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The Oshawa Times, 4 Mar 1961, p. 3

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OBITUARIES FUNERAM. OF MRE. JAWESIE. I FSRURY Reguiers Mase Mrs Famesie Voeshmry, who Sed @ 15 Gladstome avenue. on Ties day, Feb 2. in her 0h year were held on Friday. March # # Ham The body rested # Arasliong Funeral Home lor migh regien mass at S_ Gregory's Boman Catholic Church. Fnterment lowed In & Gregory's Came tery. The mwas sing hy Rey. Dr. ¥ Dwyer Fallhenrer {rw fm WA were 4 KE. McHes Clark and |. Hughe ALFRED MARTYN The death ocewrred at Sunny brook Hosoiial, Toronto, Thurs day, Maren 2. of Allred Martyn 95 Westmoreland avenue. The deceased, who was in hs Bib year, had veen in faithing health for several months Born wn London Martyn came 1n Canada Oshawe 5 yerrs apy ar riage maker by trade, he work ed for General Motors for Brady, ¢ i Fox, FE Mi ann England years prior in bis retirement Wn He woked on he fiest idsmotile produced in the Tncal Hm Mr. Martyn was » Aevoled member oA the Salvation Army and served as tresswrer of the Lishana | ape lor 15 years A vetera® of the First World War, he colisied in the Hh Battalon on Dec. 8 1915, snd ed wn Fwrope prior 16 Wie discharge on March 4, 1919 Predeceased vy Ws first wile in 100, Mr Maryn is survived Wy ne second wile, the former Alice Warmer, we Anglers, Mrs. I). Owen (Eiht) and Mrs 1). Abbots (Gladys) of Oshawa, and two som, Begnaid, of Osh-| awa, and Horace, of Detron, Mich. Also surviving are eight grandeniidien and 14 great grandomildren The funeral service was held at the Mekntosh - Anderson Fi neral Home at 2 pm. today Major M. Rankin of the Salva tion Army conducted the sery ices. Interment was in Oshawa Umon Cemetery ] COMING EVENTS KINSMEN BINGO 20-820 G $20 eqcr $150 Jackpot v $50 Fu ¥ 1 $30 Games pd AMES HNe plus | Card $250 Jackpots JACKPOT NUMBERS 52 and 50 TEAM Extra ' Buses JUBILEE PAVILION FREE ADMISSION --T WHITBY BRAS! CLLIE BAYVIEWY. BYR Wednesday, March Bth, SPECIAL GAME £ of och ¥ i D EACH WEE iF WON IN $20 $25 ADI TWO $250 546 ing ADMISS $1.00 Pp 18 OF 56 JACKPOT NCI €eds JESDAY, MARCH 7th 5 BAND BINGO LOUTH, WHITBY 8pm Fetus OM (Must full $200 Go \ NOW WORT} NUMBERS es at $2 GAMES $30 Consolatior JDES ONE CAR to Building Fund ¥ { $250 Monster Bingo I6 PRIZES OF $10 | EACH OF $20, $30, $40, $50 | SHARE THE WEALTH SATURDAY, MARCH 4th ST, GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM SIMCOE STREET NORTH ADMISSION 50 CENTS 2 EXTRA GAMES AT $25 $100 SPECIAL CHILDREN UNDER BIN TICKETS )E pit $1.00 16 NOT ADMITTED GO or 5 for EVERY MONDAY, 8 P.M. ST, GERTRUDE S AUDITORIUM 690 KING E. AT FAREWELL NL $100.0 IMBEF 0 JACKPOT CONSOLATION $20 20 GAMES 16 PRIZES OF $10 | EACH OF $20, $30, $40, $50 SHARE THE WEALTH ADMISSION CARDS 50 CENTS GOOD PARKING EXTRA BUS SERVICE CHILDREN UNDER 16 NOT ADMITTED WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE ~ SUPER MONDAY, BINGO MARCH 6 $100.00 DOOR PRIZES JACKPOT NOS, 51-56 2--$500 NOS. OR LE ACKPOY IF WON IN 52 REGULAR $250 | (IF WON IN 52 NOS. OR LESS $300 . JACKPOTS SS. (IF NOT, THEN GAME | Nos. 51:58 Consolation $28) IACKPOT $150 ATION) 20 GAMES AT $40 IF WON IN 17 NOS. OR LES $20 CONSOLATION) 5 GAMES AT $30 $2,350 PRIZES "THE NEW" MISSIO! TICKET VE ADMISSION TI a DOOR RED BARN rl EXTRA BUSES ADMISSION 1.00 FREE CHANCE ON $100.00 PRIZES fas hy doe {pleked up 1s pa local hotels for run helween GEORGE FLEMING, an | employee of the Bell Tele | pheme Company of Canada for | WM years honored by his fellow worker the Bell | Telephone plant here Friday afternoon. The staff assembled | in the npstairs lounge 19 pay | VR al tribwie 15 the employee of long stand and