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The Oshawa Times, 10 Mar 1961, p. 24

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Ee a dd dad Ea ror rr 4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Merch 18, 196) » hay to Rey administration to We manicipel governing fem of wetessinndd Aevdloners, Cdhawa fom Bright Future In Store hn soit, oS] TAT met AA a Pt dy ve - on ref is iy TARAS fe SRP et v od free wash go a eet pan ae 7 hosts he 4 gi gE rd and ot. oni h anf free War # foarh ops are reading Nomis of Ne ane of Tr iki busi Ye ficient walt at Oty Halk (o/rev ise mast fox Mistrin FET GHEE CEIRHR Outer . celopment. A mote of watson YIOW | wich 19 exiend suena Fer 5 FEOF ORD A SHITE A Kay losation. , w a ction foo the exer. ORGIAAGtions 108 TREE ERER COPmETEE and inde Fhe wrier GER CRVREE Wr Henry Birk or oO or 1 omens of atler commenitics. to IE WORK Sad 07a SRIDINS 19 FET IICE CRRHE HEIRTa Aisstial nk commercial expan. and Sons Lid. : ; ARIE £4 § concemed Wh mang al Rorteact of Gok Har sion going Wend wn hond The Oshawa iwanch of Henry Birk snd Sons LIA, jewellers, ii? BT a, hese ackieTements posse, WF THE SVS es CORSINKLOR RTIRE CIO On, £35k Compr wes opened on Now, 1st, 196 a the shawn SRODIRG Cente By FRED €. MALLOY CRA oak Bimane Wall Remon dccocn sek 19 embrace pg : of some THM 14 12 Becwmily mening the other They carry & complete line of siver, Ching, Rentbegs, Lather Chairman stent the intsvest ond vieion ofl creas where the tamale 1 ors rar «© STE mRIGHY PUTERE goods, men's gilts pad are swasialy Avie for hess Samone's Oshawa Industrial Commission these \ with means, aad of hel ores has Rot yet heen reached har Lud ie taven Se welts a ry 4 oy i me ¢ an Granted » favorzhie level of which are bought overseas and set here in Canada, Birks RATIPRILY, 8 KOBE Fu dng ies $ 7 A es Ae FREE 08 FOR Canadian : have siores located in every maior centre Hight roross Can Menswring Wy cor dong the the pl ua wad a it 9, Sher he " oles I pussy Piboisugpt of Ralwent Wille, this is 4 longer term ove he Sangh mii A opis ada, and by vietue of their quantity Dering ave able 1p oiler |IEm Rrienics of the 6ity, Os CHizens of LBA TIW Those wishing 19 consier 190 resowrces, Oana saddles the ject, Then completion of foe 78 FO on yesrs, the weiss thelr customers first Quality gods Bl FEasonEhie prices awa extends §7 miles north and y » z her Aeyclopments iB FARCE main ines of two great Fal frst VE WATTRINS or dn. OB [VETER 3 [GEE HERE RAFRE ay Bo : south and 48 miles east and i angers weil that some oimight explore loceting Ww the wags, Twongh As centre 1m velopment of Ohana Harbor, P90 ROGET CX0RREoR 16 HE F . (west. Oshaws has progressed 7 those Who 6ecupy Important oty of Oshawn # fWETe EXER the CoMIY 6 IO MII Wgh- Substantial proeicss oR ther oth anh cael, possi eover ]. oley Plumbing Co. ier slong the way from fhe seas 8 st povermmens 4s ion 19 Wellicnown UBersty ways, The faciitis (oF 8 Com seconh sep warrants large ne wp 16 9 acres. AR 1, Foley Plumbing Company has been serving Ochown small town of the thirties which ' Red an OF rporsRch the Provincial Gov merciab airport are avaliable, serie expansion of Oshawa Bay: IES RwY high standard of : ; B : still forms the mpuciews in the fortunate, This is evident eiermment (who in tern cond The St, Lawrence Seaway pass hoy, Austyial construation set in for ten years, 'The business has heen wilde, ig Rad | etre, and makes Hs Down Hillsdale Manor for the Aged ldsim Federal #8) for the es es the snchern Downers of The ciby mepntintors hese Tegner swrownaings. A ciency of service, AL present the compeny has Ee | caries evident by is more Wis Glen Home School tor Betorded)aivishment of technical shook our city, aah imtreduces #5 9% istered v4 pi pos Fa 7 ] hacker with : ' ph 5 ROREVE sunning wo dlmest py pioyees and & fleet of Sx well equipped trucks with wich 19 tenture Children, and Association foritn trem new siilis 19 the Wa iential by wi Oshaws Her service the ity of Oshaws and swrrownding Gisirict joie A own Wa Procol Dest. end comtitun Lonmarot Tue nomotion of oes we of the wy. Mond pon ment in their servement ih Bond, and capaho standing on the brisk of # tre: tion of low-cost Rousing proj ication is one of the earliest WeTs pots with Geyh 18 RCCOBAG | (ois tp the right oF fhe 5% 0 Fight HERR AIBE V , Nu-Way Rug and Carpet Sales imendons future, And cerigimly ; ects, 16 fosier civic and induetrial ber date pecan vessels, ARE TREAT crit Commission 16 settle BANE 1 iar 1 Harr