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The Oshawa Times, 10 Mar 1961, p. 7

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nation 1s the Kasey Saal Vind anh other guess (1mm varie GROUPS, CLUBS AND AUXILIARIES me dha' "=v wel e ( The samesi Wirthday bonnet Uerbers whe wienk in gee 4 nd Aence will heid tikigatn mak wh gins ok BY. GEORGE'S ANP |vhen » solting bee will beipapers witien 16 the Soler sooo WH he held on Gicipats and wiend the Ra i Whe Merch meeting of 5 held, Schone om Temperance The HAART, Worch 15, st $09 bowling iowrmement wh swpper George's Anglican Church) Hrs. Jokw Johns, = member posisrs and scraph will le PR. BRED 5 the wion Wall. and Rance Bre reminded 19 Wee Women's God was held in the the Grony was CORE atas wich on or maw. oA the Ouest speaker will he Brother their pames Ww Bo later than panel hah on ering her Tih welding medal com est, Tickets were Gs Emil Morey, secret, 77 ¥ Mrs, F.C Piper opened the amiversnry ie weck IHNAER (9 WH 108 Ihe COM super of the UAW, Moo Mam Te Rewpdon gave 3 ng with prayer. The mon The meting cioseh With the ink shoot which the WOT le cupnsence wits be Brot the OFF, Confers hes weve read by Mrs, Donald sing overs misnomery hess 16 wor 10 (CCL mate i BT ee ores Fox, the tissonrer's report by'hymnse and prayer Wednesday, March 20. called Direction, Sister Catherine poigdidas ind do 3 #4 pA a ves on ways, «CANNY WY SRE I Fre Fiench Geter, Iotamutonst Regreven. tontonce 5 (he. nets. Fogtor rer, THE FELHRE MEEIRG of the cine : tative of Women's hwrtiones meting, March 75 # 899 pw Calvary business Women's Fel SE Marshall intro losing wii held » Nondey bd SHIRATS iv on Bundle, whose! 7 mhg March : RIER MEsting El 4 of Mz: Bepnaid Cook, Hibbert George s 'r. Catholic Women s smart and He and Eins 9 Sie 4 sreel. with present League wis held recently wt 4 " Albert Barnes Miss Phyilis Sproviak opened ithe home of Wire. Ion Budks pretty with Rundle, Tea waslhe mesiing with # sng song 19. The Bey. J €. Pereyma open ! v3 arie lowed by raver. Benpiure wasied the westing with prayer pismidy Be Foun, Wer Hl rend by dre Robert Pritchard, | Mrs Edwwd Hyrcanwk pre J N suits, skirts 4 ag pe Uondey you] 3 Mrs. Bs Hoagland 16d 18 #51668, Tre sereiary's report : d Fite study on Grace" wnler was reed ty Mrs. James Pian the following headings. Grace, ca wind Mis. Michael Korchyn Awiihary of 4s » EL. Grace, 7s # Chnstien ski read the Vicasurer's repon i Catholic virtue, Grace, as # Fest of It was pureed thet instead of 5 (Church held is monthly meet (Chistian characier, Grace, ae the me of cards ormery Ling in the parish hall. Mis. 1. T.'God's abundant provision Aannesd 1or March 18 members od | presided Mrs, Harold Parks had charge WW £9 bowling with their hus The veriows reports were of Wwe Binie Qi es bands and (riends, They will , Several Fhe next eg r meeting is 19 Mest wo the Motor City Bowhng be held on Aarch 7 at the home. #hes wt 6 18 0 clock sharp and Mrs, Ernest Spear will won of Mrs, Jot) Badour, 19 Conant "eve Felveciments at the per lvene » ay Erie 19 he held at street. An extra mecting will he wh hall ahha dad when # raf & social evening in the hall on held on Tuesday evemng, Marche wil also take place IMarch 2) 14 when #') interested members: Plans were Macioted "on p P will meet 4 700 p.m, at Fair: CEIMNg the annul spring Aance nd ike Made lor y ny ies Vode whieh will be. held on April 29 { the priich hall held on May 2 Miss Mary Fitz HARMONY WA a" gerald will be general Convener. mi. 1 ' The meting wes closed with for taking o fresh Phe Mah meeting of Har PERYEE RNA BR enjoyable social DOZENS OF PRIZES ARE BEING WRAPPED FOR ST, PATRICK'S BRIDGE is ioe, iekts wi be i ins si isetton wo Lost 30, E078 80. tot ot yu / ; ; ' and sre pow being Gisinhuled : . served hy the hostess " ap y 08S rt their ausiliary at Parkwand, will