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The Oshawa Times, 8 Mar 1961, p. 15

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f THE OSHAWA TIVES, Wednesdey, Merch §, 196) 15 NO MEN ALLOWED | XD Soup 'Al Cicotte Is Alberta And Sask. Mothers Do Coachin ar marten (Yoypds' No. D Still Undefeated United Kingdom Tuesday Foothali Aswactation Cup | TRI ap ; - Puck Loo varies ¥inel Repay | 71, VEYERGRURG. Fie. (AF) conte, see how, V con 40 (0 B. cor6ARY (R)--Ritioh Coli Mondey might Jack Vers of Burnley 1 Sheffield Wed. § wins 8 fl Aime iReRTanae JRah wmhia has wade SCH WW Aynoles, Bask. managed | LOST WIS FASTBALL oAherwise easy fs 190 0875 pony wun untonchabie sones in (WInRETS EEL FRBET TOE afer (lar ee wndistingmehed : : _ fand or Tottenham Hoh sper seats in the Malm be fast: Fhe keen x was Sometting for undetented Atherta and Sas the final end for Wis 109 win WONTREAL (CF) ~ Am 5 atk " ' Wall pitaher was hack in the mic OTE BER THEROGMERE a suit ; ARABIAN y v aualigna fiationg, fitie Baber! ENGLISH MEAGRE Cl voi Wale Lanis 19908 Wis fast Wall when he curing championship over Folk. Tuesday morning AG Jens FRR, ¥ 8 Second Divieion on ternational 1 age" suilered an arm separation at Tony Folk and Wie White Hector Gervais of Edmoman en Chant © sent oil wh : L Teton 0. § Piymenth A 8 0 Ee By 1 newcomer SAcramento wn 154, he sud Rock, B.C. teammates suffered commted » wage coming fone » WEEN "ihe Tomgster shied H i Third Wivision a 8 Lats Cardinals spre Senty fownd he Bad # fast hall opetock Alesis at the hands snd BL. agin Went (own, 1s ' jis b Bradtovd City 0 Colchester U, § camp, getting Ws frst reg #EOW of the prairie rinks, the only time 15-18 ' . . real trouble they have had as Baskpichewan's Tuesday tri to Acker # Aefenceman. (oi aven ; »y : wnsieadily on Ws skates for # A u- ; i chance @t Bi after hecommg the The mem just came hack . " ded 13 . i FEOTFISH LEAGUE, miner league player of the Fear Cientie seid, "i had power FRR posted (or wins withow wpht were by lapsed 44 ' raw WH scones over Mewinunde moment and then hatted (he ch : Gi 3 First Wivision . . a 9 the » . ' ; ; i last season with 3 187 record. aga, And | sien had two net # loss early in the 1 gy 1A the wtdonr hockey " i 4 : . ; § Motherwell 4 Dundee U8 Son chiionts, 18 sirens pikes. | stared throwing side FINRAFIANI_ COPE tion land and Gnehes vik. the crowd of grown - Ws 1 ; (Postponed from Feb. 77) and B 178 rEINEd-TR RYETREE RYM--RIVIRE gM - handed Rit Wr ref : 4 ; : Second INvision al Voronin ting sidezim fast halls and Bavert's mai he 0 Ren a Sheffield © § lpswich T. 3 § was gone hang wr last curves, § still tely on B shider (Postpones from March 4) spre. aller Cleveland sold me and & swker, hint when | need from the sidelines--mna , fomes : in Toromtn," he said { had i. | have the fast bali sgain' The goni by her som gave Ihe J | r Rookies a 10 win ove he FV A been with the 7 ankees and (he AL the moment RARREET . J Senators and the Tigers and the Sally Hemus figures Clenile ps WA, // J £ rates in sbwrhan Yerdww's ; 7 indians all hres Vye the Cards' Ba, § starter, behind Masquitn Teague (or hogs 10 2 : kL i wR EERILY End ny 'ie Bi him, Larm vy yf 4 4 pretty good ad iui Ta