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The Oshawa Times, 10 Mar 1961, p. 3

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: i 4 order for T ithe first recruit to gel 100 per | gent CLEANUPS 4 hu MONTREAL DIGS OUT AFTER HEAVY STORM their ears parked overnight on | as more than seven inches of | the day downtown St. James street in | fell About Montreal, found themselves snowed in Thursday morning | three more inches fell during fn aad te heir The storm, which hit the Oshaws district Wednesday | moved through Montreal on Thursday. Motorists, whe left | Retailers See New Tax Increasing Bookkeeping Chairman) got used to a sales tax In Que hee and other province fo see In 4s ( particularly notice affects the En overnight CF Wirephots Sut where can you go today that isn't taxed? "It will be & nuisan les ne addeq This many Jide Aa e 10 enol ' fai Was shared when spoke Halke Hardware apinion ane of Keon ana whieh fe ' nie Wo the net Oshawa civic officials and chants Association A RAC business men, when approached J, D. Doughty sald today on the question of the We do. not like new provincigl retail sales 18%, creases In Lax opined that it was too early to where it directly Spine its effect on husiness,! family shopper 4 SPENDING POWER CUT were generally non-committal However. we have come tol WB. Couriney, international re but felt it unfair that the retall: gecent these things and we do| pres for al er he expected to collect he anticipate immediate JAY think FEVeRle : hase The tax of 8 per cent, which will come inte effect Bept. 1 will bring an additional $150 000.000 in revenue to the prov nee In announcing the new [ax Casar enue evil take Lime to really difference will the 1 he an impetus for After de Ihe [ike will p nan sal wile tn tf Beplemher iH ne up temner re "a Ea yn | CTRASE IN LUFNOVE Ve I people { nta People won hing HT could no any pane Duying Donald Brown the Downtown Association "In a woud, we are against if } it will make a lot of work for the needed funds should yesterday, Provincial Treasurer the small businessman, It will 74! of cornuration and personal ¥ mneome Allen said that exemptions "will|\ncrease (he cost of goods at a 4 ' be the broadest and most gen time when people are not Lum erous of any province in Can aghle to hear { (7 fo reduce the "Ling power of the working peopl this will he disasiron least if p tools tha of feel the president end Businessmen foe ou at time COme represents ect ana nary He curian era TAX SEEN NUISANCE Ihe + hill made out for | han lak then of life d tha of RIgn { Were Wa Jriney's hy vice-president too dad ' Lowney the of Local anxious to buy any dames "It is definitely a deterrent to he said ale pri 222 ond Generally, there will he no{Puying levy on purchases of one cent "Mayhe the government JAYCEE REACTION or less; all food products (ex-|should take a closer look at its)" Ww ¥dwaias preside nt cept candy, confections and soft own eperation; it could become, Junio Chambes of drinks costing more than 16 more efficient," he added merce i a ; Ase re will | cents); children's clothing; pre ; ; HY 2a ale WHI e ba r kl seription drugs and medicines ONE MORE BURDEN th RINE Wi } i, but 1 dof and certain medical appliances;| A General Motors of Canada 'MN¥ & portion of the purchase and meals sold in restaurants Limited spokesman sald the price shoula he exposed as that cost $1.50 or less {ax was "just one more hur. 58les tax, and not buried in the | den' total figure, "I don't think the MAY CUT TOURISTS "For & long time the indus. Tetailer should collect this W. Hart, president of the Osh try has been protesting the 7'%| money and be an unpaid tas awa Chamber of Commerce: "Ilnercent excise tax on cars as| collector, If the cost of educa-| S is too early to judge the ef-lan unreasonable burden. This/tion is doing this