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The Oshawa Times, 6 Mar 1961, p. 10

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10 THE COHAWA TINES, Mondey, Merde 6, 1961 Habs Gain Ground {Big M' Gets No. 47 Ii% 4 ¥| Marshall getting the winner atl oA / ] ] 4 SUNDAY PUNCH AS CAMILLE, HENRY BEATS TERRY SAWCHUK TWO - POINT LEAD Genosha Hawks Edge Moss Park (ed 10 apiece with Silverman get ting all his points in the first half and Bernstein 15 in the second stanza, Ken Hartas add ed 10 In foul shootin to a seasonal ln 20-048 shots, Toronto had of-27 TORONTO MOSS Himel 6, Bernstein 18, Geriner 4, Bilverman 18, Grossman Raphael 6, Hartas 10 and Gel man 4. Total 68 OSHAWA HAWS Oldfield 28, Cheski 18, J. Olinyk 8, Booth Oshawa Hotel Genosha Hawks field had 10 of Oshawa's #7 eked out a close 70-68 vietory! Aller the half, Oshawa went over Toronto Moss Fark, Bal-linte a full-court press in an ef urday night at Donevan Colleg:|fort to speed up the game, It iate, in the first game of theiriworked to perfection and the two-game, tolal-points OBA In-|Hawks netted eight points ter "A" second - round play-|without a reply. Also Silver downs. The return battle willlman, the Toronto big gun, went be played at Jarvis Collegiatelout of the game on fouls and in db on Tuesday at 7.40) this helped the Oshawa cause m. Oshawa will carry a slimino end, They stretched the lead wa-point lead into the contest. [to 18 points as some pretiy pie The Hawks, wha have had tolture passing with Oldfield and wait two full weeks for a win-|Cheskl on the scoring end, mov ner from the Toronto area, |€d them well ahead played one of their poorest] It was then that Dave Bern be A games and were fortunate to|stein and Bert Raphael, the hig|¥ He ynolds % Koladzie fi, ado get a win, Only Brent Oldfield|6' 8" forwards hegan to hil {vieh i Olinyk i and Vaughan and Carl Cheski played up to|Bernstein showed off a nifty Total 70 their usual form, Missing from!hook shot that was almost un: Officials Dave the lineup was John Newey, |stoppable, and Moss Park con {dim Brady, Oshawa first-string guard and this may|trolled the offensive backboard Bearers = Marcel Boivin and have had a bad effect on thelas if they owned it Boh Eagleson, Oshawa play of the Oshawa club, New:| Oshawa began to sag ey Is expected to be back In full court press was not nearly action on Tuesday night as effective and their lead soon Oshawa held an early lead| dwindled away, Carl Cheski left after five minutes of play and|the game on fouls | Inoked as though they eould win| minutes to go, as the game he handily, Boh Booth and Brent|came very rough, Sammy Gel Oldfield scored well against the/ man tied the score at 68-all for| goals Moss Park crew and the Osh:|/the Toronto erew and only winner--as awa club were checking their Brent Oldgield's last minute beat Detroit 6-4 Saturday men very well, But the Parkers, | basket gave the Oshawa team al Toronto's Frank with a lot of old "pros" in their| close 70-68 win, Oshawa will belwho scored the winning lineup were quite content to work for good scores, Within a few minutes Willie Silverman continued to hit, time after time, From the 10-minute mark on, Oshawa were shooting bhonus-free throws and it was al H] the foul line that they really|peints followed by Carl Cheski victory over Boston Bruins Sun fell