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The Oshawa Times, 4 Mar 1961, p. 13

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wk ; Port Perry Eagles Force &57 Scribes Say So [Deciding Game In Series | Eagles forced a third game inl (Shearer, Mctamesy 6 51 By IACK SULLIVAN This year, i has heen a Mil arity, one would figure he'd he Their best 2out-ofA-game semi- ROYALS 7 --~ PORT PERKY 2 " Canadian Frese Mall Welker ferent story. The Leafs have bombed out of the nets by the final series with Peles, beating. Port Perry tried to pull ; ~~ Pardon the toromo hockey Won six of 13 games with the Wg lesgners but so far he has them 572 other wpset In the second game writers i their hometown loy- Canamens, lead Montes! by besten Detroit and Montreal Royals survived what prob They kept Royals well In cheek alties are showing, Wt they re our points and, with only seven and gained 5 272 tie with the ably was Port Perry's best of- for the first period, but nahi mentioning the Maple 1eals games left 10 play wn the 70 Bed Wings fort of the season, winming 77 ity to finish off their plays cost and the Nationrl Hockey game schedule. may he head I he keeps this wp, Bower and therehy qualifying for the them the verdict League title in the same sen 10g for (heir first league title may find Wimsell sitting with finals in two streight games, | 6, Williams scored the only tence, A year wage this would since 1946 the spretatons EAGLES 5 ~ PETES 2 gonl of the first period then add. have heen fieresy Imlach was hailed far and Here's what the Toronto writ, 1 was a combination of sheer ed the next two In the next Their exherance spilled over wide as & man of destiny # CF had 10 sy shout the Leafs determination and sharp nal period One of these came with ithe other might when the Leals couple of years ago when he +1 victory over the Canadiens ending that won for the Eagles his team short-handed as Rovals (tumiied the high and mighty pulled the Leafs inte & playoff 1ast Wednesday They ran wp # 30 lead early led 30, Batson fired 8 fourth Montreal Canadiens for the sec spot and imo the Cup final wn Fred (Telegram) Cederberg; in the second period on two marker hefore the stanza ended ond time in & week, This 16 the one of the most dogged dashes "14318 win virtually destroyed goals hy Buechier and one by as Royals found the range sort of thing that doesw't hap (0 the wire in NHI, Wstory, He's # Ive - vear myth of invinel- Murray | Port Perry finally managed pen in WHE, circles doing i again this veer Wility which has surrounded Petes finally came (0 soon two counters in the last frame Beat the Canadiens once and Red (Toronto Star) Burnett Habs." after this with Mountjoy scoring as Suliman and Dowson found wswally they hownce hack 10 66 spent a few hours the other day Burnett; "This should signal # goal. Only geod goalkeeping the target. Little, Balson and it y some ciohhering of their own. checking the Leaf injury lst the end of Canadiens' reign as hy Neate in the Eagles' eage Withams completed Royals z That has heen the accepted (his season, He came wp with WHE champs." kept Petes from closing the gap goal getting ? Sl p by ' principle the fast few years the intelligence that only three, Bex (Globe and Mail) Mae at this point, However, when Once again Royals proved L ' a bs " when Toe Blake's powerhouse regulars -- defenceman Bobby 1£08; "Leafs ereated the indel- MacDonald fired a shot whieh that -they are a good second " split the six - (eam league into Baun, rookie Dave Keon and Wie impression that -nobody is trickled over the goal-line, near half team, despite the fact they GRAIN FARMER FROM WEST WINS BONSPIEL IN TORONTO two Aivisions--Canadiens alone Frank Mahovlich -- have heen EOE 10 knock them out of firstithe end of the second stanza, are slow starters in one and the other five cil able to piay in the full 63 games Place." the Petes were in trouble | Ist Period Don Hil a . " by William ¥o j Varmers Bonspiel crown Fri | George Vlson, Will, Forsyth taking the leftovers to date The facts will be known Petes came on strongly in fhe | I. Royals: G, Williams farmer from. Bo 4 4@biv of the sons da in Taromta, Left to © and Bob Mel aren A year ago the Torome writ: Imlach juggled lines, brought March 18 when the schedule third period bul Horr hroke (Byinyk) is presented with the #i , Wii Wa Fil Fran penn, LF Wirephoto rs sent Coach Punch Imiach up a couple of rookie goalkeep. ends, The Leafs have seven away fo put Fagles ahead 51, nd Period " . ' inte a smit when they sald on al ers from the farm, The results games to play and Canadiens R. Butler narrowed the gap fo! 2. Royals: G, Williams , 3:02 national television show that were amazing , eight, {32 hut Eagles hung on to pre-| 3, Royals: G, Williams , 6.19 * the Leafs would he lucky if they - ree | 4EYY@ the needed victory, 4. Roywls: Balson ,...000 15:48 LEAGUE WINNERS Canadians To won 4 game from Montreal in WAIL, CESARE EVERYBODY WINS 1st Period ard Period the Stanley Cup playolls, The Wher netminder Johnny HAMILTON (CP)--Hamilton 1, Eagles: Buechler | 5 Rovals: IMUE .0rirees 4:00 (Miller) 4:0 6, Port Perry: Bulman Promote Puck writers suddenly found the Leaf Bower went out with a ham- sportscasiers and sports writers reese rETRORS ssing + room door barred to rng muscle injury, Imlach couldn't decide Thursday might! 2. Vagles: Murray (Redman, P,. Fspie) , dressing Tottenham Hotspur : them. bomen "he Tnghr ievry om. he het Pepevs tor Wai] (ld, Many vv 50] 1, Hales io; Production McNamara from Sudbury of ton Red Wings so they gave al ond Period | A BY R. Williams WRITERS RIGHWY the Fastern Pro League, In one prize to every player. Every 8, Bagles: Buechler (Mae. 8. Rovals Fhat wasn't big « league ae: of his first staris the Leafs heat forward will receive mn replica Donald, McEachern) ,, 2:0) (Little) 0, SARNIA (CP)~Montreal Ca 13:12 adiens, In # move 10 spport Hon but the writers didn't hack Canadiens . of the dames Norris Trophy for|4, Petes: Mountjoy #9. Port Perry: Dowson ave a Canadian ind y, are expected 20WN. Fhe Leals met the Ca Gerry was next 10 go with athe hest defensive forward. | (1. Butler) , (PF. Espie) ,, BA APY ONE BREW { ouck Madiens in the final, lost four wrencied knee and up popped Goalie Buddy Bloom and. five| §, Eagles: McDonald ,. | Bunday, March § « Eagles we of pu made by Polymer Corporation SFaEht and were outscored Cesare Maniago, 8 lanky 20- defencemen will receive the| Sed Period Petes, 8:00 pm. and Vhibition By M. MeINTYRE HOOD hen #5 the W found have 46 p and Bury have Limited thee « ta « one=15 (0 Gin the year - old from Spokane Comets| Jack Adams Trophy for the best| 6, Eagles: HORE ,/iereeee B08 -- Royals vs, Port Perry, 7:50 Special London, Vngland wit, Bo by ff hey m $5. Behind them, Grimshy and Canadiens general manager VFOCEES : lof the Western League, Ordin-l defenceman, | 7, Peles; R, Butler 'p.m, Carrespondent 41, hut Ihe Frank Belke was presented with dg GGG Io The Oshawi Time ) ) fd J fn leadin INS are in win two of the pucks Thursday. He LONDON i howd SL3Y said his club, whic } year the league ) i Wine wii ¢ where / f ent' S120 wi Heh ined mn bag. With only | ) FOR RELEGATION I ist likely four teams the Montreal Forum alone, has eight of thi Blackponl, bottom of 0 drop ta the fourth division heen using pucks made in Buf Ee ------------------------------ lower s & f i cemed doomed 160 } (f rfield iehester. falo | War ) | wid } J I f Mave n rad | § ew of unemployment inl ; Poin have 21, b ) / J Landa eam, Ci why the club should buy Ameri ; : . J i | } thre mi istie tal FP Vid five point gan-made ih if the arnia d 2 : Are Other Kinds section of ing Manche f have d ti wich, lead in fourth division, Dt product prove atisfactory Waolverhamnt $oltn I Mar ele 4 Peterhorou i ond place The new puck is being used # Of di wt Cardiff fl h- each Wi in 10 nd | ' if no hand, hy Detroit Red Wings in pra big s Good Me [4] ' i p ) ih } laser Bradfore h fou i and veteran Gordie Howe . ar ™ j { 3 thie hit fu nin har eterhore Yorthamp- is reported to he quite pleased is : / p a But, Here in el wed I ' ad Yo { } i with then a wi moved ints ' d eh heffield ad droppe ) " ath ito The Canadiens manager was vil f i" : 0 ha d | promotion here with left winger Dicky| ' $ wo an heating Chelsé J ah nt cunthos fo h her oh p Pottenha f £0 y and ) ei pswich who place foore irrently on the ine i, 4 7 i Sal op ¢ Two Ra nd. hy SCOTTISH CUP | B ; District its sUff hurdle jured list J k of the Seol- Welcomed hy Mayor Tven J point lead their last 11 | th f the 4 ) I. 1 4 . . al home to flield Wed nd 0 erpnnl y tish Cup, third round, was the Walker and presented with cuffe : ¢ ! ' . on April 15 i ) | { fi { nh il of Aberdeen al home fink hearin the { crest yi : " 4 : 1 Fit ) in nant / MH ih I ms ho led 2-1 at they later were guests of honor % E A vig § i ever, (he hoiild f } 0 finish for the two pre ] ut on a scoring at a special minor hockey night . 