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The Oshawa Times, 6 Mar 1961, p. 1

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THOUGHT FOR TODAY Many 5 persom wants life and the liberty happiness to parse im any way that suits his fancy, GO--MNO. 54 ES Fal Frica Mot ver 16 Cone Por Cooy - WEATHER REPORT Freezing rain covering most of the ares i expected to give way to thunder late today, SIXTEEN PAGES CONGOLESE OPEN FIRE FEAR CANADIAN DEAD Chile Election Bl Brings No Change LIFT FOR FOOTBALL COACH VV. Haywood Fowler, Miami | rescue helicopter from a life Edison high school foothall | raft Fowler clung to 18 hours coach, is shown here after | light plane conked hoisted into a Coast Guard | and settled the Atlan neg out mn off Baha aid tie Ocean mas he felt no ill effect (A Nirepholo) yesterday Ghana President (Dutch Plan Talks With Adlai UNITED NATIONS (CP) Nkrumah's plan all Congolese President Kwame Nkrumah of troops would he disarmed, po Ghana meets with U8, Ambas- litical prisoners would he freed sador Adlai Stevenson today as and Parliament would he re # preliminary to the resump- convened, tion Tuesday of the 15th session greyenson had made no pub! g vkrumah, n Address plan, hot tite "traf es 15 the $9-nation assembly, is ex-|\commitied to support the pres.! pected to press on Stevenson|ent UN effort being directed by his demand that Africans only| Hammarskjold, he allowed to try to solve the Arriving in New York Sunday ONgo CTISNS, Rlevenson 1s 10) night Nkrumah reiterated hi meet later with Soviet Foreign! oaniention that the Congo situa Minister Andrei Gromyko tion can be solved "only hy Af The main issues before the ricans," He also said he hopes assembly will he the Congo|his discussions, including a talk problem, disarmament, and Bo-| Wednesday with President Ken viet demands that the structure! nedy in Washington vill clear of the United Nations be altered| the air," to replace the office of secre Race Hate Bred indi up-grading of the din i, Germany, Finance Minister Jelle Zijlstra ago, and was shot, ghout 4.75 per cent To Revalue Currency THE HAGUE (Reulers) Fhe year lerms, government of The Netherlands announced plans today to said the guilder will he revalued mark tn percentage as the guilder is expected valued 3.62 to the stead of the liable source The four ously change dollar The Netherlands Band i" pended official buying and sell ame present 38, a re aid mark now | ed the UR. dollar official rate 4.20 marks fo {he Was fo the be Communists dollar in: tign Democrats and supporters denied the charge Py Wile's of Cuban Premier Fidel Castro government kept The Popular Action Front of Con cused the grvernment of failing housing, lahor proniems SHpPOriers in YEFRment 1s work fully toward eco stahiity SANTIAGH | Conservative ac control of Hoth gress today ht by left-wing parties jority sharply Incompleis gressional eo |e e tion shrank the government to 15 from in the Chamber of Deputies and gave the Com munists their first Senale seals in 14 years. Bocighists increased Four Face their Lower House seals to 12 ,. a : ammunist Firing Squad \ NA. (AP) from nine and the ( elected 14 depitie "HAVA who fired i Partial refurns give backing President andr s Coantion gn y meeting Saturday probably will A ecution wall after tefl a military tribunal ommuntst army intelligence sources say three Firing from a taxicab showed anti-Castro gunmen killed a 26 first year-old laborer and polls 10 three others in the austerity semhled to observe ary of the French munitions Howses Beayy mw roads io iM and She jsted salve cries bation sana the oi ha wn results from con Minaday mg Margin namie EL] I a Four Gref AME Castro mass r nment In a ang Cor st OF iar ie 25 he least oe n 10 the & WINE trial hefore elected al return senators, the early Chie thu election wa to react at ident Alessandri's program Lo the municipal elec: pivel tions last year the Communists the and Socialists had made a poor Coubre showing A total of ought the 147 Chamber of Deputies candidates campaigned Senate vacancies, Chile has senators with staggered