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The Oshawa Times, 10 Mar 1961, p. 5

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yn 1 WHITBY And DISTRICT | ', SPRING 15 NOT HERE Winter Aescenfed on Opiane with a vengeance on Wedness Ady Bight and hrowgnt he season 1 the town. Above indication of the mown Just ps most Whithy res depts were 1oying with the idea of trying = Iew rEper- menizl Ny cris OF MINRE BP the power mower, Old Man wh of | WHITBY SPORTS PARADE By GERRY BLAIR -- 1 A ang Ine OHA the Oshavwe Intermeniale Majors Monday The second game of the Lakeshore fingls helweer ne Macedonians wil played on Whitby Community Toronto March is B80 p.m, Oshawa final t E SEYEIR] Phi NE Kane BEV IES Lime five ame L=0f nday alIlernoon of the OHA and the length 18 at the RIENR Foronto open the he 8 nu ang York areng alls to Bill Hanley Macedonians as TI enaen of the to quite naturally, were anticipating i the general patiern in the Toronto contingent appar Oshawa Of 5 whieh off final series, However ently were unable to abtain sufficient ice time to aceoms= for the Ven sel odate such a series, One of their dates avallaple finals, last Sunday afternoon had to he by-passed when the Lindsay Lumbermen forced a seventh and deciding game with Oshawa last Monday night in Whithy, As it is, the Toronto club are experiencing difficulty arrang ing for an arena for the third game of the series. Their one outside chance is Ted Reeve arena for Thursday night TOWN AND COUNTRY , , . Proceeds from this Bun» day's play-off doubleheader in the Oshawa Major Hockey League at Bowmanville will go to Tom Chascze kski, who is still hospitalized in Oshawa after losing his eye recen! ly, Hockey fans in the Whiby and Oshawa area will have a chance to see several prominent hockey players Ted O'Connor, playing=eoach of the Oshawa Juvenile All-Stars, Gordie Myles and Pete Babando, all former Whitby Dunlops will be on hand, plus all members of the Oshawa Majors and several performers with the Whithy Hillerests, The first game between the Juveniles and City Wide Answering Berviee starts at 6:80 pm, with defending champion Durne's Garagemen the one-time annual winners, Oshawa A's, Both games are deeiding tilts in their best-of-three semi-final series , +» Kingston Frontenaes, although not able to defeat the Sudbury Wolves on Wednesday night in Bupdbury, were more than happy to settle for a 2-2 deadlock, thus main taining their five point lead over the fifth place Wolves Sudbury have six games remaining in regular scheduled play, while the Frontenaes have five three at home Harry Lumley, former National Hockey League netmind er, may possibly remain with the Frontenacs for the balance of the year, He was with Winnipeg Warriors of the Western Hockey League before being summoned hb) the Frontenaes to replace Ed Babiuk hy the Taranto Leafs to aid their Sudbury farm elub, If King ston were to retain their fourth spot in the EPHL stand ings for the of the schedule, Lumley with Long John Henderson would give them sufficient goaltending protection for the post-season play-offs against recalled remainder along alan dis I00F Plans Breakfast The Independent Order af Odd Fellows held its regular meeting this week with Noble Grand Bro, Swain presiding. General business was light and was handled with a minimum of dis cussion The membership commities reported that they require assis tance in handling the large num her of proposals for member ship and asked the members to #0 out on the investigating at morning hreakfast was cussed, certain members heing asked ta he in attendance to help serve the expected crowd his breakfast on Bunday March 12, will consist of the usual ample offering of hacon and egas, toast and marmalade tea and coffee and will he served from B am. to 11 am Odd Fellows and the general public are invited to attend EXPECT 30:MAN TEAM MONTREAL (CF) \ team of 20 Jewish athletes probably will represent Canada at the Maceablah Games in Israel later this year. Alex Fisher of Povanta, chairman af a commit tee tn form the team, sald Thursday he hopes tn announes April 1 the date of Canadian trials. Applicants would he con