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The Oshawa Times, 8 Mar 1961, p. 10

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10 THE OSHAWA TIES, Wednesdny, Marsh 8, 196) LIBRARY WORLD White Nile Story Judgment Reserved In Union Libel Case OFFAWA (CP)~'The Supreme Cort of Canada reserved judg ment Tuesday on g hel petion agminst the Tovontn Globe and Matt by Harold €, Banks, Cana-| dian Grector of the Seafarers hd hd Internationst Union (Ind. ) icture 1SCOVeTY «im ri ys court Against judgments of thel The (following reviews were written by a member of the staff of the Mel augh- ln Public Library THE WHITE NHE by Man Morehead A great and exciting Wetory of explorations between 1856 and 1900. This account, divided into four parts, tells of the discovery of Central Africa and the source of the White Nile Fart One opens with 8 vivid and disturbing description of Zanzibar with its heoming slave trade and dangerous drinking water, Burton and Speke led the first British expedition, Speke and Grant, the second, Mr, and Mrs, Baker led the third and Livingstone the fourth. It was Btanley, Briseur d'Ohstac les who actually confirmed Speke' s theory that the Nile rose in Lake Victoria and flowed north The events are universally known. It is the way they are told which makes fascinating ghsorbing reading, Muetsa, king of Buganda, is a hideously real "Red Queen' ordering heads lop ped off, Baker records his wife's unflinching courage through fa mine altacks by poisoned arrows, ele, by saying 'She is not a Bereamer'. Stanley march es into Uji and finds Dr. Liv ingstone. It is all here Part Two tells of the Khe dive's activities, Part Three of Gordon, the Mahdi anil Khar toum. Part Four, the Christian Victory, is a race for colonies 1900 finds Victoria still on the throne and ruler of the river from the Mediterranean to the Mountains of the Moon Mr Moorehead's prologue rue and notes are as inter s his chronicle. He has travelled down what is still 'the mightiest river on the earth EGYPT IN THE SUDAN 1820 1881, hy Richard Hill Attempts to fill the void left hy controversialists', There are the British on the one hand, de fending Gordon's memory, and zealous, patriotic Egyptians on the other. The hook contains an {Huminating sketeh of Gordon AT HOME IN THE 200 hy Gerald Hes, The author, now living in Mon treal, is considered one of the world's authorities on zoos, The! title also belonged to his tele- Birth Blues Anti-Climax By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Topies this week: The blues after birth, dangerous cockroaches and new clues to hard-hitten teeth, BLUES OF THE BIRTH One of 10 new mothers gets the blues just about the fifth day after her child is de- livéred, a scientist says, The reason: Probably an anti-cli- max in the adventure of motherhood, Throughout her pregnancy she gets lots of attention from her hushand, friends, relatives and her doctor, explains Dr, George W, Morley of the Uni: versity of Michigan, This attention reaches its peak about two or three days after delivery, Then suddenly it decreases, Most patients can give no reason for the blues, admit that it's silly, but the blues are still there, Most frequent treatment; Have a good cry and talk it out RX HARD TEETH A new clue to ways to make teeth less susceptible to decay comes from University of Ala bama scientists -- and more than 800 human teeth The researchers softened the tooth enamel with a known softening agent=--and then re. hardened the enamel hy soak: vision series shown by the BBC in England When he was VI years oid Mr. les went to live at the Bellesne Zoological Gardens Manchester. In 1993, he became director. at. the age of 25, M once, he started to put the man REEmEnt on RB more geientifie basis. He started a 200 vel erence Whrary, buying many hooks from bis own pocket, and gave each exhibit its own secur wate label and map, instead of the vague "tropical Africa' note | which -- as he puts it -- covers '# large grea Mr. les lived with his work loved ut and thrived on i. Bo did the animals, He tells us how) : to buy a zebra, shout Wendy the gibhon, literally (earing strips off the Manchester Guar-| dian and assures us that ele phants won't eat haggis (there by showing great discernment we think) There are many delightful photographs and the preface | by Michael Denis, wha, with the author, pleads for help and sup port from sll nations for the protection and preservation of animals Mr. les concludes "a good 160 is & joy to sll concerned ~~ @ had 200 is one of the worst