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The Oshawa Times, 6 Mar 1961, p. 6

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She Oshawa Times Pb 1684 by € Lansgian Wevspopers Lim tes, B6 King tt E Grams nt Hers, Poge 6 dia ead £ ddd New Party And Unions Face Infiltration Try Tim Buck hes Wlandly senounced thet Canadian Communists will support the New Party -- support thet the New Pasty wants ss much ss 8 farmer wants # skunk in the chicken coop. Organizers of the Wew Farty hove made it cless thet they do not like Communists, reject Communist support snd, indeed, plan to take steps to ensure thet Communists sre kept out of their organization Still, they could have & difficult time It is becoming clear thet Cepadian Com- munists have been instructed to operste" with labor groups snd left-of- centre organizations, insteed of opposing them, ss has heen the policy in recent yesrs Unions thet have been kicked out of the Canadian Labor Congress are talk ing once more shout united fronts. This follows the party line, announced by Buck snd his colleagues sfter 8 recent visit to Moscow, that there should be "one union in each industry" Thus we can expect the ousted unions to attempt to blend with members of the "te other Canadian Labor Congress on effort thet will bring no oy to the leadership of those unions or to Claude Jodon and his officers of the CLE This move recalls the wtustion of # Quester of & ceptiny or 0 sgn when the 25000-member Workers pity Lesgue wes broken wp snd is units ordered to unite with rival AFL snd CIO groups. The motive for the current udged to be partly eco- namin Becsuse of the be tougher bargaining ahead, snd their exile from the Canadien Labor Congress does not help the left wing unions. There is the oA the CLE unions welcome the to boost this view side, the top brass of the Communist party obviously think thet the New Party has mEnEAWIe 8 | and partly political 5 sia recession, ere chance thet might membership Tne chance ut that we hope is mistaken. On the political certainly more or nist party, and they to take advantage of any of & promising future prom thinly want Ising than thet of sn outright veiled Comm to try success on the side the "socialists" Sharing Production By any yardstick, in these times elec. tronics must be classed as an "essential industry." Around the world, except in Canada, it is sn expanding industry Here it is shrinking, rather than grow ing. One seemingly practicable method to help revive the industry's growth has been suggested by J. Herbert Smih, president of the Canadian General Elec: tric Co, The idea involves a planned snd fostered specialization by the in dustry here in certain of the defence production projects shared by Canada end the United States t two to three years," says "have seen a serious decline in the overs Canadian electronics in- dustry, even though on s& world-wide basis the industry has continued to ex- pand at a considerable rate, Canada stands alone amongst Western countries in suffering such a contraction, rather than an expansion, of its industry, The chief contributory factor in this decline, despite continued industry efforts to arrest this development, has been the literal explosion inte the Canadian market of foreign-produced tubes, tran. sistors and radios, notably from Japan, "Also contributing te the decline of the electronics industry is the fact that the production-sharing concept has not up While both manufacturers sources lived to expectation ana government have pressed hard to promote the pro: gram and will continue to do so, parti cularly in seeking to bring engineering development contracts to this country, there has been ws decline in the past year in the number of production-sharing let There have been other signs pointing to a lessening the contracts in Canada mn program "Changes must he made in the ap: proach to the production-sharing pro- ject, if the industry 1s to retain 8 capa- bility defence field. One such change, for example, should be the as in the pignation to Canada of an srea of exclu: sive specialization in both development snd production in some particular phase of equipment involved in North Ameris can defence To devote a third of federal budget to defence and at the same time permit the electronics industry te wither away is, to say the least, extreme foolish. the ness, There is also the not insignificant matter of the loss of jobs by Canadian workers, In this situation the industry's own efforts can achieve only sa much, The rest, it up to Ottawa surely seems, is Turning Point At Hand Turning points in the economies of both may Canada and the United States now be at hand and one of the major factors concerned probably will he increased spending by both federal governments, according te the Bank of Montreal's current business review "Possibly one of the most positive influences in both countries in the will to he the months ahead prove actions already taken or announced by the federal governments in raising their outlays," the review says, "Even more important may be the stimulus therehy