sidered in oyeling, shooting swimming, track and field weight - lifting, boxing, spring hoard diving, fencing, gymnas ties, tennis and wrestling every apportunity A large gathering of hrothers from HBranklin was on hand fay the meeting and scheduled dart baseball game which followed The game was wan hy Whit hy hy a fairly substantial mar in The fortheaming Sunday BROCK EVENING SHOWS AT 7 and 8:20 WHITBY SATURDAY MATINEE AT 1:30 2nd Feature Attraction "YOUNG JESSE JAMES" Starting=--Willard PARKER--Merry ANDERS Increa FRupry rs [Ree aR RAGING £4 foie The commty (RE Fie Re Renee ie CARRE 16 the 1005. Imdgst Ive SOIL AT5 Compmich with 7 OWtann Combs Comet he Jere s oat of $1070. 7 wn wererse of $0 9% WERK from # 1998 (otal ml rite of 1505, I Row sande # 99008 for 9h. This ie broek Wom wR eslimeted Cowpty Fk penditvre of 91500 6 Gramts 19 variows Public pitts wad Chie Wellpre emis wie the maior causes wn the Ww crersed mm rete. The third report of the Manting Commi tee on nance owthnes these ' LRHEES "In our estimeies we have VRIIONE DUiie Respitals oo thet RAKRRIE RELAIRIROBRLIN MRY ol the construction prem (avarice OOCTRIINE ROSIE PEF he provided for ovr peomié. I (zoel by the Oshawn FOWIReR. resident, In 1060 it cost 83.9% per YET! snow which landed in Winthy Vis shown in the hal buried CRE, #uck wn & Aft in Port Whithy of a impiement this poticy we shall Fe, $195,005, which is the equivalent of 19965 mills on owr equalized pssessment,'"' Child Wepre costs amount 19 nesmy 1h mills of the county tox trie, the report stated Summary of estimated #x pences for the County of On tane for the yesr 1961 #re General Fund, $606.548, Fair Oshawa Times Phols view Lodge, $0 50% and Bods and Brides, $1495 810 » Mill rate for Fairview Lodge Faith WMS and Roads and Bridges, 1 59000 and 597445 respectively, are the ame #5 last year, General Hears Message Fund's new rate of $09776 1s higher than last Year's mill rate 2 » of 415 On Missionary Estimated expenditures in cluded in the 1961 budget of the The regular monthly meeting General Fund are: genersl gov of the WMS of Faith Baptist ernment, $82.562; protection 16 Church was held. on Thursday persons and property, 8228779 evening. The president, Mrs, PULL wellare, $06,276. debt: May Meader onened the meet: charges, 828.000; registry office Ling with singing of & hymn, fol- $18.008 and m | 5 £ € Haneous Lowed hy prayer $7000. Total is 8656 448 for i ' oll call 'was taken wit Last year's tots) under the he on ah Rta Saken with General Fund was $472,547 80 scripture. Mrs. May MeaderigoAns AND BRIDGES Lids warm welcome 10 all Ag outlined in & report sub Ine w members. Minutes Were mitted hy County Roads and read and (FASWFEr'S TEPONY Bridges Committee, the total # Ven hy COFRLAFY IFEABHIEY cstimated value of work fo Mrs, M. Camphetl 1061 1s estimated at $1,492,810 Prayer was led hy Mrs, John Last year's figure was $1.878 80 Raws, The WMS trio, Mrs, These figures included de Middleton, Mrs. Carter and Mrs. velopment road projects and the {Kirkland favored the ladies with Oshawa Suburban Road Com Hwa selections. The seripture mission Budge! (was read hy Mrs. Ross Brown The amount of revenue requir The devotion for the evening wis given hy Mrs. Irene Baker Mrs. Baker gave a most chal lenging message "Why he @ Missionary? The meeting @losed with prayer Following the meeting, the ladies rolled handages to be sent to the Leper Missions and pack:| . | end (ig lnk pe used clothing tn he The second report of he [sent th the missionaries in SLANAING Committee on Assess Northern Quehe ment was adopted at the County [Refreshments were served, |0f Ontario council this wedk The following recommenda (tions were included In the re WHITBY port "It is recommended that the PERSONALS {full Committee and Warden and {the Assessor he granted permis Kecent visitors at the home 8100 to attend the Conference of of Mr. and Mrs, Cleve Worth: [the Internaiional Association of inglon, of Centre street south, Assessing Officers and the Con were: Mr. and Mrs. Bill Day vention of the Ontario Associa and son Jimmy, of Creemaore, Hon of Assessing Officers and Mr. and Mrs. Delmer Leonard normal expenses