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The Oshawa Times, 8 Mar 1961, p. 4

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fe Yet. So alii RATIO REVIEW Bodice ont |Assurance Given [Je Monopoly 4% Hockey Teams Ready *"""', On Blood Supply RS ih : wrge of robbery with vie ! lence against Witham Arthur Haney, of Orono, was dismissed BOWMAN Y IL LE ~ The the Wood refrigerator is install and the same charge against Women's. Hospital Awniliaryied, A supply will be sent seach ODO (Rewters)~Publish | For Cobourg Games Parl Allin Honey pri Mo and Met in the purses residence' week ing magnate Ceci Rarmsworth ! Donald William Heath of Camp. "0 sn atiendance of 3. The s was decided to let the has: King spoke out Tuesday | a 'eek, pediced to common President, Mrs. 1. € Mason, pital hosed Sat the on fegex of monopoly in Bo | BOWMANYIAE ~~ In the (Rom Simpron) merounted for) ATOM SEAGUR-to BAER, pasault, when the three men TVENed the mesting with the! iiary will and POWiehing as he formal first Pee Wee hockey game (he Canadians' lone gost, The Little BHI, in yn A 71 magistrate's court, SeRlary prayer, Mrs. Morrison ; Comened a new 16,000 099 bid, { |Gjeres Paturdey morning fhe defeat left (he Canadians fied Bnd Ass vn On Tuesday. The two plesded gutity Mroduced Bernard Holden, heibers were introduced to the v for Wis expanding Dally ! handed (fie Base 3 b2 for third spot in the standings 82 am. Mrome 45. A it hare naw wdmimistrator for the os mesting. At this the there are TOF BFOWD : move | COA 9 ; ea bi ital . {feo tor py ra wHIner BANTAM LEAGUE he Piyers Generals; 56 am, Comets n he ehargss were Eo" pwd "Mrs, B. G, Cowie reported rel etive members and 5% asso Poss Br B'-pr AR siyrsi { : he fies game VE Five, Maroons; 12M pm, Or i > & for ¥. Hite : / os uctine Hockey Wight, The win moved 7H ' | v8 ; awn, had repovied tn the OPP C08 for ¥ebruary amounted to 2% # "Tai Mahal" snd the (the Wings toto & fied place (ECHE0 HE ARTEL 0a ealTians. wh, Generals; 148 0M" ymanvile of havime haem 191.95, The baying committee in 106 to On Te newsmaper hu 11410 g "ie fie, Brian Veters 2, Fbint Med tar, Dn McDonald ofl Comets ve. Raiders beaten, which resulted In the Pore Aven powes fo purchase alo teen party Will be jus A word mond mn ddd ' wh 4 { f 4 5 rg , 4 1 OF p (# py ioigy getters for the Figers. Terry GIRLS BROOMBALL Mo of waht Jeeth and of hing id Asapos pnd hat wator pik-1yy at the Lions Centre for all King's remarks about manip } [pare he Jon Suan and Dave Walton accommied for both the! In the only broomball game relieved of 875 tans Yithose whe participated in the"? were made as he flscussed : | Wings Koger p Braves' woals, The geome has played Monday afternoon fhe It Was hrovght to the Crown's Bridge marathon during the win M6 Erown's recent takeover of | | Barrahali (Dennis Tierney) Wen protested by the Braves | Roses came wp with their hast dtiention that on the night fn ' Tay wis feud from The! gor Odhams Press, Odhams two nar seared for the Bears ame CORCH Leffort of the season to defeat estion, the\cars driven hy SAROGRR H Foss Poclaty as Will » tiana™ newspapers and 158 mae in the second Pee Wee game CORCH > : Andrew. & . ¢ swnng the auxiliary an adequate, Mrs, William Budell and Mrs the Bruins and Hawks played to Pirates defeated the Cubs 41ithe Violets 40 and move into o SNOFEw and Heath had side C0 wly of Blood would be furl, C. Mason let thelr names