PRE-SPRING PRICES Wreck home w SEAR in Bay Mrs, Agnes Tomney 18 conn F 4 the Pirates : the off gon, R thought | mons Pp ¥ ihers head ai on Jeng "™ Ty NA Great might. #5 weil stay with i ol "That's fie with me" sod are now in effect of pA B A a Cieoite, "Just wo ave @ ad ad ' But 1 Aecided tn go tn Tir chance 18 pi 2 ih py 4 ONTARIO MOTOR SALES! @ Twice B week they gn sik 19 in ny in ig : A ' In Rowin Buy Your OK Used C Tomi roaming noses, ; : GAGRTOWN, WB 9 " Ratelle May Have NOW wo AND SAVE! We don't know # unpretentious grey Eraniie But We Gv tone in John Cemetery Esther Neil I he chisf " here marks the grave of Harry ' FAChE ANA ANE HF TH J 1 EK. Vail. one of Barth America BRIV/ETR 4 ne MEN LEFT O17 k / FhiriyAwe vears have passed Fhe women go i nce he died al Wis summer L Bh or o 0 | imme man For NHL Trial MENaat Fai A ' 7 4 t, John River hetween Sami help : g 1 y £ John and Fredericton hat Ihe Wy has name Dad Yall still is revered wORONTO (CF) Flashy Boh Cunningham finishing in In fact, the eM J . - - ; 4 Phe Dad Vail He ia 15 # Aen f hie Hog Gh i 4 i A Jia Be poinis on 14 goals (ora No fathe . " > » : " I H yan En CARINE he Ontane OCKey A ana GE REBELS HWNMnENe a he cod L vy he 4 ne MRS, NOREEN HANRAHAN DIsCH BEES STRATEAY WITH HER CHARGER (000016 the annual Boston saciation umer A scoring cham: alse gone 10 Rangers for # Ooms os: defenceman on Mrs. Neil's gi Union Bast Club races on Ihe pion this week--chiefly because trial : The women made shi jea Fi 5 Previn ar or hi ' he ig 9 vars Bough 2 Charles Kive : teammate Jean Ratelle decided Bruce Draper of 8t, Michael's dantly cles he 4 from Navi A b ming nf age shai ' i oe Ye wiz Down Born here in 1858, Vall came tg tackle thi: Wg Lime finished one point ahead of ne advice from } ached | } ! / / / 3 gy H I was supposed to stay 0 # imily noted for feat Gilbert finished the season Brian Hall of bit, Catharines They even [rows 4 roids p W hone 1 i th e for Awe THIN of rowing. The descendants of with first vlace ip tovals Teepees with 77 points on #M ing on tips directly tn the ed intra ahh rivaly bh § } can 0 } 1 shout af him: erg Layalist pioneers thought with 105 points or al nals and 43 assists, Hall, a ers 7 gE RpPIARITINE BE ¥ i we, 1 J ' ida id nothing of rowing 0 miles 10 40 assists in 47 games, Ratelle flashy centre had 35 goals and We bad one man stand bh ) ional } / J I €. Gn 10 Ihe Saint John and hack with was only twa points behind 41 assists the hoards and ¥/ J COR / I f 510 ) freight with 40 goals and 61 Assist Ray Cullen of Teepees was tion said Mrs, Ne ! i ell of sulla f 0 i : came bh to He hegan his ear training when Gilhe as injured th with 74 points followed hy e hot nen nw Creek i 4 EAME BEA) Larry Keenan with 5 and Doug fixed thal auiek we had | 7 f ' P id J I J h f TREE HEINE day meh uw ¥ y | A Lragetn made shell, After Toronto Bt, Michael senior of Peterborough with 68 put out of the park. Hes con y Hanral J ih i | I - e skate ; 1 f But he's quiet #8 a Cf | ck out fi ne game fie BRIO 0 ols asm professional seul: Ratelle accepted @ three-game] Bud Blom of Hamilton Red IT'S A FACT ... LOOK HERE hack since '1 hoy lamb now.' of he ! ; h + hack ch solemn) js 8 ih } a ler in Saint John, Halifax and