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The Oshawa Times, 9 Mar 1961, p. 2

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2 THE OSHAWA TIES, Thersdey, Merch 9, 196% Nl FOUND GUILTY nile jury Wednesday Owen (Mickey) Feener y of the stabbing murder oy Chowinor, 2% # TRIRE RIKER oA Timmins, Om 15 minutes 19 Liberals, CCF To F ight Tax ORONTO (CP)=A thera) 4 Se ANY IRE 09 of the leg WRININE FRIIR We YERIBL 7 WARE RIK Ont. In this phate Keener is shown Weng SRKIA PES ihe escorted for fast Ox sith Ths NRT Er took only An) 8 WONs Nn ra embers re marked fo fE PHIpose Wed would A) k Ryan ef i they Nowhere there HITS BARGAINING A (Rives aid worst Damin a a confers Ty 5 first ds of direst al the reeen AK TEVEnue wi that it would h BONN B yea He said My second choicg--a eonstity Lonal amendment permitting a idden provincial sales tax, de toyed any chance of his first il demand heing Laken A sales tax in any farm Oliver said, would hardship on the people Wednesday's session saw conclusion of the three-month old throne and unemployment debates, Government motions in each case won hy 61-25 hoth opposition parties against the Progressive SErvatives a deepens cane rro WavIsIng WETE DERE Inconsistent of a He said earlier Wednesday Oliver (1 Grey ented a olicy on fax Giiha i Seriously My impose & the art ABSAILS POLICY | 0 IVEF whn alicy assaned he said raising Pre hould continue defi hecause of the sion" time "I wouldn't put Any money in this spending mea: cine--nal 8 plug nicel you haven't put a drop of oi! in it for year Mr. Machonald said Liberal Leader Wintermeyer in succes the government's fiseal policy tean ot mier Frost eit pre axes financing : ViLes ent Vdepre siding more Con BUS BUSINESS PARIS (AP)--It's against the Aw In lure passengers away speeches during the past from Paris bus lines, Two cab « months first advocated an drivers who raided bus stops for education tax and then a sales customers were fined $20 for tax for education. Later he cutting intn early morning hus said, Mr. Winlermeyer said he' business Government Dept. Spending Listed TORONTO (CP) ordi: month three month expenditures of the Ontario estimated) compared with esti government in the fiscal year males for the new fiscal year ending March 31, 1081 (nine'ending March 81, 1062 1960==f1 1060-61 Actupl Estimated B15 BBR. 000 $16,150,000 22. 116.000 22,200,000 1.564.000 a, 100,000 410,000 00,000 227,680,000 2050, 836.000 LER Haz nnn 04.808 .000 02,215,000 74.828.000 0.500.000 446.000 415.000 8.140.000 1.100.000 14 485.000 175,000 18.000 41,000 | fii, 000 1.711.000 0.772.000 42,1487.000 178.000 176.000 147.000 454.000 Biv | | Lin actual nay 10612 Estimated $16,700,000 29.870,000 4, B28,000 154,000 170,081,000 (22 000 146,207 .000 77,500,000 440.000 1A75.000 24.4500. 000 1.000 1 BRA 000 Ad K1K.000 178,000 470,000 ARFICUrE Alttarney-Gieneral Cammerce and Dey! eanami Education nergy Re Health Highwa Insurance Lahn Land Ligutenant-Governnt Ming Minteipal Affairs Prime Minister Pro Auditng Provincial Secretar nd Citizenship Public Welfare Public Works Reform Institutions port Fravel and Publicity I'reasury Debt Interest el king Funds tal Works Totals ures and Fores! 1,404,000 50,600,000 11027 .000 16.120, 000 4,500,000 1,610,000 14 695,000 Al 0B6Y 000 16,054,000 17.000, 600 170,684,000 1.580.000 0.176.000 11,685,000 16,801,000 4,700,000 1 850,000 14,508,000 71,241,000 16,054,000 fifi, 000. 000 760.002.000 Revenues Shown With Estimates TORONTO (€P)+ivass ardin : revenue of the Ontarin gov ernment in the fiscal year end ing March a1, 1861 (nine months actual, three months estimated) 186061 Actual $1,540,000 7.264.000 2.000 3.314.000 Ha a §, 752,000 1,404,000 435.000 Lahay 1.083, 000 Lands and Fore 20.335 600 AM 19. 156.00 Municipal AMairs 2,754,000 Pravineial Secretary 2.505, 000 Public Works 370,000 tefarm Institutions 3.779 000 nspart 65, 300, 000 and Publicity 4.000 wry A11.560.000 Moyiiic feb 25,078, hl Tolals THR7.000 AN 3,500,000 WL OR7, 000 11,484,000 17.064,000 3 170,000 4,106,000 15,163,000 (A456, 000 H, 000,000 10,000,000 RA 142,000 ran compared with estimates far the same year and estimates far the new Mareh | ending a1, 1062 fiscal year 19601 Estimated $1,716. 