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The Oshawa Times, 10 Mar 1961, p. 13

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=i Fhe Oshawa Times tion SECOND SECTION "OSHAWA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 196) PAGE THIRTEEN WET BRIERE. EW BRE FW pbwite 1m Edweation Week ertiRg IN ESE = Aiiife Howe. The the Wncheon was W Master. swperiplenent mf 2 lent books. Depart citings. sn TE aa Heh aster sok i EIemner ary ARAB Rte it 1h he and hese gnedts that the responstiiity Firm We TRE KERIB NL aS LF Re Wile £X be rhuction field ¢ fawn #4 Fast York he School, Ryerson Institue ear mh Copp IRE Lompany méten three text FTHHNRE vs Py YEEY REIWE WB RUB EIRIRNY BNE Yi meeting was attended by mher of visiting Kiwamians Wh DERE InEpeinTS wid of Education mem 7 © TRIBE PAID 4 ie aster paid tribwie 19 i i Wi ms £m for mo Lh bite 10 rlucs ressed that '"¥auca DRIVER UNINJURED WHEN TRUCK JACKKNIFES 8 pon pt Yeanspwr: driver Boge) was driving skidded | Whithy, Thursday night. The | det Master was introduced Quinet, of Alexandria nar out of contol and Yack-knied | truck narrowly missed Biting ESHER | Governor of Biwanis rowly escaped Inu yher 0 ) eetion of High Ire ter WM jack-knifed on | Bama J FY who 15 wisn & the Lracier Liailer (shawi way 1, about a mile west of the westhound ans Whithy 15h } hokey wer of the hoard of educa i I an Dr. Gor anked My Wr | ' i ) interesting and p Expansion Of Plant Concertls Toro To pe Henry Reed THE EXECUTIVE officers | the camera the executive was | Douglas Fisher, general man: | ald Burns, first vice-president f ) of the Oshawa Chamber of | chosen as f(ollows: Beated, | ager. Banding left 10 night Ahsent when piciure was J ef the mn PICABHTE IR 3 Postponed rv MeMaster Hr tn Commerce were elected | left to right: Herb Robinson, | James McCansh, third vice: | Laken was Fred Malloy, trea welcomed the visi. Thursday at a meeting of the | immediate past president; | president; Gordon Riehl, sec. | urer of the chamber % vs tn the luncheon. President Chamber Board of Directors | William Hart, president and ' ond vice - president and Don shawn Times Photo ers I 1 B d R d ced alse reminded the West- #t Hotel Genosha, Posing for ad noaas Biwams members of he (LP al i 0 5, a, 1 0, a win" ommme | Commerce Chamber p 4 EL ' } ) J J ame month Wilson roaq area are hecomin f i Fhompson said bon heen HEL PIAYINE 1 { y ker at the meet BIRTHDAYS concerned about a proposed hefore he could say anything used cars oulside, and wanled I p Phursday will be Dr. Wil pansion of the W. B, Bennett ahout the Bennett opera: io know if council would allow troupe that | ) f m Boyko who will speak on Congratulations and _ hest % Constructing Company 1a Hon there 5 a technical point 1a the operator ta continue 1 th Ini ental health vishes to the following 1 pit and asphalt plant operation!he answered. "There 15 a cer He wanted 10 know if the se : tmount Kiwanis members dents of Oshawa and di in that area, ( y Thomas tain thing pending on the zon- vice station has heen lheepced nog i John Howsam, Archie King and trict hon are eelehrating told the Last Whithy Township ing bylaw. sc other than that Las a service slabion or #8 garage { Gord Oshorne were presented their Wivibdays today Counc Thursday night don't want to say lon much NONE ISSUED nd general ve i h their pins for bringing in a Pat Leavitt, fh Ca The 1061 executive of theld, Douglas Gibson, general will he held in Oshawa during Mr. Thoms, who lives at the Mr. Thompecn said Haeve Neil Smith said. neilp i ember ta the Westmount negie; Wes, Patricia He Oshawa Chamber of Commerce, manager, The Bank of Nova the week of April 16 10 22, M, W, corner of Wilson and Taunton