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The Oshawa Times, 6 Mar 1961, p. 11

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FAVORITES UNBEATEN, BUT -~ No Sure Canada- Bet For o Hot oe Women's Five-Pins Won By McBeigh PE 4P da Pitan Mheigh HAAR IEARE DRAKE # ave THE GSHAWA TIMES, Monday, Movsh 6, W651 11 ressmeerp Ozzie Keeler Russia Go rer: WINS Classic Curie Easier of the Acadian we from Wash 11 to Warch 25 yr anes uly famiched Tune wud many irl owle : 7 Wilh TRpTRsE Kasia A anit ; ag fans will Bkely be 176088 WB GENEVA ba # VASES RUIN OF Je nd "is pe Canadian finals was mien PR WB TH Mahsom ¢ he gatiohy and chesewng fog Bussia hace ag Fo F TRYIN Ld £7 wh wy AE fz UW Rik A 4 ad (ria SRYYY ha Hopped A no y " he foe 1 # Wak of dong cal boy esaiiohed The other guabhifices wil be soy whe vill PRE ARETE AH igri il a Wai o wow 4 fs annwal Beg. Diggin of Toronto 4 hamponk Crpadian officiais ail Py gow (1.90%) Flor h Crmmernd of Bamidon mach Conpie VP #FB WREIY Prasat Is Work. Fre of Tovonis © fed Bend. Torin, 1277. Gor E Prk (ahatvans HASKIN, WHAPRSIR, of Bowie om the fet Gey OF Longer. Tovonis. 200% 88 chances 1 sa RA ksh eh the Amencan Ait a "LR wie was fresh Shype oni, 208 EARi® of the tw combine the first two pEDOGS. It FW EARBARA gion the a hentai otal Haviey, Toren, 2i6%. Tom 5 whipped Wis charaes kovichs rowel off several ses Mary W £ 22 for « ames wits 1400. Toxontn, Wik; K. Rey 4 oud the Soviet Emin Lacwiay to prevent Frat nes (2009); © Hy iby, P, Frciin 7556, MK Se ast week U1. from ¥ aay with the ® of Coder WE VEER | 195, 1. Bitewie 2165, Bert Sheer Plehas SA vi pray pther he twrnes uh (2.3 oF ban. Earl Jones 2154, 594 Cader 4 MAuisn the: a pay Ih hors Wize, wi nn 1a, Fred Halle 7028 elm hh : '8 . bor 3 Canadians aud the Said Jack Borwigh of 8 g wo Wig Some of the scheduled bowl idiate wa hel ce, om. resent of the 0» Livingstons Win Aug Ling wil ety he eomdweted } 7 And the wadian ewe Hockey Asso io Seriows Tesi ' away Arne the forme ot the a . ve Im Kredi Ov YMHA Blu @ited wR # SORIteinRN 8 SHOW orin. IBnamary ps far # y er ues y "nf {iow eh # natety Orie Heeler is employed o Internatio " winger Waugh Melntyis ONBURLG (CF) 7 Wi, Wh wy the Coulter Wig, Co., whe warned» ' 3 iis Te si Pad dai "e p for 2 fants GIE GE ERDETREIE OR BEER # ¥ " 5 ML 2 - A ih = standout at Ae win YMHA Blu ' ©R ny wh as Crechs lead the scorid the inst gon) a7 maht, I was the first of 298 As soon #5 B schedule is RRS " Sl eod scomed bis GARE OF & WES-OLARICR OMAIO (heered on by Wis Acadian BOR WD, the information witk three / / * eur Baskethall Associatis . a onan. ssc zlong 19 those whe mars of . 2. The winner 4 pBhuisisiy cndance HIE WETRsied in iending the nament. Bi Cr Hk € Series W et the M : § e Boy t 11 bowling at The Colisenm. yet 19 me £) WE Beri fu be pu ¢ ------ -------------- & A A ed é BN EIANG BW EREN ; OF A CRNAGIAR CREM ' 4 figst 5 Russians bo HARRY SMITH gon : 19 ho Py oF spt In Sw rds ides : 4 The Amercian hne of Bo 4 4 time i « ) ' EXPECTED TO WIN Fork, Hers brosks and ink Canadi B we SALI The Canis : af b Bis 8 anadian Brier ee sensons of howl JIE 4 wed ) / bef ve . vo 9 hers by Brook : : RCA OMORROW Daily $chedul ' 3 of Sheth Boo aily ule " 4 £ Lamb 9 SCORED YOUR GOALS oud CALGARY (CP)=H ' a LEADER. wher Ly ERIN bik 37 e to the ; k ey " hire Canadian fay tanatia es y w rg ' 'S ' { ; £) / ' RAM 4 4 ] f i 4 y 4 p # aad ad / FULLMER'S VATHER PROUD OF VAMILY'S WORLD ( HAMPION fo gor ; ' a ound | 4 DIE 0 al a hk p y ew Ph 4 ¥ ¢ 4 i ) y ; i H fou nes A i y 0 i Bussia y yw d { de ( Ks ond 4 Kes ; ' 8 IWF 6 wl fi ell, and € WARCH # : f bil pig ) / / f J " GVEA READS the (er ; ' #45 0 ea In HE { / Kirst round, 5 p Ontario { 4 ne CHemmG Adis Bish BE EAN saan the might before Lok I) y oF EYES Fa £ ne Re ' f e Edward Island. New f ity ed AL sist i : ove Wek Saskatehew a Suanieriings he weekend, Yoday ey { nmed the The Americans quickly scored p whip. forther fenied hy Bert day off 4 ht ve Canad had 16 ¢ g YL : fn : aia 38 19 Ontario: Guehes \ewlound In Bloody Title Go [ime zt, mii i A a ut J wr se] you needa Ly 4 [2 in Aang . 4 ¢ OVE Santina . inte an a Hussiah monoph " ghd 4 up ' Second youd. 19 pm: N PICKED UP 8450 TIMES ! r dn Robinson's handlers hoisted toe (00 1 Le HME aT emo Fast Y 8 Men Stars f) Nid; Alte NEB NEW ORLEA (AP) =Doug IAS Foi LA Pt 4 f y did h i the A p arng ? / ] VELERIEH " " ' . . LE] f ont ' nder carded a twounder en slime nized a 4 nm Ehew "he Flected five f } day 1 a w 0 A BA Sia Bye: (ue ar 0 Sund n th , world 4 4 sion, Bay let out 2 of the DRE OF Wel I & for theiy first 0 in Uver Ajax MARCH 7 M0 Greater New Orieans Liu National oeiation. b dizel i hi Ww WAS Lo) ted | I Rusni J broke into the win Ex. B k th Il Third round Wa fa tation wrnament. He Is Learning To Become A has his eyes set f on Pa ' 8 4 Fume 5 id Li FEOF I0Y: and assisted on anothe 0 va Dalurday bh as etna BL vs Alla; Nd finished the T2hole tournament BUSINESS MAN Pender imited vei wn of f he f Refer: Fra Fach f hte Was | imo ' he smoke Fi WRI W « § am hehind for a 6-4 Y's Ms All-Stars defeated Ba k Ont Jue PEL with 6865-69-70 272. Randers 180-pound crow nL : eft eye and the ink 0 Germany 9: y on over the East Ger , shor handed Alax crew Ti i B.. Bye: Ont e strokes in front of his ; And Sug Ra Fobir 0 The 4 | i ) iH like a bu hei Mu won ef he anne and he na well played exhibition Fourth round, 5 p.m rivals, Gay Brewer and ® 21 di a bi i " ot e ended. | bh " mo "A sist in 1) ( nit i? he most overworked ha kethall game at Simcoe Hall vs Que bi [| BA Main. He ked up B werhan nished Hh f ' f i ove ne cnammo } vd 4 HW | Ont { £4.50 y Cans § heir 15-round title hatile $a te. Fulimi | e in the third round. Fullme) Gym on Saturday afternoon Ane aren ah gor wm we Canal Your Help Will Be 4 ¢ { £ 01 § i he 10th he ¥ Men took a 36-26 lead ) } Jenr ee nudson and Al A J ¢ d day night is glum consider ' § rn Robinson in the hth Y in the first half. with Brady MARC Hs ¥ ing, both of Toronto. ended pprecia (] the future ve a Fhe 29-year-old champion go good shooting from the outside, Filth vound, 5 pm.c NB. vs with overpar score Knudson Fullmer, his left eye of ' ' ) ox po M0 per cent of the net gate wd a factor, as he clicked for nine Oy Vfld PEL: Que won 8217 and Balding 870 Robinson's punch Ha d bo od "R bir 560.000 nf the television mane LONDON (C1) Resu Ni e 2 Beunthuipe 0 points while Watchorn and Bar. Alla. Bask ¥, Onl ' leaving for his mi AA . Oa p 0 Al Robinson got 20 pr cent ino occer mate ry IT a 1 Levion Or 0 of Ajax collected 11 and Bi tye: Mn West Jordan, Ulal una 50.000. The ate was $140,000 00 Kir eight vespectivel Sixth round, 10 p.m Alla } nf Pend ford a in Ihe tor 1 gs MAHeq BINga H Third Division 1d ! NK Nfld ~ I'd Ibs h Pender and J Jumy ontributed hy 7.400 customer RL Ri SGD du / ow