form esiden i Vied Farmer wardrobe One of Oshaw oldest e evening. Various commiiees | Wesnng 4 The br 5 19 Non sim ding wh a? rob ath Hib bul ee the | have heen set up to assist | smocks are, leit to night, | part of the decorations ana Fhe prize convener will he Mrs. 50" noe ihe devitions were The next meeting will he held sh y § 8. Patrick's Day brides | Mrs. John 6. Dancey, the | Mrs. John G6. Carter, Mrs. | the tables will he sel up dimes Hanson assisted by Mrs, oy "00 sie Alistair Fuiton Bt the home of Mrs, Nick King Enhance the Easter is a time b hose sponsored by the Women's | general convener, - seen here | Clare Elliott, Mrs. David 8. | Mclaughlin Hall in the alier [ment Spent dnd Wis. dams and her commiltee, Mrs, eg. Monday, April 4 at 7.00 p.m " AAA Vv a p y \ p SPA eter: WFTNET, My eo ner w J : Auxiliary, Oshawa General | with members of the prize Jamieson and Mrs, Dancey, | noon and the hospital caleter y e luke, Mrs. Hoss Edwards AUXILIARY 21, UAW k es |} ie eve Mrs, Tock Maher . $ 4 y op a i Genuine Irish shamroek, #8 12 In the evening he 8 f Mrs. Muriey Chine, whe chose 4 % Hospital, is slated for next | commmitiee adding a (oich | 6 A 2 A s P \ 4 ; soy. IT oh SLTRY The regular meeting of the Wednesday afternoon and | of Irish to the git wrapping. | pecially grown mn the green Oshawa Times Photo | Mrs, Muden welcomes 5ev- 11. Faster Bory as Lhelriiadies Auxiliary No. 27, UAW suits and skirts eri) new members thems I a ! | wis held in the UAW Hall, with i d 3 4 {| The next meeting will be on Fhe general reports we re Sister Alice Reardon presiding with several of our p } 2,746 Articles of Clothing {April 4 in the parish hall given by the secretary and The roll was called and minutes smart new blouses / d From Si Hall Wi oY ks orc meeting wight, the April meet-| Jane Sloan were reported ill hy Issue rom imcoe a Neduaun ie f pd le ing has been changed (0 Mareh Sister Mary Stanley, Very favor Susan Van Heusen The February meeting of the opportunity class and jssyed nesday hain Mare Mrs, A: A report on the Gold Bond able commitiee reports were from 3.98. Women's Welfare League was groceries to 3) familie Albert Singer presided and open certificates was given hy Mrs. given on recent activities within W opened by the president, Mrs Mrs, W. H. T. Morehouse ye ef the mesting with prayer Norman Gemmell with good re: the Auxiliary Accounts and Kay Silver from 4.98, i. H, Braithwaite. Mrs, WF, porting for the Clubs and Pro J di 4 sponse shown, Aller the busi: [TeRsUIRE"s reports were given J Fhe members vead in WISON ness meeting # program of aby Sisters Hazel Farrow and USE OUR CONVENIENT LAY AWAY PLAN | % WN GROUP treasurer. Die to a dinner heing read by Sister Frances Bradley | iy Harb of the eld in the hall on the nexti Sisters Stella McKinley and Smarteens from 2.98, Millen, convener of the Prop: gram commitiee; stated a full ¢ : the th chapter of Bt, Matthew's ni hy p lyn Marjorie McNeil erty and Maintenance Commit program had heen observed dur : 3.8419 : EW Biplane sola hy Miss Maniyn A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL HOLD do Aldwinekle, Women's Editor Dial RA 33478 (Gospel and Mrs, Singer read # yaior. skits by members and, A Je Lier of thanks was re loveliness of your tee. stated a piano had heen pur: in Fehruary and that the chased for the gymnasium and Boys' Clubs of Canada Week poem, "What Did We Do To games was enjoyed ceived from the TB Association 2 television el had heen do Trad he held April 2 10 8. The THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, March 10, 1961 7 day?" Mes Fred Williams, a : \for the assistance offered in its ' nated hy Mis. HF. Dawlon. Boys' Clubs of Canada and companied al the piano hy Mrs wer recent TH survey Mrs, 2. M. Elliott reported Jan: America Conference will he ' J. F. Noriou, sang an appropri The regular