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The Oshawa Times, 7 Mar 1961, p. 12

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12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tassiey, Merch 7, 196) Coll The Direct Classitiod Mumber RA 3.3492 HE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS OFFICE HOURS 8 AM, 90 3 9.M, pho 's 5s Ld H-------------- f IFIED AD RATES B pore wr ew Cow: Craigs is ie BET TIAS $76 419 i nr pod mie T Som We Charge 158 wl BEY Aihr® 1RA08 Evy GY 15 Gries riers If Caran . Aire rr ong Laas rt IROTER AAMAS RR ntar Bate Brena & row & Gra CLASS EW BUSINESS | UNLISTED NUMBERS | DRAPER MATER rH rl LANG'S MEAT MA RKET F wis Ge Froteseonsl Netwmge $7 48 eddy of meant for § fines Aevy fiorst Ame $1 4) oor mse Swine core 0 # V ye aad Eom potind (a werd Rew A Closing mt be wm by § fore paiestior Hemeriomy. Corde Jeans " M & C DRY GOODS 74 Ca EAS TRIT ANN'S FABRIC SHOP BOR MEO ow 4 Ll HOME Ff £4) EL BERPIE APPLIANCE SERY LE HL LL VER Gepn CE /e RA Vi--hrtiches Varia FERSITERE "win Free " $e loorgy GEE E7 GT 6H figs. coms 8 # ihe RA smal YC todd ch od ne yo WE / F 4 om wd otf £7 EE SIMCOE Tif « 4 of Loresiorons Hors Deity Sotoney R1% 74 fo The Goews Times wit net be IESE Tor BITE I GEIS ments RAmlieh CI armies Gr A pring. nor Tor mers hen one Ws raet insertion of ey adver fisemert, nor Govind We ice horged for 8 Page wiertion of 8 Sovertisement wm WER SIS secs. And lec reierve he nerd to cicssify Qa aINe rg REEAIG ng 18 Hs own cesifications fn the cote of Sep) ments The Times wi danas d more sie " he sch sir Host Wah WrARG aH IRRIdis B GEISIINING MOTIRT orrectly Bid asses rg 87 IGLEHRcIes WW any oF aPartisemert 8 Er meres gr fect ie. Spring prot -- Tele or Females Welp Wanted " AR pw w WaLE FRESE female, ruperianes Write Roe B41. Fiahiawy ew Fy WANTED My # Tr for oR F698 dd Waiy rer on Je A) Room & Board fr kien 14 ae femme Wee te " FY GEIR we nol be hele ' ' fos Pa / wy 80% King Mrset form ¢ . Ge Fv ¥ Wriier A FEF of 44d ¥ ry yw wii Trig hay i wn TU 7 -- fil ¥ 17--~Wemen's Column Xo SPERCER loundetion gsrments. Ind of Add vidusily Aevigned. Mee Bpiielis iri igteren corsstier Mrs. 4. Hendershot Wid Admire) Rewd 19--Personal WANTED # ride ta Toronia Sy Spisnn and Bay, ve Baus per werk waving Omaws 7 a.m. RA bik vk Woke [Y 4 " WOMAN "9 wh [e fa fA AVALLARLY #4064 AAKIR onan peer. 16 ORT RINE id WA wi Fareiien YOUNG three MW. me Teleihin OFFICy ng Te 36--Female AMAEERATH # ooihing 1 Td wile dad es 5 a Fim BOOM sed [4 IF E00 srick that's your business you want a slop, hat Is our Business Wiite FO Box 5, Whithy ARE you poy minded A he pitiful im Ariwmnd (an 0 ol whey "dis an be YOurs A whl Baving # few of your Iriends in (or short Ume of tun and sniertainment giving hem the pppertunity 16 see oui frediets Contact Mrs. dnice Whalley Manager ol BA a6 Wear Ever Company CONBULY June Adains gioien sin mesting new Iriends ox 454, Oshawa Times ELECTROLYSIS hair in ROOM Help Wented lad had We "ef ond # wt home, ¥ Ching RELIABLE Park Koad Bouts ler # Write | fis 42--Store Space and Garages BEng a Wriie § WANTED ar fea t Cen Ra far y I WELL Barrage rer OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT glevaie Central fn I fo WANTED further pa Removal of superfluous Marie Murdutt will be Oshawa, March 14th and 15th. Phone Geneshg Hotel on these detes for app ment tes Telephe and pw LANTES wee Fi Fl i a sing in Ade | are aide ¥ WANTED & i woman with 1 seis exper {8 Arig and pa | fshaws Bupsr educa ee ly le Greg Passenger New building cated Mad 6 CHILD FOR ADOP ION If vou have sver considered adopting a child, you id #asily have nurs up 8 pictire of a youngster like LOUIS, At six, he's fun 18 be