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The Oshawa Times, 10 Mar 1961, p. 16

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$6 THE CoHAWA TIES, Frdey, Merde 18, 196) 7 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS itn om (| EAN BUJGINESS fotos i (waif [Agr eign y ¢ fed ry i od wh a wn fiman na CA o # " . pi $ 7 lah hy phnnid, Stina gisns SOE © FE BIRITIEN, ROBY BY PH TRE uP gt isin fateh, id dei ' THER: , p . 4 ed 4 4h RRR hE Sn all Toe 2 r by oy Cll 'T oA Fry Ag ep spd rz Eom or Fry : i me LE UNLISTED NUMBERS | ws : pl HEE - yom 190 - BATEY Rie IB KE ' pray go ann p oA "@ y lle tes Pe a ea HE REpas, WN TERE, brinn 25h Mat, ~ , { ¢ Bh 205 Coe 4 ¢ fim Te wer har sh" ve Fr papa Rai [ PIO Gy 1 Ween free / DR A 4 £ # Y APE wr ae ed "oe 5 "aie vr i reo TART I Ta gi-14p° ca gaat APH Ww FARATR ARE By at rie arises LANG 4 Vi A T E # IA L in od Biiipurd SEE AAR. vas JIANG GREATS, RAS yids 7d paras Ay. re Bor East. BA SHH FR (RAAER, Ed AENRRA [rer ea nda MEAT MARKET | 0, Hr, 50s on (rior, oe fr so igi Fo st Fe AIPA RRA AAR fray FA ecastegannustan SEE >< Ll 272 MBERT 57 IRGF RAE FHS 9 Kinse 16 schoms. a8 BA BARE REE FAO Jareiule SH A , po Oo £1 Ee A is had ' PS tend pst By HOME FREEZER. SIPRIES M & C DRY GOODS WE Ti i ae, fits Hay Wie, 59 meniiy, Th pan Guiavie In WH wv Aid AR SPECIALTY 74 Lok & 2 785 ry sharp piseet, hi WE LIYE FA # a7 74 Coins #1 kh 37027 wom HF ESE RE BE FE REIRER ed want, mwat Po id Wise Ioom fomw -- ww EA AA i iof o #' rh 7 HY SERITIRER, OEE SRERRER ' BERMIE'S ANNS FABRIC (iguana 5 Fi, LE Be oo £ ey » wt. BB weeny p pers pyien Ady ' < wie, Foy TWREE ' oe ve APPLIANCE SERVICE SHOP @ Gos oF Homers Hier OR a ely OR ahecs, HT EET 7 1 Feats a im Bal, wo es er # Reply id oR SINE WORTH (Reon) i113 BYROY 67, 6 14 # bits A wtaind gry » Kir yah Fore eed He "Wor y/ 2 Hor if Re #4 . : bE » abad 5 Ves y wi Ee YE asi d ve 4 wri By ier, We fret, WHITRY = WO b# ATV Hine AY id - rowE ig ot ii Xa # mood ' . p p VE + 10% sostment, les y, / 7 FRE, Brre oR WEAR SELF LRT MED Eg 7s a 3 esti a org & " 4 prow Ss Ww £2 i RAST Ht ot 18 A iad heh J nt i 5 Xa APARTMENT joe pes AA ce 73 37 Male Welp Womed 7 4 wh, BT 1 AIRS IF YOU ARE pr TRY Prey A he oi 58 WW ERR VERY CERITRAL ris wr tsbeaed Kl WD Lon os 1 # vi Bia lad 865 PER MOMTH ve "-- OPENING A NEW aim, sFullindt Sl ves, wrt tor; J ! i Vicspode WA Pol $ek PER MOM ws wi or HY Fre # FERDISHERN ths oe, SA sis ud 4:4 Ae, CA AL! Insement MAJOR OIL Co. BUSINESS WO (eke charge of Eime erp A PE erator. [hh ST § Bow [7% yo "Hw RAS v 5433 or RA 52267 pian hy Bo Vu Wi lloyd a service | GET YOUR SHARE Of ® | wa ET =m BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY {INLISIIA NEW BUSINESS INUSUAL (ff tet : Unlisted Numbers | OPPORTUNITY Fe a Accountonts (Building Trades (Fuel ond Wood (WotchRepoin Rute Service _ Large Canadian and Am 4 Pi Larking, B-RON ELASEVE 9 ALrowniing RIL ABTERING repitis and #vscs, DRE bardvesd ends fale for fur beet, #le #0 B2sAtliclos Womed | ;/icon Tertiliner company |VatieBicet apo 8 sobs = lei," Lonple, egmonrsg' Salt