let them Metel feets this tax will have on busl-|excise tax was originally a lux: (take a closer look at some of ; It will ental ness, Probably tourists will ¥e-\ ry tax and we don't feel that/the schools they are building [little more work for all aon sent the tax and cut down Onlg car is a luxury any more, It's now, 1 don't think this tax will gerned we have to co spending, It will certainly add|g necessity for many people. affect trade too badly," {the money, | think that pep to bookkeeping of merchants "And now we have one more are getting used to anything the "Because Oshawa Is an auto:|iay H. Finer, managing director government throws at them, It A ax to contend with, f tel ( TH mata] : mobile manufacturing centre, 1| "fips very difficult to estimate! Hotel Genosha' estimate won't affect sales too much am sorry to see that the 1ax|s.ci" how sales will fluctuate," will redu e the purchasing! canadian Tire Corp, Associate *hplies 10 Sars as the motorist ( ertainly the new car buyer ay ah SOUNtEY by WpproX {Btore: I think we retailers will Already carries an ith no ear to trade in will bel, by #74 pe r ANG HIE) gor aecustomed to it--collecting part of the tax burden {greatly affected will affect the entertainment the tax thal Y believe thi There are bright spots and ™ «However a customer trading dollar, Just after the war would tax to he fair Gn collecting ta A will hay UT EVErY purcnass will be It is sh Com 17 cen nee aver mare of a nul worth rd Bas think a Jeweller doesn't much difference "But hard Just to sald Bathe and Bupplies Lid busine in nis is io nave " atl ana ses an Building H] pot ple Is " as "The January-February total for all vehicles was down 16.3 per cent at 66,446 units, COMING RVENTS RECITAL of Organ and Choral Mule next Sunday evening al Bt, George's 1518 it is good to know that food. in a ised car : oe have been a good time for this ehildren's clothing, drugs andi. iis, on oh 8 haw Sar Pays when money was more plentiful some other items will be left Ry then the government would | . untaxed," DEALER REACTION have had ®& reserve, Yes, I rt 18 a aa ua : onl Ontario Motor Sales' reaction|think this tax will affect the ABFE( TH FAMILY SHOPRER was, "we don't like it hut it's| bottle beer sales and the untax- shawn Rhopping entre Mer fs fair a way as any to collect|#d draught beer will increase Of Int X - the tax." in sales,' E£ es anuar Auto General Manager L M Houch 70 RAISE HOME PRICE ». fal he 4159 gene sales to Lloyd Metcalfe, president of| change after eptember any the Oshawa and district Real 1 rar Make Is Down are than usual Kstate Board: "I can't say that "In the automobile husiness|I am against sales tax, It is a a A ha J a R a H 0 d y MeL OTTAWA (CP)=--Production of|1003¥, & car Is a necessity ra-| more fair way of raising need pa anlay tn Ie MeLaughiin cars and commercial vehicles ther than a pleasure item," ed money, as I feel that person. collection of y ii a i : the declined 12.4 per cent in January/he sald |al income and property tax | National Ry is, Som by to 32,996 units from 87,000 units| Dancey shoe stores' said the(too high, Tt shouldn't make too | "od or British De he ili in January. 1960, the Dominion tax should he on everything and |much difference in the sale of Sh painters Bureau of Statistics reported to: "it would be easier to collect, Nomes--though the price of new| Most of the 13 artists repre I day "As it 1s now, children's shoes homes will rise between $400 sented in this exhibition were Car output was 27,880 com: are exempted #600, People ave getting used to/born within this century and in pared with 30,438 and commer:| "1 think there will be much rising prices." elude such names Graham cial units dropped by 1,668 to{more book-keeping to do for] A men's wear store owner had| Bell William Brooker, Margaret the proprietor the