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The Oshawa Times, 10 Mar 1961, p. 12

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, Merch 18, 1941 12 'Arctic Islands ! ~ Show Oil Signs : 4 s-- FIGHTER AHEAD OF SCHEDULE rope, is expected 1o come off | schedle The first two planes | the assembly Vine at Cana will be lLnocked down and Montreal taken to California for intial dale Limied, Moniren flight tests by Vockheed Air two weeks ahead of | craft Corporation, designer of plane. The CF will carry hombs and @rdo-air missiles, This prototype undergoes tests in California, ~'F Wirephoto bow Jevel ihe CF whieh he first fighter the A \KF's ai win re hie I #rike places Sale jet 0 nest [1 Congo Trouble Began On Independence Day UNITED NATIONS (CP)=~"The # well-educated Congolese with dependent province of Taulwaha, Jan, V7 Tumumbe trans menace of civil war and inter a European background in phi with no specified sims except 10 ferred as prisoner from Thys national conflict arose when The! losophy and sociology, He favors allow its Baluba tribesmen 40 ville to Katanga Province; hadly Congo received independence) a loose federation He is former Wve in peace, This came after a beaten by soldiers on arrival from Belgium eight months ago, | president of the Congolese hen drive hy Lumumbist forces Wt Jan. 25-27-The United Arah and the same peril remains to: ale spokesmen say the (rhesmen Republic, Indonesia and Mor day Their army commander - in. Wave no interest in politics and goco--and later Guinea an Nothing has gone right in The chief, Ma) en, Joseph Mobuty, #F€ without money or ROVE: nounce they would withdraw Congo. Kven he ceremonial 30, was an enlisted man under ment machinery their troops from UN birth of the republic June 3 was|the Belgians, He studied sociol| Here is a chronology of Cone gop go _Kasayuby proclaims jolted hy sour event when ogy in Brussels and was a Leo golese and related events . ¢ : : 4 end of Mobuty miliary regime King Baudouin, who had trav: poldville newspaper editor long June MW--LConge wins Inde: "0 nia . : AMZ names Joseph leo premier celled to Leopoldville to end before leading an army coup PE ndence with Joseph Kasavihu p of Belgian in support of Kasavuby and|#s frst president and Patrice Feh, 13--Katanga announces vera against Lumumba last Septem lamumba as first premier Lumumba and two colleagues her July S--Congolese troops mi massacred Moscow follows the Teopaldville adminisiva-| tiny at Thysville, seize their Bel with demand (hal Hammarsk tion is committed this vear to gan commanders, harass Euro jold he dismissed and Congo pay the army an amount equal! peans force he withdrawn within to almost the entire government) July month income, revenue derived mainly rorize from Ian on large interna Belgians; thousands tonal firms peans flee; as chaos Main rival of the Leopoldville Belgium sends 1roop government is based in Stanley:| July 1=Leopoldville govern ville, Orientale capital, and ment asks the UN fo send @ headed by Premier Antoine Gi-| force to gel the Belgians oul and zenga, 41, @ former school restore order Next day Molise teacher who has received train-|Tshombe announces Katanga's ing in Moscow and Prague and| secession and asks Belgian mil By MES, ARTHUR ELLIOTT wits deputy to Lumumba lary aid irene is recognized by the, July 1=First UN troops flown BROOKIIN The Brooklin Soviet Union and such countries into Congo force subsequently Horticultural Society met on the United Arab Kepublie,| grows to 20,000, including Ca Monday evening in the Chris. Guinea and Ghana nadian contingent Lumumba tian Education Hall with a good Orientale province is rich with) threatens 10 call in Soviet troops atiendance tinied and sections of the coun: cotton and palm oil but not self if Belgian troops slay The president Norman try were laid open to rampage! supporting in essential food, and. July 22=Lumumba flies 10 Alves, extended a welcome 10 and rape, The United Nations|it is the victim of a blockade im Washington and Ottawa seek members, guests and visitors moved quickly in reply to a re: posed hy Kasavubu and leo friendship and aid . The secretary read the minutes quest for ald, but is operation) Katanga, the richest province July 26 UN Secretary-Gen- land correspondence, The reas: has resulted in bitter differences which seceded almost immedi- eral Dag Hammarskjold (ies 10/605 report showed a halance hetween the West and the Soviet ately after The Congo received| Belgium and The Congo on hand of $89.10 Union