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The Oshawa Times, 10 Mar 1961, p. 26

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rr eT rr ry rey rer 6 TIE CSHAWA VINES, Fridey, Merch 18, 196) PY (Hea yrominetion was Gn Mies wih wgiwwing the wheel te Tie Walker Cond mil is the. WING COLLEGE, SCORING Sees Role k i909 fers gat gaze 6 oly TH produce Whe Gower, NER & PERE ERE IN Ret wae. TOROWES (EF) ~ Fm Wer onr ] 8 fest fecrnion of # PIORERA, brine oh Ewin Ah Bale a [ii d Boy The (it CoRink was oie of send iane Emery IGF 1h mie aaA We TRE RERITVY SITAR RETR (IF GARSTANG {AL WETER WET of Tonos Wines, won the fntag PROGRESS DIRECTORY Alger Press The Wetory of Alger Press [44., Is » sucssss wavy Fox when tis local firm of printers anh Kikograghers Marat ot in Oshawa 40 years sgn, We fownder 0, WM. Ages, em: payed 18 penpia pad scaugien 10 savers fast of floor spree, Falay the shoe fs on the other foot; for the company, Readed wo by 8. BE. Alger, emglors 198 and movaies in 98 566 kqnare fest of factory soace, Yesierday, peper was hong 5 email its ~~ today, by the caresd Hambly's Tire Store Hambiy's Tire Siore was started by Ah Bambly after the Oshawn Arens, wich he owned, bwrned down In 199. Last vesr Mr, Hambly Sr, died, so Ws two sons 160K SVEE WHR: agement of the store sliter working with thelr father 18 lesen the business. The business has been bill wp 19 the point where Hambly's ts the sole Oshawn Metrhwior for Genersl Tier, and has & flect of thrice Fucks Servicing 16s cownties Dave snd Don Hamby, In addition 19 increasing the volume of business, sre specialists Wn retreads for racing and com: petition. Last veer ss the only supplier of Facing Fetrerds wm Canada, HamWbiy's saw 100 awards £0 10 wWinsing cars shod with their "rbber." Bowers Service Station An en iM employee, Stanley Bowers opened his BA gasoline station in May 1648, He has heen ot 291 King street ever since, The station is stalled by fowr sdditionzl men ~ two more than twa Aecades wen. The business stocks # complete line of BA products and offers a free pickup and delivery service from hotel, office or home Houston Service Station y | BEEFY IN ele WwW Bituated Eas paral ws 19 Bi This » Wed garage and Texaen has been ri 4 ton for the | Rt #1 Eis vest, the Wisiness employs exciusive of M Lt V7 yemrs Houston, and Specianzes mn reps make AW. AW located 7 and six Ww r around Garde thing for 1) ard y nursery stock, viants & SH Hi I") { ined with garages the £fgi ' ¥ i rowing rapidly so. 1 the Wiggs election of power mower roto-tillers a mall tractors in the district, A newer trend And 10 make out-Aoor RYIing mare enjpyable bout everything for the patie Rundle Carden Centre } Centre was estabhicned in 1946 15 outdoor vin the Centy Oshawa Wood Products The show-room and lumber yard of Oshawa i ted in Courtice, Ont, The firm Is noted er pendahility and speedy del the company was almost wiped oul in il Found, the owner, and Bill Henry, fh ethack, and are now ahle up-to-date service main olice ice, de I madern nu Gerrow Funeral Chapel In 1554 Man and his son, Bruce, built the first architectural I ned funeral home with Internal chapel in Osh I here from Toronto with a wealth of experience, and with ald of their tastefully decorated new nremise th are, within the space of seven years, enjnyir fing ( tance in the city of Oshawa. The funeral home situated at 890 King street west is conveniently located and offers adequate parking, Perhaps a reason for success ean he found in their motto "Kindness beyond price, and yet within reach of gil" ell Gerrow ! : | Of Oshawa As Vital By BON. DR, W. B. PYHOSH Minister of Health I wowid lke 19 congrati- late The Oshawa Times on this special edition. The fact that 0 serves in [nans RIER Lon won tis sree of the Frovines is & very greet snd worthorhile patie service That Oshaws, with is en Vigne, is an Rp ant of the Province g he gainsaif ~ the growth, Ae: VEER RRA CEPERSIn of this pres are, in miniature, the recovd of the Frovines of Oniania. Over the past 12 (9 1% yesrs, this growth has keen phenomenil -- the pon wiation has increased by PEE REBEL, RB FRE EFEMEr than any Mher ike fwrisdic: tion in the world. With this explosive growth of popwia: tion has gme the RecEbsAry eupansion in wiiding; 18 bi lon Adllars have been