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The Oshawa Times, 10 Mar 1961, p. 41

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evan fools I wig fe fates TieE SHAW i TIMES, Friday, Mardy 18, 1961 b 4 me Ran TE rvs will Toe fom the u-wshink of Ws Gime Wierik le Pay Ach # Wie aie oy 8 ERE OR wi failing Tn BE Ned Mak poy CEE A Rew Sayan Wk le ER (RATER A RRA wh By oh (ering Tits HA v Sodding a8 Sone Ww or i He was fier move lore Chel twee. We. Chowaili Wie question MAR ealy re Wes iar We, Rass a wo fe AK REAeE WW PRE EINE (#4 (GE WS TRE Ref. Wise to Wa Bars ataiaisive- wo wh 1004 fhe Bowes fe Worf gee (cage wh fe Wed piugppid. sil REARS ANY RR FEGEEA gl 4 . $ f Bs wesgsaeiity, fe es. We 19 FROPEE TRE ARESoN 'owas oy Vases Wmeier. didney Raver of Wamgeg. A 87 8 8 "Hy SEEVEE Dd biaiusy Bolznh Wakener Bos Waler, mens, Rehoang wh WS -------- aud pwier; | vis dit FT 19 BRTVIEE ARE RATE ES wilt fe fi fo tke core oH perks on Ahhh pation PY Ps PY desig Pugiiong Bin Still Progressin With Oshawe planing. he nex Ropes og L 4g [BE BN J Sand oe wit either iw With wr ote kere (dani) wR Wintlpy" swye Plenmng Dec ill PY wy ae | Still Serving Oshawa . . . £56. RARER 1h shame ARETE will pve fall wes 19 het Rosg rR Moder Aided Apu For the pest 16 years the Cadifloc Hotel hos / DE og > "of enjoyed the position of being one of Oshowd's Ae 4 Ne mah . bier have losis. Wisthy las finest hotels Fd The ciby will have 7 sciond = BE ----_------ home fox the warll, hice limes 4 h the present low rept Rowsing (or Oerty prisons (Halide) Manor) and another low rept honsing (or polic howsing) Ae Dia LHI YEAR ABYORE BRINE BEINN GF 4 KRR RODVY BF WoW EERLRE RONG J REKIRRIRAE] AH, A BEY RWIDIRERE sich ms Weldey Manor (Hf which We WOE Rie DIedicies) is Aesigned (or eIRery persons Whey RIE LIE E} 0 Eset of 7 governmental benef (ofier the (4 A Vension) AL present, Hilisd Kan lake IN) persons BIC BOOM IN REGIMENT BAND Shane he 41 Spaiomints IBRAINIER LOUNES RRS ) no | plovees. The lsrge hand # 19 Francis, who aller an eEIeh: the proposes ow reps day was » nized wn 1997 ve Mary MNSIE KRIERT development wilh Bave WN WW J from a small regimental band | came 18 Canada wn 199% 18 mostly hice ana ONE BEREAN from Jack Ah 4 Why late Jack Broadbent and | direct the Band of the Oniano BOARD OF REALTH Stamping Pla y W vas due 10 bis effort thet = Regiment. Last summer the An increase in hoard of hegith tuning his timpa Dre £4 th arin Beg tal Band @ Ovplario Begmept Brass Band stall monly « i ettledrum yon 1 apnadia AP was host in Oshawg 19 # CO According 19 Miss Gertie There are #2 memh ; J Y i YER I A vention of Canaman Wahl: Tucker SREY IE MM Pubs From The New Management FE a band, 13 of whom are GM en J 0 hah ¥F.J master GM Pots Health Bursmg, more than #9 isis Were mede 14 phot HW GLANCE BACK ivi schwoicmiaren, The new management wishes to extend an invitation to oll the LJ (Continued from Page 2 With one nurse 19 each h ' Give Report ; persons, 5 more fulliim public of Oshawa, For all occasions we will extend to you our years Oshawa has heen | "i Regiment Bia pand £ nurses will be needed in the nex 19 years. Move sanilary inspes ErsOnc | SEIviCe { y tring about 1 JEISONA) Servite, Fes @ YEA, RRA TERRE AYO tors (our now) and plumbing f Area Labor wh 10 ot Te sow) ed ai NEW ROADS dustrial growth demands) will The city ill have 85 miles pf #150 Be REGEA Wi oh add Fved 8 Ag Sb hie paved main roads The Medical Officer of Health Come and enjoy Hur modern ® BOWLING BANQUETS All modern rooms af reason= je (Honan R f J will almost certainly have #1 wtineed gH jig n ¢ Yoday, shawa has 7 miles of ng A ment Of Jed i order (0 increase the qua WA ha With assistant, with 90.000 - 100,00 dining room facilities ® STAFF PARTIES able rates, Bath and shower in "huyer mark throughs cations of the local labor PAYER FoR COMPRrEA g " " - 1c cc 4 f tal of 163 miles of road within PEFSORs 16 100K aller f EA TURIP NG OUR B! JS JE J a . : 4 ® MEETINGS every room, Special weekly 1960 that | shor su y £%: force, the office direct n i ) : 3 f A competent clenica Laff " v Peeded demand. Within (05 Gen. employed workers 10 various CLF boundaries, Bu much of A Comix Ry MEN'S LUNCH af 95 cents about 85.000 008 worth of denen a MEH 4 Ey! Ine fF} ' paying | this mileage 1s residential op Must he Ingintained @ up iii p gnificay Flation A ey 4 4 Hy Ji lightly wha COMPIELE FEEHrs LJ RECEPTIONS rates, While the supply of unskilled they were learning treated with Dix-Seal labor, of factory i on tion