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The Oshawa Times, 10 Mar 1961, p. 27

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Fr rrr rr ry ry reoervoor Oiler hat ave engage fu wnhergrond servers, B51 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Merck 16, 1967 J 0 semenng butiders in Sentry f E56 ANG #8 CORRE TE ---------- t x wal owes Resting. Perhaos #'There ve Wang MIR ages (5h & MEF TEROVAGOR of the offiin WIRE work wniid be nr ¢ d few homens or Rewess sil (ING at [ie moet iTROYITRIRERTE SEER. FRY BRITE STENT (QIRieh Ai SIR E CONE wil Avision wil be destricglly they see RW the fatavs howd see Re evef- e Kept #6 & ABIES reswit: a With the establishment of the tual tormation of & Pui THli- ing In dficiency wk eoomomy Lr at givifies ave Being made new water anh wewage sysieme es Commenon. Mach of (RE (or FTRrIme in benefit nefit. ivy The GENOSHA PROGRESS DIRECTORY A. E. Mercer Lid, -- Industrial Supplies This go ahead fam wis dared with tos pele, Jan. 8 * 958. AF. Yernsr. the owner. Wes 55 Jeais Crpenencs Ww BEANE ISHIERRGCR GRR HERRESION TREE Suh SRE Be Boils. pals, prea ision aie A ENEIRGE Fhe "OSHAWN'S FINEST AMD LARGEST MOTEL" a by aid Today, Kober Eneos. Tom Somers md (len Brooks, wong with the ever vig We, Mersey wre 16 be (Bh. 0. Thess lmainnss pramians, Th Rk street ket, mang By the Won, Wichaet Sorry The opening wp of Rew #ress rns grad Kitie tsiness GROW Windstar of abn 15 WINER yeiopment; the of fonts of the ladadtiat Commis: McLaughlin Coal And Supplies Ltd, | 07 y: comms wee re vom, ons ihe susty wows of aan the ty Hong the fmes oF Plan Mat angilin Cosi and Supplies 144, 119 stress, W., The tise in popdation snl Ww nef Aeyeiooment wl make wie fownded wy 1900 by L, ¥. Mclanghlin anh |. B. Arges. f(zeiities ud y sins huni Oshawa Ww yess 19 come he They fenis in coke, cork snd wesk, 0 1908, brick, ie, Wire Son indestnidl mah commeroat centre o we of he most ah siding wppiies were pbded. The Weiness CORBNER zotivity make TNs one of ThE HIEIESHIE FIER WB AMEN R 9 prosper. Today i ls the largest Sst tor of Resting fastest ZEOWIRE Wiese Ww In ww of he AMAZINE ERROR and Wniding swvlies wn Oshaws. The fem wow Canela growth recond of the past few employs & large fleet of melereh trucks, for prompt of fe Ohews's Erowih, thewek years | personally, have tre Bvery, ns well gs their eoml tricks. Wal anghiin Cont aml wise messgrment, Wik contimie mendows (ath wn the pemhe " Supplies 114, Wve gained & Wide 1epwiation thiowghow the to roswes Wi the Tears heal, (shawn wih Oshawa s 6a e --~ " . VEREE IF REENLY Anh serviae oi ot Rag Ji SARWRY SRATCHAIVY 0 OCH ANY Long established in the heart of the "Meter City" Bes mot heen (ei and wll ROL 59 16 Menage 165 Ailes tht - the Genoshe Hotel serves os the "hl of active Kresge's (Downtown) be (63 (oF some 9e JERE OF the long ange DIogrm of Ae ' OR A A RAR Kesar' s Rowmtown sore on Simene sicet south has heen jties for the thousands of tourists, business men ond the pew Barhor Commission fall the promise of the present ; : ' EETVIRE Ochawh's shoving phe for 19 yemrs. On Boy. §, takes the necessary steps 19 | wonld hike 19 congratiate I H | 0 travellers visiting Oshawa and the surrounding diss 1956, # second stove opened In the Ohaws Shopping Centre, implement an overt program the Oshans Times in the pre tricts, and is conveniently located The two stores employ shot 115 persons wih the newer of imorovement, them this 160 sentation of this lg aa sore everagng 15 saflers. Both pre desorbed ss reiall will 24d 19 the constantly W- issue, sainting Ohawa "Yester i VREaty sores WHR lanch counters. © Manager of he "Com: CIERBNE 16BPO dustrial Gay wnd Tomorrow iis w yore In Ala 4 § 40 be Jost pletely remodetied and modermized"' Simene street store is commercial development he wih the IRE Fecors # Wybey's vast network, Dwing I. E. Banceldvell; A Hebb manages the lerge Shopping AL the same time, social public service of this fine the first year of nce memict J 1, 4 4 # Centre mist Planning 18 RA WIRE REZILCISA, BREW SPRIET _ government in Alex i fins were completed for the Chamber Of Commerce 5.» p [wrchace 9% the Bistetion o7e Aa' 2% a . . fem from Ontario Hydro for # Oshawi's 1 