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The Oshawa Times, 6 Mar 1961, p. 12

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£52) THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [EE (A4--Weouses For Rent SAAN, & Fiore Ae APH, & Flos A & Fiots [A8A=ASh, & Flots CLASSIFIED AD RATES N FW Bl 1S N ES THRE Waki G0 Bn or Rent or Rent or Rent pramuidl idl, 2% words ov lee gene Bowls foesures Motors. Rosine - p-- . -- sngie or macvad. Woke Com Charge sow. FHiaghone RA S07 fav Lorine BREE. Tight Rina Tamme RIweTient, film Fon VEE JR RITE SEARIWENT po aE four rome a seed Hines fav § RECT e At Fo AOR WF CANGRRT, SAW BRR HF 50). Rh #8 PERrtm FIORE ain, S50 month. (RE EROS BRA Beek, feigdwies Rove, peiopie beth, Wg sed wave, Toor CERT LR 4.2 y 3 - Hour BH ov RA SA Vv WA GES. Aawly TH wes Beast wpe TRRAREAR TOW (a5 pawiaps Masi own. anges wa watiapen. LARGE liom tnow with agle 7 107 /8 ada 2 € f 6G FANT rom foes 5 Sors (0m its aT Pome RA Apshy 19% Fave Rend Dove aoe mae oe fon wh [ & C/A i J PPE. RARER welanine. (Coe 9 WW WE - mew seestaent, farmished, re - " - 5 pp? £ FIRREE Ey ---- raat apie. 74 LJ SNERTIONG F 4) id Fo wranie Marek 1, Goh WA vi08 PIRereiry BHA COREE, VEEY SENATE MOWERN, few Roisin se - wr FREE - Woomad spesment, RW sais Rein, RA §0A9E of rf Sms wie om ve --- ---- Hike 15 Tia Ray 48 Wasi Bisnst ET. ARETIRER. TRARE, Rn TREEE rn Bal AOWRNSEE, (We Resa, IRE ARREE, Bem 1eLEE . Tp ------ or Crrgm 1918 wil oeehy -- - . $4A Apts. & Flot " MOY, BE, PRIRs eimd. BE Park mately fosmiened, (Agidwive, ose (® sors, Sowmows lecison. WR fa tw PRIRA Terie. Formiened, Fe oy DRAPERY FIVE - room wower Rapiex $96, radia Rous fonts, RA 5903 r_ Bein Wiest Worth, immetiste po wi lenente. Teiepnone RA bow DE FR ENE Swe gestenes bor oi Rest, rahiawie adie, HOVE, 18 " -- sarsion, swiavie fev we ladies. RA SHAE lr So Bimans Bovtn. Taiaghone 745, Lhd a # /L : Sacanmnt iraartury ried # & eg ) MM TERI L FHARETRE NINE, Asad 16 WR, FIVE © rm periment, WE eomvess iis Fam Spot yar et," n IRs RHE CIINAG § POW FGI LA! wo A £ A HAWERE twa « BeREsoms BOPFTment swione tn Mais, 5 ERavies BOest. 8iess, amine FRiance, wes Ml wis ---------- -- its gs si hs Sri iyi M3 Wey Terns o \idars DSi Bonoons WAatem, wi AioRins, ew 0 an over, iy I Avtimes Sirest, FONE. » Tow Spee, (Ss ii - ' sonar : T AAR FT Hanan [iewgre Wonirer Kitahon 3 hn FL TI ey oF el Sr {4 Ly, in pig ® . ah ton Waele eds rt tL tagone foringe $740 go M FA / K SOEs made 19 riser st og ------. gy de IRL RORERt Rang, reir aes VW - rin sanetment, fly fermieh Vi ons ore Boyd To wt 4 shar, 6 wasuiy. hipy 68 Warren martty tor § Pwws soy Kem dd RGCEraIAR Br CRS War SAE WOVE, Ross paenink, BORIES. BRERA BRSeE Brasene. Aewy 8 how. Feterh Ado Ay a's" 448 --Rooms For Rent BERAIN, fosiiohad for -t, toni Bre $1 86 ow mers 2 272 AE -y o FOO bight modern swe nd trad munwias wate to General Wotors, $0 Fign Basel Bask or ietephons BA MAE home, toy that, lor tot il. Al Hr VEE oie FR £9 SLPPLIE M 4 C DRY GOODS FIV RORImORY, biome, leader |mosiy. 10 Waiogn Rows. RA S404. 546 Waking Bn FURNISWER hoveskassing room for Kon Telephone Rh 9146 Asis fii AP rem gles BL TE WERE sed comiained sparionent, FER tom Seeeiment, oi Fen: iy (Pf BER, amntiarnan, santemi. Bans Pwth Go TT Ec el Po > SREreviehen A 74 Caling 4 FA 3 TRIT 85. Phone Wemens BAWs TREY KERTH, SOB BET ORR. TEUETRORE RERE, Wien ARES. BERR, RAE Ga or". a WG WORN sani Manan, Rowwitnl, saves and bus ok A § dy ry. Lor Foss 5 # WE E FHREF wo RRIINERE. wn Wienke WA 55005 wr RA bias) WHEL, Gaining tree. BA BOISE or (i pis ad = rg wi mittens APP 1% ew pT Erm werd # Gigs The on WER oF fons svRerE, sell si anes y: aL EE inom A5estiment, By Aly