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The Oshawa Times, 10 Mar 1961, p. 29

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_ IEW OF GENERAL ys AIRY GM Makes [Sold 523,500 Cars For All World There are Oshawa made ¢ and trucks all over the world even in the Tonga Island Fer since the first Buick wa W248. cay built here in 1607, vehicles have the Canadian Neen mit of Dshawa for Inaustry nok fon all parts of the world tinuing high level Some time thi or the 4.000, 17 1901 time, Canadian 0th vehicle will likely UTIng anh, Can 1 produc: y ive nor if "Ome ion vivid la 5.000 ni i, "th 11 { hed 1 85 600 ur 4 off the GM production line mn mh 0 h Tv i" anywhere 150 Suggestions For Each Day f | Filly sugpestions ® Asy poi I u into GM's Buggestion Plan boxes 4 lin Oshawa, In 1960, 49 per cent of Oshawi employess contrib led ideas Blakes are high A maximum $000 was parid to Hoss Souch of Accounts Recely able just a month ago, for sug esting changes storage and distribution of GM cars destined for Kast Canada OM's tion Plgn wae in . troduced 1944 during allo Buggestions '#l production SAYVINES with ¢ and economy of Canadian slong ihian in anada's By E,W, WALKER ars President and General M General Motors of Canada, | expand tep inager id popilation of own. AWAY Percentage ord 19h ALGIMOLIVE Canadians purchased a ret ana ruck n 4h and ha in id tg Bear eri roling i" m of for every 45 DURE in proguetion ae many orteuls and matenal In 1060. the um award increased to $2,500. Nearly 2.000 tions ere submitied the next year. And the number of suggestion. kept right or in creasing to reach 12,000 in 1960 1956 the award ceiling tn 85.000 GM has And drove V8 ANG H ed alop 468,000 in 1 ated 45.000,000000 1 of Jar gnti itn £4000 Al eg f compared tn may go i LOOK sé lees of Loves Ones ven months ag amir mit and the ser mare than| vehicles aves hall -a-dozen shipping COmpanies| Phe ¢ to send a car to a Tonga Island dustry missionary in the South Pacific the Regular shipments gn tn place {eral such as Australia, New Zealand and South Africa {4 (f maxi the autn indi of for an ine Het 1058 Canadian 15 not pes Canadian economy It is optimistic prospect for a long turn starty this vi Canadian diplomats LY) Late in 1960 he oars the world Nave Canadian huilt accounted for the only GM carslyehicle was produced, Canada' shipped behind the Tron Curtain. first million tank Besides shipping cars to 78 vears to produce latest countries, Oshawa also supplies milion were made in less than them to nearly 1300 GM dealers three years and it Is certain in Canada the next million vehicles will be Back in Oshawa, GM trans. Made even faster port people have to he as quick) For the long term, the auto as they are ingenious, More motive industry will continue to than 000 cars and trucks often| come off production Hhnes in a single day, Traains and trans part trucks must he ready to load and move out USE RAILWAYS About 85 per cent of vehicle ta be delivered voll out of Osh awa h yrall, This leaves some | a0 cars and trucks to he de livered daily hy highway trans paris Transports are usually used for shorter hauls, such as to On tario and Quebec dealers, but five years ago one driver took 2 days to deliver four cars to Whitehorse, Yukon--a distance of some 4000 miles, It was 60 de grees helow wera when he arrived Cars to he shipped hy trans port are taken off the produs tion line hy drivers of Gen-Aulo Shippers T4d, and are turned aver to one of seven transport companies after heing cleared through the Gen-Auta compound across from GM's south plant Railroads are used mostly for delivery of vehicles ta the Prairies, the West coast, the Maritimes and Newfoundland Airplane delivery 1s rare he [ ) " IAnsiIon nHaerkel dad As ngs n hou gutomative Si motive vehiel I'he industry expects 1661 pro duction or HEhtly 1060, An nadian proguction wit from inereased rts caused hy the change In effec fit in gen Lhe up efunl total for m the in t ahout Hihy June raised Ta date In Wi hi exeeed upturn : paid H.000,0500th mt automotive EL aver and n its members to the Commission for removal of the diseriming tory seven-and-a-half per eent A Royal Commision 1s still in: excise (aX on PASSENEETr CATH quiring into 5 and means of will be aceepied hy the federal increasing production and em: government, Removal of the tax ployment In the automotive in: would mean immediate redue dustry, The industry hopes the tion of 8160 in the lowest