Heeve Weil Smith said council one garage In the town hip has ma 1 hi ) anis Club during the past 44 Garrard road; Pail Ma was elected Thursday at al Beotia; H. George DeYoung Book and his public relations Foads, said when the Bennett as- would wani lo know where I Us Tht tor this year yet andi Wers by ail le Vt thiey, 17% Easthaven: Mar hoard of directors' luncheon at! president, Atlas Bleels Limited, committee will contact the Oshs phalt plapi is in operation, it 500d legelty belore "it could be haved ething would bel from Ofta i hed 70 VISIT COBOURG or Mor 112 Kingedale | Hotel Genosha {Welland; and Hon, Robert Win-|awa radio station and newss creates a smoke and dust nui- eke any action concerning the Ne NADER EOMELHIRE WOHIG Be gor gd drive Irs. B. Bright, 98 William Hart was elected! ters, president, Kio Tinto Min: paper for coverage 4 done to [ace the service sta h I The Westmount club will . ? PAPEY 1OF COVETRR sance in the aren, He wanted Potential nuisance, He assured ff i hd A hows had travel to Cobourg on Tuesday, Biverside drive north; Pat |president; Donald Burns, viee:|ing Company, to know i council had pecery. Mr. Thomas complaints from i ea! 1 nat arrived, ) far 21 to be in charge of the! Tureski, 248 Etna; Mrs, | president; Gordon Riehl, see: Chamber of Commerce mem: MUNICIPAL HANDBOOK ed any complaints about the pui- Ms area have cropped up from aL nex refunded. an 1e aud 2 tied program at the Coahon} Kiwa Paul Kaiser, 120 Cochrane ond vice « president; J ame 6 hers whe might wish to attend] A letter was read from (ha sance in the past hme to Hime ghoul the Bennet) dy 41 WN 3 ot. A I : ned nis Club and the spegker that! street, Whithy; Barbara El. | MeCansh, third viee president; [the dinner and panel discussion, Oshawa Public Vibrary requests operation and sald he knew thei , (arakl ERUREL: dod at 10 evening will he Past Governor. Nott, 413 Humewond avenue; | and Fred Malloy, treasurer [should direct their queries 10{ing the chamber to do somes ECONOMIC IMPLICATIONS Bennett Company was only a 43 # hie 4 ix i ation 1 hungry, the troupe 1 Robert Stroud. President Reed Ann Mavis Visser, 066 Ross Kenneth Crane was appointed) Chamber President, William! thing aheut reprinting the mu According te Mr, Thomas the '€NAnt on the property, Ma area and he hoped within the) Sao Ye, ty i ked expressed # wish that he would land road east; Thamas Care (10 the hoard of directors to fl} Hart, or tn general manager, picipal handbook. The librarian next month all service stations the club! eile, 1105 King street eas! a vacancy left hy the rvecent| Douglas Fisher, at the Cham: noted that children from the proposed espansion of the Ben: GARAGE TACENSING and GRIAER: W ; Hghwa and drifts an like all memhers of K } 3 as 4 Hi pod nett operation should he explos Anais complaint from a ty pth id h RY a ha | mail fatlure had de their make a special effort to attend Dennis Hood, 1867 Cedar |Fesignation of Edward G. Blovie.| her Becreturiate [public schools are given assign. ec hecause 1 has economic im-iiawnship tusident sparked a dis: know what it intends to dg, |1THINCY Tram Git HUY that meeting mn Cobourg street; Gordon White, 68 [INFORMAL DINNER NEW MEMBERS MONTH ments to siudy the EHY of Obhe plications toy property values cussion the licensing of pub: Town hin Clerk George Farn endurance lest It was also announced that! Grasmere avenue; Lynda The hoard of directors was| April Is ta be new members AW@ ; In the ares he garages and serviee stations comb reported that the Febru thiol bly the clih would he spansaring Hall 781 Dundas street W told that it weuld he in theirimanth of the Oshawa €, of ( | I was indicated In the letley Residents of