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The Oshawa Times, 12 Mar 1961, p. 16

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U6 THE OHA TINS, Mer, Ws 1, OY" Marxist Sees sims | Today's Stock Market Listings on Toronto Exchange 'Red Failure LACK ~ Mr. sod Mes. Joseph 72 TORGNTN 1 AW. PINCES MH es ast BH Pe Binck bow pm EW go A : oo Vg up Boies Wsgh Low p00. IF Sock Beier Wah bow pi EW EP Boek Boer High bow # 45 nd { -- [ag want dod [i an eTeR Ber Be 0 Tonk h Tomes, a the, oh By The Esnstion Frese Wht "EW WW rh Bp ABE BB I IH W Eon 8 9 HS WE PE WARSAW Foiend RE Petmp i he ponents Ct rer Tisch nr, Bostes, WHE Tonomin Bock Erehangs--Horen 18 Eom Best 149 $6 # Soaked WB WH Th 1h se + ' » ' pom gers nd s Com: Shall was the Foe Come . wud a of Asha A B Fraser mvs v Biiade wis 0% ik ¢ 5 i Mariel gous 48 yr Pie mmniet Fez 5 (Isa RenrEtie nh , AA : ro : 5 . 2 8 # eatnataatacd A HITIERROED = Pon sed doves ais, wera) Br ew "0 Yih th ' a A or om Leg 1 siangiin (on the wink of man! Gen MRE ma der the Bar the Wh of 4 tom § TRIALS Eom Voy 10 Bh Bh Bh Brame Wh ¢ : awe 8h hh lars Us PIEOIRY COMES 18 IWAot #17 BF hdres Genin Wow mous 7 Gd ver BW UWL Soros vis ow 5 0h grips with the froblen ot Re. His lies views were owe Veeawi (GEREEW Ne a a sot p 1 Tiiinah Whiyiliid wih HAE, ined @ witicing ; THORNTON = Thm on Frey a he iter = 4 : | He calls % fanhrmemial in Afb fussy rid oa he onan the serie of wn detirey vd " Fn od ' 4 b, . ') 5 Fre ; ve » ' : ' 7 A R BETReE Terie, Hoveh 0h. 1061, i i 2% bE ei BY Ww Wh Wh p Pa Slieration Wn traditions Marnie weedy Fr 7k gad of the Ookans Generel Hosphal 4 Vix. 2 2 ' # : # oh uh [hsicing anh TepInRhes Come (Kars Beview) kather for Ae pee, 5 Soe dh B% A bw He - / on or ist, Plesoshers (or Regiest, Intellectual circles in Wersew w Win Wh Wh ve fbi : : Sh 10% Ww Pe REARS KORTE "IRE ERS R RInaiament wh tha ¢ 4 weang oH We" He sod "ide: galt in Schall gy of +4 4 ches ~ oe oF IE | SSW 18 Ponta 7 A éd ah "lh Dasghter, Twins or Trigiets wil wast 15 fel the Whee wot the Jelast wr H WB yo RRR DBBOIRERINEIRE # FT £ gesapiad Got 9 am. for Fes on the seme day Ir oy BH Just Telephone RA 34497 he 7 % Ti TY y Ho He He ws Wh 9 Eel P bos ! Zoom 18 ' wh ow 5 us win WW 1A : 78 1 Si WH BW SREY, Ivke Mois Entered My sist suddenly at We family rest dence, 15 Tovonts 8. 8, Vibrdge, mm Friday, March 8. 19%) Aobn Ayn Busby, be 4 Bushend of Appice § § dear father of Pies (Mrs is) of Malton, Jesvin (Mrs of Beprhorniih, John Hf dear brother of Kale (Mrs. Flovh Shesiilsned ESS WER TSR J A >= @ - BEL REL Th A Lalistic wwoonems of comm Warns gvingd ¢ os a / ed" Fie Kote of Han wd Ra SE TDRPSR Fashuls E33 $ RR 3 ASE 4 Why LARS IR HAH »8& > Ty » AGRE - 4 Ree 13 2 ARS TR IL NR + =x +11" TE LEHRER ssid dada] BS ng = $858 CITIZENG PIRECTOR OF $333 gest wt Moka ihason Howl 33 a : ot 290 pm. Interment Bs ery, Casket will be open CHESTER pm. to me of ser af A i. = wu kad Ci 1s 1} % RELATIONS recive friends 4 Yome A 25 Bis 1B 4 p 74 (12 ; ww J i SAYS; 3 B10 490 pm. WP p 7 5 z's J Home ' 1 i aad 4 65 om be " = { : W pm, EOWMEREIRE ¢ ¥ i i i ! ' 5 y : 4 1 [7 i WEG Cent Det > Ww tebe he be ete te he Petes fk < Relais bs et dad JAMES, Walhert Lester Lang Fink on Baturdsy, March Bat Dive § oh | Meds Flgy rd 4 " ve : A 47 7 7 Ws I } 7 Kw Bh a om iis Th ; hob os ol TTA RAL "ma : "Thi f ur heovia bik| € Woden Hh Kh CHW Da fe oN 1B Nie TH 4 rites "0 ait, 138 1041 / Ford fh eon hg 11 118 SEASON WE BUZges Mrs, Viol Wood: Cif is 616 15 18 Wiig Uf 1h $2 / Bothen 1th BBB i ; Foire ih 5° a ; oh, Pe. Bd dd | quick CASH from Can Wall A y V % : Fow Corp $ ss" 3 pis B. > py 44 : Lexie Biateh, Osh Cdn 08 ih Oshaws A Fis Pete Col Cel y Big or b GN Gr Wud Bay 3 $i ton, hin; Wesley CPR 5 $s # 4 b Overland Ferwy Oils V i TE 2 Wh 2 2 2 ii A 78 7 ' Boys 2 9 79 5 g GN Gas wt 190 28 w : bowih 1 19% 13% 4 + | Srewieabion na nos did CITIZENS" Boe AY € bis Bh BY 3 HB HB +H Bt Micke 3 : A Bik Corp Mh $s Wh BA Triad ol 0 2 2 #0 ish Cop Ww # 7 Bales 10 1) pm: SRSA00. a e late Orval 3 Can Pet or} } Fags tier #4 | op NT ">. > TINS =n i £4n Tire 2 b Fhina FFF EIFS LE 4 . - : 4 j "Thinking of gifts to buy, holiday expenses , » » Wd or th Vier date TI {held about §6,200 000.000 of as . Mr. Tyler said he agrees wondering how you will meet the costs? As a Citizens Francis bens Suddenty ab BUSINESS SPO IGHT | sets on behalf of their policy Law han e oming [there are some injustices, but budaet counsellor travelling throvehout Oniarie, meet 3 ip IEE Hospat undsl {holders in Canada, an increase {said Mr. Dennison made an ir many wha are worried about holiday bills, I'm pleased id Mame, Walhr, veisved b cl di n Tr (of about $500,000,000 during the » . | mp she dg gs ang, I to recommend the friendly, convenient Citizens loan bie Madeline Hh lvear P , 088 BSSELS the blame on the wrong 800rF e, Call today, see how quickly Citizens arr: '] Aesr son late Mr. an Ql 10 a a e year. In major fact, these ef 0 F R | gervice, La ¥ QieKry anges J ! LAS Wir, Meg » g EE Fepresent the policy reserves n imnance, e osession step loans of $50 to $2500, at terms 10 suit you best." fred pi , en' (Mrs h which, together with premiums "A collection agency Is lic Hielen) Mrs 4 4 and interest to be received inl TORONTO (CP) A revisionlfull cost of an article has heen ensed and bonded to collect bill " ! od Fick 1SCUussion eq the future, will enable us 10 of Ontario laws governing con-ipaid, it should not be seized "7" 1. "it ha A h neral on Wednesday 'meet the policy claims as they ditional sales agreements and from the person who hought Ly fe his he sa ne Jas hong N/4 ta M, dinn's Ey 4 i : ) pe 5. 1811 due, epossession of articles will bel The move follows charges hy '9 49 With Belz oe : ( 8 RHUDE John 7, Bryden, first vice-pres FENOSEEESIN ef : By FORBES RHUDE y A J 3 Open 10 5 Fd Mon thy The 9 AA 10 8 FM Fri Loans made in Dehawa, Aes, Picks and gil neariy towns Y/hithy Riess, Yhithy, MO 8-5 Ah 9 A mass Mt ) ph p 1 p oni Ny aller for halliffs acting ferment st the Vault of go { di , "Our assets are fi a proposed next month at the an-|Controller WEL1i am Dennison 1% # ma ent at wwe, Vou of Canadian Press Business EAior ident Canadian Life Insurance| "OUr assets are for from a proposed p "the Canadian! that there is a vicious collection on orders from retailers." Yi ve? [i hers or Foro Wide aspects of Canadian ff A f static fund, but, rather, a dy: nual convention of the Canadian that there is a vicious collection 3 Ane or Brothers of Toronto F Aspects Ang Officers Association, and vice ' ' Ly : Collectors' Association, Becre- agency racket in Toronto. He, Mr. Tyler said all persons EVENInR ade 2 discussed at 4 namie fund which through in- Collectors Esneiatin Pe d A . sAVENIDE Ti80 p.m inde will Ly i fp in RA, president and general manager, vesiment and reinvestment is tary Fred E. Tyler sald Sun- cited the case of an elderly who eollected debs or re Loan Offices in all Principal Cities gover Ohristina--Entered | March 16, to be held uhder the North American Life Assurance! constantly flowing towards those day widow whose gas furnace was possessed goods should be lie I---------- on Bunduy, March 1 W611 coonsorship of the Canadian Ex-| Company areas of the economy where He said the revision will ask seized and who was then asked ensed or honded and their con | € Camphell (lormer » ded dd K f head | " g " 8 (T > 4 2 e balsg 3 g 6 ane Yen Brides, onto, beloved wife porters' Association and thel "At