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The Oshawa Times, 10 Mar 1961, p. 51

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{ a a ] 1 houseiecpng wn Sationd, (nt ! Fromt Page Challenge, 9 09 baived heawty, DR, DONEVAN HIGH SCHOOL IN SOUTHEAST SECTION OF OSHAWA Early History Is R e Cc alle d Contre streets was 10 be the file "Parkwood" with the consent to Of Masonry In District of the new Masonic Temple, On Col. EK, 8 | August 13, 1978, the eomerstone 0008 Reid 1s first meeting it is spparent from available Rowse Wock (now known ss the Hl. A, Basnders, RB. BR. Beaton records that Masonry in Oshawa Bassett Block). 4, F. Grierson B. M, Hall, W, E, Clark, F, B vox ii 2 mdey Mispensation nw March was bid and on May 19, WOH, secs" in Wor, Brn, Warsid O ithe Temple was dedicated by and distoiet had its beginning in was me of the most active Fi A. Lovell and George Whithy with Composite Lodge, members wn these preparations, Mclaughlin the Grand Master of the Grand FImtofl as its first Master, In Lodge of Canada in the Prov. 707, the Grand lodge of Can AF and AM which was itself Among the names mentioned In 1577, a company known as formed in 1872. Yeoman Gibson (rom thet time forward are F, the Oshawa nce of Ontario. Mast Wor, Bie da in the Province of Ontaris was Master and Jom Hamer L. Henry, Howard Fhelp, John Limited was < at is anmacl convocation in Te John 5, Martin vonin approved of 8 charter for PARKWOOD MASONIC LODGE Pariweod |adge which was pre masonry in Osha was in 198 when a group of Past Masters 14th Greenwood, father of the later Lander, Arthur J. Drew, EN 8, George Hart g distinguished English partigmen- Edmondson, A. W,. Henry, Col tarian Secretary John MeGill, ¥. 1. Fowke, Th which is celebrating its Centon Witham J. Hare, Tyman ( wal this year came into heing Smith, E. 77. Blemon, F.. O. Felt in 1861 with Silas B, Fairbanks George E, Mowbray, 0. H f f cords that Col. Fairbank Talbot, Bilas Thomas also the first cor nder of the Arnot, John Roskilly local regime The first ten Ford, John Bovd, (i memnes i g low las B, Fairbanks, Jon 1. Adair, ¥, BE, Hare Henry Woodman, Charles Nor Laks E W. Drev ton Vars, George Wallace, Carl: Tate, T. H, Everson Phillin Tavior, William MeCahe, Joie, H, A Porter, Rev. M, ¥raneis Keller and Tam Bord McDiarmid, J, ©. Wilson, J, that in 1664 H. BR Tuke, Rev, 4. 8. Clark Villiam McCabe, a Past Masts A 4 ¥ Cor He Yams Wh thy. son, Howard Fel : i, I Argall, came to Nshawa tn take charge" M McDonald W KE, oo Thomas Hawkes, and Rey, 4] seem that he not in Osh", " ; . Mo awa very long until he became SHINE this period were A Me active in masonry here, He he. illan, Wm Holland, AR, Me ekie V with Cal, Fairbanks and was 0 Storeker, i 8 "e J winted Beeretary of the localld RTS ot M LA lodge. With the sistance of Col, Sheriden, T. H. McMurtry, 8. 1, talpha Chapter RAM and was its first prineinal, being suceeed [] ed in this office hy Col, Fah a er 4 DDGM of Ontario District, a CEDAR LODGE Have Fine Cedar Lodge, AV and AM, tuted in 1872. ¥t is recorded that the first Worshipful Master of ecor Cedar Todge was Wor. Bro names which are listed as offi- pack to 1834, when the partner: ters are Charles Todd, William | ship of two Scotsmen : John Warren, Phillip Taylor, Charles) Gordon and Donald MacKay ~ | Andrew Smith, Mervan John: wholesale distribution in Hamil ston, A. P, Cameron, John Trwin| (on, Ontario, The company be-| and Arthur Farewell, At that|ing known as Gordon MacKay | cated in the building now oceu-| Eighteen years later, in 1871, pied hy (he Canadian Bank of (he business moved to Toronto Commerce and was used hy where it has remained ever talpha Chapter Presently, Walker's Toronto and RE 4 . office is located in the parent VEMELE LonGr Lodge company's building, which was was Inaugprated with| : , i War. Bro, Charles R Mactntosh| 17, located oi the junction of as its first Worshipful Master | Weston, Ontario, It is the most b SWiai, Report Sterling and an area of some 143,000 square that time, W, 0, Wilson was Its "wore since January 1060, MeLaughlin