he paid hy al and their daughter, of Scarhora, [tending meinhers,' (Both conferences are (hree ei ones, devs in duration," The. Ini Be Raph Hb national conference will be held or the occasion a Party was : } the other armanged with the following in Montreal and the other guents: Beott Tiplady, Roddy Hamilton.) Anderson, Steven Gray, Doug: "It is recommended that the las Maddigan, Larry Knohb County in co-junction with the and David Snoddy, Tasty rve:/Town of Whithy provide a sum freshments were served hy of not more than $60 for the Michael's mother entertainment of the District 14 meeting of the Assessor's Asso Mrs. 8. Johnson, of Lee ave ciation ta be held in Whithy, nue, entertained her group of April 18," ladies. Games were enjoyed |" with Mrs, (i. De Pratte and It 18 recommended that the Mrs. T. Teunissen as winners. (County Assessor be authorized FPallowing the games the hostess 10 Yelain expert engineering ad served light refreshments vice respecting the Consumers'| Gas appeals now pending, in the the home nf Kent and Mrs, Ken nf Madison visitors al David Mowat street, were: My neth Hammond Wisconsin Heeent amount of $240," of Mrs approved subject to the change hy the Counetl . The original resolution as en dorsed hy tne County of Welland from the Town of Thorold slates "That the County Council he requested al the earliest date possible, to take steps to peli ton the legislature at its next sittings, for an amendment to the Municipal Aet, whereby the Danny, son of My, Jahn Smith, i5. celebrating his second hirth day today Best wishes are ex tended ta Danny Tells Of Formosa At Nurses Alumnae The monthly meeting of the Whithy Ontario Hospital Nurse's | \Mumnae was held an Monday evening at the nurse's residence with Mys. Mary Dean Samanski in the chair, various reports were given and that if an adverse vate were It was announced that Ms. [recor A | i recorde pither the Thamas, Oshawa Mayor had ae: |= ed in either the annexing cepted the invitation to act as i ae mest speaker at the graduation ADDITIONAL WHITRY NEWS dinner. This will he held at the : 2 Rayal Canadian Legion Hall, | -- ON PAGE 1 Friday, May 2 | Shs Fa 8 ch ehsse ] \ motion was passed to do] LADIES CIGARET LEAGUE nate a sum of money ta the! High bowler this week was sohaol for retarded children at] Joan Reed with a nice 760 triple Ajax and alse 1a donate a ham | (408, $01), follawed hy M, {of money 1a be used in buying Belida with a 719 (347, 341, 331) records far the group of blind! Triples 570 and over n patients who receives therapy Quantrell 664 (360, 213: V, at the haspital Sandford G89 (367, 217); 8. AL Phe meeting was then turned | kinson G14 (348, 200): G. Wiles aver to Miss Helen Whitman 608 (2337, 208); J. Handscomhb who intraduced the guest S80 (32%) speaker, Dr, Vivian Kivkpatriek. | Singles over 200 | who is first of all a registered 351, RB. Heron M7, P. Bremmer nurse and had her Doctorate in/2344, M. Kadwell 238, L. Stevens Education. She 1s naw with the 234, 308, P. Brawn 237, A. Hews department of. health and for: /938, M. Sturgess 921, Gi, Morris merly served with the Warld sey 230, F. Lait 314, OC. Denver Health Organization, Her talki307, D. Caverly 306, 208, F was. on her stay in Formosa Kalar 308, 1 Fletcher 3, D during her service with the Barchuk 201 WHO. She alse showed many! Pinfall and points te date -- slides of the country and peaple. | Camens 83.40 : 75; Plavers § This praved ta he most in: 850 - 08; Exports 64.037 - teresting Ruckinghams &4,172 . 81; Win Refreshments were served hy stons 1,402 43; Winehesters Miss M, Crowe and Mrs, J. [600.438 - 44: Black Cats 39.886 hibited fram holding an annexas tion heaving until the apinion of the ratepayers of the municipal: | ity, entitled to vale on money bylaws, had fivst heen taken; | Peake Owens, 13; Kools al | +13 | ve, this yerr, the swim of outlined, In order (0 ComPIEIE Fairview |odee, I we ncinded Assessment Committee Reports To County in | County Mill Rate Pair Stonved Bailiff Trying To Seize Cow ; A Basch Township f(aemer at the Yodenoly farm (6 satiety ed fo from Conty (antion (oiew Loge. ON 00) EFIMMER coq tis wife were hownd over (0 # Indgment for $9 sed Again ilar Wasel on the premise (hat PE #8 RUEIREE 1955 program Las tihere wil We [8 258 rendents wt yank by the committee (or the view Lodge WMcies Rat we BOTERERS RUGRRAVINTE way be over opi tic WR Re we (a the very waiher condiiions Rwrmg Re 158 persons. I te gre is Rot copoly winter of THIN # Relic of reaches, AW FEVERNE Eid caaiasnatiie SR uid comiereh Ww the Cowmty RELL Wie SR depts wii be Barak Wf CORIRRER WIRWRR ANCIIOR IR REDEREEES 15 Mise which will be rehated (6 WER (ess constant, | &. Wer, Rides onby when # the beds pre fully "in = previews report 8 Cowl gecupieA that we sien the most ol arly he PERAK fay Fraivview | adage wha specially (owriks dwring the year 901. The pres: iff of the third Hoision cow Foe CEpiamitions werk. wale ont (end of Rawieoions 16 Fi oo & sonnel theese pesaiit chatges and one 7 and pgatn on Io%. § whens suming tht the wyerrge wil be TIEeatenng charge. Martin Yod thet TE had aitemp FR FRE | RECESSION somenhat less hp, epperred belore Mags Re noted that the two Bond then estimated and we cannot tivte IF, 8. Eis tn Fort Perry were recent WHIPRIE R CORTRSIORRE FR PNce Kon : Twn charges of reset were WRe Groth Rd RCEERSE Wi RAVESE (lis TEANCTION Wh FEVERNE. CRF filed against Yodensky nd mre Lhe Amol Of MOREY (BR EEEERINNIES RIE MOTE OF zesault Char 4 ARETE : mamicipeinies will be RPT - fuel, srienes, AChemtures, Me. wade by George TH, wee of COWS © provided funds 198 the CRITY. mately $0000 Wigher WW 1060. and are pot greathy 4 of meow of the poney, NANER Tie County proportion of LB 15 by the number of residents. i ast year, for RERRIRE PIR 10 increase 15 B09 influenced each Townetip, 7 hail who fad witempted 10 seize # heer wold be Merk 16, 961 § THE OSHAWA TIMES, Frdey, w ea Fo, wl - CRETRER Led coun, {Tam indicated (hat (here WEAR 0 ATER WEL RRR (0 # WOE OF che Yoenshrs and 7 52. and Wie wife Susan, # Beier, valwed at $100 nd had 107 BYROM OV. 5, WHITHY 12, Resch Town VEER DEETERten (rom Ang #0 4 MO 8.5231 CL. Paint Dealer Pointing & Becorating oun Contraction Gamer, Voperhanging Fill Welk Marske : aad al way Rl Bay GARE Ah hed heen no silhy Rimnst Mrs CRIA GI i fiftemin it i Rosd Commission Wn 1900 Was day 1h matmiain # Berson wn the constriction Project rom the cost of Ahentinre Charges the Raglan subway 16 COM: this figure wonld he $447 per Is 1 15 BEEESSRIY 16 EOVIAE more funds then the WR FE iigur 1661 estimates indicate siting from i Ye mL 1CVY OR oor the ner diem for main Ochawi's resersment. The COMA: ceponce will be 84.11 and, Hf 4 t's proportion of the COMME: pone payments are incinded ion Iaget 15 ROPFOEIRRIEYY (oo e casts will amet to 84.60 $15,000, in excess of that provid The estimated expenditures eh In 1900, It bs rapected that # ocoq see" cotimated revense Wy levy exceeding the Ye mill FRle sol eer'so "We mronnse that the will be RORTEENITINE mill rate for feirview |odge re Adherence 16 the new E£oR main the same as in 1950 and struction standerds, established 1660 pamely 1 mill. This rate for all Counties, has Tested i) Cg', Se "son se 45, the halanes marked improvement wn the in the amount of $.0055 we completed projects, It be #160 0 nol Toke trom mir cash costing more to Bild BEEF Cob hich' amounts to $4 roads, 1960 was the (rst Year aog'e)™ ot epic time, we helieve that the standards Were Fico Cota he very unwise 10 forced rad the EEPENERCE BRIN ogy ie the cash surplus any nr kd In thet frst yess showed ther because of the wneeriain fi original estimates (0 be lower on oo iion pertaining 10 the thin Retusl cost for most Prov Coe tion of Fairview I odge ects, This factor must he con IPEFRION OF FRIFY y sidered in the 1961 estimates ' "We recommend that the 1961 The 1961 budget, the commit: Fairview Lodge estimates he tee said, places emphasis on Adopted and the rate for the DRVInE constEvetion maintenance and operation of Fairview Lodge he 16 mill on FAIRVIEW LODGE an equalized assessment of $82 The hoard of Management 107 589,446.00 Fairview Lodge submitting The Provincial Subsidy their first report, state their pion is paid monthly fo the estimated 1061 expenditures 0 connie amounts to 10 per cent he W360. 