workers mare than satisfied employers' requirems ght The annual Winter Employ: tion » spots were experienced i the ment Campaign in which this of: The city should average about Hees Piles Up supply of professional engineers. fice participated through adver three miles of asphalt paving i # stationary engineer licensed ising, release of Information year for the next 10 years. Some » ' automobile mechani killed and stepped-up job-finding activ: 184 miles of road were treated) uick Points 1 O re) machinists, tool and die makers, ities is credited with creating with Dix-Seal last year, On this ar i experienced farm hands, phar: an appreciable amount of extralhasis, the paved road total In OTTAWA (CP)=Trade Minis travelled road and wil) to-date See us for; ,» which play & very important di : can be laid more quickly than Board of He alth operations MORE BUSINESS IN WINTER 4 phalt, and with less prepara macists and registered nurses. |husiness apart from the publicly Oshawa might be as high as 150 ter Hees, Toronta Argonaut line man of yesteryear adroitly| hsidized winter work scheme 5 1971 SKILLS miles in Hi piled up some. political points ~ACROSS THE AREA ADVISING EMPLOYERS However, several subvISIONS weqnecday chout a fonthall LIMITE D i mployers notified the local Loeal office personnel mad may Dav been develope by Jack Wratten (P( Brant office of 4888 openings Auring 3067 employer relations visits, °F 4 4 chad "ord) tossed a Commons pass the year. By referring workers 2 these Visits e overs the subdivider is not required A - fhe year locally, the office help During thes hii Ampioyers ta provide paved yoads in # sub H ihe Mikigter, In he lot a 394 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH OSHAWA RA ' 743 ed to fll 4615 of these requests needs and to ohlain advice on division whether he was AWAIT that the About 1514 jobs were In the availability of skills. AL the Annexation, oe, could Bing oonagian" paothall 14 has | I ------------------ manufacturing industry, a field same time our local office staff Into the city many move miles of decided in i 0 gah pall in whith well qualified workers was ahle to obtain valuable in: Unpaved roads notwitl oa i i} 4 iy | continued to be available. formation on the kinds of work As long as subdividers do not 9 HANAN the fact that! Among other employers wha ob:lers employed, hiring policies have (a provide paved roads, tained workers locally through and working conditions al the and as long as annexation re the office were building contrac: establishments that were in- mains & possibility, it is pos tors, farmers, service establish: cluded in the visiting schedule, sible that Oshawa may never ments and retail stores. The di-|This sort of information is care: gel completely caught up with versity of occupations for which fully recorded and, when orders|its paving workers were supplied by the of-\are received from the employer, The eity will have 10 addition: fice is of course ton great for|consulted before it is attempted al elementary (excluding sep: detailed description tn fill the employer's vacancies. arate schools) schonls and # ~ACROSS THE COUNTRY ADVISING EMPLOYERS ith high shoul. Yas The local office helped to fil lanars "ib : . Some 1h per cent o X gel fc hed 1o (4) Gonoral formation, Snr te Mh ern oan (NEW and ED) T for Wing labor market, labor legis J ; ! workers through National Ems). 3 oe . will he made up of school-age "ation, occupational trends, ele Oonilaron., These students. will ployment Service clearance' | ! a8 wap al Lill i that is, the work |seliocted hy NES wat aloo ade need 160 classrooms, ar about ers were located in districts as a result of such consultations 10 school other than the ones served WY a" good percentage of the em The majority of the eity's this office. This skill = finding Giovers in the area continued to population will he living in more service is, of .course, free of [co" ine Sorvioes of the NES in Han 10,000 single family dwell: charge and may he put inte ef cooing their staffing needs ings fect if no qualified applicants Oshawa Is definitely a city of can he found locally HELPING HAND home dwellers, whether they he Farm workers were hrought Last year as in previous FentoEs or awne (mostly own from the Maritime Provinees. years, the loe#l office was for: ers), In Lif according to the Tool and die makers were lo: tunate tn have the valuahle ad- city assessor's report, there cated in Trenton, Pembroke and vice and assistance of several