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The Oshawa Times, 10 Mar 1961, p. 4

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A THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Merch 18, Red Cross | Had Start In enrrent Ajax Bed Cross fund wi I qui 2 py Brion, compton, Mar 8 40 col vemenons elec tevesied to lesrn how the Bed es the 19h ad iH the town Cross begon snd lnm of the 78% Rot prepared, bt good W # history oA the Canadien Red start on planing for this Ae Cross Society VEIOpIERL Was IRAE RoW Henri Dunant, & Swiss Philen- I # lengthy snd spirited fis thiopist, witnessed the massacre | Cwssion of the Chamber # the lof Sollering in 1559. Thousands sonal meeting lor the election ! . 4 s | Of oificers and directors for 1961, (Mf Rend and wounded soldier 4 lamid carcasses of dead horses, TINEEGRy Wight, Song sppreyel leovered the grownd, Dunant Wes BIVER 16. B Hudy of Recess BOWMANYHLE (Haff) Members of the Bowmanyiie Chamber oA Commerce Hink that the Oshawa harbor project gathered about Wm sg growp of volunteers Lo administer com fort to those whe were stil wlive Three years later he shook the group skaters gave of party of weather it roads to the town with the view 19 RIRcting more Shoppers from the SHITONNMNE COWLrY: side; a» study of tralfic move ment @nd off-street parking Wn the downiown ares; support for the town's program of industrial development and & study of the possible impact on Bowmanville of plans for & buge development at the Oshawa harbor During the discussion of n- dustrial development, Nelson Oshorne, ss president of Bow: manville Industrial Development Limited and Ken Morris, gs In dustrial Commissioner, outlined the major steps taken last sum mer to provide fully serviced in dustrial sites pt pliractive prices and the financing of the con struction of factory buildings for eredit-approved industries PROGRAM ENDORSED The meeting strongly &n dorsed this program and adopt ed a resolution formally ex pressing is approval and en CONFREINE town council 19 pro ceed with all possible speed in installing the services for these developments J. A, Bell, elecied president for 1961, extended a hearty vole of thanks from the members 19 Ken Morris, secretary-Areasurer "Ken has done a terrific job as our secretary; I personally don't know how he has done i all over and ahove his other duties as indusirigl commission er," said Mr, Bell Concluding his term of office the 1960 president, W, G, Lander remarked that during the year no MABIOE New projects were undertaken within the Chamber. | "However, worthwhile projects hegun In Previous Years, were carried on and careful attention was given to matters of daily routine." "We must depend to a great extent on volunteer help, until we can afford a staff of our own," sald Mr. Lander, "but there are many more projects of consequence to our town that could he undertaken if we had more volunteers and the moral Bowmanville C Of C Plans Active Program {nd financial soppon. of ow eM, $ Dele, A I. Hovey, (Hire snes Comm, i : A Eramp Wekied), IY, vy: ¥. SAR J athangis, A ANNUM. REPORT Forums WG: Pesere and oy report p. Mr, Morris remarked thet 156 Brooklin ne sis : "Your Chamber of Commerce] [is an Mest agency for corr BROOKLIN ~ A new oul COmImRItY DIRIEEts, 50 16 of Bisplaying telephone number pit i 19 marimum wee snd rl will be introduced by the Wp some more sold pehieve y, Company of Canada, ments this yesr/" he Geciared. lint Brookiin, comeident with The general financial sale the 4 ment, which covers all 1ecOPAS rectory wn July ana expenditures except opal wil involve replacing the letters (protects financed