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The Oshawa Times, 6 Mar 1961, p. 5

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ul "High School Budget | wimsY wre OE THD Sn M8 2 WHITBY | DISTRICH Reaches $563,307 DAY-BY-DAY | [8 1116 wo DRY.. " EBYPA WEETING . Vanpayers » whathly face as comprred 19 ' fm Tuesday eveming the Fait : m another Wo wilh Tike wn their 90 40 Baotist tages if the town GRance com Progeny committer esti mitten approves Winthy IRENE in the new hwdget show High Schoo Board saps' stantial nee. The figwie Fidget fom 196] 155 54 has heen proposed, com THE INERSHIE of taking » 'ow Phe proposed Wioget, Fassen pared (6 last years #0 15 heongh the (Hove and Ma the WINE Bowed, calle 107 pouding Committe has pro Formmto Fhe whe attended #6 Increase from The 1908 (ots sased $10.50 (ov the 196) bid were greatly appreciative of the of S492.328 tn » new Wgh of po hance 19 see Gifferent peri 5 IW 75 for 19% tions mn progre Fran portation Ri $ ha hs Bop wack Se Yamiz. an h rmise SETA MIZOL By (AZAR ory Phy simalen 1a ammnt 19. 55 be going howling at Oshawa! levy for the Board. WRiLRHY 70 shopmng Centre Bowling | anes Fawnishng fare of the pro Snather maior portion. of the Those whe would like tn attend posed Pmidgrt Fmawnts 1H $106 expenditures naRaes in the lease mest #6 the church # 584 12, These Bigs in per. WHS budget are for the ARGET- 7 45 centage of the twa MENICPEN- 5m Street sc haat property fie RES HEEITT are broken Legal fees for the Epropriation < : down imo T1I0 for the town and) proceedings (otal $14 56.78, Tie ADDITIONAL WHITBY NEWS 27 86 fax the township Board stil owes another $16 ON PALE 4 Additional funds will «ome VSI for the property from the Province wm the form Additional eEPERAHBEE wi n of a arant, vash on hand, trans: Bned in Ihe preps ef Tages are QUICK CAREER fer from addwion acemnt, fees, $000 fees tn other Boards and 7 #MES V's daughter Mary be caleteria fund and dues from V9 for interest on the Bild: CRme Queen of Beats in 1542 Fast Whith Vorwnsip and Ing Seen when she was one week nid Whithy "Fawns The report ale When was Ww ned when she was # The provines aif ex present Bamiities for the A YORE DES E met thety regilar weekly mest This week the young pespie | The town wilh be regred 16 Sii- year old and marnied when she pected we S150 065 9%. Fast derson Street School are paid, was sy YER graf WA 198 752.44. very litle of the money from - . a Breakdown of e mhe re- the debenture issue of SHH 960 CED ash and, $13.75. will TEm@ Nao fund will bel | transfer from addition account. | available from Ih account to EAR N g i000, fee #1000 cafeteria reimburse the current secoum ' ' ' fund. $5000. Aus $0150 from for seme capital expenditures RETURN FROM TRIP TO ENGLAND thy od' 41 91 from] pid from the current accom . ' Whithy Fo i in the latter part of 19% and Quickly Easil Inexpen ivel with { the Hove hat one too oid to travel # They were fi # Wier ' 1960 y y 4 P wn early Canadian | econ. Whit i the h 1 wanderers are 8 | to avoid | dead J we branosed budget { Additional co far the Ar 4 % if sil (14) i nn Nappy In % mine ¥ f M enioyed the vo demic in Engiang aur er mang com FE f derson styes He § sing fron rade Joserh Clarke and W diture. The figure, expropriation have added a ew Fy A ¢ K and thre 171114 PT i ! 4 fe from (he home | the Sylvania and IRree- i did i onsiderably higher siderable amount io this hmdget England It can never he said i A the Baxona han Wh ! B60 5 $260 344. This amount Some additional equipmer . cacher and off sale has to he purchased for Ande) on School in 1961 Hillcrests Blank Macs eR da rin i" APPROVED Now Meet Peterboro Pee Wees Win -.