aghominations", Those of us who were enchanted by Bellevue Zoological Gardens as children know that he was director of & gnod 100 Fans of Antrobus will hail his return as raconteur in Law rence Durrell's "STIFF UPPER LIP", Once again he has a8 host of amusing anecdotes 1o tell ahout the dips (Diplomatic Corps). This time is magn ary, but nonetheless august members are lustrated by Nicolas Bentley, The names of the characters (the word is used advisedly) speak volumes in themselves, There are Polk Mowhray, Dovebasket and the naval attache Butch Benbow who translated a diet of goat's milk inte 'unsweetened con densed touched up with Goy dons Dry', "Stiff Upper Lip" is a happy sequel to "Esprit de Corps" VOC'S OF THE AIR hy John Frayn Turner A worthy successor of hi ing the teeth In a solution of ealeium salts, The teeth hard ened faster when a small amount of fluoride was added to the soak The findings suggest how fluoride acts on teeth when added to drinking water or is directly applied to the teeth BEWARE THE COCKROACH The lowly cockroach may he | highly dangerous--thanks to its hospitality for a whole family of human ills Cockroaches have heen found to carry four strains of polio virus, some 40 kinds of bacteria that infect man and | the eggs of some worms that ean affeet both man and ani mals The eockroach also. carries along some 220 other viruses, fungi, bacteria and worms harmless to man, says a. res port published hy the Smith: sonian Institution FOR COMFORT Now you can carry your eli mate with you under the blazing sun of the tropics or in the bitter winds of the Aretie An air = conditioned suit waiting tests for military uses ~has heen made by Westing house scientists 2 for 1 LIMITED TIME OFFER! TWIN-PACK only 129 Regula special DESERT FLOWER cream deodorant by SHULTON This velvety-smooth cream deodorant, with added anti: perspirant action, melts instantly inte your skin=--gives you all-day deodorant protection | Safe for your skin -- safe for your clothes because it's famous Desert Flower quality. Pick up your "twin-pack" today, while this special affer lasts! MITCHELL'S) Drug ETS 9 SIMCOE ST. N RA 3.3431 | i val Mary Ontario Supreme and Appestl 44 OF the Doves Nass yi Courts Msmisnng Bn Retion for 7 the fst two were posi Semages of $1500 against the humous awards 19 Garand and PEVSTRPET Gray on May 12, 1940, The last. The action was launched by Victoria Cross of the air, during Mr. Banks in connection with an the Second World War, was also editorial which appeared in The a posthumous award. 16 was Globe and Mail Nov. 11, 197] won hy another Gray, # Cana The lower courts riled that the dian from Nelson, B.C REWSPRPET Was Not actuated hy We shall not forget the valor Malice in publishing the editor- of these brave men al, Saha TALK ABOUT DELICIOUS FLAVOR! Delicate, sunny- sweet Blue Bonnet Margarine makes just about everything taste better, Good for lite people... ifs nutritious © because i's all vegetable, - ALL-VEGETABLE Blue Bonnet | MARGARINE ARERR RRR ENE R ERNE NEN FANTASTIC or LIGHTING FIXTURES OPEN FRI, NIGHT 'TIL 9 P.M, Lighting Unlimited CANADA'S LEADING CHAIN OF HOME LIGHTING SPECIALISTS #50 EGLINTON 80, Scarbore PL, 58400 ONORTHTOWN SHOPPING CENTRE Willowdale BA. 5-698) SCLOVERDALE MALL (Corners No. 5:27 Hys) BE 3-604) @DIXIE PLAZA Port Credit CR. 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MATINEE takes 2 tips from nature to improve both ends of the filter ay 5 E 1 Exclusive" Humidor Process" 9 Nature's own filtering agont ~ restores natural moisture to -- silkens every puff every tobacco leaf Nature knows it,,,s0 does Matinde: tobacco eraves moisture! Dry, crumbling, thirsiy tobacco can mean poor smoking, The new, patented "Humidor Process" exclusive to the makers of Matinde--breathea soft, moist air into every pore of wery tobacco leaf, So every Matinde is packed firm, draws even, tastes cool , , , delivers full, fresh tobacco flavour, And nature's own filter, made from the natural cellulose found in growing trees, silkens your smoking , , , lets sweet, satisfying flavour come through, Try a Matinée, You'll see, 30 seconds can switch you Matinée-way! Ay RT i -- Ir w ON PinchIt! Lightl! Tasteli! No "gaps", no "soft Matinde's tobacess Fresh.leaf flavoun spots! Matinde is end incleancut, No flows pure and packed full and "flare-up" from eoel through the packed frm} dangling shreds! Matinde filter) NEE tastes right all day! Open » Boek, tap. test a Matinde,, ne dry tobacco "all-out" here!

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