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The Oshawa Times, 10 Mar 1961, p. 43

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ETRE R SRN ER -- Oa Ce Yo pe | LLOCAL FINANCING AVAILABLE --- IF REQUIRED ink Bell INDUSTRIAL Enjoys Rapid Growth | One of Lhe the progr of § the growih of tem, and the a) yardstick here Oshawa Is In an economic health The numbey SEIVINg Ihe i doubled in the 12,619 at the i 068 at the begin rent yea Furthermore the Bell Telepl manager her company forese dential and husir the years ahead quire steady addi velopment of 1} tions facilities | In order to mes n ih ] His do d Hiding tre for hoth the m wm hie HEFOUNRGINE ni Wed, and hy adding to the num i wd of hie or carrying long Hiee conversghion GROWTH SEEN hds along heen a growth H 8 fd J community of business vi i wil lerests helween I f Oshawa and neighboring town heh has yesulied In a heavy / Feast alin hack and a Lo wih. To facilitate this, Bell has / elinaingled long distance for calling helween sey Mh n'eral I iY pairs of exchange whieh I Fis toll-free service has al Hon 10 and 8: peudy heen provided between COURIC Oshawa and Whithy, Oshawa ovided hy Bell, nd" Brooklin and Oshaw a and Hamplon a vell as between commumeation need of i everal other pals of exchanges customer the Bel np nthe Oshawa area has heen constructs | p " isl a fe eeks ago Mi Hes her Atma } Lowry announced that his com oYER the Biet Hecate, nit ik also plans 1a provide fall tion program will contin i. iii hetween Oshawa abated in the years ahead a Belleyilie in Novembey nen the nec di exchange Work carried out in recent equipment and cable is ready| years included the construction! for use In 1030 of jn addition to th Other changes introduced. in Company hutldin on Bond () hawa 1 meet telephane users' Street and the installation in 1 gecives in recent i . of dial switching equipment and}; ears have other apparatus needed to conse 0 the Way of equipment ; improvements for hath the home peet and route telephone calls, and office During the-same year the Bell! ong coop change has heen the established "ih PHETNEEENE introduction of a wide range of Mice Dore y Hittes : for : 1 £hiored \ teh phan i des 1gne 0 0 company's customers in the city Min with home and office and surrounding area decor, Last December the com pany troduced its new "Prin While Bell installers have telephone here, and many heen making their rounds In: of these, which are available in stalling new telephones, mode nif) colors, have heen installed switchboard ind ather come i Oshawa homes and offices muni ations facihitie Bell oon YEW equipment for the offie struction forces have heen add that has heen intraduced here ing hundreds of miles of n has heen aried. There : i ere have wire and cable to | OM have heen many Res 4 munications netwaoi and 1 any new types 6) around Osha dial lems In pro Meanwhile, there | hoen He had Ay Weprammutice: change in the in hah \ 11} Tacit dane proved telephone users in this area and am { Lion with the general tele in the type of communication hh helwark | Ya ca equipment they have | eve have also hoen several and the telephone company has! YPES of switchhoards and des moved ta mect these change lees which "answer unatiend The principal change in call. 24 telephones and give and re ing habits has heen an ine card Mesh in intercity calling: On Mr. Lowry predicts a bright aman cations future far Osh a. Besides installing the types SIMCOE HALL Eoguipment that ave now well known telephone switeh (Continued from Pa ND hoards, cable and so an th mediate family wit viich to Hell will introduce many new discuss their diffic tems of equipment and com Throughout the tons methads her ment House has followed | pase af help ) q and unabirusiy Man | t Bomber changes have « | alo e the way: but hy hlon the need for edu i wl a To Be Tested laxation are