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The Oshawa Times, 4 Mar 1961, p. 1

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dhe Oshavon Times YARD E oo Clowdy snd mild with showers Sunday, strong winds tonight und Sanday, OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, MARCH 4, 196) Aatarind aw "wong (ieee Me Pose Gifice Besariment, rises EIGHTEEN PAGES GERMAN MARK UPPED TO d Dief Tr ¥ To PM QUEBKEL (CF)~Frime Minis er hefenbaker took off for Bel ot lreland, and the Common prime pimisiers' confer Friday might giter oth launcming the of the Quebes r Conservative % ix i OLD-TIME WELCOME A quartet of old-time musi- | Ancienne § oretie airport. Mr cians formed part of the wel- | Diefenbaker gave # press coming committee when ' conference and addressed @# Prime Minister John Diefen- dinner of the Quehee Progres baker srnved at Quebec's ciation wile in the op Depressed Area Plan ttacked In Debate to areas "whieh ig nt depressed areas LF) wraith ens ciplly meeting Zres City Pro ASSOC) ve ation Mr. Diefenbaker delegntes from al ndings in Quebec the constitution should he nis presept form atngied and placed afekeeping of Canadian The sritish Act now may be amended only of an imperial stat British Parliament inl a federa i 9 buat m 7 the North RY pRassage he Lhe Federal the constitution, said Mr enhaker, have revealed measure of agreement the government hopes powers to amend the tion when Canada celebrates centennial in 1967 Mr, Diefenbaker also plans 14 sit Dublin, Ireland, before tioned whe: going on 10 London, site of the city of Eliot prime ministers' conference Elliot Lake which opens Wednesday A SCOTCHES HOPES might Earlier, at a press confer ence, Mr. Diefenhaker scotched Elliot Lake did not exist in any hope Quebec Conservatives " of ad ECON ol OFTAWA (CP) Announced thing § to he produced in this government plans to assist eco- House nomically depressed areas CANADA HAS THEM came under heavy attack in the! "ao Sarr said that of the 12 Commons Friday after the op- jo odiate measure proposed SEES position won demand for by president Kennedy to assist emergency debate ; depressed areas in the | 1, i | Liberal and CCF members of" a similar nature already Win m py criticized the government pro- pove heen out forward mi ) "wy hy the nothin gram as inadequate ana restic: federal government in Canada a live. Progressive Conservative sg." giory said the apposition speakers, led by Labor Minister onted the government to Starr, stoutly defended it In certain areas as depressed Planned business of the House or distressed areas--'"the more ~considerstion of agriculture! depressed and distressed, from department spending estimates their point of view, the hetter.' ~was set aside to allow debate. Mr. Pearson: "Those words an the GAVEINMENt Proposals, de- are entirely false and I ask the 970 Mr. Voarson declared. may have entertained of form tails of which were outline d minister to withdraw them." It is preity hard to prove a'ing a provincial wing of their Thursday hy Mr, Starr. Mr, Starr: "If the leader of/ecine fram gern " minister £0 ithe opposition assures me that. He Kise. questioned nounced criteria hy whieh de-'that is not (heir intention, and Springhill, N.§ another exam- leader should stay out of pro- pressed arcas could qualify for that is not what is behind this ple cited hy Mr. Stadr--wonld ; double depreciation allowanc 5 motion then | certainly do with. qualify / Bimed at attracting new indus- draw (hose remarks." Judy LaMarsh (I, = Niagara Job Study Committee : Wh Frank Howard (CCP~Skeena) Falls) said the government's ar Generally, an area must have described the re gu lations as rogance and indifference toward had, in order to qualify, a la TORONTO (CP) A select committee to study unemploy 0 4 'unfair and discriminatory" inlunemployment could only he bor surplus for half to three:|\that they seemed to preseribe equalled by Marie Antoinette quarters of the summer months ment and a crash program of {public works to stimulate the # mechanical and arbitraty test remark, "let them eat cake.' going hack to 1053, depending ' Ontario economy "were advo m the size of the labor force Also, industrial employment I | ® Off Cor i (®) ! IOO 2) cated Friday hy Arthur Reaume (1L--~HKssex North) must have deteriorated aver the Years He told the legislature during By WILLIAM N, OATIS brings the iglal of new forces @ debate on unemployment that UNITED NATIONS (AP) as # resuit Die any mechanical arbitrary methods np the