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The Oshawa Times, 10 Mar 1961, p. 42

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rer rs rrrrr TL THE GHANA TIES, Friday, March {educations program wii in there are 4H or 4A type pro-| ganizations se well ae sepvice mS ride a Read | grams operating in over #0 club and industry, : | " . x | meses eesey Agricultural ZamgEmE ron . en : me 4 : : | Spaniing Dehating Comps. (HH SIEGE oF WUPITRTSE (by WE VERE TOURmed = ition in October. The social pro ly for million Cniario County. yam will lute the fw At Last yas in Owtario Coots, dred letters | irs, Vith uy "oh Baers our Ay rot, The en Po an es een | Dnnae Competition in June, # opetect A PETE s, FRE gestive new members, . and | projects fox 1968 will inciade | hamie vesper service Wileet Daisy, Growin, Potato, members must be 13 years ai da : [Agvet and the anmisl CREW Tracer Maintenance, Awtomo- age on Jom. I, 1001, wwvier of ahanges vital 16, The soil advisory serviae pro- Sevviae in feplember tive snd Homemaking Clubs reached Agriawitiors Rave taken pias WW vides information on Crop 1. The Owtarie County Junior 5 J . . not have Ontario Cowty Aonng (he pest tations, soil festing, sol and, Farmers Chole wee organired Regular Monthly mestngs hipthduy by Des, few yagis. IW (RE CERGHE JRRER| WHET CONSRTY RHO and several! sight JREIE AGH ind has pro RYE from. Agri Theo to of Wh (6 158. (he Farms DoT |oReY Smiter miviects vided Lrmining In choral singing pacers p ruomel responsiblity ail Foret Dogs po lation decreased (rom 72060 16. The fgricultansl ERgIneering (oF Many wisi young people in He SLi g } f [ " i f 5400 roning hie sane 157687 Sayviae provides # qualified| Ontario Cowty. THs hole [ay pirisd Ag pore in period there vy # decrease of Eraimeny without cost (0 thelMirested by Mrs, John DORR. comatete a lest one POLES] WI farms In the Combs. Arownd| tarmer (0 do drainages sir |C » BR 3 The cholv DFor| during the city goer, The keep F 0,009 Raves Aientpeared 4 oa |veyE, farm pond SHTVERS, 16 PTO {rides maste for the i a a ed farm Sand fe prtanet side information an #1 & BI e annual Ontario Cownty Jomor| costs develops an RODIEGORION from the Ontario Department oF he wre wis AEOTIES gentilation with definite recom Farmers' Church Service, nd) of (arm and home IARRERTRERT| boy weer farmers in the CoN mendations regarding the sizelsings ot the Provincial Jemior| problems, The rests of the Agriculture Office, Unridgs. which mean @h iRCreise He (Cand placement of fans, informe {Farmer Choir Festival Weld in project work 1s brought hefore poerige size of ferme fiom 10 Gon on the construction of Toronto in Jenvery "ihe public #6 the Achieve: A resenreh on waves fo 19 meres. THERE Wal new form Waldings and #150 16 The Junior Farmers' organic ment Days and Ciah Shows, sumer ame i Wehbe " he uh y | tormation wri the TRmOREIIRgG of sation is sponsored by the On where they enter into friendivl ed by Market ad WIRE Wy The E000 ¢ i . . pid.» of fos terms i Ontario oder Fern InmaES 1arie Department of Agricwitiure competition with other club dieciosed thet mest women nd Combs are siilh of family se , WE Bove mentioned omy # If co-operation with & mumber| memmers This work Aevelopsis good many men enjoy shop ( §6 wisn Interesting to Role few of the services (hat arelof agriewitursl organizations sel-Teliance, good sportsman: ping, service and com us Wash 1 per cent reliable through the Extension! and service cis ship and powers of observation remain the mest Important here (hat in 1066. B81 PET CEM Branch of the Omtarie Depart 4 and judgment things people look for of the farms in Ontario County . A LiL ARY Frei YOURE men oF wor Were operied and owned Wy ment of Agrenitiure, A Const wen wishing information on the The 4H clu movement enjoys they shop; and shoppers former msl, There has. Te Roun} of entEnsion) funior Warmer and Junior Inthe full oupport of hoth the actively consult advertising he fRImer Rm 4 ere pip work 1s done in CHAPETRINN cig te work. Is asked 14 con. CAnade and Provincial De prior (0 i Me Herr " q 8 ' BER ' iis Bg Bo ; ned by 1h 9 bi or fu wh ery fine ASN tact the Department of Agricwl. PRFUments of Agricullire, many | Heme rely pr ' CHILE TERTRIRIONG » RET i 4 pam - ple other than farmers, Wo pg in the County ture Office, Unhridgs, hgrieuitural Societies and oF newspaper adv wera y Arm Jiiging Sarl of For further information on 4H CLUB tn hoes heros y pidindd and mare SETVIEER that are svailable to, In Ontario County AH club controled by off the farm inc (RIMES, please contact the De work for rural boys and girls t i": y hia na rtm Agriculture Ux fre He enees Jrariment of Agriculture in Uz from 33 10 30 years of age has WALTER E MAYER, Because of the rama changes y portant Agriewit 7 C that have taken place in Agn JUNIOR FARMER lds Li wal Extension B Arch, M RA.1C. cultiore during the ast Lid In Omana County at Ihe f yRATS, CHRLEnsion work Though present time, there are four The Name 4H I derived from and the Department