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The Oshawa Times, 10 Mar 1961, p. 18

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THE OSHAWA Times, Vridey, Merch 19, 198) BIRTHS - Today's Stock Market Listings on Toronto Exchange yoy A» FIREBE 0 Be az, shppings MH Be sn Ws Low pm bP po Boy's Bove Family Fire Records 308 1g mad you : friends POR sHgliors (8 IBsee jas way! pases. To Wace woth ppposncement | 0 Fre Devswp Times Flores wane BA 33401 "" Protection' Trade Brings Reprisals TROINEG MCR) Prarie: prowiamms Hh he Canalion econ iat Linde policies on the part ofS it oe oud A Sone ade 3 ~ op LARGRR BIR BRON. LEriEw 9 oven ERVERIRIM ERE MPR CREE [EALREON (TOW FRET. auement and labor. Wesns mst comneries, Linmel 4 found to rates the WW president of the Canadian 4 ud uh ie Wg porters end Traders pris RAE Rh 19 Wowele Ne iow, seid Thorssey wt he 26 cost by reseing the price of the LBTROR + RN IRATE COMPEERG WRPriah prvicies" Fpstification for inerepsel Mr. Bosensuet, Mgestor and Ware and other protection. Wi gars sles manager of Pie Bosenquet 56d, is olen Wises ih 5 144. Toromts, po on the statement that 1 6 I sod Tht whwie the Rew made: posse 1H cope WER Ros naneda Ie ne Ee Rot rom low Wage Cowmirias wre wn The facts 49 Bot support this Rey propose (9 give the mie LARmEnt; OWE IRAE DRlGnCes IF BF RANE FRVERNE POWEr {with the 59 - called low BER 1 IRRUE RIWIIREY RECIGIONS BE CONRITIes RIE WB er favor 19 whether mr Rok #5 RIticle i man rbverse haence of trade HA # lass or End made wm Cane ; Unites #ha Mi. K. Gets Note From Kennedy MOSCOW (AR) 8, Abas TRENDTH 11 AW Br Toe £ppodiow Frees Tomi Bes Fashapgs --Waih 4 | IPiAGRE BERS liars marsad § 7 Ama or A Fae Ranh. aj Fu pr ofl BET RAS INDUSTRIALS " by anmaner tee Were ofl Boies Wigh Low p.m £0 gr Wiese Asagiies. Lawrie Wane, si Wed ed JG ry MPs Ws % seskeg, Waren B, 196i. si the Rewanz y a by By A Generid Bost sl. Wid Er anlas rents 4 ws Ps Bs gre My. anid Men Bovien Be na Me. snd Men. BF Ba Hoge low pm Ep gr aad hor bo pi Py We Wy » r oy » w # - wa ater Ine svi ¥ Herd id Bee WF prise for be td 4 ~ > w "a ShebS 3 fim wn He § per TITEL FolREEE le gPadbprdange ia » Fhalpdgielvtisdy * i . » 3 3.30 EER S) = 3 3 ide dutend ded Bud ana Tepe wih to FRnaneE (he Won of lies wan. Wark Eamernm. on Toesday, Masrn # Be FAvigws Generdl Wow esther fox Michael. Mapu 18 Pr. Bos » ¥ A > . Setlalinpsatabinnasine ERENT 3 NMR -- gon snd £ aime Aon | oer WaclBiiy) sir Rages 16 anaGgce 158 Wath of # son. dol Liggh. 7 We. bw oe Furia i, Marek 7 # thet Osha Gener Boswitsl| specs faanis ta Br. Rows FALE), ~ My IBnovser Re TR of heir Raughie Fain Edelie, on Tueshoy, March 7 15% # Be Dneng General Hospi sl. A » ies in Briss and Panes DEATHS PAL WALE w Va FY reed ETiReaT INE ~ th TN TOR RS #ak Hiv. Kenpes VP 4 - 3 SRN SEE This Resociption swggess hat Quotas on Japanese Ww Ports Will Bot COFFEES ONE OYEE #H deficit and thet erbitrery Ftn he Shes 1 CHRREINE es BR sador Lewellyn Thompson gave portation (rom the Upited King Soviet Premier Khrushchey # Bom and Enrope will not make poe from President Kennedy Ww ensier for we 19 sell them Fhursday in the Sherien ety of more. , , Novosibirsk "We hethieve the fwnbememtsl Tass the Soviet news ageney, 50---Articles For Sole reporied thet the towing pre: mier had received Thom FERNITERE French - Pipes KREAEIIIR BRA ORE FRE, IEDs, who flew from Moscow to Bove: siirsk Wednesday to deliver bets practically pew. Teephore RA the communication