philosophical approach Fisher-Frout, John Piper, rie "People will think twice| "It's something that we have ftavillous and athers, All of about buying now; but they got to put up with" he said, [those still living are active in EAM . - yr painting and teaching art I'heir wok represents a reli able oross-seotion of painting 5 Q é& Tro 1 | 1S {trends in England aver the past 00 years, The English style is {inherent in these works; Eng : * . hd {lish litevary influences, English Abblican oa: i 7 Ry minis Ira 10N | poetry and the traditions of assisted hy "The Canterbury Ringers the late eighteenth and p M jearde Dynan, My Y G i hava 3 hil Rae. Colestion. fieatge Hixnal NO% Members of the Lakeland|duced was "That unless all Jobs teenth geltune 3 have all a ved Chapter of the National Office are properly evaluated there can! A H Lh opment ao Wise an CONANT [Management Assacietion Thurs be no satisfactory salary admin artists Yeh oe hh Heke HOME AND SCHOOL [fay night strayed fram the usual|istration program." This reso. Fy ¢ J : NIGHT OF CARDS after-dinner &peaker meeting to/lution carried by an 11-0 vote an as Hrangly influenced by participate in a parliamentary! Resolution number five intro 0. fontinental art movements THURSDAY, MARCH 16th [debate on the problems of office|duced to the house was "That| Three of the paintings includ. 8 P.M. SHARP |administration promotions should all be based(®d here are water color, the Euchre, Bridge and Games | The membership was divided/on training, performance and hers oil, A catalogue of the Prizes Refreshments inte two equal sides, which favoritism," This resolution was| WOUks here displayed is conven Admission 50¢ {formed the house. A house lead. defeated by an 11-to-10 margin. jontly pineed fo Migrence oh er from each side initiated de oa (ClUdes a condensed biography BINGO [bate on a resolution presented MORAL ORLIGATION a of each painter, IBY sneaking Tor R RIMEAL C2 oy au Wgtion Rumber six Jute. The exhibition will be open Nn {assigning one of his party mem: ar debate was Al every day fram Mar, § to 24, ex CORONATION Ibers to introduce the resolution. | Management has a moral obli-loept Wednesdays and Sundays, ORANGE TEMPLE All speakers had to address, ation to retrain and relocate SATURDAY, MARCH 11 (the house speaker, P, G, Fiet bifice staff who will be robbed . . ' 7:48 PM cher for recognition to address ® thelr wark when automatic| : the house. methods ave introduced." This 1C erin S s 2 Games $8 | resolution earried by a 16 to 2 HARE THE-WEALTH |RESOLUTIONS DEBATED majority. . 4 + Jackpots To Ge Resolutions debated included The last resolution introduced Cel _1==4150 Jackpot To Go ["That no one will be hired for(tc the house was "That the ad Ira 0n (office employment with less than vantages of the coffee break |Grade 12 or Junior Matricula-/are highly under-rated by man! BROUGHAM -- The 150th an {tion standing." This resolution agement." This resolution was niversary of the foundation of "I | carried on a 18 to 8 vote defeated by an 11 to 7 margin | municipal government in Pick | The second resolution intre.| NOMA president R, D. (Rab) ering Township will be marked U A WwW A HALL [duced to the house was "'That|Malcolmson said a meeting ofthis vear with a four-day cele +My WF [to be enforceable, special com-| this. type will be scheduled for! bration on Dominion Day week SATURDAY MAR. 1 Ith[pany rules and procedures must at least one NOMA meeting each end ' © written and circulated to the|year because of the interest on pp rranged at i 730 PM staff concerned." This resolu. shown Bhp Bland artunged at 4 {tion passed by a 15 to 6 vote Thursday nights meeting last: the official apeniy : ¢ } £ \ wning of the Dun 20 GAMES $10 A GAME | Resolution number three besied an hour and a half longer barton High School township 4 GAMES OF $20, $30, {fore