the areca. would in the township ary issue of building permits in 9 filadinla Rha in He | hide nl Whith Helen yg id interest to atiend an infarmal, | Herbert Rohinson asked the that. nol enough up ia date " like to nave the Bennett opera Douglas Brack, who lives in ast Whithy totalled $12,000, He} Aadighii Vil h " Wi ; eo i (hal iret gash ip Evi Pinner and Panel Discussion, [hoard of directors (a do every [{aination, oy ihr 3 J hes o tion removed from the arealthe south end of the townshininoted arrears in taxes for 1058 i | w [ortheaming in the near, vn Whitnee, RE #, Oshawa; al the Concert Hall of the Royal thing possible to hring new Abe # he a A " these completely rather than see it'wanted to know what the Smithistll stand at $1060.56 Arrear Ea Y iid Rose Willoughby, 304 Valens | York Hotel Paranta, Thursday. | members into the ehambes Ho aesiiinmenis " : fh " i expand, Mr. Thomas indicated. Sports Supertest service station, for 1060 are $6681.88 and 1060 ceptration camp in Bo cig road; Harald Bradley, (Mar. 16. The panel sponsored suggested that each director] WI Ing i olor 0 ty oon He said he understands Ben-lon Bimeoe street north, was go: arvears ave $12,604.45 ra, Th ! Hak thei [ "1 Beatpiee street; Tervy (hy the Canadian - Exporters' should bring at least (wo new 10 He hl al fun he Ane y uk a TE a eran Kien fi Jean are 4 fans homes in Chicago id ha Argue pea er | dalasiaa. 167 Athol street | Association, and the Board of members into the organization. | FePTinting of the manus hg | REE Propel issled 10 PEYBONS | made man uecessful tow | east; Mrs. Grace Hambhly, [Trade of Metropolitan Toronto, He suggested, they carry mem:| The membership eammitiee of 1y he 15 now renting to make Mr, Brock complained that last month totalled $610.30, Mr and recordin They use ori ' 1481 Roxborough; Bill Ham: [will discuss, "Canadian Trade=|hership applications with them | the chamber will organize a del his gravel and asphalt opera-'the service station management! Farncombe said inal material, writing their ow At Ajax Club bly, 181 Hoxoborough and |Where do We go from Here! [It is generally considered that!egation of Oshawa Chamber of lyries and music Gladys Yellowlees, Innis: | The moderator of the panelthe chamber of commerce) Commerce members tn attend ve them renewed nh The quartet is comprised of AJAX (Btaff) = The national] Killen, will he Murray George Ross, [should have 600 members (o]the Provincial Chamber Convens [] \ ' ' | Brid e Michael Przemyski, Jan Wain: leader of the €C} Hazen Tne first five persans to |DF sident, York University, To achieve its potential in the eity.|vention at Windsor, on May 10, 1 ren Tr edka, Edward Zieniewioz and Argue, will address the Ajax| oo he Oshawa Times | 1900. Panel members will he! Chamber of Commerce Week!11 and 12 In Jew Party Club on Saturday at| HOM 4 ahawa mes | " " TE ETT-- TT ------. - Alexander Swit) complete J / af their nirthdays each day Hi h Scores | he Shaw the re wr J 4 Sinking : "i mo he Aid_Salvation will receive dadble (ickels ta 0 in . eg 8 Va wT, wing Farmer Requires I' i wi aturn 11] MAX B S I F ru Tr g Jaw : pid J i I'he speaker has declared his for a four-week period, The m quir \ \ I'he high scores for ames! "War With Wamen" next Man. intention to he a candidate for] ehrrent altvaetion 18 "The played hy members of the Osh-iday night the New Party leadership battle] World of Bugle Wang", 0 S t . [] AL & recent meeting of the Friday evening a children's Wa Duplicate Bridge Club fm the 1ing Sanventen n Wapiid a birindaye wil n por 8 : Nang ar a "Tuesday evening fiva nexi summe : Thepiye BRINE Ouhawa Children Arena Com 56 on would he held on Wed Park y whieh fi Jondview FAMINE