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The Oshawa Times, 9 Mar 1961, p. 19

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Pat and Don's Clover Fri Cand y #brer A "Te "s ya oF omic - ho EET MAE, Fike 2ven EET MATES FT 4h Pel iH, he Mi i R.A AAP +3 Who Is Greatest, ' Howe Or By JRER BUEEEVAS Canadian Prose Mall Wikey thaoe years the #é close fs we REREEVIET WEE FREY {werk greatest fl Rockey Wi ! Ema is Ages a " 5500 6,00 9, OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS vin py £ Wo the lost wry hash hos Frices Mek wriane Men's Win High thy 9 and over v Va £5 er 8 Hon Heoweton ©, A Richorne Bi, Ww i, Wh; Bow Hi Misses Wi. § Ladies Wig WIT iER we # her WE mpm F LAW LEAL) i Group b, €4 BA de al wrk winpng from doe Cheyednle ani 4 fo Bnet era's We » Fong's continued the . NE wars Ww Gwe 2 hy shitting 7 #IHER one Garage Ag BF Dave's ber dan Cleaners AN shutouts tn Grow Weer ut at Fiend Belioreny Cains V snd Norman saeco ¥1 Wipis wi serv (shaw inser' s Sanny Ed logemen 71% Denny Linton 794. yin 7% ameron 781, Elvis Land Been 780, Merle Bembinidgs 4 iar] Marshall 708, A Anderson 7 Whiley 708, Harold Hogs 701 lek Novthey TH d Gedie 7 I ™ Wa 8, A. Parry #6} A #8 Himes Ww 4, BE. ble 0H (Py W Mandziuk 862, DD, Da lg 661, H. Tusk 661, A. Parfit 886, H ey 887, VV. sma Beh |) 648, N, Akinson #47 , UV ry oh, BR Murs ol Wigmare 642, Han Heidenreich 834, A | 8, ¥. Armstrong 899, 0 ofiser| Po ovieh oti, Jordan #21 Piped T. Bulger 815, H. Ks On criise 018, BK. Mills 614 ry "Milehell #19, A. Hose 813 and H ehelt 810 Standing Group | = 8 (8), Flynn's 16 (40, Go od Berg's § (00) firoup Yony's 37 (84), Blephen iy S1 (48), Al's Bi-Rite 10 (61), Ari iH and H's "Wn Hetfering's 18 are' 17 (46), Houdallle 18 (3m aRning's 11 (46) Geog 4 Heals Fred #1 (877, Bellarens 16 (8 Meuda's 17 481, Oshawa TV 18 (50 and V CRE] y's J on Local 3784 54 (W) (Lil) and 9 (Mn MEN'S MAIOK EA Wilson Furniture leaders when the furan f ail Wires games fram Tunn's Men's Wear with Hank Berncvaky and Ha In helo the stars Ht Kotelka paced the Hits team ta 8 viclary over Osh Trim and this Ines dropped ord ta second place In the LEAGUY | IT Auta nl stand ngs Matt had aloe stelkes in» ow and ust missed the head pi the Ih frame ta finish with & i me. Nol bad toundiing for a lefthander 4 with » record Ww over 18 efinring's Imperiais 0 AVE ile and Blary Furniture over 4 In Grp 4 Fred's Wefrigerition Al's Winger Frame Bethe snd Jack Aoem Ly jes ory five bot right now they Hod # wiser's fist Wa Sells wly Rami ed that Gordie Bowe is The Fona Prayer IW story iwctading Racket Bicnard. Selke cepi@nty V&f ml Wiafhghi Fat (ine this gospel | was Lget a thet out of Ju (Howe f sammirin ge wort win friends erownd Wont i Form, it Re Bit the sof sot. IW Adan frieh Wego? The Detroit fed Wings gen ERAN wits | Si] for years Lot Ay ETERE BOCAS Alert (the only (WIRE RE RECON she emia fa fhe r ® MEFs wf Canadiens Bick the i408 A SYRFY 16d Weanded ¥Frenchla nadian, and Howe, the pride of Floral, Sask ind 15 VERE VELRIRR PUR He Wings Who Adame has seid, wateling ana het's BEng wm re for more thar fo fam hot dd the PRR IER riter fessioniml hockey W yewr Qualified ohserv ers have nodded In agreement. Howe # great one, they'a samt, hw LR 4 wit ang ay the W TR sive Rich That Ay g mo g # iy manag i Hern (rawimin