The Oshawa Times Pubhiched by Canadian Mewspapers Limited, 6 King se. E, Oshows, Ont Page 6 Setundny, Merch BB, 1960 Reduction In Buying Danger Of Sales Tax The these per cent retell soles tax to be levied in Ontario begnning rex Sept. 1 was the best publicized budget "secret" im many & year. Along came the budget end, right on schedile, the tex. Even so it was tough gistie to swallow, pesticidarky # one believes, as we do, thet & Community Cannot tex its wey out of & dummy -- and that only made it tougher, because there is wo much to justify Premier Frost's claim thet the province needs more revenue, The Ontario government expects the tex to produce about $60 million this year and $150 million ~ the emount thet Mr, Frost sought from the federal government -- next yest, The estimate will probably be correct, as long as the tax does not discourage buying of ems thet consumers mey decide they can do without or use in smaller quantities, We sre very close to the point of dimi- pishing returns in many tex eres, and the sales levy mey push us pest thet point on some commodities. Not so many yesrs ago the federal government decided to boost the tex on cigereties; the rest was & drop in revenue rather than en mcrease, as omokers rolled thew own, turned to pipes, cut down thew CORGHTGN ist. rit, Thet js the danger of the Ontario tax ~ thet it will tend to disconage buying. I i does, it will do at lest as much berm as good, because when consumption drops, production much follow, end lower production mens fewer jobs. Fewer jobs, in turn, mean less buying end less tax revenue, and the nasty ciecle keeps revolving lke & hoop in & squirrel cage. The federal government told Me, Frost and the other provincial premiers thet it could not sfford to take a smaller shere of taxation, end there is a stag: gering deficit to be offered as proof. But the federal government has not made much of en effort to cut wasteful expenditure, In external affairs, for example, it continues to act like a great power ~-- which Canada is not -- end it would be interesting to know how many millions have been frittered away in military establishments like Peta Wawa. Answer To Challenge One hesrs & gest desl about the wey materialism hes become the moving force in North Americen civili- zation, sbout the erosion of the higher values, about the cynicism of youth, Then slong comes en ides like Presi- dent Kennedy's peace corps, and the response forces the mosners to take another look shout them. As one US, newspaper exulted; "One of the reassur- ing events of recent days has been the outpourings of offers to serve in the new peace corps. The response from young people is evidence thet the idealism of youth and the spirit of adventure ere not dead in America" "We suspect that what has been missing has not been the idealism of youth but the fervent, articulate leader- ship to give point to that idealism, The Eisenhower yesrs might be called the comfortable years, the rocking chair years, the years during which Papa took the country on his knee and graduslly rocked it to sleep, John F, Kennedy is 8 shocker, rather than a rocker, He spoke harsh truths during his campaign and followed these up with more harsh talk when he took office. But the delivery calls not for dismay but for action, Hie speeches have not been lamentations but ringing challenges, and the young people et least are responding The response to the peace corps idea may be idealistic, but there is also a reassuring ring of realism, We heard some US, college students discussing it the other day, and the recurring theme was this; "I'm no bleeding heart, but 1 figure 1 owe my country something and maybe I cen pay it back this way, I'm going to need training, because the young misionaries the Communists send out are well trained, Maybe three to six months' training isn't enough, but we'll have to wait and see" The only disturbing reference was to the Communist "missionaries" It would be a mistake if peace corps members went abroad with an evangelis cal desire to convert "the heathen", What the underdeveloped areas need is honest help, not holier-than-thou preachments, Pound System Queried The British system of currency and coinage, with its pounds, shillings and pence, its half-crowns, florins and "thru- penny bits", may be on the way out, According to McIntyre Hood, our London correspondent, a decimal system of money will be set up in the United Kingdom, perhaps within three years, A change has been in the minds of British officials a long time, Four royal commissions have, over a