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The Oshawa Times, 10 Mar 1961, p. 40

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srry srry rp ry THe X OSHAWA TIMES, Wider, Merch 8, 1) : worked in cami "Very few of the men lmev f#% fut strint man sok thet he Mr. Wortiiogtion seh the Gem -- ------------ ; En ' , 2 oud ad Comp wie [ was. | sverbesed lots fir wisiorant of Saves £18l never Isak BBY H the glade : or sationed, during the Ps they sid thot Be BF onpy tiwm Comp Dever at She aos Teak the 3 ond picked wp ior rw booth tue soders sey her Eer@ ~~ BR EVER Rr ion valuable for the Weg "I lesimed, for instance. that wishes bed mewn 8 Wag vised book § | ow vill . A my husanh was regard as w wouA ven wp. when ok bs peed" A. W. RUNDLE GARDEN CENTRE vorything for Your Garden SPRING IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER AND GARDENING TIME IS NEAR Visit Oshawa and Districl's Largest, Most Completely Stocked SUPPLY CENTRE for your EC | SRL A000 RR A) I AI re Du a ' TH. OSHAWA TIMES BUILDING ON KING STREET EASY Oshawa"s Population Seen 'Gen."Worthington 100,000 In Near Future |Looks Backward | : By JOHN E. BIRD | However, she had two t Times of tomorrow will be pub. 1 this be so then additional! Canadian Press Stall Writer in her favor fhe bad tro hinge A, Ww. RUNDLE Offers You "Of sll the amusements | that oo possibly pe |Mshed planning, of course, is necessary OTTAWA (CP) ~~ Maj. Gen book: She could type and dur imagined for a hardwork: [SEE 100,000 on the part of the newspaper Frederick Franklin Worthington hg # years of marriage she . 3 ing man after a day's toil It is anticipated that in the not Regardless of how many homes holds an pudience captive when had timed to the general talk Plants grown at our local Nursery fo Insure you sryals ve is 100 distant future the circulation re a fh "ihe reminisces ahout his storied! about his Experiences When or in its intervals, there is M9 Cinti 1 circulation recejve the Times the entireijife as a career soldier ever she could, she interviewed better success, of the Times will cover more press run, whether it be 17,000 : fa p N J k i od ethHe he i His family and friends Jiks ios Most complete sfoc of Garden Supplies and t ead) no hing like reading AR €0: han 20 000 homes, that the 2 ar oo ) Jeviaimina wep " al gsi Focently Instalieg Jn didi n Piohice vill nothing better then for this] "Worthy wasn't very enthu A J H Pl Pl ieves his home of its dull- [the new building will In the Aly erNoon| stocky, erusty Th-year - old war igstic ahout being interviewed CCessories ouse ants | ness or sameness and trans. | COUIse of the next few years be ines the 3 iid ist i ot the Lrior to sit back and recall what|by his wile. It is one thing 10 / / anters and Gifts. come antiquated or outmoded points of dehvery wot later than they fondly refer to as "the tall reminisce and another to pin 3 BI hi faster sudimant 20 elo k in the red hounded on stories of 8 short general" |G0WR 10 specifics someone who Toro, Maxwell, Lawn Boy and Bolens Mowers, e 2 unhé p 4 2 i | yy Dunbarton, on hel myeu thought his story was likes spinning tales Tillers and Tractors, livelier and more diversified installed in its stead, With 1) and interesting scene, It ac- 4 Houses yun Bi { v Port Perry & | ing It a thought of expansion and wider north hy Port Perry and on the too good not 10 he told And "i grabbed him- whenever 1 companies him in his next service eve east by ot least Neweastle ' } Vit ver present in the : | tried t4 $ ¥ oicould, There was day's work, and If the paper - Hence, the reasons for the pl ried to persuade him to write here was nothing ' ¥ minds of the ec an 2 4 al sons for the pian " phi a , g fp be anything above the very a ia ol th Rig any the pres ning, when the need comes for an autobiography methodi al ahout these inter: Free advice for do-it-yourself gardeners, idlest and lightest, it gives tions allon has many ; afica-| faster "presses All this the! He 4 just grunt and ehange Views, Jnuall wailed wit he him something to think |pure Hd A iwi Times is pre d to d der|the sublect," sald HS Wie vi A good humor; Other: § . , wrchased and