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The Oshawa Times, 4 Mar 1961, p. 7

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-------- eh YOUTHFUL MODELS # the "Dallas De' included Dar Spring Fashion Show Staged | By Simcoe St, Sunday Schoo | figs Council set ' Mstniets 16 prevent overigpping and workers were loaned 16 tine] werk shoulder to shoulder with ini Indian school principals, doc Gay Aaflodils formed an af tractive sething for Dafiom Lillian Havwrid, §. Cleve Cathy Sheffield Sharon | 11 Krdoiig, MH } Sheffield, 7 Busan Murdock, ons CRmpwen, 1 | The Ted sonal mesting off (Ontiawn Vissvpianal WHs ded iheid iw Trig mies Cher | | Bowmanoiie with Wy aRonering) he rol cal | Phe president, Mrs. F. Bend |6F Waavihon, West TRE Romer JES. SEAT DETR Mia Christine Waster of he (nied (Cheah Mission tn Iadic who spoke Iw the aliersomn and mona sides of Ker wove in (he ovemng. Mes. BH. Soper president. of Bay of Cite (on = fevenes Franek, spove on acy TRETRENY RHA (CRANTER The Cr. ference of premaents Ww the ROTTARE Pe 2 THE OF INIA Miss Baier, who spoke with the sihority gamed in five ferme of work wi India, called Canela » cowtry of sper | qa tity and quai y winie badia {with the rickicst #A0 possbly (he Hd | ! | : Kt Wel WB The WONG, has L#iso B perry of what 16 Cone. | CTE Reckssitins. "Voverty and § [SERIE y"' 15 the sory 104 Wy 3 {fomiints ha regretisad Wy In {iene nd workers whe leak 19 | mppreciaie (he Gugnties of fhe | [re ACTER. FREI from the Wilding oA Aams nd iproduction of Een ny | WIREIRE War il (hitiies Tid REIN says hal EVER Mor wonderful 1s the edication of WOER, In 1007 wt the first church wn RE WEE IRE RE WOTKEr met with 11 ahah members, Fifty VERES later in Ceminl India 7 congregations have 900 bap tied members and gre one of Ww hreh connate gnd the Ln ed Chareh of Northern India ha 700 00%: members [ 5. All sre members of Simcoe Street United Church Sun aay vi Ushere beth Dyer Tudy Wh Fin Ha De' a children's fashion show Maniyn | fildred Macho sponsored Simene Mreel a8 AFH ik ar United Sunday School in ald of Hayward, Tanda Jf {4 their hulding fund Bonnie Snyder welcomed the parents, Inends, - guests ang children present and introduced) the commentator for the even ng, Mrs. Bohert Sheffield, and pianist, Mrs. Frank Binge An eye catehing array of beautifully styled clothes rang mg from pretty pastel parts dresses and smartly delgiied suits and goals 1o the latest Wn Carlson Mana Wei wore Aatledil yell low holeros trimmed with) do AMdwinekle green, Mave Morris and Tin Womens Editor Karly in 1957 the work of the (United Church of Canada there Iwas mesimed by the United (Church of India and the ward WIssIon Wis (hanged 1a Chin tan, Thus, the Nationsl Chi Aside -cerian tors and superintendents of hos pials as required The Christian Counell ha 7 heen extended (to include the herds of all institutions and re Dil BA #-5474 S$, Saturday, March 4, 1961 da Tavie @ wh charge of the THE OSHAWA TIME sale of candy Beverly Morris thanked #l thase who SlLCRsS nenait of 1h hah Brg Marcy an of Young Maderns naay BR Dieser { Al the #8rd annual meeting of casual na DERChWERF WEFE Whe commitiee In charge of the Oshawa Preshylery WMS morelled by i members of the planning this event was: Con: the following officers for 1061 Sunday School. The models ener Ai Nick Gulenehyn; were installed hy Mrs. BH who ranged In size from 8% oo" convener, Mrs, William Soper; past president, Mrs, M UX, were Cathy and CVE gpopnerd. (ickets, Mrs, Albert|C, Pisher; president, Mrs, | Sheffield, Nancy Buchanan