with, mannerly, very at: tive and doses a lot of talks ing. He is slim, blue syed and blends Louis mes from g French-English back ground and speaks both lane guages fluent He told his social worker he wanted 1a go with parents whe hed a farm en though he has Ver on one. - Becouse of I8 level of Intelligence, he should have parents gble ind Interested in providing him with as mueh educati as his cqpacities warrant "i are Roman Cathelie ar id be interested | lof pleasing § M ence Lo Lake charge tens dspartment in Musi ' ike jownie a Wi Le Files f wh hand 5 J pected |} I |FXPERIENCED telephone wanted 18 el interviewers | lease 0 THE TIMES BUILDING Contact ¥. L. WILSON Phone RA 3-3474 OFFICE or STORE FOR RENT $70 ? PRINCE £7 ie near King, next bus st " Telephone RA B. 817% OFFICE OR STORE SPACE FOR RENT Approximately 12! by 33¢ larger if preferred APPLY 23 CELINA ST "Wanted To Rent Wark of EEPETIENCE £8 | Bos WAITRER shift i] 1] I ed, night or) East between WOODLYN BEAUTY LOUNGE ' ne TR 101 Jirdresier, hved {# | ¥ | n basis Ww f If 1 t SWITCHBOARD RECEPTIONIST Able 1 light Ld ui write Tile MINISTER OF PUBLIC WELFARE PARLIAMENT BUILDING TORONTO ET ---------- 25-Pets and Livestor FEOIGREED Choker Bpaniei six months old ond wilh Rouse trained. Apply 29 Elena RA Saii4 FOR SALE tan Na 8420 HE AUTIFUL baby bud ¥ talking #tra 41] Eigl Brest East REGISTERED Beagle for sale, female ars ald telephone MOhawk B36 64 for further particulars FOR SALE Male German shepherd, | Age nine months, has heen sp | hone plone fA LRU] wereld: Tie 26--Farmer's Column TRACTOR and Wade, Talaraatianal Uillity 240, used ies Himes, Reason able, Telephone OF 3541) MANURE = for sale. 86 4 load deliver ed Telaphane KA B0V88 for particulars. | ONE chestiut quarter hred fIENL years, well broke western We almost new western saddles phones Len Stall, Jansiville STALLIONS, while, 34 and 114 years od Black mare, for sale. Write WE Quesnshare, Ontaris or apply 31 Charles Sires! evenings) id LARGE quantity of hay Telephone HA 54088 DEAR farm Hoek pigked up prom ply ir. "Male Help Wanted Phone ealleet, Hampton COs 3074, | a will Fur Farm, Tyrans WELT! Helo! LRALRAL we | WRG SAR KOON WATER st Bay | WANTED t nen " Purified water for {established Walkin's f dwell delivered ar {ambition For appainiment \ FAL Y where, $5 for 1,000 gals Special rates on request for larger amounts 8.477 10--Swap & Barter FLATS we Fi Tor (RI Winder Arise re akales. elie Oa oF sell, Exesllsnt condition WILE SWAR Sanity To TWe "Saran, ang | Times industrial bullding, ene house for Squity in any oiler property a Osh us ' hy Phen RA Se oven | Articles Wanted WANTED CRAP IRON, POUL AND FEATHER TI I. TURNER RA 3.2043 RA 3.3374 (¢ollpet) SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO and sther ite Experi ence Bogrd farred. Me Ine 18.25% al with ability TENCO LTD k black children Avenues fre e, age mensirate Apply 1 reRistered hshund pups Wack and Telep MO war, privale ang oF three Foam "apn Rath, hy Mareh 18 arf Apr | within two or three blacks of fur corners, Apply Box 408, Oshaws | Vimes WANTED summer hore In Whith YOURE fami Times T-- Houses For Rent AVAL ABLE in awhtown buildin for Ant, & private aliics Space In general alice ares for slenn grepher. Call RA 68081 FIVE . room Immaculate brick hunga low, ail he dled 1avks lot, 485 amonth Call BA §4 SIX oom tenant, #65 {ineluded, bh | 467 Hoar Favs onl Fails | Ajax, Ont read Appl es for Mrs ) {PERIENCE SALES! ADY JEWELRY STORE Full ment cotiage along he far summer man Write Bax 84h OR: office sille, modern Millahis ten and adequate 503 TIMES WE NEED LADIES for Wf far yni guaranteed | WRITH JSHAWA hick house 0 manihly, heat and fment aeceupied st RA BAN oomed