Fast Rewv tad Hogle room oy AS Clasating Aoremesmenty Obie A NINE FABRIC FER Resmiiian. Prone Fh BATIH WOWIRE (v5 ehioirs oarmens 7a WORE, WAAR EAPRine, Resi Rob yuu ER Fore vr dar FORE IR IRORETR Rivne, wt bem by bpm. We dey be BERMIES oA Tw - rasa, wove Wat weiss sided THRVE loifihed Voom, wet Bae Cog Conice. private enioneE; emt te en he rr etaman, | oh. (568 0 Both General ons, [) . . Whee men GITIRERt 18 WanEs- wienes, Ary sunnry tine. 2 el HI. & WF ieniiamern { TER wh ARFLTW de " 4 SAB diag" iss Wg ae PPLIAL i "F © BYICE SHOP WV, BRERA nisms, PRA PeimEmS, Aoatine reriment Be 5, Wh Bess ig ha pv Yul pups oid Rot Hier, PIvmng 4 Grrepien sonar, 3 weskio. RA E9906 oF shy Aor. Teiasmone BA 5158 #7 on ¢ i od Big hl A y ; lil ALR Ard a Td i V4 11 oie now. Teieohone RE S268 dsid Th FHadeione Aosmie FREER bright shanty Fame, Hy. be SEsep oF 4 HE ERRAR wr oh ~ Wh ATI tie Tati AAR Casahnw Tor (owl ard Ford snd &. 5 2 'f ji Parking. Teiephone pido HAL bacheior Hsiimens prot EW modern profaseiondiy Resns iad ma a ny juicy LA Ho fad Roneakanyog : dP hay yi pi on yp Msinging id Re eg Lonseiations B39 &m» fies : pe £ / ATE . HAE ATIARE, FFT RE. REL IGF KIFVgAR, Ln th his iy RERILIRARL, BEAIRERNY trical iat oe, brie [0 pe ool y 20 Vin factors b/ EY Mo RE157 lL teri pro Toon BOW stave, rateigarsier caked, TY Stet. en sid " Tone westerns THRE TA SHUG Between B 8m, 8 LL en Erste, Mk, Hise ur, WT Bingedeie a 5 ' VIE RED v THER ¥ od rien 10 pri peaking. RA 4% ope SARE sanire, A r Fe to Aowmiown, $0 per month. RBA SHA & 4 y oy . dhs ( /& oh woos, Serng ernt y Bvne, Af one shi i PER Fh : p ARAL il aa wwe Times wo net be | BE, ¥ 7 : y f "Bg ' y ne $ A E Lj. WARERN hasied Erp Bedinam BA rd w Apavionent Qn Bot bet he brtmest oom Rend EAA Juda Wh fide form hed om "oN w for piers in aderliee RA 75 i : adda 4 # RE TRREBAT RERTLIRERIE, (ART ERRRiRE FM hoe i we Rreeed fioor hi gf + 14 FURNISHED f room, cian, baw LL Ve Venn [ry } A AA ih ' haw re Bastiny, 18 WH 2 onmitind SIRRIWNS Han WW 4 EHih® AIRE, TRIIART MAY i " I ERITREGE, BIW hats v ' ktan Irom Tis KOVRETS, PEW or Hor mors Wer 558 | ames wr---- Ae BOIS Spoce ond FERDIHER hia Ths RRSETRERt 7h BRA I8GnREy, ThEmas svf Ease AAI awsome, Toiashone oA THR BIE Wer. RA bath pasiuss HE ReRERIng Wh fui 4 CLEAN (iniched rom, contend, 1 inearticn ony Se -- 8 Fi RELIRER, B ld A mat He pretarind. Teiephone BA R16 py J Bing birmet East. WODERN Rone ERR pil anmiained BA S845 4 5 6 p gentioman. Phone RA 1905 os 4 mp oyme , Garages / b yy ner beyond We pres - bee preleives, Sn mo Aram 14 Fi a APRitinant. Adwite oxy. VEO APR SW0 furnished Honeekaering rome, FURNISHED hedionm With Wi for #8 prgle sernion of ReninG mwa # $F r nd WE Bern. AR 78 Virh Hand Byih G . sent, thie: private ohh ' y F955 King Brest Easf Hh WAR WRI # EIERBER, Aine 1RTER Inarished WeRehom GPR aerent Im WER ee y y ' ' C la C . SHART Miades Hew i hd A ' & 7 a" dL "IRRER room praetiment, gear Bowth paring faoiitie Alea J TERE IRE WARInIN. ARIE Wiases, Ard oles reservy a rot Fuss vir a FFI F SPAC F FRRFLIGERE ARAB "4 # kh Wil Hl gy T98 Gillard Brest RA GH ant, (mmedisls Possssnion. Ap: BOseRasing Fm 4 WENO. 10 IERian, PRIIIRE RciNties, sity ove ong ecssiding 19 nr Pe al by 3 4 6% wh y 4 wy B54 Mulsgs Rosa Very saniesl. Avphy pa Capisn Blanst, | ih Bing biansi East ' hi 4 : y + Rpg yt 1. VOR " ROLSEREFPER ad ihe : FOR RENT ir arty The Twnes wil not be rela | # soonsiole for mere soace than | eee BA 56 yo pe rif : 4 at wm which he sch! sor CF # dow wii . . hy . it VARIA # Een, The panets srr, | PTE te tor Pg Ia I ML A to reproduce 89 SOvTNngG motter § 4 G 7 $ f "I : fiboriie 7 } Y GIRS fidget Less . ivi wioik A od r fl rectly BA Swamey