Commission al oroct materials and the latest eamioment |T05 has heen realized nn cone The vision of our civic Plan | TEoPmEnt : for Aeyclopment Fayorahle 48 cry in Industrial Pes Auring its diss idrpioniicd marae Top quality carpet materiats anc Cie J is oq ome siderable measure : ; gers Is demonstrated in the Yesierday has been an era in ation in the centre of & CNCER eriire potion perad. peayided 4 reach, and housing for carpet and rug cleaning are the steckintrede of the Nu [70 04 by the ever incrensing BR scope and architectural achieve the sanals of Osews, Today trated 1 per cent of the Cami oid imdustry is in keeping with or of sever Wey Rug snd Carpet Sales Company, NuVey provides g va. WY Geverat Motors, othe # ent which fs exident fn thei hes emerged 2s period of con Gan merkss, Possesshg RB FRRthe stondords of keeping w v partments. Developments viely of services for their customers ranging from the clean. |87 wi Ud ig du nd) et Civie Administration Building |tmuel growth, consolidation, sonable supply of efficient a Sancaris A WIGS as this con IRE B ing of mugs end carpets, carpet installations and upholstery TC ries have Dr grain p 4 the Police and Yagistrated ond making reply for the manent labor well tres Warr both the Develoncs ond the TCIRsE 19 per commer isl to wall to wall broadcom sales, They deal only in top quality (REV IRGustries have RIPYES. 19 Court Buliding @ > jo tng the' last three many skills. Sources of 1oRe Both the DEYELIEE BG IRC residential areas : / ' {day the industrial popsiation of ourt Building, snd the modern! ture, During the last three many skills, Sources of WIM 1d ctrial Commission to work materials and handle a Wne of petionally advertised carpet Fd bo oa ion on : 4 fire protection stot ment years i group of Bette, fered Dover, and communications budust Vol Comma ion 12 OTE sow, let ws return 19 the stocks, They have what is acknowledged 19 he one of the oe a rae Aud, ih ; throudhout the city, Yaeriousiseeng members of ovr Connell And zl these sumported bY # ior the advancemas By oh serimeter of Or from a R a " ar 2 Ca Ws m sans 4 fir iiad 4 ? awa SAT Jargest stocks of carpeting in Southern Ontarie, importing their {tial commercial enternrises, FRED €, MALLOY {hie works snd services arelend Industrial Commission tosld progressive alert municipal A thu whence we storied material from all over the world | The downtown merch on {well developed and modern, andl-ome sound steps 19 Jay & firmiteam who RIE CoRsCioNs of al even pert of the forecast is ithe banks are inex 38 in both in eres and in the fields of ontinually fighting the neverdioundetion for our future Ae-ithese features and prepared (9 BARBOP. DEVEILOPHENT alized. The city boundaries Hotel Genosha I arr and 4 area, and have med In sien pis ug Sant atA Hane hottie of keeping abreast velopment. A fully serviced In make the most of them, This is'. A capable Berber Commission m0 longer contain Hs prospered A or shopy'ng pid tempt 19 & ch Fd va a helt the population snd srecldusiviel Subdivision was Jail, ndeed a formula for successidl has heen appointed by the City Therelore let our ety 2 ol nocha fs east $ SrIRs g i ey > . ol aronth detours o ¢ nari Hen The Hotel Genosha is easily the largest fn the grea fire bas heen added. which, sti needs of the community, A med 7ri ih lout, in the southeast of thelerowih, of Oshawa end he Department k There are 105 rooms complete with she bath radio and Vi, "or construction, wes eon: ical b winded end! SROWTH ity, The Department of Fr A further reset Is an motive of Trancport tn eset the in- houndaeries ' # RE SP 14 compete ser ne Men |caered the largest and most is king by 4 Egan port was approached and eon ell .» organized Chember of lereste of Both i nang, ped. Tiendly Reithhors dining : tioned we ful in Co / ears ma fist he population explosion bas. vinced of the latent posshititios) Commerce with subetential Bg and petively pursung | ad. By the time the and newly renova iditis 3 Jen offers the [TCC IB CARRGH A Bid d 4 CH made peck y the large-scale 'n further expansion of Oshawe! dons for continuous support Lo 'wire Aevely we of Oshawg tion is complete, we may be most complet anauet factlit city, The compara: (VISION od didi md rapid expansion of Och-\llarbor, st the proper Ume | community enterprise Herbor, While there gre numer. needing the lend tively pew Siar n seats more then 99 people and offers | Culturgl development has not (1 Bs elpide Hower Low's educetion system, The Thereiore we pre