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The Oshawa Times, 10 Mar 1961, p. 10

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PATROLS BREW) gocrs AER IIReN enchye fn the Bel, Mer Wesawshay was new WR CORES IY TAOS WA TIMES, Fridey, Merch 19, 196} se ad ores the Po) og ina an fie Taylor Boosts £0809 by Terior's Lawes BERISTON, Engiond (EF)--h 10 ThE oshs z 2 Mis. E. ¥ Po--. alorative 1% 9 5. Yrs. Crosier was the gest of rs fo ie Ad: Lg i As Taian foie SN "ns Nh, A - . fos rarer EP a 5 a & pe TUAW *® / ia Li haus did psi 1 A Fraek tel ow 'B St 4 a @ » ow fig py $ or es wo Ma 5 ll Re & wham fore fort aw Big Seal I leet Is Speaker Restone. Ben COREE Was Nola es ey po _ wh Hus. Howard Dobson Layion's ovigmal Mk in Jon eaierprisieg orp. system. 3 By i» Be Bower r & { ! ea VAS 0 the Secasion of WIS. rockeish by ELABIN in one LIENS Comiariig 7 week & WAT rhamp mn A eters. I wa Wess Rom Haro wets heats elmer aimite TRAEsARy WB (he LORRI RET 110 1 ental. Comnge rg ym ions agreed lg cater lor 4 Iby wes if Eo ty: a Bi phe) -- TUT SE IRATE. AG RB FEE MB Barciay anh Bmenis EI nercises Mt p. To pRdsisiagh: # latest Wid, the ! . 5. 48 % Warch 16 Dobson 208 he cryin Dra the sxmonth perish mitionzie EF. Teper ope from: the Contnge boned estes Yasiors 4 wa, tia is sending one of Hs big ost, The same ¥ 9 crx LANCHESTER ery lunches Max Beem Wah » eb or Lom ion. 1 4 the Soviet The oaine of the shores whose Spokes td wtfer AE a a § _ of wnds in the Gulf of St. Law y "8% om i the business session. Mrs. Lome Thompson anh Hrs PERSONALS . hydy The Retin was tonahes off by statement." ers howd. Ad pu i the | { yb Cif db dt wag present 4. Dobson. Mis, Bothy intrg TOPS will wei a" . mm - - rence off the LRH fron to death Fourteen visors were Dis " Oy Ws ne : ; oes CIB. YIN 1 Wain sier WER FPL oF FER LONER (EF) The ritwe of vary for Sister Gewges WEE hips te sreducts (9 North the chp (RE TIRE 16 From N. Sc fing and fine d devasls WEEE WF ARfaRies sealing fests mace g [Embers of the pester Ney woven #74 ar The worshio periad was com Paucar fom. it 75,400 998 onde wed oy 185 BA. 5 ITs 14 95k cox Ju Wier conederstion ot Simonds whe recommended 4 F "A z Pian solos by Barbers wd § frenhs ok TRWIARY Brite Brewery (Gamers hayes The offer met # ER I SOT wer (aks le ps Ie gE a Vv y is ¢ ys Nb p a Yo > s he mest Rove ely 4 Contr tie Bess After ciosing OHA § WOM, FURLCRASES new takepyer Wid by Canalis > o Ww HALIFAX (CP) ~~ Nova Sco and Wis 1] man oF renaed te Central a Ade ; World War ts the sc3 ¢ witidiand w Rade the "0 5 Te AT) b Filing ducied by Yrs. Meta Bolthy jag vill be in the « dug By sg Ridin d pb Aud Agi giigy " p he Eight Arctic Prowler, The Beater, Minna and Curis } at least two | sm HELP A CRIPPLED CHILD. .. the gulf at March 5 Northern Front, the edg great southward - drift ng Ax ' tic ice field extending from the ' | 2 east coast of Labrador to norik Aas em Newfoundland, the date is i March 19 : The two Newloundiend seal ers definitely tzking part ars the Finback and the Arctic Eagle Last year the seal hunt put $576,000 into the pockets of Nova Scotia sealers, Beyen ves sels took part in the hunt whi oh resulted in a total kill of near "TIMMY" FOR 1961 MW 197 090 seals. Besides the ie omer eA a pts, IR OSHAW A is this hoppy fom: 3,000,600 pounds of seal oil % iby boy whe is getting slong SEALERS GAMBLE h with his hendicop just fine, a 2 we J 2, T 1S 1S T His reel nome is Rommy Instead they take a percentag } z is ond Flagel and he lives on Emer- 4 re : er w i i : $evers h Wd Avenue ond attends Dy, dred dollars for his wo Sannon Public S¢ i Is poor he may wind wp with hool practically nothing The skins of white furred seal pups, used hy furriers, sell p for premium prices on the Eur opean market. But skins of old " seal used mostly to mi handbags and other leather