period of years, studied the subject and made recommendations, The third, held be- tween the two world wars, recom. mended a change but nothing was done, Now there is a strong body of parlia- mentary opinion in favor of a switch to the decimal system, About 120 mem- bers of the House of Commons, from all parties, have signed a motion calling on the government to introduce decimal coinage, There may even have heen some discussion of the subject at the meeting of the Commonwealth prime The Oshawa Times 7. & WILSON, Publisher and General Manager €, GWYN KINSEY, Editor The Oshawa Times combining The Oshawa Times (established 1871) ond the hitby Gazettes and Chronicly (established 1863), 1s published dally (Sundays end statutory holidays excepted) sof € Daily © wis Publishers Association, The Canadian fron Audit Bureau of Circulation and the Ontaria Provincial Dailies Assos ciation. The Canadian Press iv exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all ews despatched in the paper credited to it or ta The Associated Prass of Reuters, and alsa the local news published therein, All rights of special despatches are alse reserved Offices: Thomsen Building, 425 University Avenus Toronta. Ontarie; 640 Cathcart Street, Montreal, P.Q, SUBSCRIPTION RATES Delivered by carriers In Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax, Pickering, Bowmanville, Brooklin ort Perry, Prince Albert. Maple Grove, Hampton, Frenchman's Bay, Liverpeel, auntan Tyrone Dunbarton. Enniskillen, Orona Leskaid, Brougham. Burketon, Claremont, Columbus, Greenwood Kinsale, Raglan Blackstock, Manchester Pontypool and Newcastle, not over 45¢ per week. By mail lin Province of tara) outside carriers delivery areas 12.00; elsewhere 1500 per veal Circulation for the issue of Feb, 28, 1961 17,223 ministers this week, since Australia and New Zealand are also considering a similar change, Government experts in the UK, have been working for some time on a plan for a decimal system based on the present ten-shilling note, They have the idea that to retain the one pound note as the unit of calculation would destroy the simplicity of the system, With the ten-shilling note as the base, one shils ling would be a tenth of the main unit, and a new representing ones tenth of a shilling, would replace the penny, Earl Dundee, a member of the gov- ernment, told the House of Lords that the government hoped to make a state- ment on the matter later in the year, and from other sources come reports that an announcement will be made in the speech from the throne when the Queen opens the fall session of par. liament, Earl Dundee said: "The opinion of organized bodies is heavily in favor of the change, but we want the opinion of the man in the street and the small tradesmen who have not got electronic machines, If we are going to make a change it ought to be made soon, because the longer it is delayed the more expensive it will be" coin, Then, perhaps, we can make a start on the elimination of inches, yards and miles from British and North American measurement, Bible Thoughts Then the nations shall bless them. selves in him, and in him shall they glory Jeremiah 4:2, Nations are the creations of men, Above all and embracing all is the king. dom of God, Therein is true blessing, The glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle, -- Exodus 40:34, I, Corinthians 3:16 states that the body of the believer is the temple of God, God will not manifest His power in a filthy temple, MESSAGE FROM THE NEW FRONTIER UK. OPINION Prime Ministers Debate New Trade Bloc Proposal By M. McINTYRE HOOD Special London (Eng) Correspondent For The Oshawa Times LOND IN The United King dom is willing to forego so of the benefits of the Co wealth preference order to move towards economic union with the six Common Market countries of Europe, Further, the British government has in mind that discussions should take place between the Commonwealth countries and the Common Mar ket group with a view of bring- ing the whole Commonwealth into @n economic partnership with the European Economie Community This highly imaginative plan is official, It marks a new step forward towards the integration of Britain's economy with that of the six Common Market coun- tries, It is a new approach to this ticklish problem. It is being given a great deal of thoughtful discussion at the conference of Commonwealth prime ministers now in session in London, and they do at all see alike on the British proposals PROTECT AGRICULTURE This new proposal was made by Edward Heath, British min- ister for European