apart, They managed only/with 15 for the Hawks, Hob day B:for-10 in the first half and still] Booth and Gary Vaughan added Camille held a 87-85 lead after the early|eight aplece York stanea, Willie Silverman had 18] For Moss Park, Dave Bern: goals in the Rangers of Toronto's 86 points and Old: stein and Willie Silverman seor [squashing of Detroit Red Wings Oshawa Bowlers { wa sank wing only 17 PARK Kelly and Their| | WEEKEND STARS fernie Geoffrion and goal very best to continue in OBA| Rangers Canadiens Plante, whose goaler AgliLy play Tap scorer In the game wa "Harney" Oldfield with § enabled Henry, little |Hawks enson turned out to he the win ner as Hawks beat Maple Leafs #1, By LAURENT CHIASSON Canadian Press Mall Weiter Dow's count those Montrssi Canadiens ow yet True, the Habs are Aol over- powering the opposition We they once &id, cy oii Wave Toronto Maple Lewls and first Place within easy reach The Canadiens were fo to] or in & couple of tough hatties dn ng the weekend. They camel k® throwgh wnscrpiched with fow We points. Coupled with & Tor onto defeat, i moved Montreal to within twe points of the league leading the standings Pon Marshall and Bernie GCenfirion weve the Wg guns for the Habs In their Saturday might mn "trom with three| By THE CANADIAN PRESS |p Don and each team drew four Marshall, who each scored twolalties « one of Marshall's the had a Montreal Canadiens while Peters (2), Kolesnik and|lodge, Mahovlieh, | for at a distinet disadvantage Tues: with only four minutes left nia three day on the Parkers' home floor(the game Halurday to give the and Vernon, and will' have to play at thelr(Leafs a 6:4 win over New York|4.2 hut Jacques man and Sprott a ¢ {Montreal to Squeeze out a 2:1 defence, Btevens and Reid centre who potted three Bprott, #8 and Davey Babhy Hull of Chicago Black forwards, whose 20th goal of the|Namee Taronta| Bradley game peainst Detroit in Mont veal, They each scored twice-- 17:0 of the third period and Geoffrion the clincher at 18:51- in & 04 victory over the Red Wings Sunday at Boston, the Habs were extended to the Bm. Bul late gon! hy Marcel Bonin gave them mg 2-1 decision over ; the lowly Bruins Meanwhile, the Teals a BA victory over Rangers Paturday TE 2 von howed : Vow and 4! 0shawa Midgets Lose First One In Kingston 5-2 Oshawa Midgets, only "City league til in the run ning for Ontario Minor Hockey Association honors, opened their second round of playolls in Kingston Saturday, losing a 52 decision to the homesters Return game will be here at the Children's Arena this Sat urday, when the local lads must overcome that three-goal deficit or step to the sidelines Actually the Oshawa boys were nol so much out-played they just. weren't sharp enough in the first period and appear ed to he suffering from "travel ! hut once they got rolling the Ir feam 0 big ice surface were ghle to hold their own the lgst two pe riod Kingston struck for a 3-0 lead the first period, Lavalles White; Cashman from sporvit and Lavallee again, this time on @& three-way play with ie \Claney and Blevens I'here were no penalties in the first game hut Smith, Lavallee and Head, of Kitchener along with Gibbens and McNamee of Oshawa, all drew terms in the sinbin in the middle canto Bruce, on a pass from Sprott made it 40 for Kingston hut only a minute later, Peters withheld from MeNamee and