eight. year terms. Deputies serve four: The chance Pre crowd as the first an explosion ship with bullets, killing wounding one of the four and capturing them gunman cub arnyer pPASSENgers } ny gs! The wounded pr Cesar Lopez Garcia ; ! were Tomas Montano Cala, Da vid Rodriguez Manso and Ro candidate the two hh seals In driver, who apparently had One election death was ve: poen coerced hy the other four re-| parted, A man (ried 10 break up| yas Mario Fandino Mato, 69, ih the. a Westland a non-Communist CAmpalEn ine after the shooting, bt. between a Communist promier Fidel Castro, cphok worker at Codegua, near Bant-pharged that the United was responsible for the The anh - government which Socialists Action Front Chris- U8 i Jew-Killers men the wounded of La Militia and police riddled the the WAS the others berto Gonzalez Lopes, The again| Knowles, roughly the paign was led by the Popular in which about 80 persons were! New includes! killed and scores wounded, The| government has repeatedly support dd CAPT, GERARD BELANGER, BELIEVED DEAD Knowles Rejects Red Party Support SYDNEY, N.8. (CP)--Blanl executive viee-pres tates| dent of the Canadian Labor Con. democratic explo-| gress, says there is no room for{ Knowles said, cam: sion aboard the munitions ship, [Communist supporters in the(there is no room for any of his Party from any movement," he told seminar hunday Mr. Knowles wa " statements hy Foronto, Canadian Communist party his followers wan! prospective members of the new! lie political party "Mr of he ad the and Buck speaks for a small id Lg process" Mr "This Is supporters in the New "Phe: New Party rejects any| Party totalitarian # party Buck In a speech Baturday Mi reiterated an offer for Communist support of the New commenting |Party in the next federal elec Tim Buck. of Hon he that to support|vate home, He called off a pub Mr, Buck made his addres to about HO supporters in a pri refused ad three halls meeting when mission to at least roup of this country which, nes not share our belief in the! (onoofese why Eight Escape Attack On Villa LEOPOLDVILLE -- A Canal "My impression was thaf i dian signals captain was re- was their first time under fire ported to hate heen cut down and they were nervous," he hy machine-gun fire Sunday as said ; he left his signal station to Sigmn, Cecil Bates, 22, of Tim parley with attacking Congolese mins, Ont, was the last to leave troops the ground floor of the building Wight Cunadians who were He said he had no idea whet released after having been taken was going on upstairs when the prisoner hy the Congolese said white flag was shown the officer in charge, identified a ay on Ju Hoos and the as Capt. Gerry Belanger of Que- Nex ng heard was the hee City, went out to talk with Congolese telling me to get up, the Congolese during a ull in They are Jsting as # thes the fighting bere Adaiades There was # burst of ma the arm and dragged me oul- ine-g 0 wt f | HIRE ramen d. th him." ve... 3 ought they were going 10 tountad g Sel LH. Harris, 37, mish me off there and then, of Grieshach, Alta, Belanger Suey want through the building has not been seen since and § ANNED Ai part, wesumed dead ladda sd ' ! ding Ta soldier s--mem Sigmn. Ross Beggs of King: hers of a 155-man contingent! 5100, Ont, manned the radio guarding the Canadian signal| throughout the firing and had station -- were also reported] "Ent forehead wounds, He said Cilled the fighting. Twelve he Canadians' relations with hilleq in 106 HEISE and! the Congolese had been friendly other Sudanese are missing and and that they had often had 14 are woinded meals together More than 1.000 ( ongolese| Beggs said the nine Canadians troops attacked the signal cen were relaxing when the trouble tre at the port of Matadi The) started The Congolese set up # udanese troops were disarmed machine-gun 20 feet from the nd forced to withdraw, The|pyilding eight other Canadians were rel The Canadians had been held (len ed and town to Leopoldville iat the Congolese camp from Sunday nigh {6 pm, Saturday until Sunday, Phe port is some 150 miles|""They gave us food