and W, B, Gillott| 50 ¢ | 3 3 jordon MacKay and Company Whee ater io Decome Masters, | Limited, The stores were found: HH Tater, annon, Wht od hy the late Bir James Woods cation, Province of Ontario, and ; y naw Piterter of Education, The first retail stores were ravince Of Lntaria, ane | purchased in 1011, These along triet deputy Grand Masters. | god ynder the former owner's Many of the names which aps| oy the then manager's name, As pear in early Masonic history in others were added to the grow: various phases of Oshawa eivic knewn as Walker Stores, Lim life, where they rendered veo: fod" and were incorporated in man service, not only to their year j0. the national life of this coun: ood of growth under the ner r sotie leadership, through three " ' He There were Frank O'Dell generations, of the Woods fam Murton, Phillip Taylor and Wil-| rames Woods, followed hy his liam Hare, John 8 Beaton, John!gon = (he late Wm, B. Woods, Patte, Jaseph Overholt, Edward and now his grandsons, David { land, Daniel 'Lick, John Bors: hrother, W, Blakeney Woods, \ lh herry, Edward Mundy, James who is Vice President and car. Provan, Perey Punshon, Fred-| Ganeral Manager phar Arthur Farewell, Charles Todd, iawn and cities, catering 0 William Stephenson, Franclsineeds for the home' and all W Rae, George Nelson Bartlett, members of the family, Their "oo Jag, Black, Willlam Warren, \chandise to middle income fl William Lauehland, Fred Lame groups, with additions of bath said bert, George Storie, Robert Me: | jawer and higher priced items and Wallace, W. N. Munson, P. J.| The opening last fall of the Duffy, Reubin Hamlin, John/ Oshawa store under the able Warren, James Palmer Smith, fmanagement of Mr, Jack did paward Carswell, William paliey of providing each com: | Hod, Henry Thomas, George M, Fare: munity in which stoves are ph well, Thomas Bassett and /jocated with the most modern ather Other members, well known in able, It is their endeavor to cabin Masonic eircles as well as in make the selecting of shop mem! Oshawa's history are James per's needs most convenient and Fred Gibbs, T. H. MeMilsimakes shopping a pleasure Carte Jap, Rev. Willlam Hanson, W,|Renavations have heen carried ham |. Conant, William Cullack, Wik lout in a number of their stores forme J. F. Wileox, John Lander [af others, to be completed as brali George Scott, Lyman English, [quickly as feasihle : with F. J. Lambert J. A, Sykes and] All but a small percentage of ters were J. PP. Smith, W, T\[chandise items comes from Arawn, M. Gilbronson, G. W, [Canadian makers and distribu Kellond, H. Barrett, R. McCaw, tars and their palicy af "Goods i In 1880, the Masons started cheerfully refunded" a ss ures PQ Preparations to move to the customer satisfaction, 11] The latest development in sented in the pUtimn Lebanon Lodge, Oshawa,T. E. Kaiser, B, B. Mclaughiin #5 is first M History re. Iaike, € Lander, Rey recorded as fol Bverett, John Gibson ' Pi Warren, John Toes, Hoig, 4, 0, Henry, Rev, William History records Pa Oliver Hezzlewnod "br. Wilkin. of the local high school, It would t'4 I. Wilson. Past Masters came very closely associated Lean, T. G, Ryley, P, | Pane Falibanks he organized Pen Babe, W, Merritt, W, J. Holland, hanks. In 1868, he elected came into heing and was insti James Palmer Smith, Other, mne history of Walker's goes W. Bmith, William Taylor, formed a partnership for the time, the Masonic Hall was lo-| and Company Limited, hoth T.ehanon Lodge and Pen: gince, anil AM AP built in the latter part of 1057, W, Deans, L. I", McLaughlin, W.