Bow we ous Canadian harbors slong the Oshawa has indeed 8 bright to patrons a beverage room of top quality et reasonable prices, been neglected. Our churches \ Mel aushiin Public Lil'orwerd plepning necessary 10\equipped to enter noon a to LAND AGREEMENT 8t, Lawrence Seaway, very (ew fidure in store. Jt is g privilege ; and hrs amp 5 eo and yariow:| een developing this growth in-imerrow, which can become yet] The city hes recently entered) cen be dredaed to pecommaodate to take pert in the planning of ve inereased in stature ! Oshawa Dairy Lid are. | The hospital has grown such as dustry", and the immense task) another era of advancement Vinto a lend pureement with athe largest ocean going vessels, i bo td | - ---- - i = - re ---------- Oshawa Dairy 14d, was started by George Hart in 1919, ----r not in Oshawa at that time but on farms in the county In 1627 the husin yas moved to its y, BIN street 50 At ent there e {0 {apt on . y a ___--_ ine two gr 0 h ily wor 3 b £, Deyen : ] ty peop re einployed by the dairy fs f ant or on : 9 the 35 delivery routes which service s mes. In : wre t 1860 the plant size was nearly doubled ¢ mpletely modern. i a A fzed to keep up with the fest moving daly iness, The | TE oe Ee UGS! Oshawa Dairy has recently added Borden's Ready Diet to its | TRY L (VELL £18 0 ' Bg - 3 long lst of dairy products Dunlop Tire Company Of Canada Lid, In 1858, Dunlop of ( i mited took the town name | of Whithy through ice hockey world a job the comp. any had heen quietly doing since 1955 when Dunlop first moved into their new tire factory in that tow; OP S--E-------------- ® One of Whithy's largest employers with over 600 people on th 1 the eo iny has come a lo y sir John | i - Boyd Dunlop first fitted a hollow tube filled with air onto { In any Business , , , PUBLIC CONFIDENCE plays the most important ad yr 7% any the wheel of & trievele, This was the 1 part , it is the yardstick that tends to make a business grow and ex oN Today, Dunlop Is represcnied by a group of some £0 pond throughout the years ry panies employing Ine e than 100.000 men i d omen in Thet's why JURY & LOVELL LTD, hes continued to operete ond. progress throughout such "var Vieg 2 er a vol iid re IPAnY manufactures { : the past 105 yeers, SERVICE, dependability end integrity hes been our motte ane will A h varisbles as ocessorie foam rubber and plastic pro. : i continue to be in the future. It is our constant sim to serve the pecple of Oshewe ond ucts, aviation tires and components, industrial rubber pro. f * 5 4 ' 5 le cot Thet's win ducts fa an dust ¢ 4 i District with the purest end finest drugs of the lowest possible €ost het's why ucts for mine and industry, sports equipment, foolwear, | ; i thousands continue to shop of JURY & LOVELL LTD, , , , end thet's why we soy egein, clothing, floor coverings and rubber and plastic compositions, ; : 4 ¥ uf "There's No Substitute for Public Confidence", Western Tire And Auto Supply From small beginnings in 1056, when this Canada-wide hil - aid gh 1856 105 YEARS 1561 auto-repair and parts company first came to Oshawa and : T started off with two employees, to the present time, the accent has heen on progres One of the original employees, " i manager John Kent, now has eight additional staff four ; o hom Ate trained mechanies, From premiees at 74 Celina | pas bi HERR a Breet to A bigger store with larger parts department and ABOVE == A view of the Jury & Lovell shore recently opened B® more service space at 145 King street west, The store special A ] gf § es pecials i 1] St, South, Izes in general repairs to all makes of automobiles, but toys, In the town of Whitby, lecoted ot ici 'n houseware, sporting goods, house paint and car accessories a i I Weneris eummodiou How sare ."R Record of Progress We're Mighty Proud of!" Alfred N, Richards, the owner of this well known husiness rst starte erations 033 ee da ere were JR vey Er ----. first started operations in 10 In those d th were not a, ! pa Over a century of serving the citizens of this district , oe too many paved roads, and the going was tough, Today, Hr hale hoa i 8 business with [0 average pa Si Sy y a that's a record of service we are mighty proud of | Yes! dispatche d Cars on the move, id n pny Tao i 3 a " > hy y During these many years Jury & Lovell have seen many : : | 1 Mie | changes in Drug Store operation , , , and our firm has, in | i Betty Haydl Interior Decorating RC "i every case, kept step with progress in stocking the newest Asovi -- The Downtown