he y - W any Wnacsingens wm ny 1orm Fo--Femole Help Wamed 4 ' oo sement S19 sie ned LARIES - rm v Mh # php # : al . A oi THE TIMES orn Accountants Building Trades Dressmaking Money to Loon Rug--Upholstery Service 17--Women's Column "w ERm GF ; f tn Bl \( oo oon re 4 WOR TAN ACEmaiing YOK K Hien PRESSHARING adier ood oh bias Have oniv $ ot He bo WPENCER foundation germenty we £- . RA J JI LDIN J "J 4 4 is 4 esi, WA Bi A ff Mil rind wad, Fi oti i wish, ginal 0 ' 4 RAG re 4 # " ne ry vidually designed. Mew Biirelip reg £8 ROGEEReS 5 2 TEs = ----------------t----ssmar | SEF RIE # he PAP iA Bad steven corsetior. M, J. Henderohar, S74 f » THERE { Jit £ 7 King #4 gobs he # -- i Fuel and Wood $4 Admirel Road WANTER # fine : weet -- # _ ! ad 5, ¥. HOPKINS and . ne Fé 7 id CHESTERVIEIDS rebwiit, recovered, Le BA pe 4 #4 3 g # ¥ ' i ne Eb Wn wind ks Why pay morel Emig Fake 19-Personsl RARE BE ' Pt hone RA 1474 eH / Fost, Fisha } ie, BA We hie # ola f H ain ends, silkeide for by BIR Frainaiie. Srleiactim Pry eh a Au WONER . 4994 AA E240 , # wag' fo' b Aed falls whwilt Oshawe © ohery IF YOU Arink thel's your business! 1 Rf hig ' M We IrtRerpiar. sia dig 3 y ; asd ds i. Fhone RA B50 fn y Bond Street West. Disl BA 2 want 16 sop, thet is pur business. 0" oad . y 43 onted To Rent egy iat, park 2 " VALE, FEIERILANDER, Wi Adi #8 HOWE he / an ; hare of firewind pe f ! 1 ne fwil IERwin " ' Y . ' j i ' t " . brie FO Box 5%, Whithy WR Whi Rel, Al. or . : Sp / 'y : J oi H A SYEHIONENING, shal . . wi For further Wiorme FURNITURE repsirnd and ARE YOU party minded he aitity i ; : 4 J | EERaed Frisia AE Wi Ha did 2. 4 A 5410 : 4 AT ted coded Lock, AF " m h Hire BACHELOR ' ' ed Vuie A sered, bes ony materiale Ir re-eovers in ha prin Api dy / ¢ you A y [ hill i ' WATEK proating, pasiering, roding a oy ' nig. Bruce KB, Dulin, 75 Charles Sires, Banyo or lia con ba vs / WOOD! IN / i 4 HN ' i - sper B wd house: Food Freezer Services A . a RA 37002 # » A " ' " (nlaria oF iA 4 WILEON 4 Hi RROWR, BATIEreR hoid rey 5 BA . " -- Bort Wine ok Jen Sod : ; 1 INC Adin fy PO A wt ny HO TER werk soonron # tomily. of ' . CHESTERFIELIG and oid chairs For §iving them the opportunity 14 "| BEAL ry LOUN 1E IN the market for 8 Mabie . isi Tos Phe ar L/P Ham FER ne t 3 Jol h . enverad bike new, Gf the best for less oducts Contact isi doves Whalley, 4 , 4 Exitinel bay pag bi ty By . RG Edmand Buriows, CA, KA 8-49 HOME IMPROVEMENT 4 Westinghe and ko $ ot Modern Upholstening, 143 Sim Po esr Bver Bruth Compn ered # p in Bisila b 7} ) , i ¢ 4 acon le with, Call 4 8 RA 5286 169s 6 Ex ' 4 wridon WK i Santkank ERVICE f foods § Behneid 4 pis BA B6481 105 » lees # J. : / REWAR snd €0., Accountants of i, Ine weather or fo) 5 ' marge "i EONBUITN June Mame megpifing » J . i Audiiare, Lod if fave ; woud di poing centre tn your kitchen. | oildars ont abt A ra-- lems In meshing new triends. Writs GE p . J TT I" P f 0 Biss 1) Barth Abu ' nts done or Yr three months supply of 1ood Buss] me rain R or 4 wapil ' o et Tous Box 466, Cshaws Times fk 2 Bj 5 yf 0 tan of thea ach ¢ ] edi i MONTEITH MONTEITH, KIER) niess hetier planned ineals wl id or h ed 4 Imes" in Classified, Soon yous ie » y ' HA I he # reality, LB SIMCL ; 7 T BYRON yo Ap side F oo thsh you Bie new paying, The Forth Hing being such os 3 is, 0 1s only) MM Sy A King ELECTROLYSIS n= var WAVY ead nite A wl Sr Nhe lind i "vo de Vol pipet dy Stl Eau Corowa. Telyhon SWITCHBOARD [fig Coie wes vine m8 (at Lit eg amass we 4 vile For Rend re, (at) Si | SEGERS Removal of superfluous hair | % Ah 7 isd i 0 B5BIB hetier Wving, and our many sebisfied Marie Murduff will be in p ymmer entiage FIORE Take: yp py t with p ' ---------- ---- are