000 7.043.000 1961-42 Estimated £1,955. 000 £4682. 000 155,000 1 050 B00 1.636.000 145,000 275,000 bRU LR 186 no 1.304.000 1.348.000 474,000 623,000 1.047.000 1,043,000 18.540. 000 20.200. 600 13, 138.000 16,653,000 2.308.000 8.651.000 2.331.000 UN HH, 000 1.001.000 4.349.000 4.214.000 AN 00, Hi 3.008 000 112.000 204 000 A158 083 hon AR4 B87 000 20. 341.000 13, N38. 000 T70,535,0M0 B58, 006, 000 \gricudiure Allarmey-General Commerce and Education nergy Health Highways Insurance Devt Resources any hs { he Several Exemptions To Ontario Sales Tax FEMALES WR Riss ANE wast Whe WH FR Rew fms we WM ox WE (PER GRE AER ps Be fevied 25 Tide i hed wn # RINE (H SEE (BE VINER Ww (ary RETIRE Frmrwmarai Trane ey Rolla. BREE RE a] dal [eG Sigir 15084, RED LREIRG Rs Ihe GRA WR. LERCTING RY IY aad The ADBOVREEIRERE £38 4 that (ian is (RRRE wy Whe with seven oF hey Boley pow BEE WR BERRY WET) # PIES fax #04 lepying th Abeta h4 Wana the distinction of he we the wy DIYIRERs Withow rH Saskatchewan. Hew Brine wie 208 Bove Salina now Evy 2 thie er-cemt sales 125 Rd { Nove Scotia 13% Wi £9 Wo cept Apri 1. Ihe same level as that wm force W British Coluwiie ana New fowndiand. Prince Kaward bs hd Bas RB ION PRECER SRIES nehec (eyies # Wasie Ln PEELE 13K, WHER Ost IHRE Watkins RABE ANABEr [RE per EERE BF IRAE Mr. Allan s#id the | wit Imposes i the FTElgh RYE # LRAREIE PETERE! ( wg pr # io flor per (R¥ Wk wi YOPEILY RECEPA IF REEMIAIONS RRA hat ta dd win LT FIRE, Ls Ctleciing snd remiiing # wiside Lhe legisisinie @ sry official Aefined (an per Property me i Li. Eiki IERIE # Detective Declared FORE) EFSEONRRET Prop 0 Not Guilty HAMILTON (CF) Private nvestigalor dames 1awrencs $9. and Gwendolyn Chiamp. 21 were found not guilty Wednes lay of fabricating evidence for ad The investigator testified Tuesday that he had no inten tions of collect evidence for # divarce helween Palricia Moy ley, 18, and her hushand, Boss Ores Wi a Buf Mr. Mo ley had knowledge of a robbery at Reminglon-Rand last Oct. 8.) a building policed by the Law rence Investigation Bureau, the investigator said he went along with the Earlier uspeching thal pian Mrs. Morley testified that her hushand who had es caped police custody, arranged tn meel here in a hotel Des to "give her grounds for Ai: voree," hut thal she was tn sup ply "a girl" She sald Mr, Lawrence hired Mrs. Chiampi whe with My Morley registered at the hotel under assumed names, A few minutes later Mrs. Morley and vs, Lawrence went fo the ranm tn "gel evidence she sad On the witness stand Mi Lawrence claimed Mys. Chi ampi was hired (0 "win the eon fidence of Morley and find nul ahout the rahhery.' I never intended (hat & di nree case would develop," he told Judge William ¥, Bechwen Her It was all a pretext.' He already had sufficient di voree evidence, Mr. Lawrence eantinued, as Mrs. Marley had told him her hushand was liv with another woman who helieved pregnant Surplus Pork Unfit To Eat WINDSOR (CP)y=Health offi elagls Wednesday night said {some 2000 cans of surplus pork distributed ta families receiving welfare 1s unsafe for human consumption Na illness was .reporied recipients sald the pork nated hy the federal govern ment from surplus stocks smelled strongly, was disenlored and tasted unpleasant George Gardiner, difectar of welfare services, sald federal food inspectors found the pork could cause stomach nesses hut was not poisonous enough to kill | Further tests were 10 he made al Taranto I'he city asked that the meal he returned, A spokesman sald pveral cases of some 15.000 cans of the par know an hand {were opened and found had Karlier shipments were found mn goad condition in Was hut fn | Banquet Permits Will Be Checked TORONTO (CP)=Judge W. T Robb, chairman of the Ontario liquor licence hoard, said Wed nosday thal a closer examina tion will he made of applica tions for bhanguet permits with [a view to reducing their num hers He told the legislature's com mitlge