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The Oshawa Times, 10 Mar 1961, p. 1

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Moses The Oshawa Times == THOUCHT FOR TODAY Comes nome Many a fate to find Arent Ir ing nh GF the » sey Auavrizas ge 'acon (lows Me Fost (Ace egariment att aad TFFTY FOUR PAGES G41 Price Mat Guay $96) i0 Cons Por Copy OSHAWA, ONTARIO, - RUMOR PRO-RED BOSS OUSTED BY GONGOLESE Peace Talks | Eleven Political FRIDAY, MARCH 10, J Boe, o uk PARENTS KEPT DAUGHTER, 13, LOCKED IN ROOM FOR 7 YEARS Girl Shut Canada, U. S. Push Room ia Ho Years Plane Swap Deal | SANTA CRUZ, ( ced informant says the issue! gines Limited of Toronto would 13 YeRY old gi fH of defence production-sharing continue 1o turn out the engines Thursday she was locked i between Canada and the United! All told, the contracts might roam for seven years bile undey consid: run to combined outlays of up to lowed out only to # / i" the govern: 8300000000 over a period of Police stumbled or ment years. The Voodoo contracts after Eimer J. | hi that the might run to two years, the CF 4 (LP) =A urgent itlon 0 wn eems Lo indicate on of A mvolving up for a kennedy weeks of lower irl frie ) Klaine told were hough! tion fn yeu nl Voodoo old {er { 01 avey the principles of storm Lh No Nlavaonic more order of ni ported his daughts latest ver proposed! 104 would run to four away from home ane swap million Almost eliminated from nego The girl, Flaine is | of dollars, 18 decision tigations 15 any hope that the home of a President 5 cabinet| United States would acquire Police said ifler several negotia: Canadian » made Cl44 cargo her meal through administra: planes, In initial talks last year in the locked bedroom i that tive channel Canada had hoped to use this in the entire se of Under the latest proposal | carrier in a plane swap but the| finement she had Canada would acquire 60 or 70{U.8, Air Porce now shows little tn eat al the family tu) | jet interceptors interest in the plane twice from the United States and pay The eighth for them by taking over the U8 f VERY portion of maintenance costs on M t | jou had heen kept lo 1 the Pinetree radar network on rea the scantily furnished roo In reli he Lniled Hiaioa y . would ee orders In Cana a(Cl S Lathe dima, were lalled for a large number of CF:104 ears now on charges of child neglect and Starfighter jets to be shipped to] MONTREAL (CF) » Mont | ¢ Aliing to the delinquency) periphors) NATO , seh anlvenlers on thelr way lo work o's minor reece, aly and Norway had relatively easy going today | Police quoted the fu Canadair Limited of Montréal, in comparison to Thursday when | coin shop dealer, a which 1s turning out CF-104 jets the winier's worst snow storm | girl was being minis the Canadign alr division snarled traffic throughout the sassing her mother" eis, would get the order|j. some 2000 men and B50 pieces . * of equipment worked through) t i {the night to clear the downtown Xpa rica 101 area of the city and prevent further major traffic tie-ups . | However, a public works de partment spokesman said if Suit Ends Today may take all the weekend for workmen to get the entire city] OTTAWA (CP)=rene Rebfin, la violation of hack to normal : y b AL the peak of (he the 8year-old Universit of natural justice 3 British Columbia lon Further, Mr. Branca said Phursday buses ran up to turer who was ordered to leave M Rehvin had no details of Minutes behind schedule the country than two the security information on fatalities wore reported years ago, today neared the oli: which Mrs, Fairclough based While Montreal gol most of| max of her long legal battle her decision and therefore had|/!the snow--Li inches=Quebec| against the federal deportation!no way of correcting or contra. CIty was the hardest hit with arder dieting i winds of 50 miles an hour whip Miss Rebrin's lastditeh ap I'his had deprived Miss Re. ping the snow into drifts and peal to the Supreme Court of hrin of her rights under the Bill forcing aclivity to a near-stand Canada, arguing that th Rights still violates the principle of tural justice and the Hill of Rights, was expected 10 wind vo COMMONWEALTH MEET sometime this Thursday her law | Reaneca, said Immigration Min . ister Fairclough acted heyond Ghana Pr m | her powers in jocting Mi e 1er Rebrin's appeal o Whit tion. He spoke in laun Rebrin's HRs dop \ appeal asad ind S eaks T d ments of the Hyitish nmhia P (®) ay Supreme and App wit which have upheld the dep 1.0) tian order Kw Nkrumah of Ghana, | disarmament Miss Robrin was born inowho held discussions with Pres: (the role of China of Ruseian parents who ident Kennedy two days ago, is exerting their influence on the had fled their homeland spected to be the prineipal nuclear powers through the the Bolshevik revolution poaker when the Common: United Nations