goods, bring poor prices Misfortune and uncertainty have made the industry almost extinet in Newfoundland More than 100 years ago 400 Newfoundland sealing ship would buck ice, blizzards and sub - zero cold to send 13,000 men swarming among the hig seal herd The catch often would total 700,000 pelts worth $1,700,000 In 1058 Newfoundland wa represented by only one shin Attempts to outfit three other were abandoned because of higl Costs Disaster has dogged the seal ing fleets, particularly those from Newfoundland. The worst occurred in 1614 when the Southern Cross foundered in a storm while returning from the gulf and Capt, George Clark WA Members See Slides HAPPINESS 18 A STATE OF MIND ond Of Ireland you would never think thet these lesel chi By MRS, RC, HILL dren shown singing of BLACKSTOCK --- The pro : gram at the February meeting the Rotary Christmes of the Women's Association of Farty could really be the United Church consisted of Heit slides presented hy Mrs. Georg called "crippled chil: Wolfe, Mr, and Mrs. Wolfe tool dren', but they ers, the pictures while on their trip to Ireland last August and they were greatly enjoyed hy all present The devotional period was a presentation of a lenten ser lee with Mesdames P. Van Camp, H. McLaughlin, M. Van Camp, N, Werry, and F, Cowl ing taking part Mrs. H, McLaughlin reported for the kitchen committee, Roll LITTLE MISS EASTER SEAL OF 1960 call was something needed 'in Was Terry bubs, here shown in her the kitchen wheel shair which she handles very Plans wore made for coming Crippled in body but not in spirit these Oshawa children have fun at the annual Christmas pony pe iy Whis } supper § SHER I. 1 i i ROL cick, subher and wigges mer picnic, Every year, many of the children are sent to Summer Camps specially equipped for their needs, After the closing lunch was i} Have fun together with others who are handicapped is one of the best ways to forget your own problems, served hy group 2 » LOBA EUCHRE There were 11 tables of TRANSPORTATION TO AND FROM TREATMENTS, NECESSARY DRUGS, SHOES AND APPLIANCES, euchre at the LOBA party, High A ke kona vary. Hin) ib | SPECIAL TREATMENT IN THE OSHAWA GENERAL HOSPITAL, A LOAN-CUPBOARD STOCKED WITH BY ah Cin and Gearge WHEEL CHAIRS, CRUTCHES AND OTHER AIDS ARE ALL PROVIDED BY THE OSHAWA ROTARY CLUB Rf foadgaon and Stan, Hodgson, TO HELP CRIPPLED CHILDREN WHOSE NEED 1S OFTEN TOO GREAT FOR THEIR FAMILIES, Camp won the {ucky number prize WOMEN'S INSTITUTE There was an attendance of 27 ladies and four children at the February meeting of the Women's Institute in the com munity hall It was a grandmothers' meet ing and Mrs. M, Graham as co hostess and dressed in a heau tiful black lace dres which had been her mother's, met the members at the door It was decided to send the president ta the conference in Guelph, Literature on citizen ship was passed around amangst the members. The plana is ta be tuned Mrs, J A. MeArthur and Mrs. P. Van Camp were ap painted as a nominating com mittee Mrs. Gilbert Marlow had charge of the program. The rall call was "An old-fashioned ous tam I am glad has been van ished.' Mrs. Albert Wright gave a reading and Mps, Gilbert May low read the essay Things My Grandmother Told Me" This was the essay that won the prize at the competition an that subiect at the Institutes in Eng land Prizes were given the aldest grandmother, Mrs, IL. Rver and ta Mrs, F. Hoskin, th youngest grandmother, The y Y ° grandmother with the most grandchildren was Mrs. BE N Larmer Lunch was served by Mrs. Q LY alae SEND YOUR PINK RETURN ENVELOPE WITHOUT DELAY ner Commercial oll wel Sponsored by the Oshawa Rotary Club in Conjunction with the Ontario Society For Crippled Children, mat Oil Springs, Ont, in 1857 by James Miller Williams,

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