were 13,047 single family homes Windsor, and professional appli- community groups Among awner occupied. There were 1678 cants were found in other parts them is the Local Employment single family homes, tenant oe of the province. Each of these Committee, constituted as fol: cupied; and 408 move either un plearance aperations saved em lows finished ar vacant players advertising expenses,' Cpaipman, Pr. A. KB, O'Neill;| Duplexes, apartment homes delays and Inst production Employer Representatives, W. and multiple family homes total ~ACROSS THE FRONTIERS Branch, Wo 0. Burns, A.W. ianly 400, as against 14,004 single Although NES tries to fill Banfield; Employee Representa: family hones 3 | 1] 3 ol a ) § : each job opening from Canadian yes, ! Bia' Boekuiond On a B00 a year average tahar sources. there ave cases: 4: GVIHEL Veterans Hepre sentative R I. Holdaway where special skills are nat df oo Air anywhere In this coun: ARFLeultural Representative, ( paid anly to persans entitled to Nag 1a : anresen: It try. The local office participated Werryi Women's Hepresen in arrangements leading tn the '8Hve Mrs, 0, D, Friend MEET THE STAFF importation of 4 vegistered KEEPING THE Many af the employers in this nurses fram England COMMUNITY STRONG (red have, on various aecasions _ smhers of the lacal office N AND OF E CAMPUS One of the prineipal functions Met mem D3 AND rE THE CAMPLR of the Unemployment Insurance staff. As a reminder ta aur old ers' orders for professional per: COMMIssion is lo provide hene: friends, and as an introduction sonnel through the aperation of fit payments ta workers wha are!10 new anes here are the names ANYWHERE its executive and professional 'empararily and involuntarily of the men and women who are division. This division, during unemployed. During the past|/in charge of aur various activ fetus, son hed 21 pros alone sear ihe af Te ig NEW BRUNSWICK, SOUTHERN & CENTRAL NOVA SCOTIA, QUEBEC (including Seven Islands) and 27.981 claims for hene Employment matiers John 3 3 SOMe { ceived M sional opening me of them Yd paid out $2,675,706 in Hanewieh, Supervisor; Mrs M all points in CENTRAL and NORTHERN ONTARIO, rough the clearance aper 3 through th earlier. A bia of fal0ash, and approximately $2,124, Baxter, Women's Division 906 hy cheaue, for a total of Employer Relations Officer = § students were regis Tn anv' students were, ret hotbed Th chant 'now J" MeLauahin NEW CAR STORAGE IS OUR SPECIALTY and @ considerable number of Plaved persons io make essen: Insurance Matters = Jahn these were placed with lacal in:[Hal purchases and to meet Burke, Bupervisor H. Turner Many financial obligations, Claims Pay ND. Reynolds, dustries "i he ah schol eve, many WICH in rR sented in great Clams Divin. | LE CAREFUL ATTENTION GIVEN TO INSURANCE individual interviews were held Soli change In management, Jf. J AND FINANCE COMPANIES D 1 student n haw tal As part of the daily wark our ta paunael Stud ON Cal om paji § : Maher who has had experience fit themselves inta the lacal ems staff advised employers on ] 3 ployment market and how to insimany questions of Insurance with the UIC in Owen Sout BR Cc ES hy pease the kills and qualifica-/ The office issued 111 rulings as om @, ane AN H 3 grease their » ne j Re] : was transferred to the Oshawa tans ta whether or nat certain em M3 were Js : (office 10 take aver dulies a w ND 0 SOUTH R VE OAKVILLE d COTERU LANDING Que playments were insurable, re 1 s R, 1 R. an . SPECIAL SERVICES newed 30.018 insurance hooks MANAGE The Oshawa local office serv The local office special place: and registered 454 new employ . ment officer conducted 71 ing, fhere are naw 2088 em. 10es the Townships of Cant terviews of handicapped appl nlavers with insurable workers Vf ight, Clarke, Darlington, and cants. During the past year ao in this area Manvers in Durham County, and tivities an hehall of velerans East Whithy, Pickering Beach, « consisted of 1830 interviews for =AND FUND PROTECTED Sougag, Whithy and Uxbridge in the purpoase of assisting wn ah: Employers, in common with Optaria County taining employment, ve-estah: ather eantributors ia the Unem: 1860 alsa saw the local affice 25 RITSON RD, NORTH OSHAWA RA 5.1123 lishment credits, Veaterans Land plavment Insurance Fund, have move nla their spacious new = Agl, pensions and treatments: a justified interest in seeing that premises on 34 Simeoe Street War Veterans Allowance, and the money from (he Fund 1s South

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