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The Oshawa Times, 11 Mar 1961, p. 11

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Kis Thgenn (ah Gu (abies WE OW : THE OSHAWA TIVES, Setwdey, Maid 11, 1967 5 -, - OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS 2 wd i BF 19 SHE PUNY soreens, 1 vas sompmerk Wek / y 1 » seshaey BE Randy / 2 ; PE LL WT 4 yy Loe, avis fe MONVREM, (F)~The Whig , 55 commons, sl the cies Rshits (ond PERRET EWEREN 1EAAR ss Ps My EAN IEABE iin Bian 32, Fis Wears Atngemer 36 imciudad Tovmts, Bawion, (he hy f ( Chr $ o bs ' 4 se ge Ey Baa aww iniiiy tang. b.on Bn wt YWindew J ; pias # Ny or fig. Magik 13 wk he (aasael. Manly SEA Taka WERE FRRER 4 osc Ter "+4 4 ho CR IW Fadern Catala cows ww hnswess 8 wl 08 acres he ' oA Bast SRE. 4 WB Kah ERE HE TERRA FREE . % - diddid A -- . ) y 4 » # an) " » @ x . Wiss . Fone ) . i DANCE » BH hd. baer She FY ' i y « wilh ed er A ts wii A » 19 Fink MSIE 7 3 # 45 Wh BH WI ; Werk oh ' 2 Aa : "ind Bow z Mitrhell Zoleski's Orchestra THE HOME ; php E 0, W po | WORKSHOP wwe Bl 2 POLISH NATIONAL UNION WALL a a Lely Wh ak Fin Hewitt p. Oshows's & " Fubhi Denes TT" WIFE (HE TAREE, #5 (BF * # 2 Zou ERcE, PUBGNER PRE IEF Comm ren 3 ie 5 Howl 5 FUN FOR ALL--EVERY SATURDAY --83012 EE il wines 8 RAISIN LEAD HG AA sg AA a L i ; Taps ankimde Wis amie 7, Latha Mickids 7. anh Winners § Your First Dence Lesson ------ ALS Rone 7, Binh 7, Ie 1. Sak ; Pg ik Wipers 5 6 eB. Key Fo p 4 } ows ih, Kogan. fe " ia bie Sasnon 8. lod £ i, Losess §, Dh REGIE WE WEE Yo 19 tee Ro en A Mim . 2 Bay 3 ; for ou OR CT SEY ' : r ; Enh ' ¢ i : wtih y i SRE : 4 " p y pH CHF (h% £ FEW BSIEE Hep § ny » : A 2 y YR ws pol. Wap y } Rend ig / Z, 0 oH » WD YS Fave wie 1 i) and rs # BE Whe MA 4 lh hc ol ® bd id wh Ee Ay wi 5 f vy F 4 . for e nese ARTHUR 7 ' Vor siar ange | By RUTH W, SPEARS fi menor 111 HARMAN KARE Lhdokl 12:00 AM. fo 6:00 P.M. PORTANT PIECE of : Z i Camp wo Ph yg ig I Be AA A A ps dubdadnniitod BR; 7! KARN DRUGS LTD. « 4h opuge, Voltem Wh LEE 26 KING 57, EAST RA 34621 i : BLING 18 KIA « GHIA A Proven ond all ie Je he STONEY || JURY & LOVELL LTD iH # gue Beprody Ph. 7 34 Le - "Packet hls WH, POTTING SOIL COOPER ROSSLYNN PLAZA Rh 8.4668 ---- er x 7 y r / " ho Dey he Fim wo FOr mo Friday, Merih V7, 8:00 p.m SEED BEDS, BEGONIA BULBS RED BARN RITSON DRUGS AND ALL HOUSE PLANTS Ato Chon 264 KING 57, EAST RA 5.5370 51b.26° 101b,. 65 251b, 1.15 : -- Wvely Hu HOME DESIGN B/. 567 tess mies "A vow se | items » home with full |} an ahundanee dad J br f frat Ad here of fn #4 y) / AT NT 4 b 7 4 ? rrr Plan 4 dining | hieh 7, vel /17/ 7 ['/] TOMMY : b Ronis ow / "* » a " " nm : A ly A © " K either side nf Aoor are Fhe Buliding Editor, SANDS ipanie aon OF THE buiit-in Cning cabin here Oshawe Times, LiL] ' y i Is Bn eXtra cabinet oF closet | Oshawa, Ontarie, GENTL HI, the hall sl oft he » hi 4 p 4 B / 16 CELINA STREET RA 32312 F 3 , " oy And your Eiteher # mast Enclosed please find $1.00, for which send me Book o FOR MURDER : PIECE IH HesIE House Designs entitled "A New Selection of Law Cost FUN CUTOUTS for yard m [] nelion £50 ERS ! od Tor. 3 o A : 2 Naps Tp creation Yomn 