rs racmeisty SL, von Bvrtriaed a 0% WATCH REPAIRS [7 El id eh HARTER Py wy JIIHOrm, ik requires strict 71€6 snd hath 58 19 stores | Pas Lie MA tunes buliding repairs, J i RRM | /< 4 : ie a . : Wk 3 REIN od Torre (MA loves buldg receire. i wing | miuition. | J, Cornish Es reo, 1 [ £ " Ld 17--Wemen's Column 44 BIE E wake, slows, BA BOWE, Giidon May pment p ee 5 itt d Picker: oa Bhi : Name HI YATE tescher, phen covnsetier,| re £ fi BFENCER | # ' WANTED East Whit 2%, on Picker 4 ' fl cs | Lom ok mens, ORERFIS RA fis/B TVRLE A Bme FRRHIE wa F# Woe £R4E, BY HASFYIEV PRY 499 King or, West WA f4 » i Soireila r ng townships / HR yo WE, FREFERIOR FRE, FARE aed wow. RA 51904 Epsciolizing automate Lik WA Ha £F Ms i, ¥ ed - RAP IRON. POULTRY ' b p oF, BEVE ei e VALE FRIEDLANRER " DEER ud} Wirimbis fe Vres HAAN HAE MA on "ech welches, | ut iumaonisy | osm mon, vet (Eh HA ea i nn > 3 4 3 dow wh bok bis A oy '/ i' | ri ' halo said 18-~Loan Wanted | TURMER vith recent agriculiursl be 4 RE diander, B Come. CPA Hu Pat il oo [ter Baluray, Masonic Temple o " ren 7 R204" on ay entin f 90h in a He i 4 We hoo 3.2043 RA 3.3374 y WHEDON snd BUREOWE, (hestered WATER ited pasierig, ring, ARVEY » NOE ACAREMY =H, w rn | opr as fly Wi ERIE bimeie irest § Mor or hen nd haves y AWE WAVE chepts monies Svalmmiel on ALE 9 { t) y a y Hand ¥ wil : 74 hold fA pam / 119 4 " Tap Royl sodomy, gi Hier inne oh First ond nt , Cu G6t the / Ng ERMPany | iants | t. BAmand itiong, fo 41; RIGHT pow Is A hest time | Sekister hewn sia Kirg Vi Fs iid Juichase A Hy ei LL ants, a j a 19 : . A, wa N 4 J 88 " 19 Persone! SHAW a : a aT aon Hoot" AW ay F, DEWAR 3d Co, Acconmtante|?Vi) farm Foi A 4 i LEARN to dance, sven ntirsstion bn 0 ith 5 lo Wiss ie: J 4 AUTO WRECKING €0 vganize himself ond ge i" : (mid Rubin, Coder Gn i a Wisma Io soll Helly' Dist RA $308 Lhone WA BEE " SEGERS iL Gp | EERBY Aa ty ead heleoom ances For» 444 n (hs 4 : ts §6 "BONE ik f we 4 9 Bet your oiler 18 hem RUG AND UPHOLSTERY NERS Wants core for wicking. Ports gn Laps mings grand fias, his ke hall, : HT AT si ~|Gerdening ond Supplies i EY TO LOAN merdls, | ols. bought. Open | {ak 0 dwt" Kplyonrere ove TED VEENHOF [iawanue tres wri, ssseio 18" $2,000.00 10 $50,000,00 for CLEA ' { i hor i Alex | HY WOK, soturdoy ell dey. Fhe . oh " mmedii -- a -------- ANE nm mt A For lise estimpies Phone! immedigte lean en first end poring wh RA 65-2311 B9 BL OOR | f ys Harfim 26n, Sol Yr antiel, Tat he Teles for Rent WELL DIGGING BA --_ | Second Mortgeges, Agree: Professions! Cleoning of Rew friends. Wits f 4 bested, Gents 7% manthiy -- g ments for Sele, on vacant end Lower Prices, (Adal a tot . ? ; 4 py | Clean outs and deepening d | {1 CASH FOR SCRAP || nt 9) interview wi ag TY TTT IPR TT iv] TE| f vis SION SETS | COMPRESSOR WORK. DRIVEWAY improved JLner it lane RA 5 748 ! " IMIDIFIERS CTROL YSIS | WE BUY we hie 1 2) r boin| HUMIDIFIERS 4 urban and country, and Sume ELECTROLYSIS | sven, mers arvensis, | Sqpiofe- or Female Help lf obi hs THEY %| Oerimiohiees, RA 83864 | GRAVEL OY