given to a revival of expenditure other fronts Another major influence on the gen "el level of economic activity here and The Oshawa Times VL WILION, Publisher snd Sensis! Manage £ GWYN KINSEY. Sd Wha Oshawa Times come a Tr awa " {estaninh | 1.4) X 5 Ga ana Chronicly (astabiianed (Sundays and statutes Memban at Canadian Daily Aneciation. The Canadian Cireuiation and tha Ontarie Frovinelal Dailies Assn The Canadian Presa a exchaively entitled maublication of all wwe deipatched credited to It or to The Ameciatedt and alsa the eal news published his of special dewpate het ate oe @ally Ottis \ dig, 435% Univernit Yoronte Ontay oo Cathcart St nt SUBSCRIPTION R oy Cahawa Whithy * Fantypaol Boy Ls By mall tin pravinge of comin delivery aman 13.00 shania 1400 Circulation for the issue of Feb, 28, 194) 17,223 US is likely changing business inventories, After in the first quarter of 1960, the rate of inven: tor diminished, changing te over-all reduction in Cans in the to be found accumulation rapidly ada by the third quarter and in the U.8, by the fourth, A drawing down of stocks. in-trade is tantamount, of course, to new production being less than current de. mand, Such persist indefinitely, hut the question now seems to further the reduction in will' go general is resumed A situation cannot be how much mventories hefore replenishment It is a There have been declines in production and but the review paints out that business in bath Canada United States "fluctuated at & high level paradoxical situation mounting unemployment and the has generally May busi- 1960 showed, in fact, "little more than a slowing down in the fate of that 1950 ness indigatars in rise marked There are conflicting indications of what might happen te the continental business climate the months ahead, On the further improvement of Canadian and US may ba deterred by slackening business activity outside North On the other hand Surveys ol consumer intentions in the United States same Increase in one hand exports America mdicate durables expressed "appear to in buying of compared earlier With intentions in the year" Bible Thoughts Thou shalt apt make unte thee any graven image for 1 the Lord thy God am & jealous God Exodus 20; 45 Like Ista forsake God utterly; ow to put share our love and worship temptation is another alongside of Him ta END OF THE HONEYMOON QUEEN'S PARK Fine Performance Given By Spooner By DON OVREARN TORONTO Sometimes you see & performance thal makes you want to stand up and cheer It can he in sport, an the stage, even a game of marbles on the street Not so often is there one here But there was one the day Lands and Forests Minister Bpooner presented his est imales A minister presenting his esti males Is al the mercy of the House The opposition can fuestions ahout any his department, try to embar rass him, try to hait him, and generally put him through the wringer Some men stand up it. Others don't We have never ister do a hefler Mr. Spooner HE KNEW The minister that know his department appear a fool Sometimes there can he sym pathy for him Some departments of govern ment here are so complex one wonders how any one man can ever grasp them Lands and Forests is one of the most widespread and com plex of them all INSIDE YOU fE Wm aspect of well to SEEN RB Min joh than did doesn't well can everything from ses to running alr It covers lampreys flee! But Mi pear & fool NO SPORTY Watching him answering question after question, without ton often having to refer to his officials made one marvel And ane particularly mar velled at his couries He treated the probably the apposition should he treated more often As members elected to do a Job tn apse the government He wi courteous and consid: erate thimughnut Ihe rdally remarkahle aspect is that Mr. Spooner, desplie the fact he comes from the north, Is not an outdoors man When he first lonk over portfolio he had to. outfit self with clothing hefore could tour the bush He didn't even sport shirts But he does have 8 mammoth capacity for work, a guick Ir telligence and proper size for his head He grasped the affairs of his department quickly And today it is probably the hest run in the gavernment an Spooner didn't He knew appositian as the nm he nave any the hat Doctor Answers Readers' Queries By BURTON H, FERN, MD DEAR DOCTOR : What would cause 8 marshmallow size lump on the hack of my wrist? Il comes and goes Mrs. § © Dear Mrs. 0.1 Cysts, called ganglions, sometimes grow on the back of the wrist Joint, In jections of (hy dro) cortisone sometimes dissolve these gang lions, A simple operation can always remove them The ganglion temporarily goes away when you hit it hard enough to break the cyst. A blow with the family hihle used th he the traditional treatment hecause the Bible was gen erally the heaviest hook in the house Dear Doctor: Twice in the past year 1 twisted my ankle and hrake banes in the fool Can drinking ton much alea hal cause these hanes tn hreak? Mr. H § Certainly if and twist your having one to Dear Mr. 8 you stagger ankle afar many Aleahal. doesn't brittle. Bul forget ta eal Without