year oid Chamber of Commerce is » vol 1 om of SHAN. Ts Was BF Wary organization representing 45% firms and is Aeseribed ranged by Achentuwre 19 be re Be the "organized voice of the business community V2 ' prid wn BW yeers 99 persons pre C of € members. The Chamber's "Prior 19 19% # commities of #6 described by genersl manager Douglas Fisher, 16 19 "pro oh ane governed the local come} mote Oshawh And serve the community Specifically, the | mission ww is aetions, With the! Cham atie g ' CEN 4 owt "oid enti 4 ' : het iii uh A gh sf | ¢ i" me five & py " The Oshawn Ministerial Asso- a month in the Collegintes Wn election of the Dirst commis) ks th Ae eommiitess on such ems rs visits i ' 26505 { $f 4 #9 Di 4 nee Abii Bg i Ryd Gu os 0 mis ama it vio ig ciation comprises the Protes- Grade 11 classes. The Minis ion & heavy capital expense) The fine reputation of the Genoshe Hotel for Service, Comfort and an unsurpassed Merny, is the rest of a thorough knowledge of the hotel business which ensures the complete satisfaction of each ond every Gest ® Unexcelled Convention Facilities For Club Meetings, Banquets, Receptions the Genosha has the ® PICCADILLY ROOM ® CORVAIR ROOM tant Ministers of the City of Osh awa. I meets on the third Mon day of each month in the love by Chapel of Bt. Andrew's Unit ed Chureh the lessons were from the OIA substation 1s scheduled for Testament and in the new term completion this vesr as well #s ® FLEETWOOD ROOM During the Week of Prayer, the instruction is from the pr many refinements to the hight FABULOUS STARLITE ROOM NEWLY RENOVATED COFFEE SHOP OPEN 24 HOURS PER DAY Ie Rppreciative of the fine sup program was initiated and com: medipte past president is H. FE. Robinson SA al the De ¢ {fo » {the first full week of the New soribed (exthook, "The Bory ing snd transmission services port of the Dept. of Education pleted in the form of an office na the principals snd teach. and services building and & new) S : H 11 . Year, the Ministerial Assoc Wo of Jesus" and is based on the Ajax Hydro is presently keep: {tion sponsors five Ags of 8De Gospel of Bt, Mark, Rev, W. G, ing & close eye on the Various ieigl services st which sl the Dickson is Convener of this (Churches cooperate, For IL commitien and assisting him : th ers concerned. In the fall term sub-station. Since then Another | he special services were hel are Rev, M. A, Bury, Rey Given They seek 10 help In & mood of reminiscence At the present time the annual in five different Churches in linton Cross, Rey, RB, B hese people In any wey they the Women Wellare League attendance is well over Y1.000, five different sections of ow Cir For Ressrvetions, Write or Wire GENOSHA HOTEL 70 KING ST, EASY OSHAWA, ONY,, CANADA 105 ROOMS with TY, adie, telephones ond sech with tile shower and both, MODERN FIREPROOF CONSTRUCTION CENTRAL LOCATION REASONABLE RATES Guaranteed Parking for FAMILY RATES roy and Bey. Frank Swackham League look aver the Fifty thousand persons attend City The Churches WEIR! mer VERTIS ANG, In apticipation, looks with some type of need to he Northminster United, the Uk. a 19 the future, Since its inceptionifilied. Whatever their problems, rainian Preshyterian, $i. Mat raul the Souriesy of the President The Rey K B. Mil in 1926 the League has steadily these thousands of people leave thew's Anglican, King Street . io eB pails oo! torlsl " roy viee presiden The Rey expinded the welfare service Simeone Hall better citizens Pentecostal and at the Salvation Miers LA my 4 praia Frank Swackhammer; secre Tn 1920 a group of women. Simcoe Hell 1s a member of Army Citadel, The addres Mia 4 Als g A h iA ary. The Bev. W. G. Dickson; handed together, collected eloth- Boys' Clubs of Canada, sponsor- were given by Ministers whe iki idi of CKLB oh a treasurer, The Rey Ken Mat Ing, visited and Investigated|ed by the Governor General, had recently come to our City the Min hors Are Bi agri thews. The following are the needy cases, The late A, R.