In the second hall, Aja : ont. N ia ont weight picture, The division The ri el n COMMISSION TRKED Sisth Round Bradford ¢ 3 Brentford | ER or Somat ave PEL te: J should have_an undisputed furiou d ) e, but Still to he decided is whether leicester yf het : | 3 Bristol C 2 Southend 0 fin hd pian i i" i V's Mer MARCH 6 & D IT " ft tl Neweast) Sheffield | ( ) 1€ SEOTINE 7 hb MEN , A champion A Kohinson rallied er Wis thivd: Robinson should he yepri ewes oe THT ole i mehester 4 Halifax | rallied, sparked hy Boivin and Seventh round H Ww am h Pender, a fireman from round heating and finished the manded or subjected to disci. Sheffield W 0 Burn) | Grimshy 0 Shrewshury 2 Goddard, to come from hehind B.C, vs Man; Que s NS: N 4 Brookline, Mass, is regarded as event slamming foe 10 Lot plinary action hy the Nevada Sunderland 1 Tottenham Hull City 2 Walsall | and move in front, as the Ajax Oni PEL; Alla, vs Bask a NOW champ by the states of New i owas # key match in the state athleti commission for ENGLISH LEAGUE Yewport | Franmer / team, short of substitutes, tired Ont, vs Nid. Bye: N.B % York and Massachusetts. The pullmer-Robinson series, which what officials called | conduct First Division Nott ( h Torqua 3 towards the end Eighth round, 5 p.m.. PEI 5 Ad Both split recognition cropped Up had steed al a win apiece and detvimental to boxing Aston Villa 2 Arsenal 8 deen's PR 1 Port Vale 0 Watchorn had & total of 24ivs Sask; Ont, vs Que; Man % d on extre . some time ago when Robinson's draw. Ons idee scored i The commission was irked by Blackburn 1 Preston 0 Reading 1 Bury 8 points 10 he the Bam topivs Nfid,: B.C, vs N.B Ont 100m was champion and wa tripped 70.t0-64 for Vullmer nother Robinsor threat to pull out of BI 8 Wal ) : 5 { ling N.¢ ve Alhert i : A \' nl / : } 4 ! ackpool Hh Wolverhamplon Fourth Division scorer with Barry next in lin | by Alheria modernize your pre. of his erown hy Jew York and 70-t067, Phe referee had it 70: the fight unless he got his Bolton 3 Cardiff Carlisie 1 York City 1 vith an even dozen. Boivin| Ninth round. 10 pm.: Nid [J your p fAssAchusetls OF JNARIVItY. 1nd for Fullmer vishes: A larger ving and dil: Chelsea 8 Birmingham 2 Crystal PP 2 Gillingham 0 Goddard and Brady, in that ar VB. N. Ont, vs Onl; Bash sent kitchen-sink and bathroom fixtures, Yorman Rothschil Phere were nn knockdowns. [erent gloves Kverton | Fulham 0 I ton 0 Bradford 0 der, were the three Lop scorel \B., PEL vs Alla; Man F § d R motor of Saturda nO0aY pack fighter weighed 150% He got hoth wishes. A 17:foot Man City 1 Man United Doncaster 3 Barrow i for the winners 5 Que. Bye: BA or Service and Repairs hrawl, sad hore Y Mendey pounds. Fallmer was an 8405 ping, a foot wider than that or: West Ham 1 West Brom 2 Iixeter § Oldham 0 AJAX = Cardwell, 8 Watch MARCH 10 CALL RA 5.5132 TODAY chance of a Vullmi § MARY oi inally provided ran Second Division Hartleponls 2 Millwall 2 orn, 24; Barry, 12; Clavingbold,! Tenth round, 11:50 a.m: N.§ For FREE ESTIMATES ON REPAIRS end NEW FIXTURES title fight here next June Consternation struck hath ported hy track in from Los Chariton 8 Brighton | Tansfield 3 Chester | 0. Walchorn, 7, Dickson, 8.