Manning, publicity, Miss Grace Heed, Hampton; first vies Tommy Gulenchyn, Babar goa.e and Mr. Don Thomp president, Mrs. H, A, Mellow Cory, Wendy Lee Wilson, Busan co. door prizes, Mrs, Bussell| Oshawa; second vice-president Murdoch, Sharan Campbell, oo danie Manning, Tilian Hayward go. and Darlens Kadoski Ted Clarke, accompanied by Onward Group and candy | Fear ce Mrs, H. Verguson, Bowman third vice-president, Mi Vallaise, Whithy; record Mrs, BK, Werry decorations Mrs Sergeant; ushereites ville pile, Mrs George ! Primary wep, Miss|Iing secretary, WHI Mrs. dohn Dickson, play eds saves: dressing models, Newenstle; enrresponding sec three violin solos for the audi: yee fobert Currie, Mrs, Mus retary, Mrs, BR, B. Galbraith Mrs, John Moffat made the [4Y Davidian, Mrs Jello Bk oshawa; treasurer, Mrs, Wil draws for the door prides and er Mis Keith Buchanan; | oo on CRs kiin the winners were announced: hy Sage properties, Mr. Keith!" Beoretary for Christian si Mis. Willian Shepherd Buchanan avdship, Mrs, D, Armistead - Bowmanville secretary fn M M mission eireles, Mys. LL, Ni Sho in Hints Kemp, Whithy: secretary for CLUB CALENDAR PP g affiliated CGIT group Ir J For Sponges dependent on the hemp fibre 16th Beout Mothers' Auk, Victoria Lodge, LTH One of the handiest helpers manufacturing process, In a 1th Group Commities {around the house (excluding well-made sponge, he file Daughters of England father) is a sponge. These effi-lpuns hovigontally on the length « Bt. Peter's WA elent household alds performiof the sponge, giving greater Holy Cross WA an task fram eeping uplienstle strength. The sponge will | hroken hits of glass to applymginot tear easily, In cheaply -made WEDNESDAY wallpaper, As with any other | sponges the five 15 often omit University Women's Club [every-day convenience, we Lake)ted or, at hest, added only al Victory Lodge, LOBA the sponge for granted, often! vandom Rebekah po No I] Lguickly selecting one at vandom | Buving # hetter sponge will Northminster WMS t the supermarket is we eo) pay dividends in long wear and Come Double Club [leet the family groceries quality, A sponge will last In Parent-Teacher Assn [- Actually, sponges, as with alll definitely if it 1s well rinsed Centre Bireet WMA other manufactured articles, oanlafter each use, Incidentally, the the either well or badly made [life evele of a sponge used in THURSDAY Knowing whit ta look for in althe hame 16 almost always from Eve Alexander Group | Sponge WH often vesult tn save|the hath tub to the kitchen to n Anfirew's Wa ngs as well as increased effi: the workshop ing Blreel WA cieney rk T THE PU d bth Seout Mathers' Aux \ starting point in selecting a WIT THE PURFORE Calvary Baptisi WMA wollanade sponge is to look atl Using the proper sige helps th Beaut Mathers' Aux the holes, A good sponge has! in sponge efficiency a5 well Bl. Lieorge's Eve, Guild pare apenings which are "engi:| FOF Instance, sponges come in St (eorge's Aft WA [neerved inte it. They wun in|8N sizes from a small dish Ard Seoul Mothers' Aux leven lavers and all in the same |wAshing ane to the lavge man Silver Crass Women divection hese praperlv-de. | Steed car-washing sponge | Shunt Phar wh signed holes make the sponge] Now, a new type of product vn hi Park A x more ahsarbent and ald in eal 18 avatlable wn Canada i MY Mattos WA Li [leeting erumbs and other parti:| sponge cloth, The § % 10 inch ? & PL cles on smooth surfaces reinforced cellulose 14th Beaut Mothers' Aux FRIDAY Centre 81. WA (East Grp.) MONDAY Mary Bt. HB Assn Albert Bt. HB Assn Adelaide Melaughlin H=8 | North Simeoe HH Assn Westmount H-8 Assn Westminster WE Women's Welfare League Gertrude Colpus H-8 Pleasant Man. Aft. Club Sunshine Rebekah Lodge Maxwell Heights H-8 St. Cenrge's Guild TUERDAY Knox Preshyterian WA Dr. CF, Cannon H-8 ween Elizabeth H-8 OPN Club 8A Hamme League Christ Chureh WA WoTU Duke of Edinburgh H-8 Kinette Club Ever-Ready Class Centre Street (West Grp.) CORRECTION In the acoount of the Bruyea Garrow wedding yesterday, i stated that the bride carried a Prayer Hook which had be: longed to the bridegroom's moe: ther, It should have read, 'the idegream's grandmother, the bri iste Mrs. William Holtham " I is haped that the unfortunate! LYPAETARNICAl BTTaT Causes Te embarrassment 10 the bide groom's mother, | which is added to It during the [hey Bh he strength of a sponge i8|sponge Moth eambines the prap see if it isn't the greatest "35' you've ever handled!" NIKON F AUTOMATIC REFLEX = Come in "Everything TUTE TT OSHAWA | 22% NIak BY AB dees IN BOWMANVILLE B KING 87 E RA 3.2248 ROS 80 STORES YN PLAZA [ AND WHiTAY # ees, ow Mus. F, J. Reed, Hampton wm oie Heads Oshawa Presbyterial WMS "4" | presentatives of all work in the |\areq and & commitiee of 4 members made responsible for| all work in g (remendous Rres languages baler displayed the (WH. ¥. Hawkshaw, Oshawa eerelary for affiliated explorer SOCIAL NOTICE groups, Mrs, K, Leask, Port Ferry; secretary for mission hand Mis. WW, Warburton ENGAGEMENT Courtice; secretary for hahy, Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Barassin Holmes, Ogh- of Oshawa announce the en gagement of their elder daugh secre: ter, Doveen Yvonne, to Mr Patterson, | Bobert Francis Brewster, son Brooklin; candidate secretary, of Mrs. James Brewster of Osh Mrs, H, i. Hare, Whithy; see-|awa and the lale Mr Brewster retary for Christian eitizenship, |The wedding is to take place vs Mountjoy Oshawa; | In Cedardale United Church on | community friendship secre: | Saturday, March 25, 1061, at § tary, Mrs, BR. C. White, New: p.m, hands, Mrs. N. I ssociated members' tary, Mrs, J, ¥ tonville Nerature secrelgry,| Irs, M. Bullars Prion: AT HOME missionary monthly and world Mr and Mrs, George 1, Beall friennd SROTELATY {RR 2, Oshawa will he at home feffs, Prince Abert; press -see.|L® their relatives and friends on retary, Mrs, J, 1, Pegg, Osh {Thursday March 0, from 2.50 AWA, supply secretary, Mpg, [10 O and 7 to § pm, on the IC, Diwn, Bowmanville neeasion of their golden wed ding anniversary erties of a cloth, a spongé and {a ghamois, and makes quick] {work of hig cleaning jobs | | Like regular cellulose sponges the household sponge eloth only FOR BEAUTIFUL ahout aneeighth neh thick Is highly absorbent, lint « free land vesistant to damage hy| ORE greasy matter and grit [Care of the sponge cloth is simi [ar to that for regular iponges tharough rinsing and drying 40 King ERA 5-015) A FINER BLEND YOU'LL BE PROUD TO SERVE! § diane mollen sophisticated styleful way a highly skilled hair invites you 18 visik jWla's beauty salen 10 take advantage of the | 18% reduction on all cold wave perms during march attractive this hairda in a models thang stylist NE EAH BEAUTY SALON 'Oshawa Presbyterial WMS Ids 33rd Annual Meeting | Ausihiary {roc trio "A Wegrt Kis Thine toon fw the Reverend W, KE! " wif br Jamey, © % Aidvaad Kichmond, of Towey CHwWeR, Bowmanoie jewellery given to her when she WOIIVERS WEETING 615 India and WoYR fs & Wes for twfiding advince of $1568 A Rr 7 on Weal of Trim fied besn sent (6 tras and 0, Unies Chaves and Oshawa wer and there were 8 pew Cited! Prashmtery