Affairs, at a meeting in Paris of the Western European Union, made up of the six Common Market countries and Britain, He made one qual: ification to his offer, It is predi. cated on the 8ix meeting the dif- ficulties of the Commonwealth and Britain regarding agricul tural exports, If these difficuls ties could he solved, Mr, Heath said, Britain would consider a common tariff system on raw materials and manufactured goods imported from countries not within the Commonwealth or the European Free Trade area The whole plan, of course, de- pends on the concurrence and consent of the other Common: wealth countries, That is why it is having a large place in the prime ministers' talks, Up to the present, Canada's viewpoint is that she will not consent to any diluting of the Common: wealth preferences, or to any plan which would interfere with Canada's agricultural exports, There will he no hasty deci: sion on the subject. But Mp, Heath has opened up possihil: ities for a great trading union made up of the Common Mar. et countries, the seven coun. tries of the EFTA and the whole of the Rritish Commonwealth, The possibilities of such an eco: nomie union are so fast that the scheme cannot be lightly dis missed, TRAWLERS IRATE Britain's deep sea trawl fish. ermen are: volubly indignant, They claim their interests have heen ignored. An agreement has been reached hy the govern: ment with Iceland regarding the Icelandic fishing limits, The view of the fishing industry is that this agreement means a complete capitulation to Tee: land's demands for a 12-mile fishing limit for British vessels Under what the fishermen term the 'surrender agrees ment", Hritish trawlers will be able to fish between six and 12 miles off the Icelandic coast for the next three years, After that, they will have to stay outside the 12-mile limit, ENDS DISPUTE This brings to an end a two: year dispute between Teeland and the United Kingdom, But it is a bad blow to the Rritish fishing industry, About half the catch of Britain's 230 deep-sea trawlers is made off the coast of Iceland, but within the new 12-mile limit zone, This cateh is usually worth over $14,000,000 a non system in closer year The government's surren der will cut this drastically, and will force the deep-sea fishing fleet to seek out new fishing grounds An by h settlement the British say, One skipper of sailing for leeland, said "It does not seem that the Icelanders are giving much awgy. In my view, anything over a four-mile limit is a climb down by Britain, and it is all wrong. It is a case of peace at any price," GERMANS ARE COMING The real story Is now out on the provision of training bases in Britain for West Germany. It is even worse than critics of the proposals expected, And from every corner of the land pro. tests are being voiced at the ex- tent to which the German armed forces are to be accommodated in this country Biggest shock of all came in the announcement that ships of the West German Navy have BY-GONE DAYS 40 YEARS AGO The Business Men's Club of Oshawa YMCA elected to of: fice, J, G, Althouse, president; C, M, Mundy, vice-president; F. Atwood, secretary, and P, Canning, captain, A banquet was held in honor of a large party of Canadian Manufacturers Association offi- cials who spent a day visiting the city Fred Brigden, chairman of the committee on leadership training for Rotary Boys' work with over 20 years' experience in the field, was guest speaker at the father-and-son gathering, ry trawlermen gat Grims ve hit back bitterly at the 'it is a sell-out of fishermen," they on the point Town council decided against passing a compulsory milk pass teurization bylaw, which was recommended by the board of health, The Ontario government agreed to pay part of the cost of resurfacing Simcoe street and building a new bridge on King street west, The public library hoard at its organization meeting for 1021 decided to ask town council for an appropriation of $4175, heing the. year's estimate ex: penditure in all departments, Rev, I. W, C. Wickware who for 17 years was a missionary in the Congo, told of the cus. toms and work of the people in Africa in Simcoe 8t, Methodist Church on the occasion of their Missionary anniversary. The Ebenezer Dramatic Club presented a concert under the auspiices of the Kedron Mutual Henefit = Society, © Miss Vera Werry of Kbenezer contributed a solo and the Kedron Male Choir rendered several chorus es, Oshawa Housing Commission offered for occupancy for $100 cash down payment and 20 years to pay the balance at five per cent ? Mrs, DeMarse of