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The Oshawa Times, 11 Mar 1961, p. 9

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Speaker BOWALYTLLE (Saf) Re Hew Prevy tilly Friday might thee @ANeRcs tia (anal print ol of Avia maces WY he CRN yam of #4 ERITIROE (WERT rat eral wasie Fh wihateh synewme 66) government. (Sex Page | fon LtRer SIovy ON MESHING. ) Former Cpiversity of Tovonts ohiososy sf ase Brine Uovawery, sid that Cangd: wil al to regain We place on he aad i aad INE IROMES OF Weems pratded Wl REE Bors BY ROVER E The Hew Party met instill Leysiem winelh will led his pe tion from = ohiiesoiy of greed 19 # Philosoohy of service L said the spesler State contish mst be & fies enierorice 16 control aad pide LECAROTRY #08. IR 9 ARBRE, C#p Maio wil be eventually stamped owl or wl [east con temlied." He swggesied (hat pesple shold place less cmphasie mm REE MMCIERse #4 VE More coneein 19 the establishing of crmtralied purchase price oR the RRERESRTY EAE BEEAER FEI RRCR We need New Party with modern i6ess 19 replace Rote oidated syslems of gOVEIn ment now wn force," seid Mr Morawetz. The capitalist system was needed following the World War to wt Canada on Ws feet but it must be stamped ot Rs i lends only 1 bust or further wer We pre now waging # cold war with people whe sre dem cated tn their country's future This ides of thought is needed in Capgia ms CRRA. Spend ONE WRY iH praspenty There is nothing 1a (ear from the Labor movement, although Labor is now suffering from low thoughts in the minds of men crused by misinterpretagiion, or rumor, thus it is my belief that unions should create in them selves a separaie or arbitration board to investigate and clar ify these thoughis and In so doing, point the public finger rom the unions to the capitalist Value of Will 7s were snes ens Talk Theme tion as & group thet would act f dE | club of St » WEE 1 ud Pp ot READING ASSOCIATION HOLDS MEETING HERE and purposes. One of the | president of the guest speakers Friday was Dr. | Distnet Conner Witham Shelden, shown left, © Jorhen, president director of the Syracwee Up | anrence Savery. prmeipel of versity Beading laboratory Pr i. Phithps Vib Others shown. left tn naw as wre Mr. « Korey, vice 3, #hif Wes Howzed and Mr AWA ng Lssociation. Purpose of the MEEIIBES WRE 1H REG 1each CIE I HRPIVIRE IRSLINCTING in reading. The Oshawz and hist. oven is ome of sev exit in Canada and the United Slgies, gli WHE IRE SRINE MIRE Dinner To Honor William A. Fraser Fraser for many vyesrs, Mr Winters scheduled = business trip to Africe (on make bis pres FREE DOssImie Bi Wis imooriam function which self tribute of worth The voluntary commitiee com pleting arrangements for the event gre representatives of Trenton and & wide surrounding (ermiory includes all the neighboring counties. General chairman 15 James Uttley and commitiee members include His Worship Mayor James MacDon gid of Trenton: O. W. Larry W. T. Lawson. D. Senik, Ker Craddock, W. D. Whitley, Coun eillor C, V. Graha J. Gold berg, Colin Crews, William Men zies and Art. Duncan WIDELY ENOWN Few men in Canada are more widely known than Senator Wil liam A: Fraser and it would he folly to say that all who know Of the n Mark a #EA SRA gliended # WHE shoo seminar here Friday and today wnder the auspices Wf the Oshawa 208 Ihstrict Coun cil of the imternationnl Read ik ; fou 2. A Plans sre underway for # testimonial MIPRer Rs AR #X pression of gratitude 1n Senator Wil A. Fraser for the many services he has rendered In the district which he proudly calls home. The effort is being or ganized by leading citizens of Trenton and 8 wide surrounding XE territory in bis " » WE mn £ n coloril career, Senaio that Fraser has served well in civ and government capacities at gli levels in a way that has added mich 10 the economic growth of the entire Central Optane ares There have also heen many in stances of quiet and neighborly assistance 10 service groups charities and individuals that make them indebted to him GREAT CANADIAN It is with these things in mind that & wide cirele of friends have decided to hold a function in his PHILIP 6. LAWRENCE 1. ALEX EDMISON, unions which would present the between the public and the true story on the