Kolesnik, got this one back In the third period, as wa tired, play: roughened the up pen Lavallee and Smith each pair for the winners Bradley were found guilty" Oshawa In the scoring, Matthews, on « way play with King made the count just a minute later, Bruce got this one back, Cash isting Demmler for Converey and nD, White, KINGETON ==goal White alternates, wards, B Clanay, New| Hurke, Lavallee, Davies, Smith Cashman, Bruce, Cox Rradien and Kolesnik; Lutton, Mi Armstrong Cheesman, Supryka, HI ORHAWA defence, Caver Peters, alternates, Matthews, Vernon, lott and Harman goal King A1044-45, The Big M has foe) apie Lents Wn fed (#1 1s Black Hawks at Chicags the other Detroit marksmen (Saturdey pnd fs expected to be 067, Sanday Cloves s goal was We 2h of it for # wesk 19 19 devs ud Jioriss ' . the spason vy Pulford, | back after, VEIETR Harlie NEES THREE, WORE Wotan sewed first Swnday\a Pi-month Yeyolt with sipped is rink 15 theese viet Fig Frank Uahovich Wegeed yhen Murrey (Wver poked Wl ies, got Toros lone gos : : (the WInRET--WIth [WF WIRES fig oun rehownd ht Billy Hicke day, Ken Wharram and Bobby 1908) left~in Faturday's win. Bt WAS wyaned ings wo I-34, setting the Ball scored fov be {file ATth gonl of (he BERS. stage for Bomin's winner in thelfore Fleming | lenving him only thees short of] ith minwie of the third iis) Maurics (Rahat) (LEAFS BAD TRANWED hand's record , set ini LE A : Mahorhe's 4th gout eile, (pot yeh rg slg gi Ce wes left to play |maned & COMeSTom Eng Vie oo corn ord In another weekend game, |lory for the Leafs Saturday [the Rangers struck for theese They tintled 30 as late as the STS RECORDS | goals within 50 seconds enety In| 15-minute mark of the second. New York's three: \the first period and slated to perod against Detroit, lam easy B53 tnamgh over the, (Other Toronto scorers were club records, came in the fir ily Harrie, Ed \twe minutes and 23 seconds of) i event, each rink Bm jock Friadite, Wings at New York Sun Tim Horton, : whe seoned|i( q to only one skip and one Bert Drgley day (die Shack and Bobby Baum. the game The Leals now have " points Baun's goal was Wis first of the, Camille Henry, land the Canadiens, ie| saesom. For New York, it was three gogls, started the rout af Chas. White Montrealers still have one game Andy Bathgate, Ted Hampson, (1:93 of the first period wal fhe other hres Members 19 Ges in hand, Chicago is third with! Johony Wilson and rogkie Jean! Hannigan tallied at 2:18 #ndl oli Oshawa - Cobourg Aud FR 0 points and Detroit forth with! Ralelle, playing in bis first prol Andy Bathgate at 2:23, The ib visit, which was also on Jom Ned ! gAine three goals in 60 seconds algo gon' his year's event wae coe. il' Defenceman Doug Harvey The Leafs, without centre Red two in five seconds were § limited Ciguid fa h Ligh ir ws, Comp, and winger Guy Gendron tallied| Kelly, were outplayed most oflfastest made hy Ranger pay: ont ioe 4 aed 4 ) the Canadiens' other two goals the way wt Chicagn Sunday, Willers in % years of league eom-| Runners wp for the Bay wes 7, Baturday : had i chance to get wt least B| petition the foursome of Gi Darin ton, Were Vie Slasiuk and Gordie Howe tie until the final minute when Hannigan fired another gos! Norm Ward, "Preem' Wilt ip supplied Detroit's offensive Hawk rookie, Reg Fieming, for the Biueshirts in the second og George