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The Oshawa Times, 10 Mar 1961, p. 52

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The farm would he the fivst FIN SCER-EWRE Aas (0G8 Of FEEL AIRES WHER WHI On Re Season of Welcoming arivel was the forerwoner of oe Jar hor ld. Sith, berthed at Whithy's docks he wees. for the pew FEmng the siopper and ie crew, Wagof (ings (6 come for WiNthy's new Bowmanofile sad Whithy voted last year. The ship carried & wall at the harbor, San Wari thireast the ships harbor tm withdeaw from the AatRonty Uayors and Resyes of the pont dipalities concerned met With merhers of the Ontario govem ment and finally the Chaleman of the Aathority resigned The scheme was eventually ahmndoned. wit a manidpall ties learned one thing--take a doer look at the covies of he minntes that came owt of mest ings of the Authority Whithy's first Tndastrial Com missioner, Charles Chavior, re signed midway theough last year, We acceded 7 shmiiar po sition with the Townchip of Searhoromgh Wie successor, Larry Cond anticipates a similar growth ae was seen during the seven years iohen Chayior was Industrial Commissioner The proposed Officizl Pian ad iyanced by the Town's planning Bosrd drew considerable atien. tion, "2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Merch 18, - J i was presented tn Council In 1968 and later was approval Wn princivie, Two owhlic meetings were held in order ihat the plan might be viewed by all res dents Few obiections were voiced by [the small number of interested citizens at the meeting. The (planning Borrd felt they had hit lupon the right plan for the town In the weeks that followed many objections were put forth and at the present time the Board is attempting to appense these objections without shan doning the plan originally pro duced The openings of the new Town Hall in 1960 added another beauty spot the Town of Whithy WHITBY ARENA -- A POPULAR SPORTS CENTRE Whitby Population 13,000 Town Has A Fine Future Food the Cty 1s eonsdering oh Whithy's municipal field is the est in Civil Defence and emer-(hike in mssessment instead of jong south of the fourth conces local point of newshested de gency MERASHIEs i fhe veduetion expected , sion in the Township bates on the Town's new official. The new organization similar ; ' This ov fam ive the NEW BUILDING plan; equalized assessment im- 10 he old, but now ho al muni 44 YURTHER an Beott of Pick: ras, ihe fod, Wold give the The opening was the climax sed by the ( ipalities are now taking more re » a p d A SOUSSLONS ogan @ posed by he i ounty ang, the SIDRTHISS ats hoy Ki y Au tniering Township has suggested population to make Whithy ato fin ussions Which a gan a trst sizable Jo oan Ontario EMO the 1961 Township Council con- city and thereby allowing it to) dneuds a » When § ha Tote Arti by the : Lon i 7B were! Last year's equalization byls sider withdrawing from Ontario secede from the County a in probate hori sh me Je aE which illustrate was one of the ps A gai County Faced with the rising cost of Town fre the Purpose of & new the maxim "Problems Recom- heated problem in many years Whithy council has gone even education, the Town council municipal building pany Growth," The bylaw, which sets the as. further, They have asked coun hiked the mill rate by 13 mills The estimated cost had risen LA ' . M awe ie estimale St Na se After electing Warden William scssment on all member muni cil, headed by & lawyer, 1040 y pop te, approximately a quarter of a i leity, negotiations are wnder- \way with the Township of Whit iby to annex a portion of the Tewnship, The present popula {tion is 12.009, | Although none of these nego \tiations have heen officially re Sie: SEPTEMBER 1959 . . . many things have happened thot thrilled or shocked the world, The pro- gress we made has never made any headlines in the popers, and still, it is something we are very proud of. It proves that our policy, More sales through service", is right, it certainly is not our location, and still, Service, (and prices) are an important factor when deciding where to buy, We think that our progress, in spite of our location, is the best proof of the way we handle things, \ J. Heron on the first hallof,! members of County Council fal ed 10 see eye to eye on Any, other subject during the last YERF cipalities, was appealed hy the Towns of Ajax and Whithy and the Township of Pickering, A 14 day hearing hegan When the results were handed study a resolution ealling for a private bill to he brought he fore the Ontario Legislature granting Whithy's secession from the County In an effort to gain the nec This was the first hike in the mill rate in recent years Shortly after the hudget was set, when Council learned that the Central Lake Ontario Con servation Authority asked for a) million dollars hy the time Coun cil ironed out problems of site departments to be included ef al The old building which had served as the Town Hall for 75 years and was built over a cen PADDY'S co2:0 MARKET (JUST WEST OF HAMPTON) tury ago is now being demolish ed, A parking lot will replace it.) Progress Report... 