att fee | Morty is te 8 Merch ih M ' | RECE P I IC | J NJ | y yng Ian y "Bo 5 0 Fete bho A oo ark R EICKROOM EQUIPMENT Bookkeeping RL d Jihtitutes BIT dA id CLF NTH maney b foun on fret [ont RUG and UPHOL STERY J one Gencshe Hotel | : i | NOH FOR RENT OR FOR SALF al PHAR " this month, 18 pound slesk pack wi AFehased YHA marks *Franged. | CLEANERS " y 1 J f hon, Fraser, Nrynen and Mur these dates for appoint do + AT PICKERING BEAR Clean, | , | 44--Houses For Rent Jl beds, wheel che al eepin p STOP neh Professional cleaning ot ment 4 fis krigh furnished apartment three Telephone HA 84916 AVATLARLY oifice male ' q ia #i #, ground floor | ; walkers wedsid n-- . - { lower prices 25---Pets and Livestock ar, Brae (downtown liding tor "willbe | § manthiv, Wiitehs : Commadnt y i i HOMARKET Food end | MORTGAGES RA 57488 and Chariered Aciointant Ee ' # private oll i i b shed apartment, tiled FOR BALF registered black and { RCE IR BENE pr oF BER : Freerer Compan now In 4d B t, Sold ---------- B45 lary J ' d iw f HENS | floors ) gerator, private hath , x reall -as ed FQUIF sour nifice the #asy, Inespen avid d rar i, BUG v tan Dachshund pups. Telephone MoO) th ' apher, Call BA 56081 lacilities 4 ew 14 er the hargaing offer Whithyy, Otters the finest food ate Monies immaculate Brick ings TY nutes. "Cail RA 54088 kil g f i Rentals RA KA 51644 ed uader "Oies Eappment" in th g e in Ontaria, Al name | ; A [3 6544 CHROME CHAIRS BEAUTIFUL baby budgies reeds fon ( ) ied, large lot, $04 oth. | SFARTMENT AP f t1asified _sertion t g ( y ! y 0 wand groceries. Steaks and ) fraining, talking strain Apply Mrs | I f | . J | I ( wll +377 one Iso On laundry facilities Aute Parts HIGHT now Is the best time to sell J 9 E : | R ECOVERED Broad, 114 Elgin Slrest East ; womb 18 Fellabie | round floor, conveniences. RA 33096 : i Tike: advaniate of he] [0948 10 delight the eve, At | BO ( A H 0 op | LD TERED beagle for sale. few Fairall St, Ajax, Or nonibly, h od hyden | oF 165 Verdun Road KENT'S Western Tire, guaranteed 89: ready to by prospects whe read ow prices, Mind quarters cut " , | FROM 3.75 Up ears | ephone MOha y asement i AVY FOUR room furnished apartment || | and accessaries 8 karma for Bale" dally. Dial RA 38462 and wrapped, 55¢ Ib, fronts Limited Kealt v 64 for fu rir particulary EXPERIENCED W Bloor Eas, HA B41) stable for three girls, five minutes DINE t West, Oshawa. RA 8160789 Kel your otter tn the A426 Wr We have specially de Member Ontario Mortgage Expert Workmanship n € # a ou" FOR SALE Male German shepherd I ' BEFVE VOU " , , from Aownte rival ntranee Co ---- | (HTN a sine h ) | y ( LK G Brokers Association ¢ age unt mone be pees sores Tee SALESLADY HN rurmitn iseshine WA $10 HA 5000 0p 116 Kip Bath | pe (ike minting amt moter wick | $i ereey om 204.00, "Hy | ; . OSHAWA AUTO TRIM Ty hs bins or Whar poriuiai FOUR. rs, hina Span spi DOFTIBHORS pai Song To Coen had LERATS 1g werranty, A MORTGAGE 62 BONG ST. Jas? 2% Forme Eolomn 1 Mi R STOR FOUR - roomed healed Riariment for| ment, wewly decoraled, private" en IAMES 4 MachONALD. BA GLB, | w of sour own choice. Phane BI] family of four can live well 4 BE -------- -- 1] ' y NLrans& 10 i, FRALE MiRie " FIEPROM BH & 1 lar uh 3 ! \ tu dd shud dE LRY 5T0 Yee hiefiel, snond parle. | B84T6 for further particulars arrivter and boliciior and Notary Kuh: Millar ot WA 83183, Loyd Really 14d:| and own a freezer for $16,00 MONEY AVAILABLE 3 n hestnut muarter hired mare ' me nent He PRIVATE apartment. kitchen, TIVIRG | West. Oshawa, Ontaria, Cent parking y er week Far infarmation, PAYMENTS. TO SUIT RUGS & CHESTERFIELDS ears, well broke western, alse ' wrerh ' rr et new western paddies. Bee WH ITE 03 SIX oun Brick Wangaiaw, three hed. bedroom and hath, Close (0 bis, Hares | avalible ALTO wrecking vl A Approuimatel all HOMARKET, 107A Col YOUR BUDGET CLEANED Len Bialf, Janeiville OSHAWA TIMI roams sthmend distriel For more | shopping eeniie ear Parking RUSSELL 0. 