s las { prepared Lo 40 Wn OFGEE| Span Fo : q 1 about besides the mechan: lof the d and in the laying ou (0 maintain is rightful place as|C18TA Ellen' (Larry) Worthing (wise he wasn't very co-opera Come and see us first and avell yourself of our years puillding thought wa ton, interviewed at the family| Wve of experience and service; ical drudgery of his every 3 the daily newspaper of the dis given to each department and y paper of the dis: or "on the bank of the Rideau. Mrs, Worthington didn't de day occupation = something an " ' trict that giv "all the % ¢ [an allowance of at least 20 per pt gives "ail the Dew wi he can enjoy while absent, pad phages PAS that is fit to print" River on Ottawa's southern oul: pend solely on interviews She cent was added to existing re ' skirts, "He just refused to take! augmented her background hy 29 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE AND SERVICE and look forward with BRIE a a¥Pans) | quirements for future expansion.| A BIG PROJECT our suggestions seriously." reading histories of the wars in pleasure to return to" It is possible that i § 2 n the future, Of ec 0 P Finally, at the breakf: ? ul " Herschell, : 6 tat 4 ourse, there 1s another inally, at the breakfast table|which her hushand had fought Sir J, Herschel the lend butehased surrounding side to the pieture = the pub-|three year: ago, Son Peter, a|---South American wars, Mex From the days in 1854 when ok ih {0 iy additional Pe net | ishing of a newspaper is a busi: staff writer of the Toronto Tele-|can revolutions, the First and 1015 KING I y for a onal Press: ness and if the newspaper is to| gram, Suggest ed that his| Second World Wars Street Eost I] i" RA 51764 the first newspaper appeared inf . rooms to house more modern perform its proper functions it mother write the hook She talked with the general's the Village of Oshawa under the proprietorship of Samuel Luke and faster equipment, | must be successful as a business| Larry Worthington = I was| friends, prowled through his pi and William H, Orr, two Osh. | At the present time the read-| enterprise and as It progresses the only 'boy' In the Dignum|,ers visited the fh oo awa business men, Oshawa has| O78 of the Times are served with| those in charge must, of course, family; I was the sixth girl and section of the defence de art: GARDEN CENTRE been consistently served with # full Canadian Press news cov-|see to it that a proper balance father felt six girls was 100] ment in Ottawa, od one form or another of news | erage fortified with a wire photo is maintained between revenue muc W'==took up the challenge, s a . | paper, (process which brings to Oshawa|and expense for only @ Success. A TOUGH JOR An she drew on things about According to conditions, the readers pictures throughout the! ful business enterprise ean hope Her biography of one of Can er hushand that even he didn't! newspapers have heen weeklies, world as fast as news is made, (to vemain long In the service, |ada's best-known army generals) A semi-weeklies, three and four In the local areas vesident! It goes without saying that ad-lwill be published in May hy| issues ® week to the present|PEWS men are constantly on the|vertsing 1s an essential adjunct| Macmillan Company of Canada| time when the City boasts of its alert to see that readers are(to the business enterprise of Limited, Toronto, Its title is| own dally newspaper, During kept well informed of the hap publishing a newspaper, There Worthy, the nickname hy which Oshawa with thellore a newspaper must firstithe general is universally the past few years the Times penings in . f has made great strides in its Bowmanville, Ajax, ~ Whitby, have readership, then eircula-| known, k rh effort to keep space with a fast: Pickering district ete also {tion and circulation gets results| The wife of "Fighting Fran " ETOWING community = Only a Eeonomists have peered into| for advertisers The whole cir Worthington fou nd it wasn't few years ago it moved from the future and have predicted) cule must be complete if the joh|easy to put down on paper the its former Bo of publication that the population of Oshawa |of publishing a