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The Oshawa Times, 10 Mar 1961, p. 49

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Hospital At Port Perry Proud Of Achievements PORT VERRY Mr. Harry Phoenix, member of the Fro perty Commitiee of the Board of the Port Perry Hospital, in aecepting the test performance of the Hospia new standby BINEYEENLY POWEE Dignt, painted out that power terruptions of even hnef durgltion ar BEFIONS MALLEr In hospitals ang the installation removes th reason for apprehension Froud of the record of con ducting iffaly in the "hiaek'! the hospital bhogrd 1 now leaking forward 9 onan ing the necessary financing to install x-cay equipment 1g serve the people of Fort Perry and the townships of Reach, Cartwright HISTORY OF FUn-ups' Hecome URNReCeSSATY Additionally, the fuel 15 clean and Seung tn better effect The Hon. M. B. Dymond, M.D CM who has practised and a considerably longer life Meni ne wm Port Perry since can he expected of sparkplugs the Canadian Army, spoke of» witching on or off 15 # func the benefits of such installations Hon of the line supply, In any Bhoth as one who might have interruption, contacts close 19 need for uninterrupted electrical EOMpIE feastarting crest power in the hospital and @s Only # few seconds mre needed Ontario's Minister of Health for the generator 10 reach load Attending the sick and ithe speed when another relay unt v I Dymand witches the generator into the hi id Dr, Dymons, "We paspital supply, closing off the eyitably has an aspect of BMEF: ne As the line supply returns gency, and a second emergency, to service, the load is trans Such as a power Interrupion,|erved hack to it and the I'L 0 is most undesirable, when Hght Ing, operating room equipment incubators or oxygen tent equipment Is Involved Mr. H. KK, Walle erator 15 switched off Mrs. K. M. Hook, BN, Hos pital Superintendent, during the 3 | brief taking over ceremony, re PEE) counted the story of a com who designed the equipment 0 pounded emergency of a type S15 Militia Growy winch bas He . hel giariers § weapons hes § their Tormal 8 ditional task of training 8 Ne fare tn the venous facets of | Nationgl Survival Training, 1 Changes Noted In Regiment 2 i CRAGATIRE. ERIM ET [frome the ovsst of awn het fhe fact hel these a aad Foyahmatindi Haks PRGEHNGET BERSWEE ME BE Lak of PRE MSs Rh ERiel: WE (FHaR FA RECTOR WN The 18 ice © aes, EDIE AN. 5 STL Is / 4 IR THE OSHAWA THES, Prdey, Mane 18, 960 29 nent wed be Belabie ws THE 1% DEW pranesien wich Eves the fefersl pwernment ing. the Garret haley 4 carved sub. with CRC 86h I BRT WaT 1 be lakes by Tha FEW 5 take VEE RES spwiat 5 the » he Canadian' § po PALE Toraiont Ws ha nome Siu ered wets by Wash ucks, sapar of & WIE NE H The I Bo Soh By [BSE PL Dgite Canada TAR. recently ERE Gs oH a TER of (RE HGR TRI ccencd sue of the mS Coe operation woh VE mest tans Sh Saisie came Wy By Re es oper Webware 8 the wane IVER getany wh RATER) ma wa 1K Canada. Stuwet 5 Overs The optsi Be aad id #y Vv £1, 2 BK, WARNICA heen 4 Wd gD Bs of fa a tataritaand Leompses fon student Witia dan THEW Be HE) ens for the emeriensy --- . ] Fhe Oniarin Wegment Ing the swimmer holiday wernt ot, Ue Ay Ad DEBRA. 