|vs Alta; Man, vs N. Ont; N.B 8 TT CRITICIZE VIGHT fighter and tuined the Las Angele ind new glove vere Huddersfield 0 Hotherham Peterborough 7 Aldershot 1 Total, 39. Fouls, 17-0ut-0f " ur Nfld, vs B.C} Bask GU CO PLUMBING The Robinson camp was hit: Vegas Convention Hall imino a flown in shortly hefare the hout. Lincoln I Bristol RB Rochdale 3 Crewe Alex 0) OSHAWA Boivin, 18; Nel Ont. Bve: PEI terly critical of the fight, which hedlam when the ring an. Commission members were Luton 1 Derby | outhport 2 Northampton 0 son, § Kelly, 10; Clarke, 7 Eleventh round, 5 p.m. Que AND HEATING LTD. ) | Sunes Norwich 4 Middleshrough 1 tockport vs Workington, even: Tunnichiffe 2 Gragam 2.ivs B.A Na vs Man: Alla destroved Sugar Ra hones of nouncer misread the final det plit an the issue day and Norwi | no I' i ) p ig regaining the title for an ur on and ounced that Robin: planned to meet again today to Plymouth 8 Leeds | in Brady, 11; «Goddard, 14. Total;lvs Ont.; NS. vs PEI; NB 207 SIMCOE ST. § OSHAWA sth time. They son had wor veigh the malter Portsmouth 2 Liverponl 2 Wrexham 8 Accrington 0 72. Fouls, 6-out-nf15 vs N. Ont, Bye: Nfld precedented si NORTH PLANT LEAGUE Kinloch's And As Semi-Final I'he NPHL rang the curtain up halfway through the final pen on the semi-final playoff series od as Kinloch league champion Sheer dogged finally { aver the regular schedule, met (od Stamp. Plant their lone tall Stamping Plant, the defending as Cooke persevered to finall champions in the first game of heat Bevan, However the rally a best-of-three series. After 80 was short-lived as Worsley for minutes of sustained action, Kin: Kinlach's closed aut the scoring lach's skated off with the all: jess than a minute later important initial win in a shoyt KINLOCH Bevan. Windatt series, as they defeated Mamp pungie Stefan, Malloy, Sutton mg Plant hy a 51 margin [rvine. Mason. Worsley. Brown The opening period was score: Whiteley less until just past the midway STAMP. PI Sweetman. ro mark, when Kinloch's paviayed yop oon Reading Phillin a manpower advantage mo te Haws Cawkor Kno Ladd apening tall vith Prin A Hall Clemen Miller. Cooks ing the net on a long drive. qn ; Whiteley, for Kinloch we the ist Perind challengers a 2-0 hulge near the I. Kinloch Pringle 16: Of end of the initial periad y Kinlach's Whit Stamping Plant fought HIN (Windatt) 71 iv fram the outset of the fina Final Period period. but Byvan uhhin I. Kinloct Windatt Kinlaeh's net for the injured (Suttan) 11 46 McPherson, handled everything 4. Kinloch's Brown that came his way. Meanwhil (Mason) {8 08 hs mates up-front, on goals hy 5 Stamn PL Caoke Windatt and Rrown, gave Kin Phillins) 007 loch's a 4:0 cushion at this point Kinlach Wai Whit 10 Former NHL Star's SULGOGS WIN IN OVERTIME Aougog Cleaned and Dunn's F th Di { 82 Pallars provided the action in a er 1€8, a the final hall of the NPHI THORNBURY, © (OP) JeMbInal playoll as they Matthew Joseph Dillan %2 We their Tallowers a thrilling father of farm Naliana VRE was an decided Hockey League star, Cecil Di the teams had played lon, died suddenly Saturda \ ad. minutes al wden his home heyy it LL then Nougos His son saved fx A aal hy D. MePhee took the years with VX URL best-al-d sori \ farmer re of 1 ! ead Mr. Dillon wa To) a u \ the apenin af the Pub " | 1 Lamm How ALLE A hy O'Nedl hat sion for nearly 30 years. He ! \ 0 squad fought tired 18 months age A back on even terms a mi He is survived hy his wife, the tie later, o ns counter former Matilda May, twa sans. Play continved on a very even Earl, of North Bay. and Ce ane throug and at the mid of Tharabury: and twa « hw 5 went to the ters, My