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The Oshawa Times, 10 Mar 1961, p. 38

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For More Than Four Generations BIRK'S BLUE BOX PRIDE OF GIVING ant , , , PRIDE IN RECEIVING PRIDE OF POSSESSION i - ¥ The House of Birks and its Famous Blue Box have long been regarded as a Canadian institution . . , for Birks have grown with the development of Canada. From the original nucleus of a tiny Montreal store, over four generations ago, Birks have blossomed into an arganisation comprising 27 stores located from the Atlantic to the Pacific has m ; : Se RR Birks pride themselves on distinctive jewellery and sterling silver designs, both fashioned in Birks' own craftshaps. Moreover, Birks' buyers, each an expert in'his field, visit Canadian and Overseas markets in search of the new and unusual; most of this merchandise is exclusive to Birks With the passage of time, the same high standards of quality, value and courteous, efficient service have remained. And today, just as many vears ago, the gift in the Birks Blue Box remains synonymous with beauty, quality and value a pleasure to receive, a joy to own BIRKS Jd BE WW EL L.E RS OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE uJ AMERICAN GEM SOCIETY Inks {ehucation. BAREORE poRce Was fiwk We fhe | adtasandd NN » REWRIROR [RARE [FR Rlaival# fo oe ale per Gey™% 8 Te omawa TIES, Frdey, March , és aue MK RE TREH [ERIRTEIRERES. FRR. £ alala G H 1 Laan WINER ARETE 2 Seiat pris ¥ PY The Fresdem #oh Bowrh of Sew factories were Walt wh ive 18 ory Tharatove the lnesital ahead FONE O86 BRA KX IRCIHEES lt Governors HH the Emversty of jgoent in the CX KE. 28 wes @ BREW WIRE 5 IR anh The haf FI RERE RE FRR } Development Of Ajax Town Tonnnt sy ming adie that twa A 75 TREY WTA ' * CERNETTERE. WRG IRCTRRIRA rw WEF. IREMCR. ARE : hk A BL DEER ROWAN Kew BIiavlg Hi We 1a i. Form Wilh he wARition PVIINES. ROVE RON i PY . > 4 TRAERESY wipes Fant ## PERER Wy I TRE Jax Oospi1 Ww 58 mw sweeney fon Th os Wages oF Re onl Bir. Huy # KRIREN OHSTN of the PORES yor was WJ a # 5 A WRAIARRRAE,. #16 af Guided By Mayor, Council 72m To emg a Ea of imo ' FHIERE IR [RBERRTH SEU IRI 4 war ane on the BAL 7a wy aw REWER BAR TRE AEVROGRERE. the erring NEY Wis I 5 Grr Can Wied Ww praniawmg Re GWE Late In Febery, 1045, Car' By this time sithongh fermi: Frank Woioss, » meshes of 0 F% the wvaosiine Dts 91 "the mens #9 WORE Be procested witR Re With this gh sccvpeney, the ing Pugs A Epil 7, Ball, AAnger Construction tories for men wm sae ies 20h the Setety Depertment Salt, Pai yr gy peer ang lo & Missed maser owns ( [FAAP Fong # he sin wei of the how 9. species & honk p) Me GRARET ER WEIR Was Resepled and Pikes tan A mA Fhe Rey copes Fog riot: on y a fh Toesmakt] | Maorial Coneiting frm of Ag " : a sie mw cued boy he Shell noaienic. 4 ws very evidem Works wes fxm thet dels TIO Coniraton Co el uring the yuri fre rn By RQ erty Be Mp oir BML OM WL lil B lg is Sation wn Ajax that iB order 1H Bawian #2 KowR #5 the Vilage HA Aiax oh the Defence 5 dries du BOW BISIANY RA 15 WES EROWE en's teks and 17 bassinet 4 #) Ho i oe # om fanwnry of 100, 19 make # money ARIAT pr TM War the thors of rc SOIACIONY DOerEing Wall Ie the fall of THE, 2 Comm as he Bets Re ad ies Se A thrmeghont. the commiry Ender "7 I ie ' : a vat then fade i wiky of the hiwk wid Pickering ish COMENEHN Jaen d v a A 5 hy &A 5 Cuiathal BEY id The sa §% gaat Bey WEY H PE AG oh 4 . ges AUG TW # : 0 of wht Svetnely was vat TOA De haceary 8 SEDC ek Vi TELVESHAyes TOO hd Dong oer Sach Hoe er