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The Oshawa Times, 4 Mar 1961, p. 6

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Fhe Oshavon Times Puiished by eradinn Hewspopes s Lim 16s, 86 King 5. E,, Csheons, Ont Setiwdey, Page 6 Mary 4 196i Canadians Must Adapt To Changed The theory that EER. turer like the Ainosaurs from the earth because they were un- sble to adapt themselves to 8 chang. ing environment is now being ques: tioned ; scientists now think that these extinet species perished in & mighty world-wide disaster, But whet cannot be questioned is that Canadiens today sre living in 2 rep- idly changing environment, snd un- less they Adup/ { themselves to it they could suffer disaster It hes heen clear some t thet the continuing Industriel revo. lution hes entered & new phase, the technological phase, in which the re. placement of man-power by machines power ~~ the process known gs auto. mation has been greatly speeded, At the same time, both production snd productivity have heen vastly in. ereased, to the extent that surplus production. Neg DECOME -BN EMDArs FRASIIERL In Many BEES ae- yvelopments have created jobs that skilled workers, more technicians Ene process falters make cannot CRNNOL Improve or & standard of living A few educators, a ists, » few the shape of things to come many years ago, Their warnings and suggestions fell, for the most part, on deaf ears, Living sandras, Noy where we must act powerti Bink for These new require more indeed without the skilled people to And { nation that Process is WOrK Keep pace w the aintal few industrial lahor leaders, saw was too easy to listen to Cas. are aL the lister. and think and we point A few weeks ago, George Ro berts, principal of OCVI, in a blunt, pointed address to Oshawa Rotarians, sketehed the problem and suggested some answers, The essence of his ad- dress was that there must be & great improvement in our technical and vocational training of young people, This week Dr, W, Donald Wood, di- rector of the Industrial Relations Centre and associate professor of economics at Queen's University, was SAYINg much the same thing Canada is limping into a new era of technological! revolution without the highly-skilled and adaptable man power needed to face up to its chal. lenges, Dr, Wood told the Senate manpower committee, He went "We enter the 1960's Ons with two veniched Conditions closely related end peredoxicsl probe lems of simultaneous shortages and surpluses of labor, On the one hand, there sre high levels of uremploys ment, particularily smongst the une #killed and semi-skilled groups withe in the lebor force, On the other hand, there is a rapidly growing demand for more highly trained menpower" He was "frankly very concerned" et the likelihood of continued snd persistent unemployment among young people end unskilled workers, He thought the startling postwar shifts in accupetionsl needs more white-collar professionals snd skilled technicians, fewer manual workers-- Ere ly. to continue gl an even more rapid rate in the decade ahead, To meet the manpower erisis he gd. VOLRLEA BNOri-run remedies | ad the "deleterious effects of shifting our levels of economic activity from the pge of mass production to that of the plus long # lahor fo greater ini fH technological revolution", 0 "Bevelop end that LErm measures ¢ FEE WIN MOre BKB He Kiel gaaptahiit Warned taken to tech will Are expand education ageanemi nica find get and vocations Canada that Ite Menpowe lem wil gels said prol worse nefore i eter He id these immediate 2] £01 nave EnaL unies our get sleeps are taken meanpower situation will never netLer ling & sub for the nas of Canade Neen gLantial part Its need profes glonals and technicians in post hy nee- ears b tng sary skil tries of Ei largey War importing them grants w the Ie from the war-torn coun But that supply has #8 the United King. dom and the European countries shook off the of end struggled through to new prosperity, And let us not overlook the vitally important faet that what helped them to rebuild their countries and their industries was their supply of highly skilled manpower The engineer, the scientist, the manufacturer are crip the technicians and skilled workers to help draw the blues perform the experiments, build and service the machines, Can ada does not have enough of such people, A major effort in educa tion is demanded, AlLLrac mn th rope dried up, effects War builder, the pled without prints near! We've Lost Utopia By The REV, W, NIVEN AITKEN Calvary Raptist Church, Oshawa ~ Where used to hear so First World War to end wars, This was truly helieved hy thinking people, For we just need the disarmament