trial with the parent National Wings captured the league's lop Brennan 0 f j I ) How can the mothers gel ¢ : oy aks : " Howell and [eke 1 after ! the United State he hecame Hockey league Ni York goalkeeping record and won the wav with it ; awa ith | vith Mi AV I and I n conch for Harvard Uni- Ranger a far in two games Dave Pinkney Trophy, Blom 1068 CHEVROLET SEDAN % allowed 118 goals In 40 games 2-ROOR MOREL in rich India lyery and "You pul six women Hee Hu a / I ersity and later head rowing with New York he has col together and what Can Efe J say?" laughs Mrs, Neil Fhe nih Mi he / { al Madison Fhe high powered Guelph last year's champion Gerry GON In 1024 Vail was unanimously squad dominated the top of Cheevers of St, Michaels with 1960 VAUXHALL WA $1695 the coach ti yisconsin Umiversity lected two goals and one assist. or a 208 average no edge out Regatta Blue ¢ bination, Yery &leen STATION WAGON in 2-1one grey and very ITS AN OLD STORY chosen one of America's greal- scoring standings with centre 8 8.13 average L rowing coache His crew with tom' radia. An sconemical family orf v after a long trip from the west Many Successful Fighters |" .i.% Money Galore For| [mi . 4805 Ang, Columbia and Byracuse packed at only 'Have Wound Up Flat Broke iii Top NHL Teams | mumtte. .. $495 Oak Ever tn lead an eight on the! wioONPREAL (CP) There's that finishes in first place; Hudson River p I J 9.000 for second place; $6,500 054 PONT AC SEDAN 4 ais a champion, $2200 a n th fi life at the going to he a lot of money rid: 89 J ] Fan A eham ! 1 I} Datars h ing on the performances--=hoth! far third and $2,700 for fourth | | $105 * NEW YORK (AP)=The re The only thing shout hoxin i ; ied hy 4 i xia died helore aL 4:DOOR Medel, in excellent mechanical conde cent story ahout the plight of wi a ell the ¢ ' : hi AR Ao | AS OWN tegm and individual af thi A total of $45,000 to the two | 1 m ha cont HIM Lud . CASTRO H Toronto Maple Leafs and Mont: (eams winning the Blanley Cup's ' A STEAL AT ONLY " then-jobless Fzzard Charles | i wild 0 | : : : IL few » 8 | CINK L 8¢ 0 i 5 AY rm p anadien p ; id d "nirouih he years 4 hye" a on ¥ iid : BASEBALL RULES ok ; ye 0 i final | il io to the two 1963 GADI 6 SED. f N a true $ 505 A-POOR SERAN in excellent condition i HAVA 1 Through the years these stoi Loui i the . lal nn ; , troated AR @ i keep cropping Wp bi Sion ERAS WERE DIFFERENT 0 Bue Chavle IA (AD) Fidel As Lhe 60:61 rej ular Na: (teams losing in the semi-finals R008 SAAN in sxcallent CONE Soon nes one hear ahoul the wealth A great difference het f ( ) 0) Foster Foster would mick! Casten has revolutionized (HONal Hockey League season A total of $81,000 to the team tes GE T0884 4 5 OPIY heads Into 1s final two weeks, winning the Stanley Cup final ex-fighters, the smart and the ist N im of pear i 4 Iv. never aver Aig lucky ones such as Gene Tun Lam) Gili ( ent he modern-day ath J n ) aced hoxer Vi checking a sugar the Leafs hold a shim iwo-paint| A tolal of $13,500 to the loser OVER 90 CARS TO CHOOSE FROM ney, Jack Dempsey, Jimmy Mi { lel dam Investy Nh awl handled MclLarmin's purse mill Tanda ihe Cuban (edge over tne Canadiens in Whe in the cup final Larnin, Wocky Marciang, Lui . id as & ha