price unanimous recommendation of Canadian-huilt cars BOWERS Service Station 1941 -- OVER 20 YEARS -- 1961 Serving The Motoring Public of Oshawa & District w=WITH THE FINEST PRODUCTS federal government aluation hich live last year vehicles u2 hecame Ihe MOTORS BOUTH PLANT IN OSHAWA GIVES OVERALL VIEW cause of cost, But in 1053, two new cars were flown from Mal tan to oll fields in Northern Al herta I'he enstamer wanted them for a celebration and he was willing to pay cash for quiek delivery Maintenance Is Big Job Talk about clean-up Jobs Think of thase General Motors maintenance men! Every week A truckloads of sOFan to sweep up and 147 acres af floor space ta lean En route they wear out 1000 hraams and 1300 maps, use up 1500 gallons of floor. cleaner a yoar of course they Uae med hani¢ al floor cleaners, Hut they have mare than the flaar ta clean up One of their trickiest jobs 1s paint spray booths, GM main tenance crews spray insides of hooths with plastie, Later they just vip the plastio coating off like old skin and spray dust comes off with plastic Dust, the bane of every house wife, is kept down hy ventilating maehines which change plant ale every 20 minutes. Specially treated dusting rags are alsa used Ld J PIES eR HE RRITIEN AMERICAN DEALER Abave photograph shows the Bowers Service Station located ar the sormer of King Strent East and Ritson Rd, In Oshawa, where famous BA Praduets are dispensed, Serving You Is Our Aim! For aver 20 years, our sole aim has been 19 serve the Moterists of Oshawa and District to the best of aur ability, and the continued patronage fram sur many hundreds of sustomen speaks for itself, Your Automobile represents a considerable investment and should receive only the finest B.A Guaramtesd Produsts, Why net try BOWERS B.A Service and tind owt for. youmelt why so wany hundreds Oshawa and Distelet Matarishs of tontinue to patianise | 4 BOWERS Service Station 261 KING E, AT RITSON RD, RA 3.4733 HONORS EMPEROR RODHAM, England (CF) One of the six bells in the 14th century ehurch of this Sussex village will be insoribed with the name of Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie. The viear, Rev A. BE Cottam, was a militar adviser (nn Wihiopia during Whe second World Wan l womens BY END MARCH ¥ 4 General MAmrs 16 Erpandng in Oshawa . GM Plans Expansion The new esleniions rie sihiar contruction 9 WERE 7 rere Pry ry THE ASHAWAS TIMES Fridey, Merch 16, 196) Br MEANDER FARRELL Canadian Press Mall Wiker MONTREAL, (CF) ~ The port and city A Momiresi whowid get to know sreh oAher hotter. MH Ld Keir A pot Yo Kidbvig--%0A Aanwtown Roser, Waowwn 6 ny Hien Wowkey RET ey tad ad In the man - made Lawes We modern mesivha Res eiopes 1 the noth of Cr Stress and Be Sid ny loss Me anigmat Ws Rass F00es io The report pecommiments he rehahiistation of the #4 oly, Urclainng (or & wile zlong the WRETIIONt, WH an Adaimetia. Br the end of March, two Bev GU baildings, Beige Wick, com 15 WEEEsted in 3 1epors MIawh ye contin for the ppmg additions to the South Pient SHOWA he COME 7 Wing finished off pow be 75 954 fois RRA WRISROWE FIILERGON $08 5, Hi The extra space I 16 be weed for snlension of pers WRK hionse ana milice, kB new selyice Ales # new GM Treining Comtre, eriension of Tabmlating section nd Setionery Aepan hens, The Fabwiating section is hing expended so thet IBM caipmet can be centrahies Currently, EM equipment 1% used in thse man centres, the Vertis Depaciment, the Payrol Department and the North Main Office To faciiiate the of Electret conduit whieh go with 16M tabwiators, the floor of this section 16 specially Fle viled, M $i Pr able pedestals Maced every UM nhs thse ss slials rest whismingin shes whieh he gned the offies The Wied in I men fhe OF ada w #4 grept run ones wy ih JHehis tn ia form floor ean he Bre flo La EXPOSE rialsen hares re OM Philo cables and v5 owered $408 90% under the plan and the GM's floor | cent ME Diss hy inches @horye Company consid. rs every well spent Sugrestions are collected fics Every one is opened, read twice a week from 75 boxes coded for onginaiity, mvest throughout GM plants and of gated and acknowledged CrElE and ass the wan materials wend with fluniescen we * ahting throwghon, CURTAIN WALL A postal front of stylish owe tain wall rovers the office facing Park Boss EARLY IN AVEN, Fhe Parts warehmee admtion is the scemd since 1951, Iu 1953 20075 sg 1 was added 19 the original 214045 sq. 1 the new SLO rR Er Rice hres