SPPAnes were added to the Min | he . nal (0 wove ints sole possession of| second pisce tie in the playoff wiped when passing, there had the. hasoital whem sand fof Somimation mm the FES 130 newspapers and maga AiR Pig Ri A for these second place in the pinyolf| standings, Sharon Burgess (1) Rehan in Argument 3nd an ox : A onary HA] provincia) 7Ines i Y b p Ly hanee of me ($13 A J two teams, The fie game left Hanongs Bushy Hughes Clanmdoanns Woodward nd Klaine The bid "e y 1 Yodel " hospital association for 1961 There has been much talk the two teams tied for second Fath, Joe Reader Law Highfield were the goal ge M i ] angele sing pos sFR PH op Rp Ri Ri RL Worden put the Bruins ahead PCOTETE for the Pitates. J ohn wed broomball game is Mon 15 declared. "It is my view f y 4 ext sched for sentence Gill March 4 " place in the standings. J oh nl renee Wright were the gost for the Roses. The next sched thls group of newspapers " Ki LA 0 Sar 3 i3 Vialets . '" - By liate In the final period only to Gonnors accounted for the Cabs day, Maret | A Violets ve hos fesr' a hospital magazine the fears which have been ex have John Tayler (Jeff Gil only goal Haines mt 30 pm fee awa or ure Fhe Canadian Cancer Society pressed -- fears of THONG Ye hooty) tie the score at 1950 of Tigers defeated the Tee Pees y vor wr wnt, . oy was announced for Mar [will not he lustified by the men. on the final period 74, dames Homentuck (2), Den-| The Little NHI, Zone playoff Youth ailed | BOWMANYILLE (Staff) ~ of : 16 IEmbers were remind- ner in which my board conducts hi In the third Pee Wee game of nis Homeninck, Steven Burns {will be held this coming Batur " "Ay one ean make " / k of he maine saarines lov useithe atlairs of this mp 'n the A : b " andl 7" ) : poss 1) one : isla of th aliens 1% pital.' futs 44 " 4 the day the Rangers of pee ut Akay, Pavia Fuk nd dy at the Cobourg Avena, The] BOWMANVIILE (1810) ~ even me # iy ps isthe, of the patients in the hospital future | the Wes RB Spt Wh PROF RET) HEREN® 4 first Bowmanville game will be Three | 7 oid (sl A Wim | theme pe A 4 ™ nl fF ¥ 4 LY 4 Hawa hols, 21, of 223 First Street, Tim Hockey Might by defeating the! the Tigers' seven gosls. The wi the Vee Wees when they Vivouths, J. W. Smith, 1. 4 Pal i ! } ore ; Pagiid y oil his ' mins, when he appeared before Canadians 4-1, Donald For Fi moved the Higars inte i" hy dy Port Hope at 7.60 / Li a we, dp-' Magistrate BR. B Fier Tues Mal. Bob White of the Alr ( Base, Calif. It was & warm-up (2), Gary Shmyr and David place tie in we ov ' fie Bowmanville Banta der ERT LUN Fat mit. da y A Er . enal y oh enainias thi ' do a" 4 Force Is a happy man (0887 | flight for a fringeof-space Burdett were the goal scons tofar oF $e DERMIGESiLo re at 300 pm. W Frent wpes of breach, Brisebois was i is fing gl N @ ky Woolner were handed out in the game 4 will y 1 i 1A ' HEREH FIBENNE Was charged with #5 he halds wp fis fing FEW | right later this year that may for the Rangers, Ricky Woomer wer nde eotlecting six |110m team wil y Yih probation, were sentenced 10 tampering with a cheque issued on okay gesture after flying " io ¢ ed of With each 16am CONCEHNE BE. | ners of Port Hope and Cobourg ef months terms in by Cynthia Bruten, of Oronn, | the X15 rocket ship to a re carry the ship to & spe 4 in the final game the Tiong 7.60 pm the Ontario Reformatory wh oh she had given to Brisebois cord speed of 650 miles an | 4000 mph