curios Lim CHROME CHAIRS & ! & minute : 0 £4 | . or § A 4 ¢ ' of wiperfiout har Ger Al Dg ory Wanted as A 5 fue inten) kat % h SOM AMES | OME IMPROVEMENT beam, Sond ond aN nuriion [Lm RECOVERED fis " be In | M EREENBERG & SONS [Tircnex snted * i? n len: Nght, hot water supplied, $70 Corner MEAG 4 SERVICE North, Oshawa, Phone RA FROM 3.75 Up March 14th and LTD Range Bolur ; nes, Wakes to he of Centre apd § KING STREET WEST JERY LRA 5- 5279 6: 3568, i he Hotel gekptinied. Fhone BA G0081 or Wilk vwn . ohm tment, Farpishen § RA 3-3425 Have your home remodelled . -- emer yo Warkmansh i; | RABS-7338 308 Bloor St, E, Fost Office Bax hi oiuEn shed private | RLEARs progeny and improvements dons for OSHAWA AUTO Thim or | ' perience 4 fu | LA LLP Lr n you b gay Fre h 0 ~| 38==Employment Wanted i 1 Write Box B41 wa Times, | ist be cl and must, Apply 1h SICKROOM EQUIPMENT plar PA Rot hh Ta HOME TLANA NG MONEY TC 10 i YP edd CHILDREN FOR I CENT graduste hatrdresser would | MALE oF female, to sell furs on com |aony BN hi nM #1 opted ped FOR RENT OR FOR SALE the finished Jeb, yey deal Re ono oe Wevhce sian onl: Wri fo ow oh, nhave MAREN, Ji ' . only with Beaver, Budget Pruning of fruit trees end LOAN RUGS & CHESTERFIELDS ADOPTION ane Aux WHitehall 2-356 f wiring y nn ple £0: | spital beds, wheel chairs, terms arranged. Call Beaver arnamentals, tres surgery and renrrre with ear or Livek, over #0 AT --Roem & Board ie Fon [11] Gi ssn Hirst need Jrents nthe city and pil of town t Whi fe Box No. 42, Oshawa ANE fe or gentlemen, will: TWH moms, cuphoards. hot and cold f delhi Times in I beds hoerd op: Waler, BW Hl for ladies 0 Bebe IY MAIR | young ian. say Irie pared Hoot: Toundry oid TY, ceptinl RA nen lash b HOFRIE FERRE: HA Rentals RA 51644 estate Including vacant lands J ( : HM & bh Lu irenfell B t BA BA640 £ id Renie X 16 ? -- Ea /] i fopt them, poeple | BEETS Aldi Tn prehitecturt) Behn: os oes! brush. WA" 148 Phone Aid Ren A NIGE GARDEN WALL? shart term mortgage for Institut of Rup Cleaning nes tand hat they ling Way I fie Steady employment. diz ROOM and aid for one sinege gE, MA BLN A Apartments, 21 Bim eos Ante Lod, REPAIRS OR REMODELLING EXPERT PRUNING builders; first and second NUWAY RA B-468) LA 34976 In private he section, close to Bireet Boulh, Three Foams rd ib /{ fi potion, Eins ' | ped d ud, ele phon h ereigeratr. and stove. $80 FORK] RR -- LARGE OR SMALL SERVICE arnt d MARCIA, |EXPERIENCER Dutch iady desires ib FEIERhOR A B40 Ah " HY 5 gestern Tis JRFAN » margeges an IE ) Dutch 1ady 2 a vein i RA 34162 [KENT ® Western Tire, gusraniesd ss CALL AJAX for sale purchased, Apply Tv « Radio Repoin i 5 child [office cleaning at night, Box Bid Osh Room # A 5 hia lomelive parts snd Beressuries 1 Shapin Thinni of Fruit swe Times MAR, porkin age, Plent APARTMENTS on [King Breet West, Oshaws, BA 6160786 ' Ping, ng M. Swartz, 2614 King Street TT ef in 7 situ: (REKARLE Wag Fi Tih ie water, home A faekla Apply 1404 ane fivecsoom on ground faer, Teh |hte, Service Nave to Serve pou" THAT'S At vy Samant Ye font