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The Oshawa Times, 11 Mar 1961, p. 2

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2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Setriey, Merch 11, 1961 GOOD EVENING By JACK GEARIN BOARD OF WORKS SHARE TOO SMALL There have been {requent grumblings of late (espec- ally from people like Alderman Finley Dafoe) that 100 little of Oshawa's tax dollar is being spent on Board of Works services, such as road meintenance, new equip ment and constriction, The point was Fe-EM~ phasized this week when Alderman Walter Branch, chaleman of the board, pointed out thet only 22.24 cents out of each tax dollar Was spent on such services in 1960, Here is another remarks able fact of the 22.14 cents, 1.16 cents was paid last year for debenture payments for sewers, side~ walks, pavements, ete, so that actually the city only spent 14.48 cents out of each tax dollar for such BETVICES Here is Mr, Branch's sc» tual break-down 291 cents 1.61 64 4 90 maintenance 5.10 ALDERMAN BRANCH Ca disposal and collection Street clean) snow and jee eontrol FoRgs £ Sewer maintenance . Bewage treatment plant Road New equipment and construction payments 11 ¥] Debenture 6 22,24 than that of the past three 1968-2347 cents include debenture 4 168i 22.76 cents totals £ 18 Ll) total ears which were and 1057-2228 payments At the 1960 convention of the Ontario Good Roads Association the resolutions committee recommended "that Association be authorized to initiate a study to de- termine the principles which should govern the ap-~ portionment of road expenditures between all author» ities responsible therefor," In the study committee report of the OGRA pub~ lished last month the following statement was made "A mere glance at the amounts required to meet the needs for municipal road and street construction in the next 20 vears is sufficient to show that it is impossible for municipalities to finance these - works from tax sources now available to them, The ever-growing de~ mands for funds for education, hospitals and other serv» ices provided by municipal governments make it exs tremely difficult for those governments to provide in reased funds for roads and streets, It is imperative that municipal governments be allotted a larger share of highway user revenues,' Wh 1959 all of which the « BISHOP ALLEN TO SPEAK HERE Bishop Francis V. Allen of Toronto will be the guest speaker Bunday night at a Loyalty Dinner for more than 800 members of 8t, Gregory's Church, Sim» coe street north, The dinner will help to spark the start of a three~ year campaign for the Roman Catholic diocese to raise funds for parochial and higher education purposes St, Gregory's objective will be $218,000, Full details of the long~term campaign and objec tives have not been announced, but it is expected that me of the results will be the eventual establishment f a Roman Catholic high school for the district, likely in Oshawa, Bishop Allen is the auxiliary bishop of the Toronto diocese. ALDERMAN. HAS DOG PROBLEMS Mrs, George Gilroy of 7681 Lakeview avenue gol #0 annoyed at stray dogs the other day she did something about it, She phoned Alderman Albert V, Walker, chairman of the property committee, which is directly responsible for administration of the dog pound, She was quite angry, too ednines were running all over her property and destroying her lawn, They were continually upsetting her garbage pails, and spreading litter Mr. Walker, a kindly man who loves dogs, listened patiently What Mrs, Gilroy proposed was an increase in eily dog licence fees to $26 (instead of the present $10 for a female, or $3 each for a male or spayed female), She also made two other drastic proposals: Owners of strays should he fined $25, instead of the current $2 If owners could not control their dogs, they should be forced to keep them tied up the vear round Mr, Walker then suggested that Mrs, Gilroy make her appeal direct to City Council, in the form of a letter « the letter, read in open Council Monday was a free swinging, hard-hitting epistle, and, remarkably candid, It brought chuckles and smiles to the faces of Mayor Christine Thomas and her fellow councillors, but it alse emphasized most forcefully that the city is again faced with the age-old problem of what to do with city dogs, Should we confine them the year round, or let them roam? It's a hot, touchy subject, likely to spark bitter debate, especially from those citizens who have wells trained, mannerly dogs, Even when the city's dog