he aed apartment far Private entrar and flan: Telophone RA 30313 for further partie: | {wilars | Eivy roam ARVERIEREES PassEssi0n 5-64 NEW i Harey, oll 1160 " milly RA 83488 STORE Prince next [RIE] FOUR mare Also Nee yeliahle | hve | Abily | | plea $ telephar ff Oh ur dl ) y and ¢ 1a 1) ON WITE § Appl | ME | and straw house, near HO manthly Close ta schonls Raglan, all immediate Call RA Bedford INIekS IRL] an in V Brick house Rested, all eonvenien good location Toevhons am tw my HA a time, for Must have phone RA far rent, 400 side near Telephone ar affies Stiesl, west bus station clare 1h King | to RA AGGREMMIVE young man a" SAles Feprescnlative far prominent au [lamative Supplier) farm and light in dustrial machinery Slaton wagon {would help hut necessary. Wrike | Box 410, Oshawa TO take Wo al ! room bungalow, near Open | Can ha aeeh at Anytime. Avallahis naw. Telephone Orana 3053 for further! infarmation STOREY and a half 4nd bathroom upstairs, hiss pons Plus bathroom dawnstalis, finished ree feation ream, Telephone RA 8 0700 FOUR roam bungalow in Narth Alex, fouls or ane ehild weleame, references (Teaiived. Telonhane WH 33477 | EIGHT . room house North (ish Awa. childern welcome. Class ta bus, | [available Maren 15 Call HA S044 (THREE bedrosin house far pent. | Also election sauipped, self pantala od apartment. Telephone RA 5 3652 SELF-CONTAINED roam wedi, Murals walar, hydra, eluded. Available immediately ak ane RA At WA Apts, & Flan For Rent TOON APArimant, BrivAW #8 | iranes, healed, Rydre and water, $40 [menthly Telephone YURon 53088 for {further information net a Aron sharge of sstimating depari for hedraamy | follow with pramation balk homes Imprevement plies for & very pro mpany in the Osh Bex Bd Oshawa SALESMAN'S DREAM tor ment u hand ale and hull BA gressive Awa Aiea of HAE i imubre Wille Time Ww Time tor wa apart heal in Tele | ple TRY K | | | Twa ADELAIDE TERRACE nodern bedi Ade m lo I.\ W four --Male or Female Help Wanted TEACHER wanl : . laa nage Saturday mornings Wages to Me fegatiated. Phone KA 56 wile (Fol Oifiss Bos 84 Oshaws, 1 metals bought Wirday Ph RA 5.2311 89 BLOOR § ¢ el all day pe Aw i FRIVATK f ri Warne | Telephone inrth {FOUR {PRIVATE | hedroom and bath shapping Faille INEW sie Bh | ng | Anply THRFE | and slave {n Kitchen Wl Two privile snirang {RA $658 Wn slave children Sauth [In new One and Two Bedroom & Flory we & Flos or Rent or Rent womens wy fy IRIN, WOWERN weil i eines HERawny WRaRaR, Bi sR eRERs tad hdd rind ai sod ileal a] tn peg folie KA 60604 or RA Ld ttl Lite tuniaaiad ne [WTR RE twee i Db dbans IL FON Bright modern mie #58 (oohed # WEIR #08, Rl war [heieden FOOTE AURTLETIS, BEARS, I Ayes, Teaniey Gow. T0 How Fri FRET GEE, BERTIER [hata 17 Faop Aowiwe. Aewitineni We ia HE. Phone Wemawn $008 SHG rn Wankg SWECTM Gaekeior a Leg A 7h WATE, FEIT Tw RAE WA # ETRE fC td yf in apast #0 a Fes nd gies TY owls taal debated ld inne WA Li dad ni fd oe Ae da VERE BRITA IH 4 y WE ARERR . BRA eile, FIVE - rooms polo sie BeRitimeni rip Tor bm 1n-LIAEEE Wath, Rent, Rot Waar, Eas de 2 Jrriemen Faring. TEIaghone smi anne piatie. RA FW) ie dridg ROI WEN thine IW Ra FREER Faw WATE, Bice $d Bienes. In pried Erp mens FRHAE BER Re SNA PE dd ROW, Frining ine A REACT 8 utd atatad dal te 1hiks (44 HA p PRE AR ma A LE. ddd FAIR A | yas baie mii, Ba wig BT pou Towing we all att ada pine RA SASS FLRDISRER A LIRERE, wie ERIE Ia AE RW AR Lid AERA ft Bo nA v7 THELE Fi ld iid anne, Bendy al of sly died fidiwr Hast Rees - 2mm ad FER SAREIE Tain, howe AFiiy ThE Bing Mire #imind NEE FRO WE ARERR #55 mami y GIR Forw Bond Both Barkoma yd #, FEI ay pia Ran BUS 4d oe ! Aeletnone Cd Dd iad WER, Seen ie. # WINRE, ERiRge, fm we, ME