Shaws, Belen ie 0 NL 0 a ded : dual attention; her sis p and Board fa Fniiene s an belle a dens 3469 iy ual attention; her sis working mother Phone 8-875 (BOOM snd h wd for twp gentlemen, A aw iment wir on [Barristers 110 KING STREET EAST, MA 3.5757 . BOWMANVYILE hluek hus er HEATHES gn, 15 Mr | WILE give Javing care ta haby OF | ay k 90 Blo el ¥ tained, rivals Teirige 08 3 ng and sure of hers [small child n my home. For further Ka' gies AW Moor fires Eas and stove in Kitchen. suitanle for, od J [RALEH JONES, BA, and THOMAS WH, OSHAWA (3 miles East on No, 2) [J fom mai DO IT Now idl IGREER, Assoginte Barristers and Ball: IN wear |Infarmation telephons IA. 3-0664 FRENCH = Erailon sessing seniia, | Pie. 30 Gladstone" Avenue after 8pm, | (HED LK King Sires East RA B62 AJAX REPAIR AND RIORAN BLAOK, Doctor of own hal |WOMAN, middle - aged, wishes full OF ian "frat class foad, lunches pack. | TW + Foam apartment, heated, new: Mortgage loans hyailahie CONSTRUCTION LTD, Insurance 2 Facil 1A Je Rikation 0) aves nstall heavy AX Spalding t-tme Fastin Ahi family, Refer) oq N 2 Iy semodellea " F hath, semi Their |F# fd, five dave or Will week, Parking [71 . oh ower In 3 son ences. HA 3.5600 nekie AVEni o |REIVE ny \ king, Mi HOMAS M. BUNBLE, barrister, sal: | sommes we ALLATATE Ante Insurance, Save bare Evenings by ollucainn bh n 0 708 Carnesle Avenue. RA B-4bdi private eRiFAn Parkin i: | THOMA RUNBLE: ba Vir fi crete hase, i Ae refer werk | behing but J I elepred, Telephone [cit and potas ublie, 264 Kingl@ to %0 per cent, six months to pay, Fal WILE do Ironing In own home OF Yours: | gon d bos or Iv Is c= (dle-agen eoup 6 prefers phane (ellor and petary pub artage here are Indications that It | Telephone KA 6.7686 unt § p.m Bonin General Matary. Jurcudi Te Hees | EA 54350 Bleeet Gast, Phone BA 81763 L] persansl srvies of your home, eM onteed Monies Jor ol oes of mort: : A HOUSE IN THE COUNTRY? gages for first and secon Heme or v, Plane canes, also rell-away beds A BOA THOUSE? RA 8-6366 martgages on all types of real Members of the National Professional Cleaning, Immede crutches and ) vied, Reps d invalid walkers, bedsides, Lumber, MO 8.5618, i removal, Expert werk guers | | Is a lot : no |ebiidren apd do light housework foi 5.9006 or 168 My "Road YOUNG man, 16, needs employment ; 5 Ly CWEIL On metres 90 aca antenna, plus uld improve were they te are 1 shildr 7 in ple hot wal Larkin, central (NEW. modern, one, two-bedroom [JAMES A. MacDONALD, BA, Ww Ro JOUN'S Moving And Slorsee, shaw, [HA Bulte § he B nda "ali Ih asl ehannel 9 trap, y NAY care #iven to children, Phone f Ii [ ¥ Whithy, Repsonable rates, Fully HV 6 ot, know the security of a |B #4876 Write Box 16 awa Times | Rastments in Rew Apactim ent Jad Harsister and Solicitor and Notary Ki euinpea and Inmired, Fhane RA EAT Meney te Loon West, Withy, M 0 "ed | ON TIME IF YOU PREFER, permanent home, Thelr |WOUSEWORE Wanted, ill BF an A eR ye am, Aastatuliy decorated, | colored | West, Gahanna. Ontaria. CNeRt PRFKInG BOOTIAN Cartaus, for, ast pend rem | 