the house was 'That man-/than usual and would have con. museum, Claremont Conserva $40, $50 | agement of. the stalf would bel tinued longer if the speaker tion Park and the new water JACKPOTS ap ified in a unionized office." hadn't called a halt works and sewerage plant ONE GAME $150 h " Sorvlution was defeated by NOMA Zone 5 National Dir Committees headed by Reeve SHARE THE WEALTH . ector, K, | Ken" MacMillan J. Sherman Scott were organ The fourth resolution intro: was unable to attend {ized to arrange a program A N 4) daughter of Maril nine: | meeting tonight included] THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Merk 10, 1961 3 'AIR CADET NEWS Cadet Receives Perfect Marks CRAKS here wee W parade Tuesday was not ton hed | examinations were in fall swing fn the secondary sihools Since last September all nev | pes mits have heen taking | BEVER WERK Basis training emisise, At the conclusion of the leonrse an examination 1s wit \ten In which the recrits must |get #5 per cent, If (hey pres | they pre pecepted By the equad ron Fast anf a | ¥ ibihe fight Frida} @ fn SPOTS Avni WEEKS AEN figllenged gli the squadrons 6 Yavonto to a floor hockey one of Them gpereies, § i fetter has heen sent 16 the Wing) § Banadron of Hamilton challen| § ging them tn & game on April 23. If they recepied it will mean ta trig to Hamilton for the floor hockey team cadets, The for the squad passed, | Fon should arrive any Aay The and 7.|orders for the jackets have just inlheen placed and they should be here in ahok three Weeks CREACTIRE frres Wk g g A and twe sweaters Tuesday winte the fests and They were H. Fox Lowry. Congratulations are Lowry whe was ABN THE WEATHER OFFICE Je on the exam since the continue on the cool side until Baturday when some modera tian is expected, ~CF Wirephota y - The cadet of the month for inception of the new program IW ehriary was awarded on Tues Io Sgt. John is now in ENarEediday to Brian Gowans *rian| hays Sirong abr ini: [of the canteen. He now has thel received a double pass to the and nd gy 4s A em | impossible task of trying 10 Wa theatre. He alse gets Wis name. didi Ht Lat ke thom out of det, Goo rnaire Coder of me Month) WEATHER FORECAST |Fuck, Pave! Most of the new cadets don't Sunny And Cold » Milder Saturd fet. Dittmar has heen placed realize they are eligible for the) charge of the recruiting award so 1et's see all the cadets) As & result two move turn out Bike little angels in an ha to give i 1 : rit I peratures are forecast for Quebec today, Winds should gradustly drop in Ontane to day but temperatures will j I |ERriton sovevrer Buahniry sever North Bay reer 718 Kapuskasing coer # White RIVER ,007 in | EBETRIT NCOs 7 i fi Hp 0) BETHOT CAPSULE NEWS Young Crosby Loses Suit Den WANTS ig Cros TORONTO | | ay | and Days, Wary pewsle pores sem i» god wobh's rest, They toms 1] Wn be, Kin pre A) pod Botbens during the 47, Vien Kidneys dow down wesles ond waspis seid olay In Be sriiem, Uishwlnd rest, Wed fueling wid baciache whten Iblon, 1 you don't peat will wb wight ~ i you lel dll in he deptime--wse Dodds Kidney Fills, Visa you bash better vent beter - wrk better, You con depend on Dodd Kidney Pills, A NU-WAY RUG & CARPEY SALES Broadioom wall to wall, Rugs, Carpets, Stair Runners, ind Wine ohn da Fare office fl a ty tanmigh TORONTO (CF) irda ed hy weather a.m. F Bynapsin siikhward inf qd wa withern the al h |} Lod into ot 15 i i E ] Hi aur gir has swep Ontarie under FONE BortRerty lemperatire 0 throughout ana weil ne Northern Ontario tempera Pix Ba flier da re fu nda in I finimum fl hi mana d 4F and cold ton dri jvm fe } Imidi " day. Wind heroming in | 4 tn W f f mi MANDATORY (Cy) mn b LO8 ANGELES (AF) an KH north ngm 1 In moderation low ie) 8 nis Croshy 2h-year-old CrOOnET finimun sd ome in H Fnursaay Lang # son Baturday i Huron, Laks ),, Hallburtgn