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The Oshawa Times, 10 Mar 1961, p. 44

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" : wovse cae wats. Frodwetion motive manwtactwers for mat: | eyor wok franemission Heit acide, aiwaiie, H Caaities comnaed 6 Be (n Viele, Rose, modes rane | Ah Belting for mines. factories io mk, 4 (o]® year as wgeed ah moterniisd for gente, the agnawtwrsl fwgl | srshowses, pest offices LARGEST BIN cs Wome and the (ast decade ment manlactavers for bei | w corrrng @y, water, oN The lergest helt ae fan our Of CRARGRG Aesgr and other raver. The Wet. 6 ; : AeiCondn Woe HIS ro S58 e no es ! 0 4 Wh pEsiart (TIIeIEnt 16 were and the YRFLELY © | oF AeRlging, WIOREInG (awiers, | GOTTEAR re) His to wd wh (Eontmued on Pegs 10) . BEB REITER FRE BPD fen iio ine & [3 2922 wanoiie factory of The (ook (omer #8 6 guransem gases Tie anh ater Company (hans, (ners Koiors 1S Of Local CRRana, Limes INPEIan, i # Wg Heimer (ak filly gewre of AperaGon G6. During the first World Way { i o # Worry oH Heady of pos Rp NWTAEE Was By WALLIN SHITH BE OE SEN EINES CRA OR path for Hie TaatoNy WINER conte that WOkerE were Te $ { $ President of bocad 222 IT mE FRATEROAN We Hew od ER AVIA A GGL 4 Wontenal nb eee : EAN C19 MGRRR 5 foolby Agiiimek 18g Re. Aamo : 24 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Merce 18, 1961 wy FRET ERNIE CR Re Bets Wom Was # During the 26 jessy oF or ERGEON [9% IR AW AUR WOON Selting, wd Rose of Re fof Rowees ensiencs, we in Loca 200, UAW Rais for OWE OUR EONS [WER euery TRReDy aE SIE, IRONRKS COMGORT = feel that we Base made # te y bers. bi pasion, the WASNT sands, (ak eal pige bag. FN IRERAis MROwt of DIREIESS od. of the meniers of Loc M0 cosentng anh i AEOGOR RASH Beh. aby for the members oH oo 5 ad RTE WOBYE SWPPNTAR TRE cor mals fF MAROC HAW 26 the AHN, Tih OF TRE CBIR Y #& 2, Eommnty Chest. grarimety a ¢ BARIEFR why Ww. I ie reposted # whee. This was mewly J MARITANEIS, BRE ROIE BWEIT row host 5 to INA, the that Wen even slept in ifs cammipiiahah by a smal ik very § SHER 7 SARE AORRNON pice Ries Compeny &5 #6 they worked Ww ohifls #4 GRlermminesd Erowp whe were " from fhe funds of The 10088 cooced 4 meshamcsl INOW COMMOBINOn Whs t A 10 leaders positions WH» gs (Retry We Ponmaniiie With the tire bweinkss 4 y exh who weir Retrrrsiaes thet ) A i We en comeider Rel OW Luh the widines wd . BE IRONY #5 he Pps puedes i SIRpieh 1h Ean WH 4 J i Satuedey Miarnoon Tesn » Agr A py oF, TER i ective one Tear and failed, we A Aonars 2x & WHRVIRE CW the RRR {HH er Com ETT. 2a th B WR. 8 Rew Fr WES Pw wise er efionts wnt ity prmient, lecause MW. Eyes © was finally tam REE many of Ihe younger people in Oshavn 7 Place 18 49 4 a > . & ol ham tod G Tiom th a mewly Petit 1 ye of ow om Satneiey wer ow 9 havi bo wd 12 (Retory af ew Toranin. The timing of NE BE TR ad FRESE oy emai y 4 by We pest of id, HARES IR i hep 2 gb SNE san by ¢ A ' % giahby : Aancrs wm gus Begin ¥ strneten H 4 watned # 0% IRARVIIIR ART APE RB CINRIREELRE LTR Ao ' wh Fit Coy ks bi the Mirection of the late A. YM / ' 19 gg ANEIRREY BRA Hie | Aca] 177 Ma * Hardy who contioned in charge when We & ¥ La AR AK wild . oY ¢ A up to 1045. when he Was Sue CORGFRCS WD "There pre #so # goOSRy BWR 4 quare fest Recah crrded by Charis Cattran. Bow J hip ber of our members Serving 4 retired eriod he erie Wadler, mich us hy Cow: ih 2) J wr fect. of meen he wor, production fae. Once ogoin in 1961 as in 1960 the oversl winners (D, Wells wetlare BoRrs Ak ded w ; £1 3 JILes pats Ue, comuienon, Darks Woah, eié.ipioy © thon M0 people. (he Incrkasing demend [or the ond C. Gibbs driving o Corveir Monza) of the Conadien Inter- ud most cherished fully paid for & splendid organ brid ¢ Local 200. LAY FIRST PRESIDENT the Prodi os Bs Bl "he Wohowr week hal lor 3 sptendid, Sugon pride, that Local 702: LO MST 1 Corbate, frst president 06 ITIL, 00 Bt ve Son national Winter Rolly were equipped with HAMBLY TIRE WIN- hese years, of cowrse, ¢ 4 e for the aged y of Oshawa, becoming ™ he CRRRGMN com a wr cent, EC anadii ef some of OW ONT widhiion, we compRtely IP one of the mow progressive PIE REL Ih We OUBAPIACON parbes grew ue plants wer TER RETREADS on oll four wheels. Another winner for Hom- : 2 : HANNSRES WR FEY FHI TVA on vay, Union B¢ 4 all th n the Province tablish Goodyes Pr # by which the member so Ana Whe peeks rio and the Dominion of Con hecame ® well known figure int ISL today practicaliy all of bly Tire Competition Retreads proving the outstending depend- have bis union dues Ae: boards. so that the more active ad Canadian using Z : i ph 4 f 9 Ik y Is / " wide from Newloundiand e president of the Domimon DIGIC 0 : obility of these tires, ' LAY OFFS WNY rion ia » : fous Fuse 8 p ] f all of 9 as Pris r 0, af e won from Year io Big Challenge culty formed Company an Ini wing In Dusines HAMBLY TIRE, the pioneer of Racing Retreads in Eastern negotiations Hy 8 ©» y : Lone) t re 4 ay