tlhe to Sanada train Nea hi Tnisters: resume; Some countries, however, ap # Vito 130.1 13an their conference today peared willing to let the United wdered departed I'he as 4 member of WE their review on the prospects of [the sans prohibited eat Gdisarmament and the suspen immigrant nuclear tests. In diseus After My Fharsday they stressed the missed ly artance of re-opening disar Miss Roelbyin nent April, 1960 far not loa During the weekend there will hotweon the great powers, Can umarily. Following \ ho Anfarmal talks at Chequers, ada had been trving to work Prime Minister Die Prime Minister Maomillan'sifar a resumption of the Geneva Mrs. Fairelough de watry home, where the Com: pegotiations over since they Rebrin in the ( th teaders will be broke down a vear age SeenritY rid \ Macmillan In heolievod that the delicats RAIN 3% ENTIONN ue of South Africa's continued 3 Fanca ship in the Common Thursday that th Hain Ce PriCe=Fixer a he io formal sessions re Leaves Prison week Was nol QUent an \ thls NORRISTOWN, Pa He said fohn M, Cook, M, a vice-presi dent of Catler-Hammer Ine. of wired down il IPAREOUS Matiey Rr Milwaukee, was released from ane ving 2% Wat entitled 1a do pp. he § "Yd wrapey ¢ Wid FERNY term for price not HY Was not a md-rigging. He was OVER lop exeoulive DON (C1) President need for quick vesumption ol talks, supported small countries in ne Wi prime fan a cla problem of disarmament between themselves Diefoenbaker said Canada's disarmament resolution hofore the United Nations is not an at tempt to supplant negotiations on alk nm NOW vol n \ when next mvalved leader 10 Thurs disarma miers ae \ ah was th A (AP) Ha nl contribute disown i Bh on pre roed wemaost oablem fac : ison today favs of a Minister flays of Canada's A apposition The that test NORO resum DANE tonbakel n and and ast ol IN inal ardey {the rood od atiear testi hooause of behaving B0.000 in ha boon pad hy electrical firms © vhal the sovernment one of the biggest mst. Bat face possible dividuals and emphasising hogy governments cal oxem em ---- d PROraily CITY EMERGENCY 3! frroement on a muciea I Us somehow Iw PHONE NUMBERS Al the conference Wm Geneva March 2 POLICE RA 3.113 Wiclear ealias FIRE DEPT. RA HOSPITAL RA 3 Wi plary VERN ines Heseribed anti-trust the firm: aw sant am payvehalog calitases in genera' ist am yh VOW t \ for yA state -= 11 enbakey the |Named Today premiers are completing States and Russia wrangle over | or Laos PHNOM PEK (AF) Newtralist former pre miler Bouvanns Phouma of Lao J the and Gen, Phoumi Nsav the strongman of the Laotian Bown Oum ernment, agreed today on a entralists gram of conferences and ind the tug! national elections thst hope will end the civil » J international confer their Boutheast the 14 countries Prince Souvanna undertook Cambodian sell the program to the pro- chef of stale Norodom Communist rebels and Pathet The United States has Lan guerrilla who control dea because Com much of the Laotian county attend and up to now have reco him as the legal head of gov ernment Prince Cambodia thes Laotian Vien loyal Pathet (a Asian country (RT j the Prine de n f hina would Neutralization of Laos and gov med 4 eneral election ernment BOUvanns Lien In their Phoumi, whois deputy premier vanna and of Prince Boun Oum's Western: hoth side hacked government in Vien i Hane announced this peace plan 1. Bpeedy organization of a commission of three countries Burma, Cambodia and Malaya--proposed hy lao tign King Savang Vathanag us a watchdog group ageinst foreign interference in Laos, Cambodia had rejected: the king posal, saying the pro-Commu nists would not co-operate, hl apparently Souvanns hopes h Commons that Labor Minister BABY SITTER ommons (hat Tahar Mint SAT SITTER ter ten Px Hamilton CINCINNATI (AV) I'hy I baby sitter couldn't unde) ox stand why four » year for Bn new communique, How Gen, Phoumii said recognize neutrality ary hi) for peace Ng and nes in Lao Mike Starr Told To Enologize OTTAWA (CP)=Liberal Paul ---- Martin todey demanded in the neutral pro of This Montreal service-sta tion attendant has & whopping snow-shovelling job ahead of him as he tries to clear a car done tn Martin, member for | ast, valid he based his. de mand on #& Taronto Telegram wiowguaaying that Veosgt Meta) Products of Hamilton had not offered a job to Mr, Kelby, ran A Heme said In The Com and mons earlier this week that My three fixelhy wus offered a job by the Thurs: firm Feb, 24 and turned it down He said today in reply to Mr Martin that his statement was hased on information given him hy the National Employment vice ofiiee in Hamilton and that he "unuerstands' the office prepared to substantiate the old Kevin Fox sat so quietly in a corner, but she didnt question her luck The boy, usually bunectious, sat quiet cross « legged nearly hours on the floor day When thi