- M8 Language Records By CLIFF GORDON capitalize on 1 i LJ y el a 5 and Lie the score he same br i i + Trenton Series ac fe team almost into the thing. apphed here 6 his Adda rAd) Whithy Hillerests Sal mht fhe Ma IP li By CLIFF GORDON onl and cheered thelr Jitle J ingle penal inn fellows righ: along ord up another win on However the Whithy team led hows You Can not ' turday afternoon in Trenton hy Keenan came right hack and plus 8 12-week new subscription to The Globe p knotted the count al & il The American Soviets of Travel Agents (Onisrin Branch / { the penalty hox | as 1h jueezed oul a Close of al iy % 13 J I a h recommends The Globe and Mail langnage records in people and Mall at the regular rate of Be a week gives he locals the | fh IRE : ht 2 win aver the FAEh @ M mark. Both planning el hak I thie nel hard ou . fi FON J he series Trenton club. The win gives the Cams mi sed some greal sco Faneators and linguists in Ontario have sgsessed The filnhe you a four-record (40 lessons) eonrse In French, te J Ad { g p { f I and Mail Isngus records as 8 highly interesting program . will he a hest of seve fff geal team the home and home ing ehane in the final minute 04 Tall langhagl feenite 4» 2 Bn Pinkram German, Spanish or Russian, complete with and opens tonight in Peterbor: total goal series 11-4 and the © 1 pering indents pe I'M i Only one goal was scored in| Usk this handy larm ta order onversationa ANNALS, the close hard fought third} The Giohe snd Mall Ianguake recards TORAY period, IL came off the tick of! BE See see SEE SEES SEE SEE SRE RE SE SR RE. S-- Ames SEE SEEE SEE SEE SEEN SEE a hi ihaped the Ma kad h ee Wer All Sia the ™ crests cashed non two ! min en gam f 0h | 1 | ie a fellows once j im ri iter tri b-1 after he fourth He Peterborough ine the Eastern J) $ group and the Lei Hed ihivan troph he first ame | n ( ee second game 1s hers 7 i Ant the Pee Wer Peterhorough tonight, the see migh, TI mid gam right to advance in the | on Wednesday might and from' playdow there on the dates have nol heen sel up. We will keep you past and game hack here on Wed nesday night I'he in climaxed an alimos unhelievahle comeback, bh he Mike Keenan once gain Was woo on who had already scored | ' ' an g gun! the Whithy team! K f | Please Hil sunt folowing, printing or typing sisariy) ed as 500n as we gel them the big gun for the Whithy one and sel the other one up | Subscription Order Form ke as he scored two of the three , I'he Canuck vith Gary Dar ® I'he Trenton team fought hack PH Ne, ' I hershy order The Globe sud Mall de hard fighting Hillerests who Cnn ks wi A hy Goals garnered hy the local elb, | goon Sou" ore nahle fo g NAME LLL livered fo my home for & period of ling, noth oe al proving to held J re unable tn get) TWELVE (13) WEEKS, and thereafter tha § i a Bul once dean Dunlops player, as their coach ond goal 1 4 the 17.20 the equalizer as the local de ADDRESS ' anti! esncelled, at the corrent price of IB tha] : did not have as much trouble Me nner al he HS gencomen were working very FIFTY CENTS (be) payable tn the with Kingston as the locals had Mar the final frame and Cou" "20d the forwards - were | BITY OR TOWN 10NE +. PROV, CARKIER BOY weekly, [understand that ioproved that thi Ninthy team ard the veal stuff that goes with A VOB ) as a resnlt of my giving you this order, | had the real shi } vith the Ma Peterhoratugh hroke up a lense Iwo All Ne pa ckohecking will receive a sel of FOUR (4) LEARN A geal hae he Mls [ youl won their series 4.2 One Andy Bryant scored the other 1st Period | Please send ma 381 as shooked: (ohask ane) LANGUAGE RECORDS af the sareption I Li Car a Mg torrie, must remember however that goal for the Whithy (eam 1. Whithy: Bryant | [7] FRENGH [7] BERMAN [7] SPANISH [7] RUSSIAN HT sol 8, SL, var to RH lg ol ne Fellow Handled 21 the Peterborough team finished| For the game losers It wis Keenan fh - records will he malled nilviduslly at 8 yung in first place this year a scant Bruce MeNae and Bleve An:| d RASA ARRAY intervals of approximately 16 days I] A 1h shots, some of them from very LORNE CAMPBELL ofthe "HIN ldrew with A goal each 2. Trenton: MeNae 00d 10 10! i MAIL TDi that }f 4 snbeeri 1 18 eancelle Je ere all hut counted out afte Cireulation Pept, 140 King 81, W, Torrente clase in on weakwae with ( int ahead 4A re a flaw, He made door step] The second period was a ote Pb Whew lost only twa games| As time of writing we de not o wrentar whan | i THE GLOBE and MAIL "LEARN-A-LANGUAGE" RECORDS ne me 25h | aves on Goyer, Mavely and H.