1 MURPHY, BA, LAR. Ihe ta a aula Epnsporis, on barns tf, Whitbky, MO Cp VES ¢ STEHE Vale SHEA Tor soli Wolk. | tion call RA 38366 ar RA Pacific Avenue. WA Warvister and Belicior, 6 King Breet | NGhWAY COFREE, ON ORPOSILE EOF B.4630 y ALLIE BINT ENT J Professional Cleaning oe) ANY OL 33214. D Calder, Brooks THREE roam bi tment, private en: |} fishawe, Ontario, KA 82571 ce station hed nd fender Richard: Maveck Rk 3.7468 Home er Plant | ' ¥ mW. how ear R a ali trance and bath, sink and eurhoprds in a Xt par arn Ryan ras 4s, i, JH he will Wl Selling AVON onveniences. $40 monthly. Linmediate kitehen, heavy duty wiring. Child wel |oREIGHTON, FRASER, NRYNAN and on' Alstrici Asking price 8100 000 | KING 57 RA 3.3993 Members of he Nations! id, Bis m oF sale rite ks £5810 0 y " i ni Apply 157 Calbarne Blreel East M ( oi rs. Balieitors, 1 ea ro osell ther 4 Ti Institue! of £ Cliff, Quesnshore, Ontarie or apply Ni bd 5 Hop, Close (0 sehogls. Gall RA 4 H ROM n 44 Hy ote Yon pdb id H rite B wot pv nn Mibididid Gardening and Supplies | Member Ontario Mortgage " ug Cleaning : 4 A on wpann 1 : ids Charles Sires (evenings) NEW Hires JAParLment, aebAl: it ares Sires! North, RA 58446) 7. K | | Bra Association | NUWAY---RA B.468) f Y ix room brick house, twa (ale bathroom, | entrance, park 15 fun J 4 : on By dade cout heated ail convenlenees, INK onace elas to "bouin Plant, |Fieitilon G0) ROLE ERE oR GENUINE DRIVEWAY (Nursing -- -- a ghites Arranged Surveyors Margwili Fur Farm, Tyrone In as y d nakes Ned hot water, large lawn and BEAD farm stock picked up promp! 4 | i rom ing eh in 1 . Phone eniiect Hamvian cons 355 J ee Th rome Welding Wilken Aik ST red MONEY-MAKER GRAVE! INDIVIDUALIZED houdhifil™ care 10F | ow mes room th wedinom hungal J \ [ : A . KR . [each person in Bunnyhirae of Oshawa g od RN Creanent i f King Birest Basi taro Land Su 5 pi . . ind SUP i. Inaguiries invited. RA { rveyor, commercial bh nse ta school, 888 monthly, pEREs room apartment seif-eon Business RA A401, Resi | Loam, Sand and 2080 APY nquiries Invited prnbing 13 Bloor Street East, A ') WATER " 1 il Y tained, private entrance refrigerator | fence y | FULL On PART TIME Fill. Dial | A | 5-86 & be iL One office for rent, #70. 1 | plave In kitchen, suitable for oii (ou nnane #, SWART FE Barrister Opt i | val i ; in hi A ; i | ometrists Gi. 7, HORTON and A er 4 f y | f ¢ Slresl est' aide near King |§ filadstone A f | Wieltar, Notary, Money 10 nan. Asse ) . RA 5.5 779 . Ld - we | LaFI0 Land BUFVeyOrS Fad Ene | delivered » hu i Helephone BA pw nen ig A Bree V. Mankey, BA, Hens [ RAMI ®% f Al A 99 FO RICHARD WACK, ~ Tiaelar 0f gineering, 308 Dundas Sieet We 8 & whe $5 for 1,000 gals _ he f dy el p i semi ky J 1% no Mets! East RA | » et! Tole bptomen the amination Ral Whithy, MO 85001, After hours hi pecial rates on request fo . FOUR i bungalow, near rene. i a I § 4 17. Hesiden Na 14020 £aniaat Ions 4 BIMGoR NAF A 8-8648 [ieciar gigs an fequ F |37-=Male Help Wanted [10% Seer' ot anytime. Availahie (dis-aged i ephons LL JUMP CENTRES OSHAWA Colborne. Evenings hy Appointment arger amo 84771 Fo ; w, Telephone Orono 208% for further HA p INSERH 1, MANGAN, GC, HB aret,| | NITY tu A |HOME LANDSCAPING RA 44101 H FLIM AND TROL LOPE, Ontaria ake charge o dey formation i tar, Maney (0 l04% \ 2 AI MURKAR, NETL 0, HO. optametrist, | L400 Burveyars, 26 Adelaide Avenue t and 1 Wo rif Epartmer en p $ M n 4 1 2 