by he § siallio ond 1 of Oliver, with the | Merchants p numerals with which these let in 1964 the receipts were sHEW-Aters correspond eh | dial Hy below the level of other JERS. This means thet your 1ele- but the expenses were #les Te phone Bomber will begin with duced despite cosponsorng Of the three digit code , end the Industrial Luncheon in B9Y.,' will he com d by the 1960, The loss of the year's ODE (our digits of your present pum: ations was $4.43, leaving & Bak iher, Brookiin mbes wil #p A AE 1h) pesr nn the next directory in "Citations of Merit" were pre We seven ligirs lot that busi- sented 19 the Bowmanville Foun peccmen show their new all dry for vrgestabhising In Row figure" telephone numbers on manville afker Having Ld any stationery sens, hill forms Kram Vurmiure Limited, for 2 STE J0%L 07, 7 the improvement of their # Aud fron; "ond to the Maher Fhoe oil change it the Method " Bore, for providing A ORETR being made under the ail-num ond enlarked Sard were pre her calling (ANC) plan which pied 1 Manas acer 01 OE TEA br tr CAA Orchardview, (1st prize #9), oh Companies. The ANC Pian Tuck Brough, Horsey street (ind Rhine Som Advantages isi pie 1), 8 een hit other "eephone 4 1 h¢ Tn " Ohrictme cor. | PIANS | [the hen home Christmas Aecor:| Most important, M makes jon. a avd imore telephone numbers aval IL MY in dd Avard for ihe than does & plan Involving play, was won by the Canadian! letters and Pumeraly, BUCH RE IPive' Associates, "Temperance the one in use here ow dC lineresse erephones nd the Zlerted to office for the 19611 NCre 4 4 | Mp B WG. Lander, past Puild up of North America into [oresident; 4, A, Bell president| ne vast telephone exchange | 4 AW. B Sver vice president. | The number of letter combin i iors elected for 1961 |Atons which could he used Windy B is Burk, EB, 1 Clifton, under the two-letter, fivefigure Mdati 4 AL {plan is limited and the possible | - CE | ones would he exhausted in al | APPROVES BUDGEY few years, The new ANC plan] TORONTO (CP)=A budget of will provide enough telephone 3,406,061 for Toronto public numbers until at least the yeRr, nd secondary schools wi idl The ANC plan also overcomes | proved Thursday for 1061 by thee oossinliity of misspell | Metropolitan school board's f-ing or misinterpreting exchange) ittee and will go toinames and it eliminates the con: t|fusion between the letter "1"| and the figure one and the tet: ter "0" and the figure zero, wis not # henner year wn the Insiory Hf the town 'This year presents ws with BEY GPPITINEIties 19 serve OF home town, there is much to ihe done and there is wonaly # Hot more fun wad satisfaction Wm, Aoing 1 ourselves then 19 have some level of government Ao MH Hor us and this dd 19 oor tex ' : '$ nance comm {the hoard for approval nex Tuesday, AIRE =~ We" iaute 9 Ms EG REE BR si hE WE Downaares, srroms wiih. the hawileries Mf ment of Foes hiex at any lame, wihow the wh Ken REA Fit Rik pRL Lp (ary warhens weaker the Pieper wens. of Lanis and ¥ ores Ah brian spr vih vy the pre Vikki bai Hh Lansiaks GARE tong, the Bochorge # fre fhe wie oH # & wh bows wns I ELDEESE GRIER Wf BRE i WER! LAST 2 DAYS! MRP URLIC PIG COLOR CARTOONS PLUS "THE THREE STOOGES" RED SKELTON MASKS TO ANYONE BRINGING A BOX TOP FROM ANY SIZE FREE! again he termed a Success THEATRE GUIDE Biltmore = "Look in Any Win dow', 1,50, 4.40, 7.80, 10.86 p.m, "Wicked Wife" 12.80 8.15, 6.06, 9.00 p.m, Last com torium April 14 and luneh for|Red Cross the meeting was arranged, when| In 1000, hy Act of Parliament, we hope to have a guest speak the Society obtained its first] Charter, known as "The Cana: | Ponsa] Van Hud Crom Act aries