bylaws goes into effect and all dogs are supposed to be tied up, or under cons trol in May, June and July == there will he plenty of canines roaming around and causing trouble because the two-man dog pound staff simply can't keep up with the situation There were 1701 licenced dogs in Oshawa last year, hut surely the dog population must he mueh larger than this Mrs, Gilroy's annoyance is understandable, and she has helped to bring the problem to the fore again, but her proposed remedy is not a sound one, LITTLE NOTES FROM HERE AND THERE Alderman Cecil Rint is sporting one of those atirac- tive substropical tans, the kind winter travellers pick up in Florida sunshine = that's exactly where he has been on a holiday with Mrs, Bint , . , , Jim Coleman, the renowned sports columnist and race horse authority, was a visitor in Oshawa this week , , , Frederick John Harris, son of Mr, and Mrs, John Edwin Harris of 512 Simcoe is also a member of the dramatic 'club, the Hill News and the concession committee of the pipe club 16 Men Burned In Blast Accident {ried hy the wind from were treated in hospital Friday leased after treatment for first-degree burns caused hy| pheno! blown by the wind from a storage tank They were working outsideicontrol instrument. Legislature In Hurry To Finish TORONTO (£8) Ee Wil Be Slring he reece down the home streteh nest week in the hope they can ross the wire before the end of Apri Premire Frost made § cess inthe legis hnture Frdpy he i (wants the current sling ~ the H cond session of the Wh leg islature to prorogue in the week before Easter To clear the order paper as (expeditiously as possibile, . he | presented a motion for 2 9 cock | sittings from Monday 19 Thurs day In the succeeding hres Weeks an hour earber than Wsisal But the premier said be would not aitempt to cut off debate on i |any issue. He said there showid] ibe time (0 debate adequately the budget and the few remain ing departmental estimates Next Tuesday, Ross Whicher (1, =~ Bruce) and Kenneth Bry- den (CCF "Toronto Woodbine) financial entices for their par ties, will initiate the budget] debate. 1t is expected 10 be hot and furious hecause of the gov: ermnment's announcement of # three-per-cept retail sales 18x which both parties oppose Friday, Municipal Mars Minister Warrender said his de partment could do nothing more in the Vastyiew affair In asking approval of depart mental estimates of $91,538 900 LARA 4 i REPORT FROM PARLIAMENT Starr Details Jobs . Provided In District : AKL. STARR Toad employment provided wp 1» measwre the Aegree of yr of Labor across Canada by the municipal the decline in industrial ew The Mawa papers this week winter works program reaches ployment, then thal ares om carried stories of a new Easier 199 909 on-site obs this week -- municipality would be Aesig Ontario Institute of Technology snd an equal pumber of jobs pated 2s an wrew Chgihle "or 16 be built in Ottawa a 2 cost were provided off-site the Aouble Aeprecistion y el duced This estimate was made by PRE IOF Lox purposes, it was ponies hat 19 more than 189 enicipaiities EE percent of the cost would be 18 goross Canada with Le smbursed by the Federal Gov: months still 10 go for comple ernment wader the new (£ch- tion of the program this winter pical and vocationel raIRE Total worth of projects 19 legislation date for this winter is over AL the same time, aceor@ing 8750 S040 9 the press, (awa Was 2ORg ahead with plans for a $2050, AID TO INDUSTRY M9 sewage project in order to Meanwhile, plans snd sched complete the work before March vies were heing Brawn wp for 31, 1963, and secure @ federal the designation of municipal remission of more than ties and areas to receive double! $2.50 48 depreciation allowance for new The same work was gong Industry / ahead in other provinces As apnounced in the "Baby All across Canada construc Budget" by the Minister of tion of new technical and voce Finance, double depreciation tional schools was being plan- was being allowed for tax pyr: ned in order to take advantage poses for new Industries local of Federal Government pssist- Ing in aregs or in ipeli ance ties where industrial Meanwhile, major sewer proj- ment was on the decline ects were being authorized for Applications and inquiries had Vancouver, Torontn, Peterbor- heen received wn the Labor De- ough and Fort William -- all op partment from # number of the basis of federal assistance areas this week and were under and co-operation investigation Reports were coming of Once the qualifications of an