presented him with twa gifts and numer: | ous congratylatory \elegrams Shown Mr. Fleming, CEDLEE, 18 REERPUINE BR EBNE: fully wrapped power grinder for his home workshop from ahve Honor 50-Year Still on the job after 5 years Telephone Com Fleming, of 93 honored Friday with the Bell pany, Georg Park road south, wa I fellow employes afternoon al the company's cen tral office hwilding in Oshawa ne whi ening ol OnE fEmar wm the Bel tehhoard and a mer n Oshawa he Bell compan Lhe In enargs 50 central off 4 ated or Pre en te of % and Magill hook are, Kir eel east POSITION BOARD The hone ng some 200 Oshawa ers in those da four-position local and two opera handling long distance re I wa the that Mr. Flem ing, standing outside the central office as a $1h-a-month messen ger hn tehed Haley's Comet the sh the 3lmsie Leis exchange serv uhscrin or y hhoard oy J} 1160 sane ear Wi streak Deveral years employed a acrn when he a repairman Mr. Fleming and other mem hers of the Bell repair crew used the two-horse Whithy stage thelr means of transporia tion hetween Oshawa and Whit on line work, Operated hy Holden, the Whithy stage engers at the twice daily centres During the winter months, the stage became a sleigh which re later wi is the wo CELEBRATING | BIRTHDAYS Congratulations and hest wishes to the following resi dents of Oshawa and district who are celebrating their birthdays today and Sunday Those who celebrate to day are: My, Bam Arm strong, 8% Tecumseh avs enue Lawrence Richard 178 Olive avenue; Mrs. Len Keeler, 10 sau street Rod Ambery, 177 Rossland road west; W. Buckley, #4 Elgin street west; Bill Mit chell, 239 Cordova road Jane McDonald, 426 Simeoe street north; John Hurst, 268 Montrave avenue; Mr A 74 LaBlalle avenue irroll 2h Crear Heather Wilson, 168 avenue Andrew 290 Nassau St Linda Sloman, 308 Olive av enue; Alms Turrell, 227 Mon trave avenue; Lanny John stone, 47 Taunton road east Shar Foster Greenbank Ontario Those Sunday 17 Na Lauchlan Nas Barnes Ausan | avenue Sherwood Kroontje celebrate Mr treet who om Barrow Fleanon RI 1, Oshawa The first five persons to inform The Oshawa Times of their birthdays each day will receive double tickets ta The Regent Theatre, good for a four-week period. The current attraction is "The Warld of Susie Wong Reports on birthdays received anly hours of § am Phone RA 3.8474 11] will hetween and 10 he the am BINGO CORONATION ORANGE TEMPLE SATURDAY, MAR. 4th 45 PM 1 0 Games SHARE-THE-WEALTH A$ 4( Jackpot Yo I==$150 Jackpot Te Ga Ga sisted of a!' 11 Employee he the PABSENEELIE when that ndividual EM rough UCToR quired hardy Boing ARMY INNTH During the First World War Mr. Fleming was an instructor on the use of Held telephone army Canada Ar Osh Awa Wi transferred NEETING ronto for a to Hamilton Noyed unt in dd iL & man a La) Ion Mr. Fleming has shop behind his garage on Park where he spends a spare Lime on working af ALIO6S remained in when he the companys department in To hort time and then where he was em his return ta Osh CAMPS Fleming 1929 to £f awa idle for ware a road south gonad deal of his wood and metal GIFTS PRESENTED Mrs. Hilda Gibsor of the Bell Traffic Department presented Mr. Fleming with floor lamp on behalf of the de taff and Frank Spai ling, supervising central office foreman presented him with a power grinder for his workshop on behalf of the toll department In addition he read numerous messages of congratulation to Mr, Fleming J. W. Lowry, district mana ger of the Bell Telephone Co here said after the formalities had heen completed that My Fleming could remember (he names and telephone numbers of the first 20 Bell customers in Oshawa Hit By Auto Cow Killed Mr, and Mrs. William Her rington of