BARE 8 origi charter social time enjoyed la JHp th co that ho Society | During the afternoon the was authorized to expand its ladies quilted a very pretty erib|aotivities to include peacetime auilt, work. Now the Charter reads | EF | A delicious lunch was by the hostess and a DANCING TO-NIGHT "Y" VARIETY CLUB FEATURING THE Steve Backwell Trio For your listening and dancing WILMA LEE ond STONEY COOPER POWDERED SKIM MILK DON'T MISS THE RED SKELTON THEATRE PARTY SATURDAY AT THE REGENT THEATRE YOU'LL SEF RED SKELTON alii PACKAGE OF PET INSTANT SATURDAY MAR, 11h af 12 NOON ONLY DOORS OPEN 11:30 AM, CHILDREN 25¢ "In time of peace or war 10 WATER CONTENT |assist in werk for the improve In water content, 10 inches of ment of . health, prevention of snow is equal to about one inch disease, and the mitigation of] {of rain suffering throughout the world a pleasure 19% CENTRE §T YW.CA 8:30 to 12 = Fun Galore Fridey, Marsh 17, 8:00 pm, Advance Tickets = Wilsen & Les Ltd, ' ------------ A. 2 GRAND ACTION HITS! Thrilling action and adventure "INFERNO" || | IN TECHNICOLOR FR ~ATARRING (| ROBERT RHONDA RYAN FLEMING Exciting days of the Riverboat! "GAMBLER OM NATONEZ" IN TECHNICOLOR : DALE o DEBRA ROBERTSON PAGET UH AJAX, ONTARIO Tenders for the pur chase and removal of two (2) five (5) room frame houses, SEALED TENDERS, Plainly marked as to contents, will he veseived by the undersigned until 5:00 pm, WEDNESDAY, MARCH: 22, 1961 for the purchase and removal of twa Hive « eam houses, Io sated ah 1.2 Birgh Crescent, Lot §70, Plan 465, Ajex 2-1 Oak Street, Plan 465, Ajex tions 10 tenderers may kod up ram the undersigne Ajax Tawn Hall tar 10 fhe te any each tender, The high eM or any tender net necessarily accepled SATURDAY NIGHT | Got - Jogethor (lub SPOT DANCES ® PRIZES » SOFT DRINKS 8:30 - 11:30 p.m --0,C,V,|, Auditerium PRESS: CASUAL ADMISSION: Members 40c; Others 60¢ Lot 547, Instrue ce P the ie DANCE TONIGHT TO THE TORNADOS Toronto's Most Versatile Combe 4. Alderdise Asting Town Clerk Town of Ajax AJAX, Ontaria --Featuring-- "Ace" Stevens Juaphons, Rudy Veltri Steel guitar, lane, guitar, Leiyilized world by writing tical effect 10 the puthor's practical petion manville Chamber of Com: attendance, The members esent Ladi ies Make flag of the society would he the event. A crew of men, prior tollop, Marly Eade, Pattie Papt-|#5 Wh charge of the worship President of the Canadian Red displayed their ability and the|ery. These two sets displayed Mrs E. Armstrong - took his medical personnel and equip in attendance to witness the|women of the community, The tian church, Mrs, Armstrong's Branch of the British National hats and went through their drill Even though the skating|the Joint Easter meeting to hel examples Canada's under Mark Carman, Johnny Coat Those taking part were Lorna| §40 only, Last complete show many intricate steps of skating | Plaga -- "Never on Sunday" fine voutine in which all 16 chil:| at 2.00, 4.85, 6.85, 830 p.m low, Nancy Barraball, Dale Tennant. These children ave Laven, Margaret Taggart, Lyn splendid showing as they glided OPEN 4 HRS DAILY violin, vesals, | "Souvenirs Ade BoMering', bis Imemories of that terrible suf fering. Shocked by what they, read, four prominent citizens of Geneve with Dunant as sec retary formed a ""Commitiee of Five", established tn give prac / / $77 humanitarian ideas As al 0 | At the request of the com {mitten the Bwiss government AT BOWMANIVLLE CHAMBER MEETING is imermens Brion 'Burene to send representatives Past President W. G. Land: | merce. Concern shout the | backed a resolution for the tg Geneva 19 BISEHES whys find er, right, congratulates the | Oshawa harbor development, | immediate investigation of means of pulling the idea into 1961 president, J, A Bel) as 10 the effect it will have on ddd ts : elected Thursday night at the | Bowmanville's future develop: | the future planning o facili A meeting took place in 186% annual meeting of the Bow: | ment, was voiced by those in ties in the town for new in later to he known as the First | | dustrial development Geneva Conference with 26 Aele- » gates attending representing 16 countries, In deference Wy Switzerland and to Henry Du: a ers rese nant, it was decided that the » ' » » (reverse of the Swiss flag, hence ine Lispia nb Quilt ie | Today the work of the Inter | national Red Cross Bociely 1s ORONO = The Orono Figure Sharon Allin, Susan Cantrell waBono "The meeting of the being carried on in #5 countries ating 4 3 |g / 0 p ne, Eroup one, met @ We throughout the world Skating Club held its skating!E laine Forrester, A ! . f party despite adverse weather|Middicton, Linda Thompson home 0} mre Aley Watson with In 1885, during the Riel Rebel conditions. Close to 150 persons| Karen Lee, Wendy Partner Ho ld al I ANE lion, Major General G, 8, Ryer ventured out for the annuallSharon Simpson, Dovethy Dun PrESEd, Mrs. ech Robinson son, Later to he the first aye ene overly Te service Cross Bociety raised the first the skating party, cleared the/ner, and Beverly Tennant took "00" ross 80 ice of water and the show was! part Fhe scripture was read by Red Cross flag on Canadian soll able to proceed although the, The fine exhibition of- skat Mrs Evan Quantrill Others as-\He made it of factory cotton ice was rather soft for the wing came to a close with sisting were Mrs, Wm. Robinson and sewed it on a Geneva Red skaters a swing dance number hy Adel ind Mrs, ¥. Eddy, Prayer hy Cross of turkey red, which he The evening featured Myles and Charles Gray and M7. Cecil Robinson concluded got from the ammunition column numbers in which the Gail Cooper and Marjory Low the worship service to indicate the wherahouts of fact that the numbers had heen|the fine art of dance skating the Study hook and hased her ment. This same flag, stained well rehearsed, The rvoutines| which is always a favorite of the remarks on the work heing done! and worn, was presented hy were exceptionally welllcrowd n Fide i India, Asia, Burma Major General Ryerson to the execyied BROOMBALL GAME and the ¥ hilippines Bhe stressed Toronto Public Library in 1867 Charles Hutton was the ma The evening featured a hroom- the need for more trained work:| The first organization meeting | ter of ceremonies for the party(ball hockey game in which the "Fs and told also of their great was held in 1806 and the society and welcomed those who werelyoung girls faced the married| efforts to build a really Chris: was known as the Canadian annual skating party young girls were able 10. hati halts Wie interesting and in-'Baciety for Aid to the sick and ht "RK [the only goal of the game which|!ormative Wounded in War , NERS' CLASS 7 , Wi fi PRGINNER SLA with the BAve them the victory, This Mrs Armstrong . the! During the Spanish-American begin oF katers who always|BRme proved most entertaining treasurer's report, The ladies war, assistance was offered to i 4A attention of the oo. 86 the girls pursued the hall as| were reminded of the bale to he hath the Ameriens (refused) ns The heginners Were al-|1t skidded, even with same of | packed early in May, date to be and the Spanish (accepted) tired in costumes with hatloon players, across the ice jel later, Mention was made of this being one of the first exceedingly well faced most adverse held in the