over pu ; NSimeae Hall 1s supported hy OTTAWA (CR) The first the Greater Oshawa Community| CFI low-level jet hamber for Chest: the people of Oshawalthe RCAF is expected ta came have responded generously to'elf the assembly line at Cana appeals far hel) datr Limited, Montreal, about a Whatever is asked far, | onth fram now=--=a couple of needs are made known We ahead af the target date thing 15 alway fartheaming el oan 1858 Stmeoe Hall will always have! But i make 1s first the co-operation of the commun: flight in Canada, officials said ity as, through the Women's! Wednesday Welfare League | wk ih the first twa CF: 18s will he various tasks to help the voung [knocked down and flown in a the aged, and the fortunate. (transpart plane 10 Burbank The WWL af Oshawa looksiCalif . far mital flight tests hy forward 1a a las member-fLackheed Aircraft Corporation ship which will rence 2 greal-ldesigne of the plane The er efficiency In ¢ CFIM a shall variation of larged facilities i ihe Lack) Sarhighiey MHA wark with an indo 0 v CFI will re ming pool ol In eight freatment room \ squad of the RCAF air di ohildren. The WWI Oxhaw nm in i he ather four will continue 1a be a 1 n quadrg nthe division pulsing Wie of 1 \ h CFO jets, wil and with 1h strive fon . \ i) "He profits mast wha 0" CF IMs and ood 1s "build best." g 11 hwy a purposes . PARK IN SOUTH OSHAWA HAS GREAT FUTURE Helang Migin Sees Growth Won't Supply Plaza Water LONDON (CP)~V feKillop, wu Mangger the London Publis mission Wedne refuse Lo suppl FH] WH.000 shop with Om 'For Ajax By BICHARD C, FLEMING Chalrman Alas Industrigl Commission During the II ye omplets planned and with BW trig) land i ral ald day he w ol Me & Wr $1 4 Fs ONT 82 ing plaza on ned city fringe aley He wale sey hut added hothey an ta the commission. The comm sion would net extend heyond city houndrie wale) A ' snouncement Tue lant plan 50 the i 15 mithon outside he dri gallons per da natural 4 f ' CAMS shock 10 city eam from a central City | t i > lant for heating and Gui J Anning directo) ing, are a few of the extra ha nal i i AJax has to offer indusivy Jo. MTVAN Planning hoard cating in this rapidly expanding Jothing i the project It proy area 1e said, that We te Niax hip 1s vide-open a development "is aminunit erviced du of 1 4 Indus en in commer facie Pray said no whication | heen receive he would apphicat we hia hat refe) viens Orderly its pre comparable dential he an rowin 176 double with a re ye In to ease and servi nl purification An ample supply { sd a om a wm I capahle of producing plans Lo erect ; tre Just gn supply proce gs a officia timin far has immediate concerned Lransportation Industry dooe in good Fhe main line of the CNR and highway 4H passing at our doo sien, and one-third of the tonal buying power within a radius of 100 mile Community rit high which 45 undoubtedly a Lrithuting facto) amicable lato Nineteen sixty-one, already|ev promises to he one of the most|Ajax active years of progress to date. |year Projects such as the Children \Jax Swimming Pool, hy a commun: Toda ity effort, a new Industrial plazalmorrow development hy Southwood Park velopment and service improvement Dutfins Creek state underwa he second Highway 401 to handle or increasing flow of traffic will he completed HE Town City of Slough | Residential | Na alt CON: Now tn a history of relation BOCES over truly 1 and THI Utibties Com proposed the on limits Donald London and sub knew Tow Lake and industrial road all hridge this Tao Br Wow. Kien ¥aivcionsh (Mimisiay Wh Cibirancivip aA hey ation ) fa oH 19% Bs WEIR WOKING - Monse Crash. 