Ty INE HH vi wos TO periad h presen rl, WI Cov pew ener, Ftd of the largest shell (NRG Plants ROSEng facsiiics (or famibes. Oshawa wb from the Piast, sell (il1ing operations inte # be Moron aad COMES unas Crescent md #3 4 Hospital Bowrd of DWscions REsansion, fi ib? fi li a id winded isrsidoisi # The Brio Kamps " Four wingie famiby Ar ebings was a wo o Wake . fe ther CARBIEOES, WATER THE: Ard he (oun ol ogres he we i ty, Hovptm Boned Di hors ot go " he fa ion Jom wnt orn donelions od' The L Wie wa were lt on Churchill Avenie. Susy of he RORSRE I3CWG6F, ung rooms wma chemical lab 7 ated 4 Hd ve Hospital fon the YWawition PIamt situalion 8 aft 4 ' 8 e grants fr Homerpwt, Felon ore tes of Rohe ors Phar ond Low 111 spur, Tb ome le Mons 50 wore ml Oe er vio or on ne Se Shee oasebi| wot] be et ol Se A ot. ost Gooemeni 4 : ~~ py LAMY time Howsims Ry i ahead 4 bid ' ig fu par pi 3 ; ers i Do, Creek, is the pig E CoghisBudh ii J pie Miiy I for he up ABE REDKLORATED re ned here. Chwrehes for ver shite edd a vie formed. Tis Brom by & bhe prea he Wudy alse Nader. Ply Au HOE 18. hae. hat Sout ' {ake Ont t 4 4 to the Operating Super. chase of # large parcel of land The Aormiiornes weipe ied a AREAL ede Tesh FRE [ye PRA ted We i" green | fy cresie # 8 / os ads # # A r Suh Dy sic Snare, wm the ides Fo gig Pont sth of the CHE. Ralioad decorpied, the man Calsiere » 'hi 4 hd gh ho ri IRR (onhat £RAEA glans EP ipigd oid be fof on of the wig Ag and on the north by the CXR, Manager, the late Mr. ¥. E. lor the rrection of fowr ypes was WCrepscs 10 peat M9 sty ¥ Hooks and # SEcORBRTY Bhs bt the hosts io a WHR lowes SVEr IRE JRA f " FRB p cade Bailioad Degastt, and Wis wile and fam: HA howses denis and the kitehen and FE RYRENE FIR the A f FERETRE. PROBA : A semmary of their recom: Wey of the locw ao---- i Access 0 this areas was by Sy, moved Bo their pev During the winter of 194 GRAEY KIYRIRIERE Was Atriby iA ey # Haan asd il K. hreliiect Staniey Bent was mendations was hat plang . sid Jims vig AB jo means of the Base Line or what quariers on September 190, carly sprwg of 1990, the fst On Aanwery 1 1946, 1409 See oN iii ne Eyer V ERGREER 19 PIRGRIE [he #06 HOWE Weg wt once 16 Prva Mfr I on Fogg ke plow known ws Mills Bireet or 19 hones were bulk and on Hadenis had heen eniphed snd ho rer wis CSAS 19 WOVE RA FERAL A Generar Hospital of WL to 118 RONNIE CONS by # periow lane leading from ¢ owt that bowl completion were assigned bythe WATER thes first Mectires WIR ae Rp i" WERE oF he REBMEE WETE ade. Maan eds i be Fhady fF EEHPRREY REn , No. 2 Bighway and crossing the RYRDYES WEIR § BL represepiatives, Kk wold eventually lead them 19 doisdien yn Wie, RB BIE 10 secre sf Ro War thin 01. A nesd for EACH BED : railroad tracks by & small wool: even hep the time pamed. tually 9 houses were built in #B ERGREETIRE Aegres 7 pg why fs a et funds 19 & ; We rest ivi 9 9 beds is RIGODRICE It 1s aatimpied that the ¢ en bridge which wes ongnelly the plant was known ob this area, together with a schon Married sudenpts were ger plete thew lade" AIER BRE DR ie REtion Alloy 5955 and 218 10 TO wil BE for each active treatment bed, used as #2 ng as Picker Work 2nd pick apd shoving facilities first preferenck when »itocating With the cessation of the 1 be same time the Bosid re regwred by 8 inctuding cost for wl ealizing 1 5 named hy the Comtipciors Hi The Post Office. banks PY Ho hoses he Bort Fl 4 Col doy A si hs carved ih RSE Imo ad On Tanwary 15 of this year, services Recessiry for W to Yoads were nok capeiie of coping periptendent, the late Mr, Emit