39 Years Service jor Citizens of Oshawa OSHAWA'S LARGEST SUPPLIERS OF: ® TOP QUALITY ANTHRACITE Is "0 GD, o CAVALIER STOKER COAL [READING o BUILDERS' SUPPLIES & INSULATION e FUEL OIL and STOVE OIL e OIL BURNERS SUPPLIES Firm Located In Oshawa In 1922...39 Years Ago! McLaughlin Coal & Supplies Ltd, started in the Coke, Coal, Wood & Building Supply Bush ness in 1922. Brick, Tile, Lime and Additional Building Supplies were added in 1923, During the later years in Oshawa the company has always kept abreast of the times, With the advent of Qil for heating the firm immediately made arrangements to handle the famous line.ot Oil Burners known as Conroy" and the equally famous "Timken and "Garwood" oil furnaces, hundreds and hundreds of which have been installed in Oshawa homes and business establishments, The firm today employs a large fleet of metered trucks for prompt Fuel Qil delivery as well as a fleet of Coal trucks. CONROY OIL BURNER The. Symbol. of. Quality. "Burns Less Oil Gives More Heat" The business continued to prosper throughout the years until today it is one of the largest distributors of Heating equipment and building supplies in the city of Oshawa, A PRODUCT OF OVER 25 YEARS OIL BURNER DEVELOPMENT BACKED BY A FACTORY WRITTEN GUARANTEE, McLaughlin Coal & Supplies Ltd. have gained a wide reputation throughout the years for "Quality and Service' and their many hundreds of customers who continue to deal with the firm attest to this fact, LIN COAL & SUPPLIES LTD. OSHAWA PHONE RA 3.3481 Mo ---- A . y . down, Pickering Townshi qd 0 ( the Coun Hp An oe, 0K. tiliee when, Al the Foun of Whithy found they essary 15,000 population which budget which would allow them out 8 plan for capital grants to ere faced with a substantial'is required to make Whithy alto purchase a farm near Brook hospita A lengthy debate en : - sued and the outcome was that the Oshawa General Hospital g would receive $240,000 for its 200-hed addition, One conerete result did come out of this de-| bate; council established a pol fey for grants to hospitals, | The new policy authorized the County to make a grant of 76 per cent of hospital additions, | after federal and provincial rants, with the 78 per cent] gran' based upon the County's actual use of such hospital, CIVIL, DEFENCE | Civil Defence has heen anoth er contentious problem for County Council during the last § few years I In the dying days of 1050, its| council passed a8 motion which| would allow the County to get| out of the joint CD agreement! with Oshawa, This would take! effect hy March of 1060 In the first two sessions of 1060, the problem was mulled over with the result that the County decided to remain al member of the joint service, now revamped into the Emer: gency Measures Organization, The lengthy debate certainly | gave the publie renewed inter: Good Results | Fred C, Malloy, recently elee: | ted chairman of the Oshawa Industrial Commission, Is a quiet-spoken, diplomatie, effie ient man with a reputation for getting results, He is also a member of the threeeman Oshawa Harbor] Commission which has heen in. | eorporated hy tne Department of Transport for the purpose of i Rh Oshawa Harbor, | \i GARWOOD -m TIMKEN - CONROY x one of the few deep water " -- ai Bika LO Ae natural harbors on the lower " . ; o ig HEATING EQUIPMENT ABOVE 15 THE STORAGE BUILDING FOR BUILDERS' This man brings some valu able experience to the task of assisting In the development of Oshawa's natural resources | Edmonton-horn, Malloy spent] several years employed at road: | building and banking while working his way through some | formal education in Mechanical] Engineering and Business Ad: ministration, | For 13 years he held senior executive positions in several of| the Cockshutt group of com. panies with their world-wide! affiliations, { Prior to this he worked as a) management consultant in| United States, He then joined | a Massey » Harris Company, de-| signing and putting inte oper: | ation ane of the longest auto | mated heavy assembly lines in| Canada | During the latter part of the) BY OUR LARGE FLEET OF war, Malloy was one of the abe man management team provid. ed by CIL, » Dupont to Jovi. METERED TRUCKS ! the group of shell and bomb plants known as Defence Indus. tries Lid, For the past 414 years, Malloy | has been general manager of R. D. Werner Company in Osh. awa and Port Hope, His com. munity interests include active membership in the Chamber of Commerce and the Oshawa Curling Club; chairman, Builds ing Committee of St, Paul's Presbyterian Church; president, Simcoe Investment Syndicate; member Reba Lodge A, F., and A n His hobbies include study ot Investments, some consulting in the field of sales development, | hunting and fishing, Malloy has 110 KING ST. extensive connections in the tinancial and industrial World, | em --

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