be had from Washingion,. BF. GORI Fer = en, he brown on Washing tepins, Belyinplor retrigerplors we. In» diplomatic gesture with vison Thiky Budgei Vien. BA $454 Fret eT IRE EE he SE PACE FETTEEY » Lottie Emersid Fa | teed pin rest suddenly #t Westmon | ser Miltary Hospital, Landon, wt on Wednesday Woreh # 8, Collin) Fmernid lmimage, bey ie Bshans 14) Fuphemin Mackey of Pickering. Op ear father of Wiliam © Wikthy; ving grandisther of Brenda, Baren Josnhe #8 June: Aesr Biother / Balhieen (Mss Sie eiens (Mis. Wel image is me i Funeral Home, 8 Bingstin Bod West Pickering. Foner! Ehapel on Satuids pm. Commitial services SPIE Interment pt fl Cemetery. ptarin Todge N Pickering. wil hold 3 men yieg ab the Funeral Home » Friday evening EN = aS ® WIRES IXY SE Tw FTV Frise Br Camp Cnib Camp BL, Bailey § 4 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING " " a (Continued from Page 17 _WOFPRON udaERI 5 Oshawa March 0, 1861, I beloved bushard of % ahd dear Halph ° wn bis Funeral service in the Ortonbaker Fun widl Home, Suton, Queher, on March 13, 2 pm. Interment Butlon [emelery Further partiesizes call Melplosh Anderson Funersl Home ; AT =--Automsbiles For Sele W OLRSHOBILE sper BM hardtop, automalls ped, he AWRe: BA B98 M EREY., twp fons best plier pve / Phone RA 54506 rymha peas CASH for best ORE wiiered, no Aeplers EReticpily Rew, Kalen elephone RA 3-305 wr Ir sie RALRHERL Shape EPL Lm Will pecept cash piece bedroom suite, in good Apply 25 But Hurry! Telephone 1953 Ford Va ten pick up | 1958 Farge V2 ton pick up 1958 Bedford van Valued at $1,780.00 Steck in trade used furngece end material velued at $700.00 Office equipment valued of Teels and equipment valued af FROM Te SIDE Pork Rd, W, NAME OF STREET [re Adelgide Ave, 'W, We' Ww, aot 13 a ad he o ressubdivision of bot 6 Plan 76, Moves No, 342 Mary §, Barrie Avs, Court b+, Trambloy 8+, §, Limit Lot pi Plan 502 507 8, of 5, Limit Lot 26, Plan 4B, Mouse Me, 445 Athol 5 Eosthaven St, Eastmount §1, 42,7" 6 of N, Limit Lot 8, Plan 535 (Ukrainien Dhipre Hall) 5: Limit Lot 30, Plan 492, House Ne, 355 § him id 29, Plan 492 " HT) i i» he Ave, Miller Ave, E, Limit Lot 7, Plan M:H E Limit Lot §, Plan M8 Beaufert Ave, being Marth $200,600 machinery South Eon North South West tL Simeos B10, MN, Banting Ave, W, Limit Let 29, Plan 149 (City Service Gil Co, bd) Lokefisid §¢, MN, Limit Lot 28, Plan 502, Howse No, 394 Mil Br, King 5, E Eastmount §t, Easthaven St, Bloor §¢, Adelaide Avs, Albert §¢ Borris Ave, $700.00 Beaupre Central ron Bid, § Contre § Charles 81, Colborne St, F, Easthourns Avs, Edith Elisabath 5 East West North South Eau Annapolis Avs, Fant Elisabeth § West East East North South East MN, Limit Lot 23, Plan 492, House Ne, 390 Lakeview Avs, Madison Avs, Harmony Rd, §, Harmeny Rd, §, POWLENCHUR ~ In loving memary of our dear father who passed awa) March 10, nine years ago todas You're not forgotten, Nor ever shall you he As long as life and memory last We shall remember thee Ever remembered hy Asughiers Helen, Dorothy, maw Walter, 'Remi and grandehildren Evangeline Br Fernhill Bivd, Florell Br, Flarsll By, Harmany Rd, N, King &, father dear light Tele: | wife Mary, Sophie, sons | Joseph and grey Lot 15, Sheet 3B(4), Plan Hey (Keewstin &) Grandview 51.5, Lakefield 51, Lakeview Ave, Lavrention Avs, Lakefield St, k ) G Avs, i i , Le w Avs, pikeaids ) A Athel 8, E Manteith Ave Evangeline Br, M 8, Jagkson Ave, ni sig RB 0.35 8, of § Limit Lor 845, Plan 178 (Marland Ave) Admiral Rd, Central Park Bivd, § 50--Articles tor Sele 50--Articles For Sole 50---Articles For Sole hy pu - yy ie mpson to Jom FILIRAop baby carriage, pearl ise BEAVE futy Mofist wove for sale, ip $0 worth of free iis with FIR Jackel, muskist (hacks), wre of wridies ve washers, 1 [fia ads VOR y 8 Ti B Whe, BRRFlY BEV, EAR be With Zool condition. Telephone BA SVN 358 of» sRederfieid, hed Mad pew. Telephone RBA BING io 19 88 Enaippiesh rRenbhlinies wash . LADY'S £ . =i 4 A Guaiified diplomatic source BE EAM, MANE PVRIRD 4 § don Fe A ' FLECFROROWE BOA Vietor, Mmirsh. like pew Reersone EA Roost for 4 Ladi Z. Dot mi A Vwi Po 52 py top, £0 $728) LL) | mao reporied Tharsdey The Fest In TY, WiFi sd service. (ormation 1B Blt Reg il 4 --h ego PO JV Want Wek "warily "service night the message called for a ot j > 4 whew pn sravment. Try 48 Automobiles Wanted Television, 918 Simcoe Street Nests, COAT, threes prter, . 7 Chesvolet or Fontiae "OF TY 98 Hiopisy sie 1845, price $5; wool Boucle £08, oil" ier of Blingeriand roms TENDER MACTHRES, ORE VEN BIRTIRILE sims and intentions in 1aes ner eal pew, Telephone RA B69I2 Ion - iipance Fog pew Finley Bos ridges, wiilom Al table, BUN CASH for best rar mitered. B50 fron $124.50, he Rew Coleman rom ie KENMORE 4) gos stave Lealed tenders will be phone RA 5-46 OB EOleman Wldshr Camping eR FRITRE AYER BRA BIW received by the under- TRICK, Margaret Elen AL Mam . d ' 4 4 a b fe 4 Friday, March 10, 1061, Margsrel E Bali To Ra Il, | Venllers. Biilier Westing, WH 23481, | Condition, Apply $F 'Fhickson BORA FREEZER chert, in pew condition, Gil] S19NEG ON OF beltore Armour, beloved wite of the late Bam: 1953 FONTIAL, Al condition. asking meter Dase, RA 5-255% . ¢ Fe pin oe phon > A 4 el B, Trick and loving mother of Am: 5275 or take tradesn. 752 bielenr, asking LAKESHORE Aun Witcheis waht ielephone BA $4576 52 Leg f fer 3 13} onehle Te phone BA 52457 | 13th for the pulling $ ONE coffee table, too sep tables, Hint ABUARIEM, 12 gpllon mize, for sale A the Tate Ms, H. Morison (Norine) snd pi A oh 1 peeess down of the Holgate sister of Mrs. Vinson, in Ber With REPOSSESSION. 1956 Plymouth seden fdiiadl var presale AA THE BANKRUPTC Y RATES AT Telephone HA BUH 10F more Funeral Home, Funersl srronsements Vinee: MO 8.5071 week dees 98 49--Automobile Repairs 4 north east corner of ARE " > . 2 > y ition, price reason ale Ve a dia { Friends sre kindly requested pot tol CLEARING, '3 Chev. Bel Aki '56 Pob-\BORY work, painting, mechanics! adding my with subtractor, bins! "pK \ pha Queen and Division ell ai the Funeral Home unt) Satur. ae 4-A00r § FOR SALE BY TENDER 7992 ™ y "Sl Meteor Nipgars prices, easy lerms. Free estimates | with adding » » $55. 196 Simese FPEIVATELY owned Aiping room suite | n us ness Dodge Regent; 58 Metropolitan Bard: Marijen's Garage, 20 Cordova Bosd South, BA B-1 QUILTY hed snd spr AEs, Liegdle sewing ma Bowmanville, For furs LOCKE'S FLORIST : 4 Poniiae mest and put EERAEE, #l5 bie $5 turpitire, Cheap, Phone MA 32811 Funeral arrangements and |1#f Nor \ NAGY" ust like pew. Apply 168 prloiriry reel HOUSEROLD furniture ac y p aV'S fact Jack |, Keid, cler Pin BODY SHOP ol 4. Bugs Britannica: Bendix automatic treasurer, Bowmanville, as ¥ CHEVROLET twodonr exrelient | (Estate Micholgs John Quiln condition, mew radia, priced for fast PS q i d VIENGIg5 Nn SUEY TRA S602 CENTRE sale, $950. Phone KA $5285 Qdieter repairs and Ie WE poy highest prices im the sity ie. certified