aptametrist, , Fv ale bd ) h ! TOREY and a hall, four bedrooms trance, healed 1 LLL He Rh - PH dy HA sain | U / ) $150 Pruning of fruit trees and We ta Panne Hig i a' ey Kast, Fhone HA 3-668) - " -- 3 ) i bd Ping b ! v. Teles My 88 for R " i hit 0 B8671. Close of, | p 10-~Swap & Barter and Building spupl tland bathroom upstairs, three Faoms 'mor anihy "7 BOWMAN DAVID 1 Barrier, boll enamentals, tres wrgery and | Yen, dps ND pan. Ti PROFIT by reaching loen prospects ressive lume y ( J then downstairs, finished pe i r Le Ba) It holiel ! A hp 1g Bir Sou WA §0AUS 8: | f mf J rer a il qua = i " 0) n I LE LL pay accounts at downtown Daminlon | payment Oshawa Times Classified Ad. n p HA ressive Imubre i i Wa firnishs i ; dustrial bullding, one house for ; X denoe, RA 8.0864 J 6 €0 with ar nies B | oF trent. Invalin Dial RA 8 IL Vrite # 0 \ | ym plete refriger ank or 74 Bu 1 walls i 8.8468 nov equity In any other property a Osh. (J14 #768 th nh rk L a § 468 now 1 : Times We ¢ iene Mme, | Save, thre f eh sill eouple, Ne MeGiIRRON and BASTEDD, Barrister ! 3 { amined st home Dial HA J dd ranemm-- -------------- fie Telephone RA 4688 even | M" hot walter healing, gar Ri Hinds . i ny HA \ e Slreel tars Clients' fund ) leh 1 ir RA 68-6360 pr oy TV « Redio Repairs |38--Male or Female Help (boulevard, 85 monthly, Schafigid In. |Soulk frat matigages 30 Bimets Binet North ne uni far [Painting and Decorating . A Associates, Lid, Harry Alnson, | Sw." madera a Ywo.nedream | [14 fifi Charles 0 MeGibhon, QC " . TV, RADIO car radio veps 32---Articles Wanted Wanted El EN ern Ne ra hedIOni | Liger F. Besiedn, Gi : EXPERT PRUNING |FAINTING, "decorating and cement vi FARIA car radio vem WANTED used 3 HP garden fractor # Park Read, Adelai'e Btreel, hin JOHN A. CAMERON, harrisier | WILL swap equity In two slores, one wisi NOW IS THE TIMI work. Reasonable vates Sidney Mae | {02000 nus "BA 5.67 (Fred) Wish be in good condom. Telephing TEACHER wane . . Rilo : i BE ERLE WD HR tnrarn SERVICE [Eaetiorn Telephone RA 81606 A dd RA 50600 aller § pm 8 (a TeAY Tel ' OFFICE or STOR ) ra ie Washer East HA 34066 NHA and private IO PREPARE BROWSE through an ald fashioned var PIANOS wanied, any make or sles saciid Ra 184 no NT . | F t- Origages arranged Shaping, Thinning ef Fruit et Mare In your awh Hving Fem SAMSON Will pay cash. Write PF. Pike, 188 On. | ! 4 | FOR REN [ rela h 224 THOMAS M. RUNDLE. barrister, soli | r the high ON and Omamental Trees Check the unusual offers under "Sale tarin Airset, Tarenta, Ontario, or tele: MALE ar female Perle | pitas nd .nalary public 26's King! be y e« Miscellaneous' in Classified - a Ey ns R $70 oh an Facts RA pe) is exciting new spart Van Belle Ga dens |ramveinG and papsehansing, winies | T V TOWERS ---- | a ig N HUMPHREYS, Bovehen and Hillman | sweep 1 whale MA 3.5757 BOWMARNVILE pales, Qouiding, id Church Blirest | ' 1) WANTED [mission onl ' h ' INCE 8ST WA ) + i fare tors Baligitars A A Jum ' ead about i miles East an Neo, 2) FEVER TANK] ; Co : | RA 8.8180 4 2 | side = A p $ dasehyn, B aaa 81 8 panier And papel gi | " an ¥ next bus stat Fon \ Iman, LLB: 36% King Street East ¢ ill Street | hanger, guaranteed work and mate © . . | | vy \ A nes: Oce 81177: Res. RA ; ustsat nstruction p } Al Convey, RA A SCRAP fRON. POULTRY {#1=~Room & Board Telephone RA 8.8175 : des het Yi 601 ar (iiing, Mb 8.0781: RAS 8300 a J dre agit J TATE Ray eT re soon, estimator. Al Coby Of HAWA T. V. ) CKS | Mon n f 1°) n J sacher, studen une - a. . X [Roan 4nd hoard, good | hy 8 ind lad J ais oR - Saiici vestmant {ust ar 16 years' sxparience, by interview only e | 361 GIBBONS ST I. TURNER ig HR Bg RR oh walk YOu WOULDN' T laundr i i IL et A one Breet' Sauth | ranged te install in 20 Shep Act naw. RA 81004 DODD & SOUTER " A ---- EAM ha LE A Mo. ? 