Albert St, was presented with a ring from members of the degree team of Queen Mary Lodge Neo, 97, in recognition of her faithful service as captain since the team was organized. A government-owned aero plane making a return trip from Ottawa to Camp Borden made a forced landing on the Wilson farm, feast of the town, on aes count of the foggy atmosphere prevailing. been offered the use of British ports and home waters for train. ing. Thi% means that bases like Scapa Flow, the Firth of Forth Milford Haven, Plymouth and Portsmouth will become home bases for German naval vessels, READERS' VIEWS Suggest Clean City Vehicles Pear Sr E would Wie to sex some thing Aone ahowt the Mety come dition of some of he by ve des especially the buses and pelfar aedsers whieh § think are disgraceful. The garbage frnaks | believe display m Sign "Keep Yowr City Clean". Wel, what shout the oty selfing Ww FX mmme? I have slew sheerved a police ear imp aperty perked while operating the radar owifit and bave myself received a tag for the. same offence. There agen ¥ fast that the police dept. shold "Little Peeved" i would Whe to comment wntaveraiily on the generally wn- kempt appearance of Oshaws police cars. In inclement weath- er it is wnderstandabie but pot fn dry weather I have seen them Asay after day when i is simost impos sible to identify them as sich Of eowrse, this may he » good point for the police wt i cer looks very slovenly. Is WRIET 50 Very expensive' (server tainly Gehawa MEMBERSHIP TESY Pear Sir Would you plense print the following in The Times. I was tal-en from the Woederest Home end Bchaol Assecighion meet- in, notice sheet. If the faithful suoporiers think of the other parents in this manner, small wonder the membership is only Are you eR Relive member the kind that would he misse Or are you just contented that your name is on the hist? Do you attend the meeting snd mingle with the flock There is not so much protest at the provision of a tank training ground, and storage and main tenance facilities for the Ger- man Air Force But the idea of the German fleet using British ports is highly repugnant to large numbers of people, whe are voicing their protests in ve- hement terms Or dn you stay # home md ariticize and Rock? Po yon take an petive part io fielp the work #long, Or are you satisfied (a he he kind that fwst Reiong? Pe yon ever valontariy, help wt the giding stick Or leave the work fo jwet # few and talk shout the "Che ne?" Come to meetings often and help with hand and heart Dow't he jet & member -- hat fake am active part Think this ever member, you fnew ight from wing, Are yom an active member, oF do you Just Belong | AM Weondarsst Schock owt of Rupr imataly VI sets of per: ents we have W paid members Tis momber includes some tegehers and 11 execntive mem: bern." lishawn MES. 7. JONES SEEKS INFORMATION Pesr Sir ' kam compiling » Wstory of Canadian aviation with empha: sis on the commercial Activ ties of the 190s and 1900s. | would be grateful if any of your tepders conid help to fill in some of the historical hack grovnd in your part of Canada i any interested persons could correspond with me, or loan photegraphs of people and pireraft associated with flying mn Canada, | would sppreciste hearing from them I would particularly like in formation shout a Mr. Lieyd whe sersteh Oshaws Airways' in 1978 neing & Wandard JA an rail. regeiered GCANS. Conid gor readers (el me whether "ro Liogd wae he first person 16 WR AR Bre aflt In the Ok awa aren. | have Resid hat he fiew frowe the Conant farm wn Brack St J. BELLIS, Peterhorongh, Ont. BA fe HITE MEY SUPERIOR 600 Remaruatia new k leandoer heniing mid meas posikle. Wesring loss esrrashon het was formerly "just & drsem'", Stop int Ses is smering ond powerfd performer, - --- rr > MAICO HEARING SERVICE $50 YONGE 97, TOROWTIS WA 52817 Write For Free Booklet | MAME ADDRESS ' CITY r ' ' ' ' ' i \ OF/MY/3/00 184 EEE EE EN 135 SIMCOE 57, MORTH o RESIDENT PARTHERS Gordon WW. Rishi, €.4., RIA Bust KR. Weters, €.A, Wom. J. W. Monteith, FEA, MP, Gordon WW. Rishi, CA, RIA Robert WW. Lightlest, €.A Monteith, Monteith, Riehl & Co. Chartered Accountants PARTHERS; OSHAWA, ONTARIO o TELEPHONE; Oshows RA 5-0507 Alex WH 21-6890 Bowmanville Lknith 4-8780 A Bock Montes, 8. Gommy George E. Vrsthowsy, €.A, Burt BR. Waters, £.A EVERYTHING GUARANTEED CUT-RITE WA PAPER Prices effective at your DOMINION STORE at Oshawa and Whitby until 6 p.m. Wednesday, March iH 10 us. POTATOES A DOMINION SAVE 12¢ REG, PRICE 31¢ 100-FT. ROLL WITH PURCHASE OF 50 LBS, AT REGULAR PRICE OF 1.49 STORES LTD,