defeated the Huskies 32 to hold, The winners of the variou Vach of the youlhs fe gd / g 4 ' } . iach of th hs is now for a magazine subscription hour over Edwards Air Force (AF Wirephoto) onto their slim ove-point lead i leagues will advance to the On| coring a two-month term for Fhe cheque had heen changed BOWLING NEWS the playoff standings, Ricky |tario Championships in Midland (po hort of money from a pay-from $4 to $14 Gay, Pill Sumersiord, and Wahlen Appi #4 phone in Oshawa After hearing three witnesses, teresting news items from "Vol Mills accounted for the Lions MENT Th had been released on Ma i vaxle | d 1 St Y " a ¥ RNA , wey had bes elease Magistrate Baxter found the & Fai e (o) a FRIDAY NITERS three gon} John Wuggeit an LIND Tou ¢ 4 probation after having heen! cused guilty as charged and g ards i g Ast Saturday, the Bowman Team Standing --~ Die Wards Terry Sieharth scored the Hus Wing Au irday Stars entered (00nd guilty of the theft of gaso- remanded him for sentence till) 18 (82,740); Alley Oops 2 (K1,148); Kies" two goRls # 3 f line from threes establishments March 19 } | : the East Central Ontario Hock i | ¢ Mois on ™ tA py : ' At Death Scene [iid tori ou hiv Be Fat nti Lt Av 1 [nk yon bore made {0 raf High hy 2 A id In the first Atom game thei cow In the first game the Co Smith received six Months on mistake now," said His Worship fps lugs 1 (9,758); Wizard ) 4 cated Bow. (WO Separate charges, Polar BOWMANVILLE (Bir ff) = which it was said that vou od ty rir Fory Bd o| Hornets defepted the Homers hourg Pee Wee's defeated Bow and Rockbrune each got go fos William B, Gerry, 41, of Orono, wished him to investigale =a 1 r-.¥ ' 11 to move into fourth PIAEE i manville 6-3 and dropped the fds oh oa Dut Fr Cut 4 7 7 ay » appearing before Magistrate scream you had heard, plus the (56,277) in the playoff standings, Bobby | Bowmanville entry into the con n on fi " om ho pepars od Y ee y {h)! J / | [ ll | imi J B. Baxter, Tuesday, was testimony given by yourself ss. Men's High Triple ~ Ron Howes accounted for all three solation series chars we sentence 10 run \ i i nn, found guilty of falling to remain'tn how the car was damaged, Bragg 57 (789, 299) of the Hornets' goals, Greg! In the first round of the con. CONCUITe it 10 the two-month Waits Clearance : 0 de the Bomber p; series Bowmanville and sentence already imposed #t the scene of an accident leaves no doubt in my mind that! Men's High Single = Ron Corden scored the ' 5 | solation series Bowmanvill } WASHINGTON (CPY=A con 9 gressional committee has de { ast t cy Ie which resulted in the death of you were aware of the incl Bragg #9, lone gonl early in the fnaliWhithy played to a 2-2 tie, Affe period a five minute overtime f 15-year-old Nancy Martin of dent," sald the magistrate Ladies' High Triple = Ruby Budd . 1 1 ferred action on President Ken i 00, Gerry had t 2 inves r Lee 94 Giants and Indians played to game was still deadlocked so ) ) Newcastle, Oct, 31, 100, on Gerry had 10d the investiiat: Les 035 (22)9 a 24 the, The Giants' gonl-get:|the number of shots on go IT8t brownie nedy's proposal to reduce the fficer that ar y ' . ) ne Wghway tle. a oF Bln ng 4 fHicer that his far hadnt Ladies' High Single Ruby tors Were Sandy Brown and|decided which team advanced » {maximum duty-free allowance out to I SS tady till Mareh 21, for sentence, Newcastle and had later told © 49, Warren Alder (Billy Woodward) [into the next round, Bowman ac eeting on tourist goods to $106 from BR 200 Bingle = Bill Snelgrove Ronnie Webb and Clayton! ville outshot Whithy 2:0. In the $500 to permit further clarifica agistrate Baxter (old Gerry the court that the car was dam ' : SRF Ani ip tata; Wig + could come 10 no other aged while parked In front of 266, Bill Shearer 288, Bill Mitt. Campbell accounted for the final Kame of fle com olation B BOWM N ILE . Me i Hon. othe Canadian position, and 3 weeks ahead of schedule! . 