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The Oshawa Times, 10 Mar 1961, p. 22

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a Ed EE EE EAE Fer rrr ry On the Basie of he fnersace debt ios Tnaremee ofght Himes f ! wry he last mine yeavs, he (he 1050 figaes of §2.000.008. ed cha e figmwe was predates 1009 High of $16,009,000 4 aa is Will rates, indus city Ree gone (heowgh & "pretty il - tRBAEHORL ration and Ma OIF gearing of Aahentive foswes," SERTE - RETASETRENG TRGioe Fre says Cty Tregoweer Warold Miffiads to Aetermine I Tripy wh We fates. (he 1078 "The general mwnicipel fheory oCcus g awa cene iy may be sither far (on low ie hat & 00s Achentore debt Wael fon Wak dined pol eraand 1 per cent of : (fiamn woneration of neigh 10a wesesemiont, On & 1085 Gesest- By Row Pevaney siesta (otal looks aman #4 he same rate Gs Re (aot 10 boring township lends, which ment of S92 608 500 then (iahawi Salt Reagovtey fi 2 (BIER [E&- JERY wid firowen ww the met [0 je within Me $I45400.008 fave Boom theses atory, Wan ACFESERENL Hg g (05 be aon 1656 ASSESSWENT ic wold create ® Aewmand vif we §16.000 008 worth of w facsnatat A 5 Ser bor) 6 #3 The [95% moan wnt slond #7 fo vias (gewars. water and Aehentimas sien ing, ue futarse --~ what i Rds 0 tone fhe $55 I0.006. & 510 695 556 Wade), Ae e wy he dehentars i spaniel Aowhitng of ion. and bis slace We fi Wh ae fram (he game Tio ae and, Ww sale rnent. gees. fhe aeseisment (on the compiler y # Every wine and Twsiness. tion of orate of Kast Whithy (he (ax levy wonld rie 160 = ov of the resesessment) Relpr Ru lgpuiig Lip "i ary pack of land in (ie cfg (owmetip was largely Fe in order (9 retire these dehen fing to rales the J070 predicted empRz sis on preficting the '* 10 BE FECVGGER. FARMING pomeihie ores or feo WE5H 000,000, ome would 4 des oil be Gawed ow 00 The larged Yearly Rar Res think the «y's theoretical aw fate f YEW TAX aol. Chines 2 iis of consiemetion, less Ae- scored in 1050. he move 5 ; ev tar heron would rise to 955. For example sgh ke Crt BA Sheslasarmer than 55500 S00 omy was large. A (hese variables. ond move M5006 (19 per cont of A petermplas to forsion WE weed 26 # § tw 6 an AEE #6 work constantly, affect. af Codi flerme made Wy # 7 nda HE preg peers mate (78, 10 Coe be $5000 Harbor 5 hc me ke eh 8 54000 1 i cert the ROBESOCH OR CHITERE MAEVE £ oxdecied fo Peo PAPER) FOIA fhe mesesoment Aowhies ment id HEE RRRCE With fhe amy sh Ww dd ana figwng V jo { : . gear, the will rate wold be of Rat { Fy 4 PP y oR Hy (5 afectoy jgrenae wt bn lt thes the samewnt of ol ETER »" 1 AT F RESESSINERt 5 see for (Cox snus he Believes # new 3% money being colented w id rer ates. RONG A > cwawey ~W0 Satite, Bates vary From nme FR "rly rege sown 6 needed. Rew revenues orimately the mle # events hy thee faite 19 19 550 per cent lila wt mended outside provers an Ven ig spn #9 . SH, te" Cems nd. povtents. OOF nesessment commission. The city wil levy fox $14,909 mines tox. We suggested @ 50 fhe Genius Geb "an of a nds were Red wn awe OF Eidon Kory (ook the 1960 series (Rx (oF W-MAGWR © # 1 fs : WW ted Yoder, or uethions of figure (S900 01%), Aooiied i In 199. the oity tax elector ployess and - OF #0 OCERPIRCY by the mil pate he Want dieting ve mph VFI 000006 (reassessment) (oof in B7.055 05 to rm fhe €ity (ax. for tenants Me. Tripp save in the lest few fific. weit Bat AWTS nh added §5 506 HOH wi iad G0. the amownt needed had The city with have # dehen- GLANCE BACK crite. WE DIRBRET Ww the pert 18 years (520500 - in ad three and oneal fre deatt of §7%,050 509, Continued on Page TY sometimes Euess, however, W) Bigning ty development. times, to 87.500 M7 In the fast 18 years, the pot a -- (RE ENESRES RIK RAWEIVY WAKER by great pies of dala Frustrating planners fre wn seen fovees RA CT HRE ANCES Ps CNIIIRE 16 TREY CRIEN #1 / and prognostications far of Y CRITE Indesh, some lens into fide contend i is safer 166RY to cont the fantastic apa 1epys the socalled "TERI IFbIC pppreach 10 the conseryailyes ry For who ever remembers a5 other's wild predictions wha come Wack to hawt and (aun Wim? The trick is (9 fool # few thousand years nto fhe fu rather then simply # decade 4 2 <3 r PP " " » tH HARBOR -- HEART OF NEW INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT loswaws 19 En However, the theme of Th Times' 1061 Vrogress Edition is PROSPECTS ARE SEEN Chamber Works [= 2. were asked Lo peer Into @ some what murky, municipal crysis EXCEEDINCLY BRIGHT {"5% most cases, statistics for fies @orags ern B00 Egyptian prie RS & ARE WY 1950, 1951 and 1960 were £6 vared (on Aeterming INCTERSE Every community peed WHE B £6 y Wi iving in, is the last 10 years. This was g overall organizatic erally the ha for 1970 pred Emotes elvis 4 ae tin One Progress in 1951 w ed by the agnnexa " ! i i J ng eres of of th giv ve township ! 4 Commencing Mat nd Ell cast at 108] In fers § to May 14t 1 tween 1950 and 1651 § assessment, pomitation ai 4 % or tallstios was gre Qn May 1st we took ove rious other er than any other in year 8 4 y " ii n She period 199-1660 Ellis in the said Busine er off Bo what will Oshawa he like i Joa in, Joe? V8 West and hereof ts Dur-| The eity will have a popula: § ; 4 ' Aone tion of 99.000 p the growth of Osh: After annexation in 1651 0s) ! awa had 40.721 persons li Commerce have hecomse Industrial Commis {within city houndaries, J i munity Op Community Che stnine years later, the popilati A Chamhe had their beginning: liumped hy one-third to 60,146 \ A Chamhb E voluntary or ' Oshawa Chamber oflin the last two or three year | Fredo isa) nr ; business. ec i" bh the increase has averaged ahout ol Wath Ia The Chamber present time commit {1400 Persons ly peaple, Peaple predominant orking on: maki | Figuring a yearly increase ( | ihe hus} nes pinning 0 welcome to Oshawa, 19000 for each of the next 10 8 tf i h yf the ] proven promoting years, and adding another 10.000 nil exe ded, : as a convention ely larawn by the $21,000,000 Osh arily exclud } i ! / om. commercial Fe development \awa Harbor development, the | = d a result of the d 5 IN OUF sk economic Orgel Chan . 4 Tine § place in Chamhbey : i I needs of Oshawa predicted population figure of VR S HAL " merce effort f / i; i iy WNIT OVENCON ] hu tis fire 0 prove he, LE, 10 ot BEY 00 AMY on PEEL 0 Suis, Reg, $45.9 Sale Price $220 | The Chamber of ( mere: tH 4 ' if 40 0 " pl (] ; 4 "m civie pride, "Know Osh laple assessment of $255,000,000 " organizes and directs the ener CHAMBER WORKS With. 0 hawa uh As 1 0 Wervn Winn Bik in 15 4 gies of those who helieye, that (Continued on Page BK) ment at $02,500,875, the 197 hi 4 Lik 4 A A " of 8 28 ledge wy i ia Lite | WIYR IT TIN WsE | 15 1 " Zi, ry 51.0 | XBL ony ws dl By i ai J exciting ideas Sh UR RE : en : | i Me. «10 gad for home makers who wish S| Models Cloths fe - fills ¢ : hs or esi rity Hadi' 0 TANTA Hirt AH Bg hy ft! A ah ; hid uring i Caats Wap itas LYTRTR TS ! id) 1 MOD ER MN IZ E "1 LN AL |! pont: $10 to $16 | NO MONEY DOWN - 3 YEARS