money in enterp He pi arefull premier took aver the pitch. (baile for first place, Taranto; In each of these cases the (Angel) Fiipo, Rocky Graziano, mits the use of his name and on" Faster died at the age ing chores during a pickup has 87 wing, 10 ties, and 18 money is split among 18 units Jack Sharkey, Max Schmeling ametimes mak it well with in 1656. he left the hulk! game Insses for B4 points, Montveal| Then there's $1,000 for each } ! ar of hi ie of nearly $200,000 An opposing player stole has the same number of tes and player named to the first all snd Maxie Baer, fo name a A aut spending # dal ; lew LR ' bo] hracke! 1h n EAL second hase. Castro sent |losse hut ane le victor { 9 p 2 ) n ! i § Dh ilar team, $500 for each player LIMITED ' Ti if irs during hich f charni The legion of once hea Hint i ! TTA is far luckier than! him back ta first Mantreal has. played one game named to the second all - star i we earned nearly $3.00 Vhen ~ made I Rael J earning pugilists who ran! | fib Hi when | ame of the outstanding men he In this revolutionary less than 1eal foam, 81,000 each for winners § 140 BOND WEST OSHAWA RA 5.6507 " F'unn received S080. 440 Tor came Ashik inte the ihren oJibuner ine ud 10 " i oy hn Ive Nn RH aro rr Barney Re government stealing is not The league sols aside $168,600 of six individual trophies, and| Louis, , ¥ k ke y alkes Demme a COhicage, Sept. 22, his earmin Hen AIM pt rmived, even n hase: annually for honus money $300 to the player who finishes J £8 1 ¥ It u 8 ¥ } M i TT A A pony Rod it A W ow N 1027. and was able to keep al ting as oddson tl the pla Lang " 12 1hundere IL 15 divided this wa second in the scoring race ' | an pin if J , Pen, Kid Chocolate, ke Wil: Mo t all of i hay hea } wild wind up down the drain A total of $18,000 to the team Hams and Beau Jack Poday Tunn | ok What make the difference low ax era plus wise invest Fortunate for Baer, Trail's Hal Jones pe ) ) ) 18, I8 Hong between tne wealthy and the men « millionaire (riend. Ancil Hofman (00k aver broke? Where does the mone Louis gels along but his hi as" mansder. Holts steateht Scoring Champ It's Our Loss and Your Gain! avel Mast ol fight wih Tack hig time he sold 1H per cent of y Lo athe he bet. and Hammerin heir fal purses wenl thank 1] gn? earning da ar Hg i hl resulted fram ened oul he ! i high living, | | \ { f investments, had advice and the government disallowals of his practical | an @ dale, ih Trail ! \ { { Vi an no plaving with a conniving (hy athers) are same eome ax deduction ( ral When axi is through With soe: i ng aa of the reasons for the sudden year ter the were filed i F : or gradual outgo eof gold hi nawballed past the $1, Me Tine as in good finan: hockey championship in Switzer a 000.000 mark and it cial shape. He also had annui- land, was the Western Hockey Charles » lil i is i i haries ummed it up in uo. ! og ap p Foasin champion (hi eanan recent le view ie far Louis ever ta eateh up, to which would have paid him h coond title in three veal OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS ivf + + + MUST RAISE CASH v few of his games with Rass : un Wario finished sixth @ During the next tye weeks we MUST raise Cash , , , ond aust MAMAN LARK