Oshawa suffered cuts and bruises Friday night when a cow jumped from a diteh into {the path of their car on the {Taunton road, a mile northeast of Oshawa | The cow was knocked into the ditch and killed Mr. and Mrs. Herrington were treated al Oshawa General Hos {pital and allowed to go home {"Pheir son, Paul, 14, who was in {the seal, was not hurt (Jackson To Skate ' At New Toronto Don Jackson, of Oshawa Narth American Figure Skating champion, will he ane of three tap-nateh skaters to give a fig ure skating demonstration al the Lakeshore Lions Arena New Toronto, March 10 and 11 he demonstration will part of the two day lee-O-Rama Carnival at the Lakeshore Skat ing Club rink, sanctioned hy the Figure Skating Club performers appearing fackson, who 18 also men's Ngure skating champion of Canada, will be Wendy Griner, the senior la dies figure skating champion of Canada, and Petra Burka, the Canadian junior ladies cham pion a memher a partment hack rear Canadian (ther with My the senior SUPPORT FOR ROBARTS LONDON, Ont. (CF) Two senior London high schoal offi clals 'gave their support Friday to a suggestion hy Education (Minister Hobarts that Ontario {students with low grades be le harged $5 paper to write Grade 13 examinations. A. G. McCall [superintendent of London sec ondary schools, and C, M. Me Callum secondary school inspec tar, said the move would alm al outting down the number writing examinations wham teachers think do not have a chance EXHIBITION | Final Week . . This your last chance to see the BEAU VALLEY North on Ymens, bo) Romiand Rd KASSINGER CONSTRUCTION LTD, DON'T MISS IT! OF FASHIONABLE LIVING we then | purposes led [Three witnesses were heard he: |MEETING WELD [March 22 hel Three Youths | Jailed For Three Months Thies Oshawn youths were jailed for three months ly Wag istrate ¥. 6. Ebbe, Friday, when they appeared (or sentence iB connection with 18 thefis and # rein. Two other yothe were EVER B Year suspended sen lence Donald Mexander Bint, 18, of 172 Michell ayenne, was Bven 18 concurrent jail terme of three | manthe rach had pleaded guilty 19 mine charges of theft and a breakin The thefts included car thefls and thefts from milk hoitles. Richard David Wekay, 15, of 127 Fark rosd south, was given nine concurrent semences. He had pleaded guilty "in eight thefts and 2 breskn Michael Dell. 16, of 208 Divi sion sireet, was given loner eon current sentences. He had THE OSHAWA TIMES, | i a TEN owen) / # [om ™"! 8. pleaded guilty 10 three thefts and a breakin Donald Leshe Homer, Vi, of 9 Division street, had pleaded guiliy 19 two theft charges n volving money from milk bottles. He wes given # yesr suspended sentence Wayne Stedman Yall, 16, of 131 Cromwell avenue, had plead Oshawa Times Photo |€4 guilty 1a one theft of money from milk bottles. He also was EIVER B YERFr Suspended sen Flames Gut Frank BSparbng, supervising central office foreman, on he: half of the Bell toll depart ment and & foor lamp from Mrs. Hilda Gibson, on behalf of the Oshawa Bell traffic de partment 'WEATHER FORECAST SKIES WHA, be generally sunny in southern Quehes 15 dey bt will become Slowly this evening or early Sunday Bein and snow can be ov pected. Overcast skies have 8 ready spread inte southern . Onlgrin bringing rain and snow which Is expecied 19 continue Sunday (CF Wirephotn) DR. WILLIAM BOYKO Dentist Due to the destruction, by fire, of our office Empty Barn An empty barn was destroyed by fire on Harmony road, south of the Donevan Collegiate Insti last night. The harn was on property owned by a Torontn man. There was no farm house Firefighters were called at 700 pm. and did not return to the tation until 1640 p.m About 1500 feet of hose was