Cam hell. gi hi, fuiady fodiens pinch, Stasik scored ones and) scored Chicagy's third goal in an period, The other (wo tallies on 0 BRL P00 / H : total Rc Yee! isted on the other three while empty 7ot were by Harry Howell and Ra of Wiig Aes samen or # Lot) Bey dirt Howe, playing a spectacular. Kelly, one of the Wig reasons telle 4 To is in the t " game, had three helpings for Toromie's strong showing. Norm Ullman scored twice for diviton bis the ink 9 hit u C: Protech Alex Detvecehin, Pete Goegan this season, pulled & muscle he the Red Wings and Goegan| (ool BEE HE EES BEI Wold Eat" and rookie Howie Glover were low the groin against New York once 13 a for their ay "ine a th, . 4 ' ean, (while Fred Kitchen's entry Was F, Kichen next in line for prizes, with twe & Ferren, " wins and a score of 12-plus it, Game l, 1 Dean Melaughlin's rink took " THIRE the high one-win prizes with # score of B-plusd, Chairman Boh Patte and his commitiee of Alex Mackay and Hel Butler, conducted Satur: day's event, with Bill Brownlee | Charlie Pi This particwla oo wig Tory Maliyeen, M Easy, Es WE Marigh, Fred Kitchen, wig £4. Eranton, irs Twrpm, Er, B, Shree, Maurice Ham, wip Lloyd Short, Bets Hoes Vern MW en Mh ho GAME 6. Boles, M. Hert, HH. Brownies, Mel-gughin, Crothers, Robinson, } ¥ £4 Gimers, 4 Hane. , 19; HEOHD 9; 1% m---- £ Merchants In Final, Sweep Out Venders Oshawa Merchants skated, 6, Tony's MERCHANTS =~ gosl, Hawe THAI TX HOR , I Metoughlin,d 20; Brodie, §/ F. Kitchen, 19; »0 Reid } 3 dowdaee inte the UAW Hockey league (Hill) Frere rrr 7.15 defense: McMahon, Marshall, championship finals yesterday, Penalties ~ Gaudet 3.18, Gau-| Corbeil, Wallace; forwards La morning in the Bowmanville det 445, Myles 4.45 and Reid Westfall, Tran, SBamolenko, Ar: Arena, blasting Baker Vending 10.38 nold, G, Westfall and Arm-| WAIT TIL YOU HEAR THIS PRE-SPRING PRICES are now in effect ot ONTARIO MOTOR SALES! Buy Your OK Used Car NOW , . . AND SAVE! I L] Sutton Hilly Currie 441 440 and mn 16,05 2.11 41 10 B26 HEATED HIGHWAY LONDON (CP)=~Rritain's first] BAKER VENDING = goal, stretch of heated highway will Cirka; defense; Rorabeck open next November, Eleetric Hartford, Woodeock; forwards: wire embedded in the road's Bradley, Ford, Bannon, Cocker: foundations will prevent lee ton and Lintner forming and dry it after rain, | SAVINGS AT THEIR BEST INSTALLING SUMMER TIRES 2750/14 -- 4-ply Dom- inion Royal Tubeless Black Nylon Guard TIRES REMOVING SNOW TIRES ka SPORT CAR SPECIALS! mum gy 1960 TRIUMPH TRS $2305 $2195 « $798 62. The key win gave Mer THIRD PERIOD strong chants a 'clean sweep" in thel 7, Unigi; Middleton FIRST PERIOD hest-of five series and they will (Tran) Merchants: G, Westfall now await the winner of the Tony's (Armstrong, Arnold) Tony's Refreshment Credit (Currie 2. Vending: Ford Union semi-final, Penalties 8. Merchants: G, Westfall In that series, Tony's €laim: gobinson 16.00 (Arnold, Armstrong) ed a 64 overtime win Over qup 4 | 4, Merchants: Armstrong {Credit Union, after the two ween (6G, Westfall, McMahon) teams ended up at 44 at the t ahiason » 18 end of regulation time, Tony's Tony's. "Ma le Penalties -- None now hold a 2-1 lead in games, | Ponaiti ui Ea COND PERIOD with the fourth and possibly de Waities. ~ None 5, Mexchants: Wallace {eiding game going next funday, MERCHANTS - VENDING (Bamolenko) 