wd by Wes, L, F, de 3 of fiengrdoon remidemt. of Ohana, 3 Fras WA, Wes. WM. Bot ispoke bn "Sewardenty" and an Sars ae pues 4C the Mevsiavenommess an imcrssss of $996 I Mrs. K&. Werry gave & ief table, Cowiesy raporss were the few allocation fo bing [is ARE of four 16 the women Feswme of (le mimes of Iasi pyanented Wy Miss Eh Or siomary saeries wp 16 fhe of Cami VERE § A (uh of The Govermen s Eraghed copies of (he sory CHAE WaE TRE WORGOR 1 (he The Jem preprish vy he cowry WOUEER (6 West. (he (pier il svonding secretary, Mex. K, 1 MAOCATION rvs of Edvbvvrgh we breil Phe cxaallent petorss take, i 195% and 1999 showed many th REEEIE A phedern India nein: HE # _SoTERsloney Rosie tome of The 14 ction on Indore, some village wovk wd (ERR r s (ming Onsees, The: Aimed caste sysiem has nol FRIELY Med ow DW Aemocricy 1% IRETEGSNE, FOREIGN WIsSIoNs Urs poke - on the wudy of REVIETIARL WOE went wid the piace of missions Wit, The department of for CER WI ETAnG the move ment wt the World Cowell mesting wn Fdhwrgh of 1 CTIENES ITHEgIing Emr h fintioneivty and race. Thies the Comnerl wie aie to help refi GEER RE MNCKER CRrches Re WEN as compere Wn wears ' CAGERIION, HETREY RE Hel Rl WORK s Ais. Sover Miscussed the me Ahamies of the Hew WARE § BF aiarration at the vanes simi levels siressing wilocation, Wid 15, WHS, LOBPErRtion aid re ir rst GEN Wiz, BB. Galbraith adh on "Crest Ideas wn the Bible the setivity of the Living God Crestor, Judge and Redeemer showing the scope, vanety and Wenefit avallamie in Bible sludy IN MEMORIAM The tn Memoriam Service for Ww members whe died in 1960 wis led by Mrs, A Dilling and Mrs. WH. G, Shaw of Si Vals United Church, Bow manville Worship service in the after noon wes led hy Mis, ¥, 8 Cra aitl, weve datntwied R. Jeff WL A WITH ONLY MSsTing nd. Ivignes: WIE Ts Mnner served an InereRse of over Trimity WMS, grestings wer REMODELLED -- RENOVATED & ld 000 DOWM ARRANGED Outside older, inside newer Lieven of Craenwond and Mes of others in the chek of fay Bett of Colm The presiiariat eles or martin wil pe Meld 3 Andvew's United Chwveh, Of Mr Charter DT al The swe on Monday, Merch 6, #8 of $2066 and gL IB paw. REDECORATED FULL PRICE $11,900 Farmer and Mrs, H, W. Hosking on the theme "Advance in Ser vice", They represented the Harmony Affiliated WA In the evening the devotions) wis In charge of Bt, Andrew's United Church, Jessie Panton with Mrs, John Dancey reading the Scripture and Mrs, Reginald Martyn gy ing the comment PROGRAM Puring the day Mrs, Frmie A. Hallowell was st the piano and in the evening Miss Jrtiie OPEN ALL WEEK-END -- A DELIGHTFUL SURPRISE AWAITS Y-0-U!! 75 ORCHARD VIEW -- FOLLOW THE SIGNS!! DOUGLAS L. GOWER REALTOR RA 8-465 ' Nelles was at the organ, A fine Let them keep you end your family looking as smart as you are, Take advantage of thelr OPENING SPECIALS ) Plain Skirts . . 4% Two Piece Suits 99¢ Trousers & Slacks 49¢ Plain Dresses . . 99¢ starting March 6th and are for a limited time only, A menage to our sustomens and friends | oo We wish to thank you for your patronage in the past Cleaning ability has prompted us 10 open this new location enable us 10 serve you better. We pledae with the finest in Diy Cleaning Purseives to | ARE PROUD TO ANNOUNCE... THE OPENING OF A NEW BRANCH STORE JUST IN TIME FOR. va Serving the Rossland & Hortop Area from 622 Rossland Rd. West The opening specials apply only to cash-and-carry at our new location, Your faith in our Dry continue to provide you CLEANERS Sueh a brangh will §

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