needed to reach the hire from the hydrant al the collegiate During the time this. fire burning, two alarms were turn ed in for fires. These alarms were only four minuies apart. One was at 714 Besshor ough drive. The other was also on Harmony road south. An other grass fire was extinguish ed hy Oshawa firefighters at 11 Friday Ambulance eight routing ambulance calls since Friday morning. One these was a 425-mile (rip to Bar Lule TORONTO (CP) 4:0 am ESI was Brass and snow in central sections, A pected in southwestern sections and some areas of freezing rain are expecied in Lake Huron and Georgian Bay regions Lake Erie, southern Lake Huy ron, Niagara regions, Windsor London, Hem ilton: Overcast nia to bring home an Oshawa With rain today. Sunday cloudy man from the hospital there. It with eceasinial showers, Chance of few thundershowers lale tg Is believed this was the longest gay and tonight, milder. Winds trip that has heen made by the gast to northeast 20 (0 30 Oshawa ambulance Northern Lake Huron Hit By Accused Elder Testified A Seventh-day am crews answered south Adventist seen Milton-Smith strike. My Church elder told the Oshawa Ferrier. Myers sald he too had Magistrate's Court Friday he heen struck by the accused, hut had heen struck across the left|from behind, He testified that cheek earlier, he had "helped Mr, Mil Following the admonition of (ton Smith min a taxi." the Bible," ne said, "I turned) +you pushed him into a taxi," the ather cheek,' John Roberts, counsel for Mil: Did he strike it?" Magistrate ton. 8mith, said, "I helped him| F. 5 Ebbs asked " " rR into the taxi," Mr, Myers re "No," replied Elder Monte W | ed A Myers, complainant in I § ll Hy i i aa y 1 Mil In cross-examining the three . Lal ' |witnesses, Mr. Roberts, a To: ton-Bmith, af 'Toronto ranto lawyer, tried to establish COUSED RE ) | : nl ACCUSED REMANDED BE {if the Incident occurred In an Miltan-8mit | a arith faved 140 are. Actual religious ceremony, If ud bd chil ATEE OF CAS Iwas testified the people, on the | Ing @ disturhance, a Careless jawns near the auditorium, | frving ehaL fe nl a Parking |oould hear the service hecause violation Lhe cour Was pro y a i wake vl 0}; court was | | there was a loudspeaker sys: | ceeding with the charge that hein" 10 was also testified that| had created a disturbance in ania song and hymn service was in| assemblage mel for religlous| session, preceding the service of | July 2, 1060, He plead:| apdination innocent to this charge fore the case was remanded to] Mr, Roberts established that [there had been a Meeting Je y : Ava tween Alssistant Crown Attor:| mall, errier, A Revel 8 ney Bruce Affleck and some of | chert he had hee wheted tol the witnesses prior to the court Ifthe had heen Instructed 10 poaving He was not permitted | ask My. Milton-Smith to leave ' to ask what was discussed at the Missionary College grounds | {hat meeting an the attornoon of July 3. The annual Summer Conference was establish that everybody was \ ne ye ! heing he I a that time, MY. woicome to the July conference errier said he was shout to be go "indicated pamphlets to the ordained in a service al the | sour which turned out to have | auditorium on the grounds, ine" wrong date on them. He when he went to speak to Mil aoked Myers about weleame ton-8mith, The accused is an eX: [sians an the road inte the audi: commumeated member of thei japium, Mr, Myers sald he knew Church. Mr Ferrier said the [nothing ahout them | accused struck him when he tried to take him hy the hand and lead him from the grounds SAW BLOW Quiney and Andrew Jackson Darren Michael, also a minis: (were the only vetiring U.8. pres ter af the Seventh-day Adventist |idents to