meaning. RA Sbh--~Apts, & Flats gH fent new Cwa eR ROR FRITRERG Mag pL "A $441 FE Vil RETIRE ARARE. SOfwi pl BRERA £7 pik Ager, Aig $6 A FREE Fh did add dd Far wera pe wow, w Road lia] ll Yor oF Wath dad d safioiiimad healed PERI IRARE, GEIOREE RK BRA BREE RAAE Way puis yaa EERE. Ee aia wel wvivin Mak ioe. Fone BA $4164 FREER. some wilirniokod agweiinent y ia 1 wg ine | tenet PREPARE Mav and Rave phew Aging 18 Wiliam Gime Fadl WA pre Fi K FAW BER etent ARE TERY WERE WiriAg. Priopie a tN win hose Wan Homage xii tok ow weal pia afiy # WARE ad Wi KBRLES Ay we Apnetwment | AER AR) AW i dorm rie FERBIORER spastinant £ioae 16 Rapping (eniss HavE SRA TRIN ERr Ri ee # fren ml it # oy od 7 Accountants ROR FEANEYR Brrviae £m gn ints ¥ Wine THREE fA 3 F. WOVKEIs i [| " bh YALE Folk or Fart THEEY FEIN ANIER WERTH wnt Aud 4 £87 ples Wink Lh of i ¥» ¥ Cor (Vh (0 WRN, / will anie ol ia WILEY (hnrtared Ahk ! CA TREKS {hh 1 hiants skarmied Fide, HO Tis . WE DEWAR » wd Aud s, Fafar Hen (arin Benet, Gohpwn, Ontans, KA R04 HWONTERIN, MANTEITH KIENS f Chartered Arewimtanis 13 Bimeos Brest WH 1 Fhataiim Byes HEATER be apartment, Indies) We we hriger wing, | and J whos tn, | BIN hed Aeniind. | Ans Lg trent & arth f |Articles for Rent TELEVISION SETS MIF HUME] RECORD PLAYER BKADIO PLAMEFS MEAGHERS KING STREET Wi RA 3-3425 H if FE A Mit busi) asnligimen aril THEE} nen JL FO rie wm 5 I Ha haspite ' ban HONERN ne JH le | BICKROOM EQUIPMENT FOR RENT OF FOR SAL { fe wheel ire " . 8 nr on TL mihi BACHE iia Rew apart f eq ipped, |i nd Arves Avenue; Apt. | ital I he 168 crutches bed 1644 y rell-awn Aid Renta 5 RA ents In modern | alle MO B-4092 Foed, Apt 8, | an part fe 4 hedronm ent batidin pm 0 "w Aute Farts KENT § Wi % parts K 8 "Biree] Wes Five lee hey v1 ve revd 0 partment "Frislarive, heat FRiking. 8) AA BW ent with | Fark faundy treet orm at re Apt. 8 THRE) - pe ante Waa Barristers THOMAS M, RUNDLE citar and nodary public treet Bast, Phone KA #176 JAMES A MacDONALRD, BA Wa Barrister and Boligitor and Notary Fuh Ihe Commerelal Building, 6 King t, Oshawa, Client parking alluhle RUBKRELL | Barrister and Fast, Oshawa CREIGHTON iphoards 12 and ¢ HA ] heated upsinir 4 4 King ment, newly decorsied, privale trance, share hath, Telephone S478 far further particulars apariment, kitehen, Clase ta hus CAF PATKINE Avenue 37080 three roam apartment, Shroom, private entrance Clo ta Bouth 4 Romi oom spariment, selfpon privals enirance relnigeratar suitanle for J WN Gladstone Avenue aller spariment, healed, hath vale apart A RA roam lying saree i Ne t centre A fmtaria RA an Blreel MURPHY, BA fF King HA B47) FRABER, DRYNAN and hu KOCH, Barristers, Bolightars, No Fubile, Bank of Cammerce Bids mons Breet Noth, RA 58440 TK Creighton, af ac GK Dryngn, G1 m |Gngen arranged DONALD BLAKE DODDE, Big and Balicitar, 8814 King Sires! Telephone RA HALL RA dai dence, HA B Rausekeeping MANNING by VV ARTY Barrister FRICRRrAtor | Sullatior, Notary, Maney 10 loan, Asse Helate, Brien V. Mackey, BA, Hens | Mack, 4 Wing Breet Fast, HA [34007 Residence, Tal KA 34036 fh Tedrail | FONERR F MANGAN, G0, Baris nraad, | Dolleltes Maney ta loan. (fice colored (KE Bireel Fast Oshawa, BA 48 or, dry. |Mesidenes, RA §340 fe Ww [ROWMAN paAvVIR | tar, Al Simeae Routh i X thres roam apariment, | lence, RA § 0864 pauth end of elly. RA I MeriIRRAN snd BARSTERD, Barristers Boligitars, Clients' funds available first martgages 1 Bimens Sireet Narih HA S3A86 Charles © Melilhhon, GF Edgar F. Basteda, QO IOAN A CAMERON, barrister tar and nalary public, 164 King i SERRE Balicitor Ontario space 4 Ma ained 11] roam new remonelien its East Real semi Ample parking. Mid die aged couple preferred. Telephones | furnished