unions' actly 130 ne meetin Ens ol | oni ] ames Rapsey Guest Speaker AJAX = My, James, principal of the Ajax High School, will he the guest speaker at the meeting of the Hospital Auxiliary on Monday evening, March 18, in the nurses' residence. The an nual Rummage Sale will be held in the Siksay building, at the Shopping Centre, on March 23 and 24. Any donations of good used clothing, household ar ticles, hooks, ete, will he most! welcome, For pickup if needed call WH 2-127. Baotees stocks are very low, Mrs Jennings {dents remaining in school | The. club will have as its guests approximately 125 Grade | XI students from Oshawa's| three secondary schools, Nor: man Sisco, principal of Dr, | J, Donevan Collegiate Institute; H. KE. Murphy, principal of Cen: tral Collegiate Institute and D,| {A Bristow, vice-prineipal of O'Neill Collegiate and Vocation: | al Institute, will he among the {head table guests, Gi, BUNDY Friendship Club Meets AJAX = The Friendship Club Robert general Taronte Park will he Comm, the speaker 4] Canada Before joining AGAINST GRAIN Parking Authority When Hungary's government was active in the tried to vefarm its gypsies with development and construction! 208, Jack Lambie 200, 204. Team text hooks and identity cards, business. le was recently ap Gabbies 33 the nomads used the books for pointed a consultant in aff 47, and clgaret paper and the cards as street parking of the American (playing cards {Municipal Association the l'aronto Mr." Bundy real estate SEEN HERE ARE the members of the §0-vaice Sweet Adeline Chorus which { Will assist the band eof the Offi ] | 1Cla 0 ities which often, through pub E lication or small thinking, cre honor that will reach across the 5 : imaginary harriers of religious him agreed with him or he with Anglican Church st 8 p.m. Mon These thoughts must he clay them. But all with whom he day, March 13, will be Philip ified before the New Party will J. Alex Edmison, QC, a mem: and political leanings (6 pay § her of the National Parole neighborly (ribute to a fellow presence and the StauUnchness| prudential Insurance Company said the meeting of the Canadian uished Canadian Difference of opinion takes noth! (ri Club of Ontario County, 10 Del In the truest sense of the word |Ing from the esteem in which =n ubject he has chosen THREE DAYS LEFT eadilly Boom, at 7.30 p.m. next with no SPONSOring group of any Oppose him will Since only ahout 18 perl Thursday kind but held on pay-as-you-go One thing is readily agreed -- rent of the population have wills) . . There wre only three days was assistant to the principalia dinner party held at the Tren: longer or with more community! One of the problems is, if there] (on gn. By Wednesday those of Queen's University, He rte-\ton Legion Hall, Mar. 22, with|zeal than "Billie Fraser. Uelshould be 8 common accident ' ' come off = they're no long versity to assume his position able facilities only. Catering capacities in such a way that it] parents, the children could hel er any goad. Al the same on the Parole Board will he done by the women's|resulted in his appointment to|considered fhe Poor Little] x ' " : ? as 10 he renewed for be "Prisoners, Parole and thelton, The guest list will include! the Canadian Senate tate may be of considerable eance hae 2 Public", He 15 well qualified to, some outstanding men in public value, all assets may nol he Haar , ia 2 § only about one-third of the been a student of penal Ieform standing ain reciation of Wis oo ce hae Mr. Lawrence started as an pi Bg had i crime revention for 25 TE ma = d ' ¥ 0 g Vance qe and p WINTERS TO SPEAK agent in London and advanced A writer and speaker on pen: rest speaker for the occasion Park, the heautifi ation of the training consultant at Toronto The Dey artment " Han ology and eriminology, he Is is to he Hon, Robert Winters, (waterfront, Then, ton, there are head office. manager in Peter] POL office in the Oshawa tional Prisoners Aid Association| i110 president of the Rio Tinto|n the area largely through his| Oshawa area place Friday ne p 5 Mining Corp, CO Jon't forget on ge e d past president of the Cana-| | and p: Pi y guiding figures in the establish: throughout the counties of Hast: there will be no exten: some lime he was executive