VOUnNE mother returned, however she decided something was wrong and lifted the profes! ing boy to his feel "Not time, not time," he | cried, and two eggs rolled information out of the corner where he FW, had been sitting visti Kevin hadn't been there hether Mi long enough to hatch th to have the eggs he took from the re ment. Service frigerator But they were very Hers UNITED NATIONS (CP) Recretary General Dag Ham marskjold has been doing some long-distance hanging of heads In an effort to get co-operation from the Congolese government of President Joseph Kasavubu This was evident today after hecame known that officials the UN force have iekersgil (f fone villingate) as ke dij Stare is prepared] of National Employ ofticipls In ques tion hefore the Com | warm mons industeial relations com mittee Adenauer Fears. Eichmann Trial BONN, Wost Germany (AI) | Chancellor Adenauer said to: Hon day he ws worried about the against trial of former Nei leader cello Adolf Eichmunn 4n Israel am will get N Congo heen gouded from exasperation to outrage hy the actions of the Congolese troops in ousting UN personnel from the vital port of Matadi and the Banana naval hist | Hammarsjold has sent Kasa vithu a Blunt reminder that The Congo in pledged to allow the UN force freedom of movement | In is territory, Otherwise its mission of restoring peace to the former Belgian colony would he impossible Rajeshwar Dayal of the reac: Hammarsjold's personal judgement] sentative in The Congo, com the chan: |plained bitterly in a report told a press conference, | made public Thursday about the wre that Richmanni Congolese Army's action in whi, he deserves." hel driving Sudanese combat troops ded, "1 have full confidence | 8nd a Canadian signals detach in the iseaeli government and] Ment from Matadi, the only Hs judicial system Congolese port that can he reached by sea-going vessels I'he 85 - your - old West Gey 4 mun leader was replying to al Por one thing, the port question on whether he thought|04n be used far the illicit . {port of arms and other package the trial of Kichmann, acoused Daval indicated Chambly of responsibility for killing mil . ohvistened Hons of Jews in Nagi extermin.| _Hammarskjold's message was "wor momwors nmi woe! DEW. Line Airlift Job Shared | statement regarding the Rich mann he OTTAWA (CP) The Air Transport Board has conve up with a compromise under w hieh| appear India, am worried that repre may he a Germany nN New Freighter now me ma COLLINGWOOD to the order of Canada ship Lines, the new freighter MV. Fort was to he officially today The vessel is sponsored Mus, Fred W. Dean radii nanager of Company of Canada The Fort Chambly is 463 feet In length, &0 feet in breadth, 3 fet in depth, It will carry 8500 tons I'he vesaol Dec, 16 (CP)y=HBuilt Steam terial, hy wile of the the Sleel Cane ad, noe doubt, will in Huenee puabade opinion against dig the| said Germany. © will, no doubt the fine atrocities of Adenauer LATE NEWS FLASHES Liz Taylor Off Oxygen Machine LONDON (AP) Actress Klizabeth day without the aid of oxygén machin na week. The 30-year-old film star was taken off the danger list Thursday after a desperate battle against double pneu mona in whieh the doetoy despaired of saving hey last oul again Hitler we was launched alrlines will shave the million-dollar contract for sup: plying DEW radar line sites in the Arctic. The three companies! fatled in efforts to work ont an arrangement on their awn he compramise nounced by Transport Raleer late Thursday TransAir Limited of Winnipeg will fly supplies north from Win nipeg and Churchill, Man, 10 a central distributing point, prob ably on Foxe Rasin, at the top {of Hudson Bay some 700 miles inorth of Churchill 1 Nardair Limited of Montreal Will fly supplies east and west from that point 10 the DEW line tation altered ad the multi aylor breathed Ao for the first time As an Minister wis Truck Driver Dies On Highway HAMILTON (OPM) \ the vab of his tractor trailer Robert Orgar, 3, a married taken a load to London and omply truek. The heavy wind ap and 1 jack -knifed inte the ditch Hamilton week driver died in today children, had HACK with an he Trader on Highway § - early man with six Was an his way arontly caught ACTON Fire Damages Toronto Church TORONTO (UP y=Firemon estimated damage at 14.000 from a fire at St. Thomas Anglican church in midtown Toronta (\ early today. Defective wiring was blamed. Wednesday night {be a olor for th Park Road Raptist Church was destroved by five, with damage (ral portion of the east-west estimated at £ fift Wie ni an (LAT) Atrlines of Ldmontan om wver will} oon am sub-cont 7 | DIGGING OUT from under a reached after an that roof HNOWHEN almost to of 12-inch snowfall (CP Wirephoto) 'Sharp Dag Note To Congo Boss Hirected to Tananarive, Mula gasy Republic, where Kasavubu and his