independence, is under the grip Aug, 38-=Tshomhe mobilizes Soviet Premier Khrushehev|of President Moise Tshombe, 41, troops to keep UN forces oul of 70 SECURE TROPHIES has threatened unilateral action wealthy businessman friendly to) Katanga; Belgian ambassador) The correspondence coniained in the rich Congo whose six|[the Belgians, It was in Katanga expelled from Congo; Lumumba acceptance hy T. Eaton Co, to provinces = Leopoldville, Equa: that Lumumba and {wo col threatens Katanga invasion withiprovide a trophy to be awarded | tor, Orientale, Katanga, Kasai leagues were slain his own troops; rioting in Leoslfo winner of highest number of| and Kivu==are almost as big as] Mine-rich Katanga has its own poldville |points at Flower Shows during Ontario and Quebec together flag, radio station and central Aug. 11 Hammarskiold arihe year and Simpson-Bears and have a population of 4, hank, Belgian money pours in | vives again and sends UN 1roopsiy id. te provide a trophy for the 000,000 Its army hoasts firm discipline inio Katanga second winner, | President Kennedy has said under highly-paid European of:| Aug, 1# Congolese s0ldIEYS| Announcement was made of| (he United States would defend ficers, "Why should Katanga be|club and maul 14 Canadians; [he 55th annual convention of | the UN charter by "opposing ealled upon to subsidize the rest] Prime Minister Diefenbaker prosiine Ontario Horticultural ABS: any attempt hy any nation iol of The Congo?" Tshombe asks. tests and Lumumba apologizes, | oiation. to be held at the Con: | intervene unilaterally The! Next door to Katanga is the Aug. 27-"Two Canadians ans naught-Sheridan Hotel, Hamil-| Congo wealthy mining state of Kouth|five Americans beaten hy Con ton, March 16 and 17 Mrs. | Now, after eight horror filled| Nasal, ruled almost as a feudal golese troops Norman Alves and Mrs Tome| months. Lumumba is dead [holding hy Baluba tribal chief] Sept, S=--Kasavubu and Tu [Parrott were approached and dain al 85. and The Congo is| Abert Kalonji, 30, a Prosperous mumba fire each other; PATNA eovaad (0 attend as voting dele: | splintered into six nominally-in| insurance broker before he en:/ment rules both can stay gates from Brooklin Society dependent territories, although! tered politics two years agh Sept, 14=I0seph Mobutu, chief " ) Kasavubu claims rule over Kalonji negotiates with Kasa- of staff, takes over government PLAN SPRING FAIR ahout half the country vihu and Tshombe almost onhy army rule, orders Soviet dip Mrs. Erie Green, Mrs, Cyril Finances are hopelessly disor equal terms; Huge revenues lomals out, Names college of Wick Mrs W. A. Heron and ganized. "Frontiers are vague from diamond mines go to hisj commissioners to head governs Mrs, Charles Pilkey will be a Turisdiction aver villages in the|treasury and he aims to keepiment committee to assist with Flora wild African bush is unclear, [his own interests safe in any Sept, 1h: 1h=Cangolese soldiers culture Exhibit and the junior Starvation is a companion fort ongolese federation try to lynch Lumumba; lu {section at Hrooklin Spring Fair thousands, Co-operation on even! But in the midst of compara: mumba places. himsed under|in June, A donation of $10 was the most routine administrative! Hive wealth in South Kasal, fam: UN protection voted towards prices to he matters often depends solely on! Inesstricken refugees are heing Sept, 20 UN Assembly injawarded at the fair whims pared for hy the UN and world) 08h oh ives overwhelming) Several oak trees planted in| \ couple contributions vote of confidence to Hammar: the grounds at the home of Mrs yieh, Others are penniless In Kivi Prov: skjold's Congo policies Tom Halley are ready for pub cept povhaps for the bank nee pro-Lumumba opt, 2=Promier Khrushehey le planting. Mra, Freie Green, | counts of tribal chiefs heads of the local government! oo UN Assembly demands Ham Here is a rundown on the lead: have arrested and deposed one marskiold ouster aver Congo ing political figures another, Tribal chiefs and vil-| olicies: move defeated Kasavubu, 44, grandson of a lage elders have much infin V : old and contact the proper an (Chinese labarver, chief of the! ence Oct, 11 UN dofies Mohutu tharities far permission, as part 1,000,000 « strong Bakongo tribe. Normal life has been almost order to surrender Lumumba of a heantfeation project toy and father of seven, heads the| forgotten, Electricity and gas inl Nov, 3 Mahuta troops stack Brook lin central government at Leopold:| the towns have heen interrupted. [UN guard at Ghana