di 4 4 as vector of the John Howard so": A close friend of Senator herland and Durham are well . sion of the due date this " |aequainted with the henefits he| In May, 1060, he was given 3 H any smaller at the licence an award for distinguished hu! Auxiliary This testimonial dinner is to he bureau ¢ their way of saying thanks and Howard Sueiet tinued gond health and ialist There wii only be meets | nued good health and success |'T d S | at : AJAX " " in all that he undertakes | dradae pecia 18 ng 8 AJA} The euchre party Thursday's meeting, D inne riyeid every other Monday by the . ; § speak at 7.0 9 pp Ms Fdmison will speak at 7.30 cessful this week Canadian Negro R. H, MacCuish, trade train pm Winners of prizes were Lillian | {ing specialist, department of la | Nelson, Bruce Hart, Mary er at the luncheon meeting of| [Evans and Art Combes, Delma Martin wea the dose CAPE TOWN, South Africa Martin won the door prize and| (geyters)--A - Canadian Negro on oy let ouchre will be held night to have criticized G. Men:| m_Monday, March 3 a "non Williams, United States as:| gL Highets for the Laitie o Ae rican Affairs, for making state ROBERT A adloam Mats. ments liable to "inflame! whites d room of the house. Proceeds for|™ | ' on the Resusitator Fund The Cape Times quotes Syd I ney Williams, 42, former exec Association for the Advance:| ment of Colored People, as say: statements hy the American of . ficial who is on a fact-finding Committee | | . "Remarks like his "Africa for | would he glad to hear from knit: membership 1s growing, and 24], "este TO fea for The commercial affair com: bids enjoyed the afternoon of whist WAAL y have lived here all their lives ®f Commerce, al its luncheon suffered a fractured knee while|0n Wednesday. Prizes were WON land put their 'money and skill meeting in Hotel Genosha next curling, has earned $31 to date/by Mrs, Letham and Mrs 4 dian is quoted as saying at a/the details of the Metropolitan Pool Fund hy letting friends Won the draw prize AN 18 quoted as am) alm f OI air iow oan, Mis. Galle Mr. T. A. Nicholson. ane of press conference during his awn! Toronto Parking Autharity and Club. The Kinsmen Club is/home in England last Thursday, Earlier, the Canadian, a Tor: The sponsoring the pool project forgot in his excitement, to take Onto resident, hroke the race G. Bundy ay | ta Mrs. Peter MeWhirter Mary! members had given him as a walked up to the white side of ling Authority on. Feiday. March 10 parting gift, So the members alla counter at the airport ta buy| A native of Taronte, Mr. Bun convalescing in the Ajax Hospi Dok will he sent on ta Mr. (the plane vonto schools and later repeiy tal, following surgery this week. [Nicholson by his daughter. The| He was told he would beled his bachelor of commerce | and Miss Susan Phinney, To the It hanks to he, ladies, Mis. white side, but he refused. The Taranto. He served in the Raval ranto, were weekend guests atl' awrence, Mrs ather attendant relented and sold him! Canadian Navy during the See Smyth, Forest Road RBRY a ashartation wo Sydney Williams then walked of (he Toronto branch of the Last Thursday the Thursday Meonesday aternoon 1a the Club without incident into the waiting Naval Officers Association of themselves in good scoring. [YOU 10 Mr, M. D. Lawrence, for Bowling over 200 flat were Ron[the 28 cup tea-pat, without the Alice Hannon 242, Con Racicott| be complete 236, 'Dennis Lenehan 226, 292 Combe 228. Johnny Johnston standing to date 235, 211, Albert Allen 211, Cec Heatniks 47, Stinkers Speak Here hess thoughts mi faiths, creeds, national origins ol? came in contact are aware of his Lawrence, manager of the BH Sue ssful control {i Board, will he the speaker alicitizen as a great and disting: with which he upheld his beliefs! of America for the Oshawa dis held in the Hotel Genosha Pie-iii is in he a neighborly gesture(he is held hy even those who poo ood® Ua i a oving 8 TO GET LICENCE Until recently, Mr. KAmison basis, It will take the form of few men have worked harder, the information is very timely 4 1960 licence plates have fo signed his position al the Uni-linvitations limited hy the avail- served in civic and government| resulting in the death of both / : fi your 1960 driver's