ealeium and Vitamin D all hanes hecome brittle Dear Doctor: Since using an ear-amiment preseription al the end of last summer, my and toes have ached and fell numb What did the aintment da Mis. KD Dear Mrs. BD It probably didn't penetrate deen ennugh ta reach your fingers and toes The minor mfectian might have sparked a nerve inflam Wallon (neuritis) But chances are, your fingers and toes began 10 ache as warm summer days gave way to eald damp winter Your doctor ean tell after he examines you Dear Dactar: 1 keep A 80 10 and ate an Ca WN make hones CAN Make you fingers tingled fal mors waning AARe UR an ard hed nary schedule? Mrs, C.J Dear Mas. 4.3 Try going to bed five minutes earlier each night and rising five minutes earlier each morning. You won't notice the slight difference until min utes hulld inte hours You trouble al regular the late, late a series of spectaculars Dear Doctor the jaw he causes 1? shouldn't have any relearning how to sleep hours INE as show doesn't start middie-af-the-night As Can clicking of dorvected? What Mis. M. ( Dear Myps. ( Hoth damaged and disloeated jaw joints often elick. The dislocated jaw snaps hack into place with & loud noise Resting the silence that clicking Your doetor JAW noise may van decide whether your mouth should he bandaged shut, wired closed or simply not used. He may prefer ta repair the damage and scrape the inint clean PARAGRAPHICAL WISDOM Selentists are pretty well agreed that the earth is five hil on ald ake a fay or VEars months give wy sh Note to those wha range fram wWerly plump to, gashawhul fat A psychologist 'says use of a purple tablecloth will cause You in eal considerably less Large partions of the unt VOIse are missing SAYS AR aS ranamer. If true, that's de plorable, as we understand the Warranty on the universe ex pired several eons age will Head als many ol h fighting hack the lompiation 10 dynamite a juke hax, hut if this prediction comes Hue We ay well surrender "Predicted Juke Raves Larry Cammercials fine. Fay hay bee Many ye BY-GONE DAYS 1% YEARS AGO Mrs. BR W ed Mrs. AR dent of the tion of Cal Wighton sucreed Alloway as presi Woman's Associa ary Baptist Church C. HW. Jenkin, Stan Fraser and Harley Carr were Oshawa dele Eales Lo represent No. 420 Wing Royal Canadian Air Force As sacigtion, at the annual conven tion Building boom continued here when the value of building per mits amounted to 816) 400 for February which (ripled the amount aver the corresponding month of 1650 Mrs. T 6G. Norton of {ncust Hill was re-elected president of the Oshawa Freshyterial Wom #n's Bociely at the 28rd annual meeting Hon, G. D. Conant, KC, re: signed as Senior Master af the Supreme Court of Onlarie, which office he had held far the last eight years, to go into the practice of law in Oshawa with his Roger G son Conant A. B. Pellette had resigned from the stalf of the CRA ta take & post in enmmereial re: ereation work in Niagara Falls Mrs. Robert ©. Langford of Whithy was re-elected Regent of Viscount Greenwood Chapter 10D¥F Oshawa schools which ennp erated in abhservance of Educa: tion Week made plans for "open house'" during the week Miss Geraldine Ann Lee pass ed her examinations In plane with first class honors for the ARCT degree A vink of Oshawa curlers com prised of Bill MeHugh, Tan Dan iel, Buster Drew and Duncan Brodie, skip, captured the Dr F. L. Henry Memorial Trophy hy winning the annual Oshawa Behonlbays' honspiel Oshawa Canadian Ukrainian Youth Association howling team captured the &-pin howling tourn ament In Windsor OTTAWA REPORT Attempts Apology For South Africa By PATRICK SICH AN OFTAW b---Sowth Mrick's Ww ferme recipi policy ie erciting the imagination of meny Cf REMManE ak RED WB tins rye wf the conierence of prime mn eters of The Commonwenith A fiond of lobbying from iA he ARN modAers has BEER SHEEINRE NVEF BERGE wd MFe on Parlement Will hue #il Rempnde thal, when the Union of Soh Anice Aeciares Keel # repiic Mey $1, # he refiseh re-rimission 14 the Bi. ih Commonwenith in is new Halue These petive 18is include many of these professions Ae poders, Ki 011 ers, brother s EEPETE A other sei-ridver Lisers whe can see their chosen provieme (rom one viewpoint only. Bowih Afnes's policy "apRrtheid"' has long heen one of their (avoriie winpmng boys But they pre not helping men Kind by perpetuating # biased picture of Bowth Mrica BELREGATION WORSE The lerm gpRrtheid" has been 80 Slandered By Resocia tion with the word "'segrege bon' se spphied in the southern slates of the US. thet owiside oheervers have failed 18 note that the twa policies gre en trely different Furthermore, the cloud of hatred stirred wp by this misconception of apr theid has closed the eyes of those SAME ERNes 19 Bown Alnca's very regl atlempis in the last 18 years 10 reise is Bantii population 19 Economie and educational standards cape bie of self-government Apariheid'" is BH unt ans: latalble Dutch word; in the South African political contest, i means "separate paraliel de velopment namely develop ment of » European and # Bantu community side by side This policy is not widely known. Bul