spent on new factories, homes, and other public end private els of pil kinds. New SENOS, EIEMETIRTY, BEE: ondary, technical and vees continue 10 spring we Net A3Y NE NRYEY and fa Longt LY RELGIBIMABELIGN £ hays mere han Aguimned in ts short space Many miles of new BiGRETH Wenway stretch § Onlana many of nider highway £ DEIRE FENRHL In Keeping modern trends and aunty and town: } FRRAS, HEEWIS gre hes Drought wp 49 nigher dard Our standard of Hi continues 0 rise adily friue, in these WE SEE BIENS difficulty ons of fear ind, although may he some reason for this, I have 1a say | share the opinion of many sound thinking industrialists and economists that the fulire is not gloomy. The challenges tn everyone in this Nation Province and our own prea ire Bry BFeal ana very today. It isn't enough 10 ex fear and to run for first sign of This 1s not Lime for timidity or The need of our times is for calm thinking vigorous reappraisal of our econamin philosophies of the past, of our industrial meth. ods and techniques, with a view (0 revising them as the present may dictate, of time J # ies Eur § present of eco we hear for the future there real cover at the ethack for fear uneertainty i Lie I | mia ! Wom js mo » Bowed fisme » JACK BRAYIEY / Press Ball Wilkes CONROD SETTLEMENT | Be (CF) ~ When they tak hot. waler power wn this ree' tie village 19 miles eas of Bal Haz, they wee the term Ww Ks What, RBTRETEGEY BERGHE Host of the Comins sab hormby stick of fhe 4 Wales wheel method WB GWT Rg ot sawn liher and shingies, Yow [648 Getect & nots 9 scorn Wen | RELI ing Gasoine pv aies | are Misa ssed | There sre three mills in the | settiement, ok ron by Conrsds Land two of them sill wae walter wheels, The mills seem Comph- | cated; perhaps even & Wt on ithe Bike Goldberg pian, Bit, ps ithe Coninds point wet, there is | smelt of gasoline and 04 pnd | ne smiles and steam 16 spol the rich rroma of sawn wood end te Wot the landscape, They cigim the finished pro {duct has an enduring lod and | guglity thet can't he reproduced 1by # modern plant SON 18 READY Herb Coniod, Th, runs & saw mill thet is slinost 109 yerrs oid. He started to work in the mill gs a boy under Wis. father het Wis chief g I ) CRITY RM ens Lo Hem H of the turbines discharge wheel and compl yslem pulleys ears, turns the saws and pw § that process the raw Lm ber. The wooden cogs of the wheels and the wheels type wilh Eeptr Fhe wa the whes Furnes the through BR of helt CRIrA REEF LARA pri Managemen | mary producer and consum | er all need to sit down 19 gether. with the will and de: | olermination tn seek tn, find wir present dif £ Are Lempo jal | am certain sential Is #0 arcely he Ontario's fu and should for op ¢ future of Osh wart of our ten FT equally brig and gives equal cause for optimism This future is in the hands of our people, and 50 long as the spirit of our people confident their COUTARE high and their faith in them strong and well founded, then the future of Our area = our Province and our Nation Is secure and bright BEIVE OSHAWA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (OSHAWA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEMBER 1961 organized to promote and develop the COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL and JY] rerests oor GOMMUNITY T™ CITY OF OSHAWA, during the past few years, has continued to advance, bath in population and industry, until teday it ranks with many ef Caada's great Industrial Centres, It is the eigth City of Ontario Serving the Community and its economic interests since 1928, the Oshawa Chamber of Com- merce also continues ta grow and develop, The 1960 Membership Roster contains the names of nearly 500 members; and their support and interest make your Chamber a substantial force, constantly striving te improve your interests and the Community, YOUR CHAMBER is often called the conscience and will of the Community the "conscience" ta perceive the needs of the Community, and the "will"' to take effective action regarding those needs. Through the Ontarie Chamber of Commerce, your views on provineial matters can be made known to the Government of Ontario; in company with mare than 843 Boards of Trade and Chambers af Commerce throughout Canada, your veice is represented to the Government at Ottawa, and the world at large by