of ARnewitere fumior Farmer and two Jor ora" Head Heart, Hands and C. PETER BRZOZOWICZ, P, Eng., has Increased in compiesity| Institute Clubs These club 4 and scope. I is the Fuien are as follows: Beaverton Jun Health, the significance of sion Worker's fob to get the ior Farmers, Port Perry Jun eh is expressed in the 4-H Are Pleased to Announce very hest information avatlame jor Farmer Ushridee Junior V ; to farm people wn # form that Farmers and Uxbridge Junior hide W clearer thinking THE OPENING it can he understood and will be [nstitute, and Brookhn Jumer ated THEI > ced wom, mers amd Erooklin Jumer MY Heart lo greater loyalty OF A PRACTICE IN OSHAWA # i wp Farmers and Brookhin Juma L " Institute My Hands to larger service SOME CHANGES My Health to better living Under the Name of The local clubs provide #0 for 'my clk y un, m community f We {th MY Hat EHcellent opportunity for Fireliand my country ; : MAYER and BRZOZOWICZ ion a few Bi We SEFVICES Thi n p are avallahle to farm people young men And women in ON 1 jo 4 i movement is designed arn ny J ny | specifically or ural Vi - " eT Aurieut 'Kt | 5p y ) Fura young Te r Te from the gricuiure Vixten ing in tendership and god © oeante. It provides & practical ARCHITECTS ENGINEERS ion Branch, to help them WIR onahin The © programs in| training In Agrieulture 8 nd THE TIMES BUILDING their many prone or clude topics on AgReulture) Home Economics, and emphasis : : Our offic o . whridge bs and Home Economics i» well is placed on "learning to do by| B86 KING STREET EAST OSHAWA, ONTARIO : " rT " avallable to a drmers wy as ncial recreation teguiaridoing" ONTARIO COUNTY FIYING ( LIB AT THE AIRPORT phone, through corre spOndence monthly meetings are held by id 4H movement has be ~ or hy personal visit. More and! gach of the local clubs with the come world wide and today are ing £5 Are DEing rece: gy VF " - to mention ers and increased capital invest mor aiid A pH exception of July and August a ------------------ ' ip fi " baled g ed each year in the field of pe Rrookim Juniors meet the | d few projet ment, | still feel that we willl farm busine management. first Thursday of each month in ----- » | istance 1s given to many have our family farms, but they Any farmer, wha is interested the Township Hall, Brooklin farm organizations and clubs in will definitely in many cases he in this topic, can receive a The Uxhridge Juniors meet the organizing their programs of an larger businesses, More and farm account hook from IF, second Tuesday in the Uxhridge . (educational nature Livestock more farm machinery will he office with instructions on hov|fiigh Sehool, the Beaverton Land gran judging, breed meet used with increasing capital in-|to take inventory, and how 10! yuniors meet the third Tuesday 1vVes or n discussions on marketing, | vestment in order that the farm: enter receipts and expenses jn the Brock Distr High | lang with those topics previous er will not have to depend on When these farm account hooks School, Cannington, and the Port lv mentioned are all & part of labor that has in recent years are completed for (he Year| Perry Juniors meet the fourth By A. 0, DALRYMPLE Hope Township and the remain. 1! program, A large share of for the most part not been in there is a farm business analy- Tuesday, in the Port Perry our time, 18 however spent in terested in working on a farm sis Service available. ThroughiHigh School Agrieutiural Representative der of the county. The Dusham individual discussion with the at a price that was in line with this analysis, the farmer CBW ro oqqition (0 (he regular Ontarin Dept, of Agriculture County Junior Farmers carry farmer, either in the office, at the returns that the farmer was see the strong and weak points Hi a pi h ab carries on which are of hene #rou meetings or on his receiving for his product of his enterprise With this I projects during the farm. All types of farm prob As the changes in farming knowledge it is then possible to aye od lusts dus + cated in Durham County. THe yide (raining for their membe lems, dealing with production, take place, it will be up to these Brennen the farm orgameation oi qe orain, forage, corn, farm objective at that time, was 10 ' IF Members farm management as well asiof ys in Kxtension to provide| In succeeding years ant, home beautification, farm pass on information from the ye: 0 leadership, The Hope Town: home and family problems often the information and assistance and home safety, needlecraft search worker to the farmer Ship Junior Farmers carry out enter the discussion that the modern day farmer charge to the farmer, in order and cooking that would aid him in using im imilar projects, Junior Farm The general picture for the needs. Recent years have seen that he may not only maintain! The Ontario County Junior proved farm practices ef activities over the past|future of agriculture in Durham the introduction of specialists in| his own standards, hut produce! Farmers' Association, whic h en: By doing this, he was in