3 3 1 | sing Centr PEOPLE wha need your services are ; RA 3:2043 RA 3.3374. [Fed A ais, Wisin SuAREk) pina' Contre fins IRR PANTS § IEGIATNG | 40 TOWERS $45 {coll A FRIENDLY iter yOu 08 , PA, § A t Re this veadyv.-made business a Al J UKa est) rrrt-- { flue Jus h 1 Wan | D ONE MONT H Jo Bf Kobi 4 els a rity Hl ABSOLUTE PROOI 3.8403 today to start your low cost ad Painting, Paperhanging, {30 ROOF ANTENNAS $30 « 4 ¢ A ISCONNECT Greer, Assoniate Rareist and Soli] of centres paying fer them LEARN to dance, expert instruction Inf Gyptex Full Wall Murals, IR SHAW | E | F REE REN T {ortare i Ring Street ith RA FRI selves in 8 10 10 weeks hallinam dances For appointment, tele Spray Painting [20 ROOF ANTENNAS $22 J ROOM and boa efih Wwiiah Mortgage loans avaliable | of areat additional niafits fo phone HA #4388 . 107 BYRON ST, §.. WHITBY | AUTO WRECKING CO hq J nat | Fo LRILETAN MAR MARSA. dance sdnen 3 523 B | Completely Installed speaking A { i Madern one = and 1 bed \ HOW MAN David T., Barvisier, Satol deh ins in home uni AYE MO & ints cars for wrecking, Parts ma! a eked * 4 9 YOUR PHONE 100 partment $85 and v HILLY south RA 8 tev allel letilerships in ne | or Aang raha balls od bajo AYE, 0 8 WI 2s Wore iv W Arty MEARE, PAK A ' acrahatio, B te vi I i RA 5.74 | aise scrap ron nd (RA 8484) | up Best logation Phone [action HA A0gid i" ; hat pre Aehnal, oharae h LR INI A: ete, bought Ofer ALARLE in 2 Wile, modern | RA 8.8476 [FT BALMER. BA Barrister wll CANADIAN an, Saturday, Masonie Temple Personal Service " LEN & LOU'S \ P 1 Street arth - \ Ollie AA 33731, Randene' s : TRAMP-O-LEAP'" [HARVEY naANCE "ACADENY- all day. Phone : uta eng A COUPLE OF Office RA 33741; Residence RA 34 Balen | WETER Fan Day Nursery, si or half 5.2311 89 BLOOR E. _[geterat "slick" sian {67 sanokiiiher | oles RA Fi Tap, Koval Academy, Ballet, Highland, [405 "830 to 5.30 881 Bimeos North . all RA 86081 TWO BI DROOM [Building ing Trades 2 An All Canadian Company Reglsier now, 434 King West, RA 86188 (R70 5 60g wand . Cl TY T.V. TELEVISION SETS (ROOM snd hoard five, or te bef |} CERAMIE wall Mle aid. veasonanie B d most experianced | Insurance ' 4 eek, home privil parking space uarantesd. ¥re 98st and mast xj . ~~ TRY OUR . HUMIDIFIERS [T*iepnons THE DAYS A WEEK APARTMENTS mae Aa oh Ha re we far = wil give ever NON WOLREN | BAR.B QUED CHICKEN RA 5.7844 DEHUMIDIFIERS ROOM and hoard, quiet residential} Fue ellen tion New builds |[FUBOR and plastic tis Taid at vary Aanse in locating, installing |4hty A oe Ror! ax vant ie ¢ 302 SIMCOE ST. 8 RECORD PLAYERS section Nd espe | lease, |TeAvsmabie rales Fhane Al Siachel, M| and finaneing. For the best a er BA ; Chicken plate, half chicken T.V. Service Call, $3.00 roy pita 125, h * Y A gstme T18 £ Aula TRsUTARCS with french fries, fish and RADIOS & SUNLAMPS 1 because wi know batwesn 8 am. and 8 p mo return en your investment 9) \ \ ths | \ hd 18s hd » - 3 : \ " § . ec 1 y ) Took, ; ees dolle a 5 fa per oanl, aly manths to p chips, hamburgs, hot dog MEAGHERS ; oor two Fant that good pros pects | LLOY D R EAL T Y Ty ur ing and heating supplies ar write personal servies at your home ea ¢ ¢ NOW fl, Harald KR Siavh RA AHI milk shakes 5 KIN STREET WEST atat beds. lunch ked might b | RA th Ne Ding, heating and enginesr ' $e : ae. ( e trying to get in " A ah \ id Canadian oo | A } | R; A 3-34258 , i v 9 8 5 2 3 Jin Wmeas Street hauih Tramp:O:Leap ( Lid, HLLKS a. odd eat na WE ol VER : ph A 5 188 DAY AND- NIGHT IV SERVICE I ---- ) 2 Ta i ous h with you during | ROOFING repair of [1] kinds, sen 425 Glougest : [aor Oshana