RELIEI Mr. Argue will address the! the hours of 8 a.m, and 10 ssion \rena anager linesday afternoons. There were J " 1 x v PB y ) | s 3.847 | uh ii) Rik er Readay fl oon. : tore Wer a {ows CAMBRIDGE. England (CM Ajax New Party memhe rs om am, Phone BA #0474 | ia: : ar i i i F Juests last summer Britain's 130.000 universit (the vale af the New Party in| LINDBAY - A Beaverton! The speaker referred fo the Hb farmer told bankers and eredit|inclinaton of credit men to ims had heen the hest for skating for a children's voller skating. North and South Mis, | A Canadian life, its policies and attendance since 1058 jossion, and this year it will he | Wadawarth and Mrs. M, R |dents have been asked to out] oo Reach, that the name of the) The members of hranch 48 |men here Wednesday they pose eeilings an loans to farm A total of 1833 persons skated Started and, if successiul, may jth, i Diy br, an ha Hawn au funk and cliarels 10" ghe Ajax New Party Club was |elub had heen entered upon the) Rayal Canadian Legion, at theiv|should visit farms and discuss) ors at the arena during public skat- be increased to another after Hondh _ LY la A help roi 8 Maney far fim 'e:| afficially ecaiived b) the Na | methership roll of New Party! wooting Thursday night. decided Problems with their customers) He felt hat insiead of ale ing sessions in Februar This Moon session, The manager 1s y 3 an i : \ AEH 0 BHE Honal Cammitiee last month Clubs 2 NIGEBNL BR FEE an the spat gesting. smaller loans; they ne WlaRe I Fels I. Ti ani Tl IEE IL 1) Fri Bis Mis. § Bheridan and gestion came from the organiza: when the ehaipman, Stanley] The club embraces the Town to present i eaalition Jd the George MeLaughlin, manager should sometimes offer a larg aver last year when only O04/97en's roller skating club forme a Oak and Mrs. Tngtam Eom mittee of the fifth Conga Knowles, informed the presi of Ala, Biekering and district jniadution "of 10:-pin. owling|f A 1aree dairy farm and presi: er loan persons skated. The reason fop © and this idea is being dis 100% pis ' Ld fund ta he opened in Britain dent, Harry Ashton of Pickering and operates under that name. linia the SPOTES PEOBTAM ON dent of the Holstein ' Friesian HALF FINISHED | the increase was due to mild cussed with tne senior club who! a pravineial basis gi0eiatio Ia, & I "Tan often projects ave left weather tha was experienced PHN to give assistance fo the Win Jd, Weal I Millen The president, Dan Tvesan and|#ttitude af the jetders would beinaif finished because the lean during last month. January how. PYOETAM Riles and 0 Keith TT -, (wa members of the executive, A hy factor mn SlerRIRIng wan ton small," he pointed out ever, was the best month 00 ROLLER SKAT i ME: Davids 2nd MIR Tiara d Cameron Oke and Walter Deven: | hf FR f Rani Lag ANAAa| But (he bankers should alsa con attendance this véar with ove: Abi ING MEETING 0 EAE LED RANA ish, were elected as delegates to WOIIA have 20 Years henee, sider whether theve is a market 2000 chilaren skating at the pd idl. March 16, will find) gp OF, EC CR Gd i [attend the pravineial convention] If you restrict the eredit you | for the goods the man intends arena the Oshiawy Roller Skating LB | ; " [10 he held (his summer in Ham: Will encourage large farms, fig praduce thraugh his project hud a Club holding a general member 4 [iltan they ean't get eredit they ave| "ha higgest prablem in Cans The arena manager also ve: ship meeting in the recreation had begun plans for the sum 4 | The branch alse decided to[#0INE to gel together and find it{ada today is who 18 going io parted that mast organieations roam starting at 8 pan, Tho pup: mer work around (he arena make a donation of $35 to the|Samewhere," he