premier, Joseph leo have been seeking a settlement on neutral ground with rival Congolese political leaders Ksavubu and his various pre miers have heen demanding the ouster of Dayal hut the politi cal position of the Indian ha probably suffered nothing from the coincidental announcement from New Delhi that India is sending nearly 5000 new troops to The Congo Hammarskjold trying to restore logic to the situation, said in his mes sage to Kasavubu and Heo that when the Security Council cre ated the UN force last July, the Congolese government agreed to freedom of movement and special immunities for the troops, apparently ome three Canadian privately-owned | Prisoners Freed IEOPORDY ELLE Eleven captured leaders vu resisted pressure from Stanley ville 10 join wp with Girenga released Gizenga sent in a raiding party from a Stanleyville jail where December. arrested Miroho they had heen held since Tu and his officials, and took con mumbists seized Kiva last year, trol of Bukavu, the provincial the United Nation said 1oday, capital While this indicated a « The UN spokesman said in attitude by the rebel regime, United Nations is uncertain whe the UN command was unable wielding power in Stanley to confirm reports from the but sim deals with whe- Btanleyville, eapmal of Orient province, that the pro-l uamumba Lone had province have heen fast Lundula is town of Kindy in which on Giren heen de ' there 4 K posed. they Stanleyvilie he spokesman rey He Wig. Bleve These report oried the rebel mili Gen, Vietor Tundu dent Jean Oriental : pean over. Both so considered living firm supporters of the : Rr ' : of th ro hip. The rebel Kiva regime bh J) " LEA ' Hey Taumumba refused to let them leave ] But ing their skills are needed have Mmepsures In Leopoldville, the to prevent repr acainst Congo mission continued nego whites in La: Uating with Congolese mumba inom the terms for the Katanga UN troops to the key Al Banana and Matadi relense of The UN porters he on Congolese ile. ment ha lip which the Congolese there with the UN's Oty of Ghana to ne for release of 2580 Faure. who are reported to he there in hard- Wi { ' 0511 nzikala o Vo / ) hi fh provinet had take are extreme policie Patrice both were. reporied to laken vigorous leaders return of of alter month planley slaying la provinces port a the mes 0 mem govern ¥ SPOKesman reports dean Mir president of Kive, ar hers of his provir | ment from Ji in fanley Miroho had paid feust the central go Leopoldy oho pokesman told 1s could not comment reports that agree. heen reached hy United Nations and ern. the would exercise had joint control of air traffic here, service 1o ment al ile and Struck Reef, Liner Free NGENTIA, Nid, (CP)=Theiently British line vewloundliund | struck grounded on a reef in Placentia! ported Bay near here today nnd stuck a.m fast for six hours hefore getting roe Her 98 passenger of 25 spent some an | the 7.400 ton agamst the reef in a hour gal Wind and sea ere rescue ships could not the stricken vessel parently relloated aided The ship's master Coubrough of Liverpool dragged her anchor and the reef, Bhe was ne afloat again af 11:55 and crew ious hour hip leaned W-mile-an Plane, Crew Sought In U.S. JACKSONVILLE, Pla high and ipproach (AP) which ap-|/ Navy homber which herself un. crashed Thursday night in choppy Lake George was found Capt. N, by rescue teams today ald no! Cmdr, C, H, Boldi, directin one ahonrd was injured the navy search operations, said | The Newfoundland, hound for|there was no trace of the eight |St. John's, Nfld, and Liverpool|crew members veported aboard {from Halifax, approached Ay the crafl entin near the southeast tip of I'he plane wa Newfoundland Thursday night, (15 feel of water about 200 yards | 8he unable to enter St [from a target ship in the Lake John's harbor because of heavy| George practice bombing range ico and was diverted here to! Boldt said a navy diver would land passengers and replenish go down fo the wrecked plane as ther water supplie oon as a search and rescue When a sleet and snow storm boat arrived from Jacksonville truck the coast her skipper de The second plane reported ils |eided to anchor off the harbor mate plunged into the lake near mouth to await better weather. (the target, broke up and About 6 a.m. today she appar:'burned, Us found in 10 to wi EXPLORING INNER SPACE cheek buoys ( Wwineers SIX sonar-raday maintaming the on of the drilling I hackground) as the intial steps in a one of used in si vessel Cuss shin Iw drilling nto the | exploration crst below Diego, Calif exploration the and sell, is being wy hen National Science Fo vesterday., The { ton in a nraject called Op which may vied origi | of Mohola OW the hy the earth's | nda. ocean off San | (ne | clues 10 Woh earth ie on oven earth /l A ©

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