contracts being financed with area were established on the By MICH Migisie wi | employ- to wall, Rugs, Carpets, Stair in Runners, the Fiberglass Canada Limited {plant when the phenol was can the {nearby Imperial Oil plant. They 5 " {suffered burns to their faces, SARNIA (CP) =Sixteen menieves and hands, but were re. W, L. Beynon, manager of the| Imperial Off plant, said the phe. [Spid My nolie material was released burden was carrying around his from the tank through a faulty BIG, NEW, SHINY CADILLAC he felt it inappropriate for bahizi, burdened with grave events of the Congo, 10 have to undergo discomforts of the subway and decided to provide the car for his use AP Wirepholo Richard P, Lorber, Latter saw TV show "Eyewitness to His tory two weeks ago. Show featured day in life of Bahizi including his riding jammed from h Jackson Queens, N.Y., home N. Lorber explained Gervais PP. Bahizi, perma | ment representative of the Congo to the United Nations posed in New York yesterday behind wheel of Cadillac car presented to him for his use while he is in New York by Rhode Island auto degler National Lottery Bill Talked Into Oblivion in re this confiden Mr informe tion obtained from (er's I Employment Service subway Heights 10 the | aid the minis indiscretion to doubts hy the unemployed | ealing Pitman By JACK van DUSEN law Canadian Press Stall Writer lial OTTAWA (CP) Fools were a Natio rife in the Commons Friday if file ou take the word of an Eng lish poet who penned a verse ni VES FILES AVAILABLE they would be lottsries 180 years age Mi uid th " Nidgdiit M if Were there | Amanugins Fish fo on " directed the NES to make files|t0 be Investigations of everyone Henry Fielding as he entered a available to MPs, who appeared on television be short-lived debate on whether Walter Pitman (New Party cause politicians were so sensi Peterborough) said MPs regard! tive to any criticism? Canada should have a national | A the information they get as con-| " lottery, : fo BILL APPROVED The Commons also gave sec Even Fielding's lines didn't fidential i ' | help Jeselve the question which| He said the tragedy o Hue ar ond. reading--approval in prin ended up in the alr--as Com-| = hts y d h du ST. P amend 0 mons lottery debate has for|disrepute on persons actually £106 do & whl amend the some years, His poem ended suffering hecause of unemploy: el a special commitiee to - ment, He added that the CBC[Sel Up # SpE i always in fashion Should hear the brunt of the| study 1 further For folly's a fund criticism for this, Progressive! Conservatives applauded Myr. Starr said he had "every Will never lose ground uate, tonle are so rif right" to give the Commons n nm The -theme of the poem wa formation on Mr, Exelby, The|liitcal activities, I this were a (hat while lotteries may he for|58me information . Was made! lowed, civil servants would, he fools, the people wanted them available to employers each and| subject to all kinds of sub ¢ land this, ton, was the general every day Ipressures from governmen {theme of the Commons debate BET ON ELECTIONS INTERPRETING THE NEWS | Complete Cuban Embargo Seen even federal elections, sn why (not a national lottery? de manded Louis Joseph Pigeon Qualified Washington authori: products, ine luding tobacco, mo ties say the United States, tired lasses, fruits and vegetables Some American officials NES for fear paraded in public in the (pe Joliette = 1'Assomption Montealm,) But his hill to amend the criminal Code to allow a lottery was talked oul"--even though all speakers favored the idea It didn't come to a vote in the one hour devoted to private members' bills and now goes 10| ! aaa, the bottom of a long lst of such of walling tor co-operative ac-| . tion from Latin America, will|gue hills with little chance of com-| I Jom Lain ARGHER: A | Shai with these 40 ing to the top again this session move next wee 0 place a com-|iro Is I] In other House action mem A bers took another look at Tues: (entering the U8 [day's television appearance of Buc h action, likely to arouse jobless Glen Exelby of Hamil: leriticism in Latin America and|therehy promote internal discon ton elsewhere, 1s expected to follow (tent and apposition to Castro Labor Minister Starr said thela nn oun e ement hy President There seems to he no grea opposition was trying to make|Kennedy Monday of positive' [sympathy in Latin America is a political football out of eir-{plans for Latin American ald consultation an pay rates cumstances § ur rounding Mr ifram the 500,000,000 program| Finance Minister