7 J lem gue champions iwked motion place Lincoln are spur in the second half, Hi-lgt nearby Point Edward is : 0 down to the third bernians, Hearts, Alloa, Airdrie . / Yn That is Read for Away hi ve | ather doomed 10 home game yolting: division, with Partsmouth, Ley. Celtic are also through to the ' i ham Fores! / estan, [tan Orient, Bristol Ravers, Hud. quarter finals, Rangers and Ingemar's Loot 1; » . 4 g World and Loc ] West Bromwich Albion andldersfield and Stoke running Motherwell drew and have to atm e. Th EL ox ek Yo avoid 1 Pind | i ro vten and Up For Grabs : do 4 ' pin ; i i A 'News Every D eo on April games awa i Cardiff, Vulhan i i i Birmingham | J } [ fl ist possible that Hearts and ! 1 ® Byrnes i urs took ihe the en ine at rove an wit BY 'Tax Hounds E might lo i i in we from the third Fdinburgh final for the heottish : » d of 1 i ; Cardi, wha are hard in 1 he second VI Cup MIAMT, Via, (AP)=A federal [ve 4 verybody Re judge tied up Ingemar Johans an's purse Thursday until March 17, four days after the # hi ; Lindsay Lumbermen |i 5 Judge Emett '. Choale also} granted discovery' rights to Force Seventh Game [ave and whore' wo New Board of Education Administrative Building at Stevenson Rd, and Rossland Rd perviee's effort to collect $508 - - ---- IK] il says Ingemar owes in in Us ONDON TEAMS LEAD ind with luck in the draw, if By GERRY BLAIR I Bath of thelr other victor LINDBAY Goal, Kemp; De les were accomplished an Whit: fence Williams Hennesey, come taxes for previous Lindsay Lum HAVE BEG (appitos he Majors Horton, Grozele, Dart, Neall, fights and appearances complished what few hockey (oo ore than ready to Jewel, Pearson, Hutton, MeGill.l At the same time, Judge clubs have done in The past, oy Seat Victory nar last Choate told federal investigators Trailing 5:0 1 i Nes Ot caturduy. night, had the power FIRNT PERIOD not ta hather Johanssou perso seven OHA Intermedia ol fatled in Whith now 1, Lindsa Jewel nally hefare the fight ] Lakeshore Hefina Hh thet oh emselves on the Verge (Neil, Bang). csi dm hey are ta do nothing to af Oshawa Malol Ji Lmhel I elimination unies they avel 2. Oshawa Hennick fect his ahility to fight Choate men have hounced ( nl the Lumbermen on Mon (Rmith) 10.20 told" reporter I'hat would he force a seventh an CES day night at the Whithy Com:| 8, Oshawa: Mills unfaly at the Whitt Commu I'echnically, Judge Choate ex Jamie I ok arena. Manager Wins a want) : 14.96 Fpood serie i. Lindsa fewel tended for another 10 days a 10 1] restraining arder issued arena on Monday 1 I | 4 Betore 800 enthusiast WME prior tn the apenin ane in (Burm Dart) oe 18.12 town fans, the Lumbermer ih Lindsay # week ago Wednesday! 5 Lindsa Williams I'eh, 28 to prevent | catures) dued the Oshawa Tajo Td night. and was even more con (Horton, Neal) +..o.. 10.05 sports Incorporated, promoters) last night in Lindsa Iver inced after the Majors had to! Penallis Arnold 7.95 Hor of the Ric from Paving Ray hing ps on th N 0! a ( ) i) money to Johansson, and ne Hing Mnges on the final gate ga into evertime in Lindsay, \/ton 7.0, Pearson ,.230, Craw vent any of the fight money ey foreca J of the sevies on Monday night. grab their first win. Bob Hut: ford 14.13, Hulton (minos and | ¢ \ ot Af tie UA Camplacens could be atteibuts ton wa ejected fram last Match ond 09 rom being sent oul o e atch misconduct) 10.25, Mil Tudge Choate said the govern ad to the recent downfall of the|pight ame near the end of 15.00, Smith 16.44 | y ARAINS " Majors, especially in Monday|the first period. when he oul ment's case against Ingo in | and Thursday losses in Whit wily displayed his disgust to SECOND PERIOD volves hi aX il us in elation by. But last night, the vent all he ficial for receiving a A . lo agreements on tax matters ; ; ; YU abOring hetween the United States and nut to avoid tl udden-death slashing penalty hy pushing the \ » Mand hi d ow Penaltie Graham 6.05 'Switzerland. Johansson claims encounter Mone \ Ha referee hall way acro