1, GUOK, BO, sutamet [ " jreatest need is for parents fone, food | Fhane Tia 8-5926 ur |A2==8tore Space and an velriknbatin, stove washer, SFY: Invatbnle ud: Oh (abin vervice: HA" aa0te, "MS Jee fon | FIFE wills rote if fu AY Heh a0 dun HE EXPERT TELEVISION SERVICE, : A #F HAY aarkin i 4 Wi Fl wha wauld just love and ens : Garages |irctute A * MUA vo 0 Wb png T 7 NUREHY, BA EER | EOF los yen gervice, bealanrd Finances, sil Hlmoss Amined 80 home, DIN BA Le d / joy them as they are, If you PRIVATE office avallabla and ade Rarvister and Bolieitar, a RTA Btres Best South, n an ou 8 re Protestant od wuld Bo hres years whose Min Mix ante ER bon: din TLL la | HY RB: voamed heated Apartment far | East, Oshawa, Ontaria. RA 83671, | Dresmaking Paintin 0 d Besetaling nero finding out | Iasbaee WA ered, SI A lon Wh Var ALE HAT CHNIEATON, FRAME PRY sR Mortgages wr maaan CTY TV. " 4 ~ {downtown hulle far sultable tenan a ¥ allele ang ehHATEN'S phthes -- Err ther rrp "f LJ fdvies on haw more ahout Marcia and Call RA Boni lars, tary Publle, Bank of Commeres hd sanahle rates. Telephone RA § FIRST and second me __-- ¥ f Meh and decoraie your hams, Heather with a view to their |36==Fomale Welp Wanted | 0 ot ive sa ic | FVE TTo0 WHAT WIEN WH, TRAIN: hlmeie Rivest Norih, RA 3444) 1 ok! EADIER Hav your Mls aed. Sete fmana, "Sho figs Bro Rorvice is fron. Rephevent wel navi FREE SURVEY wdoption, write RELIABLE housekeeper, Vive In, pel. | Apply 387 uw Breet Bouth or tele t9r a1 heat, peliable adults, stave, re (Creighton, BC; N. C. Fraser, QU; a. K match wear anit tor Easier | Whitby Professional Bul LY] furniture stare where services [4 THE MINISTER 'OF vale Foamy flvelay week, fa hel card [phone RA 5443 |Feirtkerator apuionel, elated In perth Dynan 6. lo uidoch. lA mart inaned_ and blocked, Moderate pi Li Lit . Hy hn A bine EV or evening RA 5.7844 ' » d far hame and small family while math AVAILABLE a Ae: 3 : . BARES HFFA Fhane RA § y § Mune 4 _- EN -- UBLIC WELF Boi Wl In office sulle, modern me ART NAR an 8 er [FUREY and second martes I EL - an - Je HBLIC WELFARE fer HA bi dawniawn hui lo tenant, |[TWE, HIOR, BpAAARL Rie ShiDONALE BLARE LONE Rercisier ho Mr Be fT KIRA Tor TAT Agreemeniy purchased and bol Hen PAINTING c= A Wark UATRRles GET T PARLI ENT BUILDINGS i ! y NGS, PARYSITYS * pnt + Hime, afternoons vate o adequate space In (EE Medians Vokon 8.8089 far Telephone: Hi ewe RA 3.2301, Resi: | women and ehi fresats: nlek and Hennlek, "aisiierh % AE best ih ehine. a Hi FLLITLT I") TORONTO for five fs skly, Telophane KA ral of rea for stenagrapher. | (IRE, FEIEHROAS Aenea a7 Reverainle skirts hi yr (iit Brest Bast, RA 3 vhion hisghons R 4 PICTURE NOW ue-- - ms | 4817 #46 s pin Call KA B-6081 1 . Wh y NIN NRESSMARING id alterations on [OLIENTE' mensy x i on 1iFst mort: 25---Pets and Livestagk [ATTENTION housewives full "oF park (STORE or ffi for rent, #70. 