and re. southwest of here on The Congo! freshments and we were not river, maltreated," Beggs said, Three of the Canadians were| The other Canadians involved slightly wounded but they said\were Sgt, Frank Wood, 34, Cals they had not heen ill-treated, gary; Sgmn, C, B. Bostwick, 19, The nine Canadians were in| Hatfield, N.B.; Bgmn, Charles two-storey villa next to allanules, 30, Toronto; Sgmn, barracks Daniel Murphy, 21, Vancouver, MAN MACHINE-GUN ad Bern, Herbert Strike, 20, Harris said that at about nl, 10 a0 oo, Saturday Rudanese| It wis believed the fighting in | troops took up po ton outside(Méladl---mast intonse of the re. the villa with a machine-gun HTN oil ain. he 'Contos barack, 14, LE, Nal regio "I tried to get them to take ¥ LALLY ome v r Wena GE mand planned to try to disarm [it AWRY he HUA I did not Know | president Joseph Kasavubu's on whose authority it had been army under the new Recurity jut ere he suid, | The CONEY Council mandate authorizing the " Rg use 0 reve vivi ' "Then someone pulled a trig Pid fatee ta prevent civil war ger=I don't know Who, We| The fighting broke out again assumed battle positions There Sunday with the Sudanese gar was a lull during which al, i J : 4 ! | vison bhatt ( La . wounded Sudanese was ling the mortars, ma we evacu ( Plead Guilty tonia (AF) The tary-general with a three-man! By Depression? executive TORONTO HAD TOLD. DAG Nkrumah already ha mitted (0 8 ee retary-General nation against depression and {Irving Himel, secretary of the Dag Hammarskjold his pro posal for a new all-African UN |Associal for Civil Lihertie Us. Calls Off ! aid o ; id Goodwill Visit He told an audience command in The Congo. Under Iimeth synagogue anti CAPE TOWN (AP)--A | and racialism that came fo a Navy goodwill visit to Cape! head during the Second World! Town. South Africa wa War were the result of a de celled today hecavse of the pression ation in The Congo and the task force of five navy ships was or William While rector of the John Inglis Com dered to sail hack ta the Congo area pany Limited, said banks and surance firms in Canada are The task fore scheduled to arrive the worst offenders in discrimi eets Leaders Before Big Conference Minister Macmillan separately today with Common wealth leaders while the argued editorially about retain ing racd-conscious South Africa in the multi-racial organization Maemillan planned to see all main delegates ta the 10-day Commonwealth conference be fore it apens Wednesday The Hritish leader arranged meetings with Field Marshal Mohammed Ayub Khan of Pak istan; Tunku (Prince) Abdul Rahman of Malaya: Prime Min ister Keith Holyoake of New Zealand; Prime Minister Mrs Sirmave Bandaranaike of Cey lon; Alhaji Sir Abubaker Taf awa Ralewa of Nigeria, and Prime Minister Robert Men of Australia Prime minister Dielenbaker of Canada, naw visiting Ireland is among the leaders Macmillan is to meet Tuesday. Others are Prime Minister Hendrik Ver woerd of South Africa and Prime Minister Nehru of India Nkrumah is not expected here fram the United Nations ing in New York until late Wed CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS POLICE RA §.113% FIRE DEPT, RA 5.6371 POSBITAL RA 3.2211 ing quotations pending an nouncement new figures hy Zijlstra Tues of Gerrels was given the job of trial opened today of three 1s taking their valuables, watches, The finance minister said the (oniane aocused of murdering and Jewelry, all to he turned revaluation was decided on 125,000 east Buropeans, most of over to the security police bene iter, fon tition Mit Regu them Jews, in Nazi death camps fit fund 3 m i ; " if and i A, , during the Fecond Worl War He was which with the COUN Rall Gervets and Jan Vijk about this tries form the Rurepean Com pleaded guiliy at the start of the he had mon Market notified he. trial. A third mar Erwin watch fore the public announcement, Mere, ¢ caped to Britain after year after In West the raval the war and the British refuse The Ru nation chosen as a means!'