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The Oshawa Times, 10 Mar 1961, p. 48

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& 9 i od he. MEL NEW BEVENTH DAY ph Civil Defence Planning Was Started In Late 1948 planming and training continief with revision of concepts eon IHANY FRINGE ROJUSLIRETLS In 1687 Mr. 8, Wellon wa snminied co-ordinator for Osh wa and 1958 the organization } to Include the of Ontarig County One of the » me out of the B Ww mg Fed fs mi fel no need 1a 4 that ne RuEK slide glam and largest IIE 1GSEONE REIS ond World War 5s fram ham cold he { from il i # He ay cEpanided validity of § face of § Indeed of the of Hiroshima how that the killed in these A Fesuit gf and lack timated that casu from nuclear at reduced na al nm withaut 3 Wi whale in the threat Wht the en in the threat eres pac whieh VEAFS The the pre has ramdly achvery of ten ar made (4 ' Feb changed Model 1 means of slow homhers ibility hi WeapONS heing p tnental from the nuciea hammng k hy in the h yield nuclear delivered hy su ar Intercaon I ¥ WEAPONS er cali po [0 unRprepar i ot by reliahl alti tach ea whl ade paration Civil enecy planning eommenced in Canada in late 1648. In 162 Oshawa formed a Civil Defence organ ization Mr. N, (Medica i namners hallistis HIrkanie Fan J mi f nas hilo | Fen chang 0 I in evil defence he five At one time the ar on the iri PEF Ef Ll Gi I th might YRUrs nieved ye Civ EMEergency pre of concept tha "You stay and fight the gity lke ship Measures wer planned so that rescue and Con, WOTTON other forces would work in to wards "ground zera', Planning I staffs began immed: was oriented around the cancepl Millman as co-ordinator, He is/lately at the Oshawa General of "ground gera", After Oper the first registered member on Hospital ation Ivy and the hydrogen vecord, Registration, now num: In the early "60's, Mr. T. bomb, a new concept took aver hers aver B76 in Oshawa Hopkin My, | You cannot save the eity so Courses to train Nursing and Millman #8 co-ordinator and you have te concentrate on sav i emey Januar appointing tonk aver from ¥ ADVENTIST CHURCH ON KING BT, EAST IN OSH wen thas 19 he Mopoeed of anf pifor # mater Measiey sre ine machine saqmved, That is Freparation mad what nppeneh 14 Cio Defence Aefence sik (RE (FRWMRE IR FRE ote in 19% ae sie mel Log wins The "New Model" is mown [9 of or way of Wie, Onta a5 Emergency Messwres (ngan- Wr has one of the bist and lation ' 0 6 ly |REIES EREATE (VF ERTWIAEIORE IR grepare fe nadon ia be shie § Mensiirs Organ 19 continne [ORCHOMRE hier y sayei Measler conditions. Thies VIRGO IR Gach sisiintd of requives Federal, Provmeial and the COWnty mast ogame 15 Mimaignt Governments he pro "We ERA. AL present Whithy, gerly orgamived, prepared and ARE wk Fort Perry wre the trained (ov thew role rd Sommer hawt Asan wh 1 edesal of RARER [margin y Mersines wo Teter and Frovineiel Crgamrmtion. ke HIREFE wie mF ie some KRses have Campsie RIE they Will he coord iterative locations in shelters Med "aer # County Creams fo Contin e Emvermmental fame 67 Comme tions (4 posal the people andl AH of the Osh divest the Tesowices of the Ri ie Fara in 4 i To tim to aeviate swilerimg and OTEARtion wilt be # logical CORSRETE, WE PROUT TIARIAE mieome of the present Wyiaw the wmiry's potentinl Fesoweces OE revved. WARGO hihi Huch is still to be done to hd Jubii for ¥ HiRton adjust legislation, producer have The mumegalitics lang, NIChase EGIRIMEnt and ' rain for the defence pgminst lorie stake 0 this work. TR the threat of # War, WCIERE Wr Cony Commeit wad Ohana City i Cannel have piranged = bylaw oherwise setting wo an Emergency Megs We have an efficient fire wr wees rgamaation of the depart Banization in Oshaws and the ment heads of the services ex Cowmty, Which came frst, the Wing in the framework of their (es oF the fire protection or mimeipsl governments, This re Eamization? No doubt BK was cogmizes the need and places 16rimed by Witter experience that the responsibility for PrEparR PIIRCEION WAR RELESERTY, AH tion of wans and necessary POF present fire Bghting defence trmining on the appointed muni. 10Fees Tesulled, 18 I necessary cipal herds of department. I that war has 19 eceur before Appoints & co-ordinator of public YOUF COMIRNIMLY OF YONE GWRH SHEVIVRE and Infarmation home for that matler, Prepares The shelter program is eur. 18 plans to reduce Misagrecable willie effects of puclenr ailacks? 