light private sntidnes three plece bath, puit ple KA 53041, 4 Bimeos LUT aame. on NEW modern partments In ark Road iW tastefully refripsratly paved perkins precigle wi LARGE Fo ganditioned, B2631 ar RA Bd0hs TWO roam apartment, Mirnished, re felgeratar and range very genirp! alase to hus Apply 143 Huran Stree! FIVE © room upper fuple 0, radia or all host, vel iis, slave, ve ! refrigerator option closed in porch Bast Wh Aid HA hd pri Wilahia 16 share Charles street, MOTERERE ATTR0E UMPHREYS, Boayehan and NEW ARAEImen| Ramin Boliaitars; RK, Nn. Hum YRFFigRE [ahveys, G0 G. 6 Bavehvn, BA, WA walk ta General Matars, $88 fine fl King Mireet Ld 119 455 Malaga Road RA 6674 10 4604 or Whithy, MO 8.8161: RA 58803 hedronm and [Maney lo loan ane hadron Apartments, ecanvenienens inglude staves, rafrigeralor, TV anten {GREER " Helly Bi na and Ihundry. Thames and Cadar di (Eh HY 10. Rae denne (righ Adis preferred. Telonhene RA JIA BQ 8 { ] Ee enes V. Kelly "Wi A, Ber. a h [RALPH ie WA, Thomas WH WHITBY 109 CRAYDON RD, Giresr, Associate Barrigters and Boll ellars, 130 King Sirest East, KA 36346 Martgage loans available Maden Laundry and 7 ROWMAN, David ©, Barrister, Soliel it ane Rew apartment Adelaide Street Aecaraied, save wah Must ath Raliel Hes! Barvisler RA b0she W sallel treet at twa hedraam Hillman hullding modern Arariment stor snd slave, paved PAYkIng, minutes manihly MODERN heated twa Barristers Sires! Benth NARS a" Wii Yer tar, BW Rimede Sait RA 50503, Real denee, KA A £1 RALMY 4] BA, barrister, far, ely 136 Rimeas Sleep! lies RA | LR EY) Residence HA Building Trades [MATHROOMSE tiled, cabinets built, all {types af alterations. No doh tea small {Talni hane RA § 7188 YOUR local ehimne nevs buill and repaired slalled, furnaces vacuumed mates RA 39887 CERAMIC wall His Tad, Tales, work guaranteed mates RA ARN ATT plumbing au heatl Phone RA 33681 roid 14d, plumbing, heating and AAA. (ng. 30) Aimed Street Soulh ROOFING pepairs of all Kinds, sew roofing applied. Al work guaranieed Free estimates, RA 3.081% ALL Lipes huliding vevalrs, realing savesliouEh shiners, fireplaces, slide walks, stoops. KA §0884, Gordon May ALL TYPES of hame repairs and re modeling, recreation roams, Tealing ° MIRA gunrantesd, Free asl mates. RA Lu building parking Ample equip spotless tacilities autiet Elect saliel \ Narth BH rage cleanar. Chim gas linings in Frese sll headroom, furnishe To inipeet owner in Apt ¢ CHARTERED TRUST Toronto Melvin WA 2.413% ONE MONTH FREE RENT apartments and Hest tian. Phong RA 8.8676 TWO BEDROOM APARTMENTS Exe New b id ng without ¢ LLOYD REALTY RA 8.5123 ite i ) ¥ reasanahle Free all VAY My 5 th M TN fern ¢ bed up A HOUSE IN THE COUNTRY? A BOATHOUSE? A NICE GARDEN WALL? REPAIRS OR REMODELLING LARGE OF SMALL CALL AJAX THAT'S ALL RA 8.5103 110 KING STREET EASY OSHAWA AJAX REPAIR AND CONSTRUCTION LTD, ont location with or APARTMENTS LA SALLE COURT PHONE RA 5.3815 or RA 8.6485 bungalow | n ih Baliel | Building Trades WWE wwrerd ld] ii FER iu pi pete IMPROVEMENT SERVICE ime HOME Lumber, MO Business Opportuni AWE sale cour inetar; igh ' i § fie | 4 have Bot liad the pies Fauy fw 1; FERNS alle pment' nw in sel ge of ihe wha ead Biel BA 30400 then wom ol time / tah aur aller HONG IRs Then five roan all slack cried 0 a busi et, Fhane Bil Idoyd Regity Tid nt ding 1] see hi brick HIME proximate MW mndels LEanspOILS, an an opposite ear and fender ed units Lake district. Asking prige 8100000 selling nike) interests #0: Oshawa Times Blineas H FOOTIAN able service big ar ten far LR 18} fam Cartage Na HA small joi Dressmaking ALTERATIONS of all amen pnd ghiidren Reversible skirts & sie NRESSMAKING and hildeen's and ladies RA A lbh Kinds Farms! Ill far