Embassy, | The annual ville which is recognized by the! European residents fled to theforce Ghanaian chirge A'als xhibition will he hold June 94 UN and most Western countries, safety of neighboring Belgian: [aires out of Congo @s enemy {and 25 at Leaside Memorial He is a former school teacher, |administered Ruanda-Urundi, al Kasavubu delegation wins UN Community Gurdons clerk in the Belgian administra: UN trust territory seat in New York | AC MeCulloeh, Myrtle, en: tion and an early nationalist Last month part of northern! Dee, S=Lumumba caught try Hertained with colored slides of | His premier is Joseph Heo, 39, Katanga declared itself the ining to flee to Stanleyville strong [scones in the Maritimes, Niag division wn i month hold, returned manacies 10 1 £opiidville Dee, 15 = Tumumbists estab lish rival government in Stan fleyville Dee, 1--~UN Assembly [20s in atempt to give Hammarskjold clear mandate for UN force in mn " wis the CRIS rule handed fave Patrice scheduled to make an address hastily scribbled out a speech) and then accused the Belgians) of inflicting "atrocious suffer] ings," Later, the mercurial pre mier turned about and thanked the noble Belgians' for freeing The Congo President glanced al slap in Lamumba, who wasn' BL Ongole se Leopoldville troops ey and attack of Kure spreads Joseph Kasavubu, Baudouin with ap-| parent chagrin fl Lumumba LJ} opening remarks and this con trast between the two Congoles leaders was symbolic of the op posing roles they were 10 take in the fateful struggle ahout to fall upon their country Five days after independence art of the Congolese army mu Mis of wre 0x government mountainous al SUCOONRIVe will set ns a committe to pueer:| tain where trees can he plant Nutional Hose | LONDON (EF) 0 seek £15 accustomed (0 loving tor the Wack Rawid wn Hemming swamps, lornd deserts and other similar places where tr and ying are major problems are Beginning 6 think there's plenty of pelimewn wh the Canadiar Arctic islands "The chmate s had enongh (or i they say with # tinge of CYRUS But the belief is based oh more than his 1ongne- in heek observation Pr. A. Bryce Cameron, pres dent of Lobes Oilficlds Canada Limited, added weight 10 this belief when he presented a WH page scieptific paper 1o Britain's Institute of Petrolenm descr ing prospects in the Queen Vii aheth Islands These islands, he says, have a great vanely of geslogicsl formations with abundant #gns of petrolenm substances ON MARKEY IN YEAR "There are many large closed structures similar in sie 19 those in the Middle Kas Cameron adds "Rapid development could or cur, with some oil being £x ported by tanker direct to West European and Fast Canadian markets within a year of dis covery The Queen Elizabeth 1slands are the triangular archipelago extending northward to within 9 miles of the North Pole Their total area is estimated to he more than 150.000 square miles--roughly equal to hall On tario's land surface Cameron makes no allem to minimize the difficulties of ns Arctic search and possible pro duction, hut he is confident thal all the problems can he over come Moving the oil to market will he one of the big hurdles, Ships can use the seaways around po tential oil - hearing formations ara Valls and local points of in terest, Mrs. B, Jamieson, on he half of Society, voiced thanks iN GIRLS MEET The 4-H Girls Homemaking Club, known as "The Fashion Queen' met Baturday, March {, at 9.50 a.m. at the home of Mrs. Eyres under the leader ship of Mrs, Albert Cooper and her assistant Mrs Irwin Shaw In the third lesson of Separates for Summer' girls were instructed, how pin, baste and assemble ments, cut from patterns, Mrs, Irwin Shaw expla | should he formed to ensure per: fect fitting, Miss Marilyn Coop er, demonstrated adjustment and sewing of wppers into a garment and Gloria Jean Coo er showed how (no gather skirts into walsthand Miss Lois Smith of Newmar ket, Home Feonomist for York and Ontario Counties, congratu- lated girls on close atiention given to instructors and pro: gress made, The next meeting will he held Saturday, March 18 #1 pom. at the home of Mrs Albert Cooper ANNOUNCEME The annual spring fale, spon sored hy the Evening Auxiliary of WMS of Brooklin United Church, will he held Saturday March 15, at 230 p.m i p.m in the Christian: Educational Hall, Miss Chrissie Simpson will officiate al the opening Ceremonies The 1st Heooklin Seow orn' Auxiliary will meet unit the 10 Har Math "hrs assisted hy Mrs. Norman Alves, day evening, Mareh 16 al home money