? grant a Joviet extradition gelling of easing pressure on the 1/8 request, He 1s tried inlwateh dollar helping the United absentia I'he trial § expected to con States correct the unfavorable 1oreign tinue until thd end of the week, a balance of dollars leaving the invited to the trial ; ru Margarine | Color Bar Said Stupid' arvived regularly from Czeclo (C1) =The slovakia with prisoners At a typical execution, h said, a bustoad of 40 prisoners was driven from the camp to a 10-fool trench dug nearby and a ward wou'd order them to un dress Gierrels Were ord eed to lie down side dent of the Institute of Tdible and shot to death Oil Foods today accused the Ontario agriealture department of being "stupid and childish" toward colored margarine Robin KE, Merry told the insti tute's annual meeting that "out. moded nuisance laws" designed Nace 34 i The federal{to make margarine less coms Fl" ih Me he honcho and ir fa Soveroment is boing uk lfpetiive with Water 'mote the conference because of that daranaike's a ce a m madation Meike gold coins in denoming- | volishe d tonndi ) A A : h A have heen changed to the Savoy | 100s of $10, $25 and $50 for 1962,) He said Canada had no butter country's apartheid (racial seg to mark the a0th anniversary of|surplus, but did have a surplus regation) policies 'MORE CONVENIENT! Timmins, northern Ontario gold lof milk, The suggestion by the Three British newspapers to. A Ceyvlanese man de. Mining town Dairy Farmers of Canada for a day spoke out for South Africa's clined lo ay whothe r the The request was made today 10-cents - a - pound subsidy on exclusion from the Common:|change was made because Ver-|DY resolution of the Prospectors butter was naive, impertinent wealth and two others took the|woerd was at the Dorchester and Developers Association and outrageous Te TE NEWS TLRS The Liberal Guardian of Man: was "mare conve nient George Formby Dies In Hospital choster, the proLabor London \ Datly Herald and the Commu nist London Daily Warker called PRESTON of Britain's here today for exclusion he \ . of Freight Cars Derailed In Quebec The Canservative London Daily Mail said to excluse South Africa now would "not be {right." VAUDREUIL, Que. (CP) Fifteen cars freight train bound from Montreal ta Smith Falls, Oat, were derailed just west of here early today, Railway officials sald westbound traffic an the Montreal Toronto route was "Rut the Common wealth insists upan abedience to diverted ta easthound tracks while crews worked to clear the No injuries were reparted (CP Discrimi FALLIN, K race 1s hred hy unemployment day Beth emitism il fenelux were an watches makel \ can Germany Hu wi heing di personnel correspondents ere had heen orman. eco Wh Wedne dary Jag i a of mnta sald groups six to 10 marched the: TORONTO trench by side presi | 100 Thursday. Macmillan: The 000} Sunday with Six Prime nesday ol conferred Daily Herald commented that million it would Welensky, prime minister of the regard as fravdulent a Com Central African Federation of manwealth which had room for Rhodesia and Nyasaland A racist South Africa TOUCHY PROBLEM Meanwhile, a shifting South Africa's continued mem. A°Co0mmadations for the bership after the country he. BoMmonwealth leader conferred Hoy home pre Prospectors Want Gold Coins Again TORONTO (CP) of hotel visiting took . chine-guns and rifles, The firing . . Fire Destroys was the heaviest in the centre in Y ity | "At about § o'clock the Con | Weekend Home golese began using grenades, We changed fierce fire with Congor | had hoped for rveinforcements| jase army headquarters. across Rudanese, But now Ihe streef questioned closely ; frame dwelling owned hy Mp, |'®%%: We Rgrood it was ne Po marched to Matadi railroad stas and Mrs, George Miller, Tor Carrying om 10CHUNE we id, tion their arms piled beside the He 'was arrested lug only small arms five against the| (packs, then herded into wagons 16 years in hiding charge he began! ouroago (AP)=Utility and Holstein volunteer fire bri (towel to tell the Congolese we| "The great gallantry of the city crews labored along barri- gade had a difficult time keep:|wape ready to call it quits, We|Sudanese and the Canadian gars caded streets today to