3 , AWA ing the people", Presttack tae (tical evacuation became the FEPHY WERE KIVER wide main evil defence strategy. WV and the public kept informed. And that is the position of IPianning was reoriented vr he 1aet survivil measures Emergency Measures Organiza from grovnd zee ta the "target Myst begin in their own homes tion at this time ~~ 0 your areR'" and Hg surrounding sup. WAKE the guidance and planning hands ~ the citizen port and reception ares, New, their local pnebpud i [7 with present estimates of enemy CFRMENS v Fo Six Nations Bid Wrapped In Tape capahitlities and attack effects. Unlortunately, ton many he vil defence thinking and plan Neve another war impossible ning are being oriented toward And ftavirorht coud hy war the entire nation #5 the unit of OF BalUre couidan's happen 19 survival. This does not rile out hem in Canada, " BRANTVORD (CF)=A bid hy the Bix Notions Indian Confed racy for representation at the Commonwealth prime minister's conteren eems destined to he earlier concerns with the sav WE VER ing of resources and peaple, ht NEWS ITEM to point otherwise 4 nigh seope and Fela nos tem in the Military dr di didi Review (U8) states "Electron: strangled by red tape A new concept of USWEVIVALic computor research produced! Last monn Chief Joseph Lo Flanning" has gradually devel: the following findings -- since gan sent. @ request to Queen oped since the advent of nuclear ison B.C. the warld has known Elizabeth asking for permission weapons, Studies of their effects oniy 202 years of peace; there! to he represented al the confer on cities have shown that such have heen 14.581 wa Since ence, The Bix Nations Confed chaos could result as 10 Jeopar G60 B.C, there have heen 1036 eracy considers sell & sover the national abiiby 19 SUF arms races, all but 16 of whichleign nation attack unless substantial ended in war, and this 16 ended! Governor-General Vanier ack weparations to this end have i, ceanomie collapse.' nowledged Vednesday that the heen made beforehand. More, Add to this the avowed aim request had reached the Queen perhaps, these samelor the communistic tnland was being referred to Citi genship Minister Fairclough The prime minister's confer ence is already underway, i { Mi 117 mpartant tudi ha Ve Te Veiled that sr dominate the world hy political al plans and Preparations means or farce, if necessary cannot he left until attack ap then it appears the ingredients imminent; they must he - developed as part of the normal) peacetime processes of govern LX. wrth, Rofl Torin wil Momiiess perahed mors 400 Gri ating -- (was grime fas with V2 ul Yanmar Armined a fast reach ing 006. Bunion emerged Hs Tain la iam -- MARE Feady for the MOE CRF REE Bicycle and caw were the products of the first f History Of : In the year 1666 & very differ She world saisted. The present EREVAN RRA Kasey Visa Vik TRE REE WHER he praca of Bie went Br at BR neti However a transition wineh was FIRST AUTH TIRES Asstined ta revolutionize Lemme By the twin of the century, POFIGlon wie WR The Mane. Dunlop Wn Canada Was pps 1 The man responsive (or We making Wy Wend, # few As EFEFt SEIAR Was R VELREIRAIIAR (irrs (or some of the fir motor wren named John Boyd Dn cars driven in Canada ' The We move came in 1905 Fiwmping wlong in Ws Avg car! guar mil cist on Queen B., 0 CONEY