an government commis sons thal many premises un suitable far a banque! permit were falsifying their applica LIOns In outlining tivities, he said § ities vated in favor of heer and liquor last year he largest number in any one year siee the board was estab lished in 1944 Questioned about Mallon aie pail, he sald Taranto Township would have ta hald a plebiscite before spirits - could he sold he hodrd's ac municipal af the sale HH] Rene #54 [#ETREFE Fld »ETERAS ERER wey Sey erty tl AAR Be aes WERWES, [OF i WW Ay Rey LE (H TRe sARek Re As ERE (Ih WH RR PRE RAT yt ud By oad fel Bre RONE ETA RE Mr. Alan {ah KREH A b. ABY Paes KRGIRET tion 15 14 KEES. RR RRFCLET WRB of the PIERRE TRY 2. Bl fond indwets wR he EFCEWIOR HE CAREY, CoRiEations #0A sft Avinks svar V1 cents 3. AR Widen 5 CII RE ERRES BRA RIN RRARE ey, me (Eh ERE FAH la it Ll he KU MOVIE Wak Ren WHEE hE hen ¥ the ALS fo f adhe 2s REREZ. RE SPER sold om the prescription of By SCIAn, AeRtist oF Slome Lrist, and Ritihciat Rahs, wheres CBRE AIA REGIE PRs 9. ARY FRE ZHIRNE ERIS wz $1.99 or les : 6. All maciunery wick wn the PERsRCtion of goss oF Lapel personel Property when seh E08 OF DRISORES DIopEny Ris sbiect 19 sale #t retail wo mat fer Where sold 7. AN products thet Ae Ihe DERYIRER BF 014 SHER. mHsiae the Pry WREIREr WH Canals wm Rie fo youd by fRimers of farming "will frm #8. Product in the bDusiness BE Sinstantiaihy lak EXEMPTIONS Mr. Allan said the farm emitions provision "follows tha AAAEA Wy Baskatchewan whose exemptions from retahl spies ix for the henefit of perc HIE RIE Ihe mast EeReroNs in Canale He said other ma of the 1p% re As Ihe will he imposed at the retail level only, the amount of the Lax can 0 each case be shown separsiely from the price i CREA GENEROUS £F Elements fax ""Byery vendor of tangible personal property in Ontario will he required for purposes of he administration of this tax 19 hold a permit to sell with re pect outlet or place where he makes such sales in to every HH on y be AW gr fv hese perms. A TREAT WRG RAE & GRIESE wal BEE 0 REE The tise war for the collection sf By REF TY 4 WERE Thad fa CRETE TERA 15 IRENE [RRB KERR RE KN EREREIOR (57 (Re york of TRC ORE Re (ax Re Wis cll sted, he mg oF re fine anh fo (he cost of Tem. GRE he (ax clasted. The rate of 1s rEmneration wl he £staiiahen ss # percentage of he LAX aWiected nd Tewitied We Vena At # prefwsgss Cler once, Mr wn Hd many WEARER HTH BIR WRAKY Huddy 2nd wil have 19 be ot ned wn regilations after the press 2 [BE legis #tion jo all es fhe legislative VOUSGOTERS BENENTY The exemption for widens Aothing wold he designed 19 COVEY Ses generally worn Wy £15 Wp 19 14 or 15 years of age. He admitted this migh WOFE some RRrdsinp on priests oA children whe were lerge fo ERE REA WY WAR EERRASHN winely he added that oi comrse Dene FIREE BIREELS Wi f harEe portion of wit be subject yp the sales 1a%. but pot long distance and 100 charges. And hecause fuel and electnicity wil Be RECIPE, 50 WIN he service iharge portion of gas and eles city bills Mr. Allan estimated the sales dk WONid yield $60 908 499 dur ng fi I year ending SER) March 31, 1962 and $150 900 00 na full 3 ERE Sey EIRIIORE Wits 3 8 sis probanly would absorh about 1% 19 twe per cent of collections (aking ilo secouni paid to retailers collecting the er WHERE COmMPEnsaLion for the work of fax it was anticipated thet in the first year administration of the tax would require a stall of ahout 20 for inspection and en forcement purposes apd another M0 at headquarters. Eventually another 100 oy would be needed at headquarters for an diting purposes 50 INTERPRETING THE NEWS Kennedy Makes Smarter The new United Slates admin istration is heing credited with a good deal more political sense than its predecessor in its cour: teous reception of visiting Pres ident Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana Christian Herter, thep U 8. gales Moves but pushed by the Russian rep resentative Blevenson has heen a tremen dous worker hehind the scenes, No longer are the ambassa: dors of smaller countries sought out hy secondary