ols ¢ $ # ' : anade (Dunlop, aR 19 1 th ; " North America, has proven in two years of competition Seen Ahead FeRBY ¢ (hehe) Absa of si Wark ar | daiid that retreads, properly processed, can vie with any new tire 4 members) fiance He ' A or CRADE ORDO We mar fake fatten BOWMERYIe plant was the production of synthetic rub in reliability. All MAMBLY TIRE retreads receive the same (President Canadian abo i th owih » Ww bet r outside t smed. Ir 4 arly ? : £ a creases which eens Conadinn aver (Diide. In the growth Whi hed by GaOdyent A el Bly Year strict quality control as those used in rallies and races, AMINE AMON re [acing i" ' " y Wit We ER d . nA f 3 at t paid in the industry | BENGGNE ha id if : ni COMA W y g behind The early vesrs of the manville § were filles tires for # growing / in nearby OF Know that » the first World i n hor 1 for } Watch the Chevy Show or Route 66 for picture of the winning car. Our grow BCLAMPANYINE problems of j jevelopment, MAILE nd communications, Melayu igh tn / Sh Ly He WIC BR TEE 194 Buick was Goodyear / ithe fn ' 4 / mn i f ' f ¢ (11 Deon We mu ' nr rub in / WEIR hic : WOE forward towa er bh Or la up to the changs which heels ' and out ras Proviging cerigin cov . : ¥ BES ; ada B " ¥ : tions outlined ¥ the 8 si all people gre resulting at & very rapidi tinue | # wi 4 BOW re 1 ¢ ie nthe ag One of the m serio i ce from technical develop. in the bullding of the Hew { i ' ment @ ified ene e far { tn ments in many of our industy but we have no desire | bodmdy a ting rol t the! MAKE PROGRESS hi CRY comes (rom econon ome of th veal chal. this a dominating row 00 at th : doi { " f wh B® Pre (} wis W n 1 i nme wre " 1961 na WE same tims triads HRIONS Wit) 7g 5 Bl ma : / Y { dence and the the field of life insurance, sick make this the year to put|t@in their InGepenaen ni ) J] gnd accident hepefit plan £ unemployment we ja the Canadian economy back on Tight 16 play (heir ht 4 i p i hes 534 Ritson Rd. S. Phone RA 8-621 paid medical, surgical and periencing today 1s neither en-iits feet necessary as enti ve EEE duction a5 MOVE ' wether stetrical plan, and, while oltirely new nor. peculier 10! Large sections of the Cana® became Increasingly awa rubber pro ¥ ! { a f neetiier feel certain that further im Canada; but this is no excuse dian labor movement are look {recent months of the nes ! of in Queber ) 5 thel for the suffering and the wasteling forward to 1961 as the year, feeling on the part of a great! Ft is. tand a lea "" / provements will be made in ) g I ) 7 " i i tended to leave y g future in these plans, we also|!that is resulting, Th sation! in which the New Party willlmany Canadians and of heir. ] a et rou va t 40% 7) HE plant 10 feel that we are immeasurablylis particularly inexcusable in aitake concrete form, This de.|very deep desire for the sort of a Ha en an better off now then we were 201 country which is young velopment will, we expect, in-|new approach that is so urgent centrating on hose, belts and VEATS AEN 0 ind the possessor | Jeet new thinking and new drivel ty needed now. There will he 8 belting 1ded . yey community undertakings mendous natural resoure Velinto the political Ife of Canada. place and great ny nortunity for belting, molded goods and, of plsn, the executive and mem-| in organized lah : f ] We look on it as a development| these people in the party labor hership of Local 221 feel thatjtic about nu ] | which will ast provide a reall is helping (0 creats {rm-- they are not taking & back seat]dians to end this waste a democratic alternative to Cana-| The Canadian Labor Congres tn anvhody. In the drive forlfering and to build a greateridian electors and offer a new|feels very strongly the need for funds for the new hospital wing| Canada opportunity for various sections, meaningful discussions #! the §! last vear, for instance, thel This is the time for us to raise of the community to work to-|summil level and far effective membership voted $10,000 to helour sights and demonstrate our| ether in common interest steps toward orderly disarma 0. donated from the local union faith In our county and Js Labor will undoubtedly econ- iment ( ( ( ' | | WHITBY AND DISTRICT L Creation | INDUSTRIAL, COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL BUILDING Since man's creation wood é has been of vital importance. Through : centuries of fabricating wood products, and many revolutionary inventions, wood | working machines have incredibly chang- - ed, in appearance and possibilities, We at Karl Weyrich, are equipped with the most modern of these machineries, to deliver a better product, to more cus- 110 GREEN STREET MO 8.5841 tomers, at a lower cost, Coffee Tables Ben Era Vobler "| ip tie GENERAL CONTRACTING - ESTIMATES Buffets | Room Dividers | "= | KARL WEYRICH WHITBY ~ONT. WOOD SPECIALISTS LTD, : " RONALD C. DEETH Newcastle Ontario--Telephone 2011-3106

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