cheque equel 10 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE half cab, hydraulic, snow plow, exce Frame and wheels straighter Hire Blove, BA 33571, 44 Bimeoe South | 10% of the amonnt tendered RA B. FAINT, interior, exterior, $2.05 gallop emi | BISTATE Ayla Insurance, Bave up Lo saws Hardware snd Electric, 8 Conren| dersigned until 1:30 P.M. on 2 per cepl. HI months to pa RA B-445) Slreet, BA 37804 March 16, 1961, for the | % {USER tires, most pI wizes, $3 and wp CHAPEL (voow CHEVRGLET VI fair doar siaiian| 0==Articles for Sole RF Lic assets, either "en block" or q wagon, Bod condition, Call RA 6-810 USER washing machine for sale, in| BELLING furniture 1 We'll buy it. Re TAKE NOTICE THAT: Kindness beyond price g stoves, ete, For top cash offer con vet within reach of all [jm mileage, sests 1, sun voof, Wii) tage. Telephone YU §}obt tact 16 Prines Street, Phone RA #1191, | # i | am STIN Healey "3000, silver gray and kitchen cabinet with arborite top, eon WARNROr, portable, less Serisl, per walks on the following streets between the points mentioned i | black, red interior, twa flops, all Healey oll Regier, Chair that converts lo hed [i 4 Phone BA 389) 390 KING STREET WEST | & Hy --- v eee | PROBS RA 84713 CLEABANGE of ids and onds, swing | |'68 PONTIAC, radip, good ties Kpod | Hiled mattresses, Busranieed construe | ha 10. 325 edale Drive cOVEring clear outs of discontinued pal MONUMENT COMPANY sk _bailh : Bey J terns, Z5c per fool; space saver daven: (TV TOWE BS, "w Wt. structure, hot dip: SPECIALIZING IN 1 OLDSMABILE Super 88 hardiop, ped galvanized, installed with all chan J . automatic, power steering, brakes, ex Thetter quality), all sizes, while they nel snienns, susranieed one ae Ju celint cond tion, M) Mus a sell. Boel reamn: \aut, $405 maple bunk beds, complete rice 830, Tria Television, RA § Memorials, Comerstenes, able offer. WH 2 | With springs and mattresses $58; twa: | | AWNINGS, Pram ui statutory eof all + PEs, twedoor hard: top, radin, hydram atic windshield |Elightly marked, regular 8318, one nly Bimboe Nort " "N Ph. RA 8-311] er RA B-BB76 [84 ly NFAINTED hookeases, 09c with the |k feet hasan atid i [CUSTOM (in the dash) transisior (af| purchase of spy unfinished furniture | Eon HA B94 Balance of accepted tenders IN MEMORIAM radios from $30.85. Try Dominion Tire Students desks, $14; bookcases $5 | fg TTT ta be paid and purchases BY { eoard cabinets $18; chest of drawers, |completely He NARC oy i A nario) ii} Wilson Furniture, 20 Onureh Stree new condition, Terms, 203 Sim of acceptance, Deposits on 0 ii MORTON = In loving memary of our| | tIeRRORE FA 53620 [18 "MOULDED mahogany Canadian | 22% BeUlh rr tenders will be retymed if J | aki-hoy fully £qinped 1961 Rov | nat geeepted or forfeited as passed away March 10, 194 [est rates, fast service, Seshoard FP ii Bg MB READ THE he years may wipe oul i things [nance 241 Blmege Stree! South, er Al ar Taopete ton tender Is accepted end the Bu 18 they wipe oul never, Ph ane RA 86283 5 Marine No. 2 Highway st Ales ILY purchaser dogs net complete Nha we hele 1aknthes built, radio, new rocker panels, must pr oER @ I " ¥ DA the purchases, The highest Sadly missed hy Mom, Dad, Noel wld { TE MEER ples and service, Free Sandra and David ofl: | geil, "112 cash. Phone MO 8158 |demanstration. Telephone RA 84011 He Whe Haeaitates gecepted, The obove are condition, 8205. Finance can he af : 4 Will Lose Out On heing sald en an "gs is" and peta, ty