rooreationsd facilities #8 ihe yacaied by the former wax hospital was £4 8. Lapiint EREmIARS When ied the fm of COME wid Teidier ie prover TNRCHion AYerRges with the anticipated traffic, one Markham, as " IHyili ant site were syaiiabie to ai CTRPGYEES rs Bring the perv. Mori gan " whi ¢ WIRE WaERiRGE RY #1) 4 WIE of Prierivorongh was apponicd from $1500 (a $17 009 of the contractor's pssignments Because of the nflws of eB resids ois of the CORUNA ine 0 BNAEnts were Bnses ation, owners of the bid ry pild vk ted pe lor # rewesed pew Thus # new hosonal of id was 19 build overhead bridges ployees from all across Canada ale i id in the Aormiories : and Aeyelovers eR Nu hosoial, Also, the firm of beds con CORCEITRINY Cost RRYr across the railroad tracks, the i was alse neces (9 provide 7 OWmes 5 anid he WINER During the period Japvary 15 MR 19 Aesia wh Fina WIRETAMIE. Aomew Prikham and As Where from $1,500 08 (a $1,700, uncompleted 4 nu ble Bghway, various seryis those whe WON the four years the plant 1846, to July, 198, some #3 Rl RYROITER neti - ; SE A and build a eed 10 Bo. 2 were hving in Ao vies, A WAS IB operation. bt suifice 1s students wn the Faculty of ¥x nit over 19 e ho isp 4 on Fs a Fhe hosoital 5 not CoRSIARIIng Highway Post Office was bw Can | of forty mine gineering apples wn Hh Corpor Rtn iar -- ' £ perepsing Ws present facies During the early construction Bank of Commerce set thw © pant ER ID elurational programme 4 Ww : Fhe new hotel wil he wecause (or the most part they period mployment office a oh. and the bosvital fa ort and they earned The Umversity Sia mw ' i « Be 4 oh " Kk 4 Hy pd i EE EE are of [FAME CONSINEHOR f set Pickering 19 ier: iti ns ed 10 take titude of milhons more. tained and operated the Centra EMA We (nd 19 f # 4 #7] ® WAS MO team f ERY A g/( lial past, no basement Ww the w applicants for work on the care of 4 ' he close of hostilities, like Steam Plant, the Water Filtra deta whe 4 / Ao 4 p ch Agi FRE CORIRE TRERM resent hosiital and fuiure ex roject, Tradesmen were ve The Recreation Centre wa of the emergency war ton Plant and all other neck fir { ation at 1 ' on would be practically crulted from sil parts of Can: opened on October 194 oH WREER FE AY BREVICRE With ANgn 1444 7 '0 ; AR stent won. SEW HOSPEFAL, sible as well #8 ot being ada. local farmers with their and from that fate organized © p Bac We 4 A when they neg the con WI LIAM FE NOBLE, thing to accomp fers 4 ' CAR AperRle it nporiant #t Fry vy practical. The § ol # teams of horses which would recreation wis aval de Wee B ad ant over to the War Ass Miva i WE know 3 FRASOMAILY RAINS 0 85 per cent to Mstingwish between hos: DeICePRgE Ml AECHPIREY RENIES normally be idle during the win- een hours per 6ay p ant Many of the Bpgie en COFpOIAIA Oshawa and district, having which bad functioned well i se BEE upRREY WHhoW DUALS operaling costs" and leave no doubt thet Rew Rnd ler months were employed 19 Saturday Oyees fram tie east ARE wi In the ¢ ¢ Crves severgl on the past and there seemed frantically overcrowded "capital costs" and where the IRrger fReimties re resiired haul materials over Lemporary . Urned 1 their homes but pans werk " Oshawa Council Noble reason that it could not be ¥ 4 winter months 46d unable i obtains the funds 10 To the west of the hospital # roads from the railroad siding FIRST PAPER Here were many fami £5 WhO ING RB PIOEFESRIY has been with Ajax Mupicival- onened and put bias mo 0 ovilde Tor RIMERTLRICIES IH # these costs arge housing development is especially built by the CNR On Sunday. ol