the end of 1060 companies) capital loans are needed that when 76 per cent of thellor the balance of payments, duct regulated NER fubiert Hawn of Brougham, Ont g Mes B B i - - A-------- ? fihuet Rawn of Heougham, Ba, {Board of Trade of Metropolitan srothy (Mrs. HW. Roy Miller) of Toronto raga, and loving Ser YET | The topic will he Canadian Marshall), and George of Sault Ste, (Trade--=Where do We go from Marie; Olive (Mrs Pitke) of Fatantai Here? SAFE AND SOLID MLWELDER Peter and Victor 0 Jravenhursti ] Danlel and David. Deceased |G, Murray Ross, president of fawn Is vesting at Mekschate | York University, Toronto, will isi hl pp : Bier Jl fae enice ih |D moderator, and panel mem Toi alisel shalt hus incadibia the chapel on Wednesday, Mareh 15, (bers will be J. Douglas Gibson, : feng and rigidity, Ensures i wl nS gbre) manaior, Hark o Novi ie ay avon ery viends will he ceive I { : ' be funeral home from 7 p.m, to 5:30 p.m u Shai ' h Yokge De Young, § i and squeaks! Jo did n resident, as eels Tad, ; , 3 Welland, Ont, and chairman of = LOCKE'S FLORIST the National Productivity Coun: Funeral arrangements and (cil; and Hobert Winters, presi floral requirements for all dent of Rio Tinto Mining Com eecasions, pany of Canada 14d, and for ih TT" N\ ; = SURE CONTROL AND OSHAWA SHOPPING mer federal minister of public i i SWIFT RESPONSE! ts CE iE Ores ; ' n 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE Topies to he discussed in y ; / : i Yauxtallstaciieniting bo rs RA B-6555 clude; Are we living heyond our : A J : E™™ pailer ai lurng gol lighter! A" medel win means? Are Canadian trade pol / A the eager 4-cylindsr engl 1 icles adequate = if not, how i i) oR takes 1a the hills and highw GERROW FUMERAL [should they be changed? the { ' \ in great stylsl CHAPEL challenge of new trading blocs; 2 v : ' A f the respective responsibilities of ' ] ; Kindness beyond orice government and private busi ness yet within reach of gil wr { \)' : RUGGED RELIABILITY MATCHED NEW BODY TO MEET | j a 1 he | & y T0 GANABIAN CONDITIONS! RA 8-6226 Grocery Products Manufae il i a Tn. You'll find Vauxhall's undying 390 KING STREET WEST turers of Canada will hold its . i [43 / stamina will take yeu off the I -- first annual meeting in Toronto / " ! ' fesitn ust i! RL I farch 98:20, The association | ) 0 " f ¥ A OSHAWA was formed last year and Is i : ' { p a Ing ease = thanks fa its buayant MONUMENT COMPANY [comprised of a wide range of a ' - oN everlevel suspension! SPECIALIZING IN companies that m a n ufacture . v Manuments, Markers, hranded packaged products for Mamerials, Someraianes, distribution primarily through et - f Statytery ef all types OCR ots. Fiftv-eig ) ' d 1 » RRA KING SITE. [ENO ry Gillela. Udy sat vor v : wv (en 016, SURESTOPPING BRAKES! Ph, RA 8-311] or RA 8-8876 J \ " Yeushails ros oniive hysirauli The March issue of Economic . > rakes prvide the safely am IN MEMORIAM |liecord, published by the United : ; Siturante you need in fedors Kingdom Information Service, & pais. a 1€ Hive oe o contains an outline of the Brit F 4 ea petitive sept JANES In loving memory of my lish balance of payments posi: 4 ar ees ain Hames: | tian since 1066, and the reasons Lavingly remembered by daughter, (fOr various actions during that Maude period, 1ts four pages pack a THOMPSON -- In loving memory of [10 of information for those in my (lear wife, Lily Reynolds, Wha pas terested HL) : Tarelgn exchange SAFE ALL AROUND VISIBILITY! Ws lonesome here withaut you matters, Here are some quota p Safety-laminated wraparaund And sad the weary way, tions from it windshield cambined with an LB LR Le "Rritain's external Habilities » all new reef-high rear windew 161 hao all the ward 10 Hive have heen at hetween