18 i TE in vain, Shaft: MING 1S Sty Bgl ehfldren's and nals we) FeRsORARIS | gain. Mortgage And ARPeRTOR of 8Al8 AN Van A --- no Lie § CHANNELMASTER hased,® NHA ih NTENNA ottached to . ne: 10 PT tain. (Prince Street, west side Rear f \ | h CARRATOR Tieltiever for wale) Hg allie dad sth bi TA ER A o, "Terenhone "HA | cluded. Avallatie inimediately, Tele: late, Mice V. Mackey, "RA, Hoary (BRo6 RA § ph Poy Ia Fi i We Ll ehnan NATENDA, TOWER en doch, Era gion on | ou'll have the best A 3 RELIABLE waman, approximately 48 ) Y : 3 NGAN, G0, Barrister, |¥ of Elmgrove and Fark Road 0000 AVATLARLE for & seen L) I" FUATARiee | Bi y ' any ase a, fierman shepherd ph ih {ar hausskeeping in matheriese OFFICE SPACE ADELAIDE TERRACE Wt RL AL IL gi ALTERATIONS of 3 ide 1 i "Via fst, i, a, i monthly, FI Ty A TT a rr hott | A GET THAT CLEAR ¥ HA Ba7a3 ¥ VeRIanERs MAR, ik ehilaren and will New madern 2 » bedroom Ring Brest Last, Mid RA 80033 wamen and eh hiidten. pecially, RA i . PICTURE NOW! I why bhudgles y fap ling to lve In, Write Box 411, Oshawa artments, 329 Adela ealdence, HA 4-40 eversinle skirt Use a new aluminized piet I AAT LR FOR RENT vas ria Ty [BOWMAN RAVI Eo ATHiLer, Rallck DWE RRMA ING Thien anda OR EF DODD & SOUTER tube installed by expat wv Wand, 114 EWN sovee Ean WATVWERN = sipuriaced, Wa on or, drapes includes hot [ienss ha kasper MA FA. otk deen weal fig PAINTING & DECORATING | technicians, and. vou'l have } i or Bast Beiwee autle Apes, 4 ) # J phe NY . - Wn iy HA PHY To Meth igi i} aah are ¥ iar Fant Wilwenn Fassenger elevator service water, parking space, and | MeIRBON and RARTERD, Rartisiers, MONEY AVAILABLE CONT TORS the finest, Modest Pricoges tars. AH 08 Tarther pattie -- " New building. Centrally las laundry facilities. Apply Apt, Ruisliory Oli a Hig ait ol FURRIER PAYMENTS TO SUIT Re ining Nsntanging, call us for servicer ET ----------------.--=--=-- f - 3 1 rst marigages, 8 1 2%6--F Cel S Cl k d in downtewn area | 2 CRA S866 Charles © A Gihhan, and DRESSMAKER YOUR BUDGET FAA Paintin T.R.1.0. TELEVISION --=Farmer's Column eno: el Maderate rent. Leases naw Edar F Rusteda, QO ALLIED INVESTMENTS 2% YRO HS 5. WHITBY 171 BOND STREET EAST COMPANY 82 BURT available MO JOHN A. CAMERON, Aa HORE | New, Alterations, Remedeling OAV, MO 8.523) ii ONE MONTH Heme W PRICES NIGHTS RA 8.7426 RA 8.478 An opening exists In our tor and notary unis bod hin LO | . i NE fast RA 49268 NHA vale §1 KING ST, RA 3.3993 : he a nierhntianal purchasing department for a THE TIMES FREE RENT MOENRRS io By bl - Member Ontarie Mortgage or. &4411 competent young weman Madern ane = and twa «= beds [HUMPHREYS, Bayom® KN TAR, 22 ROWE ST, Brokers Assoslation | Service HE SAMSON 5 x . BUILDING Rarvisters, A RA 8.6706 T-- ---------- Te-- -- ar vale. 36 a load deliver | Must be an accurate typist roam apartments, $85 and [AARAER, (HENGE I BA, WA PERL Have your Wale mide to Fane RA YAID fe nirtonlans | Lo chorthand, end werk up. - Best location, Phone ima, LLA: 3618 King Street East MORTGAGE a oh your aut for, Sauter: arate EAU guarter heed mare 4 " p Phones: Offfes, BA S177 Res. RA aaned and blacked 44 broke western, alsa] quickly with figures, Fer Contact T, L. WILSON RA 8. 