et Hon: had moved Inte the vif Whi. area Represt . ' My for the past nine yeas vice ab very ite £9 isfactory manner. In #4 When i patient is admitied to heing Hannes which will eer: in tat : al services were provided apd were practically forced to stay many WAUstng) OFgam/e io 4 has great faith in is fi Coincident with the r t becomes alms wosoital. he 1s charged so much tainly create an added strain 19 n facilitate delivery i A Ay : z ' y y great faith in 4 p-inciden ht on, bees 9st bin: hosp k £ 4 were presided over hy Ministers in Ajax until they could find looked over the site, ang Ih Ie gp the future of Ajax J wssible tn clean, paint and a day for the care he receives. the hospital's facilities STAFF ORGANIZED from Whithy and Pickering for suitable employmer and summer of 1849, the Dow ' dad. polALasa M By the end of the first month the Protestant population, and hous facilities for their fam- Engineering Co, 1A4. moved a staff of two thousand people arrangements were made with ilies elsewhere. The houses in their operations from Montreal had been organized, a» 12bed the Pickering Parish Priest for the north section of the to Ajax, taking over some of haspital, dormiiloris 7 feeding Roman Catholic Services were transferred from the the buildings vacated by the fachiities for the construction in order U te postal time Hous Committee tol University, together with 8 num employees were in operation serv ice particularly, it was Central Mortgage and Housing her of the operat) nd aa and a number of the ware deemed necessary that this Corporation, a BovErnment OF: ministrative personne houses and production buildings thriving and growing commun: ganizit War Assels Corporation de were well underwa ity, should have a place on the With the return of thousands molished the hui ldin gs that Early in June, 1941, approx- map. The Plant Newspaper of young men and women from! conld not he used for indusing imately three months from the known he Commando', the Armed Service and the! purposes and disposed of the start of construction, operators sponsored a contest to name the educational and rehabilitation furnishings and equipment, "Fhe for the production lines were Village, Hundreds of suggestions programmes being sponsored by| vacant land was then put into heing trained, and by the end were submitted and after care. the government, it became im the hands of Central Mortgage of June, "Detonators" were ful consideration and the ap- possible for the Canadian Uni Land Housing Corporation who heing shipped from the plant proval of the Works Manager, versities to handle the thousands! ihauguraled an extensive deyel direct (on England the suggestion made hy Mr, who wanted (no further their) opment programme to build COLE OF CALIFORNIA (CANADA) LIMITED : 804 RITSON ROAD SOUTH, OSHAWA SUTRICH LATS BIE HOSE hl hb ot HE OOLE OF CALIFORNIA BATHING SUITS TIROLER CONTINENTAL SKI-WEAR STYLE CONSCIOUS OSHAWA Just as Oshawa is the Automotive Style Centre for Canada, Cole of California in Osh« awa is The Style Centre for Bathing Suits and continental Tiroler Ski-Wear, COLE OF CALIFORNIA BATHING SUITS as manufactured in Oshawa are exact repli cas of the Garments produced in the United States by Cole of California, Continental Ski-Wear is styled in the Austrian Alps of the finest imported fabrics for you, Available at better Ladies' Wear and Sports Wear Stores, COLE OF CALIFORNIA | (CANADA) LTD. 804 RITSON RD, SOUTH OSHAWA E---- a -- s------ EN Im ss -- iin 3 ao EE A ------ pn ER

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