44 21 k!di re nals amphei si series Bowmanville ane am- Brownie 'ack under ender gre I A p fon on the evidence pre: his place of employment the lin 232, Ress Spencer 200, Dink dians' (we GOR . / a 2.4 : M$ Tue : me 6ontlisio of a, ! e fat Apiayme Bye 225, 25, Bill Spencer 227|tying goal came after the In-'hray played to a 22 overtime Mrs, M. Stout observed the an Tuesday ¥ New, active AERO* UREA helps vou grow lus sented to the court lay of the fatal acciden 4 / i pulled their goslie|game, Bowmanville was de- nual thini lay with a fis The Illinois Republican, mem- f ps you g h "Your conversation with the "Any sentence I might im. George Childs 218, Kay Shilling dans had pulle Eg | BA wmanviiie wa Hat Hunking day with a typ / nutritious grass pasture , . , get your animals grazing : 7 p 7 a0 y p 4 2p . : Will p er of the powerful House ways \ d h ; ? TFupeall lly | 21 . for an extra man, Fach team|clared the winner hy outshoot- ceremon Irs, William Rudell, ber of 4 . k n ower ol Vie MTV station Jn Joh would Pinot in Gompf. ke iA Lim Rall collected two penalties in theling the Cambray team 4 in the division ~ commi ioner. Mrs And means committee, pre-| profitably up to 3 weeks ahead of the normal time. son to p Wy edge } Av aL Vis d game, The tie moved the Glantsifive - minute overtime period, [Howard Quinney, captain of dicted however that the bill Aero Urea is a 45% nitrogen fertilizer, prilled for easy that you were responsible for Andy Myers 208, Bert Foster | al . } ARS with a ' ventually would be passed | : i : 4 y i with the| All players were presented with VOas ( ( g ntuall vould be passed hy H . TH dd into a first place He wi | players were pi leweastle Girl Guides, and mo ng, i] cle dia Road Accident the death of this child, but the 214, Sylvia Bllenduke 207 league leading Barons, but the crests and the team received 8 thers of the Brownies were the committee and sent to the handling, Top dressed in Spring, It reeases immediately effect the sentence will have on! Lemon League = Boh Brown Bavons have one game left 1o!trophy full House for action, In an un-| #vailable nitrogen to get the pasture off to a quick 1st others Iles in balance," said 44, Doris Switzer 97, Betty Grant | ' i usual move, the committee de.| start with high protein content, A : , B ant! play | The brownies sang 8 song to ' the magistrate 6. [ADULT SWIMMING froma. the visltom: Ian "ferred action on the measure al : . We epor e MIDGET JUVENILE During the past two weeks "e'come the visitors, Jane Ol Monday Pasture is your cheapest feed, So let Aero Urea get your PICKERING (Saft) = Re " . WHITBY MEN'S MAJOR | "Aarons defeated the Gen members of the Adult Swim-|'vr a Ling oH Guide, \xason said the main reason| Animals grazing sooner , , , they make profitable weight turning home from Monday) Driver Fined Tuesday night's action atl grals 4:1 to collect their fourth) ming Classes at the Boys' Train # iy