US. dele Stevenson himself has stale secretary, said last Sept. entertained at lunch or dinner 2 that @ line akin to the Boviet Union 87 Nrumah had followed his opposite numbers fram all missions represented per in a speech to the United Na-\manently at the UN Lions eral Assembly ahout| Ihe Congn and the maching tions of imperialism in Africa This caused surprise, to say the least, al a time when the U.B, was supposed to he strive ing to understand the aspira tions of new African countries and make friends with them Now Nkrumah has addressed the UN again, and it was known long heforehand that he would advocate policies for The Congo sometimes at variance with those of the U8 Nevertheless President Ken nedy made a point. of inviting the Ghanaian so-called (Libera tor) tn the White House and Ad lat Stevenson, U.K. ambassador tn the UN, issued a slalement welcoming his "interest and concern' in the Congo problem APPROACH IN BETTER Whether Kennedy acted on advice from Blevensnn, or whether Stevenson acted on or ders from Kennedy, is nel known. But the upshot 15 that Rlevenson 18 generally credited with adopting a more intelligent approach to the new African eountries than his predeces Hors Blevenson, for stantly reacted favorably to a suggestion hy Liberia that the Security Council consider hold ing #& meeting in The Congo or some neighboring country if that might help the crisis there He even made a tentative offer that the U.N Alr Force would fly council members to Afriea Nothing has come of this =sn far, but it made a favorable im pression on African delegations A somewhat similar. sugge tion was made al a Seeurity Council session last year and was oppased hy former UN ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge Instance, In JOHN A, OVENS Optometrist HARE OPTICAL 8 BOND ST EAST. RA 3.481) Did You Know , , , In the main Pining Reem ef the GENOSHA HOTEL yeu con have a Full-gourse Dinner for ONLY 95s, FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL CONFIRMS ALSO ALL OTHER TRAVEL ARRANGIMENTS RA 8-620 BROADLOOM DRAPERIES INTERIOR DECORATING COMPLETE SERVICE PHONE RA 8.4081 NU-WAY RUG SALES 174 MARY STREET Final Week . . North on Simcoe east The lownship is a diy ares This is your last chance to see the EXHIBITION OF FASHIONABLE LIVING BEAU VALLEY 6.9 PM. KASSINGER CONSTRUCTION LTD, DON'T MISS IT! te Rowsland Rd. -- on Rossland then Aid, PRICES HHCTIVE MARCH 9 18 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES IGA OLD COLORED CHEESE cov 49 IGA Margarine 2m 49: FRESH MEATY FRESH CHICKEN CUTS IGA Orange Drink IGA ~-- DOG HOUSE Dog Food IGA Peanul Butler IGA LIQUID Detergent A TOTAL OF EXTRA!" ss0.00 IN IGA BONUS TAPES With $6.00 Bonus Tape IGA TOMATOES ©" STRAWBERRY JAM "4 ivy IGA CANDIES Soc. Buds, MACAROONS, WAFERS, PEANUT CLUSTER STRIPE TOOTHPASTE '&.0% he With $2.00 Bonus Tape TEXAS CARROTS Macaroni & Cheese COOKED HAM MORTON FROZEN MEAT PIES 64.02 JUG 49° 49° 49° 24.02 SIZE 20.0%, TINS NEW CROP US NO, | 3:48, CELLO MORTON'S FROZEN TABLERITE 4.0F, SLICED PKG, TURKEY, CHICKEN or BEEF al 90 Phas. 8.01, PKGS, 4.387 ( MAPLE LEAF MILD SUGAR CURED VIRGINIA STYLE BONELESS PORK SHOULDER PORK SIDE RIBS COMBINATION OFFER SIDE BACON" ™ TABLERITE WIENERS *""** M TABLERITE BOLOGNA" ™ LEGS avo BREASTS nw. 49+ y Save More Bt IGA... 13 49 IGA FANCY Tomato Juice IGA 48-0L, 100-57, ROLLS BR ww IGA present stories from the Seturdey Evening Post "BEST of the POST" -- CFTOTY om CHAMNMEL 9, Thursdoy Evenings 7-7:30 p.m. 334 LB, AVERAGE For FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT SIZE 96's EXTRA LARGE HEADS GOOD SIZE Doz. DYL'S IGA STORE 166 ADELAIDE ST. OSHAWA LANSDOWNE IGA LANSDOWNE SHOPPING CENTRE BECKSTEAD IGA COURTICE, ONTARIO BILSKY IGA 120 WILSON RD, §. OSHAWA CABBAGE Red Ripe Beauties U.S, No, 1 19 JAFFA 49: ORANGES COLLEGE HILL IGA Garden Vth Tender Green U.S, No, 1 NEW C CELLO 14.0%. TOMATOES *®¢ Juicy Easy To Peel SOUTH END IGA BROCK §T, S.-~WHITRY HOPE IGA STORE CUBERY ST. OSHAWA MOTOR CITY IGA RITSON RD, §, AT SIMCOE

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