pro grams of the inter-war period, This was the golden age for which man kind had been waiting, Now men gould live in These dreams were shattered hy the tramp of marching feet, and Utopia was postponed until the new conflict was over ! Nixteen years have elapsed gince halt called, but still ne peace treaty is signed, understanding hetween nations has deteriorated, hopes of the effectiveness of a park. @he Oshavoa Times Lob WILSON, Publisher and Generel Manes € GWYN KINSEY Editar A SAME ng The the Wire 1883), Ww ndavs and statulery halidavs Me Re! bof Cangdian Daily Newspapers Publisher IY tor The Canadian Prem Audit Bureau of Circulation and tha Ontaria Pravingian Dailies Ane sation, The Canadian Pram ia exclusively entities no the ve tor republication of all Wwe despatched credited to it or te The Associated and alse the local newa published tights of soecial despat ae alm is the Utopia that we much ahout 7 The Was 10 be & war proof to recall pence rudel Was Cihawa Timm Gareily and daily The Osnawe 4 awtabiished 14 NONE Ie 43% "SUBSCRIPTION ATES Paliveies by oa Pickering, Bowman Albert. Maple 6 - " Liverpoa DATA un versity Avenus Oshawa. Whitty, Ajax art Parry. Frings Franenman'y Bay Eanaudien Llarement Slackatack LA) Burketon Raglan rantypae ® a delivery area 1500 carriers tiwhere Circulation for the issue of Feb, 28, 196) 17.223™ iament of appearing Ihe confused spirit evident In every direction. Modern music has got lost the jungle; Art portrays nothing so much as the confused mind of the artist; Litera ture has forgotten what it is to sats isfy the tastes of readers, Yet an. answer, Unfortu nately are seeking it in the harrven spots under new in: political action, in im eonditions, in more ef nations are rapidly dis of the age In in heller there is many same old names proved labor ficient business mangement Wonderful fore us in our Dominion national many centuries ago hy lie he The basis for greatness given the wise Solo mon who said, "Righteousness exalt eth a Ihere is little evidence of righteousness these days opportunities rye WAS nation Very ft 1s not something we can produce, for the Old Book says, "Our right eousness is as filthy rags" te God This is something we receive from God when we turn te Him in true repentance, It is only possible through acceptance of Jesus Christ as a per sonal Saviour, He takes away the sin and clothes us in His righteousness, Then we could see Canada as the na tion we desire Bible Thoughts And thus shall ve eat it Exodus all have appetites it is the Lord's passover 12:11 We desires and hungers, Many of them are God given But God who gave them is the only One who can satisfy them Be not afraid of them, for | am with you to deliver you. = Jeremiah 1:8, We are secure in the keeping of God sven when men indifferent ar antagon ste to the purpose of God wry to scare LIM), 2 vi / N= 7) QUEEN'S PARK TORONTO-=An nid fight is Wi bh back The government on forgetting ng mur An amendment 16 Lhe pal publi hhc lie But it neipal Officials Favored Public Forgotten By DON HEARN with us Bu thers ney of the tenager | oficiales EOE 1 he Muni hou protects the RENE hal nu done uw Act purportedly 100§ interest in pub business 1s nie ara or commission meet discuss a A0Grs 4 nper, His an ne hehing close merely formalized gl Ling the nl Ormahion hl wh and nat and women for 1¢ the p thing partis Id have are he the have In iar EL ahout them ne nidaer Agesn't Ars thing in This is hoards sect which ary he npen ut clause actually does nol hurry, to pul local minor direction it doe n that ui Inca and commissions under ion 180 of the Municipal Act thal al meetings of council the publi one brings I throm arian shall | fea) Qrdains to A] BENE refal pal and gnuiher will tend I i ten un which closed business hehind doors I This fps comm i tees 'commitiees W ALL This #&ll ells They Fuling to lead them Their inclination mor comimitiee Committet only (iw Clause specilicall ex how itself Fr £ame Including of the whois Yow COMMITTEE} Is Bh 0pen autocratically and boards invitation te mindea ol coun Bu hug the an now have & specifi will be to put Dusiness ages no Hoe € ana more Lhe meeting ol yholg | \ & council ar 8 wali GALLUP POLL Most eost of living to go up during the # lup Poll has charted public nex hefty and women look for this to hap pen Ded expected it mare than twice as large as in thought cost of the od for would increase nee [10 the eracy amie street madd is important to oh Men and wamen tion ire will those wha ive In Pal that Ih the nest six months, More People E14 flect ud thelr a of PURLIC OPINION Canadians expect thelr foday all I 8IX months a per cent of men pect wou Herease sinet when 40 per cent I'he a helly amber last the and Ap per cent af tl things they ask Iiving vi following wosi proportion is that 1954 when only day-by-day in the months I'h expe has hey peaple who live in a demo 1s nat a forecast of econ trends, this maninthe manths De things In the next six prices of most He higher Be lower Hemain about Can't ss Vill ihe sama in the na : \ clues lve . \ Osis an w § smaller towns and most convinced that stl higher while in the mount largest oi: {res inthe pest prices of Be higher Be lower About the same Can't say SIX 0 mast Larg hing 1 L 1% 13 ast report the Gallup per Vea ! 