region Taronte, London, Ham with a | loud bei Clear and eold] 4m cloudiness)' pid tor nitentigry 1 n 1 Lhe expected I I mand ators L£ { Onan [3 gp and baluria an attempt to re erdis aia Her sorth OTLNE Lien gna 1 Budamn Shi gainst him . rimi (lr n ih } the fath i f : 4 cold with Clear and ind milder now in the north 20 ta 50 to ared he di Mi id terven M CO a aula allow Bick he ald Thre W Hi yn nda curves are} { ¥ith ni (1) da bhecaming Ih 8 Fimmin | last December loud FINE CHURCHILL LONDON (Reuters) dolph Churchill, 48 journalist son ott en ff dr ker y CITY AND DISTRICT gion' NAMES OMITTED ith } names were accidentally (tod mitted from the lst of repre tives of ethnic and cultural that atlended a meeting Hotel Genosha, Wednes n I'he list appeared In I Ihursda edition of |B, Thomas The two representa Kitchener Mrs. W. Graharski London | Wingham fiple, who repre: Hedwig's Parish| Jorante the meeting, it EIEN rerary the neous to| Peterhorough spring Folk ot | STREETS CLOSED following streets will he| for construction to March 10; Bloor west al en road south; Bleven south, from Gibb to the Stevenson south closed at {Hi Mohawk street, closed Sherwood avenue to Bed @ ig tra iturda BOE ani I nia Het ton and u fi 8 instor | south iturda (85.401) { of Bi Churenill fined £3 I Thursday for fallin preceaence penes on an uncontrolled cross while driving a cgi TOWN I5 BAK) WELL (R f Kapuska and cold oud and Wind onthe Ing re toda milder light 1h to Wie GT 0 re 1 J UL gion Winn a { 0 g to Aitho NOWEILETIE h 20 baturd EMETEEN nda a WOarkmen Irign i' TO AWARD SCHOLARSHIPS TORONTO (CP)~The Cana dian Good Roads Asso ill award seven 82,000 scholar this year, managing aires Lor W. Gilehrist announced Fhursday. The industry ared scholarships are awarded| for a or a comin | al mapped up the i Dou-gatlon ga pler, 140 miles Zealand re in I Ileal north of th Dozen ent Forecast temperatures: Low tonight and High Saturday reer 20 ah Windsor ih 4h 4h 15 85 1H] ih 44 ih 4h in en of fam ied! Thursda Hi] fe today afte the edge of disaster WOULD SETTLE DISPUTE REYKJAVIK (Reuters)--The leglandie Parliame Thursda passed a resolution to allow les and to fishing di with, Britain, The volte was 48 to 47 strict line Last month, it announced that the two countries had agreed on The gftle the long! " aver leeland ation hur ey in the ha installation by our own mechanics 174 Mary Street RA 8.468) hasss a meas hut 24 hour name I rer Loy Fimes were fosenh ented Polish ships in span ' post-graduate tec! Canada to Canadians si tudy In highw universities in United States HEADS COUNCHE OTTAWA (CP)=--James of Kingston was elected | dent of the Eastern Ontario In | proposals to stitute of Technology's student! nding dispute councl] Wednesday IH AL fishing limits OBITUARY econd vice-president and other officers include Garry Hoss © CHARLES E, HOPSON I'he death occurred suddenl Sudbur treasurer at his home, 20 Maple street | SKI CONDITION GOOD AT KIRBY iy Hh day par, §, of Charl | of retired farmer Club report his ay good at the club property A 3 east of Kirhy, The tows will | o Hy the late James anerate hoth Saturday and [290 #1 artha Wilson, the Sunday born at Sutton the trap) I te 1871 and was mar of : AP hl former Elizabeth? HR 2, Pefferlaw, Damage to Vermont. in|the bus estimated $70 y Phere damage the Luck nl Nag ¥ th group at reed al { Tee | wa al nite Catharines ,, Hamilton ,, Muskoka , Killaloe glve 11 g ' participate in a Festival on par Oven : Was closed "day iE on on CHR the ( rom ard avenue RUS DAMAGED Osha City bus in collision in truck on Almeoe Street south at Thomas street, Thurs day afternoon, The bus was dri en by Robert ¥, Bertrand, of 74 Meadow crescent, The driver was George Flim was In with a An valved |] 1 (o $5,000 10 #6) Cy This giver YO 0 cow | ent # h anth in n- i vho Lane on L] Osliawa m anditipns