: Wy Word shall not pass way. In Acts 18, God hes promised power. wk we need the prayers of God's pesple, ais 1 Briyes crpiion last Saturday ernoon were the bride's two grand mothers, Wes the guests and Mrs and white ecarnations Wr dnd Mrs Mr aha ad and Mrs daughter Susan Hil, Mr. and Mrs, George Holt ham and son, Kevin, Kingston, Mrs Mr. Bert Holtham and Mr. Victor Holham re Allen Rogers Bar Prior to the Bruges wedding, Mis resented with a hinen ham per by her as the Oshawa main branch of the To Dom nim Wand the Firestone wthiee wt Leaside pre the prospective bride groom with # ship s-wheel elec Wi SOCiates Ri rong Nyees in district sented #t the home of Mr. and Mrs . Garrow wedding re- Wood, La Salle pvenne Keresa Cudden, Kingston, Ong APPIVELSANIEs, COMME Downsview, BONES of guests and your own interest wn this comp. Write te Garrow Gepsriment with your ems of bey eriey Garrow news for charge ed her birthday recently at the and fe) Club Yoronte Mr, and Mrs. A of Oshawa Miss Moen stressed Members were plegsed 19 we fhe pictgres of the Bible £ Imes Mr, and Mrs. Walier Spider Alex, Garrow, Wm Comtice, were epenained #t # navy blue and white ensemble, dinner party receptly # Russell Dean in teal home of their daughter, Mrs Wine silk crepe with pink bat, James Ambrose and Mr. Am they both wore eorsages of pk brose, Zion, on the occasion of) these Ith wedding anmiversery | Also presept were thelr son Jack Brwyes, and Sanghieriniew, Mr Errry Bryer, Mrs, and Miss Beverley Garrow were Carling. The honored coupie married last Saturday had as was presented with & pft of their guests for the weekend My, money, They ere leaving later and this month for a holiday in $i Richmond Vetershurg, Florida, the! ~ nd Donald Spider of Port Teas, birthdays, parties, wed day plans are. plways ofl lephone or visit the social whieh Telephone John De there is no RA 3874 Mrs Hart celebrat Oasis in the Barclay Hotel with Mr, Delart and P. Cosens, al) tric clock, AL the rehearsal arty, given by the bride groom's parents, Mr, and Mrs Jack Bruyes, Bandra street west, the bride's attendants were presented with teardrop GROUPS, CLUBS AUXILIARIES ROes neck) and earrings, and the hest man and ushers with travel clocks Mr, and Mrs Durfy"s Camp Hes were D. Durty Hay Bay ol Napa Nora recent guests at the Movement CAINARY BAPTIST YWMC The meeting was opened by the singing of #8 hymn and Mrs Kenneth Cain offered prayer f The special speaker was Miss oen, of the Bible Club of Oshawe, Miss The newt menting wi be held March § Mes V mayer A. Bewkaiman ined Hush-A-Bye DIAPE. SERVICE Diapers supplied son tized ond fifty soft Canisters oveilobie Gift Certificates CALL RA 3-2128 i For Further Informetion For Easter '61 and you, we present a bouquet of beautiful, flattering, fabulous fashions, Color is in full bloom, ina garden suits, A of costumes, coats, dresses and mong the finest flowers of the season, you'll find: gay prints and plaids, ., easy lines, expressed by flares, pleats, cape effects... new ways with | necklines and sleeves. . bold buttons, adroit seaming. See, choose the news. 72 SIMCOE ST, NORTH COATS ov shawn COVAr AUlty with sass wing aut in a fiatiering fae, cul tn vat aim in oo. 49.95 APRING KNITS graceful knitted costumes, 2 and 3s piace, sn vary fitting tor Easter, styled to take vou varywhere fiom 45.00 to 89.95 STROLLER SUITS for Easter look, new and beautiful no owalk- length jackets and easy slim skirts trom 39.95 LADIES' WEAR LTD, RA 5.1912 Open tonight until 9 o'clock wo ) ® Vay f |

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