[hard fought affair with the Hill tall season and they were al the know who the local team will Rail Hill. 1t was some of these fine|crests holding a slight edge in! hands of the local favorite meet in the next round, but as 4 Whithy : aves we felt that sparked the|play hut unable to get a scor Bo in all the serie hould he codn as the information is pa Why Hillerests on 10 @ win ing rally organized. Camphel)| Another bang up affair Welod along to us we will let you! , However another hig thing for again turned hack the hes! almost forgot, The Belleville ooo b Whithy, Resnan nm (he Whithy team was the work drives the Macs could muster Booster club took up a colle he Whithy team was sport Bremner. Bryant ,,, 17.00] ses som sow SES SE SE SE SR SS -- AEE EEE SEY BEE EEE EEE SR SE SS of the defencemen, especially and the losal defence was rack bit aL the Jin hey Kam Li Belle ars emi al lead ds. they) -- ' : -- Captain Ken Roberts, who play:|ing the fellows up as they| Vie the Oihes High Ang CoLect: Bi ay oon' 4 | spectacular game, He ok attempted to gel or close ed $222 for the Tom Chasczew li 8 Woh Mia yi ed a powerful 1ot of ice time| In the third and final period ski Toul Fund the A might mighty good to all concerned and was guiding his mates very|it was expected that the Macs ine showing for the good spor h Tm the | minded people of Belleville and Bul, however omelimes an vell every time he was on thetwauld make a determined hid to} oo know that the local man: thing can happen in hockey HOR Ce ACT) Bret rc, Bu dro erving In So Many Ways neat searer for the Hillerests a ANPING ae asain ha appreciate your generous dona: scoring at the f.10 mark of the | Hn 'eople in this area i iryanl scores he bagged a pair and played anfplaying the visitors from down nn 'enj mn initial period as | | J round good game. Other! gas can send their donations to the an a pass [rom Keenan, The onal searers were Lyn Middle ; Pom Chasceewski Trust Fund in frenton team gol hack an even foal Soars Moare, Brian Fletch dy iin) ade ni hit With 1a care of the Bank of Montreal, terms at the 10.40 mark as Me or, Harvey Burke and Ga goiine he assist on the play Whithy ) Nae was on the spot 1 fire ane MeCutlongh [lis one came at the 5.06 mark] wii nt Period home JIDDEN DEATH MATCH and made the score read a hitle ehithy, ai nh Fhe home side took (he lead he fle had all bodedimore comfortable, Burke from| o wyiip Middleton for 'the first time in the game down tn a sudden death match! Shearer at the 10.11 mark really] * Roherts. Tran ' 120 at the 2.55 mark of the second here on haturday mght and the gave us a chance to sit hack 3 Whiths Nene period as Andrews fooled the 1000 fans that tank in the game|and relax as the game had heen "Nicholishen MeCullough 10 40 local goalie The home fan were well keved up for a real{very Hight up to then, mn that ho vere really pepped up hy this Penaltie Asseltine 1.41 ad , VWi A hattle The Hillerests who had was the way we felt anyway Burke 3.46. Mavety 4.58, Hunte) fought hack gamely after losing The Maes were done now and 16.14 IY three in a row, wanted to winjthey knew it MoCullough add this one for @. mate, Tom Chas:led one at the 12.05 mark and Ind Period Dopod & SOUTER ceawskl wha is mm Oshawa hos: [Tran scored as the Maes were hearing None ial. Tam sent the fellows a|short at the 16.36 mark to really | Penalties [itterson and PAINT and {plegram hefore the game say: put the game away out of reach Buble Majors 13.10, Mavety WALLPAPER STORE HELP TO THE VICTIMS OF ing he was sorry he could notl ICE CHIPS , , , This was the 4 5 CACT a make it far the game hut want: hest showing hy all the play id Period 107 BYRON ST, §, WHITBY DI A TER wha receive mas ail to sen them win more than! ers that we have seep this year. 4, Whithy: Fletoher terial help and moral coms AVIIng fla It was really a treat tn ses Hurke \ h 06 MO 8.5231 fart from the Red Cross, With those words tinging inthe way the local team got the & Whithy: Burks 3 thet pars the Hillerests vipped) puck out of their awn énd and Shearey 1011 C.I.L Paint Dealer vight ttn the tah whead ofl then checked the Maes as they & Whithy MetCullough Painting & Decorating them. Kimer Tran blinked the tried ta get a play organized Moore 4. 