Sunday School Audi tanding the neutrality of +i 4 ] le Those aking part were Bon: conditions cou nie Partner, Nancy Mercer Judy West, Yvanne Bchoemak er, Joan Duvall, Susan West, Diane Boyd, Cherry! Cornish, Steven Mercer, Keith Powell ham, Bteven Boyd, Carl Coath am and Paul Morton Group one of the skating eluh | thén took to the ice dressed in| plete show at 8.00 p.m eolorful clown costumes and dis: Brock (Whithy) == "For the playing their art in skating and| Love of Mike, 7.00 and 0.00 offered a well rehearsed routine,| nm, "Young Jesse James Lowery, Sherry Lowery, Susan 4 f t 8.40 p.m, | Aslett, Shelly Hooey, Naney at pi ferna". 1.00. 4.05! Morton, Loma Morton, Carol|Marks = inferno", 1.00, 40 Chatterton | 7.10, 1020 pm Gambler p atehes', 4.80, 5.40, 8.50 Adele Myles, the elub pro, | from Niches , ! p and her sister, Gail Cooper | n n Last complete show al excited the audience with the| B40 pm In a twosome, Spirals, spins! (Restricted Admit.) Feature were all featured in their pres:| Times 1.45, #48, 5.40, 7.40, 0.40 entation + pm. Last complete show al ua aup | Fa §, dressed in] 0.15 p.m, ie theme o alentine's Day "wp ? duzie in red and white with a large Regent - "The World of Ruzie heart on their hack, offered a| WORE", Feature shown daily dren were working as a team Last complete show at 0.03 Those in the group numher| P.M were Karen Coatham, Ronda Tennant, Wendy Mercer, May lyn West Kathy Middleton Diane Nicholson, Dareen Hazel! ton, Karen Lawery, Bonnie Bay Evans, Heather MeGill, Kathy Walker, Kathy Grady i FINE PERFORMANCE A fine performance was then offered hy a foursome of Dare! thy Dunlop, Blaine Forrester, Bhavon Simpson and Beverly now same of the alder group of the club, They featured spirals, | spins and other skating acts, Group four of the club affer ed another wil executed rou tine when Cathy Coatham,! Cheryl Coatham, Linda Me da Barraball, Nancy Forrester, Patricia Wallace, Anne Arnott Joyce Lang, Julia Neal, Darlene West, Glenda Tennant, Caroline Johnson all took to the These skaters were dressed in white and green. and made aj Sod aver the surface of the ice Cheryl Cooper followed with a fine solo as did Cheryl Coat ham and Kathy Coatham with A twosome Group § of the elub then offer od a majarette number in whieh ® HOME COOKED MEALS ® HOME MADE PASTRY ® NEWLY DECORATED DINING ROOM ® BANQUET FACILITIES PHONE RA 3.3347 [4 x spanish guitar, hanie, veeals Jack Hanson Prams, bass, vesah, Jerry Veltri Rhythm guitar, deums, vesakh, AND SPECIAL GUEST Art Dimilo RED BAR ) Wizard of the plans, trom Bdisven Hotel, Tomnte, ADMISSION $1.00 JAMES STEWART nS (SEXED [ENED iki AY 'Look In RAY: TOWORROW ,. , SUSPENSE & THRILLS | Couples. who. Dance... Have more Fun! 2 FUN-FILLED NIGHTS WEEKLY 2 Adult § Plus THE PERFORMANCE THAT WINNER OF THE GANNES FILM FESTIVAL AWARD AS 'BEST ACTRES FEATURE TIMES: 1:45: 3:45-5:40. 7:40-9:45 pm. COMPLETE STARTING TODAY »iem Any Window' Wicked Wife! -- : = FRIDAYS [SATURDAYS Canada's top Canadian Winners of the Record Hop imernational Ponce Bond Continuous Dancing te the PAT RICCIO Latest & Greatest | | i, TAA, PW JUBILEE PAVILION GROWNED MER 8 OF THE YEARY od WAY USIC STUDIOS Register Now For Lessons On These Popular Instruments ACCORDION ® CLARINET SAXOPHONE ® HAWAIIAN VIOLIN GUITAR SPANISH GUITAR @ TROMBONE POPULAR PIANO @ VIOLA TRUMPET e CELLO Our &-week beginner's course on the accordion at $1.50 weekly includes the FRE® use of an accordion during that peried which is taken home for practice, WILSON & LEE LTD. MUSIC STORE 87 SIMCOE ST, NORTH WILSON & LEE LIMITED LAST Show RA 5.4706

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