Officials the a bist VAs Was hk Hop de ceased wa Qu | bee, Feb {ried to | Parks Lay 16 the Awanion "rs who have long awaited the opportunity to ski this year, are advised in take this opportunity as there may not he many more such days this year Reading Group 'Meeting Today Dr, William Shelton, head [the reading department of racuse University, is in Oshawa [today ta conduct a workshap, latte, of Granby, Quebec Dr. Shelton is speaking at 4) Also 1 m. today to the members of children and six great @ Oshawa and District Coun:| children | @ burning living room ohair cil of the International Reading] The funeral service will be fram the home of G, M. Dixon, | Association. The meetings, held at the Orton Baker Funeral/ 174 Ritson road south, Thursday {Which are being held in Dr. Chapel, Sutton, Quebec, at 2 evening. Damage to the house (8, J. Phillips Public Schaal, p.m, Monday, Mar, 13, Inter: was estimated at about $200 Iwill continue this evening and! ment will be in Sutton Cemetery. There were no other fire alarms Far further partiewlars ecall/since Thursday morning, There) the Molntosh-Anderson Funerallwere five routine ambulance Home calls during that period Many Repayment Schedules te Suit Yeur Budget Plans and $5010 $5,000 without endersers or bankable security, | Life Insured = pERIOR | NANCE The Fastest Growing All:Canadian Lean Company 17 SIMCOE ST, N, RA 5-654) 18 Offices Throughout QOntarie at to Wis no A resident of Oshawa for years, Mr, Hopson former! ided at Butlan andj |Cornwall, Ont, He an ad herent of First Baptist Church Predeceased hy May, 1057, he | Even sons Cassius, mont; Haymond, of of Cutt; Douglas of Quebec Sv. | and Howard, of Oshawa laf Heowmanville and | ol TWO-CAR ACCIDENT involved in street One ear Wuehe 3 ¥ were 0 Blooi evening Two car on Was east wa ol eallision Thursday driven by John Luczkow i01 Dieppe avenue, The other oar was parked at, the time of the accident, It was owned h Kenneth J, Nicholls, of 48 Bloor street fotal esti mated damage was $275 5200 FIRE DAMAGE | Oshawa Firefighters dragged) in hy his wife survived of oi Connecti Ralph Archie Merrill east grand grand SUIVIVING are HANDPDYMAN? cALL RA 8-4688 now To have our representative call to discuss LUMBER, PLYWOOD All Your Building Needs PROMPT, FREE DELIVERY 3 Ways To Buy! * CASH * 30.DAY CHARGE ¢ BUDGET TERMS McCULLOUGH LUMBER CO. LTD 1270 SIMCOE ST, N, {tamarrow Park Group Plans Quilting Bee The monthly meeting of the {Valleyview Park Neighborhood | Association was held in the Club [House with the President, Mrs IL, G. Brawn, presiding, | A tentative date was set for {the park opening subject to the approval of CRA | A number of quilt blocks were [completed and Mrs, Les, Allman loffered to sow them together It was planned that a quilt {ing bee will be held as soon as {ean be arranged FIRST WOMEN WORKERS HIRED The United States Treas ury was the first division of the federal government to employ women workers, Be cause of the shortage of men during the War Between the States, the Treasury began hiring women to and count paper maney 1862 Whether it's men - or women vou wish ta hire there's no shortage of appli cants when vou deseribe your job opportunities in the Classified section, Let your first thought be ta dial RA AREY] | | Final Week . . . This is your last chance to see the EXHIBITION OF FASHIONABLE LIVING BEAU VALLEY 6.9 P.M, North on Simcoe to Rossland Rd, == then east on Rossland KASSINGER CONSTRUCTION LTD, DON'T MISS IT! | NOTICE! MEDICAL PHARMACY Due 10 the destruction, by fire, of the premises at 107 Simcoe St and pending completion of the Medical Arts Building at 300 King St. W., a tem Pe cated at out mn rary pharmacy will be k 95 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH RA 8.6277 TELEPHONE UNCHANGED

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