1rivieer B40 morning at 11.80 a.m Goal-happy George Westfall] 8, Vending Bannon " > | DIT UNI » TONY'S potted two to pace Merchants to (Cockerton, Lintner) ,, | oS EDN ANION - ¥ NYS another easy 6:2 win over hap-| 7, Merchants; 8, Westfall West and Al Myles gave Tony's less Baker Vending t (Bamolenko, Tran) ,, 18.17 Refreshments their key 6-4 win. Westfall's pair of tallies gave| Fenaltes -- Wallace 1626, | over Credit Union him 15 in the three games THIRD PERIOD | West hroke a 4-4 deadlock, fir-\which eliminated Baker's from| 8, Merchants: Bamolenko ing a screen shot from 256-feet, the play-offs, Captain Jacek (Armstrong, McMahon) hehind Mike Cirka in the Union| Armstrong, Bill Wallace, Blan | 16,19 cage, Myles scored his second) Westfall and George Bamolenko| Penalties -= Arnold 5.80 and goal of the game to Rive theinetted the others | Hartford 5.80, Caterer club that Insurance| Gordie Bannon and Harold] Officials Charlie March marker, Other marksmen were|Ford scored for Baker Vending, |and Lionel Baker; scorer, Jim veterans Sambo Smith, Joe|Bill Rorabeck 8i-vearold de. Shaw, IReid and. Grover Button, Lynnifenseman with Baker's, an: a (Middleton and line-mate Elmer nounced his retiring from hock: (Tran tallied two goals each ey after the game [for Union. Tacky Wills garner led three assists CREDIT UNION == goal, Cir defense; LeGree, Gaudet, MeClinton, Tamblyn; forwards: Middleton, J, Smith, [Napiorowski, Wills, Miller, El liott and Tran | TONY'S = goal, Melnick; de: fense: Reid, 8, Smith, Currie, | Keenan; forwards: Hill, Sutton, | Harmon, Robinson, Myles and West FIRST PERIOD Middleton wan 11 | 1. Union (Wills, Tran) Union: Tran (Wills) ] renee 1010 Tony's: Myles 4000 10.58 Penalties Harmon 8.00, Na: | plovowski 0.52, Myles 16.08 and Currie 17.07 | H] SECOND PERIOD Tony's: Smith (Keenan, Robinson) +» 4.14 Union: Tran wy 602 4 ] L) EXCHANGE 1956 VOLKSWAGEN lon 4 (Wills, Middleton) SUNLINER, With custom radio, On All-Star Teams The BPAO Eastern Canada/Hamilton boy, who has been HOCKEY SCORES AND STANDINGS ready for summer sun 1958 VOLKSWAGEN PELUXE, With reclining seats, TERMS: 2,00 DOWN-1,00 WEEK CAR RADIOS «= Transistor, "In-the. Champlonships were eoancluded|twice a member of All-Canadian over the weekend at Towne/Champlonship teams a Lanes In Kitchener and Water:| Murray Syre of Chatham fin.| By THE CANADIAN PRESS lon Lanes, five games at each, |lshed In second place with 249. | National League Twenty five pin trundlers 284, 311, 213, 258, 214, 242, 815 | WYLTPFPAM fram Oshawa and Whithy parti: 484 and 262 for 2741 Taranto A7 18 10 217 168 84 elpated in this Annual Tourna:| Bob Hoffman of Fergus fol Montreal A018 10 227 174 82 ment and it was a great show: lowed Jim Gregory in fourth! Chicago 27 22 15 181 142 60 ing for Oshawa bowlers {place with 848, 268, 214, 271, 24 [Detroit 29 27 15 117 100 § Jim Gregory, the genial man: |290, 279, 263, 278 and 283 for New York 9 4 9 187 299 § ager of Oshawa Shopping Centre| 2680 « Hoston 1" a7 13 156 201 a0 Lanes, made the Eastern All! Fifth place was taken hy hd yn tar toam with some really nifty Harey Cahill of Niagava Falls! Saturday's Results shooting, Jim's games were|/with 208, 211, 284, 208, 284, 249, [Detroit 4 Montreal 6 210, 409, 867, 248, 225, 39, 200,|29, 304, 289 and 271 for 9d7a, |New York 4 Toronto § 313, 108 and 301 for a ten| Hugh) MeGillvray of Strat Sunday's Results game string of 2728 ford v next with a8, 217, 200, Montreal 2 Roston 1 Gregory sure has established 211, #03, 208, 187, 183, 381 and| Detroit § New York 8 Rimaelt a very strong tourna 0 Jor 2030, John Schales of Toronto 1 Chicago 3 ment bowler since arviving inj Welland also qualified with 369. | Tr 7 Oshawa, Ho Tallod n herfect|200, 200. 