RaWLING that | The (ean Mobi MRL Lp ARIELLE LE Hw "this season with 48 points PLENTY! Therefore we ars offering our present stock of of the 1a nae a ¥ wha plaved 38 games Men's Wear at UNHEARD.OF SAVINGS, Men! It's the the tndividuel trophies wei "pret NGNOR. ayo fone I dei ar his year, Bess Maile Pa § i ara | \ : : EATS UR WIN We Indien ton tiple al and Gy 0 oF y \ LURE MEAL with Rossland W Apion and Bl chance of a lifetime to get that New Easter Quthit at tres Ww (HR, MB 7). Incidental th Must ied Lan \ | f Tiaws 404 AMOK in league play accu mendous Savin a! Mie tapped the men's high u {Ming the « | 2 f iA 1235, mulated 81 points an 24 goals " Ne AANAN of § arb 1. Vogal 101 \ : Taps far he § We a Williamaan N06 " Ww . ; 4 ANA a7 Assists ; Remember, you san get the same quality clothing here fait Walia on \ithe Co i hh in A era In secand place was Trail FOR LESS THAN HALF what you would pay elsewhere , , pry of oer tH n Rl A i, Amn { nl weh Robby Kramm SO HURRY ! fil (298, 230 Init ann Lehi 1a " hit v 11 pan Laurie Bursaw Wh i \ | Flpiely ho started with Trail and fin -" # ld Uiliey Baw ies Hehe in 1 { \ Hardin " 2 i | wmatk were Macon Ty 2 ee { | . AY (avin 300 and Ann Merkley Soa 1Shed with Rossland, was thir Meatpetit 17, Fave Weiss 333, Rob sial i Talhs \ ' Medal 9 Mad: With 66 swis 47, 318, Adelaine Kahin \ \ alser 4 ak 1 [ Ww Nu-Way 1:13 Seth Martin of Trail was top wreentages and Fred Carey 313 Sally Plume 314, B Harga | A A Hv \ W Lavell : goaltender with a 30 goals Mantpotit 208. Freda Sia Sand \ BY, 0 ao ' A | y AR ey i An's 36, Poapls Guy 34, Olga Tha \ Al and A . \ AEAINSL Average RE a wi O.H.A. JUNIOR "B" Below Cost!! 1m one brand | Slandings Seven 3 8 Haver Gang 808 §, BApRY Seven A Ravens § and Heatatks 3 " PRA PB ho Te ; i nie ugh Ri WANT a pl od 3 10 EASTERN GROUP FINALS ON ENTIRE STOCK OF MEN'S HRN Years ago Adams distilled 29 great whiskies, each we gi anion Heat "AL the Shinty aL Moots ahd WAM (Best 4 out of 7 Sevien) SUITS ] TOPCOATS | g/ with its own distinctive characteristics, and then Moma ted AUN IE pelt at inset in Heat adhe hot inh So 2nd GAME i " ~ aged them in special oak casks, Now, Adams has married these 29 rare whiskies to create the superb flavour of hm ane "0 and Lowi 3 a te + > te TONIGHT, MARCH 8th SPORT (OATS! PANTS Adams Private Stock, This custom blend is presented in its AN Stars |. Menctenians 8 Past b Li AW Hs 3 it N , \ a h 1 id! 1 ' M IRE RL \ Ron When \ : 8:30 PM erystal decanter at a popular price, Padcock Lumber 3, BP bul EEL AU te Lr S| Peversorousk | [1 BUY YOUR NEW EASTER Adams a wd Nant Br di des RORY Junior Canucks priate at A 30 3 A " OUTFIT NOW AND SAVE AT Yeob 35% A + cine nn CETUS | IOHN SACHY rivate Stoc aon 30. Gvorae Hubbard - CUSTOM BLENDED CANADIAN RYE WHISKY Wha Heppen? He way follows twa newcomers J | Apidehy Thomas Adams Distillers Ltd, Tarante Marvey Gabana (Jury and AM our oll faithiulia BS Som FF SE aE Whitby Community Arena |] s2 sono & RA 5.5277 hat gig Sh LEU wilh a Adults 1,00; Students with cards and Children 50¢ (Free Parking On Our Lot) a week we find he 1a \ N ' , . 0 aad Aviomation beating We Poliah | Ole Jowis lamens wes Saline

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