8676 Eanes Gis, Si SAL t% as (Food Freezer Services MONEY AVAILABLE Phan A 09 Ys i wenern waldion, Bee Coociment none Phone RA 3.3474 _ [Maney fa loan phigh TT r ul 3 ot PAYMENTS TO SUIT FER ne Ni A fo RA 8.8180 GREER And Kelly, Bardisiers, Solel: ty T Westinghouse. F she LANGE Santis of Bay and WEaW BOWMANVILLE : tars, ele, TW Almeds Biresl Sanh i AF fonds RrACUTARIS: v YOUR BUDGET A OSHAWA TV Bi Vig sig ow i SG OFFICE or S TORE TWO BEDROOM Dial RA 5.3078. Real te ILE] ah 1) plane RA 56047 Wiagk, 9016 King Breet Eint RA (MINOR a on in Be a Fm Rertner partioutare Then HA SHE for sential ithahe RA 30714 LL ' me [5.4607 Wsidonce, Dial RA 3-4030 [ARiEs' weir. 409 Albers Stress 3% rk WA, Bo ar Think ab it tair wes wl ALLIED INVESTMENTS ai. COine Ht MArket 3-3311 FOR RENT APARTMENTS shen. Wells, 0, We A te va Vor Shia ianiie SRhY 'a pod | ar COMPANY BARB. OUD CHICKEN 361 GIBBONS ST. BOWMAN, David ©, Barrister, antes batler planned meal Excellent location, New builds [far, 3 Himese Sonik, RA S90 OAR Yen Ave hoi PAYING, 'ris ont @ §) KING ST, RA 3.3993 Chigken plate, half chicken 3 LJ WATER 37--Male Help Wanted $70 ing, with or without lease, [d00es RA RE HAL IA al od sally i Mal Member Ontario Mortgage with french fries, fish end Ry) AUENING for saveral Betive and alert 3 T, RALMERS WA Barrister, saiiel: [ME 29, KOHEARTL 4 As } i pav A Rios kamb het dogs DAY AND NIGHT ater for eisterns [salesman for Rea Estate office, oar 12 PRINCE ST. W io LLOYD REALTY hed Ra LR HRA Neh. | yment No IRA ou food Brokers Association bad by wks HigY " TV SERVICE delivered any. |essential, Apply Schatemann, MO heb 8 Hé ¥ | ta will glad Plain oud Ww far 1,000 gals, [440 A near King, next bus station RA 8-5123 PEER oer Ra RA) w= MORTGAGES = MODERN GRILL PLUS SUNDAYS n request far [WUSKY WEN wohoal grad, with knawi:| Telephone RA 8.8175 Bookkeeping gualnmery Verity aur" siatement, Thee Arranged, Bought, Sold WE DELIVER = RA §.3887 Complete Tube Test edee of Ring, 16-20 Years, to traln as |= mre are many substitutes By SAR he ------r RE RA 8.477) [ae LIANE) OFFICE OR STORE | One and Two Bedroom || SCHAPELHOUMAN [Hi uit PL "RAS bi MET SHIRT LAUNDERERS i 0 Peng iM --~ | Agiian Vv 0 WAR ta al as SPACE FOR RENT APARTMENTS CELE BOOKERING STOP B 0 U a" A 4 0 D ZIPPERS REPLACED : u . sales SERIA amie W INCOME Shorten or lengthen garments, DON'T Ita ame WRAL hg bt i Heh ji Approximately 12' by 334 or LA SALLE COURT RETURNS HOMARKET Food ond " Limited Realter auth hy preken neve. Avice hin, You YOu IA Bi Ta but bot nebescary Wok larger if preferred, ¢ 08 ; ; Freezer Company new in ember Ontarle Mortgage omplete stock of buttons, Reta, "feces, Weg) 1990 1 8 pig PHONE RA 5.3815 686 OSLER STREET Whitby Offers the fins tood Broken Aiociation GILLARDS T.V, and 4 RADI ADIO i -- " A o A . \ - service In Ontario name . - T SERVIC 5 23 CELINA ST, orRAB-6485 | RA 3.9953 Er amctrns eake ony [Surveyom CLEAN EAN UT | CALL RA 8-5286 ----------| ildi oasts 10 delight the eye, At [RONEVAN ANT FLEORMAN, OF I Wark Guaranteed, n : 43--~Wanted To Rent 2.Bedr Building Trades an ines Hind Quarters cut 11003 Kabd Surveyor a w Plumbi i 3 \ 9. 