Stank Law \ bul asa and M R } TR da Tarenta KM Mr Dilla A t } { dr oh ou Sunday and fractured he nm od scowing for the period Np. She in serious condition The second hat Was a dogged in Weatar® ¢ nn a ~- + Scugogs Win s Under Way BCOTTISH LEAGUE Division | | Alrdrieomians 8 Ahérdeen 1 Ayr U | Celtic 3 Clyde 8 Dundee U 1 | Dundee 4 Dunfermline | hi arts 1 Motherwell 5 'artick § Kt, Johnstone 0 | hati 2 Rangers 8 I. Mirren 2 Hibernian 1 hd Lanark 0 Kilmarnock Division 1 L Mion i 1 Stirling 1 Arhroath 1 East Fife 2 If you prefer to roll-your-own.., With seme smokers, enly a clgaratia they have rolled themselves gives them the satisfaction they want, And you'll usually find that mest of these smekers favour ene tobacco above all ethers, That's Player's Cigarette Tobacco, famous for quality, mildness and flavaur,..and the freshness needed for perfect rolling, In half-pound tin or pocket pack Thoughtful Husbands Buy their Wives a hreaks (o register what looked Ist Pevind Brechin 0 Stranraer 2 as the period ware on, would he 1, Scugog: O'Neil 0 Cowdenbeath 8 Forfar 1 the winning counter, Finally 2. Dunn's: Nori Dumbarton 4 Berwick § vith le than three minutes to (Locke, Woods) Bod Falkirk 1 Stenhousemuir 2 40, Cochrane of Beugog, scored s punn's: Wood Hamilton 0 Stirling 1 from a melee in front of Max (Locke) fa 15:51 Morton 4 Albion 0 well in the Dunn's net K : Queen of § 4 Montrose 1 Dunn's looked as though they RelEoR RK. McPhee 8 were on the ropes but such wa oye hh hrant J 18:09 1 ISH LEAGUE not the case, as they roared Final Period \ Ards 3 Distillery 0 AT TRA Sougog: Cochrane (D Me: Cliftonville 4 Rang or 2 . attack and G. Lintner set the Phee, K. McPhee) 7:00 Loleruine 0 Ballymena 3 tage for sudden-death avertime Bunn G, Linney ) fuientarap Sr nde) 4 as he rammed the tieing mark (Alexander, Hayes) , i Linfield } At iy 2 oF ast the sprawling Matthews. 1o Overtime Portadown 3 Glenavon 2 SOUGOR C1. Matthews. War. T+ Seugog: D, McPhee Amateur International lev. Proctor. Tindall. K. Me (Cochrane) vo 1042 Wales 8 Neotland 3 hee, N. Matthews, O'Neil, Ta kach, Nash, Davis, D. MePhes Chaput, Cachrant DUNN'S: Maxwell, Twining Lintner, Pipher, Alexander Wood Locke, Norris, Leger Callin Parker (i Lintner Hayes, Duffield, Walker NHL BIG SEVEN Montreal's Rernie Geoffrion remamed on top of the Na tonal Hooke League "scoring landings during weekend ac Hon while Frank Mahoviioh of Toronta and Geaffrian's line male Jean Beliveau kept the PACE Leativion scored two goals Saturda 10 nerease hi 0a ons total to 41. He aly has 4 sists for 83 paint IN better than Mahovlich, with 47 goals laps In the league and 42 as ists | he leader | GAN Gentine Mantreal 4 42 8 Mahovlich, Toranta 47 82 7 Heliveau, Montreal LR Bathgate, New Yark 26 43 01 helly, Taronta MN A Moore, Montreal SRR Ullman. Detrait 2 AW Howe, Detroit MN 41 63 MeMANTER LON TORONTO (Up niversiy af Taronia Blues defeated Me Master Marauders 7363 in a senior Jntercalleg ate basketball GAS CLOTHES D and smart wives know that with a gas dryer towels dry fluffier, clothing any weather for only about 2¢ a normal load, Now Everyone Can Own a Gas Dryer at this Low Price EASY TERMS { a week on your gas bill Only For Complete Information Call (Consumers' Has 48 SIMCOE SOUTH RA 3.3468 softer=--easier to iron, Gone is the old washday drudgery, Dry clothes any day, +»

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