fi) GARBAGE! Howard ow d £ L place fo have constitu i TORY f° Said Mr in my another ymich » ' is ju arbays means Mr, Pearson que ther the uranium Lake would qualify cited hy Mr of a place Dare that yi i example he eligible gl TORIES OBIECT The emergency dehale was held over the strenuous objec tons of the Conservatives, who argued that the matter was not one of urgent importance The morning sitting was occu: we volunteered to about 4000 the government could not India has offered a 3000-man| Hammarskiold had appealed W ONE In establishing a I brigade to help strengthen the|for more troops to buttress the PI78YaM to build hospitals, pro UN Congo force and restore or|dwindling UN force up fo the|VInCI8! offices and hadly-needs (der in the divided African na-|25,000 he said he needed to keep MENWAYS to put people to work [tion peace , His select commitiee, com The offer came as leaders of, The original Congo force was prising all parties, would study pied hy a procedural -wrangle that ended with House Speaker Roland Michener ruling that the! dehate could take place The dehate itself lasted 214 all the anti-Lumumba Congo ahout 20,000 hut protests ARN une mon wupigition: pid | factions were meeting in the Hammarskjold's policies led to iy 10 into a quiet corner and that| Malagasy Republic (formerly! some withdrawals. The present! (hink bo' wa 04 Sst 4 hali ' i {the Island of Madagascar) in strength is 18,500 to the ec A ; ' ian the Indian Ocean to fry to work! Sending combat troops abroad! wu. po nomy, hours in the afternoon--until the House turned to private hills as a sp Mr. Reaume urged the gov out a settlement of the confused would set a precedent for India ernment nol 10 Sly " Xav' political problem Units have been used in Korea A i scheduled at 5 p.m It is our contention Liberal Veader Pearson adequate and indefinite" He smd the "lahored, indeci tax, which Queen's Park sources sive and late action!" of the gov Rebel chief Antoine Gizenga Indoching, the Gaza Strip and say may he announced next ignored an invitation fo attend] even in The Congo but only on|yeok when the hudget is pre and his absence dimmed hopes medical missions, as guards flective action taken hy the Kennedy administration to a fica i : arrose the transmitied to Secretary-Gen- fleation of the Congo policies eral Dag Hammarskiold by In. Defore agreeing to send the dian Ambassador (8 Jha, Pops, He gave approval to | (I hin UN force to head off military ctivity ther Liberia and It clashes and civil war if need he . . Charged uoridation Scheme | wo on charged Swiss immigrant Bepi Cart, 37, with anti-union activ ity and ordered him. to appear Ry THE CANADIAN PRESS (troversial without a pg y \ " Mal withe A past appon nt of fuaridation Meanwhile Corti's employers Provincial legislation for the plebiscite. avors a plebiscite Turnbull E 1 ev ator Company luaridation o: drinking water to) In the largest community al: Mavars and reeves of neigh: sent & telogram (0 (the union's y to hestiancy ta 14 municipalities=Metro council ne Houceste rom enthusiasm to hestiancy Hon aie A and Nepean and Gloucester, was described as unwarranted Witright apposition, iner was enth to Which hape to join the Ottawa interference with employees A government bill introduced 3 Siac system. this year, wre not op "Oani a member of the un ils to fuk ate water uh hel passed, he said, he will person: unity with a problem similariatter a television interview in wh or refer | 5 A Plehixe ie. ally sponsor a motion to fluari.|'® Ottawa's, Mayor Cecil Hewitt which he charged Canadian la \n appeal cou e W date without a plebiscite. Metro 4d he will await clarification war is inefficient because unions Introduction gh the ig and the bill specifically pro. fluoridation of its SUPPLY | He left work under union pres allowed a raya ria Thea Vides the council may do this. In a 1933 plebiscite, But Widd: sure and when the company re ort favoring autharity for 1aeali "nan of the council showed a field and West Ferris also use hired him six other emplayees more communities have-a com mon water supply, special regu PHONE NUMBERS lations are to he made later POLICE RA 5.1133 FIRE DEPT, RA 3.6374 the regulations as they were put rmment was in startling con of progress and other non-combatant duties sented nited State the of similar DASSARe "of a resolution in the {ternational Union of Klevator Monday hofore the union's ex iow tooth decay has drawn On. fected -- the 1.500,000:population baring Bastview and Rackeliffe. international