ot Ir 8 on there would | the bill didn't get approval Mon gains and bigger milk night's Pickering township {County Bow! saw all points were straight playoff win. Brianling Behool have heen taking, as announced tere Wold oy "was because some mem:| cheques , , , while you AERO UREA council meeting In Brougham [split 8s Burtinsky Florists, Bas: Bradley (2), David Thompson|their Hed Cross fests, Listed 2¢ # ow P iy " i] al mp hers were concerned over the| save on feeding costs! Councillor Ross Deakin discov $50 And Costs (seit's Jewellry, Mercantile Dept, and Boh Willis were the goallbelow gre the names of the Bama Li i ; ook in dun Canadian argument that ered an unoccupied car which Store and Courtice Pharmacy scorers for the Maroons, Brad: successful candidates; Ce jg aren MeMulien nine Youd discourage American] Ask your fertilizer dealer : 9 {gold and this money will be 3 Ur. had crashed into 8 hydro pole taking the edd point from Hill-|ley Yourth accounted for the Wilson, John Ballentine, Denise #0 er tourist travel in Canada for Aero Urea, on the nd Concession | JowMANVILLE (81 of 1 1 rig My Hamby Tire, hogl el ne raly' lone goal of the game | Tiepsira. Ruth Johann, Jo Ann oy N to the World | riendship| Mason said he rejected the He could not locate the driver Nowoasite, having heen found Cooke's Esso and Wilson's Good Tn the second game the Raid-| Crew, Mary Ballentine, Joy "ioidon hand badges were CRNAdIaN view, In the vielyity of the erash and) gig of impaired driving, was Market, ors defeated the Comets 4-2 fo] Dowtan, Pat i is " wR i resented to Karen McMullen y 80 reported the aceldent to the fined #50 and 'costs in magis:| Tap shooter this week was move into second place in the! Laundry, Gora or ner ' " 1 RERSEON & aprtaren,, [GRIN TRAILER TOWN y Vas Keith Ball, | Gibson, Jessie Slemon, Fla IIANWERN, Wales (CP)= Pickering Township Police Des (pate Tuesds N playoff standings j bit vere accent to the rate's court Tuesday Dick Adams who after having Blackburn and 1 a lp hibawson, Greta Couch, Anneitel member I cepted into the Britain's biggest trailer town 1s partment, and a search for the| "on "the night in question,' e | {| filen Brownie Pack, The Captain and a ---------- H Bb & J o id y } L f n, driver began [March 8, MeGrath Tod yaien, fb Souble y Fy i pn Cole accounted for the Halders [ite ny Jose Griitin success: |! t wienant from New astle ac: tinder construction, To he | eG eT I Gi M . 115 high i Al Rames Lud t YT goals, Walter Ellis and Larry wo Eris Ay Wid i Couch by transfer, habited by steelworkers from NITROGEN eanwhile, the driver of the|115 highway into a service sta-/for a dandy 999, Ronls ful In passing their Bronze cepted Lynda Couch by transfer (hh Wales industrial towns, it re the Comets | ' y 80 ear, Charles R, Killey of Lot 10, (tion one mile north of 401 high: we Iamieson sgored for | Royal Life Saving Test = Linda|The girls earned their hostess Concession 0, Brougham, was way and in doing so had forced od oy filed triples were Ji GAMESTARCH 11 : [Roberts of Newcastle and Gaillbadge by serving tea and cook- will have shops, street lamps CYANAMID OF CANADA LIMITED walking the five miles to his CAF MOVING north on highway apr) myrie Roeson 756 (310), BANTAM LEAGUE w= 7,00 Mulholland of Bowmanville ies to the guests And publie baths, home to notify the police, Justi 110, 10 AUP its brakes, forcing |x} "yoibh 747 (308), Earl Jor. a.m. Flyers