Fleming ve Exelby's appearance on the naw awaiting congressional ap: jected a suggestion hy Hubert CRC program Close-up proval Badanal (L--=Fort William) for Mr, Exolby, Mr. Starr had" gna U8 already has cut off(a relaxavon of the law forbid said previously, had been of oxnarty of American goods bidding federal civil servants to fered a job prior to his TV apo" ona with the exception of engage in politics pearance and was paid by heise 4 ang medical supplies | A private bill of Louis Joseph CRC, It also has barred Cuban su:|Pigeon (PC=Joliette: I'Assomp JW Pickersgill (1 gar from the U8, market Altion Montcalm) for establish vista Twillingate) Sharhed large part of this sugar now is ment of a national lottery was the minister had broken moving to Russia and Commu:| talked out nist China Monday, March 18 Queen Park But the Fidel Castro regime! The Commons meels at 2:30 IS ar (ean countries, They want to re Bona that the plete embargo on Cuban goods revolution tn other Latin Ameri:| | gations under municipal statute would lead ful out of 876 municipalities had! months erland Finance Minister Fleming re: ojung like flies to 8 rock wall : : ' A d hard hit hy foreign competition jected an opposition Suggs SHOR rida y night on the deadly north! and unemployment that the act be changed to allow! goa "ar" 13 200.foot Eiger Moun civil servants to engage In po qi, | that with these dollars Cas: ® xport hig| roe duce Cuba's earnings and 100 {|treme heights mus! he taking| its toll li or he said any further action would PUsIness orgamzations mn other have 19 come from the ratepay- Countries as ' result of ney ers or town council of the sub export cred) Arrangemen J urban Ottawa municipality In Ontario ri ne winisy Tie department investigated works projects had provide Fastview last year at the re work in Oshawa, Ajax, Whithy anest of a group of ratepayers and Whithy Townsh 7 and found mismanagement of In Oshawa some b) men re the town's affairs ceived a month and a half em J ' or Bi y ent on projects totalling Mr. Warrender seid the pew ploymen : town council. elected last De- 867.000; in Bowmanville, 23 men cember, could take action on its worked approximately a month own by requesting & hearing on projects totalling $53,000 before a county court judge.! In Whithy three projects pro But he added thal his depart-| vided work for 22 men for some ment, hy conducting & munici-|80 days, al a (otal cost of sel audit, had fulfilled its ohli-| #38607 : In Whithy Township were employed on three six week 2 men If there are any erimingl mat proj ters involved, the responsibility jects for some lies with the attorney - general,| In Port Perry, 20 men were who is reviewing the evidence employed for some 17 days and Mr. Warrender said in Scugog, employment was pro He said that because a hand. vided for five men for two sometimes acted illegally nol In Ajax, 19 men received em one should assume any degen-| ployment for 15 days Sales Tax Will Injure Car Industry LONDON, Ont. (CP) Paul Martin (L--~Essex East) said Friday night Ontario's new) three-per-cent provincial sales] s tax is a serious blow to the Four meni automobile industry, already whether to give facts to the eration in municipal morality Mountain Climbers In Danger KLEINE SCHEIDEGG, Switz (Renters) Mr. Martin, whose federal riding is part of the automobile But mountaineers feared a| producing city of Windsor, said threatening hreak in good Premier Frost was "driven" weather would sweep the elimb:| into imposing the tax because of ers from their camp at the top| federal government failure to of "the waterfall'--a mass of enable the province io dis: ice hanging down the mountain-| charge its financial responsihili side ties properly There ali was growing anxi Y'All sales taxes tend to he eiy about the slow pace main: come entrenched," Mr, Martin tained hy the eclimbers--three told a University of Western On Germans and an Austrian--whe|tario Tiberal lub have reached the rarified alti tude of 11,E00 feet, Ms S | N The men made camp Friday o>» night at the end of five straight days of climbing as ominous HOLIDAYS and TOURS The climbers managed only yards Friday 30 feet less than Thursday and Alpine ex:| perts said exhaustion at the ex The north face has claimed the | es of at least 30 other climb: 5. basis of investigation and the formula which had heen drawn Instoliotion by ewr own mechanics 174 Mary Street RA 8-468) anAAY ZN RA 0D NOTICE! MEDICAL PHARMACY Due to the destruction, by fire, of the premises at 107 Simcoe