meeting held inl A oh He mies Like urrent Resort Fashions Hylone Wireer "United Chareh uary and Februar ; as Weng iheld in Los Angeles May 14 (0 ale Basler solo Sime o" Ag yo hy Fro was read in reference tn very heavy months for wellare | May 18 Mrs. Earl Hoy read the wor: |0pened with the welcom the protest placed by the Aux A need Wis EXE ed for men's Mr, Harold MeNell gave a re A e Makin Headline News ship service from the Mission: president Mis, Clayton Lee iliary on the proposed sales tax LADIES WEAR LTD. and hoys' and girls Hiderw Rar nort on the activities at Simeone I g ary Monthly Mrs, Glenn Henry presented The group has acquired thou 72 SIMCOE 57, NORTH RA 5.1912 and jeans, ages f to 14, Bheets! go cod stated that the Piano 4 5 { ruffles is extremely! It was decided to purchase six|® fine worship service on|sands of names supporting the ' ' were lo yequested Music School had a full vegis- EVER If vou havens shy Jia sre ALL in bri hi yellow or blankets (» he sent the Over. Faith". Mrs, Fred Willigms| petition (hil free nehool hooks OPEN TONIGHT UNTIL 9 Mis. illo then. road i" fol (tration and all gvailahie time A lie, Witier Mand Wp Mack with Rig i bi Then!seas Relief Bale, The minutes sang "Dear Lord, Forgive', he Sbpliad to grades 9 and 10 ipuing hf vy PR PR fied Ph om oa at femst # book at the current re: there's i full, triple-flared skirtiand roll cull were read by Mrs.| Mrs, Lee led the study on the was decided to send odor" four Publi Utilities aceoums, School and iri Centre is 071 fashions, Bome of the pret: of eyeleted pique paired with Al Albert Porier. Mrs. 4. F, Norton|life of Frances Willard through Arranged (0 have 16 prescriprionen five mornings each week, | HESE Warm weather clothes are matching "eold shouldes op read the financial report, the use oi clip sheets assisted -- p J 3 ih lava 4 or hare { hd ; iians filled, issued groceries 10/The school is held in the the:|!M the stores right now and why which leaves one shoulder ar, Final plans were made for thebY Mrs. Harold Parrott, Mrs TWO MODERN STORES IN OSHAWA 32 families, Purchased one pair atve and the treatment centre Shouldn't you buy now and weRy In cast Rpartweas Bi X Spring tea and sale of work to| Harold Brant, Mrs Charles of outsize trousers far man andl in the Golden Age room later sepecially u you make $oe white eyblet Li Ba hii he held in the lower hall of the|lAnglield Mrs I. H, Muldrew supplied milk for baby. AFTang | "ap. Cw Cp Barnwell report. "Feu selection Bw, or yaad in combination Ehureh on Wednesday, Aprij 96,|and Mrs. Wellington Trainer, ed to have shoes repaired 107 gg for the Crippled Children's C0loF 18 everywhere, aliong eh sich eolors==one for # top,| The members were asked tol Mrs, Fred Williams gave a Open Tonight transient, Issued meal Hickats 10 Committee and asked for val. Vivid Jute and over all here 4| With sich G0 om "meet 8t the church next week,'goad report on the splendid nil 8 A m young woman and purchased oe ss io assist with the chil:|@ [Pesh, feminine 100k, Ineluging of afin TTT ---------------- ak Ms , er i [ i white in outsize shirts and sweater for] go much use of white eyelet, surely. Of course, as | man, Issued 94 meal tickets to] *"" Lan extremely engaging and fem: general, these eyelets logk Shetr VO TT pile station. Purchased shoes be or Enel ahanked the mem: inine detail which adds g litle: best only when spaflessly clean, for student, paid rent for family|Pers of the Women's | . fare girl touch to sophisticated styles Whit A A ) ip they hi ly (ta he repaid), Supplied meal League for assisting with the | Seoooialty 'when ruffled eyelet is should he washed after every a = OSHAWA and hus fave to new Joh for|sed clothing, and expressed) coq Wearing, or two al most » woman. Issued used skates to|Sincere appreciation for the fol: A slaavaiass iavsa dress. with