| wodern' of its kind and covers fist secretary and Messrs, To Fave neon known as Division of heeame Deputy Minister of Edu: president, until his death in Jackson were to serve as dis! with subsequent anes were oper Oshawa are alia to he found in/ing gpganization, they became community, bul in many eases "Walker's has an enviable ree Alex Mackie, Arthur Rundle, Lo |ily "Beginning with the late Sir { Wallace Whiting, William Hol: |" Woods, President and his sive erick HL Hall, George H. Pedlar,| Walker's serve 84 Ontario lan' John Leask, Henry W, Gillette, (palicy is to offer top value mer tert: Caw, John H, Woodman, George for widest selection ILS John Fair, Thomas Conant, Doughty, is typical of Walker's enthe Alnhansa Hinds stare shopping facilities avail A» Robson, Dr. Francis Rae, Frank and in an atmosphere that SAY liam Woon, Robert McLaughlin, fand are planned for a number W. H. Thamas. Other past Mas: Walker's vast selection of mer . Q.D MeNider and J. B. Beaton. Igladly exchanged or maney Ro en, KE Wi 1951 Wor. Ere Temple incorporated with is president, A Jackson dispensation dames special Bro under ATTAREETRENLS a lodge that Was toy . Mr.Home Owner! Mr. Businessman! , STOP ... and Consider! ARE YOU Spending More Than You Should | To Heat Your Premises? = IF SO =~ WHY NOT GET THE BEST !! are ton { Wa Wa Join the Parade of Progress to . . . GARWOOD = OR =~ ESSO HEATING EQUIPMENT GAR WOOD ad ESSO, twe of the greatest names in heating equipment, For many years these two have been steady leaders , , , chosen by millions over all others, YOU TOO can enjoy better, and mare efficient heating of your home or business at LESS COST, by choosing "GAR WOOD" or "ESS0O", Imperial Qil's § Year Payment Plan can be obtained on either of these leading Heating plants with enly 10% down and low menthly payments, PERSONALIZED FREE HEATING SURVEY If you are interested please phone Mosier Sheet Metal and Mr, Mosier will personally call en you, make a complete survey of your present heating equipment, and give you suggestions and advice how ta increase your heating efficiency, NEW HOME BUYERS Investigate Imperial Qil's $1200 2nd Mortgage Plan te anyone buying "GAR WOOD" or IMPERIAL £ss0 Heating Equipment or Imperial Oil, FREE INSURANCE To all individual buyers of Imperial Heating equipment under the age of 65 years, 292 KING ST, WEST SHEET METAL RA 5-2734 f On Tuesday might, February 1odge of Canada in the Prov: fashions, iy D. ince of Ontario Pitts lovely part, The girl is playiul she says she refused film over outmoded farming custom and wnallitiated masons here Jacohi, Master of Lebanon would be the guest speaker, Building under the leadership of Bt, Wor. Lodge annownced that since 1961 formed was the Centennial year of the were the corner of Metcalfe and masonic lodge using the name heing made for & celebration 10 THE GSRAWA TIMES, Fridey, Merch 18, 1961 B31 fanny. Shataspenss malas hey ious enough ration ® fon." Bowinio, tproks a i Gradual aE marvin. (WALD LIKE JULY f TERTRRAR § | She hes her sxe om another oC, CIen 5 theirs PREHESTERIERR FOIE 5 # Smad Piast, Toe for the I wold ides Filius it by (86 Sancaw, Soheook tov Fl itose Tatton, Dresm 6 Toby Robins Has Problem By BEIRIRE WLBGOYAN Vi take it" she resid ex / i TOROWED (CF) ~ Setting wy edly, Fhen she polices he Fie | fw adi ad Skis WeiiAming 16 Ries wn is pg Fu fos oid. TRErE Futar Pan, She has sles tried ¥ we GEER fh derided 1% must he & ke aR 6 vy RALIESSES 7 hana # pr Pht 1 Fu 1 ov oe ®t ta Bo Sata Tess whe returns to the Stree > The Torowis wn Retress, Days (6 Toons 4 Shekesperrnan Festival FIA LOOKING lker- a5 hoe #4 VE RET wh #ttrRetin of - She hasn't Inst tiie summer for the fest me 0 00 UE 6 FEF ithe TY sornen 5s on, S00 16 Ne gh siasm for the the snr 1094 pd heg hed RE fressing room wed (Ged Bh yiting te try Just Afar it was wonownced that Lary Mg A pg A age pln Ben Wack ing thi preresis he wend ghey Rosehne WW seid' "How Gh Jou TECHEWIE 4 wes fai or the acing % lesen by Love's Labor's Lost, she 160 my yoice?" Andy ct the world" "8 nok by sanding & GpperiEty afforded by her The proviem of Rowse hmting nr 1 i thet ut thet TS ¥ love RPERIRRCR RS B FREWGr PAREL is omby one of the meters thet ce of Aig ug Russ Mame et om the CRE (&ieyvision show, CREETR the WW = year - oid dark Baar in & KIRGEIGRIIER VEIHOR Misr the Mer-lof the Goldiiocks tale some RayEISAE can vacaiion there wilh be Bg She opens fiv8 Roiii i Over the win she appented for weeks of Lard work lenimng Ie dramatics Bt. the Boyel CORSET Sees ayone wanting to rept her g mle fox Heatlord aiony of Music