Inewrines eh HW oh Ell with Watt Baier lor Chow's ¢ and Harry Gifted & bowing # nen Rew 8 BREer bow he lop WROTE Wiisar Fu kiture # Phote Fists & rector of wha has heen Richi padmirer, for me Aiens Ll ind then I» year Soeaking of Ho rest othe win # ATG he 7 and official nee the # 146 I , REY nh ' ms He the Mont coming sa mar simply the ! (ike ie 1 en "ie Men's Weng 8, Craw A and NW Dre ds § wo § and College HI ih inl sen es Jos Kast ner BLL (32105 Manny Swarts TOS (381) datl Koteikn THE (9); Rob Galisg # 77 J & Thompson 788 1361), ith, Sieve Nereis 19 High inti ie 0 bali Lorne Polina 74, Harry Gillard 78% and Doug Warding Ti Bohediin Crawlind ine. va. Tnw's Men's Wear, Ea Wi son Furnitures ve A and WW Drive in Chow's Renta rant ve Hyman Beal Evinie, Ala Trim ve YVie's Barber 4 BSirike Grill ve Ritson Drags hu College WHI IGA vo Fhols Flats for this week MOTOR CITY SPECIALS Laundyamats ' Rangetien hy Conlers 3 A Firesiern High Triples were Innis Delong 768 | (186, 430, 262) and Wilms Metusia 758 | (281, 294, 2 Singles over 800; Hassel Weddup B08, 017 and Roland Shirley Morning ni, Fe 0 the vegianin of the last seobion shows Lanndramals 4, Coolers 3, Frees esl oo Rangeltes 6 BERGIANTY MSS LEAGUE Tenn Blanding ~ Carson's Arm ers 108, Melinley's Operatars J Murphy's Mechanics 88, Grant's Wire ees 02, Burr's Instructors 81, Wright's som manders 81, Borrowdale's Gunne; H MoCarmaek's Lasders 76, Nigh Vi ra Bh and Ellegeit's Drivers 8 Hin Triples Larraine snd Cell were laps this week. Larrsine Murphy 06 (206, 810), Cecil Mills 706 (983, Wk , Helen Anderson 879 (440, 830, 408), Him Bowman #71 (418, 38), Lame Murphy 608 (448, 3441, Eileen Corson i (und, Lis), Jdueek Kin LRU i), Beity (rant 868 (236, 896), Mel Why is B40 (397 4 { Bille lew Melinley 824 (811, ale B16 (460, 246), Jack Ahder som 607 (800, $901 and Nick Nichels 80% High singles Taek Johnassen #93, Belly Carswell 846, Vi MeCormack 246, Gentge Fox 86, Ey Clough 808, Jark aekett 930, Mabel MeNell $31, Betly Sheridan #46, Bid Temple 881, Lind Corson #0, Frank Grant $16, Kars Carswell 814, 800, Gord MeCarmack | | to Betty Baokeit 211, Capnl Wright $A, Bill Rorrowdale 310 and Bud Elle gett ws Points Taken Nichel's Fillers § MoKinley's Operators §, Murphy's Me hanies §, MoCormack's Toders § Wright's Commanders 4, Ellegett's Prtvers 4, Corson's Armourers 3 Grant's Wireless 5, Burr's [nsteyotars 4 and Barrowdale's Gunners | The addresses on parcel should show BW tha full nama of the person who is to get it, =" office box number 8 city, town or vill number whara nacessary, B your nama and cor In the upper left-hand corner. Sea tha yvallow directories for complet A correct postal acourate delivery, [] canana the correct apartment number, street address, rural route number or post pages of each letter and age, and postal zone nplate return address most telaphone a postal information address speeds ( heer fan Richard? ogni so Wghvy of (he he omer 104 # Hontrasl he had) teoie - sigvng Wie right WINGET AF ds fhe] safe and pve WW eVEryTng fiside Conn mothe. president Tori s PS: fenf Gardens, oer sent Canadiens # Want] chee ~ "io be filled In for any amownt wy 16 $1.55 90-16 the Rocket's contract, YWontreat) officials gave Wem the Forse) wan | There fs one Wah official whe Aes f with Adams and seis, We 1s Clarence