2. Dia. pep. ha" TI Inastoq Sues Tuesday score at Dorado Lanes in St. /346 and 221 for 2692, 03toR M Detrolt Catharines recently, while com:| Other qualifiers were Phil peting in a Men's Singles Tour Gunn of People's Credit Jewel nament and this latest achiove:|lors with 3383, Prima Falelont! gnein field ment places Jim in high ve: of Darriga's ltalian Foods with i HA gard hy all local tive-pin shoot:| 3384 and Jim Lacey of Waterloo Thon they ors, [alsa with 2584 ( loveland JOHN TROTT IN KEELER JUST MISSES {Rochester John Trott, a member af the, Ozzie Keeler of Acadian Clean, Quebec MH Acadian Cleaners elub, placed ers just missed out by a few Providence 2340 eighth in the final standing and/ping, when he finished with Saturday's Results John's games were 263, 205, 330.2501, The other Oshawa shoot ehee § Hershey 301, 314, 260, 290 27, 353 anders alsa botwled well But were Bm 8 Sieh J " 264 for a total of 2391 short of the necessary qualify:| oe J Shringiiel Trott will be a member of theing scares. Bob Gallagher had Sunday's Results Eastern Canadian Mixed team, [2348 Hank Sarmovsky 2502, [Cleveland 1 Rochester § which will compete against thelLlayd Sabins 3471, Mart Jordan|Springfield 3 Buttale 2 Western Canadian team atjof Whithy 2430, Don Henning Hershey 1 Providence 3 Parkway Lanes in St. Catha: [3408 Dick Adams of Whithy| pines, aver the Easter week:[2380, Mickey MoMaster 3388. end Gea, Ollitfe 2323, Myrle Reeson HT, Ron Jay 237, Ray Neshitt A who copped the Eastern Men's(2203, Fred Harding 2200. Shorty Nilehener Singles title was Abbie Colling:[Davies 23348, Harold "Dewar" 38 Marie wood of Hamilton with 291, 208 |Ballesa 2388, John Hyico 2330, Hingston MNT, N13, M9, 206, 219, 1 and/Joe Ristich 3214 and Frank Sudbury 31 for an amazing 23799 ten|Zarowny 218 Montreal game total The local five pin bawlers and Saturday's Result Abbie will weet the Western bowling fans will be pulling for Sault Ste. Marie ? Kingston 3 Singles Champ, alse at Parkway!iJim and John Trett Sunday's Results Lanes, over the Easter weekend! when they take part in the All Kingston 2 Kitchener 4 and no betler competitor could/ Canadian Championships at St. Sault Ste. Marie § Hull.Ottawa § chosen than popular Catharines, Swdbare 1 Montreal 3 y American League WLT PF 41 9 N 30 30 nn MN AM 1 298 208 65 2 184 183 a2 4 215 200 60 Eastern Professional WVLT FARM The top shooter of the day Hull-Ottawa MN 2331 TON M8 AT Gregory - 4 W aodst | | 1204 104 87) 2 187 229 54 Guelph 4 St 0 194 283 44 Hamilton 4 Maribhoros 3 | | OHA Senor (Final) WLT PF ARM 24 14 2 100 143 50 21 18 6 135 130 48 2016 4174 148 1H 81 1140 172 37 Strathroy 16 20 5 150 166 458 nek 1286 2137195 24 Saturday's Result Chatham 2 Strathroy 10 Sunday's Result Chatham § Windsor 4 (First game best » of semi-final) OHA Junior A (Final) WELT FAM 30 9 0 255 1685 69 26 16 6 160 160 58 2010 7102 148 51 23 21 § 165 166 40 fl 167 204 42 Windsor Galt Chatham Stratford seven Guelph St, Michael's