9 rope asting FIHEm Rik WORE $78 99% baiting a How | The ais oman ng. comer ht, rt ete et von Fok pi ed oy eet) GIVE HISTORY 22"% ve fo md last, Corns. War the Ontario Reg mos wwccessidl oth (rom Pr Wg eo = VERE 9 gency Meapwres ONgomisiion ~ and g b 1esesish (4m want bas Lone Town So mi wh the inde be hick Detter 4 they WROW the spacial (afer suerey 0% (Camtrned 08 Voge B) of ie vente handed 99 By BY; FER T A Ye ; ws pow of view The . BERR col Retench, Aish WISveh 16 Muse wirkdieih or rear window Sydeey Wa { - Yaak. of the ARCH PINEI the ney Emergency Na gan bd Fuieson 5 Wuiey litente beyk arn Resi gras (4 Keep Begiment Was Grins wany oo with the hengng mes of ential mificers snk NCL) & from WREIRY WaItare. hE #8 CLIP, these Lo ics as Welk 48 the #5 some Tor JERIS RED TRE DBAEHE TECEYWE WOTRWRRE brigade sysem Ves and new Wisin Crows, Com ment ¥ is the Regiment's Wo prises of RITRONE, IERIE) ARE. IEREOR 19 COREE 16H Fd artillery, vis the TRRnres sp this type of LERIRE DOFLing Rives, 199% He The Regiment has # good This change gly oie, SEHACOMAIRES CORY ERE #8 nations sei hing zrowos weder the come VIVES subikcts nd the 41. BOO mand of Brigadiers, and the On: 51 BEL) and Officer CoRses pre tari Begpment became par of IRN Ing the funre breshone of the Regiment. The maior re in Toronis GATRIERt 15 197 more least | aAvent o nuclear £8 YOURE IER 19 Come ow nh necessitaied tur Jn the Ontario Begiment whl ther changes Wh present Soy take an active part wn the pre warfare; and over and above pRIations tor the survival of this training the Wilitin| compl ry should the need ever #4. Bree "§ will say this, however," LA Col, Warpica continued, "thet Ithe Ontany Regiment will con Atinue 19 train (9 the wimost of its ability slong whatever hnes pre reawired; and thet 1 win endesvor 19 Lake » More petive part in the alieirs of the County and the City of Oshawa, ROPE ithe bnes of National Survival NEW TASK as may be deemed pecessary In order to carry owt this new for the good of pil pereons con task it has meant thet old sol cerned." diers had 19 he (aught new {ricke and new sildiers Nil Nuclear » Stations Planned in rescue, first mid, radistion) By DON HANRIGHY The units have been given the tonal Survival, A role thet is well suited to the Miia Gn FLAIR, Tt Which Recs tales the switching of the mejor portion of the Begiment's tram ing from conventions) tank wer: monitoring, tralfic control snd the basic military subjects, such as Anil and personal weapons which are required 19 make # gond soldier. All of this takes time, hut the Optario Regiment! threw Ws whole weight hehind this new role right from the he-| ginning with the result thet now the Regiment is as well, M not 2 hig 4 better trained, than most of the Conndin Press Stall Wriler Militia regiments in the Com OPTAWA (CF) The gov mand ernment is working on plans for This is not new for the On.|@recting the operation of sll tarios as they have previously! anadign radio stations in the won the Worthington "Erophy,|€vent of a nuclear altack emblematic of the hest srmour:| The emergepcy scheme would ed regiment in Canada, on two! see about hall the existing CBC OCCASIONS land privately - owned stations National Survival is every:|put off the gir at the outset of one's business and in order lo|any attack, Mast television op achieve maximum results there erations would he halled should be a major effort put| Radio sattions remaining on forth hy all citizens, Oshawa isthe air would he linked no spe more fortunate than most cities) cial netional snd regional net in that it has ® very aetive works, These are heing set up Emergency Measures Organiza: 80 that parts of them could he WBE WHR IER R 8 SRA fone Tele mmmaniaations being mempnies Ww the re oe AIOPRR. \IRIHRE "RA BHTIRAT yA 0 REIL REY soem TY WOULD HALT Rack i i 3 tachi i (A the Commons chested several soma corps of wmstrvetons wn both BF TE Td be Teaky soomisnih 1 bare Defence Construction CRmng Hato Limited cal tenders (or these fos Fre : "} galing the dadioad pi whirl 4 Two pesss Wt Paes wk Dass # he ways al 4 ERIRIRGOR, WEL Wp RSL TEM WB ct th sage, pik SEN Y Saal, ARIE BTESEE RRA SIME Piaanl har ghenmng