12.04 YOUR hight bhelund Moxom in the We would not have liked! ¥. Whithy: Tran, Luke ,., 16.56 Mao's cage at the 19 mark and to have had the job of picking a Penalties Robbie 854, As Contractor the march was on. The locals! threestar selection on Saturday (seltine 13.47, Titterson 16.42 Gyptex, Paperhanging kept the Maes well bottled uplnight as the first one would he Shats on goal: Hy Whithy, 3 Full Wall Mural far the nest few minute the toughest, as it would have |hy Relleville, 21 A penalty to Asselting of the ta he between Campbell and Macs paved the way far the Roberts and the way hath fel - ocond Whithy goal. Middleton | lows played it would be a shame | ) | was the marksman on this one ta pick one aver the ather u VOL |! vv he tipped home a shot hy The series win was another of 3 Raherts with Tran also getting these uphill drives I'he an assist on the play. The Hil {locals won the first game, lost | {eal (ng | OSS a " behind ERR : Pate Keenan ,,, vr 8.43 No cash secopted pay hy thegus of maensy arder Siedd Period Be not pay carriers or canvassers, Enclosed Is 83 50 In [7 cheque, [7] money order Snes crests were really fiving now the next three and then con BLOOD TRANS. and the lac fans were really tinued ta go on and win the FUSIONS are ; provided for huzaing and cheeving thei rinext three The same as | ; incal favorites on. Camphellilast year wm the playaffs against 2 \W VARIN the a k and wounded by the made a tervilio save an Gaver Newmarket and then the Hil N EB ea Cross 3 al the 1348 mark as the higlorests did not step there, hawt v £ < : fellow was right 1 the clearivarvied on ta win the AllOn ENI Goon o> r 4 : \ with only the local goalie 1aitavia ttle Sa wha knows aia Moore made #4 3-0 as Woshe Watort WL To Signet p : a THINGS The Red Cross Looks To You: | the pint-sized Tight winger up tes proved very costly ta the fram Juvenile ranks for the Belleville team in this series The humanitarian achieveme r AR playoffs fired one into the lower expooially on Friday night | HEARING AID J . | Vo chievements of the Red Cross depend on Edt hand comer. with Nichol: with the Macs leading 3-3 in the| your generosity our dollars provide and carry on the essential ishen and McCullough geting second period, we penalties | Red Cross services and programmes in your community the helpers on this on lowed the locals chanee 3 3 x " Ap 0 helpers Bh Thx one Med the tocals a Chane 19 The smallest Hearing Aid ever from Zenith! This year -- think of the many ways the Red Cross serves you Dine # Roaring aid with all te clarity aad veal You'd and your neighbor then plan your donation or pledge ta the BROCK Evening Shows At 6:35.8:3% expect fram Zenith= yet so small, so slender, a ving will easily best of your means. A generous donation will do so much for fit around it. A marvel in miniature = the new ' $0 MC we WHITRY Last Complete Show at 8:33 inconspicuously behind the ear vet i you hoi hl any in 178%, VE PLUS % You 've heen missing ! The new Signet includes all these quality features to hring you Zenith "Living Sound" performance=miniaturized tran. THE sistor etrouit, volume control and separate on-off switoh a See the new Signet today at your Benith dealer. He's listed in the Yellow Pages under Hearing Aids WHITBY RED ( RAR = IN p's Faw . Quaint IN N 2 2 JWDED | Gl | SR BR SR ROSS NEEDS YOUR HELP NOW SKY olin Ram Rate Dorp of Canada, 110. Dept. SAGAR sks C . . " OW g 1479 Te Queshunay, Tateaia 18, data CTE Rodd Ziwrrw | EE. ampaign Starts Today till March 11th PIMBALIST + KERR + FRANCIS cons RATING, Mr faut ah he RO I samt "2 | EE » ® PLEASE GIVE GENEROUSLY WHEN THE CANVASSER CALLS ON YOU + Belinda Lee and HEARING AIDS ADULT ENTERTAINMINT Jak Sevan yar Ai ET Serte 833 and 20) ar S40 a

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