Nu-Way. Dial BA 8.4681 v ranged, Telephone RA 8-823 "where is! basis ar ; - |TYPING paper on sale, letter size. | |SELLING ar buying, Stew is worth Ais white newsprint, buy in bulk lots and| Good Buys | [eommission. Liens Bald eff or BAY: 18300 Circulation Depsriment, Qshsws . of the above gssets may be {ments reduced. Better used cars, Easy Time, [terms Will teade up or down 290 §l--lost & Found made by telephening W. C SPORTY Jacket, youth's, size 34 - Lawsen, Pickering == WH 1s ov - FAIR of ladies' en lost, ' LL CHEVROLET Impala vertible, 4 Bh RA 3.2007 leaf Cas new tap and tires, equipped ixcellent § 1 condition MO 8.5782 or 357 Faghrane [ROOM lots of vegular and pre-pasted| bident, Rewsrd fe ephons RA 3:47 an low as 10 single rolls for | GL AS ASBEN, girl's, Inst on weekend, King Caleilp € Tong owt precedent here, Khrnshehey hasopetie. Telephone BA 54504 BNE BF IRE Tom swe FRETREE PRISE £58 #8 Moves. Paddy's Market, Hemp phigaest Ligaen pllovapies pl Parkvs " -- merer-- wi £ p WioWR Wid WR DRUWS -- compete with ion, Nels Fan, Asin, AD used CLERIC Aelinition of Roviet [ Aowy, a we Ao Telewhone BA $450 ONE new two WP Eibn maior, $95 HA, price $10. Telephone EA SHT82 4 niprmplinh # wiesks plepse. Frvaplg buyer Bigh-hey Lisnace, SLIM. Bpecisl low pice RA § Rs ; Wait ment. Everything tor smell snd ashe ERED washing machine in very ood Albion. Phone Whithy Mba 1 eh wood Bursing Home, Bowmanvilie, op J. Rel » re } y. oF f® 6 Bor) lem ONE 108 heavy Auty shalp hoist, $55 North son Snow Bird. sell-deiroting, 16 colic! p.m., Monday, March broie Trick, st Prince George, BL, 5150. Apply 742 Simene North cam for wrecking. Highest prices paid 1 pw J cking ¥ 4 Wood, wg anitnoed Tevic Is bevy All pecessories including fish. A real BOND CLOTHES ' 66 KING 87. EAST ear, Resting st Melntosh-Anderson Contact f With Wind Building, located af the Inter. Kindly omit flower ~ | KYPEWRIFER, porisbie, $35) len key ACT THREE " he College Avenue BA 37 sation wegen: 'B9 YOIlks-igork, guick and expert service, low elecirie mest $is; cash registe wl DYE fF : doy evening ween fehyxe;: 87 / bh sdAIRE ¢ : streets, in the town of Min ¥. He (arrows trom Routh Flapt) BA & Vin MIXMASTER complete with tru ress eine, seversl piber pieces pf 208 used thay information on b , & ior Ken Murrey, Wellman Molgy HEATING { + Save vp to 50 73 NOW! floral requirements for all HT $9.95 up Budget man's winter costs OSHAWA SHOPPING Complete collision. service ais] King Bireet West Wicyele. All in good condition Ontario. ol 4 / Jrices 7 " Seoled tenders, enclosing @ WILLY'S Jeep tour wheel rive coring Wheel glignment, ior used furniture, Pretly's Used Fursi ent condition. Telephone BA B6011 ng vill be receive y tk ' 6555 STEVENSON'S RD, & All polors, Guaranteed, flat, gloss. Den will by ceived by the un Fa GERROW FUNERAL |B ar, service at your home sali RA ' io fol | haan HrEhgse © he Ql win ie Goodrich Bares, BA & purengs + 9 : in parcel 3 VOLKSWAGEN Micro bus deluxe, 8908 working awder, suitable for cof: |/TWBeFstors, TV's, washers, planes, : fe, Mas 18 mb The Council of The Corporation of the City of Oshaws intends te sonstrust, as lossl improvements, cement concrete sider J 3 4 : " " n RA 8 $226 nance. RA § BED-chesterfield and chair; mode, mm i BUICK push button iadie with exiras, 18,000 miles, excellent condition, {a Li fect condition, $69 SHAWA | mater, periect body, $00 rash MO: tion, regular 526.85, all sizes $16; or port $36; mismatched continental