And these new, sturdy cotion SHOPPING CENTRE LE | : 4 val ane us lowing donations: hooks, maga } i 4 and pique eyelets can go right hoy. Junplied _ meal A hi vines, clothing, hedding, dishes, Skirt composed of a torrent of foe) Fit automatic washer and ranged for a father to return to furniture, cooking utensils, old . (dryer The more delicate eye: North Bay (tn he repaid). Ar:| country newspapers, shoes, used childven's activities, Mr. Me:|jeled hatistes and organdies ranged for woman ta purchase Christmas cards, gramaphone| Neill and the members of thelshould he washed only by hand insulin needles, 2746 articles of records, tays, sports equipment, Welfare League very much an Many new eyelets are drip used clothing were issued Jigsaw puzeles, table games, frecinie the efforts of Mrs W. di During the month of Fehpu: 00lectors' stamps, skates, wood Marshall for so efficiently dis: 1 poping 1s needed, press ary 1 preseriptions were Al curtaing, cash donations an dipensing the used clothing while damp on the wrong side vanged and fuel issued tn four MANY other useful article Statistios for February, 1061: and over a padded hoard families. Issued 2086 articles of Appreciation was alin ex: attendance, 6324; visits to Fabric with large embroidered lothing. Arranged tn have pressed to the many volunteers homes, 81; office Interviews holes should he covered with a ansient and! Who had assisted with the Gold: with children, 60; office inter: press cloth to prevent snagging en Age Club and the wmanyiviews with adults, 25 hy the iron LE. | EEE used « shoes repaired far ti ised ane meal ticket to man, | Pald Public Utilities aceount to EU Ei an | ------------------------------ i, iv, Supplied milk for young ehil dren Paid hus fare to Belleville for man (referred to police de:| partment) Supplied material ar sie nine Hoe Do you have shoe- tial Public Utilities aceount for] a family. Paid fare ta Toronta| far man seeking employment Supplied bus tiekets for five sta colic fitting problems? ed. Purchased jeans and under: | wear for twa sehaol childyen and airanged. or urease, come in and discuss Hekels for student attending them with mon. ; Mr, O, A, McKerihen, Fragrance fitting authority For Easter! and consultant for SIL TCSCA EAU DE COLOGNE COATS ARE SHORTER THIS SPRING aE EEE EEE RPE Fr FFF EAB EEE BEE EE EEE EE EEE EEE EEE EEE EE EEE EEE E EE SESE EEE ESs REESE E REE LEE Cotton coats are "AS PRETTY AS A PICTURE" FLOW. ER HATS! = Lovely "cover-ups" of gauzy blossoms , ,, utterly feminine big news this Spring . + « in shorter lengths , , Monday, March |3th--9:30 a.m, to 5:30 p.m, checks ar solids , , , 4 and utterly flattering! Choose fram reversible or regular , , , ji fashions' smart new shapes in either Fyvery vear, hundreds of men and women with fitting problems take this appartunity to get help by bringing them 16 the specialised attention of Mr, MeKerihen, For a limited time anly, this national autharity will be in aur shoa department to study your shoe needs, He can show you the exact Dr, Locke last (hased on years of careful research) that will give you the fit and comfort you want And --vou'll ind the new Dr. Locke shoes for this year handsomely styled See them now at Dover's 19% flower-bright ar flower-pale tones == and at prices to delight even the most modest Easter budget, COLORFUL ASSORTMENT OF FASHION TONES , , , featuring 5.99 to 71-99 Spring-right white, pastels and bright shades BUY NOW AND "CHARGE-IT" ieee DOWNTOWN \ ] SHOPPING CENTRE 21 SIMCOE ST, § ne TNRVINION'S iD, § PHONE RA 3.20% HONE RA 3.2200 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE The choice of lovely wome "IN DOWNTOWN OSHAWA" 18 SIMCOE ST, §, RH RA 5.1803 ONTARIO SMARTEST MEN'S SHOPS I EE ES EEE FEE EEE REE EERE SEE EEE EW ACCC OIC OCC OIC RO OOO OCC

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