Times Classified fl i y A hehe Jriiante ose periods when your ol voaany abplied, Al ROIS 4 did One Ontar [Call RA $340 naw 10 place your ad, "ht | CASH FOR SCRAP !! : RNG Sorc I IEeey MODERN stiiates. RA 38013 Qttave, Dn -- SHIRT LAUNDERERS | PLUS SUNDAYS hallding rebels, tiiné | Cartage Money to Loan ZIPPERS REPLACED Complete Tube Test 1 | Shi a a ed Jenn! tinued APARTMENT [iiituirsus, chiar, Wistiiees side LEN & LOU'S TV STEEL, METALS, BATTERIE alka, stenps , GOTAOn May. |SCOTIAN Cartage, for fast depend. |VIRST and second marigage, se Sharen or lengthen garments RA 5.7844 or RA 8. 5804 RE R < ey . ; of ah A 83014. Ne job tea dEtesments purchased And sold, Hen 4 BN PAPER. RAGS. Ei ROOM and hoard i or It's the same with vour | ina + dinath AME ONE With cath wane you n Ae ioe, Ri |] oh ton ale ao Honnick, Raresh C3 King Suh and K. ockety renewed Open All Day Saturday {hie home. with | cou advertising. People are \ m | 14y 'WIth an inexpensive Classified Ad Negra NE A GILLARDS - G 0 3. Jenveniences ! f | = | : AM for any warwhile pur 3 M GREENBERG & SONS ah buyin ] every da Dressmaking a (hase, far lowest vales, fast service, Sea CLEANIT SERVI LID LTD ) \ : ¥ A HOUSE IN THE ALTERATIONS of 81 Kinds for mon, board Finance, 301 Simeoe Street South ! | CE LIT " women and children Formal dresses. [Phone RA §.638% : ; 1" DAY OR NIGHT! RA 3.7333 3088 Sk Nuadtr sed TA Nort Don't let that business COUNTRY? Reversible skirts a specially. RA 5 3008 | ergaq™ nd second. Morgans ATTARE T.V. and RADIO p---- Plant RA pass you by because your \ A BO OUSE? DRESSMARING and alterations on ed. W. Schatsmann, Motlgags Broker Plumbing Heating , BOATHOUSE ehildren's and Tadien wear, Pasonable | Whitt Professional Balding MO BiUMRING | | CAL L RA 8- 5286 | Si. mployment Wanted ROOM i advertising is discon. | BURNS A NICE GARDEN WALL? [price. RA #8686 #3338 p ngs, fixtures, new and used BR Work Guaranteed LARY fully experienced and v : 3 : acte 1 a Zain IM aaPaRie. world Ue No he § toad & nected REPAIRS OR [MINOR allerating on ohildren's an Ing fram sepiie tank 10 sewer a ape OSHAWA ; a . pp : SRR AZ di 3 Albert Street {farm SIANY, Installations at Toasanahie CR OC EA ; a : SHOE STORE REMODELLING [Ror Elmarove and Pak Roads "MONEY TO LOAN Fates. Information and "sstimates ites ELECTRONICS TRE oreo esr $3=--3tore Space and ADVERTISE IN . LARGE OF SMALL ATTERATIONS of all Winds for Won $2 000.00 to $50,000.00 for [Shed™; oe oF plumbing. Dial RA| rac ar Mure b) v A \ A J. Foley ; pampanian available. Telephone WA Garages RA - 461 | CALL AJAX RoTaraI ERire i pectin A Sao | immediate loan on first and " Watch | Repain AVR a norm ation | THE OSHAWA THAT'S ALL A | Second Mortgages, Agree eam APPLIANCES! Teiahens RA Sree ot Ton tel OFFICE OR STORE 1 IMES | One and Two Bedroom RA 8.5103 | PURRIER. KER a. cobalt, Bam EeeO Pumps | WATCH REPAIRS an SS \ ECC) RAY care giv ohildren. Phone <p 2 REN { . TC ( industrial eity abe 56 AT lhe SPACE FOI Ri ! CLASSIFIED SECTION APARTMENTS 110 KING STREET EAST, | : Atrial qty, sub 3 saab J. Cornish ROUSEWORK = wanted, fil or pany OSHAWA Abere : W er a : ged conser. Phone RA dhl Se EVERY DAY LA SALLE COURT | AJAX REPAIR AND LOW PR shir King St West RA 8404 WOMAN wahis GAY Work oF cooking PHONE RA 5.3% CONSTRUCTION 2 RO\ ; | Sin Noe PAR NEF pecializihg automate Aractionl WUTSIRE, sxoelient relarences 32 C » 3 h . he <2 ROWE £1 North, Oshawa now 2 I PLUMBING ND in walche 0 Pushin <3 CELINA | DIAL RA 3 3492 | or RA 8.6448 LTD, RA 8.6706 ath gvg (hone bi | Forty Vaz SAT RA 3.4543 SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT ws RA 8.388% And heating pipes

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