Oshawa Store of Jury & Lovell located Betty Haydl has been advising Oshawa homeowners | i 4 " and best in Drugs and many other items that go to make in the heart of the Pewntown Business section at B King Bt, Best, and chatelaines on interior decorating problems for over 1 two years, Mrs, Haydl, her hushand and three assistants 2) U i n offer aid in choosing correct color schemes, custom made Jury & Lovells a pleasant place to deal, First opening i draperies, furniture and carpets, Everything -except applis { : Bowmanville with one store, to-day Jury & Lovell operate ances, says the owner, In addition to the hushand and wife ; BY ' d 1 team, Christa ven Minden, Alona Csedveky and Aranka 4 f stores located in Oshawa, Whitby and Bowmanville, Karacsonyve are at your service, The store is located at 15 ' King street east, Paddy's Market - Used Washer Parts Norman McKeen, the proprietor of this unusual business got his start six years ago as a dealer in used washing machines, Today, with ene employee, My, McKeen also car. ries a complete line of Dominion electrical and household anpliances, Through the years, the business has built up and retained a uniaue reputation for a fair deal on the "trade. in" and servicing of washing machines = which is another way of saving "IT PAYS TO SPECIALIZE", Jury And Lovell Jury and Lovell Ltd, Drug Stores owe their success to their emphasis on convenience and comfort for the customer, | » The first store was founded in Bowmanville in 1007, The d sib 1 property for the King street east store was purchased in 1011 oo a the Simeoe street south hranch was opened in 1021, During ABOVE == Recent view of the Jury & Lovell store logated of the 1920's the company hought up many drug stores through. 15 King 8¢, West, In Bowmanville, out South Central Ontario, The Whithy branch was opened fn 1066 and the latest addition to the Jury and Lavell family, the Roslynn Plaza store was opened in Sept, 1060, The stores are now managed by Stanley and Everett Lovell, sons of the PY DEPENDABILITY founder Hambly Beverages -- Coca Cola e SERVICE In the year 1010 Hambly Beverages joined with the Coeas Fe RE "a L Wh vl i Cola Company and started the manufacture of this Popular ® KNOWLEDGE ah § i Soft Drink. Starting in a small plant on Rond §t., the Hamhly : ; i : pig Rug RAL Jv Jury & Lovell store, located i ki P 3 ] {] i Beverages soon found these premises too small for their ® EXPERIENCE operation and later moved their extra plant to a new build: fng on Oshawa Blvd, Due to the increased demand and | ; consumption, as a consequence the firm was forced to again | @ INTEGRITY : % 7 . seek new and lavger quarters on King Street West, where the § . ; es 8 Compounding Your newest and latest equipment was installed for the bottling of this popular beverage. During the war vears production 3 | D ' . . a octor's Prescription was curtailed somewhat due te sugar vationing. Since then the firm has once more found it necessary to expand, and OVER 50 YEARS as a result a new, modern plant on Bloor street is now the new home of Hambly Beverages, Coca-Cola is delivered | . Is Our Profession ! hy a fleet of trucks to many points as far away as 40 miles | with REXALL from Oshawa. Hambly Beverages are proud to he a part of TT a 0 growing Oshawa and hold high hopes for the future! Starr Furniture And Appliances | Started a decade ago by Stanley Starr, this family busi. | WHITBY PLAZA ness has through the years added to it's selection of sparting | 3 Locations In Oshawa 317 BROCK ST, SOUTH MO 8.2338 goods to include a complete range of electrical appliances and furniture for the home, Mr, Starr Sr. is still active in the concern. as-is his son, Nelson, Situated at 491 Riston road for your convenience ! south Starr Rumiture 3 Cons Lg) with only one thing ) | \ ! Ao orth Woe ISoccialtios id. | 8 XING ST. EAST RA 3-2245 INET Rexatt STEN ar eyric 0 eclailies . . rr ; - Started bk over 24 iq op 0, Karl Weyrich Wood 530 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH RA 5-3546 C T J W DE k R t 3 D L \% RY BOWMANVILLE castle. Employing a year around o i eo (3 people, who ROSSLYNN PLAZA RA 8-4668 OSHAWA BOWMANVILLE a WHITBY 15 KING or WEST MA 3-3361 Specialties Ltd. has grown to be the largest indusiry in New work in a large upto date f ch immigrated from Germany in 1920, and still enjoys ow hin of this prosperous concern, Ww hich is concerned primarily with making contemporary styled furniture,

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