TORS aside of Bel what was then the mitsiors of fast, Pwmiop pondered ways of Tovawin a Bosh Ave., Doniep! ot SANE ore EomIaTialie Luit is first 1acleRy = what, J naw yA of products travel, Fo lim, came the 1867 yas then an IMBoSing ment with) Trials m sy of an MEA led tbe of NAME. 5 800 sanare 1eet Of MARAE % 16 Stl in the sory, 4 HISTORY OF by ig " gd isd inh, that the (uring sonar. And here, ot Booth Ht Phmion tiie was ities wn (icen $s., the £4 Y the wheel of & tricycle and the a loon - amoramg He (Continued on Page 19) trgl rm by moonlight was # . re ---- I -------- a In July of that year, Dunlop tors mist the now [among patent for "A hallow tire made of india ruber and cloth, seid the 19 COTE RIF NRARE PIRSSHIE AA tn he attached (no wheels", And 66, there started g new mdustry which made possibile the coming of the motor esr age The first pneumatic tire fae ary esialibishied by Dunlop in Dublin and later fran erred . to En The Dunlop empire was wm the march. Factories estah lished in France and Germany in 160% due to the wide aces tance of this mirdilled {that made cycling a Joy rather than a lahor Canada was the first of the AVErSeas Aaminions tn welcome the new invention snd in 1604 Dunlop tire heing made in a small factory in Toros, a ey of less than 175.000 peopl By 16566 Dunlop organized 10 supply bransporiation mands in South Africa, New Zealand and Australia Four miles per hour was the legal speed on roads until 1866 Ahalition of this law gave imp tus to the development of the new "Horseless Carvin ge Soon, car vacing was B great sport throughout the world The fivst record, in 1605, went te Chasseloup-Laubat with 40 miles per hour, Within a yea) danatgy raised the figure tn 6h | miles™er hour, A mile-a-minut climax to the closing century! Canada was on the threshold WHER he THR ARY mance by Capalians, moved tow ¥7 Femperanee 4 products and & host of OOF oF wiher products for home, FARIA Was rT 45 KING §7. E. (Member) Tilden Rent-A-Car System 50 GENERAL MOTORS CARS ond TRUCKS STAKE TRUCKS--ALL SIZES Rent @ Car by the Hour, Day or Week Monthly er Yearly Leases SPECIAL LOW WEEKEND RATES ON CARS CALL , , . Tilden for Car or Truck Rental Needs TILDEN OSHAWA RA 5:6853 ~~ PETERBOROUGH RI 3-47TTV '] WORLD-WIDE RESERVATIONS FREE ' Canada's Largest Canadien Owned Rent-a-Car System El Chr RA 54771 Coventry and WEF Narvel Were ~ ment, industry and community | life generally Throughout the history of | Civil Defence in Oshawa the | ever changing pattern could he | analogous to a motor car manu: | factured in 1062, on which mod: | ication and repairs were made | regularly, hut eventually a point Is reached where the monster THE WORLD'S FINEST Today, Punken Tie Dealess are we proud of, for nowhere in the wor outomatic equipment as at RUNLOR WHITRY Costing mame than 12 m \ x tf Te ° Ne ea Sit and Tat ema pment NW deion 18 San ba awed ¢ Wie Vio ation dolla elect engineered fou a TERR ONE CENT a "MR. BIG' H | ing @ praduet that they can hat be Ware tees prodhised on sueh modem TV get more out of 3 Whe fasten An ideal be A sated on 56 aoe on PREG 1 chase Wa and hath highway and ail ¢ Powe vied in this new plant 4 of a com By hat your ost wirtendate predicts ahest quality > be oF Prod HENRY BALDWIN, Chairman, 100 sg Whe when you live better electrically! If you've been thinking of a penny as pretty small change, , just check the convenience and comforts you ean have for just one cent's worth of electricity! * You can enjoy TV for 414 hours, ® You can keep food fresh in your electric refvigerator for 17 hours, * You can toast 52 slices of bread, ® You can cook 10 bacon and egg meals, for two people, OSHAWA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION // life, ,, get the most out of electricity, SIMCOE ST, SOUTH GEO F, SHREVE, General Manager

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