St, 5., and pending completion of the Medical Arts Building et 300 King 5t. W., a tem- porary pharmacy will be located of 95 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH RA 8-6277 TELEPHONE UNCHANGED NOTICE TO ALL EX-SERVICE MEN, WOMEN AND DEPENDENTS ! All ex-service personnel and their dependents are Invited to take advantoge of & FREE LEGION SERVICE W. R. BUCK Assistant Secretary, Service Bureau, Toronte LEGION HALL, BRANCH NO, 43 Wednesday, March 15th FROM 2:00 TO 5:00 P.M, Also from 7:00 p.m. to completion of business , , , ta give skilled advice on Veteran's Benefits. Any: one with questions en war disability pension, War Veteran's Allowance (Burnt-out Pension) , , , Treat- ment or Hospital care is urged to call or write te MR, B, JACKLIN, Business Manager of Canadian Legion, Branch 43, 90 Centre Street, Oshawa, who will arrange an appointment clouds closed in on the moun: | lain AIR - SHIP - BUS HOTELS - SIDE TRIPS EXPERIENCED SECRETARY Required for; Oshawa Professional Office Apply in writing to Mayer & Brzozowiez ARCHITECTS - ENGINEERS Box 642, The Oshaws Times The north face, never hefore| scaled in winter, culiminates in DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE perilous 8,000 feet of sheer | k and ice on which it is al: 300 DUNDAS E, WHITBY WHITBY = OSHAWA + BROOKLIN most impossible to turn back Phone MO 8-3304 YOU CAN NNN WA During Quire Treatment periods of heavy rain, roof water (which does nat re treatment) seriously taxes the facilities of the. Sewage Plant and causes flooding of the sewer system All owners of buildings in Oshawa should carry out an im mediate check to determine if water from the roof af any building 1s being mun into a sanitary sewer; and if this found 10 be the case, the reef water leaders must be permans ently disconnected from the sanitary nat later than April 151, 1941. Roof water may be disposed of by running it on the ground and letting it flow to the nearest street ditch or water course r by installing a storm sewer (1) sewer ¢ vormation should call RAndalph and address with the City En» will sent 10 Anyone requiring additional i 53-1153 and leave his name gineer's Department. A representative o olspwhere, of a variety of otheradjourned until 8 p.m. Tuesday TORONTO (CP) Debate in NOTICE {back to school days to find an Municipal Affairs Minister Way AI i: Carita Levan ata anil Doiony sorvieied of {form Institutions Minister Ward honorary Indian chief, because replied Mr Wardrope, referring Allan Grossman tried to gel the legislature erupted into epithet Discharge of Roof Water to Sanitary Sewers render and his department of I for fe TOO With the provisions of the by-law are liable rope hegan ta heckle he has little hair, said My. Sin to a school day's nickname My gut inte the spat but Mr, Singer be out still able to eollect dollarsip.m, to debate private mem: T B through exports, to the U.S, and bers' proposals, The Senate is! P | Sling Mud | [name calling Friday and som participants went all the way It started when Vernon Sin gor (L=Yark Centre) accused BY-LAW NO. 3831 of the City of Oshawa provides that after April 1st, 1961, it shall be an offence to discharge roof being weak » kneed in the ap 10 a maximum penalty of $300.00 proach to municipal affairs. Re "Rald eagle" would he a good name for Mr. Wardrape, an ger "That's very good, kingfish,' Singer is known to dislike connect Minister = Without - Portfolio found words for him, ton, He Grossman's greatest seuss any problems W. R, BRANCH, Chairman, "He has no other res Board of Warks title sibility. pen | CITY OF OSHAWA NOTICE TO DOG OWNERS The 1961 dog licences are now available and may be purchased at the City Clerk's Office, 3rd floor, City Hall, the Police De- partment and the Dog Control Department, Fallaise Avenue (east off Ritson Road South), By-law 2365, as amended, requires that the 1961 LICENCES MUST BE PURCHASED BY FEBRUARY 1st, This is to notity all dog owners that dogs net carrying 196) | shall be i d os stray dogs and impounded, Such impounded dogs, if not claimed within 48 hours, shall be destroyed, Avoid having your dog picked wp and possibly destroyed by purchasing your licence without delay, LR, BARRAND, Clerk, City of Oshawa hdd hd adhd $1600 REPAY AS LOW AS 35.00 MONTHLY ALLIED INVESTMENTS co, 51 KING ST, EAST od Pd - . OSHAWA PHONE ANYTIME FOR DAY OR EVENING APPOINTMENTS ; RA 3.3993 17 Affiliated Offices Across Ontario Member of ONTARIO MORTGAGE BROKERS' ASSOCIATION

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