thet TR%s or TY Ha fewer ks # PAY Next, # Wi wonid be commanisstef i Vl Plastic i Hassle IA w» J by the ZOVEIRIRER., HOG SHEER the ton Gass shams wind. € The obiect 16 16 wee forther Resting fofows. The Company secretory LW, Bersnnne lind process 16 one of Resting rel sates "Dwiate € posse. Slations im #8 aecive where hot o8 LIA. logks (onward (6 grow EME RISIOTHEs af RHEL DTESERER VEL OPTION 15 ths whole, wd Ohaws yar Attar clasp: ticwer " Loam A he SBRIVORS Bevirvmest ar thin fhe The twpmom Doplate giants are CHEER 15gether pak With & plastic -. mest. op Rtions Ww the event of Where 16 wo Suasrstion in thie hws wiiteh pass thw wi Ay Cr ed Edman » ' £ Rg Car Ut. et Prime Wistar WETS &F He smd at thet Smelbave heen 194 by ws fie Wd $038. stone they will each have # CG entire SHIR e, wha Welds the three waits Ihpather "hasin | poms ow tn ths re" A 1 order Ew RT -- --- re A VN "A L., have been supplying DRY GOODS end DRAPERIES to Oshows's Homes since 1919, , , we are proud of our record of service ond hoppy thet we hove never had to compromise on owr policy of , , "QUALITY AT POPULAR PRICES" Our Drapery Dept. Feotures: ® FREE home disploy and messwring service ® GRADUATE INTERIOR DECORATOR to help ond advise , + + NO ADDITIONAL COST for this service ® EASY TOPAY TERMS moy be arranged on oll purcheses SPECIAL ISSUE FEATURE! QUALITY DRAPERIES of costs less than you would expect , » » and you can choose from Oshowe's largest stock of Ready-to-Hang Draperies To Fi 4 11, Track CF, Track | BF Track | 12 Br, Track woes | 12.98 | 19.98 | 25.98 | 39.95 | 16.98 | 27.98 | 33.98 ABOVE PRICES INCLUDE; Sateen Lining, Empire Hooks, Buckram Heading Materials AND FREE DRAPERY TRACK ~ FOR THIS PROMOTION ONLY ! | 51.98 95" Finished Length (Continued from VPage 8) meet the Hospital's particulariwhich can he anticipated by tion; and, so that the greatest operated i other parts were goncerned at first with one ef ds described some of thelsiandhy power, A motor ve: Bf hievement can he gained from knocked. out hy a nuclear blast. | NOTE [ y simple material, rubber, Thi (od LUFES of the Installation hicle going out of control struck! the Regiment's iining in Na! Into his system would be Bunlop or niation ; has now | ng Drapane Ah " oa and damaged a hydro pole fonal Rus vival k has heen the funnelisd, olfiéial dg ii We are members of the siorm and apphec hey wy pawe . p supp 3 6 . ) J) | TABLE ie na 'Ny we i : to uses which affect almost for several days of continuous Visaking the Supply. lo We how closely as possible with the local attack and what people should ""4-corner Shopping Service' Dee] 18 Emergency Measures Ovganizs:|do about it, Fallout information| Ask about your Credit Cord = LIMITED ~ would he included and survivors in explosion areas would he in formed of rescue operations gvery sphere of human activity (running 1s stored in outdoor) me ohio | and has expanded its productive und rground tanks mula Veiols were serlounly | thon in training and exercises energies into fields Involving viplike some of the other ri Bride do 8 fend | This co-operation has proved such materials as textiles, wood, | pueis 1 said Mr, Walter, "pra ' ai | nsp A (very beneficial to hoth groups metal, plastics and synthetics Be 2306 ROL ARLERiaRRL Pro power § 4p ply is now inde: and has created a common bond) Informants say it is concely:| os. ota Sate ta dart, ti andent u lelde bee whe und ipanding abl tat ose ofl' boat by & group of Om ' did PRIYIEhe ACeasion Aemands, The Ontario Regiment has' casts would dominate. radio op) pti 1h com ym, a panies employing hetiey for convenient csherger account shopping, SIMCOE ST, 5. (AT ATHOL) OSHAWA RA 5-115 than 00.000 men