Campbell Yntions! Hockey |ragne presi dent. who went on record fost ree years agen, shortly after) Richard scored Wie 500th gost fn regilar NHL, season Wey Cambell made reference tn fines and suspensions he had th Hise the Hocket in the past and seid Hew tir 6p LE aA AELIREL ne feeting 16 wy fio ne tt ws Brrwat hat LATRETIRE WN fev & Ope of : REFER Wow affairs Aid) iota from my m af an wthiste, In i of viewing hockey geenrded we the wrest thrills thet the Rocket ha He ayer REMEMBER WHEN? , , , THE, CANADIAN PRESS ime the greatest that has evel yell Wh if fenied iu HERE sirugeie in of the ia interna Oslo, | tnday,| : in the LAME SEVEN gIponship ® YER 70 ed two goals Hes of he The Ontario team won ill f i Lame while Russia had five wins, » loss snd 5 tie In he eightAeam round-romn the finest instant atthe POST OFFICE coffee AIRE ATT RAI RAW ES (falling fo rontacts meownd theimitter from We hedide at Por CATHARINES (CPi--Aniworid, died Wednesday, We was Dathowsie, We was confined 16 radio enthusiast whe Chavies Henry Bouton Fox, 61. We bed (or sears with & heart last Bedridden yesrs\ Mr. Fou operates a radio trans condition, 7 KEEF IN TRiw spent fis ALL FOAM CUSHIONS SAVE $78. For 6 limited time only, OSHAWA UPHOL SVERIGE CBO, srs making is trndy grast offer. Yeu THE OSHAWA TIES, Therdey, Moreh 9, 1961 19) can Wing house plants poss = A mall among of eimming thelr winter "rt." wy » FINAL WEEK ! Have your suite covered later if you wish ~= but order now and be assured of All Foam Cushions Free! 650 Bove yaw 1 on pack chesterfield sate re-phel weared with foam cosh in plocs of LT wprings AT NO EXTRA cos! Tie foam nikisr cushions ors ABSOLUTELY FREE, Toke sdventogs of this grest offer Order now, Fave site covered later i you yn yea win RECOVERED MATERIAL IHCLUDED hackney OSHAWA Weve our sonsultant soll ond give you » 10 BOND §T. W, RA 5.0311 free stimets ' Yokes 24 months to poy + + +» $10 monthly FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY 5-YEAR WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEE Now At Your Favourite Supermarket... the Buy of 7 The World-Famous 25-Yolume FUNK & WAGNAL Standard Reference EN CYCLOPEDIA Ji In business, in school or after year, No. 2 to No. 25 only $129 each URS- ol ofime/ » A VOLUME: AT A TIME! Here is an encyclopedia which can compare with ony in the whele wide world! It somes te you in 25 magnificent velumes, beautifully printed and bound, lavishly illustrated, Each velume contains over a if of a million words = the size of THREE om inary books, The complete set contains SEVEN Mile LION WORDS in all, in nearly ten thousand pages, covering ever THIRTY THOUSAND DIFFERENT SUBJECTS ranging ever all human knewledgel Here Is a set of books that ne family can afferd to be without - oman at home ege, It is the ene single set of books you truly need, the very foundation of learning, the prime basis for @ home library, What facts do you wish te check? What sube ject do you wish te have explained? What aspect of some field of learning has you puzzled or pe plexed? You can find the answer quickly an easily in your Funk & Wagnalls Encyclopedia = ready at hand to aid you at every moment, yea wee NO, NOG MAN r @ boy or girl At These Leading Supermarkets- LOBLAWS Dominion

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