Ii Mr. Edmison's subject willl auxiliary of the Legion in Tren-|the highest council in the land,| Rich Kids". Although the es:| me, your | di ; / R B f P ary deal with the subject, having|life who are friends of long HONORED BY PARK used unfil they are 21 Al the end of January / rs 3g aine ir new licences YeRte ways such as Fraser Memorial ¢, staff 'manager in Ottawa, M0tained their new | past president of the Inte ena. former minister of public works|the local industries established borough and now manager of the] Bhopping Centre was a husy and one of thelinitiative and effort, Friends 2 2 S800CIE / new plates on by Wednesday | dian Penal Association For ment of the new York Univer:|ings, Prince Edward, Northum: ciety of Ontario year, The lines aren't getting has hrought manitarian service hy the John Holds Euchre extend him hest wishes for con: ing of the Canadian Club after | g k will he served at 6.80 p.m, and) givefighters Auxiliary; was sue | Y °p Wiles, Muriel Hine, Barbara Raps Willia ] | 4 " hor, Ottawa, will he the speak: | {Martin won the "haloney", Cliff Olive Day the special prize. |joader was reported | Friday p.m, in the Fire Hall, Don't for: sistant state secretary for Af: I'hey would look good in any in Africa utive secretary of the Canadian ing he strongly disapproves of Chamber tour of Africa saple ny ue hile mittee of the Oshawa Chamber Mrs. Sheila Galloway, who fespite the very stormy weather peaple. He forgets while people : . Will \ 0g _Ylinta this continent," the Cana: Wednesday. will hear some of for the Community Swimming Williams, Mrs, E. # Welfare way 1s a member of the Kinette/ the members, who left for his tour of South Africa Hts methods Many happy returns of the d the autograph book that the barrier in Durban when he manager of Fred Cruse, Beech street, is|@dded their signatures, and the/some stamps before boarding gy yeceived his education in To Mr. John Tray, of Alderwood, Members would like to express served if he went to the non: gree fran the University of] the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn/@nd Mrs. R, D. Thompson, who the stamps across the counter ond World War and is president Niters Bowling Club excelled/ Meeting, And a special thank: \ounue reserved for whites Lott 264, 208, Tem Clarkson 232, [se of which no meeting would Fay Racicott 220, 226, Winn M¢ Wheeler 208, Helen Goodwin 203, | Satellites 20 , lie Osha Times a i. ECOMND SECTION PAGE PINE OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, MARCH 11, 196) City Assessment Hits $101,079,110 Lord Elgin | H-3 Meets AIAK ~ The regilar mesting of the Lord Elgin Home nd School was held on Monday pas Wareh with Mrs B. J. Severs in the chair ATE will be carried in the School mn Meech 17 when each child wit receive @ paich test! on the approval of Wis or her parents Mrs. Severs presented Mrs GW. Corwond with # past presiaent's pin Mrs 7 4 ' SITY RY ie Soellen resd reports from the Safety Cowncil re greding the safety of children trending kindergerrien Mrs. 7. Mclellon wee #p pointed chairman of the nomin #ting committee. It was poinled ost that this the last month that membe can be ob st be paid be f 4 ieined. Fees mu fore end of the month by those wishing In become mem: ners Mrs. M. Devolin, representing the Ajax School Bosrd, accept ed the donation of 8 TV set 1s the school, by the association The guest speakst, Dr, W, G McKay, of Oshawe, was intro duced wy Mr. T. MeGuirk. The doctor, & well known gyneeolo st, gave an interesting and in falk on nrmetive ments! and physical develop ment from 10 to 16 years of age. He discussed the attitudes of children of (oday, pointing out that their physical, moral and emotional lives are very closely related, He felt that Home and School Associations could play a hig part in guid ing their attitudes and outlook during this important age An interesting discussion per: ind followed, Mrs, Severs thank: ed the speaker on behalf of the group, Refreshments were serv ed under the direction of the so cial convener, Mrs, BR, A, Tail IODE Holds Ajax Meet AJAX: Mrs. Joan Walsh, Re gent, presided at the regular meeting of Ajax - Varsity Chap: ter 1ODE. The meeting opened with prayer and reports of the various committees were