good newspaper life of the famous general who) on Simcoe Street to its new and| In the not too distant future willlis to be carried on successfully, | retired in 1048 alter a long and] larger structure at the corner pass the 100,000 mark and if we|To this end, then, the manage: distinguished career in which he of RE and King Streets, reflect over the past 25 years ment and staff of the Times rose from the ranks to the com we are encouraged to helieve dedicate and devote themselves mand of the 4th Canadian Arm e A It has long been the idea off "oe Eeonomist's figures|to the future in their chosen! ored Division during the Second | i I the publishers of Ih, Ni might possibly be correct I profession {World War a : ARIE SR rth 40 2 -------- | a i HOUDAILLE : ; i newspaper is first and last to publish the news factually and Hn without color , , , the editorial | . y columns bring the mouthpiece | Ms gi i: of the editor at all times hl oY | " " ie : ih ) 3 8 Fy poris him to a gayer and this policy the foundation of the Times of today has been built SHERRY pnp USTRIAL SUPPLIES | | RECN. Now Ranks Foremost N.S. Island | LT Among Oshawa's Centre We represent many leading manufacturers, | including the following! AND Has Boom BW SS Aeroquip Deveon Morse \ | 9 k | STILL GROWING ( AWKESBURY, 8 " i smissi i ant HAWKER, hydraulic hose and fitting plastic steel transmission equipment land community on the shores Behr Manning of the Strait of Canso 18 in the midst of the greatest boom in coated abrasives its history as it grows handin:| 0 hand with an economic giant lor] Browne and Sharpe Good YeUt ocr ) a on its wag 4 | precision tools products saws, knives : LY ) 4 ea i we economy of the town 0 ais «A \ ! umpers, Brackets and Bumper Guards LOT has increased by 80. per Canadian Acme Grasso Sandvik pt gL i for the Autemebile oy cent in the wo years Since the! bolts and nuts, ete, air tools carbide tools : fs hg Miscell L 4 Small M irst equipeent moved to the k \ ) A ' scellansous Large and Sme etal alte of the $10,000,000 Nova Sco. | ~~ Chesterton Gray-Bonney Yok sensitive. taped J] wh Cn EN Stampings, ¥ ta Pulp Tamited mill, avout | mechanical packings hand tools [ hy : | \ i two miles away, Unbrake lA Sa 8 ? & 1% Nickel and Chrome Plating in socket screws, Production Lots, In the last year nine new bus: | Cleveland Jessop J 1 3 i inesses have been added to the cutting. tools die steel, drill red dowels, etc, 3 ; i J pr Highway Steel B Guiderell i b ¢ y N eam Guideralis, 1 established before the boom 1 i : ; A large shopping centre is in f Lo \. . yd a ¥ ie Shopping AND MANY MORE || : ; ; a ah fom Rarking Lot Barriers Complete with . \ J Li Y teel Posts, the planning stage and several other firms are studying the ; k | . : Steel Sign Posts for Streets end area ; § a a ; Highways, Mayor Harold Gillis haa ORC TRY US FOR THOSE NARD-TO-GET ITEMS . .. ; "\ oa : . i 4 o : \ hy Complete Manufacturing and mated that by 1963 the lawn wi be five times ita size In popula ton and ecunomy, WE CAN GIVE YOU FAST SERVICE ; Noe ok "Nothing ean stop I" Mayer |. ob "4 i ! eh s ngineering Facilities ! Gillis says . i 3 i TR hi 3 a : : Pictured = Is the Houdaille Industries House building has soared and | in the last year 33 houses. and { : twa apartment buildings have | 1 § | aE ' : Ah » plant as it appears today, occupying L] been Dull or are under con B Plant ota struction, Bullding lots are as A E LTD h LO 8 i of 232,000 square feet, nigh as $1,500 each, . . Rd en : Town council has established a planning board and: passed soning bylaws, The Lown ows | most of the apen land within its INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES limits, | Now the town and province 184 BOND ST. W. RA 8.5127 are negotiating for a hy - Pass SIMCOE S. 0 g H A W A RA 3.2281 road which will divert the main highway and heavy pulp trucks After Hours Call RA 8.6675 -- MO 8.2247 away from the tows, [| Check with us for your requirements, | - \ a Industries ! ! Dexion Norton slotted angle grinding wheels Shurly-Dietrich-Atking | + SL \ y Manufacturers of hack, band, circular TE Ni

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