men, Adresses alterations Wear, re ay jriee MINOR alterating an children's adios' wor, 48% Allert Bireet (former lv of Eimgrave and Fark Road) ALTERATIONS of al} kigde for men aamen and ehildren, Formal Arenson, Reversinle skirtp--a specialty. KA 55406 NRFEASMAKING Tadigs' and ehll dren's wear, alterations of all Kinds Telephone KA 55336 FURRIER DRESSMAKER Alterations, Rem LOW PRICES 22 ROWE ST RA 8.6706 Food Freexer Services PER and New, leling assures a family of wr goad This includes a hea dul Westinghouse ¥Freeier and {finest of fonds pracurahle, hy Behnsid ers. Think of If, fair weather ar foul week ving Yaur shopping centre in Your three manths supply of food Buar ante than yeu living heing such {Ialr Wn nrsell call BCONOMART are NOW PAVING i famil 181 iis that andl MO you ---- , & Fete [$0A-hpi A ' this and RA 59484, | AHART AER tad WEWLT Racin plah Bees + [oom ww iat REgvy Ay Forti. #08, FIOM E ER RRR wig, HORROWE aRTime Funne WA 4718 WARAER, ROW, IW FI ageot wll. EE aed, ARE id grownd flower, #8 Eas RA Llikaad FERRER w FA Ti Frio E BRE Rien, Ir at, I . -- 10808 on firs Ae pend: vd | and the | your Kltehen | as holler planned meals at far less | The cust of | anly | ah, RVI . Ware Ladd HERE Evie Lad ad wiv metied hiss dd wee Hob h & wid waigy very plan WA 37M TWH + sown apartment, Wty Fornioh soa as. Appty Fast ieinphome KA Figin Marni i] FTE RERTTERE, BIE Ameen Bemis ATRpRs. Aeniinl, Rent Diab parking free. BA BIOL ar BA wales ih added "il FEntien er Hiei, ari aad TWREF brmishod romme tow gitle wm hr he Fale nn WA Bepr Men rn RVICE Gardening ond Supiins OSHAWA HOME LANDSCAPING f i ow f fir Ian MIrGery By ir ning it tress NENG ry fear RA 8-6366 EXPERT PRUNING SERVICE sping, Thinning and Grnamemial Van Belle ag dens MA 3:5787 - BOWMANYILE 3 miles East on Ne, 2 iy pert work a of Fru fram f gs Es Tnstruetion LEARN ig f hulirnam ARkess Fhine BA B58 pert IRpuetion | For LILLIAN MAE MARSH, dance shure hp, halo Fr Ly hialiet, rharacier Masonic Temple tn ARNCIRE BENIN perihatic, Bresehon fe Batre ris HARVEY PARCE wi, Boswil Acpiep Weg! sles Row, 484K Insurance NON HANLNEN yall nsurance. & Oshawe. RA Bb0i| ALIBTATE ta 30 per cent pErsanal service HA 8741 TURN pslorage gonds Advertise them for action Oshawa Call BA 55486 pow to place vour sd ACADEMY Botan alist J Wes, Fire, aula King Birest Hes. BA 4076 Auta Tneurance, Save six months to pay al your hens W Fo id fast in the LLL qual LU wig sppnintinent, leis Highland BA S613 | and can Fas Classified Ads $Ahots, & Flots MhA--hApts, & Flats y Rent yo bem Ld TRE ¥ an ami ment, Ee " AAO Sy | Fit he piieRew { id wal wh ya Wha RE Beirmy BR MARA ERE, AE oy a AVARTHEDT Nd fe we Ariel, Basan Fl Wid #oamings rier sn Rat. aw id snd ded od RIA BER RRs HA PERBIANEN (hyrn rami Eines, a HA SI wr § did ean wad nr, ams AREER ihr Ape Awninwi HEROAR pai? al sani £8 ia BACHILOR soniment, "R pois re Foray, (1 i seavian. Ail Mee Ham Resnet Bagt. BA fink bans tae Al dade od Lod ha FWREE iow making pros Tete "a ad ately wa ladies FREE E rom Rise tment, Simian tml haw wrine bani Wine, Resi frnlin ities orae ts wh Fria hane Wim Fast pre hr mieten ida aiidad EL tL Sinn Flaine dat dad havik, iv Hanvions ah WITWER N (hese £m wie oe ads Firtvy fri Fonds haserment apart ¥ wa nein rn fo om tld ng dad (han friger alow # Aries ve WA WihERN ye ' id we 5 IH King Sirest Fost /84 DIREC ORY | Mortgages Rug Upholwtery Service SEGERS and UPHOLSTERY CLEANERS aan a ow ig 5.7488 CHROME CHAIRS RECOVERED FROM 375 UP t Workmanship OSHAWA AUTO TRIM £62 BOND ST, WESY KA 58042 RUGS & CHES TERFIELDS CLEANED nal Cleaning Hame or Plant Members of the Mations! Instituet of Rug Cleaning NU-WAY RA B-468) A Surveyors NONEVAN AND FLEISCHMAN, fn