vs Huskies; 7.45] as Mr. Killey was phoning the|® 6Ar following to hit the rear) qr, Fe, oso fr Sot a m., Pirates vs, Braves; 8.38 department the police arrived ®nd of the vehicle 26 (1 a4 (1 m. Tigers vs Lions; 0,20 at hia Bank | Asking for the MeGrath's 736 (366), Bob Murphy 724 (267),/8.m,, or iA Yeo Pann driver 8 a. lack Moore 710 (268), Chuck 8M ¢ 4 He explained to the investls driver # licence, the Crown ail 710 (264 185) Pere Baa TH WEE LEAGUE = No gating officers that at the time! #8 Informed that he had lost 0 (877) tt 0 HEE games = Little NHL in Co of the aceldent, 12.87 am, hourg 300 - Were he! there -were fio lights on In the| rown Attorney H, R, Deyman, [Alf Reardon 200, Al Hepburn farmhouses in the immediate] oq : | 90, "a0 the court ean suspend 881, Doug, Rowden 230, Bill} 199, per de Careless Driving area of the crash, and not want ak pd ing to distur the oceupants, hel Jordan, 364, Jack Ross 262, Do | . walked home, Lobiidii A Results In Fine Mr, Killey sustained a cut on| RIAX PERSONALS | Sh ARI} Sh his hand as a result of the ae: | 100 Fi 4 ROWMANVILLE (Stat!) =| Mi hf f | 8 ne Levied Having heen found guilty of : -- - -- By GRACE W 8 | careless driving, Russell Short, | AJAX = The iii Rotary On Li uor Char e 02, of 40 Elgin street east, Osh: | Club sponsored an enjoyable] q g ava Was fined 928 and 017) variety show on Friday even! BOWMANVILLE (Bta ABBE 0 vis. | {Ing, In the Ajax High School The first charge, failing hi Bo Why dhptared before Magis. {Auditorium, which was filled. [the right of way, against Her ville. Tuesday , | |The artists were all profession: | bert Curtis, 22, of Pontypeol,| The char e was laid follow als and included Kathy MeHain, was dismissed but he was found | ing a collision "helween the! soprano; Joey Hollingsworth, [guilty of having liquor in a Bhort veltisls and 8 sand truck singer and dancer; Johnn yi place other than his residence! dpiven hy Kenneth Bryant, of Dash, juggler and gymnast; [and fined $100 and costs Nowoastle, on Highway 3 east Doug Romaine, MC and im-| Mr, Curtis appeared hefore of Newtonville : : pressionist; Ron Leenard MC] Magistrate R. B. Baxter, Tues! Evidence presented by the in land magclan Naney MeCaig, day : vostigating officer, Const, duck aeeardionist singey and} . Terence V Kallv a Cartwright, Bowmanville de: y dancer, and Frank Palmer, Rotence ¥. Rol : of Wo hide Pp : on MR f LADIES & GENTS' HB LADIES' & GENTS' ROLEX SUGAR & EXTRA writone, The proceeds will gol®® efence counsel, Crown |g uoested to the Crown that towards Rotary's pledge for fo Altorney H, R, Doyman, QC, of Khort was proceeding along the KEYSTONE GRUEN WATCH WATCHES CREAM SETS SPECIAL {Community swimming pool Cobourg, prosecuted highway in the wrong lane, | WATCH ES BRACELETS | Harvey Linders, o " -- For this week only, ENTS' | Harvey Linders, of the Har Your choice an GENT wood Garage, 15 0 the Aja f 8mm MOVIE Reg: to 200.00 Gold-filled, white Yr Shiite oy Reg, te 4.50 25 JEWELLED Hospital, fo code rh ty tt vie | THE PUBLIO UTILITIES COMMISSION [1 "vos vs | 52 10:88 J 055 50 | 14 "price fon, 1.08 J AUTOMATIC J os wos ounuons up 72 ' {he received serious injuries, ON SALE Wh SALE of [resulting Ww partial paralysis. | OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA REG. 129.50 WRIST J "Nos Re n100 i; Mr, Linders had towed a carl ON WATCHES | A 68.88 for a customer, and was return. | TENDERS BH SALE ... 