TO PAY FE S008 | RE i WE WE bo } PE sol wpb 1 " of haat do ve ough your h i t d can enter thes ating poi fbi gt Bb 14 Kina Sr w ™ 4 "ny » Y ¥ h Y Fa | £N % ¢ Aye | Shown above is a phote reproduction fiom the files of the Oshawa Times, Area appear i p the year that Oshawa became a city 37 years ago Oshawa are d, if carried Lhe iy | Today 37 Years Later CANNING'S i thal af Lhe i ha of i EEL ML NE An ex7RA ROOM EE det wasn Bl Have TWO of Oshawa's Most Modern fa | § J on budget terms, Can be built as a multi-purpose ua oF 40 mil roam Call us for FREE estimate population bn 0s. by THT = . Men's Wear Stores 0 greater incentive anywhere in our : A NEW KITCHEN tt werkevaking Since the firm of Cannings' was established way back in 1924 at 14 King street West, Are you tired of that In¢eBEER go what wi! SEM many things have changed in downtown Oshawa, New businesses have come and gone, kitchen? See us fof © g kitchen on modes but CANNINGS' have continued to prosper and expand, In 1930 the property at 20 King jern work-savin d an airport within mo 0 A vat via give you 8 TELTT0G for FREE estimate Street East was purchased and in 1944 CANNINGS' LTD, was incorporated as a private mercial alrway Osh= ca v terms ransportation services necessary - company, In 1949 the second CANNINGS' store was built which is now managed by Mr, | mt. a | PE Tn 00M ing 900 Morley Canning, while the original located at 14 King Street West is managed by Sawa 1 bi Plate 1g (0 ie A ae Tail pA hte vo dro Ging, The Cader brother "Pard' Canning, This steady growth of CANNINGS' LTD, throughout the years is coll k d ¢ oH | i A and Chil wood Firnpreved! € BH directly traceable to those thousands of people who have continued to patronize these well-planned velopment, the population will ¥ \ git \ ¢ . Qf can \e to grow and in twenty to twenty-five 8 | hy the use J "FREE oF popular stores, all 8 years the population eould quite easily double sit rel WER Many Famous Names Carried ! very truly, Lh " M make hriatine Thoms, A A NEW BATHROO bath tonce. WHY CLOTHING by Coppley, Noyes & Randall, Warren K, Cook, Rubin Bros, and W, R, Johns : : : r mat an exe Mfg 1 Hl to ston; SHIRTS by Forsyth, Warrendale and Brill; SWEATERS by Warren, Jantzen, Tony= " : ier what NR elon oid-tath : Day and Byford; UNDERWEAR by Watson's, Penman's, Jockey; SOCKS by Byford, Pen Indian Reserves ito imesraie fray ANY end Cconomice! © man's and Harvey Woods; SPORTSWEAR by Craft, Cumberland, Deacon Bros, and E, ible to integrate freely" : \ member of the Naha'l faith, ; p j RE : MH & R, Ine, TROUSERS by Nash, Rothstein; TIES by Currie, Abbey and many, many other Stumbling Block is. tarison Ts on a two ) Nationally-Known Manufacturers, : wonth oa ta coast speaking and with a mod» cantinue BRANTFORD (CF) Indians tour of Canuda i \ de want integrate Al There are ne reserves in Canada An y In \ 8 ) ; tion, butt and many members B , te, ' with the White papuwati Hof the Alaska legislature are It you are thinking @ Indian reserves are the DIgEest gskimo and Indian Yate thinking stumbling hlock to 'integration, § § ASSESSED VALUR HOME PLAN LTD. | Mrs. Wallace Harrison id Wednesday Property in the $40-square BOOKS 436 RITSON ROAD NORTH if 1s ¢ Greater London hima and French Canadian has an asussed value of abou DIAL RA 54704 OSHAWA, ONTARIO § 14 KING ST. WEST OSHAWA 20 KING EAST Eskimo and Iv deseent, Ai i I He purposes olf "Indians should not be cont ined local taxes,

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