1 in 5 4 | Warse unemployment will increase of this with 8 neces Jdegisiators in BELTEL COUTrsE snl hooks reporters be higher While the personal attitude of same panian es cant OPPOSITION FIGHT hi mon wi attitude tow i f 0pm aras nod higm gh | & hitter end 1 "i doesn't that ie groun: the thousand munici the province Is NOL wn the public Interest ould he hard Lo even argue I could be) and the doesn't mn his house through municipal pol infected hy the in this field. This i unfortunate { there should he enough free and hroad men to see plain common sense that legislation which encour secrel meetings simply aur statute yslem should if the en governmen! shoula appreciate Lye NoOIERISIELIN 18 a or vel only one few pune certainly vant i 1] nu have uj ana an hug belong on and In of Ontaria hing Lo see our s Expecting Cost Of Living Boost y CANADIAN INSTITUTE €rs because iL may he re ed in purchases, and in at es of labor groups towards wages the Gal 12) ations as to whether prices Id go up. ar down. Ta do this ring doar-hells across provinees, seeking oul men women who will represent ecise national cross-section we aduli population, They rover two decades think the prices of things you buy will lower, ar about the months from now?" ¢ degree to which public ctation af still higher prices mounted since last Decem is shown below n of you the Lib camber 1860 0% TODAY 59% 1] 1] L] 4 100 100% ties are not nearly as apprehan the aver depending in Metra smaller cer Here's the Canadian hether he lives areas, in on farms way faels or esl mailer Cantres Farms N% \ 3 iM 41 3 3 an 100% 100% inking 1 would get compared to a hgh paint per cent wha believed last December World Copyright Reserved IMIALREK LOL BY-GONE DAYS W YEARS AGH Yay members of the factiurer 4 10 ramen nalrmar hrary Board Liner Pun The congregation K Methodist Church Bh annmver wn hm ng ot marked the pecial He A ar conducted Herh anist of ervice i. lrwi nhngd org Foromta and Treneer Calege nrganist aims! casion with a Hea ny Auring making dale IE ale building of $7700 were | own Enginee Shun the month of February the total for the ear u hein ermi and St Intermediate Senn mpi Simeneg Methodist Chureh presented a recital the leadership of the organist and choirmasier M. M. Stevenson, accompanied hy Miss Mildred Elli uel Collis Ialinist The Jum of nde and dam nr the Amateur AL 8 meeting the Oshawa hall A cock and ¥. Parson ed delegales io awa he annual Central Ontario Amateur hall As executive Base Pea Vere elect sent Osh meeting of Base of nelation, George repre al nelation The Board of Health increased the salary of the Medical Health Officer from 8100 to $500 a year Veil on a ram serious flond homes and business in us vieinity Oshawa Creek page and Ing of places caused UK. OPINION Government Seeks Time To Cool Off N. Rhodesia By W. WeINTYRE ROR FLASH A fel ETRIRERS. TRIRERIES Thal & Sie of engis RRS E # IRE Rasen fn Borthern Rbodesiz. Neyer theless, B 1 Bopefin that the 50 A = KREWE pening gesions 15 become OE § periein prreihaner A He propels fa EB REW Eonstiltion tor the tern tory. What CRREIARTER HER ficamt 16 That the EOVETRIRER. 18 wnder lack from Wik Bats from the Ewinpesne nd the Alricans ~~ therelore Hs plan cain be swid 16 be me -sided 19 [390% BRE EID WROTE hal the wher Foentuaily, 4 18 slwmiticd in official mecies, there will be # [rican _hyeImineR in But this, # Hrtish £8 Ia miy Northern Bhodesia CHETRE Wis Be WERE ra VIR Fi kY WN TEYIEN In spiie of reports of shits d 0 on the ERVEITImER Ek "over the settiement 15 he lid Northern Bhodesia bE S24 that Ihe ERVETRH wed In ind recgl fell nto fine they reghien Africas wi £m Is anak J oprt of the pia eileen Tory MP au tll 3) { 4d nt ve tha the Bn immediate large major the Bhodesian BNI E (1) Mi ir AND SHOUTING aad ne ma £m ana from Oh Rng } @ hes Boy Welensk and the Alncan mm the other in Aching tds patinnaiist dVE that is FE ernment wil i ai Jl 104 Hel ang 0 TELRNININE ference Ww the missing inn Hho fi wm in hn on of the 1a) consi AGAINST SOUTH AFRICA hu Commonweaith Minister Caonlerence DPENER HE