Bruce Miner, Torian Meadow rest Afternoon will meet Wednesday Mareh 16, at 280 pan. al tH home of Mes Charles Pilkey Durham street The Hrooklin Bay Scouts and Cubs will hold a paper sidvage collection Saturday, Mareh 11 hetween § and 13 am Members of the Bridge Club mel of Mrs wenue The WMH Auxiliary, Heooklin Waodnesday Now---two ways to smoke mild IMON'S CIGARILLOS NEW FLEXIBLE TIP OR PLAIN E> | Look for Ihe New Look in Canada's Finest Cigars Today's lighter, smoother smoke is Simon's Cigarillos= now available with an exclusive new flexible tip or plain. Take your choice of smoking pleasure. Pick up your pack of mild and mellow Simon's Cigarillos today! {for only short and limited perv Vols EGER JERE Yesecls from Mopiresl wee lsome of the channels in the Leen Elizabeth Idlands every year 'and Ww thus follows thet] oi conid be sipped eastwards by tanker dunng each season Limmetiately following the is covery of ol Year-round supphies for re fineries coud be provided either by weing miciear - fueled, ol carrying submarines or by stockpiling the crude oil om) southern Greenland, where ships, can Py every month of the yay Cameron says, however, that considerable oil reserves wows have in he discovered before the financing of # fleet of nuclear subs could even be coniem- plated But, before the transport prob lem geswnes an dir of NEgeney, oil must he found on the islands, HOW TO MAKE DELIQUENCY PECKHAM, England (CP) A parish magazine has pub lished an easyAodollow plan for parents wishing 10 tum # child inte # Juvenile dein quent Fhe feach Church Sugeest FM Andrew's town by Rey vicar of St in this Burrey phan Begin at infancy 10 give the child everything he wants 50 that he will believe the world owes him a ing Never give him any spiritual training and avoid the use of the word wrong 50 that he will not develop a gui com mex Pick up everything he leaves lying around so thal he will get experience in throwing all responsibility on others Horticultural Society Is Securing Two Trophies | ol ol hasement a BEES evening in the Township Hall for games Dupheale were North and South vey and Miss Bovey, U8 M. B Clark and Mr, W #0; Mr. and Mrs, John Good: win, 80V4; Mr. and Mrs, W, FV, Wilson, ¥9; Mrs. 8, Sheridan ad Mrs, BR, Drew, BK Fast and West John Mil ler and Ted Heron, 115; Mr and Mys, Frank Wells, 05; Mrs. Doe and Mr. Morris, 98; Mrs. J Cyril Davies and Mrs. W, Davies, 80; Mr, and Mrs, Dave hridge high scores Bo Mrs, Cox, Mi | ted how darts| Coates, 70%, Warsaw Can't 'Shed Beggars WARSAW (Reuters) -- War saw has shed much of its drab:| ness in recent years, with more goods to huy in the stores, bet: ter displays in the windows and neon lighting hrightening the oily But one blight {rect heggars Crippled, dressed in rags, and holding out tin cups patheti: cally, they rely on the people of Warsaw fo provide their living One hent and stubbly-chinned old man, known simply as Jozef, who makes his piteh out side a delicatessen in the Aleje Jorogolimskie, explained the repson "1 like the life," he said, "1 do 1 heeause Tam an individual ml 1 owant to have my awn "Things have heen look ng up for Warsaw's heguars sine the end of 1960, when five and 10zloty coins were intro dueed to replace paper money Por some reason, says Jozef, people are much more willing to part with coins than with hills," remains=--the FANT ANIMAL Over short distances the fast oul animal 15 the cheetah, able to attain a speed of 84 mph "hy SIMONS EAI AN BLHOR Buendan Behaw's pay Bich ails Conk Lag--n comedy set wn 2 Dihin Zraveysih ~ DPERs Theptze Roy#t ww» Ee hay . . A im Ha ret Wy exactly pepcrmiage K iwyAyed The lake - VEE D8 Was #0" 4 nounced Feb. 13 on the basis wa Lomb s MONTREAL, (CF )--Fimminum Tar and Chemical Co, 144 oh 55 commen shares of Domin- Berh has peqived more then 5 per ion Tar for EB COMMBoR so iil Wares of Bt |awrenc Phwesday. wp Vs from Wednes: cept of the common shares of 8. Lawrence Corp #4 what Dowsimion Tax cased a §i6iaay 5 ime. 3. Lawrence closes be Montreal Slack Exchange 920. wo % 29 great whiskies Hranc ago Adams distilled 29 great whiskies wi In one rea) Ca h ' with its own distinctive characteristics, and then aged them in special oak casks, Now, Adams has married these 29 vare whiskies to create the superb favour ol Adams Private Stock custom blend is presented in its crystal decanter at a popular price Adams Private Stock CUSTOM BLENDED CANADIAN RYE WHISKY Themas Adams Distillers Lid. Tarente SAYISINLNY

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