the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, The services of the Chamber office are always avails able to members, to assist in any manner within its means , , , and as a member, your support provides an essential service to your Community, ¥ bg do SA | THE OSHAWA | CHAMBER COMMERCE DON BURNS Vice President JIM McCANSH Treasurer GORDON RIEHL Dv, D, E. STURGIS H. E. ROBINSON Vice President President Immediate Past President WM, HART Vice President ERIE wa - fas onet Levels and Anel wy We flame fe Sher Cminh he Har Conind mers hel Rial 7 orem flowing fim themesives arn made of hank & (9 Wg lars Rewn week, hound with trom wt. The wiles gwes fiom the the Cones smithy, The wwy fiome Bioweh 7 wontes gn CKAREESHON 16 modern Gimes Is that sieves the Aahiis, pnd (ois he Nok of POREE WetERd HE & PERM ck WRETE Jt Wis the ta lather belting Wine nd sine the power Her figwees that # modern. Fut whove Berw's mill is fhe Miesel plant 19 do the same oid shape milk of Be owen wold cost Bim how 3509 end Biren Comisd. This mill has then he wowid wise have the the traditions tye of water "wy ME he shingles ATR ONE. CONVERTER wis ty parts, flume Fitting the hotiom padi fire data Tike milk lms wi (he # mE Rages that Bers awl anh hitanasd so eniieginte Senior wash Wy # BWRANnE Rember of Aehestaly By Prato Rand | ARENE SRE Hit [RTIRETE (WF TREE IRAK WEARERS RIG BRIBE RIE I) RE BAK, Warm. Reiss th The |ERETR oF Wok BW RS (WARGR Famas Romwish Tucihay hey are move When the firs Conrsn, of Ger CENTS, 1h Wak, BReahonile wan WER, came MW miles (In pinger, saved 1h wan therehy be spaceh farther Limenwwg, B35 APRIL. GRA YOR SATE OR FRR IER, Be fownd Bed 19 take in fact the 4 wilt somes Worcine, » 9 9 wthe (RE cosisty for 27 pots wie grew Wr sp Wack le thet oy Not only wm VI game a REE B ERNE EE ols 1Rher than cash, Tnbey the bask ROY W. NICHOLS HOME OF THE BEST NEW & USED CAR VALUES IN THE OSHAWA DISTRICT to the conscientious ottention we have customer we have had the pleasure of see Roy Nichols, Ai ' Above phete shows the Rey Nichels Garage in Courtice as it is tedeyl Above is the Roy Nichols Garage at the corner of Church and Silver Streets in Bowmanville, 38 Years of Continued Service to Motorists of this District! For thirty-six years the firm of Roy Nichals has heen a byword with motorists in Oshawa, Bowmanville and the surrounding district == HY? , . , because the firm of Roy Nighals has always given THE BEST SERVICE , , , that's why hundreds of car owners continue te patranize this well-known automotive depot in Courtice and Bowman. ville, Fram a small beginning in 1922, until now, with a staff of aver 30 employees the firm of Ray Nichols is constantly enjoying increasing popularity and patronage. ROY W. NICHOLS Your General Motors Dealer For (Courtice and Bowmanville) PHONE RA 8.6206 ALSO SUPERIOR GARAGE SERVICE ® ONLY EXPERT MECHANICS EMPLOYED eo We at Roy Nichols are exceedingly glad to convey to our many customers ond friends our best wishes on this our 39th anniversary of our outometive busi- ness in the Oshawa district, We feel our continued growth and success is due iven to each end every individuel oing business with, For a better deol May we at this time also extend our sincere thanks for your past patronage and hope that we may continue to serve you in the Automotive fisld, 1922 1961 ROY W. NICHOLS Authorized Dealers for . . . © CHEVROLET CORVAIR © OLDSMOBILE ENVOY © CHEVROLET TRUCKS Specializing In . . . GENERAL REPAIRS To All Makes of PASSENGER CARS and TRUCKS Only 10 Minutes takes you to Roy W, Nichols from any place in Oshawa and District where the best value in New & Used Cars awaits you, Our garage is staffed only by expert Mechs onies == our workmanship is the best and our prices pleasing and our work guaranteed, [angina ABOES Wh os wd DA TERARE FTE WEIR WEE BRR. RACE. RAFVER. GEREN 1H 1 pudgy il Rosin Ext the ongnd Cond Bret have % armed, Be he esta ol in the same pres, Row 9 hehed the gre mil Com RIERA 1h ERsiine GRETRIIOR, MA he grin ie wn IER I it is ron by another rEiation, he wisn look care of Fe CRIB nG cost of fuel and fan, wheel with tie water Tim the Walker Conish, anf 16TRE OW bors sad (ook DRYmEnt in lish: Conpols Work sirctly on @ cach Wo averRge oF rr --

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