times Ms ongingl sie GM people wre expected 19 move Wg the Rew Work Ries enniy in Agni, Equipinent is #) ready being moved in, Vislimin taried on the EUIRINET Wak RY Bry Work wes projet last "Hn fn this project GME trek mat ActBnng rie Bn LEhawn has Been INETE wm per cent, The addition 15000 square feet InCrRasE GM's truck mam actyring nem om ised EINE will Nant n rly five meres, BLOWIN greater efficiency and more flexibih n truck manslacture GM glin epened new 19 arre Paris warehowse in Mont ren) several months sgn, (ther TL t Moneton Winnipeg, BReging / EAmmmton W WRFENISE Taman Barkatom i algary and Vancouver vp by thick picitects Aithowah, they sey, "the Ws Lie Thasim fon the existence of Homies 6 We harbor the importance A the Rashor in the Aer eiopment ond reonomwy of the ty Is hardly recogniied today 0 the ofy wt lerge Jacnes Bimard and the his and - ond - wile team of Dame ind Wlanihe van Ginkel wader wok & BE - month study of thé part's physical prodiems for fhe Wontreal Port Council, an ad body for the business CHR LY The architects say thet Wom veal. wnlike such her gre port eties as Rotterdam and New York, "bas singwianty Bitle direct contact between the city and the barb" The reason is that the ne heart of the city has no 6 rect physical or visual contact With docks, the ships and ie Wi In the minds of the iA wy ery Ware the or Jiene the Hoi " BN iy' THO MAIN CAUSES Tis | of contact 0 "NE | and & man ORT Win Os mad ny The natural cause wes thet the oid eity on the waterfront is bounded on the north by now filled in and called This Acpression forms # boundary helween the ma ety which houses the ad ministrative, judicial and finan cial districts as well as a grest "4 siream CrRig rest a ade ed Having & Wong comes 8 jucemt Wy he ERamcat renee wilh bring mis foes the pov as an scone factor wn he We of the ety and will £m RaEIIE Ba WIT RER This would he wn exampe A the ity recogriring the harbor, Conversely, he PRIIhOr WE TREHEINIE Thee €AY WEST CUT CONGERTION The pretitects think that the wont Beeld cold stand B gener four » Bing § strempthehing the con tact hetween the harbor nd the ity, they sey that longterm port planning must glso be afl @t relieving congestion, The majority of warehouses, ROW and ground the oid city, cold be relocated elsewhers wong the walerfront ~ prefeve able in ceptral terminals "nd fH 4 he climineted Wort cargo in Montreal was destined for Ih metropititan ires or tr pment, As a THIe. BIBER PORLR WARS nested I} only Ana rYen term yanre hy use of Ak Cranes of oad: nyolves 65144 f b CE o # short hime need of short call EN Bh system ani ne The ng and unloraing smps the use of ship's gear and sheds to the wharves, Use of dock cranes would enable direct transier of cargo hetween ships and freight cars or tricks, ne res [Lear existing lose et me a att LEO GLOVER Phm, b, Mrs Mrs Audrey Meintyre Virginia Dodd Jean Srogryn [ KARN'S fountain staff, just friendly - hd 4 fr one rensan why ww | many people sy: i : "Mest KARN'S, Miss dean Hamilton Mrs Maris Rogen 28 KING ST, EAST RAY WEEKS . THEIR PLACE OF BUSINESS... ry Mis Gloria Yinsen Min Joan Bloan Mrs, Mr, Melly Murrey dean Evin For nearly forty years "KARN'S" has boon serving Oshawa families Under the guidense of the late W, H, "Bill" Kern, Kern's Brug Store expanded until in 1954 the firm was incorporated, Since 1987, Karn Drugs Limited has been wholly owned and ep: erated by three partners, Messrs, Leonard G, Glover, Raymond F, Weeks, and Geoftray DB, Andrews, Bach of these graduate pharma slots is o native of Oshawe and served his apprenticeship and many mw serviee under the late Mr, Karn whose genial personality still ye porve You'll find Kara's » friendly stare and like the PERSONALIZED sere Pharmacists are always on duty == ready to serve you, son depend on Karn Drugs for all your drug, toiletry, baby and vies, lt tt GEOFF ANDREWS Phm, b Our experienced staff of cose meticians, always ready to ad. vise y beauty Miss 4 Coleen Larkin Mrs, Violet Howard Mi Joy € os the atmosphere of the store, photographie needs, MR, EUGENE GORMAN, Kam's friendly Oshawe LIVERY aurea dor te many Wir is net amb homes, convenient far you te visit the you ane Kern's FREE CITY. WIDE reminded of PE SERVICE, For prompt, delivery, just eall KARN'S ot RA 3.460), RA 3-462] KARN DRUGS LT vy GREG KANE ou on heir core ond problems, [] Miss apes Karen Copitherne You ® OSHAWA

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