beds Menuments, Markers, 1955 ou MoRY pigce Serta sofa hed sel, lovely design, | | Free estimates Dhals, Ampt Yentals RR, 4, KING 57, F washers, tinted glass, Best offer, RA S67, Wilson Furniture, 20 Church Street, | ' h | mar Ly hod hirset West bi raisers ofas. roam dividers $13; | THRUK u'r and furnished completed within five days rly daughter, Bernice Yvonne onan, whe BUYING a car? Need money? For low alt Ms: motar, ane puis of water | Af i th PA el The memory of these happy days [1032 CHEV, in Rood condition, custom Whitehall 24080 er any tender not necessarily {1055 ONE tan GMC panel truck, 8004 yor THE best buy in rugs and eas The Many Really {Ing Cash for your ear oF will sell on fogue™ $07 V0. pha, 81.00; § Ib. Ph Appointments fer inspection Cordava Road, RA 5.5101, RA 5.1667 grey with bluse fleck, like new, $10. a2 [frames in blue ® hy OCV] 2.274) Street, Whithy | Satna: South Eas) West West West North West Bernard L, Yale, CA Trustee, Yale, Friedlander Company, WARRINGTON = In loving memory 2.85, re regular border free on all room| and Simeee vieipity, light brown frames a a dear husband and father, Thomas '88 VAUXHALL, in good condition $930 [106s At Edgar's Paint and Wallpaper, one lens missing, Reward, RA 68701 Waddington, who passed away March or best offer, low mileage, 488 ( Anning 34 King West after § 10, 1636 {ham Avenue. Telephone RA 5.8630 12 I i i p 3 3 Thiee YORrS, vel it seems like yester: | 1050 PONTIAC sedan, radia, washer by HEE nets wan GRAY Too able |83--Le ol 64 King Street East, y whitewalls and two tone, Jow mileage: | Telephone RA 3.247 1. - Oshawa, Ontario HARE RLRS We! ae Sne pwner. Telophane RA 94708 FRINGE and televisio NE -pan bi W 1] J » J and grandchildren 1955 FORD sedan, $113; 1033 table, all in S004 A en poi i! NOTICE TO CREDITORS DEPARTMENT OF Hd saan, hid 1053 Ford engine, Falribigh Avenue N OTHE 5 Buick parts, very good eingine: A D R PUBLIC WORKS th Dodge, fluid drive," and engine, VACUUM Cleaner Repairs, all makes In the Estate of MICHAEL Olive A CARD OF THANKS | | reasonable offer, or hest alters accept: Parts, Hoses, Brushes, Guaranteed bi Ive Ave, big Ad RL RU [ssbulits, estimates free. Wallace] DRAPAK, decegsed TENDERS IME PONTIAC, fair RA. TM Servis RA #001 snylime.| AJ persons having claims Park Rd. §. » Lim Telephone RA 5.3365 ov RA 8:4084 against the Estate of the SEALED TENDERS addressed HA i Jlen wl, il § Lh ta Secretary, Department of Park Rd, N, Ridgeway Ave, and N, Lit (on 836, Plan 178 Fost East Pak: | $46; | Marion Ave, 13' Woof E Limit Lot 134 N KL Nipigen St, North GREER -- Wa wish to thank our many kind friends and neighbors, for thelr thoughtfulness in sending us "the ny Rg of § Limit Plan 178 West TWIN baby carriage, Lloyd, in g0ed| BUY sour ear far eas condition, Will sell ped sanghly above-named deceased, late tal service of the City of Oshawa, in the Fast saufiden 1 tio CaRvenitnt' terms, Tos | phane RA 5.1204 far particular armation telephone RA 8.6280 Stn board South 163 FORD, |sanably. Ti details 'A FORD, in excellent condition. Pest cash atfer gecepted and take aver bal ance of payments. RA 3.8072 nelween| 1-7 am 1060 PONTIAC ins like new lovely sympathy cards and beautiful | ¢ tributes, during our recent haresvement in the lass of a dear mother Walter Greer and family NET EARNINGS By THE CANADIAN PRESS (FAKD oF terms Priced ves h RA & Laurentian, looks and Phone RA 5.4628 Finance, 2015 Simcoe feet) 4 1or mare | { BEST QUALITY