he a d quarters in n the legislature Thursday METRO FAVORS posed to fluaridation ion's Ottawa Local 96, became wiition hy 10 per cent of Toronta has a common water of the government's: stand wotect workers who go slow on ouncils to introduce the com waioriy in faver of it it, and the question has not been quit, vefusing to wark at his In the Ottawa area--where the HOSPITAL RA 3.2211 re ald some loge some: from ulations, he tl the earmarks of having heen thrown in a hurry because came on heels assurances Tunisia fluoridation water orward hy the ministers are in rast to the quick, decisive and India's. promise of troops, . Nehpu had insisted on a elari » . nti-Union I'he Security Council gutherizing the of reinforcements Constructors (CLC) Frida G t M d R ti | i ecutive hoard in Ottawa A reipal reaction ranging Metropolitan Toronto with its huving or fr on | arlo municipal reac ging now buying water fram Ottawa, | Philadelphia, protesting what vould emoower municipal coun: yo coon ac the legislation is AY North Bay, another com: |embroiled several weeks ago nunicipality's vaters supply for all municipalities North May strongly endorsed the jobs For other areas where twa ar Y0'ed on in these two townships side. Two have since come back national capital supplies water WANTS A VOTE 10 their jobs London's Mayer Gordon Stron HAULED WORKERS Our 10 neighboring municipalitie if 1 ; it appeared that the purchasers { there 1 Wi ach indicated: Thursday he! The company telegram would not favar dating the charges that the Ollawa local would not ehject. However, Of. on, there shadld hy tawa Mayor Charlotte Whitten, (the people," he said fluoy 15 CHY'S water without a vole hi ordered company em plo vees working hea return 8] of tawa, although no wark is avail (able for them there, A 4 n to 0 annual i Canadian retained AIBERICR provincial talks on i large and party whether He said he believes a natignal Bho verdict was given. Several crash '(; ed roo HELP U.S. DOLLAR avels Parley ig) flfairs, He was answer R Quehec TepOrer's Ques: bon about a resolution from # Queher Progressive Consery group wrging the forma of a provincial Consery wing Quebec Conservative party vanished in 1936 when is then leader, the late Premier Maurice Duplessis, fused is forces with those of dissident Liberals and nationalists to form his Union Nationale party Mr. Diefenbaker's statement was loudly applauded hy # group of Quehes feddral Con servatives who attended the press cogference The prime minister's words were taken to mean he would not impose any views on Quehes Conservatives about their pro- vincial politics. Many of Que- he's federal Conservailves are former Upion Nationale party supporters. Some still are The Upion Nationale party now is planning a convention to pick # permanent leader and establish party structures along new lines Mr. Diefenhaker also said ne | German Export Trade Affected FRANKFURT (AP) ~-- The abroad and will reduce by (his West German mark was re. amownt West Germany's (rade valued Wigher (0day In the AGvaniage over miher countnes, strongest move vel to ease the pressure on the American dol. RESERVES "i iH ? tor West German gold and, foreign Elective om o EXChANER Trserves last w Effective immediately, Lhe were Bimost 26000000000 US, dotiar will buy only fowr marks instead of 4.20 marks) Marks, then $6,680 900 500 at the nd all other foreign currencies 918 exchange rate were adjusted accordingly West Germany had faced in The measure, disclosed by the creasing eriticism from abroad Dewtsche Bank in Frankfurt, (or holding to what some #u- wits confirmed by the West Ger: thorities considered an under: man economics ministry. De valued currency tails are expected to be released, This situation and # uA at a press conference in Bonn money policy had made West Sunday Germany a magnet for specu: The move was preceded by lative money stock exchange speculation and! The revaluation created some @ rapid weakening of the dollar) confusion in banking circles and in the German market, It Came | there were no official lists of after repeated denials hy hothithe new exchange rates gvail- the Bonn government and the ahie Deutsche Bank that revaluation' = was planned " Film Actress 30 mg ave tion ahve The KENDALL LEAVING COUNTY JAW, TALE OF HORROR | Daughter Tells sme Of Bloody Deed Code to allow the operation of WALKERTON (CP) A tale clothes while the two intteries is under consideration © horror hidden for Bl4 years "pretended (o he asleep hy his government. He