warned huy the produce," he reminded using the ice facilities at the pose of the meeting is to got all There was considerable wark to Waster Beal CAMPAIEN. Mr, MeLaughlin, who is also his listeners arena would be winding up their persons terested in roller skat- 40 befare the summer program \ Ralph Patviquin was initiated|d member of the Dairy Counell| It was his contention that in activities the end af March. ing to attend, elect their officers ould get valling, however, he as the newest member of the! Canada, was addvessing almany cases a loan could da a Phe Oshawi Minor Hockey As: oc the conning year and discuss @Xneets to have program under ; : hraneh [meeting sponsared by the de farmer a greater disservice than sociation, OYO and Separate plans far the way two weeks after the ice is : i a | PATtment of agriewliure to SWAY (4 service, "Ho a hankew must School Hockey League, Neigh The ®shawa Roller Skating '85en out, The hig job is ta gel A current conditions in agvienl: always consider seviausly whetl barhood Aswociation and Church Club met on Thursday evenings Ne arena cleaned up after the (ture, With pavtiewlar reference or ar nat a loan is a good thing Leagues would all finish their Jast year. and 1 apr BY winter program, which in S awa d 10 credit needs for the man wha is horrawing," Af, #0 ade AITange odes washing the arena floor, He said that lavge farmers to: Rut the lack of equity should playoffs hy the last week inments te have \ \ March \ his V have a professional caine the hoards, and gelling dav tended to talk in amounts oflnar he held against the young : hah an raving Mien the roller skates vepaired and Commended | mane the lenders wore nat farmer. wha has had little time SKATING CARNIVAL Wiready for use for the roller : | sod tn hearing when discussing (o build up life insurance and The Oshawa Skating Club wip N80 hori of skating, 14 is eX: skaving nragram : {farm business ather assets. There were many finish its weekly skating sessions 00104 that the same arrange It was reported that the Rach LARGER LOANS ather eritevia an which eredit on Sunday, March 26, with elun MeN will hald true for this ester New "York Memorial] J Y "But you must got used to the rating should he based, he hes competitions, The skating Club J¢47 And alt these plans will bel oor, og' community Centre {Wea heeause the farms are lieved will hold Ws Big event of the a cussed at the meeting next oc mod a maritime consul ROMP Constable Gerald Ogil:|#0ing ta get bigger and they The lavge farmer, he went an S63S0n on Saturday evening | ursday. President of the Rell: or Tope lo taiivant Was named vie, 21, son of Mr. and Mrs. A [are going to talk in bigger terms could not get eredit thraugh the March 18, when they hold their &F S8ating Club, Ran Bieree, in"ine' wake of the vecent eivie \ L, Ogilvie, 117 Cramwell Avenue, | of money," he declared Farm Credit Carpovation be annual skating earnival as issued an invitation ta all iuemail aver the operating des | : has received a letter of cam he hig farmer was "hungry cause it was assumed he had The arena manager voported tty Byrd , roliet fielt of the city awned building mendation fram his division or Ifannation oT Sapte i, SF To got ered that during February he had ai the ar oa i POHREINS deficit vans about $130,000 cammander ip Mg th py! Ane l they WiC W INTEREST tested same 40 Girl Guides and AS her yeu Fhe letter reads: "I am peas ey iy hy Tews Tha This hawever was not al Brownies for their skating HOLIDAY SKATING an yw od to commend you for your MONEY TG QIGT Ly BR gui MEET AT BOWMANVILLE i MN GSAROA would yield greater interest. wavs vue. And as a vesalt badges, and expects to test same Charman