a La eyor mercisl blue § Han Fat RA fie om I tL po iy fa dL (ained Auris wr ad Ind and rd Mortgages FO PAY Al YOUR BILLS FO PAY OFF A MORTGAGE TO BUY A HOME FOR ANY PURPOSE Low Month ly Payments Ne Bonu No Extra Charges Rebates fo Prepayment Loans Life Insured "a fp Erp Fre fe A i | SUPERIOR | Discount Limited bas nd THE f TH . Alrest All FASTEST GROWING CANADIAN LOAN CO i fi, F, HORTON snd Associates, teria Land Burvevers, Prof gineering, 308 Dundss Bir | Whith MO BSL Aller RIL [W, FLIN AND TROLLOPE, DRlaHe b " SIMCOE RA 5:46 87 41 17 MN i | Open Wedne Saturday fay 'Til B P.M Til 12 Meen Maney te Loan FIKEY and pEreements nek pnd Hehnlek, Bireet East. HA 3 FIRAT and second ed. W. Behalzmann Whithy LR] HAVE second mortgage Hd purchased and sold HL] i {in MARAE E Mortgage Broker, Professional Bulifing MO clients' hist nd Ty ALL Ard wlan Jurthe MOrtERkes on Afresmants of 7 King bireet ori forhewt 1a Ive thousand dallave bast ¥ iawest Fale iA Finanes, wi FIFTY | whrthwhile servies, Bes Biresl Boulh 148 ho i | MONEY TO LOAN $2,000.00 10 $50,000.00 for immediate lean en first and Second Mertgages, Agree ments for Sale, en vacant and improved property, residen: tial and industrial gity, subs urban and country, and Sum mes ages Summerland ited 112 Marth, Oshawa 5.1568 MONEY TO LOAN Monies for all types af ment goges for first and second mortgages en all types of real silate Including vacant lands; h term maorlgage for builders; first and second marigages and reemants for ain, Apply M 2613 King Street East, Oshawa, Telephone RA 1-4697 % Securitios Limi Simoes Strest Phare RA il sale Swartz NO DOWER | we Payment No Obligation. Our fend on Mert explain aur way aur many aur statement sullants will glad! better living, and customers veril are BURE if It's Ihis month, esiinghouse s pound steak pack STOP HOMARKET Freezer Company Whithy, Offers the | servies in Ontarie brand roast Food and now in finest food All name and At cut er feaks delight the eye Hind guarterns | ipped Ih, fronts We h pecially de HOMARKET home fram 294.00 Ne deposit. Lifetime warranty, A family af four con live well and awn a freazer for $14 00 F week For information, ill HOMARKETY, 107A Col West, Whitby MO ars 1 IW prices | wi 5 ih ined freezers Ve ( #4610 Richard Maveck Fuel and Wood PRY hardwoad ends Nose, slaves, Hreplaces, sie. 88 load delivered. Phone HA 83014 BY PIECES of hardwood firewoad AL reasonable price further \nfarma {Han sal HA & kind suitable fap fur Gardening and § plies DRIVEWAY GRAVEL \ Sond ar RA 5.5279 Instruction PRIVATE teu Ts |, Dial A \et RA PEOPLE whe sading (lassibien v nis ready-made \ ¢ : AOW 3 [odd WIVices Ate Dan' miss Dial heed yous WEA how Business (R30 dar 0 stan your low saat ad | atatiod CLIENTN There (gage Martgage and asresment oN aie many substitutes RUT you can be purchased Bonus for | Cpeighton, lage | money 18 1000 6 TIER MAR ofl NHA Ly fi marisage Fraser, Drags an doeh w= MORTGAGES Arranged, Bought, Company and Private Sold Monies Jahn BOLANOOD Limited Realtor Member Ontarle Merigage Arakars Association © MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE Current Interest Rates Fast Confidential Service No Hidden Banus Na Chattel Morlgages Na Co-signers Payments to Suit Your Budget ( 1 Mortgage ALL ED INVESTMENTS COMPANY KING STREET ¢ RA 3.3993 Anviime 5 r Evening Wnts ay A in A Al LIATED OFFICES OSS ONTARIO Member Ontaria Mortgage Brokers' Association "SrTARE FWAR canine! |hnees, A! Colborne "Ay : Nursing Services ' Land Burveyars, 4i8 Adelaide Avenus reaching |East. Phone HA LLL [FROFIT b ' Freely woe [ARNE With & Bigh 1068 low he hi hy iment Othaws Times EIAs Ad. Nel BA 33408 now INRivim ALIEER (houghtiul care far ach