it is set out in the Act of 1951 to establish Bantu Authorities, and developed in the Bantu Self-Government Aet of 1094. It envisages the uit male creation of ox self govern. ing all - Bantu ""Territones," within the geographical limits of the Union of South Africa These might be compared with Canadian provinces, They will he created, like & pyramid, from the bottom up, through three steps comparable with eur township, county and provincial governments The first step Overnar-general Bante "Lrihal is when the establishes » authority," of "Chieftain « in - Council," to ins clude one or more small eom- munities. Alley SI sn with the Bantu, on authority" may he crented tn comprise two or mare tribal au tharities. Finally, af the apex of the pyramid, & "territorial authority," or all-Bantu parla ment, 15 sel up aver two or more areas for hich regional authorities have, heen estab lished ALL IMMIGRANTS "Bantu "is an African word meaning "The People.' They consist of five large and sev eral smaller ethnic groups or nations, descended from waves of immigrants who came from many regions in equatorial Af rica two ar three centuries ago The largest of these groups, the Xhosa antion, is already united under South Africa's first all - Bantu 'territorial author ity." Certain powers of taxation and Jurisdiction have alread: heen transferred ta it; others will follow progressively, as the Although nearly § out of 4 su permarket shoppers buy in mare than ane stare, about 96% of the shoppers definitely favor ane particular supermarket But wherever they buy, they shop the food pages of their loeal newspapers first, A US Department of Agriculture ve part stated that "Newspapers arg the hest medium for fond advertising and for marketing information on fond ® BEST FOR RENT MODERN OFFICE SPACE OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE ® AMPLE FREE PARKING ® RESTAURANTS NEARBY SHOPPING FACILITIES IN TOWN PHONE RA 8.623) 3 KING ST, BAST A671 YOU mare MILLINERY WORLD The Shape of Spring Nats are Many and Lovely +,» There's sure to be one to meet your mood and tat , See our Selection Now RA 5.1052 BERRA RRA Wier Rey eiop nent of he WH eke Te fated The Wanneh (errionial a hates will cli e #8 the "RAREIRNGE WISER By LER Wh law Reve helongsd th The Rants since they Hirst settied mm thew Citimately the relationship RELIEER ThE WHR BNYEITRER RRA these new oi - ERVRIRINE Bantu termionies wonin he EOMmEWhEt SIRE (5 that Grist hE Wetween members of the British Commonnenith The ink Aer of Soh Aries Aescrived tine we OEE i» wes with KRTTIRRE REORE (WeY - Ae PRA IA Wwe pingrem of we priaiiel A #0 £18 pment" were widely known ah isto ovisine Sowih Aris, wekh of fhe cnticsm of ht yg Ra of HE pl es » ps EXPERIENCED SECRETARY Magura toy ® Professionst Oftica I) RI 15 Mayer & Sruorowier bor 445, The The oni AR I suppose i's £5 5d nothem or arg gd betorshand fhe fs thet sc meny £ nanan siggeste 16 abit, else of not mending & through the family wes Ger 30 dirty het them they have beer probally doesn't matter whick F 14 unt But with mat ot of time and trouble is sorting it owt and getting i arments 4. M No Exira Charge evs 16 te 6 few clothes thet have wie fF oIner mines We take core of such things ft ne sxirn charge, uot oe on wdded Wile service, ht netursiy we might miss the add listle rip here and there, unless i is brought te ovr attention me hat many he Mow wild GE 1a washed if she mends the week's wash while she For there are few home washers ve GI Akad and 18678 snk dy het IeERITR ines Ac come In 16 us In Mis ewives ore In the alter they have been het some work cleings Nes unit I Know Hous 10 wiggest mending And with 8 few is done 1 tems, i # housewife can seve hersell » ready for the washing machine any--thet de net put sein an the ond ready ripped or torn bs inte # big one net send them in tm us for a much mers "ely " damage in the washer. Even the act of handling the clothes when they sre wet is sometimes snowgh te turn o little rip So why not save yourself trouble and expense by mending before you wash? And es for those herd-te-leunder items, why GIVE BLOOD~~THE NEED IS GREAT ft thet is ol witer serioms goed, gentle dry cleaning? FORTHE BEEN LIN YouYE REA LD Dubaws Branch, 30 Simeoe Oshaws Shopping Cen Ass Branch: Bowmanville ranch: Whithy Reranch L ] BL Christmas 1961 can be the happiest, most carefree ever, Ima. gine going into the festive season with all the money you need to eover your holiday expenses nO uneasiness abo costs, no qualms shout indulging in the odd generous im» pulse. You're cover- ed by your special B of M Savings Account! Right now is the time 10 start making that pleasant dream into reality, Figure the amount of money needed, divide by ten and deposit that amount at the RB of M. Then, re peat each manth wn. Hlit's time to do your Christmas i But don't just think how nice it would be 800 your neigh bourhood branch of LRINE, Manages HUGH HUSTLER, Manager MES RELL, Manager COLIN SUTHFRI ANTY Manages WORKING WITH CANADIANS mn BVERY WALK OF LIFE SINCE WP --

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