three and allows 340° visibility + , » and Ia give It ves, and more, {four times the size of her dispos § Ta hear Your veiee and see ¥oWr|ahlo eserves ever since the makes sightseeing @ dream! Ol | smile Caen EEE (BECAUSE VAUXHALL THINKS OF SAFETY FIRST!) Sadly missed and lovingly remem, (this is far from an intolerable heed by husband | position; but the small size of : S THOMPSON = In loving memory of (the reserves dictates the great: PLUS ALL THESE No os) EIR a dear mother, Lily Reynolds, whe a ffh Passed away Mareh 13, 1953 est prudence, y (on prudence, © 0 Five Passenger Comfort « 4-Door Convenience « wert memories will linger forever, J Serves ap equiv Time cannot ehange Aes it's his, alent of only four months' Fresh Air Heater and Defroster . Economy Dt Tayi tanembrance ot you of imports and the equivalent of Peaple that ride In Vauxhall benefit from a Carb fing Body Di 0il-B chads missed hy oares, Biles and two months' imports of the ster special sense of security, Examples of Vaux arburetor Rustproo ng Body Dip + "Bath aaa w 1. iota ner ning I WHioh BAA ip hall's solid safety are to be found at every hand, [| Air Gleaner « Hydraulic-Assisted Clutch » Non a dear mother, Lily Revaolds, wha! "Hy discipline and good man: . Laminated wraparound windshield gives unobe. i Marel 8 { p Alling Electric Wipers « 8 Widows Ro Lol A UR dear | REOMent Britain has regained \ structed safe vision -- while Vauxhall's ineredis ather, | D pe Jy - A 4 " . . This my Wh hikes. torever Saran Conodenee 1h het ' \ bly strong all-welded unit bady provides you All-The:Way-Down a FE hues! (a age Sy | UK Information Service, of- with all-round protection, And parents take oo anti =AIWAYS remembered and sadly miss: (floes are located In uebhee, aie TT 1, | Montreal, Ottawa, Taranto, Win: - \ note -- Vauxhall's rear doors are completely A nipeg, Edmonton and Vancow: childproofed! You simply push-down the locks p ver THOMPSON In loving memory of | ' a ing buttons and the rear doors cannot be opens a dear mother, Lily Thompson, whe TE Passed away Maveh 13, 1084 The Canadian Retail Federa \ ! a ed, Makes sense doesn't it? In fact these are GET ALL THE SOLID FACTS AT Ro i Rg MOREY oer tion will hold a conference in og Tovonta May 20-30, resuming the V just some of the reasons why you should see There's as, dea Wer, ¢ q 30, res ' the . . 7 do hot nar annual conferences dropped a - | your Vauxhall dealer, today! BE i An on an few years ago (Whitewall tires aptional aon Afeey a nde Quotation from an address by : : Newall tires aptional at extra eost) AKC WON TITLE | A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE a NET EARNINGS : , -- THOMAS (CP) Windsor AKOs won their seventh Ontario) Ry THE CANADIAN PRESS Amateur Basketball Associ] "Canadian Drawn Steel Co : ation Junior A chamPIONSHIR| Fad) Var a Deo nN 1900. . The British Car since 104% Saturday night when !§3a6ai9, $1.14 a share; 1959. \ \ Victor Super 4-Door Sedan / Suit and backed by they defeated Taronto YMHA $438 844. $2.08 : General Motors Whites A358 in the third and! Famaus Plavers Canadian deciding game Carporation Lid, vear ended ao NINN | TOP QUALITY SERVICE AVAILABLE EVERYWHERE FROM COAST TO COAST fon junior A titlehalders, will Ris, Tinta, Mining Compan of meet the winner of the Mont. |Canada 1ad, year ended Dee reabOlawa series in the Fast 1060, 182, B2N; 1038, R.788, erm Canadian semi-final ra -- Dick Suderman and Bob Wee WELLSOAKED | a tors were (ap soarers for Wind: | Between 1812 and 1958, the! * , sor. Each had 14 points, Ril g n | niall atl y French sparked, Toronia for 11 A Walaeal! Hawall, way| 266 KING ST, WEST, OSHAWA, ONTARIO WHITBY, ONTARIO points, 7 Ine

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