4 oR Ly shal # A are a bial Home 5s For | anadians (Please make remillance pa Ia i Ais ik 4 a . RICK JI ARE ARIS prrHfariledie ahle 1n The Oshawa Times.) ) s ® f yooms and the sliding closet Figee [his pert skunk JASON GORING fAgors in the master hedroom Name a i g . oh EEOUNg oF aL Basehngra ang Blandard sider hin he BININE OW) In B Liege om heside Pattern 471 Easting %.79 £1 ean Address... . nigh LR NY fn po" fainahle m Canada for H which gives aciual-size cutth - hh : from addre below, a new FIRST AID TO ARILING HOUSE also 15 in the Animal Farm » Arg dank of Hi Facket No. 76 with haby skunks w a Enlarged Rook + oi and other fun amimals for $1.75 : By ROGER C, WHITMAN Address anders in Whe Hom 7:00 a.m, to 9:00 p.m. Zairhy "Gambler From Naichez" ,.us "Inferno" feo os Waorkshap Dept i mes a J A with linoleum cement. Wipe off Oshawa Real Estate [EUR a GLEN'S TEXACO SERVICE - EN QUESTION: I have & can of with 1 with turpentine helfore IL dries ME white lead and would like to Place heavy weights on top label directions for use, If spe 180 SIMCOE 57, § / i ' cil wax unabiainable, experi CROWELL'S SHELL STATION Douglas L Gower make some inside paint. What Until the cement harden fi a a Eel wai 22 BOND ST, F are the amounts of (Wrpentine SHINE FOR PLASTIC TILE floor wases until vou find one ll RUSS BOSWELL'S SUPERTEST STATION : GH DRY REALTOR % and linseed oil to he added? QUESTION: We havi that | atisfactory for you CORNER WILSON & OLIVE i! i i % W pr AND ON A pla 1 & Jartienl f he sure always Far alt your Res! Esite Needs | ANSWER: The Department of (ic' floor (ile (color and patieyn [RICH aF floor; he sure al SARGANT'S TEXACO STATION PHONE RA B8-4651 Agriculture recommends the clear through) a good hit hike Io Millon | INStFUCHONS fo) 278 PARK RB, § § following proportions, for mak: the appearance of rubber Lie / -- Ai ad 1 gallons of an interior and py thick. I don't think it is POVES FINA STATION ng finishing - coat paint with a flat made any move for homes, a A finish, or for undercoats for it 18 very expensive. | cannol D, Ww. WILSON LTD, enamel: white lead paste, 25 keep a polish on i. I wa up | pounds; flatting oil, Ya-85 gal:| posed to never need wasing, hut REALTOR lan. (Instead of Matting oil, 8-811 hike a shiny floor. What can OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Jl 1ints of turpentine, adding '61 use that will stay? pint of Japan driev can he sub ANSWER (LY) RANCH PARTY PAT RICCIO ANB HIS GREHESTRA I'his may he vinyl DANCE TONIGHT | [ugSUiZR\ ~ jite Delivery RA 5-6588 stituted). The smaller quantity / mm of thinner is sufficient for ale; because " Nu Na flonse 3 (Jubilee y finishing coal aver one coat of A RHY i the SALE Phe ' PAVILION | wr TO THE == aint J i dds J yo FINAHE Cy hest type of wax to use is one unusiah Sheet Metal | I 1 Karan hy ACA | TORNADOS iin a TS ! d hd AB floor coverings dealers: follow QUESTION: Haw can 1 clean MODERN Jim inside of nding steam . . SHEET METAL [/Fidiator valves 4 ; ' The ribald, impudent, ANSWER: Remove the valve IBS 1 SuvE avi and hoil in vinegar far ahout ' ry Hoye Moving five minutes, allowing the valve caunter RA B.B163 RA B:8163 {[to cool in the liquid. Then slosh hetween a girl-of : it around in the vinegar, follow the-streeis in a Gre: an (hy thovaugh rinsing in clear seaport town... ater, shaking off any excess and the American wha wants to rescue I'his should get out an accumu lation on the inside of the her fram her desperate Cor is it ') valve, and clear the air hole Situation, ,, FURNITURE INDENTATIONS ery MELINA MERCOUR! Toornto's Most Versatile Combo w= Featuring ~~ "" " Saxaphene, Piane, Guitar, Ace Stevens Manali: Vielin, Voss Steel Guitar, Spanish Guitar, Rudy Veliri ' Jha Vocals, y Jack Hanson Brums, Basi, Yesals, Jerry Veltri rhvim Guer, prmy Vocals = AND SPECIAL GUEST »- Art Dimilo Witt etka, Vat, fam BOB FOWLER ~-- Square Dance Caller ADMISSION RED BARN "5% IF IT'S RUGS CALL QUESTION: Is there any way : to repair a new inlaid linoleum NU.WAY that has deep indentations and cuts caused hy worn tips on Wallte-Wall Broadloam tubular furniture? Carpets = Stair Runners, sis ANSWER: Nes. UH (he dam: 171 Mary 5t RA B-4681 [aged area is relatively il and the identations and cut nat pread far out, replacing with # pateh af the same pattern linn lewm would he easiest and most satisfactory Place the NEW plece an top, matehing the ra ttern exactly, Then oul vs |, McLaughlin Heating Yi raagh hoth thicknesses with # linoleum knife, razar blade orl Wolter and Dracied by ~N PLAYING #4: 7id0 tor wher sharp instrument. Tear |! ¢ y df * FUEL OIL o STOVE OIL | out the damaged part and i 'eh : Fromm Rulivpee Mai ment the new piece in iis place -_ oe --_ " | VERY EXCITING MINUTE, ,, \ \ i "with a strange, driven American ; Wi. wha was there 10 destroy and a \: kimona-alad girl who was there Fe 0 love! RE me -- --r---- rs DIXON'S ~| THEATRE GUIDE | Neating, Equipment | BRET vii, alth on ih DEL 0 Ode | i i A Lm URdge of Erleepny! 3.30 GENERAL MOTORS id 1 LU y a0, 840 pam. Last com 313 Albert 51, RA 3.4663 | plete shaw at 888 pm TECHNICOLOR' | www wis Sar Inning RESIDENTIAL AREA Now ! | RAC \Eum dy I... MN [RISER f Build your home on a lot in a new section with % A C08 MBA BCTURES poveol { . " Brack (Whithy) Far the | Lave af Mike" 7.00 and 8.40 Building i oan Ra INV | 5.40 only. Last complete show al 840 pam Supplies LEA LISA LU GLENN CORBETT HENRY (HARRY) MORGAN ACTION nferpa' 100, 4.05 . --. Marks NARLEIG SUPPLIES | 1% 1, 1, inl (OSHAWA) LTD pom. Last complete shaw al OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE | "1 : CORNEL WiLut WM 33013 Men -- "Never an sunday" VICTORIA SHAW (Restricted Admit) Feature ---- ---- mes 143, $43, 3.40, 7.40, $43 wry | Last Fi 1 FLOOR R11] complete shaw a mt " coutainad ly \ 3 1A pm y , MICKEY | | ROSS E. MILLS | SHAURNNFSSY ® I growth and increasing value patential. A hame is an investment 50 look to an expert tor "where ta invest'. Give us'a call right away OSHAWA & DISTRICT | REAL-ESTATE BOARD ETERNITY A TRRAGERIAD FOGUC TOM A SOL LMA PGT RA 8.6218 REgent ~ he Warld of Susie - - Wang Feature shawn daily 20 SIMCOE ST. N, RESTA BILT MOR E { TODAY | RA 5.6914 A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE MAAAARAAAAnt pw

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