read The Fashion Show report being the most exciting event of the moment, and every one looking forward to a successful evening A prize will he given to all at- tending numerous door prizes Mrs. Huth Benson will re present the Chapter at the Ajax Old Home Week in June Mrs. Frén Conant, on behalf of her mother, Mrs, J. P, Allan, | president of the Ajax Red Cross| Rociety, asked members to help with the local Red Cross| canvass, The local Red Cross would like to establish a Home maker Service in Ajax I'ne program for the evening was a film of "The Royal We ding" in colour, Twenty | A well as the Rotary Club of Oshawa at|guests were invited to see the!o'Neill Hotel Genosha on Monday, He lilm, which was much enjoyed, |jonal Institute next Friday at|girls, Since then the member:land the nuvelty "Brass Band will deal with the value of stu-|Mrs, Norma Slater's committee § nm, The band will he divect-| ship has increased to 50, served lunch at the close of the evening children's ® | Tax Revenue Is Increased Assessor Commissioner El don Kerr's 1060 ponwal report fists Oshawa s IMal pesesement both ftexabie and exempt, as : FINE 79 018 cose of the rolls last Septem. ELDON KERR Organ, Choral | Program Set A program of Supplementary assessment since the close of the ber was $66000, making #» grand total of $101,767,160, This is 2 B70500 Increase over 1950 Thal taxable assessment wae $95,285 425, an Increase over 1950 of $3,240 950 During 1960, & total of $2,207, #60 In assessment was added in the supplementary roll, This value was represented by new residential, commercial and in dustrial buildings completed organ and during the year; plus new busi- according (0 the $95,050,200, some $48401.718 fs Heted as residential, Commer: cigl and Industrial comes 1» $4740.580. Farmiands (otal £109 506 EXEMPY PROPERTIES Ratio of residential to com mercial and industrial 16 farms was $51.90 per cent to 41.77 per cent 10 95 per cent Wholly exempt properties, ine cluding land and biidings, were assessed at 98,113.070, This included federsl govern. ment property (§747,756); One tario government property ($46, iM); Ontario Wyden (847.359); municipal (85,744,270); and ser Minaries and churches $1.97» 5) Largest age group in Oshaws, report, is the choral music will be presented ness and-or business expansion. 20-50 spread, with 31,199 per. Lomarrow evening nM George's Anglican Church at 830 pm. The recital will be sponsored by the Oshawa and Distriet Centre of the Royal Ca- nadian College of Organists Organ soloist will he Alan Reesor, Mus. Bac, (Tor.) whe is the organist and choirmaster at Bt. George's Church. Mr. Ree sor, who is originally from Port Perry, studied organ with John Mcintosh at Auburn, New York. He is director of music at Donevan Collegiate Institute in Oshawa Mr. Reesor will open his re- etal with a group of composi tions by early composers, "Cha- conne'" hy Couperin, "Larghet- 0" hy Bussoni, Echo' hy Scheidt, and "We Believe in One God" hy Bach His last group will include "Pastorale" hy Cesar Frank, two pieces by Canadian com- posers, "Hymn for Commun: lon" hy John Robertson of Osh: Dr "Menuet Gothique" by Boel mann, "Litany" by Myron Rob: Additions] tax revenue from this source was $96 Sales of city-owned lands handled by the assessment de- partment, amounted to $54,560 A breakdown of the total as ent looks like this Taxable all purpose ~~ #92 99.575 Municipal and other local gov- ernment property ~~ #87 " Federal government proper: ty = $41,795 Ontario government property $06 60% Non government property - $1,507 925 Ontario Hydro property $51,280 Oshawa PUC = $310,965 Canadian Legion and Cana dian Corps property -- $31,535, TAX REVENUE Assessment of properties for which grants are received in lieu of taxes, totalled $1,026,820, | On a taxeble assessment of (awa, and "Aria and Fugue' hy) the composer, 16th century Vittoria, moria" by Spanish "Awa sons, or more than one-half the total population of #0,146 Children three years of age and under form the second larg est group w 807. Then come those between 18 and 13, total ling 4391 Single family homes in Osh. (owner accupied) num. hered 12.07 last year. Tenant occupied homes added 1878 and vacant and unfinished homes another 409, for