had heen Was related Friday as a 17-year After all five children asked ahout proposals in Que-| old girl testified she saw her awakened, the girl added, hee that the code should helfather drag the hody of ber| family drove amended to permit a provincial| mother out of their Bruce Pen: Ms lottery. insula cabin in 1852 WOman - Anne Kendall, testifying ot alfa Y d {six-hour preliminary hearing of jondall (hen introduced the { Youth To Hang A ' For Stabbing 8 murder charge against her divorcee and her family to Ws father Arthur Kendall, 0, said| and then went hack to the cab she and her sister Margaret! at yohnston's harbor with 8 sen were sleeping in an upper bunk|of Mys, Hogue and one of his (In the one-room cabin when they sons. Anne sald the family KITCHERER (CP) ~ David Brenner, 18, of Kitchener was convicted of (he fatal stabbing of Carl Ludwig, 28 hy an On| tario Supreme Court jury ¥n / | RUMORED EARLIER Rumors of revaluation of the : German mark, long recognized Se ] 1] {as one of the strongest curren. rious Y cies in Europe, have cropped a , : {up periodically over the last few! LONDON (AR)=Agtress liz. RANE aberh Taylor's doctor ad today e ha p SET)» Purchases of (he ark for She has preumenia and 1s ' speculative purposes has heen) 4 n ) an important contribution to the H aanduReement b id flelersinise of Germany's foreign cur-|po rl' aor he and two other reney reserves, physicians treated the 20-year: had The revaluation was expeciod old film beauty for a lung cone Elo reduce to some extent the| gest er hotel suite, where roy tn Wiation 9 Vit | sneculative attraction of the os 0 In er hot silts, Wheto eatnee MIEUE 4 e mark, Lf : Cp p {from influenia, Kendall married last It will also put ® squeeze on| Miss Taylor wes placed In A" 4 ermany's export trade and toloxygen fent at her suite his extent curtail the influx of had & temperature of Hoh | sentenced hy Mr I, Bhatz to he hanged women m | 5 QUEEN ON TIGER HUNT of elephants | leading cionhant, and her | vides second elephant. Prince through jungle | hast, King Mahendra of Nes | philip, the Queen's husband, gl in wild bush country | pal take part in a tiger hunt, | ides the third near Katmandu, Nepal, as | Umbrella shields the Queen | des the thaw { Queen Elizabeth 11, riding the | from the sun. King Mahendra Lon { thi he a his paid of askin {dollars and other foreign cur: grees i Miss Taylor's lung ul In effect, it means a five:per-\ fected by 'a severe ylocoo. cent Increase in the cost of (ews infection," . said Dr. Gold. heard their mother gasp stave VRE r {everything West Germany sells' man, / i stayed several days at Mrs ! Mud. haba et " a . Speaking In a steady voice iq their farm home near Monk: | 7 he old the hain A unt roam ton, northeast of Stratford, | Re la NS) bbl R f e [} 4 |} Ww | lt A fifi Witt Under ~cross-examination hy| P VY gq a e day defense counsel Macleod Gralg| -- ond P ha > p 97 iu 1 Justice 8. » Kendall was charged dan. 27/000 sod her to tell police the with the murder of his first A thi ; dune # wife, Helen, My, Kendall disap. [#"€0!8 had a fight and she The all-male jury deliberated ' {had thrown a teacup al him; lone hour and 22 minutes before f wer hee y "WwW y me hour and her body has never heen found, fu" "ee USauld never come By HOBERT RICK There was evidence (hat (he Mr. Justice Shatz said he COMMITS FOR TRIAL hack." Canadian Press Kall Writer U had destroyed some mem agreed with the jury's verdiet,| Magistrate Oto McClevis Miss Kendall said she was OTTAWA (CP)=A quick deci: (hbrship applications from Mar: frenne J I i i Brenner turned white hut] coo Supreme Court of On: fail of 1052 while at school in|#d8 Labor Relations Board onlily admitted by L. J, McLaugh: tario session here in September. Alma, Ont, She told them "'what|18 certification cases invelving|lin, assistdnt secretary-treasu- "We saw him take some of my father had fold me to say," [the Seafarers International Un: (ver of the SIU and right-hand hegan te cry and Bren > 4 " J oo [And wipe up the blood from the| seared to give truthful answers,! The hoard evi ner i father and brother were|gioos and the table," Anne said.! -- uM dence of waterfront violence WAR OTHERS crying as they went down the Her evidence was corroborated . land coercion in SIU recruiting Je said the applications were destroyed 'on aoe HONS The decision came just a few|is married to a Winnipeg man Police Guard three other unions and 18 ship: ' f #pace reasons but minutes afler the jury had] Anne said her mother