the Rennick 6.05 Graham 13.34 stayed with the Fumhermen far pink. He will probably have 10 Graham and Mills 16 58 technical residence In Swilger the first two p itech the deciding contest Lindsay held TY in from the sidelines Mike THIRD PERIOD ® For two or more = round trip efi er, id lh cu rk pve, rol rth vay bt Moss Park Team SAVE 40% ® Any day of the week hattled throne \ ( \ (Neat, Williams) ® Anywhere in Canada die session. Tw citable by coming up Lindsa Newall ae fn ane pve Ve wat ne a femme, owe 0 1 gets Genosha's Tor @ach person fi cis fous or coach for the Lumberg trivmph 8 Lindsay: Graham as they eventua ou ad hermen had the Majors bhewtl Mel . oA BE ey Ore (dored with a savagedike at: a Aon ape 1 Here Tonight fravellin with u J where individual regular round 2M minutes tack (Myle LawsonY +, HH ag ) 0 {rip fare is $7.50 or more Ren Jewel, {} | ONHANA == Gopl, Girki: de- 10. Lindsay: Neal Paronta Moss Park will ho the termediate Le . \ Edwards, Ashton ! AV (Willams) . 15 48 apposition tonight, whey Oshawa opened the aring Hust fa gig TA gg | - gh Pen ities MeGilland Law: Hatel Genoshi Hawks open their period far Lind but Osby | ol ge "My th fall, al son 4.29 OBA second round play-downs 3 awa came back with twa ta tan ! at, Ranevan hn " SEE HOW DISCOUNT TRAIN FARES CUT TRAVEL COSTS! take the lead for the only time = we Mass Park crew won the hy COULDN'T COMMENT [ight to meet Oshawa on Thuys if your return fare Is § 10.00, every additional person pays only § 6.00 each in the game. With than twa minutes remaining in the apen BOWLING NEWS OTTAWA (UP) Revenue day night, when they played ing stansa, Lin uel \ Minister Nowlan said Thursday Central YMCA for the Toronto i .your return fa wa mare, 10 earn th ye fad HAWA TEN PIN LEAGUE ! van't he able to milke 4 and District Inter AY. title y hd re Is § 50,00, every additional person pays only $30.00 each 0s ' G \ gin . i tatement for some time on Though the Parkers lost the Ron Jewel with hi cond oli Paap thing 1 ne Me VERNAL tolovision broadea ting of Big Same 75:78, they retained the I your return Yare Is $100.00, every additional person pays only $60.00 each the wind and Jac ym [38 Tok A h dacksan and Four Football League ames Championship on the strength of a 2 he perio MH . URIAKG (AGE SHI next il. He said in a their 155-148 two-game total In certain areas many Discount Fares ae All-Inclusive -- and provide bed, meals = even tips, seared far Lindsa mit 4 \ . vs Lt the lead which ti \ no reply to Douglas Fisher hoint score. They won the apen lnquished. Prior to 1 aay awe: 9 Mu ( Part Arthue) that the WE game at Jarvis Collegiate gi Ui a BE CY es Rennick wl | ! i t rablem | wolved and cam. Tuesday night hy an R678 soar his first of two { Ma : : ita od and is under carefull 1dttle is Known about the To jars their shoy ved wl bi ansideration hy the CRC, (onto winner a they are some N which was outbid far the Tv/Wwhat of a "darkharse" winner in Call your local ticket office for the DISCOUNT FARE that applies for your next trip m™ AS 1 1 oll ih : i a ; a ay | : gp 8 . i ights by a Taronto private sta. the Torente group. Central sli rt V A ion t has heen favored to win the Neal \ " : title, Advance information give y ingsns | y W little, word on their Hneuan oy reach of th { ' \ 5 i REMEMBRE ? they pason recard In is peti Ernie 4 Wo h R WHEN? * known that Dick Shatta, Toronte ig Yor { wo Io : lt ew A ? AAWA N: Ww EM h, famous sports! Argonaut footballer, has plaved . \e margin i 0 63 mini bh | Cleaners Pham winter and columnist of the Tor lseveral games with the Moss RA 3-41 22 wl G utes Landsa \ ng | A 4 Fro onto Star, died 23 years ago to-|Parkers, this vear. Whether he . spurt ge 3 \ \ vith | . ( ( aay PT & brief tliness, He was will be in the lineup tonight orl \ SO00NC of 1 i ' \ boxing and hockey not, remains a mystery. Fans ane hack ju A A . 4 ; ¢ AS WOH as & sports aw who want to see the Genosha minut 1 Voal Mars! tt wand H Rin N MAJOR HIGHLIGHTS Ring would ¢ 4 \ ant evan Loliegiate eariy, as a a R san : \ al bh ha 1} ) i 4 - For Lindss » \ vard Lanadas outstandingforowd is expected for this game y ¢ on home ice in 1 ud 3 NY a lary an home en © AEE ana and malvern begin Ray Goa [SpOTLS competitor Game time is 1.30 p.m | land

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