decline ta attend the Church, toid the court he had'inauguration of thelr successors minister Defence counsel also tried to DIDN'T ATTEND | John Adams, his son John 7 New For Spring * British Woollens . in distinctive patterns, colors and weaves. Featuring checks in the newest Olive and Blue shades. Fine: ly tailored made-to-measure suits af wonderful British Woollens fram 69.50 Sam Rotish MEN'S WEAR 7 KING ST, EAST RA 52433 SEE BRITISH WOOLLENS ONTARIO TODAY" Wet And Mild Sunday Picture Forecasts em issued by the weather office al regions Flee Synopsis: Rain and snow has or spread into southwestern Onta- freezing rain Lo day rio. This precipitation will with snow or rain Sunday spread eastward across South: milder ern Ontario today, giving gen: northeast 15 to 26, hecoming 24 erally rain in southern sections to 30 this afternoon few thunder showers are ex: Overcast hasaand 5., a temporary office, pending completion of the Medical Arts Building, will be located of 37 KING ST, EAST Alger Building, next to Bilimore Thestre RA 33718 = Telephone Unchanged at 107 Simcoe 5t Georgian Bay, Haliburton Overcast with spowfiur hecommg continuous snow rain by noon. Chance of Overcast Sunoay. Winds east io CITY OF OSHAWA NOTICE Discharge of Roof Waler fo Sanitary Sewers BY-LAW NO. 3831 of the City of QOshowas provides thet sites April Tob, 1961, it shell be an offence to discharge roel water to the sanitary sewer system and persons convicted of failing te comply with the proyisiens of the by-lew ere liskle te @ maximum penalty of $300.00 Lake Ontario region, Toronto with snow turning to rain this morning Sunday cloudy and mild with showers Winds north to northeast 15, he coming northeast 20 to #8 to night dnd southwest 30 Sunday Northern Georgian Bay, Kirk: | land Lake, North Bay, Sudbury cloudy today and Bunday, litile change in temperature, Winds northeasterly 15 to 25 Timmins: Kapuskasing region Sunny and cold today and Sun day. Winds light Forecast Temperatures Low tonight, High Sunday: Windsor r 48 St. Thomas , Kitchener London Wingham Toronto ,, ' {Peterborough 4s Trenton BI, Catharines Hamilton Muskoka ,, Killaloe Earlton 44s Sudbury ' North Bay ., Kapuskasing White River , Mnnsonee Puring perieds of heavy rein, roof water {which dogs net re: quire treatment) seriously toxes the facilities of the Sewage Treatment Plant end causes flooding of the sewer system, All owners of buildings in Oshowg should carry out 8n ime mediate check to determine if water from the reef of eny building is being run inte a sanitary sewer; end if this is found 10 be the cose, the reef water leaders must bs permans ently disconnected from the sanitary sewer net later then April Ist, 1961, Roof water may be disposed of by runni it. on the ground and letting it flow 18 the nesrest sire gutter, ditch or waler course, or by installing @ storm sewer connection Anyone requiring additienal infermatien sheuld eall RAndelph 51183 and leave his name and address with the City Ens aineer's Department, A representative will be sent out te discuss any problems WW. R, BRANEN, Chairman, Foard of Warks, [3 E------------------------ NOTICE Effective March 4th OUR OFFICE WILL BE LOCATED AT 37 KING ST. E. (2nd Floor, Alger Bldg.) GENERAL INSURANCE SERVICE RA 3-3843 or RA 5-687] _- RUG & CARPET SALES Broadloom wall to wall, Rugs, Carpets, Stair Runners, Installation by eur awn mechanics 174 Mary Street RA 8.4681 PRESTIGE HOME FROM HARRY MILLEN REAL ESTATE Located in popular APPLE HILL, Six rooms tastefully decorated. Broadicomed Living Room, Fully landscaped lot CALL: Substantial down payment required CHARLES SMITH ~ RA 8.8254

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