person In Bunnybras of atin wv Radio Repairs A vile iW siparvised. Ingiiries Invited. RA we KARI car radia repair makes. Thompsan AR i Li | ptumatviaty late Avenue, KA 3-0708 (Fred), RICHARD BLACK, Doctor af TV TOWERS Betomatty the esaminstion of eyes, A011. self-supporting tower 136 Bimeos North af hy appointment Het dip galvanized, Na paint Complete with new B:2:13 all-ehannel antenna. Total price, installed and guaran: teed for year $57.50 Alsa prampt set services TV Enterprises 253 Brew St, KA 3.3553 EC ym GET THAT CLEAR PICTURE NOW Use a CHANNELMASTER ANTENNA attached to @ STARLIGHT TOWER and you'll have the best GET THAT CLEAR PICTURE NOW! Use a new aluminized pigture tulis installed by expert wv technicians, and veu'll have the finest. Modest prices call us for servies; T.R.1.O. TELEVISION 171 BOND STREET EAST RA 8:6781 i SAMSON T.V. TOWERS RA 8.8180 OSHAWA T.V, 361 GIRRONS ST 40' TOWERS $45 130' ROOF ANTENNAS $30 120' ROOF ANTENNAS $22 Completely Installed With 2:Year Warranty LEN & LOU'S CITY TV. RA 5.7844 #02 SIMCOE ST. § TV. Service Cells Ril q0 NOW | | DAY AND NIGHT TV SERVICE PLUS SUNDAYS Complete Tube Test LEN & LOU'S TV RA 5.7844 or RA 8.5804 Offices Throughout Cr are Evening | RA $4101 :| MURKAR, WEI Or Ro, . |Bylte 3, The Dundas Bldg, Wail, Yonithy, MO 8-461 0 TUCK, KO AY Besounts 8t nk or 74 Burk amined ot home, Dial HA 5-487 Painting and Decorating PAINTING Al work gubranieed best material used, very yeasanahle Fale Telephone HA 34689 BROWKE through an old fashioned var Iely slaps In your awn livigg reom Check the unusual offers under "Bale Miseelianeaus' in Classified PAINTING and paperhanging, winter rales, 0 Ganding, 904 Chureh Alrsst Telephone KA 8780 PROFESSIONAL hanger Fuaraniss hobs Fron oslimaies DODD & SOU TER PAINTING & DECORATING CONTRACTORS Painting, Paperhanging Gyptex, Full Wall Murals Spray Painting : 107 BYRON S71 WHITBY DAYS MO B.523%1) NIGHTS RA 5.7424 nplametrist, ih Dundas Closed Wed aplometrist. Flesse dawntawn Dominion freel Invalids o% sinter wi Raper work and mils Al Conray, RA (Parsonal Service PETER Fan Day day, 4.30 ta 3.30, RA 03804 Aor half Simeos North Nursery LL) | | | | TRY OLIF BARB.QUED CHICKEN Chigken plate, halt chicken with french fries, fish and chips, hamburgs, hot dogs, milk shakes MODERN GRILL WE DELIVER RA 5.3487 SHIRT LAUNDERERS ZIPPERS REPLACED Sharten er lengthen garment Cutts and pockets renewed Complete stack of Buttons GILLARDS CLEANIT SERVICE RA § 158% Plumbing Heating PLUMBING and heating tings, fixtures, new and wi Ing fram septic tank fa se 4 ape {1a y Installations at reasonable rales, Information and estimales free lon any type of plumbing. Dig HA jt Foley IBEATTY APPLIANCES | PUMPL LTD | pee, 0 d, Chang Barn equipment, hot water and forced air furnaces, bathroom fixtures, par and PARTNER PLUMBING AND | ORONO 1782 Day Rug-- Upholstery Service UPHOLSTERY al ita bast for leas We specialise in ehestertilds, ve cavered [re-madelind, repaid Frees estimates [eany erms. RA S36 [OMERTERFIRLIN veoaveared [Ane on hy Pay Our fates [41% reasonable Setistastion Buaraniesd Fo hull Oshawa Vshalsiery 0 Bond Street West. Dial RA HO FURNITURE repaited\ and teuphal | stored. See ows Ma ria far e-caver | ne. Brace R. Dalian, & Charles Sites RA dH CHESTERFIBLDA ana oid ohalr A Mavered Hike ew. Gel he best A] Modem Uphalslering 1H Simeone [vin Call RA B00 0 a Bes sal aif buiner ib, SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT i DAY OR NIGHT! : T.V. and RADIO CALL RA 8.5286 Work Guaranteed, OSHAWA ELECTRONICS Watch Repairs | HEATING or Night rebuild WATCH REPAIRS J. Cornish K St West y utomate RA 3.4343 20 na Apetie i

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