the House their Africa FEMBIn Both partes--Lahor are apposed to al Africa partner With rims du I week the taling In We on of Cammy whether (7 np iH Parle W are ew WIN noua Within 1he the and Liberal wing bouth he a Laommonweaiin Unless and until Ms government gives i its policies of crimination Grimmnd Liberal Jars the operation and keep Similar Expressed Lahoy These members ly in ow he allo In Commonwealth nppasitim tn fils the 1eader SPEAKINE AL A | aid Britain: should racial Africa heen hy the racial Mr ra hE champmon of eh South have fareihl mit ews ery eaters ews from opposition er, are not like much influence on of the Common ministers who canahle of making own minds on whal a ticklish question. They likely to he in statement of that i South Africa | refused continued memnership. in the Common wealth on the apartheid issue she would never again apply for admission 15 unlikely that there will he any substan tial support at the conference for any proposal to rule South Africa out of the Common wealth NO CHANGE Britain's wide the West Indian, Pakistani A Indian immigrants who are streaming into the country at an howes nave the thinking Wealth prime are perfectly up then will he are much more fluenced hy he []] Verwoerd IN LAWS open door WIE AREINER Tie, 16 tn Hay DIRE SEER, for Re present # ws Thic wae sled rie ERE BY IRE ERVEIRIRER sisi n wn © Wowse of om FRE RET E, ERE es by Cyr Oelwrne Comakry ative MY for owth Mi. Osborne made & Him Pies for Bawigtion of colores RIE RE Win. the pies Esnghom. AM present, he noted there are hk IM coloeed peoie wm Bridge and ther PIRSERRE WRE FRWOIRE AR Wh Actiaine spi@d prowiem I have # leching" he seid hit the Home Secistary is sit Bing on & senies of powder kegs WIRET LINER REIRGRE RE RIT THA ment. The Umied Bingdom is the honeypot which pliracts these peapie. Many of them can lve here hetler on the An than they can by working wn their pwn Lomiy David Benton. wnler sect eary 10 the Home fice, said the sid Wation was being watched very CIOREVY, DL BA REL Was Wis posed. He indicaied thet the SRIEEt wid he Miscnssed hy the prime minister with the Commanweaith prime ministers coming here for next week's CNET ENA FALSE ON PIATEM Entsh ng the Lallin WAS nsustna Inmediaie There are One 15 that Capital equipment Bre shill on the ner 15 the fact Hels pre fac future with we brig wrders Im for industry WCTRRSE The that industry EXPERIENCED SECRETARY Oshawe Professions) Office Mayer & briotowi [7] AREHITEETS ENGINEER Bor 64%, The Oshows A BE FEAR CRE # ARERR. Rasa 1H WRETE Then wes Ihe TERE REN RWG EY Win the Rast al ir 108, conducted By the Fhheintion th Riki week trikes thet Bram ie how CARE IERONE Rise mR The Hatens which was resehed RERITY BR VERY Ren The lngdry hows consider: Wie Msprmity between the ex pectatione of varios types of aw Ty. More hen # Rees FEport Iuiger wider boks than they Bal 7 veri win. The Fede RIREIN & REDEITE LARCAR Thongh the generrl mood 18 WH Iesseming mAtimiem, the. fe LaNieR rEpeiietions EVE Some hope that thie trend may be bated." RY ERIE TOMORROW LEADER or Your TIMES CARRIER Is keorning To Become A Your Help Will Be Appreciated rr ---- 135 SIMEGE 7. NORTH ® RESIRENT PARTHERS Borden W. Rishl, £4, R14 Burt B, Waters, £.4 Hon. J. W. Mentaith, FEA, MP Garden W. Rishl, £4, R14 Robert WwW. Lightisst, £4 Monteith, Monteith, Riehl & Co, | Chartered Accountants PARTNERS OSHAWA, ONTARIO o TELEPHONE Qshaws BA §-A837 Mas WH 32-0856 Bowmenvitie Zknith 4-8708 A Westh Manteith, 8, Eommy A Senrge § Tisthewsy, EA Burt RB. Watens, £.4 To gel the results yeu wani en LAWNS & GARDENS see vs now! For lawns we recommend Turf Specigl for the classiest, aur nelghbourneod For flowers and Special will hel iream about. Drop-in soon heado shrubs, grassiest lawn in Garden get the resylis you i WE'IE uarters for all gardening needs 50 LBS, ony Be 30 A.W. RUNDLE GARDEN CENTRE 1015 KING 87. § OSHAWA RA 5:1764 Local and Long Distance Movers MALNKRIE DS fragile dishes, ote protest your clothing WAREHOUSES: NORTH BAY And every Van lead your pratection & Ses how cartons are packed te protect See the rugged wardrabes pravided te Ses the heavy padding used to sliminate fumiture scratches and dents Now On Display In Beau Valley SEE HOW WE PROTECT YOUR FURNISHINGS : (DISPLAY IN HOUSE NO, 4) ®. Ask about our FREE ESTIMATE SERVICE + + BUR HEATED STORAGE FACILI TIES & We supply a fram INSURED fou MACKIE'S VAN & STORAGE LTD. AGENTS FOR NORTH AMERICAN VAN LINES INC OSHAWA Jucking to unpacking . « « by trained persannel & A FREE Voy Van is provided to all sus: tomers whe mave 30 miles or mare complete moving servige, ELLIOT LAKE

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