a total of 14,154 Duplexes, apartment homes and "multiple family homes" totalled 489, Other structures, including collages, stores, hanks, service stmtions, churches, schools, hotels and restaurants, funeral parlors sand barbers, added up to 1104, Ontario Water 'Needs Increase TORONTO (CP) =~ Demands for water in Ontario are ine Healey Willan of Toronto, |close with "Jesu Dulcis Me-| creasing st sich a rate that it {will take concerted action by | provincial and municipal aus eris and finally the first move-| with English translation by Rob: | thorities. "just to stay even" ment of Sonata VI hy Mendels sohn The der th Drynan, Mus Canterbury Singers e direction of Mrs, G Bae K (Tor) will {present two groups. The first choir at St {will consist of compositions of Church in Toronto, and are gressive Conservative member [the 16th and 17th century. The regarded as very fine examples of the legislature for Huron, "Go to Dark Gethsem-|of Dr. Willan's writing for un-|sald present will be sung in two har- accompanied voices. This final consumption ol ations by Bach, Following group will consist of "0 King 000,065 gallons, Within 10 or 15 the group will sing a tra-ito Whom All Things do Live", years the figure is expected to chorale ane' moniz this ditional English Lenten carol, ert Bridges The Singers will present, as a |Dr, Healey Willan, These {motets were written for the Mary Magdalene "0 How Sweet" and "Rise Up, will bel "The Bellman's Song" and will My Love, My Fair One", with the supply, 8 member of the Ontario Water Resources un- second group, three motets by Commission said Friday night, | In a broadcast over & network [of Ontario radio stations, {Charles 8, MacNaughton, Pro- provincial daily water is B00, / increase fo between 600,000,000 and 750,000,000, Pop Concert To Feature Sweet Adeline Chorus The band of the Ontario Regi: will present the third in Adelines was formed in Oc: Flute) by Mozart and Suppe's ment its series of winter pop con: Collegiate and FJ the band Francis will he ed hy Lieut Assisting Oshawa's outstanding Sweet DEGREES OF RUDENESS | Adeline Chorus of 60 voices un- BIRMINGHAM, England (CP) der the Laton of its director, appearances throughout Oshawa bone soloist of the band, will fir Basil Bpence, architect of Dewey Tutton, This organiza: and have. gained a fine reputa-|Play the beautiful solo 'Nip. the controversial Coventry Ca-| thedral, says he has received, more 1 huilding rude," he said, 20 per cent were very rude,' Eighty per cent were| "and the other Ontario Regiment in its third | Pap Concert in the OCVI audi torium next Friday night, Formed in 1958, the Sweet | tion of female barhersho Is becoming quite famous with han 700 letters about the|@ repertoire of songs to please everyone, Included on their program will be "Charleston which will not only be sung but perforined as well, Adelines have presented three | annual shows and also made a number of appearances for home and school associations, the Golden Age Club, at Fair | The band will The Oshawa Chapter of Sweet {tober, 1060 and officially re: | Since receiving their charter (the Bweel Adelines have pre: (sented three annual shows, They have also made a number of Pers ion for the quality of their|V singing [BAND SELECTIONS feature the "Pomp and two overtures, {Military March Circumstance" view Lodge and at service club gatherings, Under the direction of Dewey Tutlon, the chorus has taken part in the regional chorus and quar Zauberflote" (The Magle {""Morning, Noon and Night", five cepts in the auditorium of the|ceived its charter in November|' Parade of the Tin Soldiers" Voca:| 1068 with a membership of 21|for the children will be included (Blues, ""1'hil the Fluter's Ball" 'and other nostalgic Irish Airs [will also Le played in honor of {8t, Patrick's Day, Musician Allan Cooper, troms ana, by Stephen Adams, | This should be another good {evening's entertainment to ushe (er in the spring season and for those who do not have tickets an admission charge of §0 cents will be made at the door, s ay RS ER \ tette competition and is looks ing forward to competing in this year's competition at De. troit on May §. --Oshawa Times Photo,

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