William Kurelo an u presence of mind, shown when| The anly reason we keep it inlwas often necessary for him ta 1-40 mare during March nounced that the arena would William Kurela, commission SRiering twa burning houses an agrioulture is because we lave pay § 8 av 10 per cent interest be apen for skating and pe SRRITMAN reminded the mem ¢ : {Lowery street, in QHawa on the 1." he explained charges ' SUMMER FROGRAM rentals dung the Haslet ali hers of the cammission that the a Sul [evening af Feb, 4 1881, and in" Mr MebLaughlin contended! "Yau might he surprised at News af summer activities in/days fram April § 10 8 He alse/"eX! meeting af the Ontarie : ; i. suecesstully binging several of 0 work. honesty and] he number of IAREe farmers iol the arena was mentioned in the stated that the arena would -he| MRA Assaciatian will be held . the ACCUPAIS ta Safety Iwillingness. were not enough tol making the interest being wade manager's repart. For the first] clased on Goad: Faiday March an Sunday, March 26 in Bow "This is the sont of ACUON| ake a FAT A SUOORSS ¥ Inv the smaller man." he added Hme In Oshawa the Eastern'dl and Baster Sunday \pril 2 | hanvill With the Bowmanville Which the RCMP has come to "Far this reason, the lender! But It was necessary far all Canadian Gladioll Show will be Phe reason for leaving the 106 nl Arena acting as host. He ex oxpect fram its members, and must think of the future of the farmers to start applying the held in the Arena an Aug. Blihe arena until Aoril 8 Nas 30 pressed a wish that each and i115 indeed gratifying to 10M aon -- whether the Man eon: same business principles that and 19, It was also repartod Wal inal the hil Wi ha Y i be every member af the Arena that you responded In 8 MANAGE cerned has the ability to make were applied in indusiey the Lions ane B'Nal BRI Live ant of o My ha 1 \ id 0 commission. attend this meet Which brings eredit hath 16 YOU™ it succeed and a son ta fill his! "If a machine is 16a costly ta Auction would also be an AFA might have one m iN ba hh MAYOR THOMAS PURCHASES EASTER SEALS self and 1a the farce [shoes he advised YORAIT, We must get vid of it and Hon at the arena in June ioe skatin - #1 Charman Kurela alsa wished The letter was signed hy ( 11 was easier nowadays for an/if sheep are not paving thelr Roller skating will play a bi Me Da commission member R, E. Wil Her Worship Mayer Chy annual campaign this week, | awa area. Ronnie is a pupil [No K. Kirk, assistant' commis: alder farmer to got credit than way, they must 80, toa" he PATE IN The ATORA'S SWIRMED Pion ie Tad Aer 4 Med hi ANY son a goad trip on hehalf of the al br. € F. Cannon Public [sioner Comma Wing 4, division. for a young man even though said gram. Manager Smith reported | Rr on h y re of A Vy Ng 100 members of the cammission purchasing the . i z LY. 'wha wilt ach Schoal and attends the Sunday Constable Ogilvie a farmer the young man might have plans' Myr. MoLaughlin recently was that, in addition to adult ska AFana a X hail Soman Mi Wilson left an March | With Basie Seals Whi ; the "Timnu™ for the dura, | Fhoo it Albert Steel United (student at King street Publie/ far development while the alder selected hy the save TAment. 1a Wg on Monday, Wednesday and! N A 4 ¢ possible. his Wifs ar a month's haliday \ rhe fo WIRY fo | 0 ¢ ¢ Chureh hk School and OC \i IS NAW GNTOUIe man Was Funning an antmoaded travel to Europe to study live \ N Manager Smith reported he in England { Club af Oshawa launched 11s | ton of the appeal in the Osh. -Qihawa Times Photo (10 a pew posting at Edmonton. |aperavion, stock marketing stasan tine thoMas had of Thomas 1s seen here with

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