25 m oH ermal, MERE WTB rh £ ati fied dd mE YF 9 BF 4 fons of oi siRey he Lime WHRETS of LRT VE ZRLBENAS Be les 3 We, KHERIRBEEE NE KERR es WRF ALES WEBEL Badr 18 Lhe) EEF RE BRATS As her for Baving heen by one of Canada's VOTE E Dew (Lana Wi Sink aid % ik en Wb whify Wed (3.7 WR fRrme Jars the ns ie PL Wi ihe st Aang He is Gia ian + horn whe » LL gery Javitz. » Bus French mm sorming the Monse Creek i» Ed RETR SHPRY HE MR BV whe Vyes wn L widely wn Ramis bis ve ad a By the time hs d Moss 44% 4 Ww fn 2998 men ana ana #t Vere a farm. This wale wna Uontren oth farm FRY RNa 1h COLA hie fz #lion NEL get Bie Mig DRE Bax on Creek As YEW pers tH £n WIIRER B45) J 99 on 2 permanent basis of 12.006 whe have por Javitz pry new CRE in x whin Ene ad en mm 3 ihe their © OVEFr hs Brmep Another tre the past g humber Ms. Binck ried 4 He hetween sunng nerea revealed YER) of 1999 n the wre WETS tiement Fe tment " thers any mors ay bes ded Dus enually Newcomers Get Welcome given tv» more hen $99 THE GSAS Tins, Frdey, Merch 18, 1960 23 pais. AGT RAT ERY IRESE. # 5 Provided lor hogsonds Sux the lawwigration Bransh Sather Dutchman, Martin we Whe SwpPy these smal Res Ks Eastern Omar set Bist. srrwed wm 195 Ams SRE Es wih farms with Wa lamant fice ww 1071 these have pamied by We wile i Sg been LD (Roms sEitiaments 1a- oid es. Be worked Bn Re potas. (FX these 64 haox heen Bockiond wee #2 2 form lar wn Dundas County, $8 8 (Gen hover. In 5% he bough 89 garry wd Bw Sern aces # BE | Fach Tetley Trial of the sew ymers is We form is pad for. we femy Go (imniding trades ak Jannas Ge FORE. WRG TOES LPR Wy MA eHEiched Ww Vk ses) on the sme a Wik Wie som Rh five Ranaiars her awn 'ahs oF AR AReY fame 7a naar Sey oR IRE Bans # Pad Pies from Wollaonh ws W9. Mr. 7e suf Mi. Bost has 2 profile ie Ail rng 1899 however, The Germans have. tavosned Jong traveled 6 Lethbridge for soll comtiect with # Moire i408 Rew edmers eilabiioh Opary lov thew seitlements (orm work before FE Imng 19 Savy fe T9 began with Batik Coumiva hb fue mane wk pushaong 2 U8- A mark of he eagrent sennh anh think came, cre Rary farm # BE L¥arm worker seems 15 be We oan set Wy FYTe Core ine st of Chesiervitie in 10%. The tofioy- swing (4 save money. The lates sees oF TRmiy every three farm selticments ME Year he bought saother 105 farm settlement in fhe Cornmil aims. But 7 EIeRL IRawy FI5- ape Wade by the Berl-voring cares aid 1a soon added 199 ares typifies His vile. John Ay wher pesie. Swce WH Duck Wes base bees per- acres more 19 We swbstantiel Bavskes is # TOWNE ow wikr V8 vieosie Bae found rhasel in (tars. Germans wie holdings. We wl Ws son are whe srrved mw Canada ess thes work wm hmsnesses or on ferme the pew largest grows oF far now ml ng 199 head of cattle NEWCOMERS estailiched by pewepmers. Last mers and last year Americans on one of the best forms Ww anti 9. » TRB Ae t EIMOIIER Was were the third largest Eastern Optans (Comtipah on Page 35) OVER 50 YEARS Serving The Gardeners Of Oshawa and District The staff ning in this n the § ond formers SEIYing you GARDEN SEEDS tered Quality ® Lown Sesds » Yagetoble Sesds # Flower Sesds # Box Plenty ' td » ' in the pest ot COOPERSMITH COMPANY offer Expert Gavice and Qssistonce in your garden plan. g. For over 50 years we hove served gordeners district Are 95 We look forward to GARDEN SUPPLIES Vop-naach Products Gorden Tooke Fertibiners Bug Kitlers Weed Sorsiion Beout Sn Ng ys Wr her cru sr i Sith ca DIAL RA 3-232 0) dq ol of n ed n as Ji hy an 17] nl P.O, BOX 392 woop, METAL AND PLASTIC PATTERNS i MATEHPLATES LIMITED Ww KINGSTON ROAD WEST OSHAWA, ONTARIO INDUSTRIAL moh MODELS PHONE RA 5-3232 dofthouse Pattern (lv. ALL TYPES OF % DUPLICATING : Cun (Card 4 Mr. Industrialist EVERYWHERE" You can relax with a feeling of assurance, knowing that only the best, experienced men are hand- ling your most cherished furnis ture and household goods, when you move by Coleman's expedis ent service, now teamed with the world - wide facilities of United Van Lines, COLEMAN'S MOVING 85 BOND ST, Ww, LIMITED STORAGE agents for UNITED VAN LINES OSHAWA RA 3.7532

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