and women in is 106 factories situpted in 18 different countries, From ity world standing chain of ware houses, depots, supply points, and its own rubber plantation in Malaya, come a. vast line-up of products sueh as tres, rims, wheels and hrakes, accessories, foam rubber and plasites, avia tian, tires and components, in: dustrial rubber products of mine and industry, sports equipment footwear, elathing, floor covey mn and rubber and plastie ion LOMO Wherever Dunlop 18 in husi ni we make a point of hecom We feel we have a nur we ing a full eorporate citizen of the communities in which we have our factories, hranches ee v . i ; NABOB FOODS, Asx, Ontarle uses Natural Gas for feed presessing and BUILDING HEATING, warehnuses greater vesponsihility to neltghhars than just the taxes | Ww and the inhs we provide | When our new tire factory fen ed in Whithy, Ontario in 1068 we immediately hecame one of the largest employers in that tawn with aver 600 people an the pay voll. In 1087, we assisted the lneal hockey team, and in 1038 this hockey team, as the Whithy Puniops, wan the Allan Cup and world hockey championships, vepresenting Canada in Osln Narway Educational films and mater ) fals, guided plant toups for school and eitlzen groups whe are interested tn learn how & maior industry apevales, are hut a few of the contributions made hy Dunlop as a& corparate eith wen 4 New Brunswick ATURAL GAS the accurate controllable production tool of industry AT COMPETITIVE PRICE Natural Gas is the ideal fuel for all types of industrial heating. Tt Is equally Sit " Taxes Boosted . efficient when firing a unit heater, steam boiler, or central warm alr system, of By THE CANADIAN PRESS Salunning, anather prasess wind in haavy industry, where time is saved due to the rapid Whatever the requiremenis--=apot heating, large area coverage or heating a i New Brunswiokers "will he we! recovery by Bus, complete plant, natural ges provides an uninterrupted flow of clean, efficient, iil avIng mare for gasaline, diesel pT > economical heating comfort, There's an added bonus too, in valuable space sal uel and liquor, Provincial Ree saved by elimination of fuel storage, tort retary: Treasurer DesArisay ald and thelh Wednerday ai 3 it Tr gifrigays hatanese hua Somat end Tove These qualities make NATURAL GAS ra ues of nam 4 and tecord : { expenditures of §103,463,178. The th f } f | f | d 4 . riod budget, first under the Liberal e ines ue or n us ry. Th government of Premier Rabi ont Thad leaves a surplus of $14, DEPENDABILITY ° CONTROLL ; BILITY ° FLEXIBILITY wihg Effective April 1 the gasoline Be de gros SPEED o CLEANLINESS o ECONOMY A diesel fuel tn pent he My ATOR! 14% on hth is 13 Ponts LOW MAINTENANCE COST OF EQUIPMENT Lary Gasoline prices now range han an 418 10 458 cents a gallon an Savi diesel fuel 1s 31.8 pants a gallon For full information about Natural Ges, and how if can serve you, wile: toys These adjustments are ox | hah pec led 1 ring 92,500,000 in ad The Industrial Department, Gonsumers' Gas Company, 48 Simao 84, §, with Shona revenue ey hatnet 1] or te The Industriel Department, Need Ofee, Consumers' Ses pany a Ah 1s expected fram lquer " Com -_-- ax Ine PORSS 10 De W a 19 Toronto Street, Torente, Ontario, Ganade ) with the liquer cantral hoard | ; WELSH SAINT YJ -- Welsh legend says St. Pavid mo patren saint of Wales and one ve of the first Welsh bishops, was a : , " | barn about 300 AD and lived fo typical gavfired heat teating furnace wind in indrtry where flexibility, aseirate santa Gav fired varmish i \ Ba] LI EET RA SS Sarto sani, sg hl, Hoe an wh ot 48 SIMCOE STS. o RA 3.3468 \ A y -

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