FURNACE FUEL OIL | STOVE OIL Expert Service DIXON'S RA 3.4663 County of Ontario, who died on the 24th day ef January, AD 1961, are hereby neti: fied to furnish preef there: of to the undersigned before the 15th day of April, A.D, 1961. After the said date the Administratrix will dis tribute the Estate having re: gard enly ta claims of which Pub Sir Riverside Drive, endarsed DREDGING, lie Werks, Reem B-322, Charles Tupper Building, Ottawa, and "TENDER FOR WHITEY, ONT will P.M APRIL 12, Combined be received until 3:00 (E57), WEDNESDAY, 1941 specification and Park Rd, N, Phillip Murray Ave, Phillip Murray Ave, Phillip Murray Ave, Rossland Rd, Simeon St, N, Adelaide Ave, W Coder §t, Paul §, Oxford St, Stevenson RdN, Robert §t, of 3 imi Lot 56, 5h aed! n 387 7,30' Jo Limit Lot 39, Plan Hy Ne, 342 Sharbet St, Coder §, frangaline br, 460° W, of E, Limit Lot 15, Con 208 N. of § Limit Lot 11, Sheet 10D(3), Plan 357, Mouse No, 103) Wast West South North South South East Bathurst Power and Paper a, Lid, year ended Dee, 1960, $1,863,626, $1.47 a AR) farm eof tender ean be Sean Fost and ebtained at the effice of Chief Engineer, Room E-443, Sir Charles Tupper Building, Riverside Prive, ily Ont; Distrigt Engineer, 228 Jarvis Street, Teranta, Ont To be considered sach tender must = RICHARDS Bon $1,813,414, 81.40 CAR AUCTION | FINE EHARDS RE | io dav of Mirch, AB Montreal Lacomotive Warks S | b oe is < Lad, Year ended Dec. 81: 1060. Every Saturday 10:30 a.m The h ame of Juoly, ode ANNIE DRAPAK $1,934,000, $1.76 a share; 1939,| Good selection. - Chevrolets, | niture. Complete room groups dministaby §1,761.000, 31.03 entiges, and '1 Conair | available. 295 Simcoe St 2 TVSALMERS, B.A Oshawa Wholesale -14d., vear| Buy Bt ell, good igtmy South, Bradley's former lar 131% Simcoe St. Nerth ended Jan. 38: 1961, $447,736, #4 Vw Grenfell St cation RA 8-317] Oshawa, Ontaria cents a shave; 1930, 327,787, a) tne A cents 1959 CHEVROLET SUPERIOR | NOTICE TO CREDITORS Brig APPLIANCE AND OTHERS 49 BURK STREET IN THE ESTATE OF AN. Two = door fully Far re-conditioned furniture RRFW HERON. a el y V. . : hig . SONS vir claims equipped, Best One WA 3 ashers, atove Ba against the estate of Andrew n industrials rose 37 owner, guaranteed. Tele Shop Hours 1:6 p.m. Daily Haron, late of the Village of 10 340.35, base metals 1.40 10) phone RA 8.2351. 178.32, golds 03 to 83.83 and For an Closed Wednesdays Ashbum . in the County of western ails 08 to 93.43 48--Automebiles Wanted evaluator telephone Ontario, Farmer, deceased 8. 4873 whe died on or about the Volume was 1.932.000 shaves RA compared with Wednesday'ss HOUSTON'S GARAGE AND SERVICE STATION 20th day of January, 1941, 1,600,000. There were many fra "| BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM. FOOD & FREEZER are hereby notified ta send particulars of same to. the OnE) Iago undersigned Executers 'on or before the 10th of A Mining trade was steady PLETE BRAKE SERVICE id i throughout the day. Noranda MOTOR TUNE-UR AND PLAN and Falconbridge rose % each| GENERAL REPAIRS You may have tried the rast Now try the best. Eat better tor less 80% aqreceries sups 1961, after which date the to 44 and 45, Ventures jumped! A ¥ RA 3.7822 plied. all well-known pros assets of the estate will be (b) 144 at 8, SPOT CASH ducts, highest quality meats distributed having regard only tor the claims of which Gold trading was down in quiet action, Central Parcupine PAID FOR Lite-time warranty freszer this the