in Toronte, per: fines in Suatiord for the sum- And Wp 10 June 1, WHER ticipated Im patent radio and mer 19 let her know, Before tak- Front Page Challenge goes off) ing of wit; her family for & the air 167 the summer, me willl tom - week vacation in Mexicy fe Rppesnng re BRI at 15 she recsived a mumber of calls. that Fequires ork WIth is she won 8 hey weren't quia whet she newspapers end files 19 Keep suo at North wanted fox herselt, Inushond Fil her In form 108 the ask of Fen nots Freedman, producer and thes: cating heading stories of past Back in Onterie, she sppesred tre owwsi, Lisa, 5, and Peter, 3, and present : in summer slock #6 resort the: Then one caller with a Polish, The last time Miss Robins #0 aires. During her thied year st rarept wild he had a house with peared al BURG Was S6VER (he University of Toromts, ix bedrooms, beautiful gardens vers sgn ks Mariana in Meas of to study at Utes Hegen's SOFIA (Reuters) and & swimming pool, ure for Measure, alROUER She 1ootbad schol of acting in New peasants have heen : -- made INORG - WHEW. RODERTBIER ori leaving her sister 19 at TEMEIOuS hulidays are there Jad SHIMMER I & PEFIOIT (end lectures for her to their enuntry's socialist de- ance of the revue Spring Thaw y " velopment te in # Sofia Of Fiosaline, a leading role in REFUSED FIEM OFFER new spRpEr aid me - heared parody of Although she was offered the religious holidays in December she says: "IS & opportumiy 10 take sereen tests, and January were relies of the a son," I feet take place in the Genosha Hotel on May 20th to sificially mark the event and that the Grand Master of the Grand the Beit Cu and hes m wonderful sense of tures because they weren't det having # winter rest, IT'S LIKE ETTING AN EXTRA TIRE FREE! NEW B.F, GOODRICH "61 SILVERTONE DELIVERS 25% MORE MILEAGE... FOR NOT A PENNY MORE! PLUS . .. Extra Safety , , . Extra Smoothness Extra Quietness . . , Extra Beauty ALL AT EXTRA SAVINGS! THE NEW '61 SILVERTONE d Car makers add imp to their p every your resulting in higher perfarmance, dependability end safety, As o supplier of original tires, B. F, Goodrich keeps pace with matching tire improvements thet reflect the best combination of safety, skid-resistance, traction, weer, quietness and riding somfort, FEATURES: ® EXTRA WIDE TREAD, 69% wider than ether V0B:level tires, these tires have extra rubber in the shoulder tread where the wear Is greatest, These shoulders are firm! supported by strgamiined fing that air eondition # ' tire == keeps tread running sae! on sun-haked highways. Extra wide tread absorbs sharp read Bumps, rocks and chucks hales , , , protects the tire against bruises and Breaks, The resulf == mare mileage pes tire dollar EXTRA DEEP TREAD, New sig-zag tread assures car awners many thousands of extra safety miles == extra dollar savings == 2359, mere mileage than ether first line tires, Even when 509 worn the SILVERTOWN equals traction and skid-resistance of many new tires with erdinary tread design, EXTRA SAFETY, and skid-resl sooo 90% Batter traction on fee + oo 33% better traction on packed snaw , , , 12% better skidspesistance on web pavement , , , 8% be skidoresistance on pasked snow oo , 4% better skidorasistance on ies. The safest 100:level tire available today | EXTRA SMOOTH == EXTRA QUIET , , , New development In rubber ding mekes the Silvertown soft viding end quiet, Gerner squeals and read hum are practisally eliminated. New tread envelopes bumps end read (regularities instead of bouncing aver them, EXTRA BEAUTY 4 oo Special manufacturing assures you of & sharp blaskowhite sone trast in tire sidewall, EXTRA SAVINGS , , WAYS 10 CHARGE IT 30 DAY CHARGE TERMS + AN these remarkable savings yeu would expect ta find In & premium tire only, BUT THE '61 SILVERTOWN GOATS NOT A PENNY MORE THAN OTHER 100:level tires, With » LLL in mil vo IVs like getting an extra tire free with every fous, THERE ISN'T ANOTHER TIRE LIKE THE NEW '61 SILVERTOWN IN PRICE == QUALITY == OR VALUE LIFETIME GUARANTEE LLL ME AS OW AS RA 5.4543

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