0 aw prices, Hind quarters cu umbin atin OSHAWA REPRESENTATIVE ANTE wooer™S Modern Bedroom [BATHROOMS tiled, pabinels bail, all and wiapped 585¢ 1b. fronts FrAlAg 10 Moar SIN Ta W) ny Mung 0 nee Taw IY) ELECTRONICS fa Ra EF atta ons. No doh ton small shave 8 Whithy, fe nant thane NAS 10h 196 42¢ Ib tiave specially des h It 5 So Easy A leading manufacturer in hy YOuRE family Amer, oaths APARTMENT Telai ane RA 111M signed Wane, Ver Ain hi . ) i FON FEY FL Seyi No x: [ns eure, Roe Sad bi] hy the Fluid Power field requires [awa Times | YOUR local ehimney cleaner. Chim anes aria J t) a RR hry Ry | ; Pl ~@ A ¢ A ------.----------. --------a neva Bull and repaired, sas LIRInES ia freezers from 294.00 Na {neeri t1) phason iy Infor W aatimaies 0 rlace @ representative for this din | QE REUEEERE RE . dalled, fartces Vaswumed Five esti] depasit, Lifetime warranty, A [Nat at BA NI oi Bag MARE T o | tove, fridge, wash and drys [mates RA S60 family of four can live well L) a 0 Lo Foley USE HE tried, Previous sales expers A v | lence a t, Applican SIX oom house, clase to bus all yon] ing facilities, Available [CERAMIC wal Vie Tai ARAN Saas To , FLIM AND TRO WANT AD ad be mili rueantt Iveniences avaiiane. now. Telsphonel da 1 Abi body Na Arb Pros Halil "and awn a freeaer for $16.00 100, "Ghvatore, LA on hehe ! show familiar with JRA S488 oc a M3 Grabwim Ave mates. RA a0 per weak, For information, Sash hone RA' 8 BEATTY APPLIANCES Bk Methods and Taaling and will 1a | PHONE RA 8.6286 ALL planing and heating supplies] CoN HOMARKET, 1074 Cab Bam, equipment, pumps, OSHAWA TIMES Phone supply their own transporte: [FIVE Bn IIACWIAL BEEK BARES [Fine RA Pha Hamid KR avate| bone West, Whithy, MO Nuning Services ESSO Nom. Remuneration 1s salary [19% ail healed, aves tot: 448 AmORh ABIRg, healing and engineer] B-4430 INHIVIRVATYSED a By ) nn 5 and commission. This is an be Slimene Street South 3 each POrsOn In & ' oil burners, hot water and RA a 3492 established position with a THRE hedrham Ronse for Tent S. D. HYMAN [x ROGFING vepaies of all was owl Richard Mavock RA 3.7448 I hit Wvited, RA! forced air fumaces. bathroom CLASSIFIED d MA or electrically equipped ¢ | roofing applied Al work guaranteed le better-than-average income [oS Ap wriment. Telephone RA 538 | [Fi estimates. RA 3813 | Household Repair PEOPLE Wha Rood TOUT S0rvices ame txt Lv Ny ve, R [wavs Fa args Rigger REAL ESTATE FOR FRIENDLY W : i 1 b Ache \ \ WY PIECES of hardwood firewood, ALUFURNITURE \ouch-up topgits or 1 [reading Sadie BW aaw. A) bv ; . SERVICE BOX 4) Topliy X ' Rathroam, sereal, Gl healed roasanable prices | For IMTIRGE RICE: |ARANAL. FREROR Aaitnnn Teishhane Nh | FoAdr made |B nner "at 8 PLUMBING AND HEATING | OLUM OX 418 OSHAWA TIMES (Telephone WH 353% 39 Prince Street Hon, call RA :8303 IRA S40 1H way ™ Ro J | ORONO 1782 Day or Night Ma will Fur Farm Ry Lig, 118 Throw Away Or Store Any | TECHNICAL SALES Useful Articles

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