Hamilton Niagara Falls St, Catharines 18 24 Peterboara 1624 R167 184 40 arlboros 930 913631199 Saturday's Results 0 190 203 a0 Peterborough 4 8t, Catharines 4 Vancouver 2 Seattle § Sunday's Results Michael's 4 Thunder Bay Port Arthur Bearcats & War road Lakers 3 (Part Arthur Wins hest » af » three Allan Cup plaveff 2-0) Western International Nelson 4 East Kootenay 2 (Rest-of-five final series tied 1) OMHA Peewee A 3018 8 248 164 84 Sarnia 3 Riverside 3 20 23 10 204 198 68 EEE (Sarnia wins two-game series OMHA Bantam A 29 31 8 $18 248 30 Chatham § Sarnia 1 ILELRL RIB TL BUI (Chatham wins two-game se ps $3 \ OMEA Midget A Chatham 3 Sarnia 1 hatham wins two-game se © (Uh mes 6d) OMHEA Midget B Blenheim § St. Mavs 3 low about value, enly 1959 VOLKSWAGEN BUS Dash' Car Radios as low as BICYCLE | (Blenheim wins two-game to tal-point series 11-4) | OMHA Bantam © New Hamburg 4 Paint BEd. 2 (First game of two Electric overdrive, eustom radio, wire wheels, New condition 1956 CHEV, CORVETTE New top, VB engine just replaced in « $995 Room for everyone In this scarce $1485 madel. Cannot be told from new OVER 90 CARS TO CHOOSE FROM December, Red and Ivory, Ast fast on this ene ery LIMITED OSHAWA 39.95 CANADIAN MADRE 36.99 BUDGET TERMS (NO OUTSIDE FINANCING) wards 2 game series) Western League WLT FAR MIR 40175 2 A110 8 105 156 70 A323 2175 164 68 H40 24 5 225 184 05 28 85 8 200 194 80 23 33 2176 210 48 23 47 0 183 251 46 1740 4 158 210 88 Calgary Partland Vancouver Seattle {Spokane Victoria Edmanton Winnipeg (Corner of Church) RA 5-651 140 BOND WEST RA 5.6507 Saturday's Games Viotavia 1 Portland 3 Calgary 3 Spokane § Sunday's Games Calgary 3 Spokane 6 Victoria 2 Portland 2 ALL THIS INCLUDED IN YOUR CUNARD TICKET ® 275 lbs, free baggage allowance © Superb cuisine 2 Duty-free shopping * Dancing, parties, movies o Stabilizers for smooth sailing © Flawless British service Save 10% on round-trip util April 14 | FAST, FREQUENT SAILINGS TO ENGLISH, SCOTTISH, IRISH & FRENCH PORTS FROM NEW YORK & MALIFAX PAY-LATER PLAN AVAILABLE QUEEN BLIZABETH Mar, 14, 29, Apr, 12, 24 SIVERNIA Mar. 16 SEE YOUR LOCAL AGENT -- QUEEN MARY Mar, 22, Apr, 5 19, Moy 3,17 SSYLVANIA Mar, 22, Apr, 14 MEDIA Mar, 31, May & hee 3, 30 SSAXONIA Mar, 30 Neo One Can Serve You Better PARTHIA Ape. 21, May 19, June 18 SCARINTHIA Apr, 7 Corner Bay & Wellington Sts, Toronto, Ont, rom Nelitas follwing daw, FROM MONTREAL & QUEM Tel: EMpire 2. yl | SATURDAY -- | Saskatohewan Senior {Medicine Hat 4 Regina § (Regina wins best - of + five] semi-final 3.2) Saskatchewan Junior Estevan 4 Melville 2 ; {Best-af seven semi-final tied 2 Senlar Intercollegiate !. af Taranto 2 U. of Montreal 3. of ROC 4 U of Alberta 11 (Alberta wins two-game, to tahpoint series 33-6) \ IVERNIA Apr, 13, May 5, 24, June 14, oly 7, 28, Ave. 10 SAXONIA Apr, 32, May 12, June 2, 23, Moly 14, Avg, 4, 35 CARINTHIA Ann, 20, May 19, June ©, 30, Joly 21, Avg, V1 Tom Quabes olowing day. BGVIAR SAIUNGS THERIAFTEY CUNARD Branches at: Halifax + Saint John + Quebes Montreal + Toronte + Winnipeg + Edmonton + Vancouve am 6 -- International League Paul 2 Muskezon 3 Manitoba Junior Winnipeg Rangers 4 St. Boal face 3 (Winnipeg wins best-of five semi-final 30) St International League Toledo 2 Indianapolis § St, Paul 4 Fort Wayne ? aba 4 Mianeavalis 3

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