19.88 BeuTe NAVIN SEE OUR SPECIAL Jat 4 ' MRS, BLANCHE HOGG ng home when his jeep struck! Reg, to : [ancy patholo and overturned. | bi 16.88 79.50 Ladies' DIAMOND J {Tom Clarkson, of Kemp's i Y CLEAROUT TABLES ; Passion Play [Dru Store, was admitted tof FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF f BOLEX 8 mm ON SALE RINGS, Reg, to 125.00 (Ajax Hospital on Thursday | 'A WATER MAIN STERLING SILVER | \ ered a COFFEE SPOONS, Rep, : ! To Be Staged Inns, eva ster wo wae scion riced at 1.88 2498 0 ese ROWMANVILLE (Stath = there is indicated by his doo oN SPECIAL 88¢ P h The "Company of Pilgrims" or, His friends of the Thursday | Sealed tenders addressed ta the Chairman of the Public | SALE 69.88 a return to Trinity United Church, Niters Bowling League all send Utilities Commission, 100 Simese Street South, Oshawe, On. A large Selection of Bowmanville, to present the their best wishes for his recovsl] varie, will be received until 12 s'slock noon ES T.; on 'Menday, Ladies' and Gents' DIA. » lay Hv Passion Play, "Christ in the ery March 20th, 1941, for the construction of a 24-inch diameter Conerete City™, on Mareh 12) Mr, and Mrs, Fred Cruse and MOND RINGS. Reg. at 7 pm. This will be under the (Brian, Bocely street, spent the| water main on Stevenson Read, EUMIG C3 175.00 i tic ) h d Iwoake S Hires on at, Mm. Blanch Hogg hk kond with relatives in Ma Drawings and specifications with blank Form of Tender IB 3 mm, + Bloctric Bye ON SALE 96.88 A large audience saw the| Mrs. A. Douglas and son. Don may be obtained ot the affice af the Public Utilities Commie play, "Cry Dawn in Dark Raby: ald, Mount Dennis. visited Mos son or at the affice of Gore & Storie Limited, Consulting REG, 119.50 lon", presented hy the Cam: 'J. Mills Glynn road on Sunday. | Engineers, 1130 Bay Steer, Toronte, on payment of a deposit ON ledin' DIAMOND pany of Pilgrims, at the ehureh" A meeting was held at the] By *heque in the amount of $25.00, Such deposit will be SALE 13.88 WEDDING RINGS before Christmas home of Mis. John Mills, Glynn refunded on the returm in geod condition of the seid drawings th hittin Rducation coho Toad, on Monday evening] ond specifications within twe wes from the closing dete of SPECIAL CLIAROUTY ow of he A ht TOY 10 discuss the plans for a dor tender Mia . Canada is a. Church oiouttural Society or garden BELL & ow 28.88 v Th etding an invita cab, The Chamber of Com Each tender must be accompanied by & marked cheque --. : and members of ohurohes of wis ©, Which has sponsored a oan amount squel to 214 per cont of the tender sum. E » 4 SArGen competition for se NOW LL h on yg - bbc years, has vo unteered © Mold The lowest or any tender not neconarily accepted, Ladin' ZIRCON RINGS St I the Coanerete Cie" y Mrs. Blanche Hope, director MCR 8 Broject gel started Automatic Load ==Reg, te 35.00. White of the company has divected UoOTRe Wake, Beatty ay N. F. BALDWIN, REG. 179.9% j or Gold Mount and produced many plays. and "et is dane again trom Sun Gan & Sonie Limited, a FSHREvE, Won awards hoth as an actress "YPIOOK Huspital wiere he re ontulting Engineen vB ON and a § director of the pion) ceived treatment after a heant March ah Tse), Secretary SALE 119.88 RA 3.7133 20 SIMCOE ST. §, RA 3.7133 SPECIAL 14.88 Up asDOmInion Drama Festivals #0lEure "iow TM. Reg'd, "I suggest you get one," said| Good singles were rolled hy | | | | | \

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