only onp guaranteed by 1961 lean cars Trade up the Executors shall then have fell 13 at 1333 and Campbell Red Good Houtekesping No Edgar down, Liens paid oft notice Lake slipped % ta 13 DODD NO SR SALES down payment, Call now for Nenquen Rd, Phillip Murray Aw, Phillip Mure Simens §0, N Sharhor $1, Sharhot St, Starling Ave, S08" N, of § Limit Lot 1), Sheet 100 wr Wesker By, Wesker By, Wilsen Rd, §, 1850 East West Narth West West North South West West West fast Stevenson Rd, N Annapolis Ave, Stevenson Rd, N. §, of Rossland Rd, W, Stone St, fold St, Stone §1, Park Rd, § Rossland Rd, W, Lak 0 8, LH Amit Lor 114, Plan 433, Hous ory (LL) Beaupre Ave N, Limit Lot 1, Plan 147 dive a. Wet HY it a Rimit Lot 1, Plan 340 and intends te Apetielty assess part af the cost upen the land abutting directly en the werk, are 10 have » hag four (A) feet with the exception of the sidewalk on the west side of Mary §¢, §,, and Athel 8, KE, which shall have a width of seven (7) feet, The estimated cost of the work is $90,673.31 of which $37,020.98 is to be paid by the Corporation, The estimated awner's cost per foot hronta $2.70 in the sase of the four (4) feet wide sidewalk and 1, 73 in the ease of the seven 14) teat wide sidewalk, The special assessment is to he paid in ten (10) equal annual instalments and the estimated awner's ans aus! vate por font frontage in 37.8 conte in the case of the four (4) feat wide sidewalk and 65.8 cents in the case of the seven (7) font wide sidewalk, (a) he accompanied by ane of the alternative secur ties called tor in the tender documents, he made on the printed forms supplied by the De: partment and in accord ance with the conditions set forth herein Tenders must include the towing of the plant to and from the work The dredges and ether float ing plant which are intended to be employed on this work 12 be eligible must fa) be of Canadian or United Kingdom registry, and be of Canadian or United Kingdom make or many facture and, in the case of UK, equipment, have been in Canada at least 4 one Year prior 10 the date of the tender call Laurentian Ave, Dunkirk Ave, N, Limit Lot C3, Shoot 14, Plan 335 Dean Ave, N, Limit Blosk A, Plan 474 Tremblay §t, Wilsen 1 P § Wilsen Rd, §, Wilsen Rd, § Wilien Rd. § TORONTO (CP)--=Base metals led a cautious market ta re. cavery Thursday after a slump mg morning during moderate trade On index hardiop, otter, East All the said sidewalks between King 8, §, Application will be made by the Carporation te The Ontaria Municipal Board for its approval af the undertaking of the seid work and any owner may, within twenty-one days after the the first publication of this netics, file with the Board his ob. fection to the seid work being undertaken, The said Board may approve of the said work being undentaken hut, heaters doing 50, it may appoint a time and place when aay objection to the said work will he considered, DATED at Oshawa this 100 day of Mah, 194), Ontario February Good The lowest or any tender net necessarily accepted ROBERT FORTIER Chief of Administrative Services and Secretary Heron and Walter A Executor, by their David "J. Cuddy, 304 Dundes Street Whithy, Ontarie, LR, BARRAND, Clerk, DATED at Whithy, Among western ails Rovalite Demenstration = no obliga City of Oshawa 280th day eof rase 70 cents to $9.20, Home A 33 10 103 Calgary and Edmon 314 PARR RD. § tan : | RA 3-942) RA 5.3709 ton fell 9 at 18, Wast

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