606 Last Year's BUFE of the net operating and main wis Bib, 16546 tenance cost of our Home for The [allowing DASSARES WETE tho Aged hut in order to qualify included in the budget Feport: ior the maximum subsidy the "There 18 accommodation A maintenance chargeable to nay Fairview Lodge for U8 Fes: ing residents, should he at least dents, AL the present time there 0 average gross dally cost of are 182 persons residing at Fair maintenance, excluding any al Howance for capital charges. The average gross dally cost of imaintenance in 1960 was 83.08 {and it is this figure that will he {used in determining the 1661 {subsidy payable to the County {The present maintenance rates for Pealdents al Fairview Lodge municipality ar the municipality Which hecame effective on Noy in he annexed, the Board would} 1968 are $8.60 per day, We he prohibited from proceeding| recommend that the main further tenance rates for residents at "That the County Council he Mrview Lodge whall be $400 Creators of . . . MONUMENTS or DISTINCTION for Three Generations For three generations, our family have been creating monuments, With eur background of experience, we are able to give you every help in selecting @ monument that you can afford which will be truly an ex: pression of your love, A distinctive monument of granite or marble, created by skilled crafts. men, is the most fitting tribute to your loved ones. Through the years, it expresses your regard in a last ing memerium, STAFFORD BROS, MONUMENTAL WORKS Dundas Street East MO B-3552 Whitby, Ontarie |F er effective Api " wraed to seek the support of" any April 1, 1001 other County Councils and other municipal hodies in making this| petition to the legislature" | The standing commitiee at tached the (allowing amendment to the resolution that | while we approve in prin: ciple the ahave resalution, we helieve that the resolution | should he amended to read after ratepayers, 'of the area {affected hy such annexation' rather than as 'of the municipal: [iy' n | | THE IN | Automobile | Industry | We {| '* was recently estimated the {| average meotarist spends $34 [| per week en his sar, This in: [| eludes the fin: anced purchase We at Dodd & Souter ARE THE BIGGEST BABIES THE DECORATING FIELD are only 2 years old... have 69 years experience! The following rveselution was! Municipal Board would be pros prise, annual depreciation, ins surance, ligenes, and of course, oll and gas The fact this fepresents more maney than man families HW, PANALR spend en their homes indicates haw impertant the autemehile ( has become to all of us. Its || importance has made the car || Industry the largest single busi i| ness in the eauntry by far Is it possible for the average || metarist ta get more value out of his motoring dollar than he new does? We think se, Se {| we've planning to devote this space each week ta same p the automobile | valk aba business, | PAINTING is a PROFESSION and our work is PROFESSIONAL Hew can a motorist deal most wisely whe is trading in his old ear on a new one? Or make the even mere diffi cult decision 'af what used car ta buy? And hew can he get the most performance satisfaes tien out of the car he has now? This industry is changing rapidly, even far aur changing warld, Being on the inside leaking out, we'd like to shame some of aur knowledge of this business with you o'r ure o lot of light can be shed on 8 problem by discussing 0 honestly, We hope, as we go aleng we'll make a friend of many of you. And perhaps vou'll see fit ta deal with us. But whether you da ar not, we know you'll find most of what we have to say bath interesting and help ul. See you next week Let's all support the Whit- by Red Cross, Drive ends | Mareh 11th and needs your donation, GAL om add NARRY DONALD LTD, 300 DUNDAS ST, EAST WHITRY GRANT DODD Open Fel, Till 9 pam, 107 BYRON ST. S., WHITBY in every way y HOWARD SOUTER You will see just what we mean when you have DODD & SOUTER do your decorating or color scheming at home or in our store The premium paint at vopulan prices Free Delivery Dodd & Souter Paint & Wallpaper Store MO 8.5231 --tr w------. sn]

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