was Ining companies to Ottawa hii documents signed hy its Marine asked for further instruction. |dragged out limp in her night For Verwoerd + [apetial maaring of the: cancainginger egmhars authorising Friday shipping companies to deduct union dues from their pay Prime Minister Hendrik Ver: fresh evidence would be sub: woerd flew intoctightly-guarded|(mitted about how the KIU goes|the nine-man board involves 25% London airport thday to attend about getting its members, engineer officers, deck officers a meeting of Commonwealth! But there was no new evi-land seamen employed by 12 o Base Protes Hg mp . me of the biggest police|langled souabbles among the 1 DUNOON (Reuters) = Anti-|were capsized by the wash of squads ever marshalled to pro: SIU, the National Association of which the 8IU is directly in nuclear demonstrators assem: | the launches, Six of their acon leet a viaiting dignitary was on|Marine Ingineers, the Cana: volved, either as the union seek bled today for a protest rally|pants were later charged withthe alert as a crowd of demon-/dian Merchant Service Guild Ing certification or intervening in the application of another un yineing argument from Russia] The demonstration had all the racial policies milled around the of Railway, Transport and Geni for scrapping the Polavis sub: elements of a comic opera bul airport gales (eral Workers (CLO), intervener but had withdrawn, marine hase near here for a sombre warning from Rus-| rer m-------- The demonstrators were un: sia beamed to Britain Friday to obstruct the docking of the| The radio sald the submarine 0700-ton U.S, Navy depot ship base "acts as a powerful mag Proteus when she sailed intonet which would attract Soviet Holy Loch fram the Firth of rockets" and "endangers the Polaris submarines | "Many peaple in England and The attempl ta black the ship|Seatland firmly believe that from mooring with a pocket world peace would he much flotilla of boats was quickly [safer if Proteus and all the sub: launches, The flotilla four | somewhere on their way to canoes and a sailing dinghy-- Britain," the radio said However, most peaple in this C S 1di loch:side town near Glasgow | ongo 0 1ers man crew an enthusiastic wel came Attack Seaport Fellow townsmen, partic ularly| { merchants, saw the arrival off golese troops battled United Na [the arm tions soldiers in the vital part town of Matadi today as anti-UN ] : violence gathered pace through Dairy Strike UN sources reported fighting : broke out In Matadi streets uts e very around midday and raged for i : two hours with mortar and|' OAKVILLE (CP)=The 7,000 mye no indication of casualties falgar were forced to pick up but sald houses and property their milk at supermarkets and) were damaged dairies today as wilk truck) Earlier, about 100 miles ta the drivers and dairy employees! Congolese troups came ashare in. The strikers, members the United Na: Teamsters Union, are of MH Sudanese $6 increase 10 $M a week af the town of is comparable with rates repeies nlp Germany, "Don't Art, please don't." Hogues house before returning He wai | blond all over the floor, too Owen Sound, she said her etn. Mr. Kendal On W 8 | peared about Aug. 1, 1008, DUignd (hat "the mother "left, say: returning its verdict, | (| committed Kendall for trial atl first questioned hy police in the|51on Is expected from the Canine linginee) s--evidence read: didn't change expression when the crowde ourt| ' ! | A in the crowded Court: yoters clothes and a hedsheet| Later she said she was ooion man to President H, €, Banks troubled hy courtroom stairs, hy her sister Margaret, 10, who tactics, summoned the SIU, that the KIU still had on file . LONDON (AP)=8outh African, The expectation was that i uss oi1ce The certifieation battle before prime ministers dence-=just a replay of old and | ( There ate 14 applications in and march, armed with a con-/breaking the peace, strators against South Africa's/and the Canadian Brotherhood ion, In one case, the SIU was an daunted by their failure Friday night by Moscow Radio Clyde an her mission to service lives of British people." hraken up hy 20 police and navy| marines were to sink quietly gave the Proteus and its 930. LEOPOLDVILLE (OP)=Can:/the ship as a financial shot in I'he Congo small arms fire. First reports residents af Oakville and Tra west down the Cange River, Went on sinike {Toronte milkmen boats and drove Hs 'way HONS garrison soldiers | Banana. mal out (AP W wgphola) A

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