clear/ing the flames from spreading(joft our weapons behind and|rison faced as they were hy through Chicago's south side at! Holstein is 40 miles south of the Sudanese guards had taken|not he overestimated," sald the dusk Saturday Owen Sound refuge in a bedroom, UN spokesman today, The twister struck without 4 § was estimated at $5,000,000 Three elementary schools were closed for repairs, At least tieorge Ramsey, city building] a commissioner, Tle said nine| ES would be demolished about 75 so severely they can not be occupied The tornado collapsed store their foundations, sent roof-tops spinning, and spread glass and masonry in the streets, Wires ated, The firing began again at of the town where the Sudanese, a HOLSTEIN (CP) = Fire early|from the ecovering The surviving Sudanese were especially whether| onto residents who spend their | EO AIY) : Congolese heavy weapons {for the withdrawal to Leopold. on the black debris from a tornado that cut/te nearby buildings on the main! went out." overwhelming superiority both warning, leaving one dead and 26 buildings have been listed as Ramsey said at least fronts, tossed autos about, ups were felled, plunging the area ahout 2 o'clock in their hotel headquarters, ex- today destroyed the seven-room realized the position was hope: | | faken any of wt F T " t om W 1S er weekends here ¥ "I went outside with a white ville twisting 8% -m ile swath! street Harris said that at one time|in numbers and armaments cans 1 injured, Property damage unsafe for electrical service hy structures were damaged rooted trees, shook houses from inte darkness a Plane Crashes | Nine Dead EL PASO, Tex, (AP)--A US Air Force KB-30 refueling air plane crashed just short of a Rigas Air Farce Base runway Sunday night, Killing all nine & men aboard The six-engined craft crashed Farmby, 56, - with a tremendous explosion in ge in hospital 'an unpopulated area two or three miles northeast of a run way at the hase It was the thing 1 ever saw rescue worker at the scene Some of the nine bodies were burned heyond recognition The plane was one of six re turning from a rautine vefueling mission In the Pacific he . } \ Plane Crashes, Explodes In Brazil her, te 9 Wt Rinded RIO. DE JANEIRO (AP) An theria A ANAOR The KR, a modi ger plane (ashed and exploded while landing today at Sao {the B29. 1s used for Paulo, Bragll, according to news dispatches received bere. [fueling of jet fighters spokes Canadian spokesman, haw ever, categorically denied that Prime Minister Diefenbaker was booked for Claridges, about a mile away, to avoid being in the same hotel with Verwoerd. | He said the Canadian leader's! reservations were made long ago 108 England (Reuters) most papular comedians Leorge one died sooner Malavan bring up 1 African racial § hasi Ms the better it wi The ie matter Vid . Daily Mail said youd AFRICANS AFFECTED the conference The Financial Times. Rrit. did not think the question of ain's daily business journal, said South Africa's membership in the decision on South Africa the Commonwealth as a repub was ane far each prithe minister should be brought up at this fn make in considerat the lime ! \ fy Y Hs nonwealth will demonstrate becomes a re strength of mind if South A ing the Verwoerd government a Tica is refused readmission. @! blank cheoue." | ickenin sald one meet fhe most Wlidies a but added he of a UPR nd BRIDGE TAKING SHAPE the win Marie Mari Ont, as seen in this aerial | phate made last week. Con Jcrete tower for the bridge are qd hy Wf th closing most dam at the Tr werk an side been checks of the the | wpper lef nd phate is the farebay hy proceeds on th droelectric plant and the next | in the upper distance apen water is the rapids of the he black structure at the SL Mary's, W&er flow has | left is the railroad bilge. lee, covers the The niddle shown at right loek approaches water m the i] HT Wark hridege os On th Nie Ste lines pragre connectin Wes Sault Sault open wn of of of 1owe and ees Mich Anes of a ! Y Avo IN ¥ 5 wiblie to avoid \ of centey Ie cation aenal

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