\with headquarters in Montreal, Jie ¥. GG, Dickson, Rey, A 2 7 Ih So . a ) & y CONV ENerS of commitiees -- Chil: Alloway placed the top Hoor of, In 1860, the new welfare stor- Woolcock, Rey nneth Mat due to 41 g 4 wi iin dren y Aid Bocety Rev, 1. K General Printers at the disposal age unit was opened. The hase thews, Rey, W, A, MeMillan and he i " Fr oe Bm mAaays Moffatt; Radio Committee, Rey of these women, and local mer- ment of Simcoe Hall has heen|Rey, W. N, Aitken, The Presi. "TOWER FriGays Pr. George Telford, convener chants co-operated In many used for many years for the!dent of the Ministerial, Rev, The members hear addresses and assisting him sre Rey, M ways, In 1953, the late Charles storage of clothing, but due tol, B, Milroy presided at each 0 matters perigining to the A. Bury and Bey, W. N, Aitken; Robson donated his former resi. increased requests for this type! service, Ordinarily the Week of work of the Christian Ministry Editorial convener, Rev, BR, A, dence to be operated as a Settle-|of help, the space available he-| Prayer services are held in ope Weh as the Bible Society and a Bombay; Representative to the ment House, and in the samelcame Iotally inadequate, 'The|central down » town church but fine address on Welfare Work in Community Chest The Ven Overnight Guests year, the League received its new building greatly facilitates! this year it was decided to hold he city was recently given by! Archdeacon Harold Cleyverdon; charter this phase of our work with the|them in various churches in dif- Mrs, Lindsay of the City Wel- Hillsdale Manor, Rev, W, N In 1951, the Welfare League Needy people of the community. | ferent parts of the ity and the (8re Department The Hey R. Aitken, convener and assistin successfully eampaigned for| One of the most important attendance and interest was in-|A Bombay, who has served for him, Rey NT Holmes an funds and an addition was made! Phases of Welfare work is "'talk:| creased / the past several years Inifev, W. Goodswan; Mental to the building, This supplied| ng things over", and this is by| Tea Kenya, will shortly address the health representative, Rev, additional space, mainly a large "0 means confined to children, [WEAR ADDRESSES Ministers on his experiences in Frank Swackhammer; Relig ; i ol Irie OLR One of the most important that great country, ious Education committee, Rey, gymnasium, which allowed for| Friendly counsel to the needy is, | the Minis: The Minister take 4 LW. 6 Dicks ond many activities formerly impos: invaluable to the Erowing eity | parts of the work of the Ini ie Ministers take tums al-\W, 6, iekson, eonvener An 'lerigl Association is the teach. phahetically in visiting the pa: assisting him, Rev, F, Swack: sible, Attendance figures, hefore for many people have no Im ing of Religious Knowledge in tients at the hospital who are hammer, Rev. R. B. Milroy and after, attest to its useful-| SIMCOE HALL the Grades 7 and 8 of the pub: listed under the headings of Rev. Clinton Cross and Rey ness: 1940 « 32,000, 1952 » 54,000.) (Continued on Page 2) lic schools every week and once "Protestant" or "No ChurchiM. A, Bury, Officers for 1961; Past presi- dent, The Bev. N. T, Holmes HOTEL GENOSHA CANNING NEW HORIZONS... IN THE AUTOMOTIVE BUSINESS WE ADVANCE TOWARD THE FUTURE WITH CONFIDENCE!! Choose From OSHAWA'S Largest Selection Of qu RE.CONDITIONED CARS Every Car Carries The "Goodwill" Written Guarantee Factory Approved Parts and Service We, at Cliff Mills Motors, are proud of our years of service in the sutomotive business, However, we are not resting on past ashioves ments, but are always striving to improve the service te eur sustomerns, In line with this polisy, our men underg ive factory training to acquaint them with all the newest developments In the autes motive industry, This training, the expansion of eur facilities for new and weed cars and the sentinuing changes in our services des partment, bath in methods and policies, are changes thet are made with ene thought in mind , , , thet is TO GIVE COMPLETE SATIS. FACTION TO THE CUSTOMER! H, C. MILLS, President, -_ : rs---- PONTIAC GOODWILL USED CARS -- GUARDIAN MAINTENANCE SERVICE Bring. YRUF + «1 BUICK THE PONTIAC, BUICK we. mocxs| OLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. | =e Back Home To Cliff Mills For GMC. TRUCKS 226 KING ST, WEST RA 3.4634 GUARDIAN MAINTENANCE SERVICE

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