turn Years have Included public! County is difficult ta predict, 1 the fields of agricultural engin fond at a reasonable price in ordinates the Inter Club program helping himself ta improve his SPeAKINg and debates, sponsor: helieve however that we will see eering, fruit and vegetable pro- abundance for consumers, not within the County, has made net returns and likewise im: Ship of 4H club work and as. more and more specialization duction and sells work, These only in Ontario, but throughout plans for a number of inter prove his standard of living. Stance in carrying out the Bru-'with larger farms, fewer farm- services are provided free of' the world esting projects for 1061, The Over the years, many project . have heen carried out with th help of the farmers of the coun ty, the majority of which have resulted in increased Income [J and improved facilities for the farmer and his family, Projects aver the years have included -r livestock improvement and dis ease eradication through the use of purebred sires, production testing programs and disease eradication programs such as the tuberculosis test and the brucello program, In field eran work, new varieties have heen demonstrated, the use of fertilizers demonstrated and the introduction of newer varieties of grasses nd eclavers have again henefited the farmer Demanstrations in pruning frau tr nd the intenduetion of the §pia rvien have heen of hen efit 1 e fruit farmer. Tn 1014 . the first finite Farmer Va started mn Durham County and CONCRE TE many warth while prajects have heen completed aver the years Rovs and girls club werk, which P R 0 D uU C T S is now known as 4H elub work was also stariad in the late : twenties, The Junier Farmer L IM 1 T E D i : | and 4H program have provided training in citizenship to hun dreds of young farm men and women from Durham County These voung peaple today are along with ather similarly train ed voung peaple from . other gounties throughout the proy Ince. in many case the leaders . , are pleased to look back on eight progressive years of serving the Oshawa district, and agriculture From the most modest beginnings, this firm has grown to become the undisputed leader EXTENSION PROGRAM ; h . : " The Extension program in in the precast concrete field for many miles around the Oshawa area, Durham County today has com hined these earlier projects with a hroadened program designed to fill the need of modern day Some achievements we are proud to look back on: agriculiure and present day : I farm family. raim Bitnes) ® First ta manufacture a one-piece precast septic tank Far the past ten years, Starr Furniture and Appliances Ha for present farm « 15l | have ia Nh rkable Vag is pardin his i a § \ ' sav that we are proud of aur achievement, (t is nat with decreased ineame has ® Today we Ontario 5 largest producer of concrete septic tanks easy to sell In haf 1h yy Tel. i Meant a 1 fare Bi «0 d When the location is net exactly "four carn The oun vat he has ta he mo riginatars o reducts, equipment Y many r act that in spite of this our business is sill expanding affioient day hy day ta have any as 0 a p + SQuUipMent, and any methods now standard n the doses tell you something, dessn't It? Our A net income, let alone a satisfac precast concrete industry "Bafore vou buy, give Starr a try', has a lot ta do with tory ane. Modern farm Dilsifiens : ht . your privilege to buy ANY, anywhere you management includes mare than ® First to manufac ' ab Qin alae want, bub, if vou take the trouble to investigate our just keeping accounts. The top 0 manufacture precast sidewalk slabs prices, wa feel sure your decision will be in aur faver, And vou wen't be seriy, Wa spell SERVICE with farmer, if he 1s engaged in the : ¥ live Stock business must he cap ® The home of DURA STEP -- this trade mark is your assurance of quality Capitals 11 able of making decisions on all phases of the farm program He ust he a soils man, a field ] i : . 2 . p haps Man, livestock man We feel that our success is primarily due ta the fine business relations we have been which inoludes Knowledge of feeds and feeding, velermary enjoying with our customers and suppliers in the district, and to the confidence these practices, livestock evaluation A la ; ; . marketing and recards af an people have placed in us which has built our solid reputation for reliability, mal hreeding He MUN he a a" L . anager of labor an a Al LY with modern financing ° " ta |! he present day Extension Wy ram in Durham County, dun 14 1V ; +h the past winter has included - yl 343 a series *f night schools as well x tows ¥ a as other meetings designed to provide information an same of the subjects 1 have previously I Lik h | mentioned A moni B PK Alhaush mary, unt tothe lou ike The Way We Do Business NITURE APPLIANCES pumbers In recent years, Junior Farmer eluba are active i In June 1910 the first Agricul: out project tural Representative was 0c fit to the community and pro EGAN E

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